Your Direct Link To City Hall THIS ISSUE Disaster Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Accessible Pedestrian Signal . . . . . . 6 Library is Calling You . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Family Assistance Program . . . . . . . 8 parks fall brochure inside no parking New Citywide Parking Restriction for Snow Removal on Pages 3-4 revitalize dsm WE WANT YOUR IDEAS. Revitalize Des Moines Your Property Taxes The City of Des Moines receives 36¢ of each dollar paid in property taxes. There are 8 entities that collect revenue from YOUR property tax dollar. They include: 39.9% Des Moines Public Schools 36.06% Des Moines 14.81% Polk County 6.35% Broadlawns Co. Hospital 1.28%DMACC 0.97%DART 0.54% Polk County Assessor 0.08% Polk County Extension Fall 2012 Edition Des Moines on the Move !!! Construction activity in our neighborhoods and downtown is increasing sharply as the economic outlook improves. Des Moines is a leader in sustainable development and few things are more sustainable than repurposing a historic building. Residential conversions are currently underway in the downtown core in the Fleming and Des Moines Buildings, the Crane Building on the west end and the Rocket Transfer Warehouse south of MLK. These new developments will add over 350 new apartments to the downtown area in 2013. The Fleming and Des Moines Buildings will also offer space for first floor commercial tenants. Construction has started on the Waterfront Lodgings site at SW 2nd Avenue and Water Street with frontage on the Des Moines River. In the neighborhoods, a groundbreaking was held for Melbourne Apartments Phase 2 in the Easter Lake Neighborhood and site work has begun on the 30 unit Franklin Field Senior Apartments in the Waveland Park/Merle Hay area. Building plans have been submitted for a new CVS Pharmacy at 2nd Avenue and Euclid; this will be the first CVS in Des Moines. Several restaurants that are new to the Des Moines area have opened in the new Ingersoll Avenue retail center just west of MLK Parkway. Qdoba Mexican Grill, Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt and Noodles & Company, along with a T-Mobile store have replaced what use to be a vacant used car lot. The city’s most exciting project is the reinvention of Southridge Mall and the first phase of redevelopment opens this month. After demolition of the mall’s central area, 100,000 square feet of new retail space is now coming online just in time for the holiday shopping season. This has been a great year for downtown and neighborhood development and we look forward to what 2013 will bring. City Manager Richard A. Clark | Phone: 515-283-4141 | Email: [email protected] New Plans for Walnut Street Underway The move of the Des Moines Area Transit Regional Authority (DART) to its new Central Station at 620 Cherry Street will allow full-time use of Walnut Street for vehicle traffic. In anticipation of this change, the City of Des Moines in partnership with the Downtown Community Alliance (DCA) has hired a consultant team to develop a streetscape and revitalization strategy for Walnut from Second Avenue to Tenth Street. This team is lead by two local firms Confluence and Genus Landscape (Continued on page 6) Mondays at 4:30 p.m. Mayor T. M. Franklin Cownie [email protected] 515-283-4944 At Large, Skip Moore [email protected] 515-237-1621 At Large, Chris Coleman [email protected] 515-237-1622 November 19, 2012 December 3, 2012 December 17, 2012 January 14, 2013 January 28, 2013 Ward 1, Halley Griess [email protected] 515-237-1623 Ward 2, Bob Mahaffey [email protected] 515-237-1624 Ward 3, Christine Hensley [email protected] 515-237-1625 Ward 4, Brian Meyer [email protected] 515-999-0590 City Clerk’s Office Relocated Chances are if you’ve been in City Hall, you’ve visited the City Clerk’s Office at least once. For the past 70+ years it’s been located on the 2nd floor, adjacent to the City Council Chambers. This fall, in an effort to be more accessible to the public, the Clerk’s Office moved to the first floor, just inside the front doors of City Hall. If you need information regarding City Council agendas, need to pay a parking citation, purchase a pet license or dog park permit, or just need help locating the right office, the Clerk’s staff will be at your service. This move required some minor remodeling, and the temporary relocation of the Office of Economic Development, but it makes the Clerk’s Office much easier to find. When you visit the City Clerk’s Office, you’ll still see the same smiling faces but you won’t have to climb all those stairs. We think you’ll like the change. Frequently Called Numbers Animal License...................................283-4209 Birth Certificates.................................286-3781 Building Permits..................................283-4200 Bus Schedules....................................283-8100 City Assessor......................................286-3141 City Clerk............................................283-4209 Clerk of Court.....................................286-3772 Consumer Protection..........................281-5926 DM Human Rights Commission.........283-4284 DM Waterworks..................................283-8700 Driver’s License Info...........................244-1052 Election Office....................................286-3247 First Call for Help ...............................246-6555 Forestry..............................................283-4950 Garbage Collection.............................283-4950 Graffiti Removal..................................248-6350 Information Center (City Hall).............283-4500 Jobline (City jobs)............................... 283-4115 Library Information..............................283-4152 Mayor & Council Office.......................283-4944 Neighborhood Complaints .................283-4046 Park & Recreation Info.......................237-1386 Parking Tickets...................................283-4125 Police (non-emergency)..................... 283-4811 Polk County Information.....................286-3000 Potholes..............................................283-4950 Property Tax.......................................286-3060 Social Services Referral Info....................... 211 State of Iowa Information.................... 