22-QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 11, 1975 COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY.NEWS By Florence Montgomery 992-5917 By Ellen Rogers 992-6928 June calendar for the area includes a trip to Barkerville June 10 for grade four pupils of Pine Crest Elementary School and Annex. ' June 11 at 8 the Moose Heights Community Club meets. Thursday June 12 from 9 to 2:30 Sports Day at Pine Crest Elementary School of Pine Crest and LeBourdais Annex pupils, weather permitting. Refreshments will be available at noon and 2. Parents, relatives and friends are invited. Help will also be needed on the field and with refreshments. Please let Mr. Hudson at Pine Crest School know if you can help in either areas. The Cariboo District WoFraser Guides camped on the v/ell when they were discoverJune 13 the North Quesnel property of Mr. and Mrs. Erb on ed, by Quesnel Search and men's Institute held its annual W.I. will be joining other convention at Rose Lake Lodthe May 31 weekend. Rescue, on their way out. volunteer groups in a "Flea Market in West Park Plaza in It seerns a surveyor's ribbons ge, Miocene, May 31. As their leader, Madeline West Quesnel from 3 to 7. There were about 80 memled them off the correct trail. Peterson accompanied them. bers and guests there. All is well that ends well. All passed for their Wilderness The north Quesnel W.I. will Our sympathy is extended to Camp Badge. Guests were Mrs. Una Rearhold their next meeting June 18 Mrs. Gordon Parker, and the don, vice-president of the Proat 7 at the home of Mrs. Frank Murray Cryderman, John family, on the passing of Marj.'s vincial Women's Institute and Ford in Richbar. Peterson and Brian Oliver, stepfather at the lower main- Mrs. Harrner from Tasmania, grade 10 students at Cariboo Roll call is pennies for land last week. Australia who was a guest of Junior Secondary School, Friendship-a penny for each were included in the field trip 'Pop' Aird was a former Mrs. Molley Plant. new flower seen since the last COMMUNITY NEWS around the Bowron Lake chain. Attending the convention resident in the Aird Subdivimeeting. Visitors welcome. sion, off Barkerville Rd. in the from Quesnel View W.I. were They certainly had rainy June 23 the children will Barlow Creek Area, about Dot Unrau, as delegate, Helen weather for it! have a day off from school for seven years ago before moving Hicks and Florence Montgomean in-service meeting and yearCongratulations to the Jim ry who is the President of the down to Chilliwack. end duties for teachers of Petersons who recently won a The Parkers motored to Cariboo District W. I. Quesnel School District 28. canoe in the Overwaitea conChilliwack for the funeral held Joining the women at lunch June 25 Kindergarten will be test. By Bobbi Grant 7471653 last Friday. time were about 20 Farmers' finished for this term. Madeline Peterson reported Collette Gionet and Jacynthe touring the area as their grade Rose Marcotte and her bro- Institute members who were June 26 will be Awards Day there was a very good school Audet both formerly of New six and seven field trip. ther George Petit had Mr. and attending the District "H" F.I. for grades 1 to 7 of Pine Crest fashion show June 5 at CorreBrunswick and now nurses in Mrs. David Hoddinott, of the convention. lieu School. They spent three days here Elementary and LeBourdais hospitals in Victoria spent the and toured Barkerville and Annex pupils in Pine Crest Prince George area, visiting . Their guest was Alex Fraser, Two grade 8 girls from Nazko weekend with their aunt and other sites during their stav. them recently. M.L.A. for Cariboo and his School gym, starting at 10:30. won prizes as did girls from family, Jeanette and Ernie Also their niece, Pat. Kind- wife. Recently visiting Mr. and Parents are invited to attend, other schools. Richard. red, called in on her way back Mrs. Dick Selzler and family and although seating space is Attending from West Fraser There were students from Rich and Diane Matter and were Alice's parents Mr. and limited there is some standing home to Chilliwack after spend- F.I. as delegates were Mrs. Quesnel Junior Secondary, their daughter Shannon spent Mrs. J . J . Martin, Langley ing most of a year working in Edythe Clark and Done Duroroom. Nazko, Cariboo Junior Secondthe long weekend in Merritt Gloria Ardell, Sparwood, Yellowknife N.W.T. ' cher. On June 5 grade five pupils ary and Correlieu. visiting Diane's sister. spent last weekend visiting her with their teacher and some George and Rose also attendWelcome home to Beth Hiller SCHOOL ed the monthly World War One and Mrs. Josephine Marsh who Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bona- parents, Mr., and Mrs. George parents went on a field trip to West Fraser Softball team Veterans' Luncheon sponsored teau spent the weekend visiting Legere and other friends, were in hospital. the Swift River Environmenthas finally come up with a win in Vancouver. Jim Edwards, Fairview Col- al Park off the Barkerville . by the Quesnel Branch 94 Sincere condolences are ex- over Narcosli in three matches Canadian Legion, and once Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood lege, Alberta is visiting his Road. tended to Don Weaver whose with an 11 to 7 score. again enjoyed it very much. spent the long weekend in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter father Sam Weaver, died June The trip was enjoyed in spite Sports day is this Friday at 9 Vancouver visiting Mildred's Edwards, 4. of rain showers, but a worried a.m. and ending at 2 p.m. Don't Everyone has been busy the son and daughter. The next meeting of the time took place when six Don and June have left for forget your picnic lunch. Fires past few weeks trying to catch Merle and Grant Niebergal Kersley Community Associa- children and the teacher did not White Rock to attend the will be provided for roasting up on garden planting. were in vancoucer recently tion will be held June 17 at 8 arrive back at the meeting area funeral. weiners. Coffee and freshie will Weather conditons have deand Surrey visiting friends and p.m. in the Kersley Hall, Becky and Jeri Peterson, be provided. in time to catch the school bus layed it a little in the area this relatives. E v Fisher, Janet Magnasun at 2. Denise and Bernice Radtke, The primary grades have year, even the lilac blossoms Lenore Anderson along with and Alice Selzler attended the members of the West Fortunately all turned out gone on two field trips. are a bit -later opening. six other students of Quesnel District W.I. Convention in Junior Secondary School has Rose Lake May 31. COMMUNITY NEWS been chosen to represent the Janet Magnusun, the Kersley school as an exchange student delegate, was the lucky winner on a cross Canada tour. Con- of the linen chest, gratulations Lenore. Fifteen handmade foot stools The Brownie Mother-Daugh- and 13 lap robes were turned in ter banquet was held recently for the extended care unit in By Kate Moffat 993-4493 By Joyce Swanky 747-1044 in the Kersley Hall. Quesnel. Kersley came fifth in Cheryl Alexander and Dar- the lap robe competition, them very useful. Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Ettinger Our thanks to the Observer May' 24. lene Bott and her 2 daughters, There were some interesting and son Byran attended the Letters of thanks were read photographer who did such a Witnessing the happy occaHope were in Kersley recently displays of countries the W.I. of graduation ceremonies at the from the Queen Alexandria good job on the Australian sion were Lenore and Bob visiting their parents, Mr. and the district have studied during Royal Columbian Hospital, May Solarium in Victoria, and the Picnic pictures. Most everyone Yorston. Mrs. Lloyd Meagher and Mrs. the year, including, Mexico, 3-5 ,as their daughter Kerry crippled children's hospital commented very favourably on The Cariboo District WoToots Gentry and other rela- Japan, Norway, Sweden and was one of the graduate R.N.'s. Vancouver for the items they them. mens Institue held its annual Hawaii. tives and friends. Kerry was home this past had received. Only one problem, you men- convention this year at the There will be a meeting June Recently students of a weekend on a visit with her The president commented on tioned it as being the 27th. Rose Lake Lodge at Miocene Kelowna Elementary School 12 at 1 p.m. in the Kersley family. a recent letter in the Observer- annual picnic when actually we May 31. were billeted in Kersley and School gym for all parents of Shannon Annett, a student regarding the property which believe it to be the 71st. annual Those attending from the surrounding area. They were kindergarten age children. nurse at Vancouver General the Institutes own.and have let picnic. Alexandria Womens Institute Hospital, spent recent weekend the community use, free of Some of the first farmers in were Alice Windt, Joan BourCOMMUNITY NEWS end with her parents Helen and charge, for over 40 years. the area gathered together don, Patti Christie, Marion As is so often the case with after all the crops were safely Moffat, Myrtle Moffat, and Bill Annett. Garden planting in this dis- Institute work all the hard planted to celebrate the Que- Katie Moffat. trict is sure being delayed this work and money used for the en's birthday, and visit with It was a beautifully warm year with the current wet, cold benefit of the general public is their neighbours, with most of day and everyone enjoyed the seldom recognized or appreci- them "travelling to the small weather. beautiful old lodge in its lovely Two to three inches of snow ated. field by team and wagon and James McKelvie setting on Rose Lake. The up-keep on the property lay oh the ground May 24. on horseback. Very unpleasant for people is increasing yearly and the Mrs. Peardon from the proAmbulance for Wells;Wells Consideration will also be money decreasing. camping in the district. Congratulations to David vincial board was the guest had the use of an ambulance for given to Old Age Pensioners, Inflation leaves its mark Moffat and Margaret Jacques speaker and showed some Dragon Lake School held a short while, but now may for outings such as picnics, to everywhere. who were married in a civil slides from her trip last Fall to their annual sports Day June 6, soon have one of its own. Bowron Lake and to the New Zealand. Under the present system it ceremony at the Court House Mrs. Betty Davis, zone co-or- Boundry of the Quesnel Dis- although it threatened rain in appears no one is happy and a dinator, is expected to be trict, so as not to infringe on the morning the weather later few people are burdened with a calling a meeting in Wells regular services within the improved so the events were lot of thankless duties to held as planned. within a week, about establish- Quesnel district. perform. I hope to have a list of ing an ambulance here. Wells School attendance: In Competitive rates on 1st and 2nd mortgages in an interview with school princi- winners for next week's news. There are at least five The next regular meeting pal Dpn. Rampone, we learn the Ed Zschiedrich and Martin qualified drivers in Wells, and town and country. Also agreements for sale will be on the second Monday in Wells-Barkerville school enroll- Richards from the Cariboo assistance for this ambulance September due to the first and mortgages purchased. For more complete ment is now 80 students up to Farmers Institute attended the project is also coming from Monday being Labour Day. information please phone 563-7791. annual Cariboo District " H " and including grade 10. Harold Hennigar, Quesnel. Rose Gassoff and Virgie A spring festival was put on annual meeting held at Miocene A Bus: We asked Mr. Trev Hubbard recently attended a Davis, the Wefls-Barkerville in the school auditorium and an May 31. church conference at the TrinDenise Gassoff, J . Swanky, school board trustee about a interesting art exhibit was ity College at Abbotsford. C. Abercrombie and Sophie ' former school bus seen around displayed. They also visited their dauStewart from the Dragon Lake Linda Campbell, instructor of Wells and learned that Wells ghters Molly Cohen and Donna 1330 - 5th. Avenue, Prince George, B.C. Womens attended the annual has obtained this bus, which the Wells Ballet School, with Lamson before returning home. Cariboo District W.I. Convenwill be in the name of the Wells her class gave a fine ballet tion held at the Rose Lake performance. Improvement District. Lodge at Miocene, May 31. Later, a movie film was It is now being repainted and The Dragon Lake Womens shown by Guito Manthey, of mechanically checked before Institute held a meeting on the local skiing activities at the further use. morning of June 2 at the home The purpose will be for: Wells Ski Hill. LaM v/e*;k the WelLs-Barker- of Mrs. Joe Postma on Dale busing children to outside funcLake Rd. tions; recreational competi- vill MudentB, along with the Attendance was down as tions, ski resort transportation; Vf'ellv Barker/ill Historical Soseveral members are away on eiety, sponsored a very intergeneral outings. holidays. 