11:45 am - First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church, Corinth, Mississippi, www.fumc-corinth.org
June 25, 2015 Summer Edition
Volume 48, Issue 12
The Corinthian Letter, USPS 563700 is published
semi-monthly by First United Methodist Church,
located at 901 N. Fillmore St., Corinth, MS 38834.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Corinth, MS. Postmaster: Send address changes to First United Methodist Church, 901 N. Fillmore St., Corinth, MS
38834 , Phone: 662-287-3111, Fax: 662-287-6314
Roger Shock—Pastor
[email protected]
Ken Lancaster—Dir. of Music
Ministries [email protected]
Chris Vandiver—Dir. of TV Ministry
[email protected]
Cat Simmons—Daycare Director
[email protected]
Janet Wallace—Secretary
[email protected]
Chuck Stringer—Financial Manager
[email protected]
Ms. Cinnamon Alexander
PO Box 736
Corinth, MS 38835
Sunday (28)
9:00 am
10:00 am
Tuesday (30)
9:00 am
9:00 am
Thursday (2)
10:30 am
Friday (3)
Little Blessings Chapel
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ladies Living
Single Bible Study
Church Office Closed
Sunday (5)
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:20 am
Tuesday (7)
9:00 am
9:00 am
Wednesday (8)
Sunday School
Worship Service
12:30 am
Sunday School
Worship Service
Children’s Worship
Little Blessings Chapel
Prayer Shawl Ministry
BEES Committee
Wednesday, July
8th at 12:30 pm
Sunday, June 28
Ushers - Hank Leonard, Chuck Stringer & Jerry Beck Head Usher: Greg Tyson
Acolytes - Olivia Edmonson, Ethan Chappelle & Anna Claire Chappelle
Greeters - Patricia Hussey & Ruth Byrd
Prayer Partner - Brenda Childs
Sanctuary Prayer Partner - Norma Counce & Angela Avent
Children’s Worship - Mary Johns Pittman
Evangelism Team - Visitor/Bread Baker:
Mona Lisa Grady
TV Crew -Chris Vandiver Sanctuary Audio - Ned Grady, John Mercier, Greg Tyson
Sunday, July 5
The BEES swarm on the 5th Wednesday in July.
Menu and entertainment to be announced.
Mark your calendar for July 29th at 11:45 am.
Ushers-M/M Brian McCullen, Johnny Ross & Lee Childress Head Usher: Zane Elliott
Acolytes - Mary Morgan Gardecki, Katie Beth Fulghum & Ansley Tyson
Greeters - Barbara Wayne & Loretta Newton
Prayer Partner - Marcia Ann Glisson
Sanctuary Prayer Partner - Robin Elliott
Children’s Worship - Mary Johns Pittman
Evangelism Team - Visitor: Barbara Rogers Bread Baker: Karen Cooley
TV Crew - Chris Vandiver Sanctuary Audio - Ned Grady, John Mercier, Greg Tyson
For: George Wyatt (Marge Droke’s
by Dr. & Mrs. Elbert White
by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Odom
For: Bill Dennie
by Dr. & Mrs. Elbert White
by The Bobby Vaughn Family
by Mr. & Mrs. Sandy Williams
by David M. Palmer
by The families of Leslie R. Crawford
& Kathryn P. Taylor
by Judy McPeters
by Jo Ann Joyce
by Mr. & Mrs. Abe Rafidi
by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Odom
by Mr. & Mrs. W.D.Smith
by Mr. & Mrs. Danny Dilworth
by Mr. & Mrs. Gene McFall
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
by Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews
by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith
by Mr. & Mrs. Dean Pearce
by Ruth Ann Moore, Sandy Haddad
& Emily Smith
For: Bill Hussey
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
by Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews
by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith
For: Carla Sue McCall (Joe Clark’s
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
For: Louise Sain (Ben Avent’s
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
For: Donna Stockton
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins