Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week May 17-23, 2015 Thurston County Medic One EMS System appreciates the caring, dedication and effort of the women, men and families of EMS. Because of their dedication to excellence our county cardiac arrest survival rate is 50% (compared to the national average of 15%). Twenty four hours a day EMS personnel respond to citizens in need of emergency medical help. The Thurston County Medic One/EMS system is comprised of members of the listed EMS agencies. They are certified First Responders, EMTs and Paramedics that respond as a team when citizens call 9-1-1 for medical and trauma emergencies. We appreciate the physicians, nurses, hospital staff and 9-1-1 Telecommunicators that are also part of the dedicated EMS system team. We also wish to recognize those EMS personnel of past service to the public. Thank You! Thurston County Medic One EMS Agencies: Lacey Fire District #3 Fire District #6 (E. Olympia) Fire District #8 (South Bay) Fire District #9/ #5 (McLane / Black Lake) Fire District #12 (Tenino) Fire District # 13 (Griffin) Fire District # 16 (Gibson Valley) Fire District #17 (Bald Hill) SE Thurston Fire & EMS West Thurston Regional Fire Authority Bucoda Fire Department Olympia Fire Department Tumwater Fire Department American Medical Response Olympic Ambulance TCOMM/9-1-1 Airlift Northwest CISM Team Current Thurston County EMS Response Personnel Britton, Dale F Brosco, Tony A Brotche, David C Brown, Brian K Brown, James P Brown, Jeffrey Marcus Brownell, Scott L Bryant, Hailey L Buchanan, Michael N Bulanov, Igor Bullough, Sharie M Burgess, Mary Catherine Burgman, Erin K Buringrud, Cole Burkhardt, Gary Jack Burkhardt, Joshua Wayne Burrows, Brandon Clark Burrows, Brandon Clark Byers, David R Byers, Tyler John Cababat, Kalai William Cannon, Taylor Wayne Brothers Carbaugh, Alex Gregory Carlson, Claire Marie Carpenter, Bryan Rolf Carpenter, Wendy Lynn Carrithers, Zach Carlton Carson, Todd A Casey, John E Casto, Lance D Castro, Maria J Cathey, Donovan P Chamberlin, Brittany Chipman, Joseph S Choate, Alexandra Rae Christenson, Brian D Christiansen, Alex J Christin, Sean R Churchwell, Troy M Clemens, Jonathan P Collins, Mathew Allen Collins, William T Comstock, Wes A Condon, Ian Patrick Conklin, Matt Maciver Cook, Troy Everett Cooke, Hans R Copen, Jason Christopher Corey, Kelly Ryan Cornier, Jorel Nicholas Courter, Angela Cox, Justin Wayne Cox, Ryan W Cox, Sharon Craig, Bryce William Crawford, Benjamin James Crimmins, Shawn P Crimmins, Steven R Crisp, James C Crowell, Charles Quinn Crowell, Nathanial Quinn Davenport, Kevin J Davis, Kyle Scott Davis, Laura Alison Dawson, Brandon Hoskin Day, Roland J Dean, Dakota David Degagne, Justin Dennis Depriest, Tammy Dee Deselms, Timothy Alan Devert, Brent N Dickens, Kyle Shawn Ditrich, Kelly Dobson, Shane L Dodge, David Michael Dods, Amanda Joy Drake, Nathan T Drennen, Tyler Nay Drewry, Anna Lee Drieu, Antoine Durocher, John Lawrence Dyer, Lanette R Eberle, Nichol Eldridge, Blake Robert Eliason, Gilbert M Elkins, Jonnica Ernst, Jonathan Tyler Evans, Mark Alexander Farnham, Coby L Faust, Brandon B Ferguson, Greg S Ferris, William B