'rttinj; *how by Mr. Victor Denise Gassoff gave a report Bopp, Bowron Lake Parks on the Cariboo District ConvenSupfrrviW; <A tbe Garibaldi tion at Miocene as she was the Provincial Park, taken during official delegate. each of the four >,eawni of the It was decided not to participark area. pate in the W.I.'s flea market Power outage; On May 30 ket); Jeannie Anderson. Nazko on June 13 at the West Park power in the WellvHarkerville ($10 certificate): Susan BradPlaza due to shortage of help area was cut off for 25 minutes ford, C.J.S. (dressmaking and suitable items to sell. when a gust of wind lifted a shears). The Quesnel Extended Care large sheet of aluminum roof Grade 9 prizes : Linda Fong, sent a thank you letter for all which landed on the main C.J.S. (jeans); Nanette Neuthe urine bag covers the W.I. power lines shorting out the mann, Q.J.S. (flight bag); Heahave made and given to them system ther Cruikshank, Q.J.S. (beauthis past winter. They find Wind sox for Barkerville Air ty kit); Alma Hill, Q.J.S. (dressmakers shears); Maureen Strip: The Barkerville air strip, Morehouse, Coreelieu ($10 gift now a paved landing strip, is in very good condition. certificate); Robin McLean, A wind sock was needed, and Q.J.S. ($10); Maureen Mooring, after some effort Jim McKelvie Correlieu ($10); Debbie Martin, received help from Bud Russell C.J.S. ($10). of Imperial Oil Company-and Grade 10: Lucia Vandenberg, we wish to express our thanks Correlieu ($20 gift certificate); to Bud and his company for the Caren Gamache, Correlieu ( new wind sock. dressmakers shears); Maureen Highways problem: A few Brown, Correlieu ($10). very ambitious • beaver's have PAINJ^NG C U P B O A R D S Grade 12: Holly Graf, been giving Bert Covjey and his BeTore pai'ntmg the insidi; surCorrelieu ($20 gift certificate); faces of a cupboard, remove crew a bad time. Kathie Lund, Correlieu (travel the doors and shelves. Then The highways crew has to bag). paint the hack, and then the work to rule, and-only about sides. II the doors will not seven and a half hours a day . mine off, do not paint the the outside until the surfaees Mr. beaver has no rules and on the inside .ire dry Residents and visitors celehe works about 20 hours a day brate the longest day of the building dams in highway culverts. year in Dawson City, Yukon Then, considering size for with a midnight picnic. People climb, drive or take the bus to size Mr. beaver can out-do the average worker at least ten to the summit of the Midnight 450 Johnston Ave. Dome to watch the sun not go one, and doesn't even stop for a 992-2155 coffee break. down. Alexandria They spent one day visiting Dianne Freisen, first year star. the police station, fire hall, and Sherry Reimer, third year star. post office. Linda Ramsey, Space and WritLunch was eaten at LeBour- ers and third year star. dais Park and then a tour* of the Guides receiving badges were museum before returning back Bernice Radtke, Native Lore to school. and Challenge Emblem. BerOn June 3 the primaries took nice also received her A l l a trip by train to Alexandria. Round Cord and pin. From there they visited the Game Farm by bus before . Donna Morgenstern-four returning home. year service star. The Mother-Daughter Banquet was held May 28. A cold • plate supper was served. Hostesses were former Guides Dianne Gray, Ginnie Peterson and Patti-Jo Kumpula. Special guests were division Commissioner Vi Klassen, district Commissioner Olive Mitchell and Grannie Floyd. Retiring Brown Owl Barb Morgenstern was presented with an wl shaped candy dish. Olive Mitchell was presented with an "Operation V.I.P. Award." She has just recently come home from the hospital. Four Brownies flew up to Guides during the evening. Those receiving their wings Bolens were Linda Ramsey, Tara Mulching Mower Gray, Karen Mathers and Sher- Fertilize Your As You Mow 0 ry Reimer. £ Each of the girls were given a farewell gift from the Pack. Dianne Freisen was the neatest Brownie. She got a book. Golden Hand presentations went to: Tara Gray, Linda Ramsey, Karen Mathers and Sherry Reimer. Dayna Gray, Artist, Dancer, Friends to Birds, Skiers, Crafts and Cyclist Badges, and first year star. Jeanette Mathers, Craft Badge and first year star. Karen Mathers, Craft Badge and third year star. Tara Gray, Neighbor, Skiers and third year star. Darla Wheeler, Craft and first year star. Marcia Hotvedt, Craft and first year star. Patricia Morgenstern, Craft and second year star. Sheri Renso, Writers, Cyclist and first year star. Davina Morgenstern, second year star. Nitrogen exists in every blade of grass. Why waste it? With the Bolens Mulching Mower you can replenish your lawn with nitrogen as you mow. This mower not only cuts the grass, but it cuts and recuts the clippings into particles that disappear down into your lawn. Too small to contribute to thatch build up, these-tiny particles quickly decompose into a nitrogen-rich mulch that feeds your lawn. So don't just cut your grass. Fertilize as you mow with Bolens Mulching Mower. Available in 2 2 " selfpropelled, 2 2 " and 1 8 " handpropelled models. JRtWP Consumer nrflVIv Products Quesnel Woodsmen's Supply 140 Marsh Drive Quesnel, B.C. Wells MORTGAGE! GREENBRIER MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS LTD. Fashion cont'd. ON YOUR "SPOT FOR SPORTS • 8:10 a. ^Ar 12:25 p.m. bourse/? TIPS QUESNEL SUPPLY Sixth Annua! BRITISH COLUMBIA MAY15-JUNE 16,1975 PEACE RIVER>HIGHWAY16/N0RTH Fifth Week/June 12-16 CHETWYND KITE FLYING Chetwynd Kite Caprice June 14 and 15 9 arn to 11 am, 2 om to 5 pm. Don Titus Elorn School 'G. M. Haines 788-2531. DAWSON CREEK VISUAL ARTS One Man Show Juno 12 to Juno 18 Daily 9 arn to 9 pm Dawson Crook Art Gallery and Museum - Show will feature works of Marg Baker 'Mir. M;uy Wanka 786-5468. DEASE LAKE Outdoor Sports Day June 13-14 Friday June 13 Dease Lake Elementary school track meet Saturday June 14 Pancake breakfast - 9 am to 11 am, fishing derby, softball, kic races 7 games, gymkhana 'Chuck Phi'i-ps, Dease Lake. A programme of the Community Recreation Branch British Columbia J Government w Department of Travel Industry Hon. Ernest Hall, Minister-R. L. Colby, Deputy Minister Pick up your free "Schedule of Events" booklet at any B.C. Branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Recreation office or B.C. Automobile Association office. Q U E S N E L CARIBOO OBSERVER, W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 11, 1975-23 REQUIREMENTS CHANGED 1 IIP sis changes members H r* H^^^sJPj®t ||1 A' The British Columbia Inde- board of directors of the in Victoria. pendent Logging Association provincial association, chair"There are those firms of has announced a major policy man Bill Schneider, announced independent contractors which change concerning its member- individuals and individual firms do not operate within the ship . will be allowed to become geographical boundaries of eUntil the present time only members. xisting member associations," established associations have "This new policy is in responsaid Mr. Fraser,"and it seems been permitted to join the se to widespread interest in the only fair that all those who BCILA. provincial organization,"said would like to have a spokesman At a recent meeting of the Mr. Schneider, "and we would with access to government like to have as many indepenshould have that opportunity." dent logging contractors as The dues structure for "mempossible enjoy the representabers at large" will be substantion afforded by our Victoria tially the same as for those office." firms who now belong to Executive Representative existing regional associations. Colin Fraser said in Victoria the If you haven't got your town The cost varies between an response from government and business licence, you had better annual $200 for an operator industry alike has been extreget one because the town is with a single machine and rises mely encouraging since the cracking down. at the rate of'$50 per additional association became established machine to a maximum of $500. Aid. Albert Johnston suggested that the town building inspector, who is also the licence inspector, be instructed to do a check of all local businesses to make sure they have up-to-date trades licences. "It is part of the building inspector's job and it is something the town has budgeted about $20,000 for," said Aid. Johnston. Ald.Lon Godfrey questioned how such a check could be made without it appearing to be a "witch hunt". However, Aid. Gloria Lazzarin pointed out the check would not be a witch hunt at all, but merely the town exercising its right under the bylaw. The ideal way to take the Cariboo Observer is by Businesses beware How to get the [Cariboo Observer delivered to your home. L O C A L YOUNGSTER ENJOY T R A V E L L I N G CIRCUS ...which visited Quesnel last week. Council appoints assistant clerk metric co-ordinator Town council voted to ap- municipal governments. point assistant town clerk Ron Aid. Gloria Lazzarin further Paul as its municipal metric suggested the town write to the conversion co-ordinator. department asking if it would The appointment came upon be possible for the department the suggestion from the department of municipal affairs to sponsor a special workshop that municipalities appoint such or schooling session in metric a co-ordinator to help organize for municipal coordinators. Council agreed to the motion. the transition to metric for FIVE H O R S E P O W E R Graduate ONE CLOWN T H A T WHO "HOT-FOOTED IT" A BIT TOO E N T H U S I A S T I C A L L Y ...Professor "Bo Jo" suffers the consequences of too daring an experiment. MAXIMUM Elderly outdoorsman wants more motor power on Bowron Lakes By Eli Sopow Howard Harris used to do a lot of boating on the Bowron Lake chain when he was younger. Back in 1939, when he used to live at Barkerville and when he and a group of other men spent many an hour of backbreaking work in the construction of a rail portage system between the lakes. "We rebuilt the existing system. It used to be a rickety old thing so we got a set of mine car wheels and some old ties and rebuilt it on a graded track. They worked on it because they loved the wilderness and they loved the waters. It was a good place to commune with nature, to boat, to fish and to enjoy the outdoors. The rail portage system is gone now. It became old and when things become old, they are disused and generally forgotten about. Howard and his wife Lorene too are growing older. And because of it, and because Howard has an infirmity, they no longer are able to enjoy the waters of the Bowron Lake chain. BANNED * The provinciaLparks, branch, for logical reason, has banned power boating on all lakes of the Bowron chain except for the large main lake from which Bowron River flows. It has created a haven of about 69 miles for canoeists to enjoy their sport without the annoyance of bobbing in the wash of motorized boats. But the ruling also has eliminated a large portion of scenic waterway to those aged, infirmed or with children and not familiar with canoeing. Howard agrees that large motorized boats are a hazard to conoeists especially on the Loadings May carloadings for the British Columbia Railway totalled 12,863, a seven per cent increase over May last year when loadings totalled 11,996. Loadings for the first five month of this year totalled 57,342 compared with 53,698 for the same period last year. Traffic which increased substantially in May this year compared with May, 1974 included export grain, copper ores and concentrates, wood pulp, wood chips "milled in transit", piggyback movements and interline received shipments. Showing a decrease were movements of lumber eastern rail and local and L.C.L. shipments. meandering Bowron River. He also agrees with the move which designated Bowron Lake Park as a provincial game reserve and has nothing against a large area of the chain segregated for the canoeing fraternity. But he would like some special consideration for those to whom canoeing is an impossibility. Just a small consideration. Like allowing small five horsepower motors on boats travelling from the Bowron Lake lodge to Pat's Point, a distance of about 12 miles. What Howard is asking for is an additional eight miles of waterway for people to enjoy. People in small, cartop boats powered with minimal horsepower. That would still leave about 61 miles for the exclusive enjoyment of canoeists. EXEMPTION Howard and Lorene have made an attempt to gain exemption for people in lowpowered boats by writing to their local M L A Alex Fraser who in turn forwarded their letter to Recreation Minister Jack Radford. The reply was not encouraging. "...current regulations permit power boating on Bowron Lake only. The banning of power boats on the portion of the chain between Pat Point and the southerly outlet of Bowron convenient, thrifty home delivery. You're sure of prompt, regular receipt of your newspaper when your neighborhood carrier delivers The Cariboo Observer to your home. Lake was necessary because of who would make a visual the safety problems due to the inspection of boat and motor. wash from power boats and also "It's my recommendation because of our concept to that speeds on such boats be provide a wilderness experi- strictly enforced at five miles ence within a wildlife sanctu- per hour and that extreme ary. caution be used on the Bowron "Power boating ir not in River,"he says. keeping with this concept," he A second proposal entertainsaid. ed by the Harris' is that passes Howard feels Mr. Radford be issued to the elderly and has misinterpreted the propodisabled on a daily basis by the sal of low-powered boats and park ranger. doubts if serious consideration "I remember a time when we was given his letter. used to go out on the lakes and "We feel the latest ruling to take our tent and do some ban power boats from the camping. We never used to southerly outlet to Pat Point cause anyone any trouble-nediscriminatory against a goodly ver used to bother anyone. portion of outdoor enthusiasts "Older people like us and who, while unable to paddle a those disabled need the quiet of cnaoe, still wish to enjoy a part the wilderness too. As much as of some of the wonderful the young people-maybe waterways of B.C." he says. more,"says Lorene. CONTROL And so it goes. The Harris' agree that the In an effort to preserve the boating population of Bowron Lake Park is accelerating wild- environment in its natural silent ly and- recognize that it is state and to ensure placid now necessary to limit the waters for canoeists, the pronumber of canoeists in a given vincial parks branch has overarea and control their progress looked a usually quiet and generally forgotten minority on the circuit. "We don't resent people group-the old and the invalid. coming from other countries to But they too require the Bowron Lake, but we do resent that we can't use the lakes solace that green trees and because we're old^'Lorene- sparkling blue waters afford. says. And Howard and Lorene Howard says those who wish Harris are trying to convince to avail themselves of his those in authority of this need proposed recommendation to be with nature-expecially if should have to first get a you're aged or infirmed. permit from the park ranger Bob Palmateer, Quesnel, has received his Batchelor of Science degree in marine biology from the University of B.C. Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmateer, Quesnel. Your cost js only $7.50 per year in CANADA $8.50 per year outside CANADA Complete the coupon below and mail with your cheque or money order to:Subscription Dept., The Cariboo Observer, Box 4460, Quesnel, B.C. Local O.F.Y. project granted Eight Quesnel high school students and young adults were awarded an $11,000 grant through the federal Opportunities for Youth program. Headed by Debbie Koyama, the group will work with retarded adults of the Borrealis Workshop in West Quesnel. The Outdoor recreation and education project will feature such activities as swimming, bowling, golfing, softball, hiking, indoor exercises, dancing and painting, said Miss Koyama. Most of the grant will go into salaries and paying for travel, materials and other costs. Long-term plans include field trips to Barkerville and to the Williams Lake, stampede. I 1 Start delivery of The Cariboo Observer to my home, I NAME i ADDRESS CITY PHONE. memo to advertisers IT.N0WfoilDON" But pay as though you did? We don't believe advertisers should have ro play guessing games with circulation figures. The facts are too important to the effectiveness of their sales messages and the cost of advertising space. To eliminate the element of chance, our facts and figures are audited and verified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Through an audit report, A B C tells us and our advertisers exactly how much circulation we have, where it is distributed, what readers pay, and the answers to many other questions about our circulation audience. Don't guess—ask to see a copy of our latest audit report. Be ABC-sure! ,1 As a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, our circulation records and practices are subject to the scrutiny of regular field audits and the discipline of ABC-determined standards. | E O 24-QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 11, 1975 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 12 NOON MONDAY 246 Reid Street, Box 4460, Quesnel, B.C. Phone 992-2121 CARIBOO OBSERVER WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IARNOT&WALLI REALTY LTD. CASH ONLY! Advertise merits will not be placed on an account basis. Rate - .08 cents per word, (15 word minimum charge of $1.20) 2nd Insertion (same as the first) 3rd and subsequent Inser tions - .07 cents per word, (15 word minimum charge of $1.05) Word Classified Advertis ing Deadline is 3:00 P.M., MONDAY. Agreement: Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event of a typographical error, advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services need not be sold. ADVERTISING IS MERE L Y A N OFFER TO S E L L . The offer may be withdrawn at any time. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATIONS 25 Antiques 29 Auctions 28 Busings Opportunities 9 Business personals 14 Campers and /or trailers 4 Cards of Thanks lOEmployment Opportunities 11 Imployment Wanted [ 16 Equipment For Sale 3 Farm and /or Ranches 27 Financial 7 Information Wanted 5 In Memoriam 30 Legals 22 Livestock 6 Lost and/or Found 2 Lots and/or Property 18 Miscellaneous For Sale 17 Miscellaneous Wanted 15 Mobile Homes 24 Music and/or Art 26 Notices 8 Personals 21 Pets 23 Produce 1 Real Estate For Sale 13 Recreational Vehicles 20 Rent Housing 19 Room and/or Board 12 Vehicles I: R E A L E S T A T E FOR S A L E IV2 acre corner lot at Bouchie Lake. 12 x 52 trailer, 12 x 30 addition, garage. Excellent well septic system. Partially fenced, landscaped. Ideal for horses. Close to school, store. Phone 249-5573. (45-48) Three bedroom home on Vsacre, %-mile from town, on school bus route. Full price $18,000.00. $125.00 monthly first mortgage, $7000.00 down, or trade equity for mobile home. Phone 992-2845 (47-48) For Sale: 3 Bedroom home on large lot. Large heated garage and excellent garden. Only minutes Irom down town. Phone 992-7658 (47-48) For Sale 40 Acres 2 Bdrm house outbuildings 25 cleared y r . round creek full Price $38,000 with $12,500 down with furniture & stock $10,000 down with out Phone 992-2921 (48-49) For Sale: Two bedroom home with W / W carpeting, fridge and stove included. Large carport and storage shed on landscaped lot in North Quesnel. View by appointment only. Ph. 992-5408. (48-51) For Sale 1 bedroom home on IV2 acres land. Full size basement, electric heat, drilled well $500.00 down payment low payments. Phone 992-2922 (4849) Three bedroom house. 3 years old. V2 acre lot. 1 mile from town. Phone 992-5823 evenings. (48-50) 377 St. Laurent Avenue M.L.S. Member 992-8866 N E A R COTTONWOOD P A R K Small cottage on 2 acres near Cottonwood River on Barkerville Road. Good well, several outbuildings, and corrals. Priced at $12,000.00 with some terms. CAN'T B E A T THIS BARGAIN! 26 acres of fully fenced pasture with barn, tack shed and 8 box stall barn for the horses-A good 3 b/r home goes with this too-Try your down payment and terms to suit! CARSON P H A S E 2 Where else can you find a 4 B / R home on a landscaped lot for $30,000? Don't pass up the opportunity to see this one. 1250 SQ. FT.-of growing room in this older West Side home-Asking just $28,000.00 and the owner says he'll carry a mortgage. Hurry to view! IN A N D R E L A X One of the finest homes we have listed. Completely fenced and landscaped in very desirable Johnston Subd. Four level split - W / W rugs throughout. Very comfortable family room with old fashioned brick fireplace. Priced to sell. By appointment only. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Promote yourself into this beautiful home in South Hills. Spacious tri-level plus bull bsmt. 3 large bdrms., family room, 1V* plgb., fireplaces, carpeting, beautiful rustic kitchen. See it today! Priced reduced! SPARKLING N E W On V2 acre lot , south of town. Cathedral entry•, covered sundeck, carpeting,full bsmt. Could be 3 or 4 bdrms., plus rec-room. Clear title, try your downpayment or trade. $34,500. F . P . V E R Y W E L L MAINTAINED! Two B / R up and one down, double plumbing, W / W carpeting, sundeck, carport and extras. Located on landscaped corner lot in Johnston Subd. NO MORTGAGE N E E D E D Plus it's FURNISHED! Sparkling 5 roomed bungalow, gas heat, fenced 66 x 120 lot, town water and sewer. Only $24,000.00 Try $4,000.00 down, balance at 10%. DRIVE BY-1242 YORSTON Then stop in and see how you can be the proud owner of this well built home. 2 fireplaces, rec room, IV? baths. Priced to sell. SHEER LIVING E N J O Y M E N T on 9V2 acres. Brand new 4 B / R home-it's all there and ready for you! Appointments only on this one please! REVENUE DUPLEX 3 side by side" revenue properties all less than 1 yr. old-$8,000.00 down will handle. CYPRESS DRIVE - A lot of T . L . C . went into the building of this home. Over 1300 sq. ft. of quality Driftwood stone fireplace, 4 B/R, high ceiling, double garage will handle your camper easily. D O N T B E LAST! B E FIRST! and make an appointment to see this well cared for 5 B / R home on Elm Street. Double landscaped lot, carport and many extras - Only $37,500.00 or owner will consider selling house and one lot for $32,500.00. 1400' A R E A ! NEW! 3 large bdrms., Vh plbg., carpeting, 2 fireplaces. V? acre lot - Callnow for details of this quality home now under construction. Priced in 40's. STARTING UP OR SLOWING DOWN! Drive by 385 Winder Street and see this well constructed, compact home. Good investment possibility. Full Price $13,500.00, includes stove and fridge. 4.42 A C R E S Plus 2 outstanding deluxe mobile homes surrounded by sundecks and sidewalks. Just south of town. Must be seen! W E L L BUILT & MAINTAINED H O M E with room for your inlaws. Well landscaped and good garden area out back. 2 yrs. old - Ellison Subd. $18,500.00 F.P.! ON 1.19 A C R E ! Deluxe 12 x 64 mobile home nicely set up in Richland Estates, see it today. OUT OF TOWN LIMITS 2 good homes on over 2 acres just outside of town, towards Bouchie Lake, both have 4 bedrooms and full basements. A 2 bay garage is also included. These homes may be purchased separately or alone. Call us for further information. W E E K E N D FARMERS Will like the 160 acre spread located 43 miles north of town. Approx. 150 acres could be cultivated. Price includes new 400 sq. ft. cabin. Asking $35,000.00 with $15,000.00 down. ACREAGE Imagine! 10 acres very well treed, located on Beautiful Dragon Lake. This land is priced to sell, terms available. 740 feet of lake frontage, Asking $30,000.00. INVESTMENT, HOBBY F A R M , OR?? 42.49 acres just 6 miles south of town. Adjoins acreage subdivision. Natural wooded state. Asking $32,000.00 with $10,000 down. PRIME COMMERCIAL 3-66x120 lots situated in extremely high traffic area. Ideal office location, motel site etc..Park adjoins. T1BBLES L A K E 5 full acres with over 444 ft of lake frontage only 30 miles west of Quesnel. Improvements include 7 room 2,000 sq.ft. log house with IV2 baths, 4 bdrms, fireplace and good T . V . reception. 1-60x20 quansit hut for vehicles, 3 summer cabins with screened porches. Would make excellent fishing and hunting resort. Call today for further particulars. H A V E YOUR OWN CORNER PUB Very well finished home with a nice kitchen and dinette for the wife and a real nice recreation room and bar for the boss man. Two fireplaces one up and one down. 7/10ths of an acre lot completely fenced. 5 miles south of town. 70 ft.frontage on spring fed Milburn Lake. Would make excellent building site as power and water and telephone are nearby. Has year round access. F . P . $11,000.00 DISCRIMINATING PURCHASERS will appreciate the appointments and features to be enjoyed with purchase of this newly listed split level designed home. Located on a quiet cu-de-sac in Uplands. This 1140 sq. ft. three B / r offers maximum privacy plus view, finished landscaping, all for a very reasonable $39,500.00 PLANNING A L A R G E PARTY? If so, your hostess will love the large formal living room. Located on a quiet North Quesnel street this executive designed home offers 2600 sq. ft. on five levels, intercom, built-ins, finished games room and luxurious carpeting plus many other features that make it a pleasure to own. Call us and we will arrange your private appointment to view. A T LAST! That summer home you've been waiting for. Yes, we've just listed a little beauty on LacLaHache. 100 ft. lake frontage. Well built cottage, full landscaped and fenced. Drop in and see the photos we have of it. A steal at only $27,500.00 ON BOUCHIE L A K E ! Enjoy year round activity. 3 B / R full basement home featuring 2Vz sets plumbing, two fireplaces and 700 square foot recreation room. Hot water heating system, seperate sprinkling system. Improved beach and wharf area. B E FIRST TO VIEW! TRAILER OWNERS-getting tired of communal livily? Then drop in and view one of our many large lot listings-Good terms can be arranged. TWO ACRESHn Dragon Lake Hill area. Close to Frank's Supermarket. Priced at just $10,000.00 with $2,500.00 down. Hurry for this one. CHILDREN GROW! HOUSES DON'T! So here's a place that's ideal for a growing family. 3 B / R , 2 baths, plenty of space for expansion and storage and play area. Full Price $36,000.00. THROW OUT T H E ASPIRIN!! Your house hunting headaches are over. One glance at this property and you'll agree this is it. Features include 3 bdrm..full bsmt, landscaped lot all for only $34,500.00. CAPE-COD SECLUSION Situated on 11 acres overlooking Bouchie Lake, this 3300 sq. ft. home combines all the features you've always wanted. Two fireplaces, double carport, 4 bathrooms, rented swimming pool, antique railings, etc. Place this property in a class of its own. BUSINESSMAN-RANCHER At the end of the day you'll be happy to go home to your own 320 acre Ponderosa. 1300 sq. ft. home, full line of equipment, year round creek plus farm buildings all included. 70 acres in crop plus additional clearing. Asking $135,000.00 with liberal terms for the right buyer. SHANTY BY T H E S E A ! Well, a lake is the best we can do but we're sure you'll like this cozy cabin on Dragon Lake. Water and sewer included for only $15,000.00. UPLANDS SUBD. 3 bedroom family home with carport, sundeck and partly finished basment. Extra large kitchen and attractive yard make this home an excellent buy at $34,000.00 BRING A L O N G YOUR HAMtMERas this delightful home needs finishing. Sound and easy to work on. F . P . 1: R E A L E S T A T E FORSALE For sale 2 bedroom home with basement and garage on 1 acre corner lot in Red Bluff. Terms available Phone 747-1619 after 5 (48-49) Three bedroom home overlooking Dragon Lake. 1385 sq. ft. , 1 Vz baths., large sundeck, carpet throughout, 2 car garage with storage area. Above ground rental suite in basement, oil furnace, laundry room. Ph. 747-1585. For sale by owner in North Quesnel. Three bedroom home, two bedrooms up, one down, wall to wall carpeting. 23 x 23 garage or workshop plus $455. revenue per month from three suites. On 66 x 120 commercial corner lot. Priced far below replacement cost. For more information phone 992-6184 (4849) 24' x 40', 3 bedroom double wide home on 2 acres, 2 wells, one drilled, fenced and landscaped. Phone 747-1248 (48-49) For sale four bedroom home, 6 mo. old and two bedroom cabin. Fridge and stove in both. Aluminum siding and good water. Two acres of land and fenced. For more information call 992-2489 anytime. Full price $38,000.00 (48-49) PRICE R E D U C E D T O $33,000.00! for quick sale. Over 2 acres of view property and well constructed 2 B / R home-Close to schools. In Bouchie Lake area. H E A V E N L Y ! is the only way to describe this attractive new listing. Located close to all schools in West side on spacious river front lot. Fireplace, garage, built in dishwasher are only a few of the many extras. Available July 1st. A H O M E OF R A R E DISTINCTIVE QUALITY! Features 4 bedrooms with beautiful shag carpeting, 2 fireplaces, family room with wet bar, ensuite plumbing, double garage, plus many more extras. A fully ] automatice kitchen gives you "built in" maid service. Make this your first step to better living. View by exclusive appointment. T H R E E WISHES If peace comfort and location are important to you, better look this over! Convenient to school and skating rink;Only $34,500. Cut out this ad and phone today. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-with existing buildings of over 3000 sq. ft. Can be adapted to many uses. Excellent property with large parking area. Priced to sell at only $75,000.00. UNFINISHED 2 year new on 1 acre. 1008' area, full bsmt. Cathedral entry, sundeck over garage. Handyman special, $20,000.00 F . P . F E A S T YOUR E Y E S ! on this spacious family home on Pine Drive - Just minutes from downtown. 4 B / R , dream kitchen and space galore for the kids to roam - on over 1 acre - Clear title property - and owner will carry mortgage! Asking $37,600.00 T E N A N T S will buy it for you. This comfortable triplex will actually cost you very little because your tenants will pay the bulk of the bills. Call today for all the facts. SPACE-IT'S W O N D E R F U L ! And on this 2.69 acre spread, you'll have lots of it. Fenced with excellent well which supplies several families. A well built 4 B / R home complete with all the appliances-asking only $40,000.00 A real bargin! S W E E T N LOW No steps in this immaculate rancher, 3 bdrms. and family room. Approx. 1500' area on 72 acre groomed lot, near schools in popular Red Bluff area. A J U N E BRIDE SPECIAL? Neat as a pin and all ready for the newly weds or retired couple. This 2 B / R home on a corner lot features an attractive kitchen, spacious living room and full basment and carport. All for the low price of just $27,000.00 CLASSIFIED WORD DEADLINE A P T . SITE has a view of Fraser River. Terms on full price of $18,500.00 Excellent opportunity for licenced gasfitter. Heating and plumbing business. Located in one of the busiest centres in the North Peace. Maintenance contracts of $4,000.00 can be assumed. Equipment valued at $9,000.00 Last year's volume over $60,000.00 Full price $14,400.00 Contact: J O N E S & R E E D E R R E A L T Y CORP., 10108 - 100th. Street, Fort St. John, B.C. V1J 2B3 (48-49) Hatpdyman's Special. Easy terms . Two bedroom, L.R., kitchen, bath up. 1 bedroom and rec 1 room down. Carport and extra large lot. Location 278 Roddis St., West Quesnel. Present offers to John P. Wall, Box 67\Aldergrove, B.C. Phone 856-4875 Keys at Fircrest Apts. 1 FRONT S T . Commercial "BB". 2 losts that total 132x120. Put your thinking cap on and call today. BUILDERS A commercial lot that will accomodate a 6 plex for only $15,000.00. V2 down and owner will carry the balance. Don't miss this call today. 2.90 A C R E LOT Close to store just off highway #97. F . P . $9,900.00. Low cash down and assume existing mtge. 5 A C R E L O T 8 minutes north of town. Nicely treed and would make excellent building site. F . P . $8,500.00 1 A C R E building site in Spruce Ridge terrace. Accessible year round, fully treed. Asking $8,000.00 2-5 acre lots 10 miles from town on Nazko Rd. - Just over $8,000.00 each. 2-lots over 2 acres each of Barkerville Rd. $4,300.00 & $5,500.00-Terms. 2- 1V3 acre lots just off Barkerville Rd.-$3,500.00 each 1 Parcel of 4 lots totaling 7.81 acres, - $10,000.00 with terms. "COTTONWOOD RIVER" Only 18 miles from Quesnel City Centre on the old Prince George Highway 296 Acres « Lot 8599. This property is ideal for the small ranch and recreation minded person, extensive clearing and frontage on the Cottonwood River. $69,500. 40 Acres - Lot 11718. Mostly under cultivation, a dandy smaller parcel at a price you can afford. -$14,500. 119 Acres • Frac. S W A of 8598. 3- town lost overlooking Baker Creek Quesnel-$6,500.00 each with terms. in West AVAILABLE 2 lots that total 132 X 120. Zoned commercial "BB" on Front street. Between McNaughton Avenue and Shepherd Avenue. These 2 lots have many uses, put your thinking cap on and call today. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Well located 4 plex in prime West Quesnel area. A real good investment at $42,500.00 with terms. Call us for an appointment to view this 1 t 2 bedroom money maker. R E V E N U E PROPERTIES: Triplex-$3(5,000.00 try $6,000.00 down. 3 Duplexes-$40,000.00 each 4 Plex-$42,500-Commercial Zone-$12,000.00 down. excellent lovely property, extensive frontage on the river, some clearing and trees. - $31,500. 14 A C R E S O V E R L O O K I N G B E A U T I F U L P U N CHESAKUT LAKE Has a 4 B / R storey full basement log house on property. Some of extras include an 85' drilled artesian well, fencing, year round accessibility to Quesnel. Call today as this won't last. Dupiex-$43,000.00-Spacious-Ensuite suite A owner's 162 Acres - N W A of Lot 8598. Another very nice parcel with frontage on the river. - $32,500. 80 Acres Frac S W A of 8584. A sloping property, treed, some meadow, springs throughout the area. • $19,500. 222 Acres • Frac. NE'A of 8598 and SE'A of 7301 and S'/i of Lot 8583. You have dreamed of owning a place that has frontage on a river like the Cottonwood, plus a sparkling trout stream, Abau Creek, and ice cold water to your house from a hillside spring • then this is it. Buildings:-Newer type house needs some finishing, plumbing up and down, wired, full basement; Garage/shop, new hay barn, stock sheds, several log cabins and storage sheds plus small rental older house. T h e property is in 3 seperate legals • $79,500. RIVER GLEN RANCHER LTD., 651 Fraser Street, Kamloops, B.C. 4 Plex-$45,000.00 Duplex-$37,900.00 Red Bluff Duplex-$29,900.00-Low Down Payment Duplex in Red Bluff-$32,500.00 Phone Quesnel 604 992-6803 Phone Kamloops 604 372-5108 Phone 150 Mile House 604 296-3663 EVENINGS C A L L Rick Hughes Darwin Watt LilaWall Wes Arnot Mary Arnot Jacquie Hughes Rino Manarin Laurie Gardner 992-9846 992-6595 992-7120 992-5117 747-1466 992-9846 992-9692 747-1092 2: LOTS A N D / O R PROPERTY For sale commercial lot on Johnston flat with warm one bedroom house and river frontage. Phone 992-6679 after 6 p.m. (47-49) . . Q U E S N E L CARIBOO OBSERVER, W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 11, 1975-25 BOB SUTTON REALTY LTD, 992-8818 428 REID ST. TELEPHONE 992-2151 FIRE CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE M l< fv-MEMBER PRIVACY GALORE: 10 x 54 Trailer set among the trees on 2 acre lot in Abbott Heights - Excellent opportunity Your offer may be right! Call Marg Moore for full details. LOOKING FOR A LARGE FAMILY HOME: in the RICHBAR Need extra room. This lrg. family or revenue home on Vz acre well lanscaped lot. 2 lrg. bdrms. up and a 3 bdrm. self contained suite dn. Stoves & fridges included. Also a 10 x 48' trailer extra bdrm. attached. Buy this with a low, low dn. payment, owner will carry balance! PRICE R E D U C E D : This beautiful house has been reduced to $35,900. Features fireplace, fully finished basement, 2 bathrooms, paved driveway, fenced & lanscaped. With 2 house trailers 12' x 64' and a 10' x 52' completely serviced. Good level treed property. Asking $27,000. HOME BY T H E RIVER: 2 acres gradual slope. Beautiful view, from two large picture windows. 1092 sq. ft. with attached garage. Seclusion & quietness yet only Vs mile from Town limits. Asking $34,900 1200 SQ. F T . 3 bdrm. home located on .61 acres. Close to school, store & lake. F.P. $24,000. BUILDING LOTS Southhills-Vz acre lot-$5,500. Vz acre lot-$8,000. Boucie Lake-2 acre lot-$6,000. Barkerville Rd.-2 acre lot-$6,000. Marsh. Sub.-l acre view lot-with well & septic. 992-7218 Fred Baxter Res: 992-6375 Mel Grey Full price $19,900. Balance at $195.00 per month. 2 bedrooms, each side, good location and on one acre. Call Lome Perry. FOR S A L E BY OWNER 992-2732 days 992-2813 evenings is fenced and has small barn. House has 3 bedrooms, up and 1 down, finished rec room, laundry, living and dining rooms, kitchen with nook area. This can be purchased also with extra 1 acre lot. Call Marg Moore today. Owner would consider another house in trade as part payment. LETS TRY $500.00 DOWN: Older 3 bedroom home in town, good starter or retirement home, needs a little work, includes some furniture. Call Fred for full details. FANTASTIC BUY: Yes we have it now. A beautiful fenced 2.5 acre lot with 3 bedroom home, only 2 miles from town. Ideal for horse lovers. Outbildings include hay barn and 2 stall horse barn.^All this for only $34,000. call Jim for appointment to View. With a near new trailer set up. Some outbuildings - All ready to start your farm. See Jim about this ideal country home. COUNTRY DUPLEX: 2 bedrooms each side. Live in one and let the other side make the payments. Try your down payment. Close to main highway call Fred for details. A PRIVATE PARK: With a creek running by on a nicely landscaped acre lot and right in town. The well constructed 2 bedroom, full basement home is spotless and very attractively finished inside and as a added bonus there is a smaller home on the property renting at $110 per month. Be sure and call Lome Perry to see this one. BOTH WORKING: Here is an easy home to care for at the same time and not too far from town on almost 1 acre, Home features 2 bedrooms and a den, spacious living room. Includes washer, dryer, range, fridge and drapes and built in cabinets in dining room, den and master bedroom. Terms can be arranged. Phone Fred for this one. COMMERCIAL A C R E A G E : 4 acres on Highway 97 south at Gook Road, cleared. Manufactured log cabin included, an ideal development site. Asking $60,000. •.. LOTS': 10 Mile Lake-1 acre overlooking the lake $8,500 B L A C K W A T E R R D . - 1/3 acre $3,300-10% down TOWN Bordering Baker Creek $7,000 Terms. Willis Street $7,000 I T S •V- : 320 ACRES Farm 20 miles on West Fraser Rd. ...... - y, PRICE REDUCED SO ACT NOW: Tomorrow may be 80% Bank Financing Available Only $2200 Down with B.C. 2nd. 912 Sq. Ft., 3 Bdr., Cedar Feature wall, new W/W Shag throughout, just move in. Located on Vz ac. lot in Red Bluff, close to schools. 6 P.M. 992-2427 OFFERS WANTED: 120 Acres Farm-same location j ! H O M E ON 11 A C R E S Small private lake, new large home, full basement, carport. ! j H O M E ON 5 A C R E S Large new home, full basement, carport. jj | N E W L Y LISTED 1070 sq. ft. full basement, new condition, quiet area, carport. Asking $35,000 GIVEAWAY Fully serviced 12'x68' trailer with addition & full length porch, 1/2 acre, landscaped, fenced view lot. Asking $16,500 OWNER T R A N S F E R R E D Says sell this near new attractive 3 bedroom with 4th bedroom in full daylit basement, nicely landscaped, fully fenced with patio, close to school and asking only $32,500 CMHC terms. MORTGAGE FUNDS *No discounts or bonuses. ""Conventional rates. * C . M . H . C . in approved areas. *Rural homes accepted. "•Confidential service. LON GODFREY REALTY LTD. 992-5544 QUIET & C O M F O R T A B L E Drive by 770 Beaubian Ave. and you will want to own this immaculate 2 bedroom home. Features 3rd bedroom & game room in full basement, utility room on main floor carport & paved driveway, Full price only 34,900 liberal terms. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Do you want more in a home such as double fireplaces, carport, large fenced lot, 1100 sq. ft. with sundeck, patio, game room. And the price is reduced to $42,000 for quick sale name your own terms. Ideal revenue investment, two homes on two side by side lots in West Quesnel. Look them over and make your offer. Must be sold. Call Lome for the address. THINKING TRAILER: Then you should look at this 12 x 68 all set up on .77 acre, south of town, all the work is done and includes 24 x 16 work shop, 8 x 16 insulated porch, etc., reasonably priced, immediate possession, open to offers. Call Fred for full details. PRICED REDUCED: 1958 Sq. Ft. 4 bedroom home in North Quesnel. Large 10,000 ft. lot with excellent view and privacy. Extra large living room with fireplace and hardwood floors. To view call Jim Moore. this lovely 3 bedroom home. Kitchen is a dream with lots of cupboards - full basement has laundry facilities and partly completed rec room, Marg would be happy to show you at your convenience. MORTGAGE MONEY? - Unlimited Funds - Fast Service - To 90% of Value - 20 year amortization We don't have A.H.O.P. (ASSISTED HOME OWNER PROGRAM) F U L L PRICE 32,460.00 DOWNPAYMENT 1,611.00 B.C.GRANT $1,000.00 F E D E R A L GRANT $500.00 T O T A L COST TO YOU $111.00 - Bonuses - Lock-in clauses - High rates All legal costs and mortgage Insurance Fee included in full price of $32,460. MONTHLY P A Y M E N T S PROPORTIONED TO YOUR INCOME CMHC 10% MORTGAGES. NIAGARA REALTY OF CANADA LTD. 454 Reid Street, Quesnel, B.C. Phone 992-7291 2: LOTS A N D / O R PROPERTY Lot for sale- Vz acre lot South Hill Sub. Water and natural gas. Ph. 747-1350 (47-49) For sale: 860 ft. prime Lakeshore property on 10 Mile Lake. To inspect contact caretakers at Ph. 992-7883 (48-50) 992-7178 747-2707 992- 8818 993- 4441 2: LOTS A N D / O R 2: LOTS A N D / O R PROPERTY PROPERTY For sale one acre mostly cleared, with older 2 bedroom home, needs some repair. Good well with water in house. 