281-5011 Street Maintenance............................283-4950 Tax Abatement....................................283-4751 Underground Lines......................800-292-8989 Vehicle Registration............................286-3030 Virtual Librarian (renew books)...........283-4000 Visitor Information at CVB..................286-4960 Weed Commission ............................286-3005 Zoo (Blank Park).................................285-4722 Website: DMTV on MediaCom Cable 7, 86 and 97-1 Did you know that when you put your recyclable items in plastic bags, the city can’t recycle those materials? The City of Des Moines’ recycling program is an automated system that is unable to process plastic bags or the items inside of them. Help us to make the most of your recyclables by putting them directly into your blue recycle cart or inside of PAPER bags. This helps the city process all of your recyclable materials and keeps them out of the landfill. Plastic bags may be taken to your local grocery store to be recycled. page 2 City Hall 400 Robert D. Ray Drive Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 515-283-4500 Email: [email protected] TDD: 515-283-4081 City Manager Richard Clark Phone: 515-283-4141 [email protected] Fax: 515-237-1300 Do not put plastic shopping bags in the blue recycle cart. Editorial Board – [email protected] Amelia Morris Editor, Public Information City Clerk’s Office Diane Rauh Park and Recreation Jennifer Fletcher Jan Kaiser DSM Public Library Shekinah Young Public Information Melissa Rezab Public Works Brian O’Keefe Fire Department Chris Scott Police Department Laura Graham City Manager’s Office Watch DMTV Channel 7 ! Clip and keep for future reference. Council Meeting Dates Know Where to Go Before the Snow ! Clip and keep for future reference. Better, Faster Snow Removal This Year! Residential streets will be plowed faster and more frequently this year using wing plows. To make room for these larger plows, motorists will need to park their vehicles off the street until snow plowing operations are complete. Plan ahead and find off-street parking for all vehicles ... know where to go before the snow! Benefits of New Citywide Snow Removal Policy Better Snow Removal Beginning fall 2012, all residential streets citywide will be plowed after 2 inch snowfalls. Previously, most residential streets were plowed only after snowfalls of 4 inches or more. Faster Snow Removal Wing plows can clear streets in one-third less time. However, NO PARKING will be allowed on residential streets until after they have been plowed curb to curb, with the exception of the streets in the Carpenter, Drake, Drake Park, River Bend and Sherman Hill neighborhoods. Parking alternatives include your driveway or neighbors’ driveways with permission, nearby parking lots with permission, snow route streets once they have been plowed and property access off of an alley. Learn When the Plows are Coming When the snowfall ends and accumulations have reached 2 inches or more, plowing will begin on residential streets. You can access up-to-date information on snow removal by the following methods: EMAIL UPDATES Email: Subscribe to email alerts at Texting: Subscribe to text message alerts by texting ‘DMSNOW’ to 96362. Facebook: Keep up on snow operations with Facebook by liking ‘Des Moines Public Works’. Twitter: Follow us @dmdpw. Call: the Department of Public Works 24-Hour Customer Service Center at 515-283-4950. Enforcement Residents are expected to follow parking restrictions during snow plowing operations. Warnings will be issued by police personnel on the first two storms only. After that, vehicle owners will be ticketed and/or towed. The cost of a ticket is $35. page 3 — Department of Public Works — Things to Keep in Mind About Snow Removal • Snow Districts (Residential Streets) When Snow Routes have been completed, Snow Districts are normally plowed when the total accumulation of snow on the street exceeds 2 inches. Snow Districts include residential streets and other areas outside of the Central Business District (CBD). Parking is restricted on all streets during snow removal operations. Please remember city crews do not salt or plow private property, nor remove snow ridges in driveways caused by snowplows. • Alleys Alleys that provide primary access to residential properties will be cleared prior to the end of the snowfall to facilitate off-street parking during snow removal operations in residential areas. • Cul-de-Sac or Dead End Special equipment may be needed to plow Cul-de-sacs or dead end streets. Residents may experience a short delay in service. • Sidewalk Snow Removal To help ensure that sidewalks are cleared for pedestrian use, the City of Des Moines requires residents to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 48 hours following the end of a snowfall. Property owners who do not comply are subject to a $50.00 administrative penalty for a first offense and larger penalties for repeat violations. • Deposit of Snow on Public Property Keep in mind that snow removed from parking lots and driveways cannot be placed on the street or public right-ofway. Property owners who do not comply, whether they hire a contractor or not, are subject to a $100.00 administrative penalty for a first offense and larger penalties for repeat violations. To report a street that needs to be treated or plowed following the completion of snow removal operations, please call the Department of Public Works 24-Hour Call Center at 515-283-4950. Be prepared to provide the exact location such as an intersection or street address. The Department of Public Works appreciates your cooperation and patience as we work to return city streets to normal winter driving conditions. Five neighborhoods (Carpenter, Drake, Drake Park, River Bend, and Sherman Hill) with high densities of multi-family structures and limited off-street parking will be restricted to an odd/even parking process during snow plowing operations. On calendar days ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), on-street parking is allowed in front of addresses ending in an odd number. On even number days, park in front of addresses ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) to avoid being ticketed or possibly towed. Enjoy Cleaner, Safer Streets This Winter! 24-hour Call Center: 515-283-4950 page 4 A Friendly Reminder ... Parking is Restricted until Streets are Plowed! Know Where to Go Before the Snow To Avoid Expensive Tickets and Possible Towing! Watch DMTV Channel 7 # Clip and keep for future reference. • Snow Routes Snow Routes are given first priority for salt application and snow removal. Snow Routes are normally plowed when snow accumulations exceed 1 inch. Remember, when emergency snow or ice removal operations are in progress, you may not park your vehicle on a Snow Route. # Clip and keep for future reference. City Receives Highest Recognition for Financial Reporting The City of Des Moines received high praise and recognition for excellence in its governmental accounting and financial reporting practices. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded Des Moines a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2011. This Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. The award is presented to the Finance Director; however it is the city’s Finance Department staff that is primarily responsible for preparing the award-winning CAFR and as such, deserve the recognition. The GFOA insures that the CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel of peers and that it meets the high standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” clearly communicating the city’s financial story. The format and depth of detail are designed to motivate citizens to read the CAFR and better understand the resources being utilized in providing essential municipal services. A copy of the CAFR is available on the city website at Departments/Finance/Pages/default.aspx . The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C. Disaster Planning Preparing your household for an emergency takes less time and effort than you may think. If a disaster hits your community, having a family disaster plan for what to do and stocking up on some basic supplies can make all the difference in how safely and comfortably you make it through the crisis. FEMA offers emergency planning advice for families and businesses online at http:// These tips and tools make getting prepared easy. Here are a few basics to remember: • Learn about the types of risks that could affect your area. No matter where you live, there is a natural or manmade disaster that could strike without warning. Plan ahead, know what to do before, during and after these types of events. Decide how your family will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in the event of an emergency. • Develop a family emergency plan and organize important documents. A “family emergency plan” is available on Each household should identify someone locally and someone out of state who will be your contact person in case of an emergency. Learn how to send updates via text messaging to your friends and family. Print your plan and share it with each family member. Keep a copy with important documents like birth certificates, insurance policies, and financial forms in your emergency supply kit. • Put together an emergency kit. A standard emergency kit includes food, water and medicine to sustain all members of your household for at least three days. Visit for a complete list of suggested items. Try adding a few items at a time, that will ensure your family is prepared for an emergency. And don’t forget to maintain your kit and replace items prior to their expiration and keep contact information current. Finally, get to know local resources. can link you to local emergency information about sheltering and evacuation. Check out the information on and get started today! Police Officer Recruitment The City of Des Moines is accepting applications now until December 5, 2012 for the position of Police Officer. Interested individuals need to complete an online application on city’s website at, look under “Quick Links” on the home page and click on “Employment”. page 5 Accessible Pedestrian Signal An APS (Accessible Pedestrian Signal) is a special device designed to assist low vision or blind pedestrians in crossing the street. In Des Moines, the APS is a pedestrian push button device that provides audible cues such as tones or voice messages to assist the visually impaired. Presently, there are APS buttons installed at traffic signal intersections on Grand Avenue at Polk Blvd, 31st Street, 35th Street and 37th Street. More APS devices will be installed in the future. An APS subcommittee of the Des Moines Access Advisory Board was created to develop a process for receiving and prioritizing new requests to install these buttons at additional signalized pedestrian crossing locations. Cross walks or intersections that are more complex or skewed, have low traffic volumes, left turn arrows, or several lanes to cross will score higher than locations that are smaller, less complex intersections. Requests for new APS installations are accepted year round and in September of each year, the Traffic and Transportation Division (T&T) (Walnut Street continued from page 1) Architects and includes national firms with expertise in retail planning and urban media. A preliminary study by the City and DCA calls for a street design that blends public and private spaces aimed to enrich and enliven urban activity along Walnut Street. The vision for Walnut Street includes on-street parking, street lighting, landscape features and an embracement of 21st century technology through public art and urban media. This vision will guide the design of the streetscape. Over the next few months the consultant team will develop a conceptual streetscape design, a base retail market study, and cost estimates. Once this is complete, a public-private fundraising effort will be initiated. The success of this fundraising effort will dictate the number of phases of construction and the rate at which improvements will be made. page 6 staff will score the requested intersections and bring the scores back to APS subcommittee. The process includes the following: • APS Subcommittee ranks requested locations in order of priority based upon total score. • APS Subcommittee sends recommended priorities to the full Access Advisory Board for review at their October Meeting. • Each year in October, the Access Advisory Board would provide recommendation of priorities to T&T staff for APS installation locations. • T&T notifies the requester of the result and provides a timeline for the installation to be completed if applicable. For information contact the Traffic & Transportation Division at 515-283-4973. To make a request for new APS installation, download the form online at TrafficTransportation.aspx – print and complete the form and mail to: Traffic & Transportation Division 400 Robert D. Ray Drive (Lower level - Basement) Des Moines, IA 50309 GET UP TO $10,000 EXTRA TO IMPROVE YOUR HOME WHEN YOU BORROW FROM NFC! • NFC provides financing in specific areas within Des Moines for purchases, refinances or home improvement • Each NFC loan comes with a 5 year forgivable loan (up to $10,000 per property) for home repairs • Visit our website at to see if your home is in an NFC lending area • Call one of our Loan Originators with any questions: 288-5626 Ext 209 for Joni (NMLS #26251) or Ext 211 for Karen (NMLS #29833) Ext 213 for Richie (NMLS #521207) Watch DMTV Channel 7 Guide to Fall & Winter 2012-2013 Fun in Des Moines Parks CITY OF PARKS AND RECREATION The New Woodland Cemetery Arch: Connecting Past to Present If you’re one of the more than 40,000 people who pass by the City’s historic Woodland Municipal Cemetery each day you’re certain to have noticed the recent addition of a new old-style arch over the entrance gate. Des Moines Municipal Cemeteries’ volunteer citizen historian Gerald LeBlanc championed this effort to enhance the charm of the entry to the City’s oldest cemetery . . . he was so committed to the need for this historic project that he donated personal funds and efforts in generating the $80,000 