Board Briefs . . A Newsletter from The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Board of Directors VOLUME XIV – EDITION I SPRING 2015 LINDA RAGLAND, EDITOR . . Dear Garden Club of Georgia Friends, Due to our lovely President Suzanne’s illness, I am sending some thoughts your way. We wish Suzanne the best and want her to know that we are missing her. It is almost springtime, and we have to be excited. We are looking forward to seeing our flowers in bloom and of course do some planting. Don’t forget the Deep South Convention in Birmingham, Alabama on March 24 -26, 2015. The theme is “Sweet Home Alabama”. Get registered before March 6. It sounds like it is going to be fun. Our own Georgia Convention is coming April 15 – 17, 2015 on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Our theme is “Georgia Coastal Magic”. We are planning an exciting time. You don’t want to miss this event. The National Convention is May 15 – 17, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky. The NGC theme is “Endless Possibilities”. Pack your bags and be ready for the road and have fun while learning new things. I am sure that Georgia will bring home awards from these events. See you all Martha Price President-Elect 1. The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. & The Oleander District Cordially Invites You to the Eighty-Seventh Annual Convention To be held at the Convention Center on Jekyll Island Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: April 15 - 17, 2015 Oleander District invites you to attend The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., 87th Annual Convention “Georgia’s Coastal Magic” April 15-17, 2015 at the Jekyll Island Convention Center, Jekyll Island. Hotel accommodation are at the beautiful new: The Westin Jekyll Island Hotel. 110 Ocean Way, Jekyll Island, GA 31527 Phone: 912-635-4545 Je kyll Island Westin Hote l Deadline for Hotel Reservations - March 14, 2015, 5 pm The Group Room Rates for The Garden Club of Georgia are: 1 King or 2 Queen Beds (1-2 persons) - $159 plus tax Additional persons $25 each Request Special Rate for: GARDEN CLUB OF GEORGIA Check in time is 4:00 PM - Check out time is 12:00 Noon The three day convention will be held at the Jekyll Island Convention Center and will feature exciting speakers, informative workshops, interesting tours, and our wonderful vendors for your shopping pleasure as well as our own State and Oleander District ways and means. Je kyll I sland Convention Ce nter Deep South Regional Director, Gloria Blake will be our special guest. Chairman Geri Shaw and Co-chairman Sara Lanier invites your club members to join us on the magical Georgia coast for a memorable convention. If you haven’t been to Jekyll Island . . . It’s time to come! If you have been to Jekyll Island before . . . It’s time to come back! Experience for yourself 2. “Georgia’s Coastal Magic” On Wednesday afternoon April 15, a 90 minute Jekyll Island Historic District Tram Tour will leave from Convention Center at 3:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased with your registration form. Also Wednesday afternoon, Lydia C. Thompson will do a workshop, “Our Wild Birds from the Backyard to the Beach” from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Deep South Regional Director, Gloria Blake, will be our guest of honor at the Welcome Reception on Wednesday night. The opening night keynote speaker will be Paul H. Medders with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources whose program is, “Explore Coastal Georgia”. Garden Club and Council Presidents will be recognized Wednesday night. You will not want to miss Wednesday night’s coastal dinner – a Low Country Boil. Thursday morning April 16, we will start with the seven individual district breakfasts. Following the district breakfasts will be the official opening business session. During the Thursday Luncheon, GCG’s highest Award of Merit will be presented. The luncheon speaker will be the recipient of the Award of Merit. Thursday afternoon, a tour of The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is planned and a tram will pick us up at the Convention Center at 3:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased with your registration form. Also, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoon is a workshop, “Funky Flowers”. Presenters are GCG members, Marge Willis and Sara Lanier. Thursday night will be our time to celebrate as this will be the anticipated Award Banquet. Friday morning April 17, we will start with a workshop, “Strategic Planning for Georgia’s Water”, from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. Jenny Hoffner, Vice-President of American Rivers, will cover the latest development in water matters. Following the final business session on Friday morning is the Life Membership Luncheon. At the closing, Deep South Regional Director, Gloria Blake, will install the 2015-2017 GCG Officers and District Directors. The magical Georgia Coast awaits you. Join us for a memorable experience. 3. Convention Schedule of Events Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Registration Open Vendors open Awards Room Open Tram Boarding for Tour Jekyll Island Historic District Tram Tour Workshop - "Wild Birds From Y our Backyard to the Beach" by Lydia C. Thompson, Local Artist, Writer and Bird Watcher Social Hour – Cash Bar Welcome Reception Honoring DSR Director, Gloria Blake Low Country Boil and Keynote Speaker, Paul H. Medders, Georgia DNR, Coastal Resources Division, "Explore Coastal Georgia" Thursday, April 16, 2015 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM 3:00 PM Registration Open District Breakfasts Awards Room Open Vendors and Exhibit Rooms Open Opening Business Meeting Award of Merit Luncheon Tram Boarding for Tour 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM The Georgia Sea Turtle Center Tour Workshop - "Funky Flowers" with GCG Members Sara Lanier and Marge Willis, Proving Total Opposites Can Make Flower Arranging Fun Social Hour – Cash Bar Awards Banquet Awards Room Open 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM Friday, April 17, 2015 Breakfast On Your Own Awards Room Open - Check out all Awards Workshop – “Strategic Planning for Georgia's Water" by Jenny Hoffner, Vice President for Conservation Strategies for American Rivers 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Exhibit Room Open 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Final Business Meeting 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Registration Open 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Life Member Luncheon and State Officers Installation Recognition of Life Members Installation of GCG Executive Board and District Directors by Deep South Region Director President’s Acceptance Speech 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM 4. The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. 87th Annual Convention "Georgia's Coastal Magic" April 15-17, 2015 Jekyll Island Convention Center 75 North Beachview Drive, Jekyll Island GA 31527 Last Name______________________________________________First Name_________________________________ Badge Name Preference_____________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________State_____________________________Zip___________________ Phone______________________ E-mail________________________________________________________________ Club Name______________________________________________ District____________________________________ List Special Diet Restrictions _______________________________________________________________ ___________ PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: *All State Board Members are Voting Delegates; please check Voting Delegate box if applicable __ State President __ District Board Member __My first GCG Convention __Member __ Guest __ Council President __ Deep South Board Member __ Voting Delegate * __ Former State President __ Deep South Life Member __ Club President __ State Board Member __ National Board Member __ District Director __ State Life Member __ National Life Member _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO REGISTER (Package OR Part-Time, please check one): __ PACKAGE PLAN includes Registration fee, 5 meals (Opening Dinner, District Breakfast, Award of Merit Luncheon, Awards Banquet, Life Member & Installation Luncheon ) PACKAGE PLAN TOTAL ..................................................................................................................... $ 197.00 $__________ __ PART-TIME PLAN __ Wednesday: __ Thurs day: __ Thurs day: __ Thurs day: __ Fri day: GCG Cl ub Pres ident's Dinner & Keynote Speaker.................................$ 46.00 Di s trict Breakfast & District Installations.............................................. $ 22.00 Awa rd of Merit Luncheon………............................................................. $ 35.00 Awa rds Banquet.................................................................................... $ 46.00 Li fe Member Luncheon & Sta te Officer Installations........................... $ 35.00 $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ REGISTRATION FEE............................................................................................... (Per Da y) $10.00 X_____ PART-TIME PLAN TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. $__________ $__________ Tota l Registration Cos