April 2015 copy - First Presbyterian Church of Haddon Heights

28 Seventh Avenue,
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
The old saying goes, “If March
comes in like a lion, it goes out
like a lamb.” This year, March
certainly lived up to that
reputation: we’ve gotten more
snow in March than in the whole rest of
winter! As March wanes, we come out of
the long freeze of winter with hope for the
new birth of spring. Here at church, we
come out of the long Lenten days of
repentance with the hope of Easter and
communion, coming around the table in
groups of twelve. Then we will sit in prayer,
scripture, and song as we hear the story
that led Jesus out of the upper room to his
arrest and death. With each reading, an
item on the chancel will be removed and a
light will be extinguished.
In our faith, March will indeed go out like
a Lamb – with “the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). On
Palm Sunday (March 29th) we waved our
Palm fronds in celebration of that Lamb,
who triumphantly rode through the
Jerusalem streets.
Only when we walk alongside Jesus on
these two Holy Days can we really rejoice
on Easter Sunday. Poet Ann Weems
reminds us of this in her poem, “Holy
On Good Friday, we will participate,
along with the other churches in our
Ministerium, in a Walk of Witness. We will
walk from the War Memorial to our church,
stopping to pray together along the way.
Holy is the week ...
Holy, consecrated, belonging to God…
We move from Hosannas to horror
With predictable ease
Of those who know not what they do.
Our hosannas sung,
our palms waved,
Let us go with passion into this week.
Yet even as we join in such a joyous
celebration, we must remember what that
celebration leads into: the death and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We
cannot understand Jesus’ triumphal entry
on one Sunday and Jesus’ Resurrection on
Easter on the following Sunday without
experiencing what comes in between.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are
two of our most holy and important days in
the church year. In order to understand
Christ’s saving work, we must experience
the Last Supper he had with his disciples.
In order to understand Christ’s resurrection,
we must experience his crucifixion.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Eliza
In our Maundy Thursday/Good Friday
service on April 2nd, we will celebrate
Through 3/15/2015Offerings Received To Date: " $44,546
Budgeted Expenses To Date: "$40,622
March Session
Our church will be hosting
the Good Friday soup
luncheon. See Judy Wilson if you can
make a crockpot full of soup. Effective September 2015, the church is
looking for an Elder who would be
interested in serving as the FPC
Commissioner at the monthly West
Jersey Presbytery meetings. If you are
called to serve as the commissioner,
please let a Session member know. Deacons - If a church family member
wants to put up their own table of treasures
for sale, there will be space on the lawn for
such type of participation at the Deacon's
Yard Sale in April.
Thank you for your support in
feeding the hungry!
3/8/15 = $117.53
a different way to teach the
children some of the old time
Sunday School Songs. Mission - The family to family
casserole program continues. The
congregational support for this event has
been a huge success. The youth of our
church made 300 sandwich lunches last
week for Cathedral Kitchen to hand out to
those in need. Way to go YOUTH!!! Thanks also to Tony Masi and Art Ritter for
slicing all the meat/cheese. Music & Worship - An additional
speaker for use when the Praise Band
plays will be purchased. Membership/Outreach - We are reviewing
computer programs that will match the
needs of our congregation. We hope to
make a final decision on the program
within the next couple of months. Christian Education - The committee will
put on their thinking caps and come up with
Announcements- Friends, we need your help in bettering our announcement
time during worship. It is often difficult to hear announcements made from the
floor, and they are sometimes numerous and lengthy. In an effort to enhance
our worship service, we encourage you to write a brief announcement in the
book prior to the start of the worship service. If you need to personally speak
about your event, please come to the pulpit microphone to make your announcement.
Your cooperation will help provide a more meaningful worship experience for
everyone. -Music and Worship Committee
Thank you for the many cans
of fruit that you have donated
(we collected 55 cans of fruit!).
We know those in need will
appreciate having some healthy fruit with
their meals.
We also thank you for the generous
outpouring of Easter Baskets that you filled
for children who otherwise would not
receive one. We delivered 41 baskets for
children to enjoy! Some of the baskets
went to Floyd White's 8th Street Club, which
is an afterschool program for children, and
the remainder were given out by Bonnie
White at Your Food Shelf in Camden. Thank
you for supporting children with this special
A HUGE THANK YOU from the Mission
Committee and the
Senior High Sunday
School Class! Your
support was so important
to our success! On
March 13th our brave
teenagers, with help from
some adults, assembled
300 beef bologna
sandwiches and packed
300 brown bagged
lunches, which included the sandwiches, an
apple, a bag of cookies, and a bottle of
water. Our congregation supplied the
cookies, ziploc bags and brown bags to
make this event possible. Thanks also to
Tony Masi and Art Ritter, who volunteered
to slice all of the meat and cheese. This
event was part of our Family to Family Meal
Plan and your help was so important! Thank
For over 70 years, churches
have been collecting the One
Great Hour of Sharing offering.
Thank you for participating in this
special offering during this
Lenten season.