necessary to build the new structure completed in September. As indicated within the wording on the new arch, Woodland Cemetery was established in 1848; it was one of the first cemeteries established in Iowa. The 69-acre cemetery reflects the Victorian heritage of its time. A formal entrance and arch structure was constructed by the City in 1889. The entrance roadway wound through a small covered gateway between the superintendent’s residence and the cemetery chapel. The entrance and adjoining buildings were referred to as the Gate Lodge. The text over the covered entry gate read 1889 Woodland Cemetery. These structures existed until the early 1920s and reflect the trend of covered, arched entrances that continues even to this day in rural and municipal cemeteries throughout Iowa. That covered entrance was the inspiration for our modern-day efforts to put a symbolic cover over the current cemetery entrance. In 1915, stately white Vermont granite columns and ornamental iron gates were placed at the main entrance of the cemetery. The columns, still standing today, are each composed of six drystacked Vermont granite blocks, skillfully hewn to rest atop of each other without any means necessary to fasten them together. The craftsmanship is of the highest quality and allows the columns to stand free of internal or external support to a grand height of 12 feet. The word Woodland is carved into the top granite block as a capstone on each column. A short decorative iron fence panel spans between the two main entry columns and two shorter granite columns, one on The new arch welcomes visitors through the cemetery entrance on the corner of MLK Parkway and Woodland Avenue. each side complement the larger main ones. Between the main columns are two masterfully crafted ornamental iron gates that open and close according to the cemetery’s daily hours. In keeping with the tradition of Woodland Cemetery’s splendor, in 2004 the City of Des Moines widened, and added landscaped medians along the cemetery’s east boundary street, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. During this enhancement project, the entrance to Woodland Cemetery was relocated in order to retain a prominent presence along the new parkway. The granite columns and gates were moved 38 feet to accommodate the widening and to allow greater vehicle access to the cemetery, while also protecting the historic columns from possible vehicular collisions. The decorative design of the new arch is in keeping with that of the existing entrance components. The arch rests atop the Vermont granite columns and is moored deep within them to withstand nearly 100 mile per hour winds. It is fabricated from mild steel, a modern form of wrought iron, and was galvanized prior to receiving its black paint finish capable of withstanding several decades of weathering. New entrance landscaping will be in place by spring to compliment the picturesque, welcoming structure One day soon, heed the arch’s warm greeting and drive through the entrance to absorb fascinating Des Moines history that has spanned three different centuries. Tweet Up Goes Old School This Spring Give your smartphone a break and head out to Gray’s Lake over lunch to “Tweet Up” with the birds. Each Wednesday from 11:00-11:45 join local birder John Bissell. Get to know the water and land birds that stop by Gray’s Lake Park as they pause to refuel for their continued journey north during spring migration. The Parks and Recreation Department is providing basic bird watching sessions through the end of May. The lunch hour sessions will meet at Gray’s Lake from March 6th through May 22, 2013. March 6th through April 10th emphasis will be placed on water birds such as ducks, geese, loons, grebes, mergansers, pelicans, and herons and the public will meet in the beach parking lot on the north side of Gray’s Lake. From approximately April 17th through the end of May sessions will meet in the southeast parking lot for viewing of songbirds such as warblers, vireos, thrushes, and sparrows. Binoculars are encouraged – we have a few extra pairs if you forget yours. This spring program is free and open to all ages. If you miss a session, check out our Facebook page for a posting of birds seen each week at the park: or contact us at 248-6380 or [email protected]. Transplanting in the Tropics Looking to beat those winter blues with a tropical getaway? Leave your sun block at home and fly over to the City of Des Moines’ Parks and Recreation Greenhouse for a rendezvous with the tropics! Have you ever wondered where those spectacular flowers and plants that beautify downtown, neighborhoods and parks get their start? While it’s freezing cold outside they are snug and warm growing in the city’s greenhouse. But before spring arrives, we need your help to transplant the little beauties into bigger containers to prepare them for a heartier spring planting in the ground. We grow over 350,000 annuals each year! It’s the perfect volunteer opportunity for individuals, groups or corporate volunteers. Many volunteers will be needed, either for a one-time only or a routine shift. No experience is necessary all volunteers are trained onsite. Volunteers must be able to walk unassisted, stand for short periods, do light physical work and possibly bend over while transplanting. Shifts start midFebruary and are available Monday-Friday 8:00-11:00 a.m.or 1:00-3:00 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Contact us at parksvolunteer@dmgov. org or 248-6380 to sign-up! Don’t Wiff On These Opportunities The 2013 Des Moines Park and Recreation Ice fishing Derby will be held Sunday, February 10, 2013 at Easter Lake. Tournament hours are from 8 a.m. to Noon and inspections will begin at 6:00 a.m. Cost is $20 per person. Participants are encouraged to register onsite the day of the competition. This year’s derby will be both “big fish” and” heaviest stringer” format, fished by 1 and 2-person teams. Contest winners will receive Bass Pro Shop gift cards, a portable ice shelter, ice fishing equipment and much more. Portable ice fishing shelters will be allowed, but no motorized vehicles will be allowed on the ice. Shuttle service will be provided from the boat ramp to the ice for those needing assistance. There will be lots of free prizes for the kids, so we encourage moms & dads to team up with your kids and come out to Easter Lake for a fun-filled day of competitive ice fishing! Panfish bag limits, minimum length limit on bass, and all other state regulations will apply. For more information please call (515)248-6310. Family Wiffle Ball League Prepare for the upcoming little league season by signing up for this family oriented wiffleball league. This is a recreational league with no score kept and a focus on skill development. It also gives adults a chance to spend some quality time with their children. Children ages 3 – 10 and adult family members may register as a team, (maximum of six individuals) or as an adult-child pair (to be placed on a team). Each team will play one 45 minute game for four Sundays beginning March 17. Games will be held at Pioneer Columbus Community Center, 2100 SE 5th St. Children will receive a trophy and hat for participating in the league. All participants will receive free admission to one I-Cubs baseball game this spring. Entry fee is $20 per person and the registration deadline is Friday, March 1, 2013. To register please stop by Pioneer Columbus Community Center or contact Tim Smith at 248-6314 or [email protected]. Adult Indoor Wiffle Ball League This is an eight week indoor wiffleball league held Sunday evenings at Pioneer Columbus Community Center, 2100 SE 5th St. Teams will play a doubleheader each week. Both competitive and recreation leagues are available with skill levels of all kinds welcome. Participants must be 16 or older and may register as a team or individual (to be placed on a team). The cost is $25 per team with league play beginning January 6, 2013 and continuing through February 24, 2013. The registration deadline is December 28, 2012. To register please stop by Pioneer Columbus Community Center or contact Tim Smith at 248-6314 or [email protected]. 19th Annual Sno-Ball Tournament For the past 18 years, the Sno-Ball Tournament, has been a fun time for softball players and their families. Games are played regardless of the winter weather conditions. The men’s division had 38 teams enter last winter with the coed division entering 17 teams. The 19th annual Sno-Ball Tournament will be held January 26-27, 2013 for the Coed Division, and February 2-3, 2013 for the Men’s Division. Games are played at Des Moines Park and Recreation fields. Team registration information will be accepted January 2, 2013 through January 17,2013. Call 248-6310 for more details and remember homeruns hit in February count in summer stats. Time to Make Some Memories at the Father/Daughter Valentine Dance Dads come on out and spend an evening with your daughter(s) and enjoy desserts, soft drinks, and dancing at the annual Father/ Daughter Valentine Dance, sponsored by the City of Des Moines Park and Recreation Department along with Boesen Florists. The 2013 Father/Daughter Valentine Dance will be held at Blank Park Zoo’s Discovery Center on three separate nights; Friday, February 1, 2013, and Friday, February 8, 2013 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Thursday, February 7, 2013 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The Blank Park Zoo Discovery Center is located at 7401 SW Ninth Street, Des Moines, IA. Tickets for all three nights will go on sale Tuesday, January 8, 2013. Tickets are $15 per couple, $2 per additional child (daughter) and can be purchased at The Des Moines Park and Recreation Administration Building, located at 3226 University, open Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm. All tickets must be purchased in advance and in person. No phone orders will be taken and tickets will NOT be sold at the event. For additional information please visit Sign Up for Some Indoor Sports Fun ADULT BASKETBALL Date: Men’s Monday begins Nov 26, 2012 Women’s Wednesday begins Nov 28, 2012 Cost: $330.00 per team for 10-game schedule Registration Ends: November 16, 2012 ADULT VOLLEYBALL Date: Begins January 13, 2013 Cost: $175.00 per team for 10-match schedule (3 sets per match) Registration Period: December 3 -28, 2012 PEE WEE BASKETBALL (ages 3-6 co-ed) Date: 3 & 4 year olds start on Tues, Jan 8, 2013 5 & 6 year olds start on Thurs, Jan 10, 2013 Cost: $40.00 per child for 5-week program Registration Period: December 3-31, 2012 Application for 2013 Dog/Cat License and Dog Park Permit • City of Des Moines n $20 2012 Dog Park Permit n $20 2013 Dog Park Permit n $35 n $15 n $5 for Non-Spayed/Neutered Animals for Spayed/Neutered Animals for Animals of Citizens over 65 (first dog and first cat per household) Owner’s Name__________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City____________________ State__________________________ Zip_____________________ Phone #_______________________ Signature of Owner______________________________________ March 31 is the deadline to purchase a pet license without a $50 late fee! All animals 6 months and older must be licensed. Breed___________________ Color(s)_______________________ Age____________________ Sex___________________________ Name of Pet____________________________________________ Rabies Tag #___________________________________________ Rabies Vaccination Date__________________________________ Rabies Expiration Date___________________________________ Mail this application, rabies certificate, proof of spay/neuter and fee to: City Clerk’s Office • P.O. Box 10326 • Des Moines, IA 50306-0326 For more information call the City Clerk’s office at (515) 283-4209. Library Director Greg Heid stated, “The energy we are dedicating to this initiative, with considerable public input, will benefit the citizens of Des Moines immeasurably in the future.” The Ivy Library will work locally with the Des Moines-based State Public Policy Group, Inc. to develop and coordinate local focus groups and identify key stakeholders of the community. Franklin Avenue Library Receives LEED® Platinum Certification The Franklin Avenue Library has been awarded LEED® Platinum Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). It is the first building owned by the City of Des Moines to achieve LEED Platinum status, as well as the first public library in Iowa to be awarded this status. LEED is the USGBC’s rating system for designing and constructing the greenest, most energy-efficient and high-performing buildings. A total of 80 points is required to achieve the Platinum category and the library earned 85 points. Platinum is the highest rating given. The renovated Franklin Avenue Library was designed by the firms of Benjamin Design Collaborative and David Milling Architects. Rochon Corporation was the general contractor. “More than 225,000 library users have visited the Franklin Avenue Library since we held its grand reopening on August 8, 2011,” reported Library Director Greg Heid. The ‘LEED Certification Mark’ is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used by permission. Don’t Hang Up! We May be Calling You! The Des Moines Public Library is in the midst of a strategic and master facilities planning process, working with the Ivy Library- a Philadelphia-based research group. According to Library Board President Kevin Techau, “This is a wonderful opportunity to discover and to confirm what the Des Moines Public Library is all about.” The study will analyze the library’s current services, branch library facilities, and how the library can best serve the public. Beginning in December, telephone interviews will be conducted through a random selection of 400 Des Moines households. Residents 18 years or older are eligible to take part in the interview process, which will take about 12 minutes to complete. Answers to these surveys will help library officials understand what programs and services Des Moines residents want at their public library in the future. Ivy Library will benchmark the DMPL’s performance against its national peers; conduct a market segmentation and lifestyle analysis, and assess technology and facilities. To help determine the library’s priorities for the future, the consultants will also conduct internal and external online surveys; executive interviews with community leaders; and patron focus groups. Media Musings: Mad About Movies, Music, and More If you love old John Wayne movies, check out a new blog hosted on the library’s web site. Making use of his multiple degrees in library science, film studies, and journalism, librarian Kevin Kretschmer writes entertaining blogs highlighting the library’s extensive DVD and CD collections. His first post was a fond remembrance of watching old westerns. Additional posts touch on a wide range of mediarelated topics, including famous Iowa musicians and a review of the Alien movie series. To read the Media Musing blog go to www.dmpl. org, then click on Blogs and Wikis and scroll down to Media Musings. Conversations & Coffee: A New Program for Language Learners Residents who are learning to speak English and community volunteers who help them are invited to practice their English conversation skills while enjoying light refreshments at the Forest Avenue Library. Conversations & Coffee will be offered weekly on Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30 PM. For more information send emails to Ashley Ansah at [email protected]. New Practice Test Resources Now Available Anyone interested in taking practice exams will want to take a look at new offerings from the Learning Express Library, available at all six DMPL locations. These are great resources for individuals who want to better prepare for exams by taking practice tests whether studying for the GED or a number of other exams. • New Online Practice Exams — Available to users preparing for the WorkKeys® Assessments, Praxis II: Principles of Learning Tests, and the COMPASS® college placement exams. A practice civil service exam has also been added. • New eBooks — The inventory of vocational and instructional eBooks has grown to include three new titles for the GED® test ® and nursing school entrance exams, as well as a new addition to the 501 Questions Series designed for those wishing to learn or build their calculus skills. Stop by your local branch and ask a librarian for details. page 7 Des Moines Community Action Agency Fall Programs Furnace Repair Program If your furnace is malfunctioning, free furnace repairs are available to eligible Des Moines homeowners who meet income guidelines of $28,635 for a family of three. Homeowners must be a resident of Des Moines and LIHEAP approved. This program does not provide furnace checks, light pilots or replace filters. Applications are accepted at CAA office at 1618 Sixth Avenue. LIHEAP Applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) are being accepted now thru April 30, 2013. This program is designed to help eligible low-income families by paying a portion of residential heating bills as a one-time payment to their utility company. The income guideline for a family of four is $34,575. If approved for the program, households are provided with moratorium protection against disconnection. The moratorium period begins the date they are approved and the protection period runs November 1 to April 1, 2013. Applications are accepted on a first come first serve basis at the Community Action Agency (CAA) office at 1618 Sixth Avenue. Appointments can be scheduled by phone at 515-248-6216. Applications are available online at Do you need to deliver a message to every household in Des Moines? Advertise in City Source Newsletter • Published four times annually • Direct Mail to 80,000 households • Available on the City’s website at CitySource • 77% of the City Survey Respondents read City Source Your Dire ct Link To City Subscribe Online You can receive the latest news and information from the City of Des Moines in your email. Just sign up on the city’s webpage at On home page scroll down to the blue “RESIDENTS” box. Below the box click on the link “Sign Up for Email Subscriptions.” Then check the boxes for the type of information you want to receive via email. Hall THIS ISSU E Keep Parks City Sourc Clean . . . . . . . . . . . e Winter Weat Available to Blind . . . . 2 . . DMTV Retur her Tips . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . ns to Chan nel 7 . . . . 6 . . . 8 Win ter 2012 Edition Des Mo ines Land s Southwe st Airlines Look for Des Moi nes in US Build ers Look for a 6-8 page Review Des Moin feature story es on of the US in the Summer Editio Builders Our city Review Journ n is Iowans appla al . “Top Five being featured as uded a decis Midwest on Janua Municipali one of ion announced segment ry ties” in a on green Airlines will 20 that confirms buildi a new The US provide air ng . Southwest Des Southwest service to Builders operate the Moines Airport business Des Moine Review Authority to is is one of announced that s . a business to Authority, airport . Under the constructio Des Moine 22 the quart new Airpo n Airways that cities now serve s and appro Mayor and Coun rt trades acros journal covering erly d by AirTra will cil nominated ved the many s n Don Smith be converted to members appointme to a quart the industry . It circul Southwest . ey, execu to nt er of a Des Moin ates tive direc of Directors . serve on the Autho of five nationwide es Intern million reade tor of ational . the conversion rs on NovemberThe Authority bega rity Board http://usbu To find out more most likely Airport, said, “The n operating , go to ildersrevie this year . 1, 2011, following w .com . and Southwest would be completed consi board mem after of all is the most Chair; Jim bers: Edga sts of the the dome soughtErickson, r Hansell, stic airline the airline Ward Vices, and havin , Secretary/T Chair; Eliza 2012 Pet tremendou serve Des Moin beth reasurer; Member; es will be g s benefit Dog Park Licenses and Kerty Levy, and Mark for the a A signifi Permits The Board Feldmann, cant miles city.” Availabl and staff Member. 