ts...................................................................................................................................... La te Registration Fee..................................................... (After April 1 i nclude $15.00, i n addition to daily fee) $__________ $__________ TOUR REGISTRATION __ Jekyl l Island Historic District Tra m Tour - Wednesday 3 PM (l i mited to first 50)……………………….. $23.00 __ Sea Turtle Center with trolley tra nsportation - Thursday 3 PM (l i mited to 60 guests)……………… $16.00 Total Enclosed................................................................................................................................................ $__________ $__________ $__________ Registration Deadline: April 1, 2015 Make check payable to GCG 2015 Convention: Mail check and this form to: Lisa Hall 25 Sparnel Road, Savannah, GA 31411 912-598-9504 [email protected] DAILY $10 REGISTRATION FEE NOT REFUNDABLE. NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 4, 2015 5. Scholarships – GCG’s Commitment to the Future Dot Williams, Scholarship Chairman Scholarships = A Student’s Future The Scholarship Committee will meet on February 20 in Athens to select this year’s scholarship recipients. The results of this meeting will be announced at the April convention, the “Expressions” engagement calendar, the “Garden Gateway”, and Board Briefs. The number of scholarships that are awarded are directly related to the amount of money available from your donations. This is a time of celebration! Many students’ lives are changed forever because you cared. Many, many thanks to all of you who supported the scholarship program this year. You have supported the scholarship program in many ways. You have given or renewed Named Scholarships, Patron of Scholarships, individual, club, council and district donations. You purchased calendars, Life Memberships, “Bagging for Scholarships” tote bags and the Jean Givens book, all of which goes to scholarships. The students who receive these scholarships have not only worked hard to achieve high GPA’s, they are committed to preserving the earth’s natural beauty, environmental health and education of others in the many fields of landscape, horticulture, historic preservation and other gardenrelated areas. They all share a common thread – they cannot accomplish all their goals and dreams without your financial assistance. The scholarship cycle begins again. After scholarships are awarded in February, all of the funds will be depleted. We need your help again! Consider budgeting a scholarship contribution this year either in your personal life, through your club, council or district’s budget. We can all be proud of how we fulfill our mission of education through scholarships. You may call it a donation, but the Scholarship Committee calls it “a lifeline to the rescue”. Thank you for caring and your continued sharing. 6. NATIONAL GARDEN CLUBS CHALLENGE YOU TO FORGE FORWARD WITH NEW MEMBERS WHILE PROTECTING YOUR LEGACY OF EXISTING MEMBERS We all have a story to tell about our membership in a garden club. Share and tell your story as you forge forward. It may be the link to a new member. Thank you for your unified effort as one to move membership forward. The Membership Pin Campaign concluded on 12-31-2014. Virginia Pennington, 4th Vice President Membership Development Membership Development Tools are on the GCG website. You will find them under "Membership" on the Green Menu Bar or click . You may also find them on the Form Page, Follow these links to download GCG forms. You will need Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat to open these files. 7. REACHING OUT FOR MORE MEMBERS ASSOCIATES MEMBERSHIP CLASS ESTABLISHED FOR PROFESSIONAL WOMEN Dual career families, families with young children, aspiring high level professional women and mothers how can garden clubs with rich history of commitment to civic beauty, conservation and philanthropy attract these younger members? How can these younger members be encouraged to bring their energy, fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the club’s legacy of education, service and friendship? Read on and see how the Dogwood District’s Rose Garden Club in Atlanta, Georgia did just that. Since Garden Clubs began in 1928, more and more young women have taken their place in the workforce, making the usual luncheon and program format less New Associates at the Christmas Rose MerryMarket and less an option for the millennial generation’s schedules. And yet, these young women want to help preserve the eco-systems of this earth and provide service to the community through the important work of garden clubs. To address these challenging