Fink, Andrew James Fiola, Laurie Fitchitt, Anna Michele Fitzgerald, Thomas J Flowers, Hillory E Floyd, James A Fogarty, Michael John Fontanilla, Larry Md Foster, John W Fouts, Jacob D Fowler, Andrea Lynn Fowler, James S Fox, Jeremy J Fox, Kelly L Fox, Ryan J Frank, Justin Maurice Frasl, Kenneth E Freitas, Jason K Friar, Anson Matthew Fritsch, Mark Frost, Christopher M Frost, David C Frost, Steve J Gantenbein, Matthew E Garrett, Richard Garza, Isaac W Germain, Mary Louise Gerth, Glenn Fisher Gibson, Chelsea Leigh Gibson, Steven R Gillespie, Blake Brandon Givens, Gary Michael Glenn, Wade M Gogan, Scott Lewis Goldsby, Kenneth C Gordon, Miriam Gormley, Robert Scott Gottbreht, Robert Allen Goveia, Ryan Leonard Graeter, Andrea Christine Graham, Adam B Grant, Darrin P Greene, James L Gregory, Mark A Grostick, Jimmy R Grosvenor, James M Haag, David R Haggerty, Chelle Hagstrom, Matthew Hahn, David A Haines, Randy B Haisch, Cody Jeffery Haisch, Jeff L Halbert, William E Hall, Corey Jason Hall, Derek Thomas Hall, Jerald R Hall, Keri Renae Gesell Halstrom, Craig S Halterman, Chad A Hamblet, Reid Kendall Hambly, Cynathia Hammond, Aaron W Hardesty, William Garfield Harn, Patrick E Harn, Scott Russell Harper, William M Haun, Brandon C Hayes, Dale Robert Heaston, Scott Joseph Hefner, Michael Gene Heikes, Arthur M Heim, Mccale Joseph Helm, Michael Brady Hendershot, Tedd E Hennigan, Charles L Hermann, Russell A Herron, Jerry Herron, Judy Elaine Hetland, Eric R Hewell, Douglas M Heywood-Mang, Helen A Hicks, Regina Althea Hill, Jeff A Hill, Tyler Joel Hilton, Ryan Thomas Hodge, Heath B Hodge, Ty R Hoffman, Jordan Daniel Hoffman, Karen J Holeman, Anna L Hollander, Max Carl Hooft, Eric D Hougan, Thomas F Hovda, Jan Huff, Evan Ray Huffer, Sarah Elizabeth Hughes, Michael L Hulbrock, Dustin A Hulse, Jennifer Hulse, Tim S Hunter, Jake J Hurley, Brian J Hurst, John Ikerd, Ryan Christopher Ingraham, Erik C Ingraham, Michael John Iverson, Darlena Iverson, Kyle Todd Jackins, Nathan G Jackson, Brett J Jackson, Erin Jackson, Jonathan E Jamieson, Douglas W Janke, Tyler Michael Evan Jansen, Andrea Jenrette, Thom H Jernigan, Jeff M Johnson, Chris T Johnson, Derek Chevron Johnson, Jerry L Johnson, Jessica Erin Johnson, Tharen B Johnstone, Amy Jones, Charles Henry Jones, Dennis C Jones, Sally Ann Jones, Sean Michael Jones-Mcpherson, Jason Joslin, Jessica Jeannette Kalar, Jon David Kaleiwahea, Blake William Kaleiwahea, Russell E Kallgren, Tammy Karch, Dea Kast, Spencer Andrew Kavanaugh, Kylie Angela Kelley, Patrick Lee Kenndy, Maria Kennedy, Scott Earl Kerker, Gary B Kesler, Kolbey Ryan Kessel, Greg P Kilpatrick, Douglas E Kinney, Lance A Kohlstaedt, Karl W Kollar, Steven J Kondrack, Andrew J Kruse, Ethan Jay Kruse, Patrick R Kvarnberg, Kris G Ladue, Christopher Scott Lakin, Gabriel N Landgraf, Zachary Carl Landon, William Landwehrle, Kyle J Langan, Jennifer Lantz, Spencer Bruce Larue, Robert Parker Lawrence, Douglas S Ledoux, Justin A Leitner, Matthew Joseph Lemay, Brandon Heath Leo, Ricky L Leopardo, Samuel Spiegel Leyva, Cherie T Leyva, Joe J Libby, Dana Liening, Samuel Danner Lincoln, Ernest G Locken, Levi John Loffler, Jason L Loftness, Kelsey Long, Patrick