2011 relati e! will focus improveme ng to the tone occurred on nts and Des Moin in various aviati air service improveme es Intern governance at the nts on City Coun ational Airpo Last year for passengers and facility cil appro rt . The ved the at the Des was a year of impro users . creation Moines Intern veme of ational Airponts rt . (Continued on page 2) For years , deficit in the the City has faced On Sale a structural general opera at modest ting budg the annual Complete City Hall! grow et where imbalance keep pace th in our reven and Ma costs to the by ues did with the highe Applica il tune of $24 reducing operating costs to tion on r increases not ways, includ million in maintain Page 3. in our a variety existi increases, of change the ing working with health insur ng services (wag the healt unions etc.). In the e h insurance ance, pens wage settle past 6 years ions, fuel, plan, reope to ments, priva , the City ning elimination addressed of positions tization of services, services, such as reduc resulting in reduc ing ed library hours. (Conti • Contact the Public Information Office at 515-283-4795 • For rates send email to: [email protected] page 8 Financial Education Classes Are you overwhelmed and anxious about your monthly bills? Tired of late fees and overdraft fees? Looking for help with your finances? There is hope and CAA has free financial classes to help you get where you want to go. Attend one of three financial education classes and learn how to develop a spending plan, take control of your finances, and create a path of success through goal setting. Certified educators will help you learn how to better manage your finances. Each family will also receive free energy tools for the home that will help lower utility costs. The initial class is offered every week and advanced classes are offered once a month. Qualified families must meet income guidelines; a family of four is $34,575 a year. For more details call 515-248-6216. Find out more about all CAA programs, visit the website at / hs / dmcaa or call 283-4180 or send emails to [email protected]. City Bu dget: Ne xt Year an d Beyond nued on page 4) Watch DMTV City Cable on Ch 7 or Ch 86 or Ch 97.1 Mediacom Cable / Live Stream / YouTube / On Demand The City of Des Moines Cable Channel broadcast on the MediaCom cable system and can be seen in Central Iowa on Channel 7, Channel 86, and Channel 97-1. Depending on the type of cable service you have and the type of television set -- flat screen or box model. Watch online at – on the home page scroll down to the blue “RESIDENTS” box. Below the box click on the link “DMTV Schedule.” Watch DMTV Channel 7 Des Moines Human Rights Commission Striving to Advance Justice and Equality for All People in Des Moines Contact the Des Moines Human Rights Commission if you have experienced discrimination or would like more information about your human rights. 515-283-4284 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (1st Floor), Des Moines, IA 50309 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (Floor 1), Des Moines, IA 50309 Des Moines Komisija za Ljudska Prava Nastojimo da obezbjedimo pravdu i jednakost za sve ljude u Des Moines Kontaktirajte Des Moines Komisiju za ljudska prava, ako ste bili diskriminsani ili bi želeli više informacija o ljudskim pravima. 515-283-4284 Emajl: [email protected] • Webstranica: 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (prvi sprat), Des Moines, IA 50309 Commission des Droits Humains de Des Moines Luttant pour l’avancement de la justice et de l’égalité pour tous les habitants de Des Moines Contactez la Commission des Droits Humains de Des Moines si vous avez été victime de discrimination ou si vous désirez recevoir plus d’information sur vos droits humains. 515-283-4284 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (1st Floor), Des Moines, IA 50309 La Comisión de los Derechos Humanos de Des Moines Esforzándose en la Promoción de la Justicia y la Igualdad para Todas las Personas en Des Moines Comuníquese con la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos de Des Moines si ha sufrido de discriminación o si desearía más información acerca de sus derechos humanos. 515-283-4284 Correo electrónico: [email protected] • Sitio Web: 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (1er piso), Des Moines, IA 50309 Des Moines Tume ya Haki za Binadamu Inajitahidi na kuendeleza haki na usawa kwa watu wote katika Des Moines Wasiliana na Tume ya Haki za Binadamu Des Moines kama umekumbwa na ubaguzi au ungependa maelezo zaidi kuhusu haki zako. Nabari ya Simu: 515-283-4284 Barua pepe: [email protected] • Tovuti: Anuani: 602 Robert D. Ray Drive (Ghorofa ya kwanza), Des Moines, IA 50309 CITY OF Fair Housing Is Your Right! Housing Discrimination Can Be: • Advertisements saying “no kids allowed” • Refusing to allow a service animal (an accommodation for a person with a disability) because of a ‘no pets’ policy. • Steering members of a protected class to live in certain areas. • Charging a different amount of rent to protected class members. • Offering different terms or conditions of a lease to protected class members. Contact us for additional information. Des Moines Human Rights Commission 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | Phone: 515-283-4284 The State of Iowa prohibits housing discrimination based on these protected classes: • Race • Religion • Creed • Color • Sex • Sexual Orientation • National Origin • Family Status • Gender Identity • Ancestry • Physical Disability • Mental Disability Know Your Fair Housing Rights! Fair housing is more than just a set of laws. It is a key to Equal Opportunity. 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | Fer stambeno prebivalište je vaše pravo! Diskriminacija u pogledu stambenog prebivališta može biti sledeća: • Oglas na kome piše "djeca nisu poželjna". • Nedozvoliti servisne životinje (pomoć osobi sa ivalidetom) zbog zakona "ljubimcima pristup nije dozvoljen”. • Usmeravanje članova zaštićene klase da žive u odredjenim erijama. • Naplaćivanje različite cene najama stana osobama zaštićene klase. • Ponuda ugovora o stanovanju sa raziličitim planom i uslovima osobama zašticene klase. Kontaktirajte nas ako su vam potrebne dodadtne informacije. Des Moines Komisija Ljudskih Prava 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | TELEFON: 515-283-4284 L’équité du logement est votre droit! La discrimination de logement peut être: • Une notice: “interdit aux enfants”. • Refus d'admettre un animal d’assistance (pour personne handicapée) dû à l’interdiction d’animaux de maison. • Forcer les membres d’une classe protégée à demeurer dans certains quartiers. • Faire payer un loyer différent aux membres d’une classe protégée. • Offrir un bail aux termes ou conditions différents aux membres d’une classe protégée. Nous contacter pour plus d’information. Des Moines Commission des Droits Humains 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | Tél: 515-283-4284 Država Iowa nedozvoljava diskriminaciju u pogledu stambenog prebivališta kod osoba zastićenong staleža: • Rasa • Religija • Ispovest • Boja Kože • Pol • Seksualna Orjentacija • Nacijonalno Poreklo • Bračno Stanje • Polna Indentifikacija • Poreklo • Invaliditet fizicke prirode • Invaliditet mentalne prirode Upoznaj svoja prava u pogledu fer stambenog prebivališta! Fer izbor stambenog prebivališta nije samo skup zakona. To je kljuc jednakih mogućnosti. L’Etat de l’Iowa interdit la discrimination sur les catégories protégées suivantes: • Race • Religion • Profession de foi • Couleur • Sexe • Orientation sexuelle • Origine nationale • Statut familial • Identité sexuelle • Origine ancestrale • Incapacité physique • Incapacité mentale Sachez quels sont Vos Droits à l’Equité du Logement L’équité du logement est plus qu’une simple série de lois. C’est une clé à l’Egale Opportunité. 