questions, a steering committee of the Rose Garden Club gathered in March, 2014. It was decided that a new category of membership, the Founding Associates, would be formed with a new meeting schedule more conducive to a professional woman’s family and work responsibilities. Women in their 30’s and 40’s, including specifically all daughters, daughters-in law, nieces and goddaughters of the club’s 45 Active members, were invited to consider joining this new membership category. And on May 6, 2014, 14 Founding Associates were invited to a kick -off meeting with a wine and cheese reception and welcoming address. A slate of 12 positions with varying responsibilities was presented and the slate, including officers, was elected. With guidance and on-going support from the steering committee, these Associate members are establishing their own meeting schedule and programs and are also participating in the Active members’ club activities as they are able. For instance, Associate and Active members worked together on the Rose MerryMarket, now in its second year, netting more than $25,000 at its December holiday event. Garden-related gift items and plant and wreath designs created by members were sold with proceeds benefitting the club’s three beneficiary organizations: Hospice Atlanta, All About Developmental Disabilities and Hillside Inc., a therapeutic hospital for children supported by the club since its inception. Active and Associate members worked alongside each other during the weeks and months leading up to this day -long event. And last October, Associate members joined Active members, assisting Hillside children in creating scarecrows for the annual Halloween competition. Many other collaborative events are planned in the months ahead. And the Associates will also meet separately to continue building their own membership group within the club. Enriched and enthused by this infusion of new Associate members, the Rose Garden Club looks forward to another 87 years of gardening together with friendships that span generations to come. Congratulations and thank you to the Dogwood District’s Rose Garden Club for sharing this wonderful idea. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SCHOOL COURSE IV – March 17-18, 2015 NESPAL - UGA Tifton 2360 Rainwater Road Tifton, Ga. 31793-5737 The National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL) is a unit of the University of Georgia's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. NGC/GCG Environmental Studies School Class IV will feature: Water and the "Big Drip”. Virginia Pennington, Camellia District Chairman, Introduced the Big Drip who is a relative to Willie Watershed. Most of you remember Willie Watershed as the Star in the Youth Program on water issues, but have you met the Big Drip? You may have noticed him as a constant little drip from your water faucet, or maybe he is the big runoff flowing from your newly fertilized lawn? I see him every time the rain cascades down the rain gutters and leave a trail to the city street. Question? Just how do we conserve his energy and get the best use from the God given requirement for life? Our District Chairman has planned a special program! Now is the time to register for the final class of the ESS to be held at NESPAL. Exit 64 off I-75, Tifton, GA. The registration deadline is March 13, so don't forget! (Registration form next page) Hope to see you in Tifton, March 17 & 18, 2015, Avernell Rogers, Camellia District Director 9. Environmental Studies School Registration Form 10. Dogwood District is pleased to host The 2015 Fundraiser for the Garden Club of Georgia Historic Landscape & Garden Grant Fund Lecture, Book Signing, & Reception Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:00 p.m. Ansley Golf Club 196 Montgomery Ferry Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 We welcome Andrea Wulf, award winning author, to do a presentation on her book, The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire & The Birth of an Obsession. A lovely reception and book signing will follow the lecture. Cash bar available. Valet parking is included with your ticket. $40.00 for individual tickets. Additional sponsorship levels are listed below and will be recognized in Garden Gateways and the evening of the event. Please address any questions to Rosie Davidson at [email protected] or 404-705-8848 Mark your calendars and purchase tickets now. Send check (payable to The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.) and form to: Pam Covington, 1929 Greystone Road, Atlanta, GA 30318 404-355-5801 [email protected] PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY – ESPECIALLY YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS Club/Organization/Business Name Last Name: Address: City/State/Zip First: Phone: Please see the separate page for benefits of sponsorship at various levels. A portion of your contribution is tax deductible and all proceeds will go to the Garden Club of Georgia Historic Landscape and Garden Grant fund to help restore Georgia’s public historic landscapes and gardens. No tickets will be printed; your name will be held on a list at the door. Your confirmation will be e-mailed to you. E-mail Address Presenting Sponsor at $5000 Sponsor at $3000 Preservationist at $1000 Historian at $500 Patron at $200 Friend at $100 Number of Tickets - $40 $ ___ $__________ $ _________ $ $ $ $__________ Check # __________ Total amount of check 11. $__________ The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. HISTORIC LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN GRANT FUND CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP CAMPAIGN Presenting Sponsor $5,000 Sponsor $3,000 Preservationist $1,000 Historian $500 Patrons $200 Friends Presenting sponsor will receive 8 tickets to the lecture and two autographed copies of The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire & the Birth of an Obsession, and recognition the evening of the event Sponsors will receive 4 tickets to the lecture and two autographed copies of The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire & the Birth of an Obsession, and recognition the evening of the event Preservationists will receive 4 tickets to the lecture and an autographed copy of The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire & the Birth of an Obsession, and recognition the evening of the event Historians will receive 2 tickets to the lecture and an autographed copy of The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire & the Birth of an Obsession, and recognition the evening of the event Patrons will receive 2 tickets to the lecture and recognition the evening of the event Friends will receive 1 ticket to the lecture and recognition the evening of the event $100 Club Presidents- Don’t forget to include a donation to the Cherokee Garden Library in your upcoming donations to worthy GCG projects and programs, due March 1. The Cherokee Garden Library is the largest repository in the Southeast of our garden and horticulture heritage, as well as the foremost library for current and historical research on these topics. They are also archiving our clubs’ histories and perpetuating the history of the Garden Club movement in Georgia. Please give generously. Lee Dunn, GCG Liaison to the Cherokee Garden Library 12. The Garden Club of Georgia 12. Historic Landscape and Garden Grant m Funding is provided as 50%/50% matching grants at a maximum of $3,000. Grants are funded for a oneyear period. Goals Promote awareness of Georgia's historic landscapes and gardens Encourage preservation of threatened historic landscapes and gardens Provide seed money to assist organizations and communities in developing sound landscape preservation projects which provide public benefit Foster partnerships between non-profits, local governments, garden clubs, and other civic organizations in an effort to create long-term relationships to preserve historic landscapes Eligible Applicants The following organizations may apply for funding: Local governments Non-profit organizations (501c3 and 501c6) Garden clubs and other civic organizations (in partnership with a local government or non-profit organization) Project Requirements Site must be located in Georgia Site must be at least 50 years of age Site must be open to the public Proposed activities must be supported by historic documentation (50 year minimum) Eligible Activities Work completed under this grant must follow The Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Eligible activities include: Restoration of historic landscapes and gardens Development of historic landscape/garden restoration plans Development of cultural landscape reports Interpretation of the historic landscape/garden Enhancement of the visitor experience (this grant cycle only) The following activities are NOT eligible for funding: New plantings/designs New circulation patterns New site features The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. partners with the Georgia DNR Historic Preservation Division, Southeast Regional Office of the NPS, Cherokee Garden Library at the AHC, and Georgia Dept of Economic Development to provide this grant. To Apply Application must be postmarked by Aug 1 Go to To confirm grant eligibility, please contact one of the following BEFORE applying: Carole Moore DNR-Historic Preservation Division 254 Washington Street, SW; Ground Level Atlanta, GA 30334 404-651-5566 [email protected] Or Joy Vannerson GCG Historic Landscape Preservation Grant Chairman P.O. Box 889132 Dunwoody, GA 30356-1132 770-540-2764 [email protected] 13. 