Longmire, Damian J Longstreth, Andrew T Lopes, Devon R Luensman, Ryan Samuel Luoma, Manuela Lusby, Cory Michael Lutz, Russell H Lyle, Kolby James Lyon, Colby W Maclean, Aaron Michael Madsen, Todd Mahoney, Daniel Martin Major, Stephanie A Mak, Anne Marie Malone, Patrick J Manor, Jeffrey Andrew Manor, Kathryn J Marion, Charles Patrick Maris, Andrew Jerome Marshall, James Edward Maser, Robert C Mason, Debbie L Mason, Lisa Matney, William Maxwell, Emily Mcadoo, Michael W Mcbride, Brent L Mcdaniel, Jeff L Mcdaniel, Terry S Mcdonald, Katherine F Mcdonald, Perry R Mcgarva, James F Mcinnis, Erika Rae Mciver, Molly Mclellan, Jeremy William Mclennan, Monica Rose Mclennan, Rodney Dale Mcmaster, Diana Anaya Mcmaster, Roger V Mcnealley, Alexander Reed Meier, Douglas R Miller, Jerry C Miller, Thomas Stanley Mitra, Anjan Ned Moe, Andrew Alfred Moe, Cathy Montgomery, Steven Eugene Moody, Shelly Moore, Michael Jess Morales, Michael L Morefield, Ken R Morrison, Raymond Stuart Morrissey, Timothy J Mott, Kramer Kyle Mower, Tod D Mueller, Erik Dwayne Mueller, Marc R Mugartegui, Craig B Mulder, Joanne Marie Mundwiler, Tristan Michael Murphy, Crystal Joy Murphy, Ian A Myer, Craig Martin Nadeau, Daniel S Nardella, Lucas Manlius Nelson, Mark A Neumeier, Jed D Nitz, Iver Jesse Noonan, Patrick T North, Steven R Norwood, Jenna Kay Noski, Christopher Alan Novak, Jeffrey J Nunn, John C Ochoa, Sunita Marie Oguiza, Joseph Juan Oliver, Sarah Anne Olson, Brian Matthew Osberg, James Christopher Osborn, Mara Lynne Osborne, Travis Sean Ostergard, John A Overlie, Rictor Leigh Owen, William E Pagoria, Jessica Leigh Palmerson, Erik M Parker, Gregory Jerel Parnell, Evan William Parrish, Blake Edward Parsons, Charles John Patti, Christopher M Paulsen, Alfred L Pavlich, Michael A Pawlowski, Christopher Keith Pearsall, Chad David Pearsall, Ronald J Pearsall, Stephen Kyle Pedlar, Brian R Pellegrino, Bernadette Threse Peoples, Mike W Perry, James Gregory Perry, Kelly R Perry, Kevin A Perry, Mike A Perz, David Damian Perz, Ryan R Petersen, Robert M Phan, Hieu Minh Phillips, John M Phinney, Adam J Pion, Saeng Hinh Piper, Scott Matthew Pirie, James Ethan Potts, Daniel Morris Power, William A Powers, Debbie K Powers, Melody Price, Vincent S Raffelson, Darlene Gail Randall, Robert G Ranney, Martin E Regan, Blake Alan Regnier, Calen Donald Reynolds, Timothy Raymond Rice, Sherry Richards, Craig A Richardson, Brian David Richardson, Matthew W Richeson, James L Riddle, Jennifer Riddle, Louis Ridgeway, Bradley W Rightmier, Gregory Verne This notice was paid for by Thurston County Medic One through a donation by a Panorama City resident and the Thurston County Fire Chiefs Association. Rios, Matthew Roberts, Jason M Robinette, Lester Gary Rodgers, Jennifer Roeser, Stephen Markus Rogers, Ksea M Rogers, Kurt H Rohaly, Timothy N Rollman, Karen L Rondeau, Michael K Rood, Joseph Adlai Ross, Chris T Ross, Randall Rowe, Steve Rus, Aaron T Russell, Matthew J Sachet, Kehlen Marielle Salahuddin, Aisha Abdul Hakim Sanchez, Miguel Angel Santee, Ricardo Leon Santhuff, Scott F Sapp, Eric T Schaal, Charles Timothy Schaffran, Andrew W Schenk, Brian J Schmid, Diane M Schmid, Peter R Schow, Shane