2015 CDE Policies and Procedures April

Colorado FFA & Agriculture Education Instructors and Students
Melanie Calderwood
Colorado FFA CDE Coordinator
April, 2015
FFA Career Development Events
We look forward to having you visit the Colorado State University campus for the Colorado FFA Career
Development Events on Sunday, May 3rd and Monday, May 4th. This memo contains general logistical
information for planning purposes for ag teachers.
As a reminder, two events have been permanently canceled due to low participation numbers, Ag Marketing
and Nursery Landscape. The Evirothon will not be offered at the same time as in previous years. For more
information on this event, please see: http://www.coloenvirothon.com/colorado-state-competition.html
Logistical Information
Event Registration/Submission
• Registration is done through Judging card at the following website: http://www.judgingcard.com
• On the day of the events, all participants must be registered and there can be no substitution of
participants and no extra students sent to an event to take part. Each chapter can have only one
team per event.
• Event Submission Email: [email protected]
• For team changes and medical release authorizations submit to [email protected] . Direct logistical
or coordination questions to [email protected]
• Chapter administrative fee for $25/ chapter along with individual charges for each event.
General Information
• All participants need to submit a new, completed “Authorization, Medical Release, Parental
Consent” Form to the State FFA Office. It is a requirement to participate at the Colorado FFA Career
Development Events. The form is in the State CDE Handbook: http://www.ffa.cccs.edu/ under the
events tab. Scan and email to Melanie Calderwood at [email protected]. Paper copies will not
be accepted through the mail. Failure to submit these by the deadline will disqualify participation.
• On the day of the events, all participants must be registered and there can be no substitution of
participants and no extra students sent to an event to take part.
• Be on time for your event and/or bus ride as some events move to different rooms/buildings/towns. Be sure
you are on the bus for your event.
• No electronic communication devices (cell phones) allowed at the events. These will be cause for
disqualification and will be taken.
• Calculators will be furnished for Farm Business Management, Vet Science and Field Crops. Meats must
furnish their own non-programmable calculators.
• Official Dress- Official Dress is required for ALL events except Ag Issues, Meats, Land Judging, Ag
Mechanics, and Vet Science (on Sunday only, Monday requires Official dress). Black Slacks are
appropriate for Livestock, Horse, and Dairy.
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Vehicle Parking
According to Parking Services, parking on campus on Monday, May 4th must meet the following guidelines:
• All vehicles (including all buses) must have a parking permit.
• Parking permits are $8.00 per permit. Register for parking permits via Judging Card registration site.
Parking passes will be mailed. Parking passes will not be available for purchase the day of the event.
• Scratch the proper date on the hang-tag permit and display hang-tag permit from the rear-view mirror.
• Do not park in a meter lot with a parking permit.
• Vehicles must fit within the white lines.
• Vehicles with extended mirrors can only park in Moby Lot 195 (on Shields).
• All buses (large AND small) must have a parking permit and park in Moby Lot 195.
• For all busses, hang permit from the rear-view mirror on the front windshield OR tape on the front
windshield (same area) and park in Moby lot 195 in the far west double row that is closest to Shields
St. Pull through the parking row (facing west/east—not across it) so a large bus will take up only two
parking places.
• Please, do not drive on campus with your bus. Park only in the Moby Lot 195.
• Do not park any bus at any time in Lot 455 (behind Animal Science Bldg.) or in Lot 310 (Lory Student
Center), including small busses. You will be ticketed if you park in these lots!
• If you receive a ticket, it is your responsibility to take care of it.
• The entry fees include Monday lunch for the participants in Ag Mechanics, Dairy, Horse, and
Livestock. These groups are either off campus and/or must remain in their own group until their event
is finished. If you need a vegetarian lunch for anyone on these teams, e-mail to [email protected]
by April 15th stating the event and the participant so I can have the appropriate lunch for them.
• All other event participants are “on their own” for lunch on Sunday and Monday.
• For 2015, advisors will have the opportunity to purchase tickets for the dining halls for $7/ person.
Tickets will be mailed to the advisor ahead of time with the parking passes. This option is available for
the first 750 lunches. The Lory Student Center is now open, but if you’d like for the students to
experience the dining halls, this is an excellent option.
Scan Sheets and Clip Boards
Most events use a scan sheet to score the event and the scan sheets will be supplied at the event—Ag Sales,
Dairy Cattle, Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Floriculture, Horse, Land, Livestock, Meats,
Nursery Landscape, Dairy Foods, and Vet Science. Example Scan sheets are provided for each event in the
CDE Rules.
