NEWS AND EVENTS THAT HELP US FULFILL OUR PURPOSE: TO REACH MORE PEOPLE AND TOGETHER GROW IN CHRIST “GO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS…” At FPC we are committed to the command “Go” in order to see people know Jesus as their personal Savior. In preparaon for next week’s sermon (July 12), please read: Acts 13-14 “AND BAPTIZE THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT…” At FPC we desire people to be baptized into and connected with the Body of Christ. As part of our summer tennis program in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Endicott, there will be an opportunity on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 for families to learn how to play tennis. Adults and children both are invited to come and have fun learning to play on the courts at UE High School for the next 5 weeks. The time will begin with prayer. “TEACH THEM ALL THAT I HAVE COMMANDED YOU” At FPC we have a passion to see people Grow in Christ through discipleship. Share Your Musical Gifts! Larry is scheduling special music for each Sunday during the summer months. Contact Larry Hoey for any questions or to volunteer to provide special music this summer: [email protected] We are grateful to B. J. Heinle for playing at the 10:45 service today while Larry is away. Students who plan to pursue a career in religious education or churchrelated activities may be eligible to benefit from the Grell scholarship fund, established by William M. and Dorothy L. Grell. Preference is given first to candidates with a current or past relationship with FPC, then to other churches in our Presbytery. Information on how to apply may be obtained in the church office. Deadline for application submission is July 15. Questions may be directed to Adele Everett at 754-8740 or [email protected]. “PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER” At FPC we believe in the power of prayer for both blessings and storms. Please say a special prayer for these people: • • • • • Dee (59), a recent guest at FPC, asks for prayers for himself and his wife to faithfully deal with sudden physical ailments and emotional challenges of PTSD, as well as the challenges of decades of dementia that seem more challenging as he works with more and more people and their needs. John E, Ethel W, and Ede S, as they heal from surgery this past week. Linda G, as she recovers from a hospital stay for a kidney stone. Thankfully it did not require surgery. The Schrader family, as they celebrated Jamie’s parents’ 50th anniversary, even in the midst of hospice care. Graduates, as they seek God’s direction in their lives through work and/ WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday 7/5 9:09am 10:45am Nathan Jacobs Preaching Contemporary Worship Service Traditional Worship Service Monday 7/6 NS Summer Program 5:15pm Personnel Committee Meeting Tuesday 7/7 NS Summer Program Wednesday 7/8 NS Summer Program 6:15am Men’s Ministry Group 7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal 7:00pm Session Thursday 7/9 NS Summer Program Friday 7/10 NS Summer Program Sunday 7/12 Rock Mountain Jr. Camp 9:09am Contemporary Worship Service 10:45am Traditional Worship Service • • • • or education. Beth M’s friend, Jean, who is in hospice care. Unsaved family and friends, that they might come to know God. Those in our congregation dealing with health concerns. Our mission workers and military members. CHURCH STAFF Co-Pastors Reverend Janice Devine Reverend Doctor Timothy Devine Associate to the Pastors/Youth Ministry Jeremy Finn Associate to the Pastors/Christian Education and Youth Ministry Alisha Finn THIS MORNING Flowers in the Sanctuary Are Given By: The Dean family in memory of Raymond and Georganna. Greeters and Ushers: 9:09 Sanctuary Greeters: The Adams family 9:09 Door Greeters: The Wang family 10:45 Sanctuary Greeters: The Willets family Distribution of Flowers: Gordie Pollard Prayer Circle Captains: Carole Ippinger 754-3965 Missy Goetz 785-3720 Organist/Choir Director Larry Hoey Worship Team Leader & Office/IT Manager Nathan Jacobs Worship Team Leader Jamie Jacobs Coordinator/Coach of Connecting Ministries Sharon Early Bookkeeper Sharon Baumann Maintenance Supervisor Louis Pasquale Sunday Morning Custodian William Jenkins 10:45 SUMMER WORSHIP If the sanctuary is too warm, we will move the 10:45 service into the air-conditioned chapel for the comfort and well-being of worshipers. If we move to the chapel, we will unfortunately not be able to livestream the 10:45 service that day. Those unable to attend service will still be able to tune in to the 9:09 service or watch the sermon on HEARING ASSISTANCE There are small wireless devices with a single discrete earbud available to amplify the service for you. If you would find one of these useful, please see a tech team member or an usher.
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