Breeding Bird Protocol for Florida’s Seabirds and Shorebirds For use with the Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) – revised April 2015 Created By: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Questions? Please contact [email protected] 2 Table of Contents Key concepts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Routes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Route surveys .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Sites ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Site visits ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 When to conduct your counts ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Count windows ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Time of Day ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Important note........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Route surveys .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Establishing sites (Solitary nests and colonies) ....................................................................................................................... 5 Solitary shorebird nests .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Seabird colonies ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Conducting counts (Count types)............................................................................................................................................ 8 Direct Counts................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Estimate Counts .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Presence/Absence and Did Not Check ............................................................................................................................ 8 Flush Counts .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Roving chicks and staging young............................................................................................................................................. 9 Banded birds ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Rooftop nests .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Rooftop monitoring protocol ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Key Terms in rooftop monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 10 Forms: Rooftop Nesting Form ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Rooftop Nesting Optional Form ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Route Form ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Colony Form (Seabirds) ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Solitary Nest Form (Shorebirds) ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Count Form .............................................................................................. 21 3 Breeding Bird Protocol for Florida’s Seabirds and Shorebirds Florida’s beach-nesting birds fall into two categories: colonial-nesting seabirds and solitary-nesting shorebirds. Colonialnesting seabirds nest together in large groups. Solitary-nesting shorebirds nest individually or in very loose aggregations. This document provides instructions on how to count nesting shorebirds and seabirds in Florida using specific procedures, referred to as the Breeding Bird Protocol. By following this standardized protocol, your counts can be combined with others to provide valuable insights on population status and trends, and help guide management activities for these species. Data collected using this protocol should be entered online into the Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) using the website: The FSD collects data on the twenty species listed below (species marked with an asterix only nest in the Dry Tortugas). Please report any pre-nesting birds, nests, and chicks of these species that you observe. Colonial seabirds Solitary-nesting shorebirds Black skimmer American oystercatcher Bridled tern Black-necked stilt Brown noddy* Eastern Willet Brown pelican Killdeer Caspian tern Snowy plover Gull-billed tern Wilson’s plover Laughing gull Least tern Magnificent frigatebird* Masked booby* Roseate tern Royal tern Sandwich tern Sooty tern* Key concepts To understand the protocol, it is important to learn the difference between routes, route surveys, sites, and site visits. Routes A route is the path you survey for nesting birds. When you survey a route, you begin at a designated starting point and count all nesting birds and young that you see until you reach the end point. Routes vary in distance and how they are surveyed (by foot, boat, etc.). Route surveys A route survey is when you monitor your route for nesting birds. Each route survey has an associated observer, date, and time. 4 Sites A site is the specific location (on the ground or on a rooftop) where birds are nesting. A site can be a single shorebird nest or a colony made up of multiple seabird nests. In the case of rooftop sites, shorebirds and seabirds may be nesting on the same rooftop site. There may be several ground sites along a single route. Site visits Each trip you make to check on a solitary nest, colony, or rooftop site is called a site visit. The first time a solitary nest, colony, or rooftop site is discovered is the first visit (see Establishing Sites). Please visit all sites at least once a month during the specified count windows. However, once nests are found, we recommend monitoring them weekly. Solitary nests and colony sites are usually visited during route surveys, though in some cases (e.g., weekly colony counts) sites are visited independently of a route survey. If you only monitor rooftop sites (which don’t occur along routes), you can skip ahead to the Rooftop section of this protocol. When to conduct your counts Count windows We ask partners to survey all routes and check all sites (ground and rooftops) at least once during each of the count windows below, which fall on the same dates every year. Counts conducted during these count windows provide snapshots of seabird and shorebird populations in Florida. However, more frequent (i.e., weekly) surveys are recommended for better tracking of these nesting species. Count Dates 1 March 18-24 2 April 15-21 3 May 13-19 4 June 10-16 5 July 8-14 6 August 5-11 COUNT WINDOW CALENDAR Primary purpose Reason Many plovers and American oystercatchers are Locate early shorebird nests. on nests by mid-March. Some seabird colonies begin forming in early Locate early seabird colonies; check status of April. Plover, willet, American oystercatcher shorebird nests. chicks begin to appear. Locate new nests & colonies and check status May and June represent the peak of nesting of existing ones. Locate shorebird chicks. season. Seabird chicks present at most colonies Check the status of all nests & colonies. by June. Count shorebird and seabird chicks. Locate new nests & colonies and check status July is often the time when second clutches and of existing ones. Count chicks and fledglings. re-nesting attempts are initiated. August represents the tail end of the nesting Count chicks and fledglings. season when recent fledges are most apparent. Time of Day Depending on the species you expect to see, you may want to adjust the time of day of your survey or visit. If you are looking for solitary-nesting shorebird nests, you should conduct your survey during the cooler parts of the day. Adult shorebirds will likely run off their nests as soon as they see you, so an early morning or evening survey minimizes exposure of their nests to the sun. For colonial seabirds, the best time to conduct counts changes throughout the season, depending on nesting stage. Early in the season, while adults are incubating eggs, the best time to conduct nest counts is during the hottest part of the day (9 A.M. to 4 P.M.), when seabirds are more likely to be shading their eggs. Later in the season when chicks hatch, it is best to conduct counts during early morning or evening hours when chicks are more active and more visible. 5 Important note When conducting your surveys, stay far enough from the birds to avoid flushing them (making them fly off their nests). Always be aware of nearby nest predators such as coyotes, ghost crabs, crows, gulls, etc. Flushing the birds when predators are nearby may result in egg or chick predation. Route surveys Routes should be short enough to survey in one outing. There may be designated routes in your area, so check with your local Florida Shorebird Alliance partnership. Each time you survey your route, record your survey on the Route Form and the FSD, even if you do not observe nesting birds. It is important to report where birds are absent, as well as where they are present. Establishing sites (Solitary nests and colonies) When you find a new nest or colony, please record the latitude and longitude using a GPS unit, if possible. Make sure your GPS unit is set to the “WGS 84” datum (most GPS units default to this). You only need a single GPS point to record a solitary site, while four GPS points are needed to outline the boundary of a colony. If you do not have a GPS unit, you can ensure correct placement of your site in the FSD by zooming in on the maps and using the “Capture Click” method. However, keep in mind that beaches may erode or accrete, and the aerial photographs shown on the website may not reflect recent changes. Do not disturb the birds when taking GPS readings. Record the GPS location far away enough to allow the birds to settle on their nests. Never enter a posted area or approach nesting birds close enough to cause them to flush. If you are the first to report a new solitary nest site or colony site in the FSD, please create a site name describing the location and a nest or colony number (e.g., Bird Island AMOY 1, Honeymoon Island State Park Colony2). A historic site name may be used. Your local partnership may have a numbering or naming system , so check with them for consistency. A county code and number (e.g., BA12) are automatically appended to the site name when the site is entered in the FSD website. 6 Solitary shorebird nests Finding shorebird nests can be challenging, as adults can be very secretive and the nests are often hidden behind dunes, vegetation, or other protected areas. Since you should not enter these areas and disturb the birds, it is ok to observe the birds from a distance and watch for behaviors which indicate that a nest may be present. Each shorebird nest must be recorded on its own Solitary Nest Form (even if the nest occurs within a seabird colony). You may see solitary nesters engaged in pre-nesting behavior such as courting, mating, digging nest scrapes, or displaying territorial aggression towards other birds. Alarm calls or other behaviors may also suggest that a potential nesting site is nearby. Birds may pay close attention to your actions if you are near the nest, and avoid approaching the nest themselves until you have left the area. Where you see adults exhibiting these behaviors but do not see a nest, mark the site status as “Pre-nesting/Potential nesting” on the Solitary Nest Form. It is not necessary to confirm nesting if it will disturb the birds. It is preferable to record the site as a potential nest site than to risk stepping on eggs. If you find a nest with eggs or nestlings (small chicks inside the nest), mark the site Active on the Solitary Nest Form. The site is also considered Active if you see an adult incubating, brooding or performing a broken wing display, which they do to lead predators away from their nests or chicks. Please note which behavior you saw in these cases (Brooding/ Incubating or Broken Wing Display). Chicks usually leave the nest within a day of hatching, so it is rare to see nestlings still in the nest cup. If you do find nestlings, record them on the Solitary Nest Form. Once they leave the nest (even if they remain near the nest site), they must be reported on the Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Form (more on that in the Roving Chicks section). Chicks should only be reported on one of these forms during your survey, not both. Once the nest is empty, the site status is No Longer Active on the Solitary Nest Form. Nest outcome is determined by whether at least one chick made it out of the nest alive. If the nest failed to produce chicks, note the cause of failure, if known. Each