Land uses three different scan sheets. If you have any questions regarding a scan sheet, please contact Kellie
Enns or the superintendent of that event. Participants must furnish their own #2 pencils and clipboards for use
with scan sheets; however, Ag Sales, Field Crops, and Farm Business Management do not need a
Use only #2 pencils for marking scan sheets. Students who fill out their forms in pen will not be scored.
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All students must report their chapter number on the scan sheets. This is the same as is in AET. Please
make sure all students know and report the right chapter number; otherwise, they will not be scored. The
following information is needed on each scan sheet:
Chapter Number – as assigned in AET and through the Colorado FFA Association
Code -Team member number you are individually assigned by the FFA CDE event superintendent on
the day of the event. It will be 01, 02, 03, or 04.
State - CO for Colorado
Last Name and First Name - Your name. Very important to fill in the bubbles or your name will not
appear on the results sheet.
Team Name - Write your School/Chapter name.
Schedule of Events
The “FFA CDE Schedule of Events” (located on FFA CDE website) lists the event meeting room schedule for
Sunday and Monday. On Monday, all events begin at Lory Student Center Ballroom for a brief opening event.
Students should locate and sit with their events in the ballroom. Then some events will board buses and others
meet in designated rooms on campus. Students will be excused from this event, or be led to their locations on
Recruiting Activities
This year the College of Ag Sciences will be hosting CSU activities on the West Lawn of the Lory Student
Center to allow student to explore CSU’s campus and to learn what it means to be an Aggie. The event is open
from 3:00 p.m. until 4:30. Casual attire is appropriate for this activity.
Award Ceremony
Awards Ceremony will take place at 5:00 p.m. in the Lory Student Center Ballroom. An exciting pre-session
will begin at 4:30 pm. Official dress is required for the pre-session and awards ceremony.
Advisor Checklist for Deadlines and Due Dates
____April 15th Registration Deadline for all Career Development Events and Leadership Development Events.
Complete registration via www.judgingcard.com.
___April 15th Upload deadline for Ag Issues, Ag Communications Plan, Job Interview, Ag Sales Summary
Sheet to Judging Card. Back up files (USB drive) should be brought the day of the event with the
___April 15th deadline for Medical Release Forms. Please email to [email protected]
___April 22nd Postmark deadline for all Registration checks. Please mail to Kenton Ochsner, State FFA
Advisor, Colorado Ag Education, 9101 E. Lowry Blvd, Denver, CO 80230.
___April 29th 5:00 p.m. (Wednesday before) All CDE team name changes due via email to
[email protected]; indicate the school name, event name, the team member you are dropping, and
the team member you are adding. Contact [email protected] by today to change welding
times for Agricultural Mechanics.
___May 1st Submission deadline for Public Speaking manuscripts and Agriscience Fair applications. Email to
[email protected].
___May 29th 5:00 p.m. All LDE team name changes due via email to [email protected]
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Colorado FFA Career Development Events
Sunday, May 3, 2015
2015 Schedule
11:00 Floriculture Registration Begins- Front Range Community College
11:30 Floriculture Event Begins
12:30 Ag Mechanics - Aims Welding Technology- Greeley
Districts 9-17
1:00 Milk Quality & Products- Westview Hall Aims Greeley
1:30 Veterinary Science- Westview Hall Aims Greeley Campus
3:00 Ag Mechanics - Aims Welding Technology- Greeley
Districts 1-8
4:00 Pick Up Floriculture- Students MUST be picked up by 5:00 p.m. or else CDEs will be charged for security
Monday, May 4, 2015
7:30 Opening Session- LSC Ballroom
7:45 Dismiss to Events
Morgan Library
Job Interview- TBD
Lory Student Center
Farm Business Management- Cherokee Park
Ag Sales- Room 382
Ag Communications- TBD
Ag Issues- Room 322
Vet Science Team Activity- Grey Rock
Land Judging- North Ballroom
Shepardson Rm 118
Field Crops
LSC Ballroom
Ag Mechanics
Meats Evaluation
Dairy Judging
Stock Pavilion
Livestock Evaluation
Buses- Pick Up outside Lory Student Center in the transit center
Horse Judging- immediately
Dairy Judging- 8:30
Land Judging- 8:30
Ag Mechanics- rotation
11:00-2:00- Lunch available in dining halls (must pre-purchase tickets)
3:00-4:30 CSU Social- LSC West lawn- Learn about CSU and College of Ag Opportunities. Meet CAM the RAM.
4:30- Pre-session to Awards Ceremony- LSC Ballroom
5:00- Awards Ceremony- LSC Ballroom
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