Michael Schreck, Mark C Schwartz, Tobias Jerome Scott, Leah Noel Scott, Robert W Seick, Tyler Michael Sexton, Thomas Edward Seymour, Kyle Olivas Shapansky, Michelle Renee Shay, Jacob James Shelley, Kyle Leif Shelman, Jodi L Shennum, Walt G Simmons, James M Simmons, Jarrod Adam Singleton, Charles Edward Skorna, Zachary Thomas Slater, Steven L Slosson, Lance R Smiley, Jerry E Smith, Courtney Jill Smith, Derek Ashton Smith, Donald E Smith, Eric D Smith, Jamison Patrik Smith, Larry L Smith, Rob D Smith, Ron Matthew Smith, Ronald Kay Smith, Ryan Jacob Smith, Tiffany Smith, Trevor T Smith, Troy Everett Snyder, John D Sobol, Casey L Somnis, Matt George Spickelmire, James Spickelmire, Joe Spickelmire, Joseph Paul Spotts, Cora Leigh Stacy, Jesse D Stalker, Joshua Travis Stamper, Kassandra Stewart, Daniel B Stewart, Joshua M Stewart, Kristen Stewart, Mark W Stoltz, Jason Marcus Stolz, Douglas L Stone, Gary R Stone, Roger L Summers, Shannon Giquere Sundberg, Ryan R Suver, Peter Swecker, Joel Anthony Syphus, Brady Michael Taylor, Cynthia S Taylor, Paul D Taylor, Tammy Renee Teitzel, Steven D Tekin, Eric Benjamin Terhune, William L Thompson, Reed Taylor Thrift, Krista Tibeau, Ronald K Timpe, Joseph Walter Torkelson, Scott L Tosti, Angelo Joseph Towers, Neil P Trautman, Alexander Paul Traylor, Braxton Grey Trentman, Thomas J Trevorrow, Brian Trevorrow, Ed Trevorrow, Jeff Trott, Thomas John Tumblin, Adam T Tyler, Eugene R Van Egdom, Kevin Eric Van Egdom, Megan Louise Vancamp, Brian K Vanderhoof, Christina M Vanderhoof, Michael John Vavrinec, Christian K Verellen, Thomas M Waddell, Steven E Walker, Adam A Walker, Kenneth Edward Wallace, Preston Michael Walsh, Dylan Keefe Walton, Brian Robert Warfield, Anthony D Warner, Scott Derek Waters, Jason L Watson, Kevin Michael Weidman, John Lewis Welch, Christopher James Wells, Jeffrey Walter Wells, Jeffrey Walter Westman, Kristopher Michael Whidden, Scott R Whidden, Wayne R Wightman, John Robert Wilburn, Benjamin W Wild, Kathy Wilson, Darrell Wilson, Donald W Wilson, Kaleb Lloyd Winkelman, Jonathan R Winslow, Thomas Frank Wood, John S Woodard, Ryan Christopher Worrell, Shawn Patrick Worrell, Shawn Patrick Wright, Beverly Locke Wright, Greg L Yates, Pamela M Yost, Carolyn Elizabeth Young, James D Ziese, Priscilla Zohn, Erik A Zvirzdys, Jacob Wade 1698765-02 Abernathy, William Arthur Adams, Alexander R Adams, Oscar Lord Albright, Amber Alderman, Brandon Alan Andersen, Peik Anderson, Rachael Christine Anderson, Randall L Anderson, Ryan M Anderson, Valerie Lynn Anserello, Anthony Carl Armstrong, Kevin Armstrong, Mark L Armstrong, Walker R Arrowsmith, Karen August, Craig Arthur Backman, Chelsa Baez, Gabriel Bailey, Kandi Baker, Benjamin Wesley Bamer, Eric L Bamford, Dale E Barker, Tom E Barney, Christopher M Barstow, Russell T Bastin, Dean M Bates, Alex Christian Baumel, Jack Albin Beard, Justin Michael Beatty, Kirk R Beaulieu, Jeffrey D Behrens, Curtis J Bengtson, Joel Alden Benner, Cameron Marden Bennett, Matt S Berg, Steven M Bergford, Peter Todd Berman, Jason H P Berryman, Thomas A Bestul, Bryon J Betts, Brandon J Bickett, Gerald L Blasco, Matthew A Bossard, Kevin K Bostick, Jeff M Bottin, Tyler