nesting attempt must be reported as a new site. If the same pair re-nests, please create a new nest site for it and indicate that it is a re-nest on a new Solitary Nest Form. Seabird colonies This section explains how to count nesting seabird colonies on beaches (for instructions on rooftop colonies, see the rooftop nesting section). All colony visit information is entered on the Colony Form (additional instructions on the form). Early in the season you may see birds engaged in pre-nesting behavior. Pre-nesting adults may be mating, exhibiting courtship behavior (such as courtship feeding), or digging nest scrapes (small depressions in the sand where birds lay their eggs). Where these behaviors are seen, but no nests or incubating adults are seen, label the site status as “Prenesting Only” on your Colony Form and report your count of adults. If you see birds dive-bombing, calling, or circling overhead, active nests are most likely nearby. Please back away until the birds settle back down on their nests. As the season progresses, many birds will be sitting in nest scrapes (nest cups), incubating eggs. At this stage, count the nests by counting adult birds in incubating posture. Each incubating adult is counted as one nest. For the nest count, only 7 count adults in incubating posture, and not those standing around in the colony. If birds are flying up above their nests, you must back away and wait for them to settle back onto nests for an accurate count. As eggs hatch, adults begin to brood (shade) their young. When seabird chicks are very young (2-3 days old) and still in the nest cup, it can be difficult to tell whether an adult is incubating or brooding, so count it as one nest to be safe. Most chicks will move away from the nest 2-3 days after hatching, and may seek cover inside the colony or walk to the water’s edge. Not all nests will hatch at the same time, so you may be counting both nests and chicks during this time. Young birds are classified into three age classes: downy chicks, feathered chicks, and flight-capable juveniles (also called fledges). Downy chicks have fuzzy feathers while feathered chicks have true feathers. Feathered chicks are usually easier to detect. They are larger and more active than younger downy chicks, and often leave the colony boundaries. About a month after hatching, chicks become flight-capable. All incubating adults, chicks, and juveniles within sight of the colony boundaries should be counted on the Colony Form. A colony is considered Active as soon as any nest (of any species) is present, and until all nesting adults, chicks, and juveniles have left the area. If more than a quarter (25%) of the nests or chicks have been lost to predators, storms, or other causes, please report it as a “Major loss” on the Colony Form (note the cause if known). Even if nesting has finished, a colony is still considered Active if chicks or flight-capable juveniles are within sight of the original colony location. 8 Once all the birds have left the area, the colony site can be marked No Longer Active. If the colony re-nests in the same area later in the season, the colony site can be listed as Active again. Flight-capable juveniles seen away from the colony can be reported on the Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Form. Special Note on Second-Year Birds: If you can identify second-year birds (yearlings that fledged the year before), please count them as adults and make a note in the Comments section of the form (e.g., “4 of 55 adults are second-year birds”). Field guides on aging certain species are available at Conducting counts (Count types) Count types are used to explain how you counted adults, nests, or young. These count types are defined below. Direct Counts For solitary nests or colonies of roughly 400 nests or less, you should conduct a Direct count of every nest and chick seen. Please stay outside of the posted area and use binoculars or a spotting scope to conduct your counts. For larger colonies, or colonies with vegetation or topography (e.g., dunes) that impede full visibility, you may not be able to count all nests from one observation point outside the colony. Instead you will need to count part of the colony from one observation point and then move to additional observation points outside the colony, while keeping track of what nests you have already counted. Landmarks in and around the colony can be used as a visual reference. The average of at least two counts should be reported as the nest number on your data form. If you are the only observer, count twice and average your counts. If two or more observers are available, each person can count once and you can average all counts together. If the counts are significantly different, conduct additional counts until you are confident in your numbers. Use the same method to count chicks if they are present. Do not try to count nests and chicks at the same time; it is best to conduct separate counts for each. If there is more than one observer, conduct your counts simultaneously from the same location and report the average count. However, if you saw chicks moving into cover before another observer could see them, you may report your higher count instead of averaging counts. Estimate Counts In large colonies (more than 400 nests) or where part of the colony is not visible due to dunes, vegetation, or other obstructions, you may want to conduct an Estimate count. To conduct an Estimate Count, position yourself where you can view a large portion of the colony and delineate this section as your count area. Conduct a Direct count in this area (as described above). Determine approximately what percentage of the entire colony is encompassed within the count area (for example, 25%) and multiply your count by the appropriate value (in our example, 4) to estimate the size of the entire colony. Presence/Absence and Did Not Check If you see nests or chicks but do not have time to count them, please list them as Present on the data sheet. If you 9 have searched the area and do not see nests and/or chicks, mark them Absent. Chicks can be very cryptic, however, so do not assume chicks are