MARCH 29, 2015 SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY PALM/PASSION SUNDAY 8:30 and 11:00 AM GATHERING OPENING SENTENCES Todd Jones †VOLUNTARY Alexandre Guilmant Valet will ich dir geben (All Glory, Laud, and Honor) †INTROIT arr. Carol McClure Hosanna! CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: All: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Lo, your King comes to you; Triumphant and victorious is He, Humble and riding on a donkey, On a colt, the foal of a donkey. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! (Zechariah 9:9) †*PROCESSIONAL †WELCOME AND CALL TO PRAYER (8:30) Adam DeVries (11:00) Stuart Gordon HYMN 196 VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN All Glory, Laud, and Honor OPPORTUNITIES CONFESSION OF FOR DISCIPLESHIP Todd Jones (8:30) Adam DeVries (11:00) Stuart Gordon CONFESSION God of all times and places, we confess that we would rather join the crowds than stand alone. We prefer the popular point of view to a solitary witness. We like safety and security while shrinking from the risk of involvement. We’ll sing “hosanna,” when everyone else is doing so, but not when the hostile “Good Friday” forces may hear us. We believe Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. We know that means us, not just others. We ask You to be patient with us, to help us understand our own guilt. Then pour out Your forgiveness in such a way that we are forever transformed; in Jesus’ name, Amen. SILENT CONFESSION LORD, HAVE MERCY ASSURANCE OF Kyrie Eleison PARDON *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Gloria Patri Hymn 579 THE WORD CHILDREN’S TIME PRAYER Todd Jones FOR ILLUMINATION Guide us, O God, by Your Word and Spirit, that in Your light we may see light, in Your truth find freedom, and in Your will discover Your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS Old Testament: Psalm 27, page 503 New Testament: Mark 11:1-11, page 47 Pastor: The Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. ‡ Children ages 4 and 5 are invited to Young Children and Worship in Room CW-110. SERMON Todd Jones In the Presence of My Enemies RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE *AFFIRMATION OF PRAYERS OF THE FAITH (8:30) Sandra Randleman (11:00) Sam Cooper The Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35 PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (debts) OFFERTORY Hymnal Page 35 arr. Roberta Bitgood (8:30) Hosanna Hosanna! Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! (11:00) From Bethlehem to Calvary Jonathan Varcoe Of those who sought my crib at Bethlehem, heeding a voice and following a star, how many walked with me to Calvary? It was too far. Glory surrounded that once mangered babe, and hope for men who struggled with their loss. But hope, fulfilled, came through my thorny crown and through my cross. Truth was my sword, and pain the accolade which I bestowed on those who followed on; a tethered ass the charger which I chose to ride upon. Gone was the glory, then, of Bethlehem, the gifts of Kings and Magi from the East; gone were the multitudes, and only twelve were at the feast. Of humble bread served in the upper room, where that sad cup was passed from hand to hand in token of my love for all mankind within the land. When, at Gethsemane, I prayed alone that a more bitter cup might be withdrawn, ye could not watch with me one little hour until the Dawn! So many sought my crib at Bethlehem, heeding a voice and following a star, but only Simon walked to Calvary. It was too far. *PRESENTATION AND *PRAYER OF RESPONSE Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH DEDICATION SENDING FORTH *HYMN OF COMMITMENT 197 ELLACOMBE Hosanna, Loud Hosanna *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION Todd Jones AR HYD Y NOS *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE 547 Go, My Children, with My Blessing Go, my children, with my blessing, never alone. Waking, sleeping, I am with you, you are my own, In my love’s baptismal river I have made you mine forever. Go, my children, with my blessing, you are my own. Text by Jaroslav J. Vajda ©1983 by Concordia Publishing House. Reproduced with permission under license number 04:09-49B. The congregation will be seated for a moment of silent prayer after the Congregational Response. *CLOSING VOLUNTARY Johannes Brahms Herzliebster Jesu (Ah, Holy Jesus) *— Those who are able, please stand† — Latecomers may be seated Please silence your cell phone as you enter the sanctuary. PARTICIPATING IN THE SERVICE Todd Jones, Pastor Sam Cooper, Executive Pastor Adam DeVries, Associate Pastor for Youth and Their Families Stuart Gordon, Associate Pastor for Discipleship Sandra Randleman, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Mission Kate Sullivan, Cross Bearer Raphael Bundage, Director of Music Nicholas Bergin, Organist Rhonda Swanson, Assistant Organist Psalmody and Doxology Choirs: Carol McClure, Director Hosanna: Lara Woodward, Director Cherub Choir: Kelly Posey, Director Keith Moore, Sanctuary Chorale Conductor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH extends a warm welcome in the name of Christ to all who worship with us today. If you are interested in joining First Presbyterian Church, please speak to the pastor or elder standing at the left of the pulpit, or you may call the church office during the week. WORSHIP REGISTRATION PADS — Whether you are a first-time