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | PHONE: 515-283-4284 ¡Tiene Derecho a Vivienda Razonable! La Discriminación en la Vivienda puede ser: • Anuncios que dicen que "no se permiten niños". • Negar permiso a animales de servicio (una adaptación para una persona con una discapacidad) porque se tiene una regla donde "no se aceptan mascotas”. • Dirigir a miembros de una clase protegida a que vivan en ciertas áreas. • Cobrar a los miembros de las clases protegidas una renta diferente. • Ofrecer a los miembros de las clases protegidas un contrato de arrendamiento con términos o condiciones diferentes. Contáctenos si requiere información adicional. Comisión de los Derechos Humanos de Des Moines 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | TELÉFONO: 515-283-4284 Usawa wa Makazi Ni Haki Yako! Ubaguzi ya Makazi inaweza kuwa: • Matangazo inyosema “watoto hawaruhusiwe hapa”. • Kukataa kuruhusu wanyama wanaohudumu (kwa ajili ya mtu mwenye ulemavu) kwa sababu ya sera kama “wanyama hawaruhusiwe hapa.” • Kuendelesha wanachama wa daraja kulindwa na kuishi katika baadhi ya maeneo fulani. • Kumshutumu kiasi tofauti ya kodi ya nyumba kwa kilinda daraja ya wanachama. • Kutoa masharti mbalimbali au hali ya kukodisha kwa wanachama waliyohifadhiwa darasa. Wasiliana nasi kwa maelezo zaidi. Des Moines Tume ya Haki za binadamu 602 Robert D. Ray Drive | Des Moines, IA 50309 | SIMU: 515-283-4284 El Estado de Iowa prohíbe la discriminación en la vivienda en base a estas clases protegidas: • Raza • Religión • Credo • Color • Sexo • Orientación Sexual • Origen Nacional • Estado Familiar • Identidad de Género • Ascendencia • Discapacidad Física • Discapacidad Mental `Sepa sus Derechos a una Vivienda Razonable! La vivienda razonable es más que un conjunto de leyes. Es una clave para la Igualdad de Oportunidades. Jimbo la Iowa inakataza makazi ya ubaguzi kwa madaraja haya yasi ifadhiwe: • Jamii yako • Dini • Imani • Rangi • Jinsia • Kijinsia kujiwasilisha • Taifa ya Mwanzo • Hali ya familia • Uke au Ume • Asili • Ulemavu wa kimwili • Upungufu wa Akili Jua Haki Yako kuhusu Usawa ya Makazi! Usawa ya Makazi ni zaidi kuliko sheria iliyotengwa. Ni ufunguo muhimu kwa usawa katika fursa hili. Des Moines Public Works Solid Waste Holiday Tree Collection No solid waste 1.Holiday trees will be collected curbside collection on on your regular solid waste collection day. Thanksgiving Day 2.Trees must be free of ornaments and and Christmas Day tinsel and must not be in bags. 3.Trees must have a Compost It® sticker affixed to them. 4.The Compost It® stickers are available at metro area Hy-Vee and Dahl’s stores. If you have questions regarding the city’s holiday tree collection program, please call the Department of Public Works 24-Hour Customer Service Call Center at 515-283-4950. Fall Leaf Collection The weather is chilly, which means yards are full of leaves and gardens are filled with dead plants and flowers. The City of Des Moines offers a convenient way to dispose of your yard debris with the Premium Yard Waste Cart available in two sizes for a monthly subscription fee. Premium Yard Waste Program Subscription Rates: • 64 Gallon Cart - $8.34 per month/per cart ($100 annually) • 96 Gallon Cart - $10.42 per month/per cart ($125 annually) The fee for this service will appear on your monthly Des Moines Water Works bill. Des Moines’ residents may also purchase Compost It® paper yard debris bags available at Dahl’s or Hy-Vee stores and place them at the curb on their regularly scheduled day for collection. Property owners may also use another manufacturer’s paper bag for leaves; however, they will need to purchase a $1.15 Compost It® sticker, also available at Dahl’s or Hy-Vee, and attach one to each bag. It is a violation of city ordinance to put leaves or other yard debris in solid waste containers or to rake or blow leaves from private property into the streets. Leaves blown into the street reduce traction and can also contribute to the clogging of the storm sewer system. To request a Premium Yard Waste Cart, please contact the Department of Public Works 24-Hour Customer Service Call Center at 515-283-4950. DART Opens New Central Station – DART Central Station is the new transfer facility that replaces the Walnut Street Transit Mall in downtown Des Moines. The new station located at 620 Cherry Street between 6th and 7th Street opens its customer service window on Monday, November 12, which will provide schedule information and bus passes. On Friday, November 23, DART officially opens the Central Station and buses will no longer use the Walnut Street Transit Mall for transfer activities. The November service changes will also take effect on this day. For details visit the DART website at or call 515-283-8100. page 11 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Des Moines, IA Permit No. 4698 ECRWSS CITY OF 400 Robert D. Ray Drive Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1891 Residential Customer LET’S GET PHYSICALS! PHYSICALS! WHILE BIG HAIR AND SLAP BRACELETS ARE LONG GONE, TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE. Janae D. Brown, A.R.N.P. Ingersoll Family Physicians That’s why the providers at Iowa Health Physicians and Clinics invite you to do something totally rad: schedule your wellness physical! Even if you use those VHS workout videos regularly, it’s still important to practice prevention. By taking this important step to ensure you know your body better, you will also learn what wellness practices will keep you rockin’! FREE ‘80s HYDRATION DEVICE (AKA WATER BOTTLE) Visit your favorite Iowa Health Physicians and Clinics provider between now and December 14th for your wellness physical, and receive a super, totally tubular water bottle to help you stay hydrated and healthy! 1-800-IA-HEALTH YOUR LIFE, OUR PASSION Go to to choose the most convenient clinic for you. East Des Moines Family Care Center • Ingersoll Family Physician • Merle Hay Family Medicine • Northwest Family Physicians Parks Area Family Physicians • Roosevelt Family Medicine • Southglen Family Practice • Southwest Family Physicians page 12 Watch DMTV Channel 7
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