absent from a colony unless you are able to verify that no chicks have hatched and are hiding in the vicinity. If you cannot verify presence or absence of chicks, please enter Did Not Check on your data sheet. Do not enter a zero for a count unless the birds are absent. Flush Counts Rooftops have an additional count type called a Flush Count, which is described in the Rooftop nest section. Roving chicks and staging young It is very important to count shorebird and seabird young. Please note that they are reported differently. Colonial seabird young are recorded on the Colony Form as long as they are still within visible range of the colony. This is because seabird chicks and even flight-capable juveniles will stay near the colony after they leave the nest, often congregating on the shoreline nearby. The site status on the Colony Form is Active as long as any nesting birds, chicks, or juveniles remain within visible range of the colony. Juvenile seabirds will eventually leave the area and congregate in “staging areas” along the beach. At this point, you can report these juveniles on a Roving Chick/Staging Seabird Form. Shorebird nestlings (chicks inside the nest cup) should be recorded on the Solitary Nest Form. Once chicks are observed outside the nest cup, they should be recorded on the Roving Shorebird Chick/Staging Seabird Young Form, along with the location and type of habitat. If you know which nest the chick came from, note the natal nest name on the Roving Chick/Staging Seabird Form. Shorebird chicks may travel miles away from their nest location, so unless they are banded or on an island, it may be impossible to tell which nest they came from. Banded birds You may see birds with leg bands or flags during your surveys. Each sighting of a banded bird is important because it helps track movement and survival of that bird. If you observe a banded bird, please report the band combination to the appropriate researcher at and in the Comments section of your form. Note the color and position (right or left leg, upper or lower leg) of each band. If one band is stacked on top of another, note which color is on top. If you see a flag or band with letters and numbers, please record its color and the alphanumeric code. Rooftop nests RIGHT: upper leg- no band, lower leg- blue over red; LEFT: upper- USFWS band, loweryellow over yellow. In Florida, seabirds and shorebirds often nest on flat, gravel rooftops, laying their eggs in shallow depressions in the gravel. Rooftop nesting has been documented in six species: Least terns, Roseate terns, Gull-billed terns, Black skimmers, American oystercatchers, and Killdeer. Nesting has been reported at hundreds of rooftop sites throughout coastal and inland Florida. Every breeding season, volunteers are needed to check these historic rooftop sites for nesting birds. If a site is re-roofed or the building is torn down, that site is considered unsuitable for nesting and no longer needs to be checked. However, partners may wish to 10 check nearby buildings in case the birds relocate to a new roof. The list of suitable Historic Rooftops is maintained online. Please contact [email protected] to monitor a site or report a new one. Rooftop monitoring protocol For each rooftop site that you are monitoring, please follow the steps outlined below: 1. Early in the season, please reach out to the site’s property owner/manager to introduce yourself, provide your contact information (or the local FWC office), and explain why you are there. Please verify that the rooftop is still gravel. If it has been re-roofed, notify us by e-mailing [email protected] (this rooftop will no longer require monitoring). If the rooftop is still gravel, please encourage property owners to schedule rooftop or air conditioner maintenance before the birds arrive. If emergency repairs are needed while the birds are nesting, the local FWC office should be contacted immediately for assistance. 2. If the rooftop is still gravel, the site should be checked once during each of the six count windows at a minimum. Once you see shorebirds or seabirds at the site, weekly monitoring is preferred but not required. If chicks fall off the roof or down drain-spouts, please see the Chick-checking Manual for further instructions. 3. During each visit, spend 15 minutes observing the roof for any of the six target species outlined above. Most of the time, you will be observing the roof from the ground or parking lot below. However, sometimes a better vantage point is available, such as a taller building nearby with a good view of the roof. Do NOT go onto the roof unless you are accompanied by an FWC Biologist. If you see birds flying to or from the roof or hovering over it, this tells us the rooftop is being used even if you cannot see nests or chicks. 4. Report your visit on the Rooftop Nesting Form and enter your data online each time you check the site, even if birds are absent. If you want to fill out additional information, please fill out the Rooftop Nesting Optional Form. Key Terms in rooftop monitoring Species: All species that are seen at a single rooftop location can be reported on the Rooftop Nesting Form. Status: If no shorebirds or seabirds have been seen at the site yet during the current season, the status is No nesting yet this year. As soon as any of the target species are seen on the roof, the rooftop site is considered Active, and it remains Active as long as any birds are present. Sites are No Longer Active when all birds that were present there this season have left. Final Outcome: Once a rooftop is No Longer Active, please indicate if flight-capable juveniles were seen there. Vantage point and count types: When monitoring a roof site, please indicate whether you are watching the rooftop from the ground, a nearby building or structure, or from on the rooftop itself (SPECIAL CASES ONLY!): o In most cases, you will count birds (usually adults) from the ground and report a Flush Count. A Flush Count is the highest number of birds seen flying above the roof (upflight) or flying to/from the roof during a 15-minute survey. Note that a Flush Count does not necessarily mean that all the