1998 Charlton DeKalb Fulton Jasper Morgan Oconee Richmond Walton William Mizell Sr. House Swanton House Historic Complex Wren’s Nest House Museum Monticello City Square Heritage Hall Eagle Tavern Welcome Center 1,500 Boyhood Home of Woodrow Wilson Davis Edwards House 1999 Chatham Clarke DeKalb Morgan Muscogee Juliette Gordon Low Historic site Taylor-Grady House Cheek-Spruill House Richter Cottage Olmsted Garden/Columbus Museum 13,500 3,000 1,000 2,000 2,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 9,500 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 2000 Cherokee DeKalb Fulton Jefferson McIntosh Richmond Toombs Crescent Farm Historical Center Trolley Shelter/ Deepdene Park Rhodes Hall Howard Manor Ashantilly Center Pendleton King Park Lyons Women’s Club House 9,740 1,000 2,000 2,000 740 2,000 1,000 1,000 2001 Camden Chattooga Coweta Fulton Richmond Orange Hall Clegorn Springs Historic Park Dunaway Gardens Academy of Medicine Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art 9,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2002 Walton Fulton Lowndes Glynn Rabun McDaniel-Tichenor House Historic Oakland Cemetery The J. T. Roberts House St. Simons Elementary School The Hambidge Center 9,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 2003 Baldwin Bryan DeKalb Liberty Andalusia (Flannery O’Connor) Henry Ford Plantation Garden Stone Mountain City Cemetery LeConte Woodmanston 6,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2004 Bartow Fulton Hancock City Hall Park Swan House Glen Mary Plantation 6,000 2000 3000 1000 2005 Walker Loundes Clarke Marsh-Warren House J.T. Roberts House Oconee Hill Cemetery 2,740 1000 1000 740 2006 Floyd Fulton Fulton Glynn Johnson Oak Hill Barrington Hall Rhodes Hall Hanover Square Johnson County Courthouse Square 8,000 2000 1200 1000 1400 2400 14. 2007 Glynn Muscogee Walton Hanover Square Olmsted Garden William Harris Homestead 7,000 2000 3000 2000 2008 Bibb Peach Clay Putnam Cannonball House Massee Lane Gardens New Park Cemetery Old Putnam County Jail 6,750 1250 2500 1000 2000 2009 Bibb Chatham Sidney Lanier Cottage Washington Ave. Medians 5,882 2882 3000 2010 Cherokee Dekalb Chatham Richmond Burgess Arboretum Reinhardt College Wells-Brown House Andrew Low House Gertrude Herbert Inst. Of Art 6,050 1000 1550 3000 500 2011 Fulton Cherokee Liberty Baldwin Greene Dekalb Fulton Hart Glynn Barrington Hall Burgess Arboretum LeConte-Woodmanton Plantation Lockerly Arboretum Friends of Scull Shoals Decatur Cemetery Oakland Cemetery Center of the World Moss Cottage Jekyll Island 15,289 2000 1000 1500 3000 250 2000 2400 139 3000 2012 Floyd Muscogee Tift Oconee Richmond Fulton Bibb Liberty Liberty Baldwin Brooks Berry College Columbus Museum Council of Garden Clubs of Tifton Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery Historic Augusta Historic Oakland Foundation, Inc Historic Riverside Cemetery Con LeConte Woodmanston Foundation LeConte Woodmanston Foundation Lockerly Arboretum Foundation City of Quitman 26,781 3000 3000 700 3000 2000 3000 3000 1581 3000 1500 3000 2013 Floyd Randolph Clarke Fulton Liberty Baldwin Forsyth Monroe Glynn Berry College Cuthbert Iris Garden Oconee Hill Cemetery Oakland Cemetery LeConte Woodmanson Lockerly Arboretum McDaniel-Tichenor House North Alexander School Brunswick Signature Squares 17,100 2000 1750 2000 2000 1700 1000 1250 3000 2400 2014 Hall Screven Cherokee Oconee Glynn Muscogee (168,774 total 1998-2014) Longstreet Society Screven City Cemetery Sixes UMC Cemetery Watkinsville Woods Massie Heritage Columbus Museum 10,442 1000 3000 2642 1000 1800 10 National Garden Clubs, Inc. and Laurel District presents Landscape Design School April 20 - 21, 2015 Marietta, Georgia Chairman: Jackie Fulmer, 770-722-8229, [email protected] Registrar: Terry Waith, 404-252-4473, [email protected] Location: Marietta Educational Garden Center 505 Kennesaw Avenue, Marietta, GA 30060 Course Curriculum: Herbaceous materials in the Landscape: Landscape Design Accessories: Landscape Design for Maintenance: Design on the Land- Regional Expression: Development of Landscape Architecture from 1840-1940: Introduction to Urban Design: Parks, Playgrounds, and Conservation Areas: Graphics Interpretation: Guidelines for Evaluating Landscape Design: and Special Interest Lecture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRATION FORM Landscape Design School – Course III April 20 - 21, 2015 The registration fee includes lunches on both days, snacks and course materials. Registration Deadline: April 13, 2015 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, ________________________________________________ Zip Code______________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ____________________________________ If NGC member: Garden Club______________________________ District: ___________________ PLEASE CHECK CORRECT BOX: (Lunch included in all choices) Special dietary needs?