8 miles out, just off pavement. Phone 747-1528 (48-51) For sale New three bay logging truck shop on 1 Vz acres cleared land in Bouchie Lake area. $1,500.00 down will handle. Full price $25,000.00 easy terms. Phone 747-1381. OWNER MOVED PRICE REDUCED: Immediate possession on this near new 2 bedroom, full basement, spacious home located on West side, close to all amenities. Call Fred to view. $18,500 FULL PRICE Neat and appealing 2 bedroom home on one acre. Excellent water supply and most of the work is done. Lome Perry has the information on this bargain priced buy. BUY, SELL, TRADE, DIRECT THRUOUT B.C. H A N D Y M A N SPECIAL 4 bedroom unfinished 1200 sq. ft. home on nice 1/2 lot with barn. Full price only $13,900 as is with $1,500 down this is an exceptional opportunity to get started to-day. ARCHIE HLADY JACK ABERCROMBIE BOB SUTTON RON ABLITT BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS: Get your winter project set up on one of these apartment or condominium sites. We have excellent locations from $18,500 - and up. On water and sewer. Terms available; call Fred for full details. UPLANDS OPPORTUNITY: Only $32,000. full price on We have: M.L.S. MEMBER EVENINGS PHONE SMALL ACREAGE: 3 parcels ranging from 5 - 7 acres at Punchesakut Lake. Access to beach just across the road. Your chance for country living with vacation atmosphere - Prices vary and terms can be arranged. Phone Marg. too late to own this spacious 3 bedroom home on 1 Vz acres in Red Bluff. Featuring new carpets, large utility room, and nice sun porch. Has chicken house and 2 room insulated cabin. To view call Fred. <. - f e YOURS FOR ONLY*" $23,500.00 % Acre lots in Bouchie Lake area. All lots nicely treed. One has view of Bouchie Lake. Ph. 249-5410. (46-11) Try as low as $500. down on this 2 bedroom basement home in Red Bluff. Needs some work inside but priced right at $17,900. Call Lome. RED B L U F F BUILDING LOTS: 4 half acre building lots on Nelson & Cypress streets. F . P. $4000.00 each. 2 bedroom full basement, all finished house at 893 Broughton St. Phone: Pinnacle Heights Sub. 9 - l'/z acre lots left. Power available and school bus. Ph. 992-2358 (43-2) ABOUT TO BE REPOSSESSED: PRICE REDUCED: Lovely family home on 1 acre - Yard 40 ACRES NEIGHBOURHOOD P U B A N D C A F E . Recently licensed in Hixon. Only pub in the area, seats 62. Rock fireplace, wood panelled, carpeted, Pool table. On 10 cleared acres right on the highway. Plenty of room for expansion. Cafe seats 18. PROPERTY COUNTRY ESTATE: Attractive 3 bedroom A-frame home on 6Vz acres - Grounds are like a park. Room for garden and animals. Good water supply. Give Marg Moore a call on this one, as it won't last. DUPLEX - $2500.00 DOWN: BUSINESS LOTCATION: Just South of Town on Hwy. 97. Large 3 bedroom home with a 14' x 24' store. Vz acre. Very good 1372 sq. ft. home, full basement. Asking only $35,000 M A K E A N OFFER: On this 1974 Chancellor Double wide. Located 3 miles south on an acre lot. Full basement, 3 bedrooms with ensuite plumbing. Big and roomy 1152 sq. ft. Owner will consider property in trade. 2: LOTS A N D / O R Dragon Lake. Closed in sundeck over 2 bay car port. Wet bar hook up in basement. Owner built with loads of extras. Landscaped with garden area and fruit trees priced in mid 40's Call Jim to view. RANCHER: 160 acres. Large hay meadow with creek running through it. Machinery and cattle included. New hay shed, barn and log cabin. Location is fairly secluded and priced right. Call Fred for full details. 992-5449 242 Reid St. LARGE 4 BEDROOM HOME: On 2 acres located at HERE IS A GOOD START FOR THE B E E F Contact: Enemark & Campbell Realty Ltd. country. Need a little bit of acreage to spread out on. Well here it is and you can still choose some of your own decor if you act quick. This near new home features 1500 sq. ft. , 3 bedrooms, ensuite plumbing, utility on main floor. Seperate nook as well as large dining room, full basement, double garage and spacious sundeck all this and almost 40 acres to go with it. Call Fred for full details. 4.5 ACRES: DUPLEX Located on Vz an acre lot in Star Sub. with electric heat, a good well and planted garden. Approx. 3 yrs old. F . P . $19,500. AFTER V2J 2M6 OPEN WEEKEND New home in South hills. 2 - 4 p.m. Afternoons, 6 - 8 p.m. evenings. House on Vz acre lot, 3 bedrooms, full basement. Almost ready for occupancy. West Quesnel 3 bdrm. home located on a quiet dead end street. Located close to schools and shopping plaza. F.P. $32,000. CALL QUESNEL. B.C. ltd. M.L.S. MEMBER Dependoble Real Estate Service 9927218 ltd. agencies 330 FRONT ST. REALTY LTD. IM RKII) ST realty We also purchase existing mortgages. Phone or drop in 2: LOTS A N D / O R PROPERTY Vz acre corner lot in South Hill. Phone 992-5823 evenings. (4850) We Guarantee Sales Thru'out B.C. 1 - — E V E N I N G S FRED DAVIDSON 992-5702 PETER GOOK LORNE PERRY MARG MOORE 992-6275 •"M MOORE RANCHES 120 acres, 3 bedroom home, lots of water , some cleared. Phone 993-4438 (48-49) 747-1343 249-5228 992-6275 4: CARDS OF T H A N K S YELLOWHEAD REALTY LTD. 40 ACRES Located on the old Quesnel Highway between Hixon and Strathnaver. Signs are on boundaries. The full price is $13,000.00. Call Duke Peterson, collect, days at 5g-8177 BOWRON LAKE CHAIN LOT We have one of the few lots on the Bowron Lake listed for sale. Call D U K E P E T E R S O N for further information at YELLOWHEAD REALTY LTD. 743 Victoria St., Prince George, B . C . 563-8177 3: F A R M A N D / O R For sale-160 acres at Hixon. 30 acres in hay. 25 acres rough cleared. $300.00 per acre. Phone 747-2084. (48-50) 1 Phone 992-2121 The Grade 5 students and teacher of Pinecrest School would like to express our gratitude for the concern and assistance shown by the following people in guiding us safely back to the Swift River Environmental Centre on Thursday, June 5: Search and Rescue, R.C.M.P., West Fraser Mills, Dept of Forestry, Mr. A. King, Parents, teachers and friends. Most sincerely Pauline Russell, Monica Vinje, Deanna Sutton, Johanne Laplante, Nancy Smith, and Lynn Wourms. 5: IN MEMORIAM Clarkson. \ In loving memory of our son and brother Buz, who passed away suddenly June 7, 1974. Days of sadness still come over us, Tears in silence often flow, Memory keeps you ever near us. Though you left us one year ago. Ever remembered by Dad, mom, Debra, Laureen, Elaine and George. 26-QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 11, 1975 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF QUESNEL POSITION VACANT: Deputy Works Superintendent in Charge of Utilities CALL: 562-1396 Put the beauty of wood in your home, with it's natural color, warmth and good insulation qualities. READY FOR YOU: NEW 3 BEDROOM SOLARIS PATIO DOORS WOODLAND SASH & DOOR LTD. C.M.H.C. HOMES. Low down payment or your trade on our new homes. Many features such as, fireplace, full basement, outside basement entrances, A N D a portable dishwasher for the first three homes sold. All legal fees included. 2165 Ogi I vie Street Hard Water! BOB SUTTON REALTY LTD. Northern Domestic Water Softening Ltd. has a complete line of commercial and domestic 330 Front Street Phone 992-8818 WAKE'WRTTW' BUY CARIBOO "PETE" SOIL lor all your Gardening Needs I C A L L 992-9414 24 Hour Service George Oram Watkins Dealer Phone 992-2097 (46-48) Grading, excavating. Subdivisions, driveways, Septic systems and well digs up to 22' from flat ground. Landscaping Phone 747-2949. (47-50) Models wanted by photographer in Quesnel. Apply at Box "G", c/o Cariboo Observer, Box 4460. Quesnel, B.C. (48-49) Eldon Steeves Box 4624, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 3J8 Cariboo "Pete" Soil wishes to announce that we are now ready to fill your needs for shredded peat soil. Phone your order in or come out and get your own. [Please phone ahead, first]. JIM TERRICO 7471266 BOB TERRICO 747-2561 Nazko Stage Lines Ltd. •NItMMBMdfltMHtliMMINMIManMMV f Water-wells & Testing 992-7617 MAX MORGAN STUCCO CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING Spring has sprung, The grass has riz... and we are in the stucco biz! General backhoe FOR FREE ESTIMATES & FURTHER INFO 747-1358 IMIIMOMIMMIMMMOII VIC McKELVIE 992-7876 Box 5 R.R. #4 Dahl Rd. A L L PHASES OF SEWING MACHINES Repairs CERTIFIED HOOVER D7F BRUSH B L A D E R 12* D I K A D R U M ROOT R A K E DISCING, ETC. PHONE 747-2235 992-5764 Two Mile Flat M PmkingShe^r-T£ - " " Jr -m Knives « k LOCATED BEHIND "j Garden Toola QUESNEL MACHINERY 9 992-9669 TGT ENGINEERING ROOF TRUSS SYSTEMS CMHC APPROVED Acceptance # 5070 K&S CONSTRUCTION R.R. #3 Rawling Rd. Quesnel, B.C. Phone 249-5490 We also supply framing packages for barns, outbuildings etc. 10: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Beginning Sept 75 teaching couple requires well qualified woman to babysit one child. Excellent pay, hours 8 - 4. Own transportation would be helpful but not imperative. Phone 992-9696 if interested. FULLER BRUSH OPENINGS for male or female. Full or Sparetime. Work your own hours. For details write T.G. Diamond R.R. #3, Kamloops, B.C. [include phone number please] REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY OPERATOR Experience preferred. APPLY IN PERSON imiMWMHItlWHIMIMMmtMW NEW IN QUESNEL CEMENT-GRAVEL DRAIN ROCK ROAD FINISHING Pit run gravel and fill. Call Quesnel and District Credit Union 253 Reid Street 992-9817 DICK C E M E N T WORK 'Block building •Floor finishing *Free estimates PHONE EVENINGS 992-7661 BOOKKEEPER with typing experience required. QUESNEL MINE M I L L INDUSTRIAL SERVICE LTD. Phone 992-7057 10: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Commercial - Residential Wayne Johnson Babysitter wanted, 3 days a week. Johnston Sub. preferred. Phone 992-5372. 747-2687 Wanted: Reliable, confident, accurate typist required for permanent full-time position. Work consists mainly of typing. Other duties also involved. Age no barrier. Wage negotiable. Split days off. Reply to Box " T " , c/o Cariboo Observer, P.O. Box 4460, Quesnel, B.C. (48-3) QUEENSW A Y PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 1021 Hwy. 97 North, Quesnel "No plumbing or heating job is to big or to small." For service please call 992-7762 ess Reliable help needed for clerical duties every Saturday throughout summer and next school year. Reply in writing to Box "S" c/o Cariboo Observer, P.O. Box 4460, Quesnel, B.C. (48-52) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF QUESNEL POSITION VACANT: Deputy Works Superintendent in Charge of Public Works Applications are invited by the undersigned for the position of Deputy Works Superintendent in charge of Public Works until 5:00 p.m. June 12, 1975 Applicants will be considered who are experienced in Public Works administration, construction and maintenance of streets, sidewalks and parks operation and maintenance of the sanitary landfill. The applicant must also have the ability to maintain records, prepare reports, estimate time and cost and perform related clerical duties. Experience in the supervision and direction of crews of employees is essential. Ths position involves the planning, supervision, co-ordination and other related duties of Town Works, as specified and directed by the Works Superintendent. Applications are to be submitted in the applicants own handwriting and are to give the applicants date of birth, marital status, educational background, job experience including names of employers and the dates and description of employment. This is a non-union position. M. Helzel, May 26,1975 . Works Superintendent 405 Barlow Ave., Quesnel, B.C. V2J2C3 12: VEHICLES 12: VEHICLES For sale 1973 Vega GT Station wagon. Air conditioning 4 radial snows, low mileage. Phone 747-1354 after 5. (46-48) For Sale 1966 Toyota Land Cruiser, 283 V8, H . M . Elect. Winch, reg. and wide rims $2,100. Ph. 992-9773 For sale-1971 Datsun Station wagon. Very good condition. $1,700.00 Ph. 747-2177. (47-48) For Sale: One 1971 Dodge Charger. Eight Cylinder, Automatic, Radio Asking $2500.00 .Phone 992-6185 (47-48) For Sale 1967 Mercury Caliente 4 door. What offers?* Phone 992-5358 or apply 1266 Moffat Ave. (47-48) For Sale 1955 4 Ton Ford. Needs minor tuning only Ph. 992-6693. (47-48) For sale: 1967 Chrysler Newport 4-dr. sedan. Very nice condition $850.00 . 992-7497 For sale 1971 Ford Van Econoline Phone 993-4476 SAW FITTER Qualified sawfitterwith carbide experience required for a very attractive opening at a large, modern sawmill operation on Vancouver Island's West Coast. Excellent working conditions and good Living amenities in a picturesque and fully modern town. FOR FURTHER DETAILS APPLY IN WRITING GIVE RESUME OF EXPERIENCE TO: EMPLOYMENT OFFICER, TAHSIS COMPANY LTD., 1280 WEST P E N D E R STREET. For sale: 1953 Ford pick up. Good running condition. $150. Ph. 747-1628 (48-49) For sale '61 Rambler V8 automatic less transmission. Offers for parts or as is. Ph. 747-2957. For sale 1970 Maverick, good condition, must sell. $1,500.00 or best offer. Phone 992-5305. For Sale 1966 Ford Falcon 2-door 170 Motor standard, reasonable condition. Ph. 7471046. (48-49) For sale: 1973 Toyota Corolla, 1200, 2 door. Only 8,000 mi. Complete with custom radio, one owner, excellent condition. Ph. 992-6541 after 6 p.m. 3 1973 Toyota Land cruiser with winch. 29,000 miles Phone 992-9348 For sale: 1955 Chev. h ton, 6 x 8 wooden box, 4 speed trans. Heavy duty split rims. Needs motor job. Ph. 747-2598 after 6. For sale 1972 Imperial, immaculate condition, fully equipped only 28,000 miles. New radial tires. Call evenings after 5 Phone 992-9661 (48-50) 13: RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Roadrunner tilt trailer, for boat or skidoo. 