birds flew up at once in response to a disturbance. o If you can see the rooftop from an adjacent building or structure you are on the roof, you may be able to conduct a Direct count of nests, chicks, and juveniles, or an Estimate count if part of your view is obstructed (see Count Types section). If chicks have fallen off the roof, please fill out the Rooftop Nesting Optional Form and indicate whether the fallen chicks were found on this visit, since last visit (i.e., someone told you about it), or Both. Provide the number of fallen chicks, whether they survived, and if they were returned to the roof on the Rooftop Nesting Optional Form. If the chicks were found on this visit, please mark the chicks as Present on the Rooftop Nesting Form under the appropriate age class of the chick, then provide the exact number on the Rooftop Nesting Optional Form. Please refer to the banded birds section for how to report banded birds, if seen. Additional information can be found on the back of both Rooftop forms. 11 Rooftop Nesting Form Use this form for reporting visits to rooftop sites, even if birds are absent. • Rooftop Name: Enter the site name. • Observers: Enter names of observers who helped with the count. • Date: Enter the date you conducted the count. • Start Time: Enter time you started your count. • Status (Choose one): o No nesting yet this year: Choose this status when no shorebirds or seabirds have been observed on the rooftop yet in current nesting season. o Active: The site is Active as long as any shorebird or seabird species is observed on the roof. o No Longer Active: Site was previously Active (this season), but no birds (of any species) remain on the rooftop. If the birds later re-nest on this roof, you can re-list the site status as Active. • Major loss: Check Yes if more than 25% of the nests failed or chicks died since last visit, and describe the cause, if known (weather event, etc.). Check No if there was no major loss of nests or chicks since the last visit. Enter I don’t know if you can’t determine if major loss occurred. • Final Outcome: If site is No Longer Active, indicate whether flight-capable juveniles were produced at this site. • Vantage point: Indicate whether you viewed this rooftop from the ground, an adjacent location, or from the roof itself (went on roof with special permission, mounted a rooftop camera, or looked through the roof hatch). • Counts: o SPECIES: Enter all shorebird and seabird species observed. o NESTS: If you are able to monitor the rooftop from an adjacent building, you can specify if nests are present (P) or if you were able to conduct an Estimate (E) or Direct (D) count. If you are monitoring the rooftop from the ground, write DNC (Did not check) under this portion of the form. o CHICKS/YOUNG: If you can see chicks or young on the rooftop from your vantage point, you can mark them Present (P) or conduct an Estimate (E) or Direct (D) count. If you are monitoring the rooftop from the ground, you would most likely write DNC (Did not check) under these fields, unless you see chicks at the edge of the rooftop or find fallen chicks (see additional instructions for fallen chicks on the Rooftop Nesting Optional form). In those cases, you can mark chicks as Present (P) under the appropriate age class. o ADULTS: Enter Present (P) if you saw adults but did not do a Flush Count (F). If you conducted a Flush Count, enter highest number of adults observed. For any of the categories, enter “0” if you could verify that nests, chicks/young, or adults were absent, and write Did Not Check if you could not verify presence/absence. • Building/Business Name: Enter the building/business name. • Bldg. Contact Notified: If you have spoken with a building contact (manager, owner, staff), select Yes and provide contact information (name, title, phone number, and e-mail). • Bldg. Address: Enter the address of the building. • Location: Enter latitude and longitude of rooftop, obtained with GPS unit or through the FSD website’s aerial maps. • Building Type: Check the building type or enter it in the Other box. • Comments: You may want to enter additional information about disturbance you observed, directions to the site, banded birds, or the condition of the building here. You may also enter the fate of individual species nesting on the rooftop site, if known. Rooftop Nesting Form Rooftop Name Observers YY AM PM MM Status DD Start time: Date No nesting yet this year: Rooftop nesting was observed here in previous years, but not yet re-attempted in current year. Active: Nesting birds (of any shorebird or seabird species) are present on rooftop. No Longer Active: Nesting birds (of any shorebird or seabird species) are no longer present on rooftop. Yes If Yes, describe cause: No I don’t know Major loss? Did 25% or more of the nests fail or chicks die since last visit? (e.g., weather event. If no cause is certain, write “unknown”) Final Outcome? (If site is No Longer Active) One or more flight-capable juveniles of any species produced at the site. No flight-capable juveniles of any species were produced at the site. I don’t know if any flight-capable juveniles were produced at the site. Vantage Point? (from where did you view rooftop?) Ground: viewed rooftop from the ground below. Above/Across: viewed rooftop from an adjacent building or structure. On rooftop: accessed rooftop to view birds (special cases only!). Below, enter the number of nests, chicks/young, and adults of any shorebird or seabird species observed, and indicate count type (Present, Estimate, Direct, or Flush Count) for each. Enter “0” if birds/nests were absent, or write “DNC” (Did not check) if you could not verify presence/absence. See protocol for count type definitions. Counts NESTS SPECIES Downy Count Type Number Count Type Number CHICKS / YOUNG Feathered Count Type Number ADULTS Flight-capable Count Type Number Count Type Number --- New sites only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Building/Business Name: Building Contact Notified? Building Address: No Yes Name: Phone number: Title: Email: Street Address: City: Zip: Location: GPS coordinates in any format: Latitude Building