visitor or a long-time member, you can help us plan ministries by signing the worship registration pad, placed at the aisle end of your pew. FLOWERS on the chancel table are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the marriage of Ann Briggs Horn and David William Montross, Jr., and in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tipton, Jr. CONGRATULATIONS — The First Presbyterian Church family congratulates Susan and Lance Sobel, on the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Katherine Sobel, born on March 3. Proud grandmother is Kathy Jones. SYMPATHY — The First Presbyterian Church family extends sympathy to Dana and Mark Pollard on the death of Mark’s father, Odell Pollard, who died on March 12. Sympathy also to granddaughter Sammy Grace Pollard. If any member of the church desires the Christian support of a Stephen Minister, call Sandra Randleman (298-9502). Stephen Ministers are trained lay ministers of the church. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Today: Palm Sunday • 8:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. April 2: Maundy Thursday • 5:30-6:30 P.M. — Dinner, reservations needed. Call (615-383-1815). • 6:30 P.M. — Communion service in the sanctuary. April 3: Good Friday • Noon — Worship service in Stanford Chapel. • 7:00 P.M. — Tenebrae service April 5: Easter • 6:30 A.M. — Sunrise service • 7:00 A.M. — Easter Breakfast • 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. — Worship • Young Children & Worship — 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. services. Overflow for these Easter services will be located in Courtenay Hall. HOLY WEEK NURSERY CARE — Nursery care will be offered Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (Evening service only), and Easter Sunday 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. services. No nursery care for the Sunrise Service. YOUNG CHILDREN & WORSHIP — 8:30 and 11:00 in Room CW-110 (located in the Children’s Ministry wing). Please reference the worship bulletin to know when to exit the sanctuary. Parents and their children who are age 4, 5 or 6 (not in 1st grade) by August 15, 2014, are invited. Please visit our website to enroll or contact Deb O’Brien ([email protected]). CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NURSERY — 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday. Nursery care for children six weeks to three years is available during worship services and Sunday School. Classes (ages 3-6) are in the Children’s Ministry Wing. Classes (1-6 grades) at the top of the C-Wing in Oak Hill School. Please see the Hospitality Center for more info. MOTHER AND INFANT QUIET ROOM — Mothers of infants who need a quiet place for nursing or calming babies. Audio feed of the worship is provided. Check with Karen Fitts in the Nursery for availability. JOIN US FOR COFFEE & DONUTS — Please join us each Sunday between services downstairs in Courtenay Hall for coffee and donuts. OFFICER PRAYER TIME — Prayer request cards are in pew racks and at the boxes located in the narthex and at the Hospitality Center. ASSISTANCE FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES — If anyone has a need or disability requiring assistance or accommodation for any church activity, please contact the church office (383-1815). A/V OF WORSHIP AVAILABLE — Worship service in Courtenay Hall has the audio-video transfer for each of the Sunday morning worship services. SERMONS preached weekly can be found on our website ( THE FIVE THIRTY — Ashley Higgins teaches on this Palm Sunday: Hosanna! Join us in The Gathering Place! Follow us on Twitter @thefivethirty, thefivethirty on Instagram and like us on Facebook @ The Five Thirty. HOLY COMMUNION will be observed on Thursday, April 2, at the 6:30 P.M. Maundy Thursday worship service. Prepare your hearts to celebrate this sign of Christ’s love. SAVE THE DATE: SPRING PICNIC AT FPC — Join us on April 26, following the 11:00 A.M. service, for food, games and more. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S “A JOYFUL SPRING” — May 19 at 6:00 P.M. at the home of Marty & Betty Dickens (4410 Harding Place, 37205) for delicious food and fellowship. Cost is $15. Register online or call Rachael Gresham (615-383-1815). JUNE RAMSEY CLASS — Today, Dr. Jaco Hammon, Professor, Vanderbilt Divinity School, is our guest speaker. Next Sunday classes will not meet. April 12 and 19, Dr. David Michelson, Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity, will speak on Ancient Middle Eastern Christians on Prayer and Spiritual Life. Class begins at 9:45 A.M. in the living room of the Cheek House. CAREER TRANSITION NETWORK — Tuesdays, 8:00 – 9:30 A.M. in the Bryant Conference Room. For more information, contact Bill Kirby ([email protected] or 615-364-8286). 2015 SPRING INQUIRERS’ CLASS — April 12, 19, 26, and May 3 and 10, (9:45-10:45 A.M.) in the Session Room (MW-203 on the 2nd floor of the Ministry Wing). Registration is not necessary. For more information, please call (615-383-1815) or Sandra Randleman at (615-298-9502). ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING RECEIVED TODAY — Help us support vital ministries like Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Presbyterian Hunger Program. Look for offering envelopes in today’s bulletin — make checks payable to FPC. Children may return their fish coin boxes today to the baskets in the church narthex. WAY ON WEDNESDAYS is a restorative midweek ministry where children can experience God through spiritual practices and worship education. All ages four through 6th grade are welcome! Nursery care for children three and younger. Please visit the website for more information or to register your child. AGE-LEVEL MINISTRIES WEDNESDAY DINNER MENU — The menu for April 1 is roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, steamed peas, rolls, soup, salad bar and birthday cake. Kids: All natural hot dog. Dinner begins 5:00 P.M. Programs begin 6:00 P.M. Dinner cost: Adults, $8; Child 3 – 12, $4; Child 2 and under, free. For more info and dinner reservations ( FIRST FRIENDS ANNOUNCEMENTS • Wednesday, April 8, 9:00 A.M. — Day trip to Corvette Museum, Bowling Green. RSVP by April 6. • Thursday, April 16, 12:00 P.M. — Luncheon/Program in Courtenay Hall. Rescheduled program as we “Celebrate Our Own Wayland Holyfield.” Sandwich/Salad Bar, Dessert ($6). RSVP by April 13. • Sunday, April 19, 12:00 P.M. — Sunday Lunch at the Egg & I. RSVP by April 17. Make all reservations with Rachel Gresham (615-383-1815 or [email protected]). CHILDREN’S MINISTRY AND NURSERY n Milestone 6 Celebration — On April 12, Love and Grace classes will have their Milestone Celebration. Parents are encouraged to join their 5/6 year-old in Grundy Hall during Sunday School for this wonderful celebration. n 5th Grade Field Trip — April 12, the 5th grade Sunday School class will take a trip to the Downtown Presbyterian Church. Families are welcome to attend. Please bring $5 to cover a pizza lunch at the church. AGE-LEVEL MINISTRIES n Confirmation Class Service & Fellowship — April 12, 3:00 – 6:00 P.M. on church campus to do service projects & fellowship together. RSVP online. n ME Mornings Spring Session — Moms of children 6 years and younger, mark your calendars for April 9, 16 and 23. ME Mornings will begin its Spring session, 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. Moms will fellowship together in The Gathering Place. Nursery care is available; please make your reservation online. n VBS 2015 is June 22-25, 2015 — Register online today! Children ages 4 ½ through those entering 3rd grade are welcome for this fun week of Bible study and adventure! n Mission Camp — July 20-23, for children entering grades 4-6 in Fall of 2015. Registration online. n Early Preschool is accepting applications for both the 2015 Summer Program and the 2015-16 school year! The preschool accepts children ages 18 months – 5 years. Visit ( for more information. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS n Sunday School Today — Grades 7-12 will meet in The Gathering Place at 9:40 A.M. before splitting into grade level Sunday school groups. n 10:24 Small Group Bible Studies are meeting weekly. If you would like to join a group, contact Scott ([email protected]). n Sign Up for Summer Mission Trips ( n West Virginia: (June 7 – 12, McDowell County) Rising 912th Graders helping with home repair with the Youth Staff. n Great Escape: (June 14 – 19, Lee University, Cleveland, TN) Rising 7th and 8th Grade Youth Conference with Brandon. n Mystery Mission Trip: (June 21 – 27) Graduating Senior Mission Trip. Come and be surprised! n Barefoot Camp: (July 6 – 11) Rising 7th and 8th graders can join Adam (camp speaker!) and others for a memorable week in Kentucky at camp, celebrating diversity. n Attention All 7th Graders! Please join us today for an afternoon of fun, games, snacks and fellowship! We will meet from 3:30 – 5:00 P.M. at Adelaide Dashiff’s house (425 Royal Oaks Place, 37205). This will take place of normal 10:24 meetings for the 7th grade boys and girls. To sign up for trips or for more information, contact Millie Greiner ([email protected] or 615-298-9570). YOUNG ADULT & COLLEGE ANNOUNCEMENTS n Young Adult Women’s Bible Study — We meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. (5229 Cochran Drive, 37220). Email Ashley for more information ([email protected]). n Young Adult Small Group — Led by Lipscomb and Rachel Davis. Dinner and Bible study held Tuesday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. at the Davis’ home (1124 Stonewall Jackson Court, 37220). For those young adults in their 20s and 30s. The Mission of First Presbyterian Church To know Christ, to make Him known, and to exhibit His love through worship, education, and service. AGE-LEVEL MINISTRIES n Sunday School Classes (meet at 9:45 A.M.) • Young Adult Sunday School Class — Led by Steve and Mary Lee Bartlett, Warner McNeilly and Allison Milam. For young adults in their 20s and 30s (Staff Workroom). • Foundations — Led by Chan and Ginger Sheppard and Sam and Betsy Funk. For engaged and newly married couples (Enrichment Center, EC-100). • First Families — Led by Mort and Jami Hill. For adults with children ages birth to six years old (Courtenay Lounge). • Friends in Faith — For adults in their 30s and early 40s (L-205). n General • For more information about College Ministry, email Linda Morphis ([email protected]). For more information about Young Adult Ministry, email Ashley Higgins ([email protected]). • Check Out the Young Adult webpage (, College webpage ( and Facebook pages (FPC Nashville Young Adults & FPC College Students) to get more involved in our Young Adult Ministry. 4815 Frankin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220 (615) 383-1815
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