Lee Bowman, Donald W Braaten, Michael Lacey Bracey, Daniel Brassfield, Joseph W A Heart is in Your Hands Be a part of our system. Help someone in Cardiac Arrest. Your help can save a life. Thurston County’s Medic One / Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System was established in 1974 as the first county-wide public EMS system in the United States. The System provides fire-based Basic and Advanced Life Support EMS services to more than 254,095 residents within the county’s 727 square miles. Thurston County’s EMS System responded to 26,570 calls for medical help during 2013 and exceeded all state and local response goals. Thurston County Medic One involves all fire jurisdictions providing a coordinated response approach to EMS within the County. Over 500 firefighters in 14 Fire/EMS agencies provide Basic Life Support (BLS) services. These agencies operate more than 50 Aid vehicles and average less than a 7 minute response time countywide. Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey Fire District # 3 provide countywide Advanced Life Support (ALS) services with 57 Medic One paramedics who provide treatment and transport for lifethreatening trauma or medical conditions. As this service is taxsupported; there is no additional fee for paramedic transport. Olympic Ambulance and American Medical Response are private ambulance companies that provide inter-facility and BLS level transport. AirLift Northwest provides ALS helicopter service with a unit stationed at the Olympia Airport. The EMS System is activated through Thurston 9-1-1 Communications. Dispatchers are trained to give aid and CPR instructions to citizens while EMS vehicles are en route and nonemergency calls may be transferred to a nurse at HealthLine. The Medic One office is responsible for system coordination, quality management, centralized supply purchasing, financial administration and provides all required EMS training for the systems certified EMS responders. Additionally, Medic One supports public education outreach such as SafeKids Thurston County, a childhood trauma prevention program. The Thurston County Emergency Medical Services Council is made up of citizens and elected officials who provide EMS system advice to the Board of County Commissioners. The Medic One EMS System is funded by a voter-approved $9.7 million county-wide EMS levy with a current rate of 38.6 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. LEARN CPR 3 simple steps: 1. If the person is unresponsive, call 911. 2. Push and release on person’s chest with your hands (hard and fast). 3. Keep pushing and releasing, don’t stop. Medic One offers FREE classes for CPR/AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in the community or at your business. Please visit the Medic One website to view the CPR Class schedule or call the office for more information. Medic One office: 360-704-2780 When you begin CPR as soon as someone collapses, you double their chance of survival. www.co.thurston.wa.us/medic1/m1_home.htm 1698765-02 By calling 9-1-1 and doing CPR, you can help save a life! Make a Difference-Do CPR!
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