___________ ( ) Full Course (with exam) $80.00 ( ) Refreshing (LD Consultant) $80.00 ( ) Non-credit student $80.00 Mail registration form and check to: Terry Waith, 6590 Long Acres Drive, Sandy Springs, GA 30328-3018 TOTAL ENCLOSED_______________ Make check payable to: Laurel District Those needing to refresh should register for one of these Courses. Remember you need to refresh every five years to remain certified as a consultant. If you have any questions please contact: Jane Whiteman Chairman Landscape Design School Program The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. [email protected] 404-252-4473 Required text for the series is Stew ards of the Land: A Survey of Landscape Architecture and Design in America ($40 plus shipping and handling) published by National Garden Clubs, Inc. Also required is a subscription to National Gardener. 15. THE SOUTH GEORGIA NATIVE PLANT AND WILDFLOWER SYMPOSIUM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 NESPAL – UGA TIFTON 2360 RAINWATER ROAD, TIFTON, GA 31793-5737 Congratulations and Thanks SGNPWS Committee! Amy B. Carter, Chairman, Glenda Gibbs, Dana Cheek, Mary Phillips, Pattie Parrish THE GEORGIA URBAN FOREST COUNCIL PRESENTS 24th ANNUAL GEORGIA URBAN FORESTRY AWARDS Mary Phillips, Amy B. Carter-Chairman, Dana Cheek, Glenda Gibbs received the award Avernell Rogers, Director and Genie McCook, Co-Director admire the award The Georgia Urban Forest Council (GUFC), a nonprofit organization with the mission of sustaining Georgia’s green legacy by helping communities grow healthy trees, presented its 2014 Excellence in Urban Forestry Awards Program on October 22 at the Classic Center in Athens, Georgia. This annual awards program rewards individuals and organizations for outstanding work in protecting and enhancing our community forests. One Grand Award was given to each of the following categories: Business, Civic Organization, Education, Greenspace, Media, New Initiative, Streetscape Revitalization, Student, Individual Achievement, and Judges’ Choice. Each award recipient received a framed print of the Athens “Tree That Owns Itself,” from an original painting by artist Barry Nehr, commissioned for GUFC. The South Georgia Native Plant and Wildflower Symposium, a project of the CAMELLIA DISTRICT, Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Tifton, received this year’s Outstanding Education Grand Award. Ladies, now is the time to register for the 15 th annual symposium to be held at NESPAL, Tifton! Mark your calendars for March 25, Wednesday. The NESPAL building has seating for 100 people, so don’t delay. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: Deadline is March 10, 2015. Download registration form at or call 229-391-6868, Glenda Gibbs: SGNPWS, 155 Oakland Heights Road, Sylvester, GA 31791. Symposium Cost $30.00, Lunch Box $10.00, Total Fee $40.00: Hope to see you there, Avernell Rogers 16. DISTRICTS DIG YOUTH! Youth Garden CLUBS A Special Project of The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Our Youth Clubs are amazing That is so true For the many activities that you Our Team Members do. Classroom gardens Even out on the grounds At Churches and home groups Youth Gardening abounds! Sponsoring GCG programs, projects And our contests too Your Youth Team is thankful We have help from you. So let’s keep it going It’s never too late Make Youth your priority Their TIME just won’t WAIT! Your Youth Team is ready To help you to start So make plans with your club Just work from your heart. A Youth Club adds so much We promise great fun And think of the lessons You have shared when you’re done! For additional information contact Susan Turner nd GCG 2 VP / Youth Coordinator Youth Clubs Chairman 770-922-4411 [email protected] Visit Youth Programs on our website 17. The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. & Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center Presents a Wild & Wonderful Experience July 12-14, 2015 Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield, Georgia Would a child you know love an opportunity to be surrounded by nature, make new friends and have a wonderful time this summer? Check out the 8t h Annual GCG Environmental Education Camp! This camp is open to all children entering 5th or 6 t h grades. Our young people