Fairfield Warde PTA Blast APRIL 26, 2015 CALENDAR/IMPORTANT UPDATES: Thursday, April 30th -May 2nd - All-State Music Festival Monday, May 4th - Reminder about the RTM Budget Meeting and Vote Monday May 4th – 15th – AP Testing Tuesday, May 5th - HS PTA’s -Sponsor “Self Defense Program” – 7:30pm FLHS – Small Gym (* see below) Friday, May 8th - Jazz Dinner Dance 7:00-11:00pm at the Inn at Longshore, in Westport Wednesday, May 13th PTA Program – “Life after Warde” – High School” Meeting, 7:00pm FWHS Auditorium (* see below) Saturday, May 16th - Junior Prom – 7:00-11:00pm FWHS Courtyard Sunday, May 17th - 1st FWHS Flea Market - 8:00am -3:00pm - Parking lots at Warde Come support the vendors and fundraising for WARDE PTA!! (Raindate - Sunday May 24th) Monday, May 25th - No School - Memorial Day Parade Saturday, May 30th - Senior Prom – 7:00-11:00pm - Location TBA Tuesday, June 2nd - Harlan Cohen Presentation (* see below) WARDE - PTA Seeking new and interested parents to serve on the FWHS PTA. We know there are current parents who might be interested in serving in PTA leadership roles and on committees in the upcoming year. We hope to have a Slate of Officers and interested parents for events planned throughout the year at our May PTA meeting. If you are interested in serving, please contact Leonora Campbell [email protected] FAMILY ENGAGEMENT TEAM: The Family Engagement team offers you the tools and resources to make your child’s academic and social potential a reality. Today’s parents need to be engaged, empowered, informed and responsiblein advocating for their children and WARDE PTA wants to partner with you to accomplish this. The Family Engagement Team invites you to Like us on Facebook at Parenteen Talks where we post helpful conversation starters and specific how-to strategies. Additionally, program information is available at the PTA website at www.fwhspta.org SAVE THESE DATES: Please find below the meetings and programs/topics planned for the remainder of the school year: * Wed. May 5th 7:30pm in the FLHS small gym (Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA ) “Safeguard Your Life: Hands on Strategies for Staying Smart and Safe" Seventh degree Black Belts, Jerry and Nancy Simon of Fairfield's Villari Self Defense Studio will be joining to share many practical safety tips for daily life. We taught our teens safety skills when they were younger; now it is time for a refresher. This workshop is fueled by audience participation, so come in comfortable clothes. You're never too old to learn new techniques to stay safe, so bring the kids and join us. This is a family event. For more detailed information clickhttp://files.ctctcdn.com/30488ccb001/815096e8-d5a2-4bd0-85cb-591412774b16.pdf The workshop is free! We hope to see you then! * Wed. May 13 - 7:00pm FWHS Auditorium "12th grade Parent Program - Life After Warde - Strategies to Help Parents Help Their Students Transition to College and Post High School Life" "The first 6 weeks of college for first-year students are critical to their success; about 1/3 will FAIL to enroll for their second year.“ We don’t want you to think… “I wish I had known to talk about that.” Deans and Counselors from Fairfield and Sacred Heart Universities will discuss What Parents Should KNOW and DO BEFORE they GO. Topics will include alcohol and prescription drug use/abuse; Title IX information; and strategies to proactively develop resilient, successful and happy young adults (who are also our children). * Tues. June 2 - 7:00pm Location TBA (Co-sponsored by Fairifeld Warde & Fairfield Ludlowe PTA ) Best-selling author, Harlan Cohen of “The Naked Roommate book” series, will speaking with parents and students about the transition college. Sometimes you need to get "comfortable with the uncomfortable" WARDE SPIRIT WEAR SALES: NO MORE PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES! BUY A WARDE CAMELBAK AT OUR APRIL SPIRIT WEAR SALE Warde High School now has a water bottle refilling center near the Main Office. And there’s nothing better to use at that refilling station than a Warde Camelbak. We are offering our water bottles at a special price of $15. Look for them and many other Spirit Wear items at our next sale on Tuesday, April 28th outside the cafeteria during all lunch periods. If you have any questions please e-mail Susan Fiske at [email protected] or Denise Walsh at [email protected]. FAIRFIELD WARDE PTA is pleased to announce the Flea Market Dates for this year: The flea markets will be open from 8 AM to 3 PM in the parking lots of Fairfield Warde High School, which is located at 755 Melville Avenue, Fairfield, CT. Cost for spaces are: $25 for 3 spaces, $30 for 4 spaces. If you would like to be a vendor and have a tag sale (great way to do a spring cleaning and make some $$) , sell some baked goods, or have a FWHS - team fundraiser, please feel free to join us. Vendors can begin setting up at 6 AM - it is first