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. only phone 992-2477 WEDt EXCAVATING LTD. Announces the opening of their new services. For free estimates CALL RAY SEIDERS R Y Z A K SAWFILING Vacuum Repairs 992-6839 992-5482 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Vanities, Counter Tops. TERMS AVAILABLE POSTING MACHINE LAND CLEARING G. Mitchell Pen. Tearoe DRILLING 747-2452 DALEE DIGGERS CABINETS Kitchen, Quesnel, B.C. Backhoe Excavation EXTRACTION SEIDERS CUSTOM CABINETS work* Phone 992-7485 Box 4357 PHONE AFTER 6P.M - BEFORE 7:30A.M. WOODROW CONTACT DICK 992-7805 DAYS OR EVENINGS Phone Mike at 249-5281 MITTEN BROS. STEAM BRUSH |*CUSTOM BUILT |*FREE ESTIMATES 992-7888 CHARTER BUS SERVICE CONTACT: Well Drilling KODIAK Bookkeeping - Taxes Payrolls. 9: BUSINESS PERSONALS Got the GRADUATION B A L L BLUES? I can get into the swing of things with a "quickie course" in ballroom dancing. Phone 747-2823 Mr. or Mrs. Schafer. and related equipment in the water softening line available. E.S. BOOKKEEPING I & TAX SERVICE CONTACT L I N E A problem, a crisis -someone to talk to " Box 4012 Quesnel, B.C. 563-4909 [collect] 690 Lyon St., Prince George, B.C. PERSONAL: To Whom It May Concern: Take Notice that on and after this date, I the undersigned will no longer be responsible for debts contracted in my name by any person or persons other than myself. Signed: D.R. Knudson Address: 1086 Hilborn Rd., Quesnel, B.C. Dated: June 9, 1975 •FOUNDATION BORING *SOB^, SAMPLING WATER SOFTENERS IRON FILTERS TASTE & ODOR FILTERS NORTHERN DOMESTIC W A T E R SOFTENING. ON YOUR SIDE OF THE FENCE. . . Do you have a drinking problem? Contact Alcoholics Anonymous. Phone 747-1562 or 747-1402. (48-6) WATER WELLS B o n ' f Cry Contact Quesnel's most active Real Estate office: 8: PERSONALS Prince George, B.C. Applications are invited by the undersigned for the position of Deputy Works Superintendent in charge of Utilities until 5:00 p.m. June 12, 1975. Applicants will be considered who are experienced in Utility administration, construction and maintenance of underground utilities, operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plants. The applicant must also have the ability to maintain records, prepare reports, estimate time and cost and perform related clerical work. Experience in the supervision and direction of crews of employees is essential. This position involves the planning, supervision, co-ordination and other related duties of Town Utilities, as specified and directed by the Works Superintendent. Applications are to be submitted in the applicants own handwriting and are to give the applicants date of birth, marital status, educational background, job experience including names of employers and dates and description of employment. This is a non-union position. M. Helzel, May 26,1975 Works Superintendent 405 Barlow Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J2C3 1957 Chev., 2 door station wagon. 283, 4 speed. Phone 992-9014 between 5 and 7 p.m. (48-50) For sale 1969 Sports Fury Plymouth, 2 door hardtop, 318, V-8. P.S., P.B. Phone 992-5893 or 992-8454 For Sale 1973 Kawasaki 350cc 4,500 miles. Best offer 992-9587 after 6 p.m. (48-49) For sale: Homemade Tent trailer in good condition. $250.00. Will trade for aluminum boat. Ph. 747-1628 (48-49) Wanted Used 12' car-top aluminum boat and 9.9 horsepower motor, (and roof-racks) Call 993-4340 after 5:00 p.m. For sale 1972 Vega sports coupe Hatchback, mag wheels. Auto trans. Phone 992-8431. For sale 14 Vi foot travel trailer. Ice box, furnace, sleeps 4 and 3 burner stove. Phone 992-5893 or 992-8454 For sale 1973 Jimmy fully equipped . I/)w mileage. Extra set of steel belted Michelin tires. Ph. 992-2584 (48-49) Canoes for rent. By day or week. Ph. 992-7497 (48-49) x For sale 1965 Dodge li ton, to be used for parts. Ph. 747-1350 (48-49) 1967 Chrysler Newport, 4 dr., nice shape in and out. $825.00 or best offer. Phone 992-7497 4fe SALES SERVICE CHRYSLER MARINE ELDORADO RECREATION Bouchie Lake 1974 Chev. Custom Deluxe Pickup Automatic, fair cond., 16.5 x 10 tires. Price $3,750.00 or take over payments. See at Coomb's Motel, Stall tt 5. 350 H.P. Hydralic camshaft for small Chev. engine. New. Ph. 747-1381. 249-5404 Q U E S N E L CARIBOO OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, J U N E 11, 1975-27 DEMO SALE DISCOUNT GAS PRICES PONTIAC BUICK ' GUEST LTD. SPECIAL CARS 1974 Buick LeSabre 4 Door $5395.00 1972 Montego 2 dr., hardtop, $2795 1974 Datsun 710 2 Door H/T TRUCKS 6cy), air, 1973 F100 302, 4 speed $3695.00 3 -1973 Couriers From $1995.00 $3695.00 $1945.00 1973 Bronco 4 wheel drive 1970 Chev. Vz Ton 6 cyl., 4 speed S H O R T OF W A T E R , G A S , OIL, GOLD? Truck mounted drilling equipment, well pumps etc. available. Bud Henning Drilling Co. Ltd. Ph. 992-8200. (46-49) For sale: 1966 Massey Ferguson tractor with backhoe in good condition $5,500.00 P h . 747-1628 (48-49) . $2095.00 SPECIAL 1973 Cadillac Sedan DeVille 10,000 Miles Mint $10,500.00 1969 Chev S/W $2195.00 1968 Chrysler Tonno CounS/W $995.00 1968 Barracuda 2 DR. H / T $1695.00 TRUCKS 1973 Ford F250 V8 4spd. $3495.00 1972 Ford F250 V8 4spd. $3295.00 1972 Jeep Commando $3795.00 WRECKING IMPORTS EQUIPMENT VOLKSWAGEN SPECIALIST Prince George Union Tractor Ltd. P.O. Box 8010 Edmonton; Alberta Phone Sales 747-1717 Also Sales 747-1542 T6H4S4 GUEST MOTORS Phone: 436-4020 SKNATF27 GOOD U S E D EQUIPMENT Box 4677 CAMPERS CANOPIES T.M. OWEN'S DEPT. STORE 179 CARSON AVENUE 992-6640 14: CAMPERS A N D / O R 2 miles South Cariboo Highway 97 Quesnel 747-1717 For sale 16 ft. travel trailer. Sleeps 6, Ph. 992-8510 (46-48) For rent-campers and tent trailers. Phone 992-9610 (46-48) Trailer camper, light weight and dual lights for domestic and imports easy raising. Sleeps 4. Ph. 992-2538. For rent - campers and tent trailers. Phone 992-9610. For sale: Hardtop tent trailer 6' X 10', sleeps 6. Excellent condition. $900.00 P h . 2495443. For sale 16 ft. TeePee Travel trailer. Sleeps 6. Phone 9928510 (48-49) For sale home built 8' overhead camper. Must be seen to be appreciated Fits most Vz ton pickups. Phone 747-2908 Trailer Spaces, 30 Rental Units Within walking distance of town. For sale Mini motor home, 18 ft. long, 15,000 miles. Complete and other extras on, asking $9,000.00 For more information call anytime 992-2489 15: MOBILE H O M E S For sale or rent:- 1968 12 x 68 United mobile home, in country setting, 4V? miles from town, next to Auction Barn. Phone 992-7373. (45-48) For sale -12' x 56' mobile home. 3-bedroom. Furnished. Built-in bunk beds. 8' x 12' addition. $8,000.00. Call 747-1041 after 6:00 p . m . , #49, Big Country Trailer Court. (48-49) 12 x 60 Safeway - like new. Fully Furnished. Set up at Park Village. Cash and take over payments. Phone 992-8680 For sale 1969 Country Estate mobile home. Excellent condition Phone 747-2560 1967 Trailer , excellent condition. Furnished, quiet location. New range, T.V., included. For viewing 992-2837 (48-51) Apply in person PERSONNEL OFFICE ERNST FOREST PRODUCTS 29^-6535 BARTELS MOBILE HOME PARK 684 N . FRASER DRIVE. OR PHONE 992-5159 FOR MORE INFORMATION. DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR EMBASSY MONARCH CHANCELLOR CALL RICK JOHNSTON COMMONWEALTH MOBILE HOMES D.L. #26033 4 MILES SOUTH Highway 97 HAMEL MOBILE HOMES LTD. Agent for *PARKWOOD * PARAMOUNT •GENERAL •LEADER •CHINOOK Financing Arranged up to 12 years. Wide selection of fully CSA approved homes on display BARBED WIRE O P E N FOR EVENING VIEWING CALL ANYTIME 747-1050 HAMEL MOBILE HOMES LTD. DEALERS LICENCE D25057 HWY 97 SOUTH & GOOK ROAD strand 4 prong, 17: MISCELLANEOUS WANTED galvanized. Wanted: Movable small building, vicinity Wells, B.C. Reply Box H , c/o Cariboo Observer, Box 4460 Quesnel. B.C. (48-49) $24.99 per roll. COMOR 18: MISCELLANEOUS FOR S A L E SUPPLIES For sale 400 M . M . telephoto camera lens to fit 35 m.m. Super multi-colored Takumar. Asking $250 Phone 992-2121 and ask for Eli. (42-52) (Prince George Ltd.) 1991 Ogilivie St., For sale: Lumber, rough or dressed. Timbers all sizes. Phone evenings 747-1293 or 992-2075 (43-50) Prince George, B . C . Phone 563-8871 Two Placer Leases. Alice Creek & Norton Creek. Phone after 6 p.m. 747-2750 (46-48) OPEN S A T . TO 5 P . M . 1 |)REVIGK BlUILDING SUPPLIES Snnn a l e Chests , 0 13 / nESS, 1 4118 HART HIGHWAY $30.00 and up. Ph. 992-7497 H IAO Q , ' 4 [ ' M ^ 1 PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. • PHONE 962 - 7262 5th. wheel trailer. Complete. | Alum. Ribbed Roofing 24 ga. Heavy Duty. 20 ft. deck. Phone | • 80c lin. ft. 992-8582. I Galv. Ribbed Roofing 30 ga. i (Any length to 28 ft.) Car top carrier. Hoover upright H 68c lin. ft, vacuum cleaner with attach- | r b e d Wire 12Ve ga. ments. Homemade canopy ap- 1 m , „_H\ prox. 4 x 6 . 23" Color" T . V . § (Double Strand) contemporary cabinet. Phone • . w « . w i w u 992 8510 Ba n : Available immediately one bedroom suite. Fridge and stove included. Ph. 992-6489 Helpful hints/ 355 Reid 9221 ji: 4" Solid pipe, 10 foot i | length $7.99 : :j:4" perforated pipe. 10 foot • x length. For septic fields $6.99: i i K Q t p ' |RUG RUNNERS $Per Ft. special $1.19 FORSALE Manual Cash Register — $60.00 Boat Trailer - 550 - 600 Lb. Capacity Winch - Good Condition $150.00 Phone 992-5841 Evenings only. 20: R E N T A L HOUSING Richbar trailer park pad for rent. Only 5 minutes from town. Playground, pure well water. One month free rent. Phone 747-1919 (44-49) PHONE 992-2703 QUESNEL PROPERTIES THREE BEDROOM North Quesnel at Bowron and Callanan. $215.00 per month. Utilities extra. Available July 1st. Phone Harry Keen at' 992-2023 before 5:30p.m. (46-49) One or two bedroom housekeeping units or sleeping rooms. By day, week or month. Apply Blue Star Motel. Phone (47-50) Two bedroom arpartment. Available July 1st.' Fridge and range supplies. References required. Phone 992-9660. (48-50) Partly furnished one bedroom house. Close to town. Phone 747-1595. Three bedroom duplex in North Quesnel, range and fridge, close to schools. P<hone 992-9015. TOWNHOUSES r" designed for family living. Apply 512 Adams St. Phone 992-8679 BLUE SPRUCE APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom suites with w/w carpet, drapes, fridge & stove incld. NO PETS PLEASE PHONE 992-9141 TRAILER S P A C E Seclusion & quiet overlooking Dragon Lake. Camping. Horses boarded. Paddockwood Court. Gook Road. 747-2492. Box 4004. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Downtown and Furnished Contact Mr. Paul Gagnon Suite #181 Phone 992-9553 Quesnel 21: PETS Birchbrae Boarding Kennels. Dogs and cats boarded. Cats $1.50 per day. and Dogs $3.00 a day. Heated. Pick-up and delivery as well as other services on request. Phone 747-2655 (43-50) Female seal-point Siamese kitDuplex 2 bedroom , S x S tens. $10.00 each, phone 993duplex in West Quesnel, with 4530 third bedroom downstairs. Double plumbing, wall to wall 22: LIVESTOCK carpet in living and dining area. Full basement with washer and Ken's Horseshoeing and Trimdryer hook up. Counter top ming. To all old and new range , wall oven, and fridge. customers, the new phone Available July 1st. Please ph. number is 747-2386. Also has 992-6436 for appointment to clippers to clean your horse up view. for the summer.(47-48) For sale one Shetland pony (gelding) Gentle $125.00 Phone 249-5562 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT For sale - one horse. Asking $250.00 Must sell. Phone 992-8586.(48-49) At 345 & 454 REID ST. 1969 PUREBRED A R A B I A N B A Y G E L D I N G . Sire Jamal Lyttlee. Dam Pan Y Vino. An ideal youth or ladies horse. Show and halter quality. Judi Clarke 249-5450 (48-50) Phone G . Barr 992-5547 FIR CREST TERRACE APARTMENT Deluxe 1 and 2 bedroom suites. Some Furnished. I COTTON WOOD COURT 1 AND 2 BEDROOM For Rent: Semi-furnished AND BACHELOR T H R E E BEDROOM TOWNSUITES. HOUSE A P T . full basement 1 1 Mostly Furnished. for storage, washer and dryer For information phone hook-up, 1 Vz bathrooms, large 11 , 992-6593 lawn, parking for 2 cars. In 992-5800. l,2,and 3 bedroom suites Stove, fridge, drapes and heat are furnished. Sauna bath, laundry and Recreation room For sale four purebred Siamese kittens, trained. $5.00 each. Phone 992-8196 Duplex for rent. Fridge, stove and utilities. Phone 7474198. §7 cubic ft. Freezer . $225.00 EQUIPMENT INC. 392-2822 EVENS. W. HOLLEY 392-4903 Williams Lake, B.C. Girls 3 speed highriser bike with Banana seat. New condition. Ph. 992-6679 (47-49) Fully furnished 3 room cabin for rent. Close to school and shopping. Ph. 992-6783 (48-49) Electric baseboard heaters. ii! 12 Vz gauge double C A N B E S E E N BY CONTACTING rBL^RI^S: For rent one bedroom furnished apt. Two Mile Flat, Quesnel Drive In Ph. 992-2605 ROSS SAWMILLS LTD. C O A S T A L PACIFIC SALE 521 North Fraser Drive. West Quesnel, B.C. For rent 4 bedroom house situated on 10 acres with outbuildings, large garden area andgood water supply. Located 6 miles from town. Phone 992-9374 CONTACT 1962 IH TD15 Crawlor blade & winch $7,000.00 For rent: Two bedroom suite in Tri-plex with part basement, furnished $180.00 mo. Unfurnished $160.00 per. mo. with drapes, stove, fridge and hot water. Can be seen at 371 Lewis Drive, Unit #5, to rent phone 966-2375 or call at above address on Saturdays between 1 and 5 p.m. Available July 1st. For rent two bedroom suite in West Quesnel. Curtains, stove, fridge included. Available July 1st. No pets. Phone 992-8242 after 5 p.m. For all your house wiring needs. TIMBERS Special orders cut, Fir and Spruce Special orders cut, Cedar Posts Box 67, McLeese Lake, B.C. or call JERRY KAROLAT For rent: Two bedroom duplex and single room also. P h . 