FMS District Summer School ! @ Rocinante High School! 3250 E. 30TH FARMNGTION, NM 87402 ! 599-8627! ! General Information: The Farmington Municipal School District offers Summer School to District students who need to recover failed credits. Summer School courses are credit recovery only. No elective classes will be offered at Summer School. Space may be limited with priority given to juniors and seniors. REFERRAL: Students must have a referral from their high school counselor to take a class. Counselors may refer students for only one class. All students are required to sign a contract, follow the e2020 guidelines and complete all course work during the June 8 - July 2 summer session. ORIENTATION and OFF-SITE ACCESS: All students must attend orientation in order to sign the contract and insure that they can log into the e2020 website for the correct class. Students then have the choice of using their home computer at any time during the weekday/weekend or working in one of seven computer labs or classrooms at RHS. Mandatory meeting for students, parents and guardians is on June 8th from 8:00-8:45. Classes start at 9:00. Contracts must be signed and returned for credit to be issued. ASSISTANCE and TUTORS SCHEDULE: 2-Math, 2-English, History, Science, PE/Health teachers will be available each day of summer school. e2020: All Summer School students are required to complete their semester exam in a Rocinante computer lab or classroom. Tests will not be unlocked on the weekend. Students are encouraged to choose either a morning or afternoon session to work on their course. Students who have been successful are those who work consistently throughout the week on campus with teacher assistance. Remember all course work must be completed during summer school. There will be no extensions. STUDENT CONDUCT: Students are held responsible for their conduct during Summer School. They will be held responsible for any damage to the building, equipment, and/or texts. Any student whose actions interfere with normal classroom activities will be subject to termination from the program without a refund. Actions such as abusive language or insubordination toward staff and/or students will not be tolerated. A summer school teacher has the authority to release and recommend that the student be terminated from the program with written notice. A student has the right to appeal within 48 hours to the principal of Rocinante High School. REGISTRATION June 2,3, & 4, 2015 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Classes: 06/08/15 - 07/2/15 Morning Session 8:00 am - 11:00 and LUNCH 11:00-11:45 Monday-Friday Limit of 150 Students Afternoon Session 11:45 pm - 3:00 pm Monday-Friday Limit of 150 Students Free Breakfast served from 7:30-8:00. Free Lunch served from 11:00-11:45. Remember all course work must be completed during summer school. There will be no extensions. TRANSPORTATION:ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3:00 P.M. BY THEIR LEGAL GUARDIAN OR DESIGNEE. ABANDONED STUDENTS WILL BE TURNED OVER TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. NOTE: VISITORS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS COST: THE COST PER CLASS IS $75 FULL-PAY INDISTRICT STUDENTS, $50 FOR REDUCED AND $25 FOR FREE LUNCH STUDENTS PAYABLE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. THE FEE IS INCURRED FOR EACH .5 CREDIT.. NO REFUNDS. FEES MUST BE PAID AT REGISTRATION. CASH OR CHECK ONLY.
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