Type: Comments: Longitude Warehouse Supermarket Residential Store Govt. Building Hotel Other: 13 Rooftop Nesting Optional Form This optional form asks additional information about disturbance, “chick checking” programs, and building information. • Rooftop Name: Enter the rooftop site name. When you enter a new rooftop site into the FSD, you will be asked to check for historic sites first. • Disturbance: If you see a disturbance which causes birds to flush (run or fly away) then enter the appropriate codes, or use the box labeled “other” to explain other types of disturbance. • Chicks falling off roof: Many partnerships rescue chicks which have fallen off rooftops. o Select Yes if you see fallen chicks during your current visit to the rooftop site, or know of chicks that have fallen since your last visit (for example, if someone informed you that they saw chicks). ▪ Next, indicate when the fallen chicks were observed (This visit, Since last visit, or Both). ▪ Provide counts and age class (downy or feathered) of fallen chicks in the Description space provided. If chicks have fallen off the roof on this visit, please also mark the chicks as Present under the count table on the Rooftop Nesting Form. ▪ Returned to roof: If you rescued chicks, check if they were returned to the roof or taken to a rehabilitator. In most cases, immediately returning chicks to the roof is the best option. Birds that are sick or injured should be taken to a rehabilitator. o Select No if you checked around the entire building and did not see fallen chicks, and if you did not hear of chicks that had fallen since your last visit. o • • Select Unk. (Unknown) if you didn’t check for fallen chicks or if you saw no chicks but couldn’t check around the entire building (limited access). Chick checking program in place for this rooftop: Some partnerships have organized “chick checking” programs. Partners rescue chicks which have fallen off rooftops and place them back on the roof using a special device. If this rooftop is checked regularly each year for fallen chicks, select Yes. Building Information: o o • Is there an edge (parapet) around the entire building preventing chicks from falling off? Select Yes or No. If you do not have access to see around the entire building, select Unknown. Have all drains on the roof been covered to prevent chicks from falling in? In most cases, you won’t be allowed access to the roof and must check Unknown. Some regional partnerships have special rooftop monitoring programs and can verify if drains are covered. Comments: You may want to enter additional information about disturbance you observed, directions to the site, banded birds, or the condition of the building here. Rooftop Nesting Optional Form Date MM Disturbance DD Rooftop Name YY Crows Wading Birds People Raptors Gulls Aircraft Chicks falling off roof? Other (If no cause is certain, write “unknown”) Yes If Yes, when? This visit Since last visit No Description: (number of fallen chicks, how are they reaching ground, survival, etc.) Unk. Returned to roof? Yes No Yes No new sites only Chick checking program in place for this rooftop? Building Information Is there an edge (parapet) around the entire building preventing chicks from falling off? Have all drains on the roof been covered to prevent chicks from falling in? Comments Yes Description No Unk. Yes No Unk. Description Where taken? Both 15 Route Form Use this form each time you survey your route (e.g., during each count window). Route Name: Enter the route name. Routes sometimes established by regional shorebird partnerships, so check FSD for existing routes in your area before creating/surveying a new route. Observer(s): Enter your name and any additional observers who accompanied you on the route. Date: Enter the date you conducted the route survey. Start Time: Enter the time you started the route survey. End Time: Enter the time you finished the route survey, or the time you stopped if you did not complete the survey. Route Completed: Enter Yes if you finished surveying the entire route; No if only partially completed. Nesting Birds/Chicks/Juveniles Observed: o Select Yes if you filled out any site forms (Colony Form, Solitary Nest Form, or Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Form) while surveying your route. Use an appropriate site form each time you visit a nesting site or observe a chick or juvenile away from its natal site. o Select No if no nesting birds, chicks, or juveniles were observed on the entire route (no additional forms filled out). Route surveyed by: Select the mode of transportation you used while conducting your survey. You can select more than one. Comments: Include any relevant comments. o Leg bands: Note color & position of each band (left or right leg, upper or lower leg). If lower leg has 2 bands stacked on top of one another, note which is on top. If you see a flag, record alpha-numeric code. Route Form Observer(s) 1.1. Date MM Route Name Use this form each time you survey your route. 2. 2. DD Route completed? Start Time YY : AM PM End Time No Yes Nesting Birds/Chicks/Juveniles Observed? Route surveyed by: 3. Yes No Walking Motorboat Personal Watercraft ATV Car/Truck Non-motorized Vessel REQUIRED Other OPTIONAL Site Checklist Fill out the checklist before your survey to ensure all sites along your route are counted. Colony (Seabirds) Solitary Nest (Shorebirds) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 Comments :: AM PM 17 Colony Form (Seabirds) Use this form for recording site visits to ground colonies. • Colony Name: This is the unique site name for the colony. • Observer(s): Enter all observers who actually conducted a count. • Date: Enter the date you visited the site. • Start Time: Enter the time you started conducting your count. • Posted: If the site has been posted to protect birds, note whether it is posted with signs only or with signs and rope. • Status: Choose one: Site status Definition Pre-nesting Only Adult birds copulating, courtship feeding, or digging scrapes. No Active nesting confirmed. Active As long as any of the following is observed, site is Active: Adults (of any seabird species) incubating or