992-6343 (48-51) 349 Reid St. 2" Tongue and Groove Decking 1968 AC HD4 Loader bucket & bachoe $10,000.00 1959 AC HD6 Crawlor blade & winch $7,000.00 1972 IH 175C Loader grapple & shear-A-l $34,000.00 Workers 747-1912 For sale 12 x 66 Atco mobile home. Phone 747-2659 good condition $4,500.00 1962 TD92 Crawlor - blade & winch $5,500.00 Experienced Sawmill STATESMAN For sale: 1965 Detroiter 3 bedroom mobile home. Good condition. Ph. 747-1514 after 5 p.m. (48-51) A l l Local Species, Sizes and Grades. -Any Size Order Dimensions Spruce, Pine, Fir. "CEDAR" 1x4, 1x6, 1x8. 1x10. Cedar suitable for siding, feature walls, fenqing. 1968 Hough S7B Skidder - WANTED 12 x 50 Suburban Mobile Home is in excellent condition. Has just been completely reconditioned. New carpets & cushion floor, new furniture, beds, etc. WEST QUESNEL SECONDHAND STORE New and used funiture We buy and sell everything! LUMBER Two bedroom home on Gravelle Ferry Rd. Fridge, stove included $100.00 per mo. P h . 747-2625. (48-49) Two bedroom Quik-lok house, fireplace, full basement, landscaped lot in West Quesnel. Reliab'" married couples only. No pei.,. Apply Fred Davidson, Gook Realty. 992-5614 A T SAWMILL PRICES 1965 Timberjack 230 Skidder good condition $4,000.00 PHONE 992-6935 FOR 276 REDD ST. Ph. 992-5313 1966 EH 175B Loader with Shear & Grapple $25,000.00 TRUDEAU'S TRAILER PARK TRAILERS Complete'line of Nu Life, Swiss herba and H . S . C . biorganic food supplement. See us for all your imported delicatessen needs Cement, 80 lb. bags!. $2.85 Dealer Licence No. D2122 they? H E A L T H FOODS HOUSE WIRING CHARLOTTE MANOR APARTMENTS Apartments for rent, no pets. Phone 992-5408. (48-50) DELICATESSEN Light and plug wire 14-2 Reg 12 ft. 14-3 Reg 19 ft. 12-2 Reg 15 ft. Base Board Heaters 12-3 Reg 24 ft. Dryer Cable 10-3 Reg 36 ft. Range Cable 8-3 Reg 65 ft. Link lead in wire Black and White 75 ft. Range Cord $10.95Ea. Dryer Cord $9.95 Ea-. Ph. 563-6340 $895.00 See John Stewart or Hartley Guest for your transporation needs. 347 Reid St. 992-2322 992-7911 172 Reid St. Contact Greg Zoerb 6cyl Std. J . & J . SHOES BUILDING SUPPLY CATERPILLAR 992-8871 ^ESTIMATES Skyline Trailer Park: Pads for rent, small trailer park, garden spots, pure well water. 5 minutes from town. Phone 992-6391. (48-16) . Hi, Dad, look at my new shoes from: EAGLE USED PARTS FOR $2595.00 VITOD LOCAL DELIVERIES Fully furnished 2-bedroom suite. Four blocks from downtowh. Phone 992-2763. aren't SAVE ON NEW & 1971 IHC% Ton6cyl 4spd. 1967 Ford 992-7234 For Rent 1-bedroom suite-Furnished walking distance of town, West Quesnel. available June 30, Phone Hazel, 992-9722 One 15.5 cu ft. deep freeze. One compact vacuum cleaner. 5 piece chrome suite, T.V. stand. Phone 992-8146 For sale Small Cat, front end loader, gold suction dredge. Phone 992-2805. 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 bathrooms and basement. Some have stove, fridge and drapes. Free parking. $195. and up. 20: R E N T A L HOUSING For sale 3000 watt power plant combination. 220 volts, 110 V, 110 volts. 7 horse Eriggs and Statton Practically new Phone 998-4402 $4695.00 1969 Firebird V8 Auto 992-2138 LONG DISTANCE Going Mining? Portable washing p l a n t a n d other mining 6 pee drum set like new $175.00 equipment, pumps etc. avail- 12 bass Accordian with recorded lessons $60.00 phone 992able. Bud Henning Drilling Co. 6354 after 6 , Ltd. Ph. 992-8200. (46-49) 1973 Gran Torino Sport V8 4 spd $4695.00 YOUR FORD - MERCURY D E A L E R PHONE 992-9712 FOR S A L E $3577.0u P/B, Stereo comT 3-speed men's bicycle. Good condition. $25.00 Phone. 9922321 after 6:00. 16: EQUIPMENT std. $2695.00 1973 Grand Prix 2 Door H / T P/W, air $4995.00 .1973 Math I V8, auto, P/S, DEALER LIC. NO. D6451 llll-RIVER PARK ROAD D L #26144 GARDENS F O R MOVING WITH C A R E E V E R Y W H E R E Why not call your Authorized United Van Lines Agents. QUESNEL MOVING AND STORAGE 1973 LTD. TWO MILE F L A T ON R E D M X PROPERTY 100 Y D S . F R O M M U L E T R A I N A U T O For sale: One electric Gibson guitar and amplifier, very reasonable. Ph. 992-5925. C A L L 747-1050 1973 Gremlin 2 Door 6cyl. MERIDIAN MOTORS LTD. 266 C A R S O N A V E . $2995.00 1973 Hornet 2 Door Sdn. TOWNHOUSE For sale: Older G . E . fridge, $50.00, older Westinghouse electric stove $50.00. Both in very good working order. Also king-size Hollywood bed and headboard. $50.00 Ph. 747-2957 2 BEDROOM /Large Livingroom & bedrooms, carpet in 4 rooms, bedrooms & hall Fully furnished. A - l Condition TOP O' THE HILL WILKINSON ST. FORSALE 1 -1974 12 x 68, G R A N A D A 2 dr., 6 cyl., Auto. MONARCH 4 dr., 6 cyl., Auto. G R A N MARQUIS FORD E L I T E Loaded bucket seats, Auto. 18: M I S C E L L A N E O U S REPOSSESSION MOBILE HOME For sale: One team of ponies and one harness pony. One 5 yr. old Gelding and a yearling I colt. Ph. 747-2565. For sale: 3 registered Thoroughbred broodmares. All in foal for 1973 to a son of Native Dancer. Apply Allan Rogers, Eagle Rock Ranch, Box 850, Princeton, B.C. vox Iwo. Ph. 295-6481. 3 yearling colts for sale. Halter broken. Phone 747-1686. •••HMNHMHHHMnMHWMBMMOi PADS FOR RENT SOFT W A T E R SHADY A C R E S TRAILER PARK Phone 747-1691 CEDAR COURT APARTMENTS 1&2 Bedroom Suites with W / W Carpet, Drapes, Stove and Refrigerator. Sauna Bath Phone- 992-8959 Two Angus cows with calves for sale. Also, 3 yearling Angus heifers. Ph. 747-1686. 23: PRODUCE Feed oats, whole or crushed, 8 to 8Vz cents per pound. Also do general hauling, local or long distance. Phone 992-8278. 24: MUSIC A N D / O R ART Slingerland Drum Set. Double torn and Rogers powertone snare, Zildian Hi-hat and cymbals. $750.00 Phone 99{>-2667 28-UUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 111975 EM T H E WEST PARK PLAZA MALL!! RETAIL SPACE FORRENT CHOICE LOCATION FOR LADIES, MENS, CHILDRENS WEAR, AND FOOTWEAR, OR OTHER SUITABLE BUSINESS. For further information CONTACT T H E M A L L M A N A G E R BORIS CARLSON. P H O N E 992-7088 [NELDA'S F L O R A L ] IREN PUPPY HUT '[DOG B E A U T Y S A L O N ] YOU N A M E IT - WE GROOM IT Westland Close Turnoff at Frank's Supermarket FOR S A L E 1 female samoyed 1 male shelty pup Phone for an appointment 747-1177 29: AUCTIONS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS! Piano - OrganAccordian and string instruments. Conservatory or Modern. Theory Harmony. AUCTION SALE J U N E 21ST. - 1:00 P.M. 14.98% Simple interest Cash available now Up to $10,000 No bonuses or hidden charges Pay off at anytime No prepayment penalty Enquiries Welcome. HOUSEHOLD REALTY JOEWARK Auctioneer License 69237 Quesnel, B.C. Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada'sfirst,and tbe only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687 Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 JW PBWNCl Of tOUKM COUJMtW D E P A R T M E N T OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Director of Vital Statistics for a change of name, pursuant to the provisions of the "Change of Name act," by me:-John Robert Sutherland Boyle of 660 Higdon Avenue in Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, as follows:-* To change my name from John Robert Sutherland Boyle to John Sutherland. Dated this 21 day of April, A . D . 1975 Tender documents may be viewed at the Provincial Government Plan Viewing room 108-501 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver and the offices of the Amalgamated Construction Association, Vancouver-Industrial Construction Centre, Burnabyand the Northern B.C. Construction Association, Prince George. Information regarding the bonding of principal contractors is contained in the Instructions to Bidders. Pursuant to Mechanics' Lien Act NEW A N D USED FURNITURE W H E R E A S William John Waters, Box 142, Wells, B.C. is indebted to the undersigned in the sum of $630.09 for work done and materials supplied in the repair of 1969 Toyota Corolla, Model K E 10, serial tt 433701, engine tt 634403, and the said amount ought to have been paid, and default has been made in payment thereof, notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 27th. day of June, 1975, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, a date not less than two weeks after the date of publication of this notice at A C E TOWING & AUTO WRECKING, located approx. 2'/2 miles on Cariboo Hwy 97 south of Quesnel, British Columbia, the said motor vehicle will be sold by QUESN E L TOYOTA L T D . L A K E SCHOOL. Open daily 10:am to 10 p.m. PHONE 249-5211 CAMPING YOU'LL LOVE IT... W E NEED MORE SALESPEOPLE in the Quesnel area. Men and women today need the opportunity to increase their income and be happy at their work. We offer that OPPORTUNITY If you are interested in unlimited earnings and convenient working hours, call us today at 992-9119 or come in and see us at 149 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C. =3C= =3€= NOTICE "Application has been made to the Motor Carrier Commission by Quesnel Taxi L t d . to increase passenger rates respecting airline limousine and taxi service for Quesnel, B . C . and district. Subject to the consent of the Commission, the proposed rates will become effective on or after July 15, 1975. Information respecting the proposed rate may be obtained from the office of the carrier at 340 Anderson Drive. Any representations regarding this application may be made to the Superintendent of Motor Carriers, 1740 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. up to June 30, 1975." =>€= Dated this 4th day of June, 1975. R. B E E T L E S T O N E QUESNELTOYOTA LTD. NOTICE OF INTENTION t O A P P L Y FOR A DISPOSITION O F CROWN L A N D In Land Recording District of Quesnel B.C. and situated "Application has been made to Narcosli Creek Take notice that Edwin the Motor Carrier Commission Carlson of Gen. Del. Quesnel by Ace Taxi & Ambulance B . C . , occupation Trapper inService Ltd. to increase pastends to apply for a licence to senger rates respecting airline occupy of the following describlimousine and taxi service for ed lands: Quesnel, B . C . and district. (b) Commencing at a post Subject to the consent of the planted 14 chains south and 5 Commission, the proposed rates will become effective on chains west of the south west corner of district lot 9523 or after July 15, 1975. Cariboo thence 4 chains north; thence 5 chains west, thence 4 Information respecting the chains south; thence 5 chains proposed rate may be obtained east; and containing 2 acres, from the office of the carrier at more or less. 340 Anderson Drive. A n y The purpose for which the representations regarding this disposition is required is application may be made to the trapline homesite Superintendent of Motor Carriers, 1740 West Georgia Edwin Carlson Street, Vancouver, B.C. up to Dated June 5, 1975 June 30, 1975 > NOTICE P U B L I C A home-makers service to look after the needs of chDdren temporarily without a mother, and to care for the aged and handicapped is being established in' Quesnel. There is a need in the community in the sense that many families would phone in and say that mother has to go to hospital, but there was no service to take her place while she was gone," said Mary Gradnitzer, Cariboo health nurse. "So, the father would just stay home from work and lose a few days pay or if he was fortunate, neighbors would chip in and help out,"she said. "Also, there are the elderly in the community who could not manage with their own housework and we needed someone to go out and clean up the home and do some shopping for them, Mrs. Gradnitzer said. "So right now we are looking for women who have had experience in raising their own family or who have done work N O T I C E NOTICE is hereby given that a Public Hearing with regard to the issuance of the Land Use Contract will be held in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber on Monday, June 16, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. The Public Hearing will consider the issuance of a Land Use Contract to M r . James Forbes to permit the subdivision by Strata Plan of Lot A (K 11800), Block 15, District Lot 703, Cariboo District Plan 5532, so that the apartment existing on this property consisting of twelve (12) units, may be converted to condominiums pursuant to the Strata Title Act. LOCATION: East side of Bouchie Street, between Abbott Drive and Broughton Avenue; (194,198,202, 206, 210, 214, 218,222, 226,230, 234, and 238 Bouchie Street.) A copy of the proposed by-laws and contracts may be inspected at the office of the undersigned on any business day between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. At the Hearing, all persons who deem their interest in property affected by the proposed by-law and contract shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard on matters contained in the by-laws. E.A. Green, Administrator Town of Quesnel June 4th, 1975 in a home," she said. The Quesnel Homemakers Service'opened its office May 1 with Dawn Norgaard as parttime supervisor. CENTRE Contact Line(The Centre) have taken us under their board," said Mrs. Norgaard. Initially funded by the department of human resources, the services are now trying to become more independent. A number of homemakers services throughout the pro vince are "fumbling on with LIP (Local Initiatives Program) grants, looking for donations as they go along," Mrs. Norgaard said. In Quesnel the services try to cut down right in the beginning, on overhead, to get off to a slow but firm start. "One way or another, money has to be found, though," said Mrs. Gradnitzer. "Right now we are just stumbling along," she said. Homemakers receive a regular salary of $2.75 for each hour worked in a household. This figure was arrived at to give homemakers a little more than minimum wages, but #t the same time avoid penalizing families who needed the service, but wouldn't be able to afford higher wages, Mrs. Gradnitzer explained. Salary for the services supervisor and any other administration cost, however, has to come from