In April, we will be collecting cereal and
oatmeal. Remember, a healthy day starts
with a healthy breakfast, so let's help
those who are "food poor" start their day off
right. We will also be providing dinners for
the men participating in the IHOC
program. Please sign up for a main dish, a
side dish or a dessert; the sign up sheet
can be found in the parlor.
Cathedral KitchenUpcoming dates are
Thursday, May 7th, and
Thursday, June 4th,
from 3:10 PM to 6 PM.
It's an easy and meaningful service
experience! A sign-up board is in the parlor,
or you can sign up on our website:
will hold a new volunteer
orientation session on
Thursday, April 16th, from 7 to
9:30 PM at Grace Episcopal
Church of Haddonfield, 19 Kings
Highway East. Register at
[email protected] or call 354-0298.
Help provide vital help to the elderly and
disabled in our community. Give a ride, run
an errand, visit, volunteer when you can.
If you’d like to place flowers in
honor or memory of loved ones
during 2015, please check the
flower chart on the bulletin board
for dates. Questions? Coordinator
is Lynn Bogina.
GRADUATES LISTPlease send in names to the
church office
([email protected]) by
May 12th, of students who
are graduating--8th grade,
12th grade, college/technical
school--and those receiving
special honors/scholarships. List their
names, school graduating from, and
where headed next (if known). Their info
will be listed in our Youth Sunday bulletin
in June, and in the Summer Edition of our
newsletter. APRIL 2015
CAP News- Take your Selfies
now in the church parlor.
Pretty soon the parlor will be
under construction and gone
will be the paneling from the
1970's. We are finalizing the
construction schedule and more details
will be coming soon, either through
Sunday announcements or email
blasts. Exciting times are coming!
On March 12th, our church organ was
serviced and repaired. We were all
amazed at the array of wires, boards, etc.
which make up the digital system!
NEWSLETTER INFOOur next newsletter is the May 2015 Edition. Be sure to send in
your news and photos to the office by the deadline of April 20th!
The newsletter is published 9 times per year: February, March,
April, May, Summer (June/July/August), September, October,
November, Winter (December/January). The deadline for weekly
bulletin notices is Wednesday at noon. !
SUNDAY SCHOOL We are in need of juice,
bottled water, and
snacks for our Sunday
School classes for the
remainder of the school
year. We greatly appreciate your
Classes are offered for all young people
from age 3 thru Teens. You are invited to
join in the fun and learning!
There will be no Sunday School on
Easter so all may worship together.
Please note the upcoming dates the
Teens will meet: 10 AM on April 19th &
26th, and May 3rd & 10th. Teachers for April: Age 3 - K: Pat Thompson and
Sally Burrough
1st - 3rd Grades: Kathy Mullan
4th - 7th Grades: April O’Malley
Teens: Judy Wilson
MEN’S BREAKFASTThe Men's Breakfast
Club will meet
Wednesday, April 22nd
at 9 AM. Please join us
for a hot breakfast, Bible
study, fellowship, and
possibly a few small
projects around the church. Invite a friend!
A donation of $5 will be collected.
A big thank you to all who
have answered the call and
offered to teach Sunday
School! Please prayerfully
consider teaching a Sunday
School class this year. You
will receive much more than you give and
will really enjoy sharing your faith with the
young people of our church. Please
contact Mary Jane Lange at 546-9335
or [email protected] for more
Adult Sunday School:
Classes are held Sunday mornings at 9
AM in Room 2. We will be having classled discussions on an assortment of topics
through June. You are welcome to join us
at any time.
IHOC – Our co-op
with the Methodist
Church is for two
weeks, beginning
April 4th. A listing of needed overnight
hosts and dinners is in the parlor. See Art
Ritter or Lois Maynard with any questions. PAGE 5
The Deacons will be participating in the
Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale on
Saturday, April 25th. This is our biggest
fundraising event of the year, with all
proceeds going to the Deacons’ Fund of
Compassion. As in the past, we will gladly
accept your "treasures" for donation in an
effort to raise funds. Items that we will
accept are furniture, home goods, toys,
games and various knick knacks. All items
should be in reasonable shape. We cannot
accept clothing, electronics, books, or
bedding. Please contact any Deacon or
drop them off in Room 1 before Friday,
April 17th.
This year we will also be offering any
member of the congregation, who is
interested in having their own table set up
outside, that opportunity. There is no cost
to have your own table, but you must staff
it on your own. You would need to set it up
and break it down on your own
and it would be outside on
church grounds. There is only
space for 6-8 tables so you
must reserve a spot. For
further information, please see
Bill Burrough.
Thank you for your
prayers and support
during my recent trip to
Cuba for the Living
Waters projects. Our
group traveled throughout the Matanzas
province, visiting people and water systems,
helping to ensure that clean water will flow for
ALL of God’s children! -Mike Rugge
We have an update for your Church
Directory. Please let the church
office know of any updates by
emailing Joan at
[email protected] or giving her a
call at 856-547-6139.