come first serve in terms of space loacations.....but there is always space!! These are dates for the following Sundays: May 17th (raindate May 24th) June 21st (raindate June 28th) July 19th (raindate July 26th) August 16th (raindate August 23rd) September 20th (raindate September 27th) We are seeking PTA WARDE parent & student volunteers to help with this very important and annual MAJOR fundraiser for WARDE PTA. We are asking for two - three volunteers per a single date. You will be provided with the realtively EASY instructions and guidance for the date you choose to very kindly volunteer and assist with. If you are interested, please contact Leonora Campbell [email protected] to go over what needs to be done. The Warde PTA has been sponsoring this event for many many years and the vendors and members of the community look forward to it annually happening. It is the hope to keep this tradition going, BUT volunteers are needed!! Please help keep the tradition and fundraiser for the school going. Thank you for your consideration. SAT and ACT Prep Course REGISTRATION Courses are open to all FPS high school students, regardless of location. Scholarships may be available - contact your guidance department to inquire. For our full year course offerings, class details, and to register: log on to www.alphaprep.com click on the Services tab and then type in fphs in the course code window. A $25 late fee will be added to any registration made within 2 weeks of start date. Sign up TODAY! PTA contact: Lilian Awad at [email protected], or Jamie Kaiser at [email protected] Below are the posting for the summer courses, dates, times and locations which are to be announced. SAT Summer Session 1 (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm July 6th – July 16th SAT Summer Session 2 (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm July 20th – July 30th SAT Summer Session 3 (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm August 3rd – August 13th SAT Level 2 Summer Session (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm August 3rd – August 13th ACT Summer Session (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 11:00 pm – 1:00 pm August 3rd – August 13th College Essay Writing Workshop Summer (2015) Class Location: TBA Mondays/Wednesdays 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm August 3rd – August 17th FAIRFIELD WARDE ANNOUNCEMENTS: State of Connecticut mandated Health Assessment - PLEASE READ!! The Fairfield district is currently transitioning the State of Connecticut mandated health assessment from grade 10 to grade 9. Therefore, for this 2014-2015 school year, students in both grades 9 and 10 must submit an updated health assessment to the school nurse. If your child requires this physical, you were sent an initial letter in September and a reminder letter in January along with a blue State of Connecticut health assessment form. We still have not received back all the mandated health assessment forms. Please return all physical forms by the end of this school year. Points to remember: • The date of the physical must be on or after 8/15/13. • All items marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in. • The parent side (first page of the form) must be completed and signed by the parent. If this requirement is not met, the student will not be admitted to his/her sophomore/junior year of high school. WARDE ATHLETICS: Cheerleading Tryouts: Come tryout for the 2015-2015 Warde Cheerleading Team! Tryouts will be on May 13, 14, 20, and 21 in the gym 6:00-8:00. Please contact [email protected] for more information. SENIORS - CLASS OF 2015 INFORMATION 1. Graduation has been set Wednesday, June 17th 6:00pm FWHS - Courtyard - more details to follow from Headmaster, Mr Coyne. 2. Graduation Caps & Gowns information: Payment collection for senior graduation cap & gowns will begin in homerooms on Tuesday, April 21st through April 30th. The cost is $25. Please make check payable to FWHS. If only caps, tassels or ties are needed, they are available for $2.50 each. Payments made on or after May 1st will incur a $5.00 late fee. MPA INFORMATION: JAZZ DINNER DANCE SPRING 2015 – RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW! The highly acclaimed Jazz Dinner Dance is set for May 8, 2015, 7:00-11:00pm at The Inn at Longshore, in Westport. This sell-out event features the combined Talents of our award winning Jazz Bands from FLHS and FWHS. It is an exciting evening of dinner, dancing, fabulous jazz and big band music, and our popular silent auction. This amazing event brings music lovers from the Fairfield community together for a great cause – our student musicians. Visit our website at http://fairfieldmpa.org/ to download your invitation and details and reserve your seat by emailing [email protected] Deadline is April 25, 2015. CAREER & COLLEGE RESOURCES: PARENTS WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP JUNIOR JOB SHADOWING DAY PROGRAM A job shadowing experience will be offered this spring to interested juniors. The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to spend one day with someone employed in a career area that interests them. Applications & FACT Sheet are available on the College & Career Center’s webpage: FWHS – Counseling – College & Career Center – Job Shadowing (left side of screen.) Please see Ms. Lala in the College & Career Center or email [email protected] with any questions. AQUACULTURE SCHOOL Angie's At Aqua Seafood Market is Open at the Aquaculture School! The Angie's At Aqua Seafood Market is open on Thursday afternoon from 3PM to 6PM at the Aquaculture School, which is located at 60 St. Stephens Road, Bridgeport (just in front of Captain's Cove). If you would like to receive Angie's fish/seafood price list via email each week, please email the NEW address for Angie's at [email protected] and you will immediately be put on the new list! BOARD OF EDUCATION UPDATES: Next Board of Education Meeting: Thursday, May 7th - 7:30 pm - 501 Kings Highway East, 2nd Floor Conference Room. (closer to the date, refer to the BOE - district webpage for agendas and information) The RTM is voting on the town budget on Monday, May 4. If any cuts are made to the proposed Education budget at that time, the BoE will likely begin discussions on how the budget will be adjusted at the May 7th meeting. Be sure to contact your RTM members to keep the BUDGET as it has been approved. RTM: [email protected] For more complete, detailed information on the budget, please visit the District's webpage: http://fairfieldschools.org If you are unable to attend a meeting but want to stay involved and on top of what is happeneing, be sure to click on http://fairtv.pegcentral.com SBAC Curious About the SBAC and its implementation in Connecticut? Visit the http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/site/default.asp to learn more. This test will be administered to Juniors at Warde at the end of May (after APs and SATS). A more detailed schedule will be following in the coming weeks. COMMUNITY EVENTS: "Raising Resilient Children and Adolescents" presented by Dr. Robert Brooks . Monday April 27th. He will be giving his presentation twice: 1) Weston Public Library/Community Room : 11am-12:30pm 2) Wilton HS Little Theater : 7pm-8:30pm Refer to Dr. Brooks [email protected] web: http://www.drrobertbrooks.com Dogwood Dash Saturday, May 2, 2015 – Greenfield Hill Congregational Church A 2-Mile Run amongst the blooming Dogwood trees for ages 8-60+. Trophies award for each age category including biggest team and family! Free T-shirt for first 100 entries. All proceeds benefit many local, US and International charities. Mini-Dash for 2-7year olds free. Register online at: http://startlineraceservices.com/ For more information visit: http://www.greenfieldhillchurch.com/ Scholars and Athletes Serving Others (SASO) The SASO 2015-16 Membership Drive is on! This outstanding Service and Leadership organization for high school boys and their mothers is currently recruiting new members for the upcoming year. All current 8th-11th grade boys in the Fairfield area are invited to join. SASO members are provided with many opportunities to serve our local community, take on leadership roles, and attend personal growth sessions.Registration ends on May 4. Click http://files.ctctcdn.com/30488ccb001/80779c26-85a5-4c1a-bdd0-d34282c64030.pdf for more information. Fairfield Teen Theater - Auditions and Registration: May 18 and 19, 3:30-6:00 pm. FWMS Auditorium This year's Main Stage show will be Legally Blonde and the Magic Box Show will be Avenue Q (School Edition). Click http://files.ctctcdn.com/30488ccb001/de0bcd0c-a2c2-4378-b75c-0160fae09419.pdf for the flyer. We invite PTA volunteers, members, teachers, staff and parents to submit FWHS newsworthy items to be included in future blasts. Each announcement should be received no later than Friday to be printed in the Sunday edition. Submissions for this newsletter should be: Emailed to [email protected] *As a gentle reminder, the purpose of these e-mail blasts is to promote and keep you informed of FWHS-based activities, events, important dates, and other FWHS related items. Information pertaining to non-FWHS or non-school/community matters will be considered and if appropriate will be included. * If you would not like to continue to receive any PTA emails, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line. We thank you in advance for your patience, and ask that you allow a week or so to process your request. We have volunteers working on making changes and hope you understand we are working as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you would like to unsubscribe please click the link below https://www.myschoolanywhere.com/msa-unsubscribe.a5w?conf=97c56c1e452b4dfaae05264a52881afb
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