brooding. Nest(s) with eggs found (of any seabird species). Chick(s) or flight-capable juveniles (of any seabird species) in visible range of colony site. Site may still be Active even if some birds have left. No Longer Active/ No pre-nesting behavior, nests, chicks, or flight-capable young remain. If site was previously No Longer PreActive, no incubating/brooding adults, nests, chicks, or flight-capable juveniles are visible from nesting* the original location of the colony. *If the birds later re-nest in the same area, you can re-list the site status as Active. • Major loss: Check “Yes” if more than 25% of the nests failed or chicks died since last visit, and describe the cause, if known (predation, weather event, etc.). Check “No” if there was no major loss of nests or chicks since the last visit. Check “I don’t know” if you can’t determine if major loss occurred. • Final Outcome: If site is No Longer Active or No Longer Pre-nesting, indicate whether flight-capable juveniles were produced at this site. • Count Table: o Enter the number of nests, chicks, flight-capable young, and adults for all species observed. o Enter the count type you conducted (Present, Estimate, Direct, or Did Not Check). • Location: Enter latitudes & longitudes of 4-10 GPS points outlining the boundaries of the colony. • • • • • • • Disturbance: If you see a disturbance which causes birds to flush (run or fly away), then check the appropriate boxes or explain in the Other section. Do not record potential sources of disturbance. Tracks: If you see tracks within 30 feet of posted area around colony, check appropriate boxes or explain in Other. Dogs Leashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed on leashes within 200 feet of the colony. Dogs Unleashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed off leashes within 200 feet of the colony. Beach Raking: If there is recent evidence of beach raking (beach cleaning) within 300 feet of the colony, select Yes. Wrack: If wet (fresh) wrack is present within 300 feet of the colony, select Yes. If wrack is discontinuous or you can see the beach underneath it, select Sparse. If wrack is mostly continuous and obscures the beach, select Dense. Comments: You may want to enter additional information about disturbance you observed, directions to the site, banded birds, or other information. If you are counting the colony as part of a route you are surveying, enter the route name. Colony Form (Seabirds) Colony Name Observers YY AM PM MM Status DD Start time: Date Pre-nesting Only: Adults exhibiting pre-nesting behavior but no Active nesting confirmed. Active: Nests, chicks, or flight-capable young of any seabird species are present (within sight of the colony). No Longer Active/ No Longer Pre-nesting: No pre-nesting behavior, nests, chicks, or flight-capable young remain. Posted? Yes If Yes, describe cause: No I don’t know Major loss? Did 25% or more of the nests fail or chicks die since last visit? No Signs Only Signs & Rope (e.g., weather event. If no cause is certain, write “unknown”) Never Active: Pre-nesting birds left site without nesting. One or more flight-capable juveniles of any seabird species produced at the site. No flight-capable juveniles of any seabird species were produced at the site. I don’t know if any flight-capable juveniles were produced at the site. Final Outcome? (If site is No Longer Active/No Longer Pre-nesting) Below, please specify whether you checked for Presence only (P), followed the protocol for Estimate counts (E), or conducted a Direct count (D). Enter “0” if birds/nests were absent, or write “DNC” (Did not check) if you could not verify presence/absence. NESTS CHICKS / YOUNG SPECIES Counts P E D Number P E D Downy Feathered ADULTS Flightcapable Location: (New sites only) GPS coordinates in any format, collect additional GPS points to map site in database: Latitude Longitude Optional information: Disturbance (caused birds to flush): Walker/Runner/Cyclist Kite Surfer/Landboarder Dog - leashed Vehicle Dog - unleashed Non-powered Watercraft Powered Watercraft Ghost Crab Avian Predator Aircraft UNKNOWN Other: Tracks (within 30 ft of colony): Dog/Canid Vehicle Raccoon Snake People Ghost Crab Cats UNKNOWN Other: # Dogs (within 200 ft): Beach Raking (within 300 ft): # Leashed: ______ # Unleashed: ______ Yes No Wet Wrack (within 300 ft): Comments: __________________________________________ Route Name: Yes If Yes, how much? No < Abundant Sparse 19 Solitary Nest Form (Shorebirds) Use this form for recording site visits to solitary nests. • Nest Name: This is the unique solitary nest site name. • Is this a re-nest?: A new site should be created for each nesting attempt. If a pair nested earlier this season and is now re-nesting, provide original nest name. If not, leave blank. In most cases, re-nesting cannot be verified unless birds are banded. • Observer(s): Enter all observers who helped you observe the nest/birds. • Date: Enter the date you visited the site. • Start Time: Enter the time you started monitoring the nest. • Posted: If the site has been posted to protect birds, note whether it is posted with signs only or signs and rope. • Status (Choose one): Site status Definition Pre-/potential nesting Adult birds copulating, courtship feeding, digging scrapes, or territorial behavior. Potential nest site may be nearby but cannot be confirmed. Active As long as any of the following is observed, site is Active: Adults incubating, brooding, or performing broken wing display* Nest with egg(s) found Nestling(s) found in the nest cup *Adults may perform broken wing displays when they have nests or chicks, so if you can’t confirm the nest’s location or whether it hatched, select the Active status. No Longer Active/ No Site previously Active or Pre-nesting. No viable eggs or nestlings remain in the nest. Adults no Longer Pre-nesting longer incubating or brooding, or exhibiting pre-nesting behavior. • • • • • • • • • • Final Outcome: If site is No Longer Active or No Longer Pre-nesting, indicate the final outcome, if known. Count Table: o Enter the species name and the nesting behavior you observed. o If you can count eggs or nestlings in the nest WITHOUT flushing the birds, enter these numbers. o If chicks have left the nest cup, record them on the Roving Chicks/Staging Seabird Young form instead. o Enter the number of adults you see in and around the nest (usually 2). Location: Enter latitude and longitude obtained with GPS unit or FSD website aerial maps. Disturbance: If you see a disturbance which causes birds to flush (run or fly away) then check the appropriate boxes or explain in the Other section. Do not record potential sources of disturbance. Tracks: If you see tracks within 30 feet of the nest then check the appropriate boxes or explain in the Other section. Dogs Leashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed on leashes within 200 feet of the nest. Dogs Unleashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed off leashes within 200 feet of the nest. Beach Raking: If there is recent evidence of beach raking (beach cleaning) within 300 feet of the nest, select Yes. Wrack: If wet (fresh) wrack is present within 300 feet of the colony, select Yes. If wrack is discontinuous or you can see the beach underneath it, select Sparse. If wrack is mostly continuous and obscures the beach, select Dense. Comments: You may want to enter additional information about disturbance you observed, directions to the site, banded birds, or other information. If you are observing the nest as part of a route you are conducting, enter the name of the route here. Solitary Nest Form (Shorebirds) Nest Name Is this a re-nest? If this pair had an earlier nesting attempt this season, provide original nest name: _______________________ Observers YY AM PM MM Status DD Start time: Date Pre-nesting / Potential nesting: Pair exhibiting pre-nesting behavior, or potential (unconfirmed) nest site in area. Active: Nest with eggs or nestlings found, or adults observed brooding, incubating, or performing a broken-wing display. No Longer Active/ No Longer Pre-nesting: No viable eggs or nestlings remain in the nest; Adults no longer prenesting, brooding, incubating, or performing a broken-wing display. Posted? No Signs Only Signs & Rope Never Active: Pre-nesting birds left site without nesting. Final Outcome? (If site is No Longer Active/ No Longer Pre-nesting) One or more chicks left the nest (Don’t forget to fill out a Roving Chick form if you see chick(s) out of the nest) No chicks left the nest. Describe cause of loss: (e.g., weather event. If no cause is certain, write “unknown”) Counts I don’t know the outcome of this site. NESTING BEHAVIOR1 (Active sites only) SPECIES Incubating / Brooding EGGS2 NESTLINGS3 ADULTS Broken-wing Display 1 Nests can be difficult to find; behaviors such as incubating/brooding or broken-wing displays may be the only indication that a nest is nearby. Opportunistic observations only. Do not disturb birds, nests, or nestlings. Enter “U” for unknown. 3 Only record nestlings observed inside the nest scrape on this form. Chicks seen outside of nest scrape should be recorded on the Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Count Form. Do NOT report the same chicks on both forms. 2 Location: (New sites only) GPS coordinates in any format: Latitude Longitude Optional information: Disturbance (caused birds to flush): Walker/Runner/Cyclist Kite Surfer/Landboarder Dog - leashed Vehicle Dog - unleashed Non-powered Watercraft Powered Watercraft Ghost Crab Avian Predator Aircraft UNKNOWN Other: Tracks (within 30 ft of nest): Dog/Canid Vehicle Raccoon Snake People Ghost Crab Cats UNKNOWN Other: # Dogs (within 200 ft): Beach Raking (within 300 ft): # Leashed: ______ # Unleashed: ______ Yes No Wet Wrack (within 300 ft): Comments: __________________________________________ Route Name: Yes If Yes, how much? No < Abundant Sparse 21 Roving Shorebird Chicks/Staging Seabird Young Count Form Use this form if you observe shorebird chicks out of their nests, or seabird young away from their colony sites. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Date: Enter the date you observed the chicks/young. Observers: Enter names of observers who helped with the count. Start Time: Enter the time you started counting chicks/young. Posted: If the site has been posted to protect birds, note whether it is posted with signs only or if symbolic fencing using twine or rope is present. Location: Enter latitude and longitude obtained with GPS unit or FSD website aerial maps. Count Table: o Enter the species present. o For shorebirds only, enter the nest name where the chicks were hatched, if known. o Enter the number of young observed: Shorebirds: Enter number of downy, feathered, or flight-capable young observed. Seabirds: Enter number of flight-capable juveniles observed. Downy and feathered chicks should be entered on the Colony Form. o Enter the number of adults observed, if any. o Enter the habitat type where you first saw the birds (shoreline, shell rake, etc.). Disturbance: If you see a disturbance which causes birds to flush (run or fly away) then enter the appropriate codes, or use the OTH code to explain other types of disturbance. Tracks: If you see tracks within 300 feet of chicks/young then record the appropriate codes. If the appropriate code is not listed, record the kind of tracks observed. Dogs Leashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed on leashes within 200 feet of the nest. Dogs Unleashed: Enter the total number of dogs observed off leashes within 200 feet of the nest. Beach Raking: If there is recent evidence of beach raking (beach cleaning) within 300 feet of chicks/young, select Yes. Wrack: If wet wrack (fresh wrack) is present within 300 feet of chicks/young, select Yes. If wrack is discontinuous or you can see through wrack to the beach below, select Sparse. If wrack is mostly continuous and you cannot see through the wrack to the beach below, select Dense. Comments: You may want to enter additional information about disturbance you observed, directions to the site, banded birds, or other information. If you are counting chicks/young as part of a route you are conducting, enter the name of the route. and Other (OTH).
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