Mike Rugge and Bill Kelly with some of
our Cuban partners at Iglesia Presbyterian
Church in Santa Clara, Cuba
Polly Mitchell
1925 West High St.
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
570-690-3580 cell
[email protected]
Yes! We do have a FACEBOOK page! If you are also on
Facebook, please visit our page-- First Presbyterian Church
of Haddon Heights-- and “Like” us!!
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, Worship Service at 7 PM:
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are two of the
most important days of the year for Christians. In our
Maundy Thursday service, we will move from the light
of Palm Sunday into the Darkness of Jesus’ Last
Supper, Betrayal, and Crucifixion. Join us at 7 PM for a
Service of Holy Communion and a Service of Shadows, as we
remember the Passion of Jesus Christ. Our Chancel Choir will lead our
musical meditations. Note: Please bring 30 silver-colored coins for the
Good Friday Walk of Witness:
This year’s Interboro Ministerium Prayer Walk of
Witness takes us through our Haddon Heights’
neighborhood on Good Friday, April 3rd. Meet at 11
AM at the War Memorial. The walk will take us to
several prayer stations and will conclude with a
simple soup & bread lunch here at First Pres. If you
are interested in helping to prepare soup or bread for the luncheon,
please contact Judy Wilson.
Easter Sunday, April 5th, Worship Service at 10 AM:
On Easter Sunday, we rejoice that Jesus Christ is Risen Indeed! Join
us on this most joyous occasion as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection!
Remember to check out our sermons, music, events,
and much more on our website:
Tuesday Morning Circle -- Our hostess for
10 AM on April 21st will be Pat Masi, who
will also lead our lesson.
Refreshments will be
provided by Sharon Cole.
We are always happy to
see new faces! We share
time in study, fellowship,
and delicious refreshments.
All women of the church are invited!
Once again this spring, the Tuesday Morning
Circle will be selling Mother’s Day cards for
a donation from the purchaser. Last year you
were very generous in your support of our
cause, Omo Child in
Southwest Ethiopia.
Therefore we have
decided to support them
again this spring. We will
begin selling our Mother’s Day cards on
Sunday, April 19th, continuing on April 26th,
May 3rd, and Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th.
For many generations, two tribes in this area
have practiced something called ‘mingi.’
Mingi is the ritualistic killing of infants and
children deemed to be cursed by the elders
of the tribes. Lale Lubuko, a member of the
Kara tribe, has successfully rescued over 40
children and convinced his tribe to abolish
the practice. The children are now living in a
safe, clean, home-like environment, and are
being educated to hopefully become the
future leaders of Southwest Ethiopia and one
day help other unfortunates.
On the wish list of items that Omo Child is in
need of are older/used iPads for the children.
These donated iPads will be loaded with
APRIL 2015
educational apps to improve the children’s
logic, math, and English language skills. If
you would like more information or have an
iPad you wish to donate, please check out
their website: www.omochild.org.
FRIENDLY’S FUNDRAISER: Please join us for “Dining to Donate” at the
Westmont Shopping Plaza’s Friendly’s at
670 West Cuthbert Road
on Tuesday, May 19th.
You can come in any
time between 4 PM and 9
PM-- no flyer or tickets are
required. Ten percent of
all customers’ bills will go to the Morning
Circle’s various mission projects.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Spring Gathering
Presbyterian Women in the
Presbytery of West Jersey
We Welcome Brenda Antinore from
“She Has a Name” ministry,
working with women in Camden
First Presbyterian Church of
142 W. Somerdale Rd
Somerdale 08083
9:30 Registration
10:00 Meeting and Birthday Offering
10:30 Program
12:00 Luncheon - $10.00
[For more info, see Carole Leadbeater.]
To our Church Family,
We cannot thank you enough for the beautiful, incredible,
and surprising shower in honor of our upcoming wedding.
We are so honored by your support and love. Thank you for
such a fun celebration!
With many blessings,
Eliza and Kyle
Karen and Stephen Cramer
and Juliet and Nikolas Jaremko
Request the Honor of Your Presence
at the Marriage of Their Children
Eliza Suzanne Cramer
Kyle Williams Jaremko
Saturday, May 2, 2015
at 2:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
28 7th Avenue, Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Cookie Reception to Follow in the Parlor
Dave Masi
David Ross
Paul Frantz
Jackie Robinson,
Caranne Van Fossen
6 Leslie Clark
7 Donna Joss
8 Lauren Hawco,
Jean Parks
12 Norman Van Fossen
15 Elfreide Turner
17 Bea Maines
18 Bradley Kent
20 Laura Stevens
22 Cathy Zobel
25 Sally Burrough,
! John Duca
28 Marci Spiegle,
Tom Whitman
30 Charles Giberson
5 Bill and Sue Hawco
7 Don and Alice Borden
16 Dennis and Melanie Diven
24 Bill and Sue Burrough
25 Dan and Kathy Mullan
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to
the family and friends
of Gerald L. Gump,
who joined the church triumphant
on March 11, 2015.
April 2015
Visit our website for updated event information:
28 7th Avenue
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035-1234
Ap r i l 2