government funding as yet. But not only are there financial problems that have to be overcome, the services already have more requests for homemakers than they have manpower. As the services become known throughout the community, they hope the numbers of women who are interested in this type of work will increase. "Granted, $2.75 is nothing compared to what they could earn on 2 Mile Flat piling lumber, but the nice thing about it is that they can work as much or as little as they want,"Mrs. Gradnitzer said. The visiting homemakers service in B.C. has been in operation about six years, said : Mrs. Norgaard who last month attended the fifth annual homemakers service conference in Nelson. OTHERS "There is a tremendous number of homemakers in the lower mainland," she said. "For some it is a full-time job." Even Williams Lake has existing services with about 35 homemakers and a few native Indian homemakers working on the reserves, said Mrs. Norgaard. "A resolutaion was passed at the convention to go to the government (and ask) that the homemakers service be established within the B.C. medical services." Under this scheme, association members would contribute to financing the homemakers service and get free services when they really need it, she said. At present only people who qualify for government assistance, welfare recipients and the elderly get services free through department of human resources funding. Everybody else pays out of their own pocket the $2.75 per hour, which, Mrs. Norgaard said, is not an awful lot money as a wage, but which can amount to a fair bit of expense if paid out in times of emergency. Even though the operation is as yet far from running smoothly after one and a half months of existence, Mrs. Norgaard has big plans for the future. "We intend to run courses for homemakers, but for starters we just want to build a nucleus of good, reliable, honest women." As if it wasn't hard enough to get these homemakers 'in the first place, any woman applying is required to take out a TB test and chest x-ray and provide three references. This "professional" attitude towards setting up the homemakers service is necessary, "because people trust our judgement" in providing them with reliable women, said Mrs. Norgaard. ers home G.L. Giles, Deputy Minister of Public „,,i!!iii Works' John Boyle L O C A T E D ACROSS F R O M T H E BOUCHIE W H E R E A S Stan GoodaU, Box 127, F o r t Nelson, B . C . is indebted to the undersigned in the sum of $449.95 for work done and materials supplied in tbe repair of 1972 Tbyots NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS S E A L E D T E N D E R S are invit- Corolla 1600 2 Dr. Cpe., Serial ed by the Hon. Wm. L . Hartley * 031705, engine #0155732, and --- -• -Works the said sum ought to have Minister of- -Public Parliament Buildings, Victoria, been paid, and default has been made in the payment thereof, British Columbia for notice is hereby given that on I N S T A L L A T I O N OF N E W Friday, the 27th. day of June, BOILERS Q U E S N E L 1975, at 1:30 o'clock in the PROVINCIAL BUILDING afternoon, a date not less than Q U E S N E L , BRITISH two weeks" after the date of COLUMBIA publication of this notice at comprising the removal o f A C E TOWING & AUTO existing boiler and installation W R E C K I N G , located approx. of new boiler modules together 272 miles on Cariboo Hwy. 97 with necessary gas, mechanical, south of Quesnel, British and electrical connections. Columbia, the said motor vehicle will be sold by QUESTenders will be received up to 2 N E L T O Y O T A L T D . P.M. on Wednesday, the 9th. day of July, 1975 and those Dated this 4th day of June, available at that time will be 1975. opened in public in the Minister's office, Room 124, Douglas R. B E E T L E S T O N E Building. QUESNEL TOYOTALTD. THE BARGAIN BARN SNAP - ON - TOOLS Franchise dealer required for Quesnel area. Bakery and dairy driver sales experience helpful. Route type selling. Able to acquire funds for deposit on consigned stock, plus suitable van. Apply Doug McLean, 26758 - 112th. A v e . , Whonnock, B . C . VOM 150. (47-48) - a A. Notice of Application for Change of Name eingformed locally Pursuant to Mechanics' Lien Act Take notice that on May 25, 1975 under authority of the Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources and in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 of the "Grazing Act" Statutues of British Columbia, livestock as described herebelow were round-up from Crown Range in the vicinity of Poplar Mountain in the Nazko Stock Range and are being detained. 1 horned red white face cow Properly completed and signed branded on left hip tenders must be submitted on with bull calf. 1 roan cow the official Tender Form and branded (:/ T on left hip enclosed in the preaddressed with heifer calf, 1 red white tender envelope provided. face cow branded )$P( on left hip. Tender documents may be If these animals are not obtained on and after June 11, claimed and the costs of seizure 1975 upon request by mail to and expenses are not paid, the the Minister of Lands, Forests and Department of Public Works Water Resources may sell Parliament Buildings, Victoria, these animals at auction at 2:00 British Columbia. P . M . June 11, 1975 at the Quesnel stockyards. Requests for documents may be Rightful owners may make made at the Government Plan application to the undersigned Viewing Room, Vancouver (telfor release of the above-menephone 879-7531, local 268). tioned animals. C. Rohn, Ranger, Box 4220 Q U E S N E L , B.C. (V2J-3J3) emaKer s servio 30: L E G A L S NOTICE OF S A L E OF MOTOR V E H I C L E NOTICE O F S A L E OF MOTOR V E H I C L E 28 BUSINESS Taxi business for sale. 9 licenced with stand and property or without property. Illness forces sale. Terms. Apply to Box "F", c/o CaribooObserver, Box 4460, Quesnel, B.C. (48-49) CLINTON W. F O O T E , PUBLIC T R U S T E E Consign it to HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation of Canada 259 Reid St. Quesnel. Phone 992-7205 OPPORTUNITIES Creditors and others having claims against the said estate(s) are hereby required to send them duly verified, to the PUBLIC T R U S T E E , 635 Burrard Street, Vancouver; B.C. V6C 3L7, before the 2nd day of July, 1975 after which date the assets of the said estates(s) will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have been received. GET CASH FOR YOUR MERCHANDISE 27: FINANCIAL Rates as low as 30: L E G A L S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of the deceased: Donald Cameron B A T E , late of Wells, B.C. C L E A N O U T YOUR Attic Garage-Basement P H O N E 747-1894 SECOND MORTGAGES 3 0 :L E G A L S 4V2 Miles South Highway 97 Piano Tuning and repairs to all musical instruments. PHONE 992-9169 j middle of May and then take a few weeks off before she goes. Right now she has to sell her car. Do you know anybody who would want to buy her car? She will have a lot to do in getting ready. This week was pretty good except for my back. It still bothers me continually. I will see the chiropractor in Lansing on Friday. We are going up there for zone conference. Met two new families and taught them a first discussion. One family is a member of the Church of Christ and the other is a Roman Catholic priest. We have appointments to go back to see both of them... There is one lady, a Mrs. Graves, who I think would like to become a member of the church, but her husband is a real stick-in-the-mud. Can't accept anything about (the prophet) Joseph Smith. We have another investigator family that I don't think I have told you about. Their name is Lybergs. He has a carpet warehouse. They have us over lor dinner all the time and we never get much time to tell them much about the gospel. They are real nice people and have two young daughters. They attend the Lutheran church. We will see them tonight. Well, I've been here almost three months now and it should be just about time for a transfer... Actually I hope I stay here a while... April 28. We were in Lansing last Friday and Saturday for a coruerence. The regional representative for this area was there and spoke to us missionaries. Then I went to the chiropractor up there whom I have seen a couple of times. He had taken some x-rays of my whole back. There is quite a prominent curve between the shoulder blades. He said that by the milkiness of the x-ray, the body has already started to try and correct itself or prevent it from slipping any more by building calcium in two areas. He said, if it is just left it will eventually result in a fusion of three or four vertebrae. Also, because of the curve, I am a prime candidate for a popped disk. Anyway, he would like me to come back once a week for five weeks. Have to see what president Hansen says about it. I sure don't want to end up with a stiff back in one place. My companion is 19-yearsold...He is a pretty good basketball player from what another missionary told me. He is a good elder and works hard. Sometimes too hard to my liking as it is hard to keep up v/ith, him when my back bothers me. He is always willing to let me rest when I need it though... We met a real golden investigator this week. She is a fairly young woman, about 25 or so, with a young boy and girl... She is separated from her husband... She called up the church office here and asked for someone to give a blessing and also her home. We went. I blessed the home and Elder Jensen gave her a blessing. When she got up she was crying. We asked her if she would like to know more about the church and she said, yes!... On Sunday she came to Sunday school and sacrament (meeting)... We challenged her to baptism and she accepted. She will be baptized May 10 if all goes as planned May 5. Received your letter from the 29th. Don't know why it took so long for my letter to get to you. Lorrell said it took the same amount of time, over a week, for my letter to get to her, too. Don't know what's wrong with the mail service. May 12. On Friday we were to have a baptism, but the lady decided that there were a few things that she was uncertain about and that she would have to straighten them out first. We went and talked with her last night and she said rhe will think about the 24th. She has a testimony of the church and Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but has a few outside pressures that make it hard on her. Also yesterday we went to the Brady's and taught them... I think they will very definitely come into the church... P.S. I had a short note from President Olsen (Quesnel) last week. Said John will be a great leader in the church some day. Don't tell him that or he will end up with a swelled head... May 19. Had a letter from Lorrell. She said she had phoned Lil and Phil on the 14th and that Phil had passed "away the week before. I wonder why you never knew about it on the 12th or did you not mention it (on purpose)? She said they didn't have a funeral, but just a short service. Maybe you can fill me in on what happened... Our baptism with Mrs. Jones never came off. She decided she wasn't sure and wants to wait a while. We have another family, the Brady's who are to be baptized this F r i d a y Yesterday it was up to 80 and today it is opposed to go to about 82. It is too bad for humidity, but it is supposed to get worse. Hope I can get used to it. Don't look forward to that wetness in the air. May 26. I guess by the time you get this Lorrell will have already visited with you on her way back down to Kamloops. How is she? Did she seem happy about going or was she uncertain as to whether she was doing the right thing or not? In one of her letters I received last week while she was in Prince George, she sounded a little unhappy. So, I phoned her early Saturday morning to talk to her. I guess she told you. I charged it to your number. It was only a short call. I will pay for it; you will have to keep track of those expenses and I will pay for them when I get home. I did it to cheer her up a little. I guess as time gets close to going so far away from home, it is hard. Last Friday we had a baptism in Lansing. It was...the Brady's. They have three girls. Only one of them is over eight years old, so that is the only one (of the girls) that was baptized... Mom, I wouldn't be so upset about Phil not having the gospel before he died. He will still have the opportunity to accept it in the spirit world. Maybe he will be more receptive there than he was here. I sent Lil a card with a note... This Thursday transfers are up again. I hope I get to stay here for another month. I would like to stay here until Lorrell is over and settled in England... Well that's all I have for this week. Hope all is well at home. I guess summer must be there by now. Have you started on the house yet and is the car painted? Well I'll close now. Love James President cont'd improving the quality of life. "Business is not complacent about the state of the world and will seek changes where they are needed." However, he warned it must also be pointed out that business is conscious of its obligation not to sacrifice the human element by "mindless application of technology". "We are concerned about quality as well as quantity." Business can no longer afford to turn away from the criticisms and apathy is really our only e'n^my right now,"he add- ed. "There is no room left for error or contemplation. The public deserves the opportunity to listen to us and it is up to every businessman and woman to see that they hear it." Mr. Olson was presented with gift momentos from representatives of the Quesnel, Wells, Williams Lake and Prince George chambers of commerce who attended the meeting. Also visiting Quesnel with Mr. Olson was Al Hickey, manager of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce.
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