March/April 2015 Calendar of Events 4/10 No School 4/13 Start of Session 7 4/15 Wednesday, Early Release, 11:30am 5/8 Early Release, End of Session/ PROM! 5/13 Wednesday, Early Release, 11:30am 5/21-22 No School, Conferences 5/25 No School, Memorial Day 5/26 Graduating Seniors Last Day 5/29 Graduation at PAC David Douglas SUN Food Pantry Distribution Thursdays in the South Cafeteria from 5pm-6pm Join us every Thursday for the Food Pantry distribution from 5pm – 6pm. Take home fresh fruits and vegetables as well as an assortment of canned and boxed foods. Please bring reusable bags if possible! Questions? Call the SUN room: (503) 262-4431 Hello Fir Ridge! Springtime is here, and with it all of the wonderful things about living in Oregon: unpredictable weather, gorgeous flowers, and lots of school events to look forward to. Here are some of our exciting happenings this spring: April 15: Career Day -Fir Ridge students will meet a variety of successful professionals from the community who do interesting and important jobs. April 20: Smarter Balanced testing begins -Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit just for passing the test! Please encourage your student to do their best on this important assessment. May 4-8 Spirit week May 8: Fir Ridge Prom May 13: Field Day May 20-22: Student Led Conferences May 29: Graduation, DDHS North Gym June 2: GED Graduation, Fir Ridge Campus As the sessions wind down, please encourage your students to finish the year strong -either with graduation or the maximum number of earned credits possible. Students who attend school daily, complete in class work, and ask for help when needed are consistently successful at Fir Ridge. I am very proud of the work students and staff have done together this year, and of our students' many accomplishments! Go Wolves! Joy O’Renick Principal Counseling Corner **REMINDER**: Credit recovery takes place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school from 3:00-4:30pm. Seniors with more than 3.25 credits remaining MUST do credit recovery in order to graduate on time. See your counselor for details and to sign up. SENIORITIS: a condition in which students close to graduation begin to feel like they can stop working because they get nervous about getting close to graduation. Ways to prevent senioritis: encourage your student that they just have to make it through to June. Hold them accountable for going to school. Make sure that they are completing any packets they have when they are at home. Give them opportunities to do volunteer hours and make sure that they are showing up for credit recovery. Important Dates: April 20th: SBAC testing starts for all juniors May 26th: Last day for graduating seniors May 29th at 4:30pm: Graduation! Please contact your student’s counselor with any questions! Exciting news!!!!! 21 Fir Ridge students and four staff recently completed The Phoenix Program. The program took place over a weekend at Camp Collins in Oxbow park and was facilitated by Synergo, a local youth development organization. We stayed in cabins, walked around in the woods and got some much needed fresh air! It’s time to start thinking GRADUATION! Seniors, have you ordered your cap and gown? See Bevan for more information. The activities of the retreat ranged from silly to serious. Students did a challenge course that involved a giant swing, some tight rope walking and a jump to a trapeze 50 ft up in the air. Every single one of our students pushed themselves out of their comfort zone in one way or another whether it involved just climbing 10 feet up a tree or having us hoist them to the top of the giant swing where they pulled the latch and swung out over the trees. The retreat was also very emotional for some. Students shared about challenges and struggles they have faced and reflected about the kind of person that they want to be in life. It was a powerful weekend for all and we are so proud of these students. The Phoenix program graduation will take place on Tuesday, May 19th from 6-8pm at Fir Ridge. All are welcome! Resource Fair We will be hosting a resource fair during spring conferences on May 21st from 3 to 6 pm. This Resource Fair includes: Community Resources Snacks and Refreshments Clothing Table Crafts for kids We look forward to seeing you there!!
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