are invited to spend time learning about environmental and conservation issues plus much more! We have many fun and exciting programs planned with guest speakers and of course, all the fun of the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center! Spread the word to your club presidents, members and friends, as space is limited. The fee is $125.00 per child. Call or email for more information and get the Youth in your life involved with this Wild and Wonderful Experience offered by The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Info & registration forms may be found on our website under “Youth.” Registration closes June 1, 2015. ~Questions? Call or email~ Molly Kimler GCG Youth Coordinator W &WE Camp Chairman 770-464-3589 [email protected] 18. Susan Turner GCG 2nd VP & Youth Liaison W&WE Camp Co-Chairman 770-922-4411 [email protected] The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Wild and Wonderful Experience Overnight Summer Camp July 12-14, 2015 Open to Campers entering 5th or 6th grade. Registration begins March 1, 2015 and closes June 1, 2015 Parents will be notified upon receipt of application. Molly Kimler 555 W. Hightower Trail, Social Circle, GA 30025 770-464-3589 email: [email protected] Registration Form Please complete this form and mail it with the $125.00 camp fee to the address listed above, beginning March 1 st. We will only accept checks or money orders. Please do not send cash in the mail. Checks should be made payable to The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. indicating “Wild & Wonderful Experience” on the notation line. Mail completed form(s) & payment to Molly Kimler. Use reverse or additional paper if necessary for additional information. If applying for multiple children, please complete a registration form for EACH child. Child’s Name______________________________ Date of Birth________________Grade Completed___________ Parent/Guardian’s Name__________________________________________________Camper’s Sex ____________ Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________ Home Phone____________________ State__________ Cell Phone_____________________ Zip _______________ Work Phone____________________ Any medical or allergic issues we need to know about? ______________________________________________ Secondary Emergency Contact Information (must be different from above): Name_______________________________________ Relationship to Child_________________________________ Secondary Emergency Contact Number_____________________________________________________________ Sponsor or Youth Garden Club member of _________________________________ City _____________________ Once your registration form is accepted, a camp packet will be mailed to you containing a detailed camp itinerary, code of conduct, rules for camp, packing guide, and medical & waiver release forms (to be completed prior to camp). Please circle your child’s T-shirt size (pre-shrunk cotton). Adult sizes: 19. S M L XL BeeGap Gardeners Adding Pollinators Gentle-natured, rarely stinging bee A friendly garden companion, this gentle bee doesn't mind curious people. It rarely stings, except in defense of its life. If you can get stung, it's about the same as a mosquito bite. You won't need special clothing to have fun watching this lively pollinator. Amazing pollinator for spring food and flowers This tiny, busy bee outperforms her honey bee cousin for pollinating spring fruits, nuts and flowers. One mason bee can pollinate 12 lbs. of cherries, a task that takes 60 honey bees! A key reason is her hairy body easily collects dry pollen. As it falls off on each flower, 99.7% of visited flowers are pollinated. Easy to raise, and protects our food supply You'll love the ease and joy of raising mason bees. It takes just a couple hours of care each year. Even better, under our Bee Buy-Back program, we'll trade free tubes/reeds for your extra mason bee cocoons. Why? We need more of these awesome bees to supplement the troubled honey bee. Rehoming your bees with other gardeners and farmers, increases the mason bee population. Together, we can help our bees so vital for pollinating 1/3 of our food supply. Go to to choose one of our bee house kits and find lots of information on how native bees are efficient pollinators. You can sign up for email reminders as to how you can help this native population of mason bees and leaf-cutter bees. A kit is a simple and inexpensive way to get started raising mason bees. Kits include the house, bees and supplies you'll need for success. Reserve your mason bees now! Spring availability is limited. Let me hear from you: Judy Kirkland, BeeGAP chairman for GCG, [email protected] 706-556-3417 20. BLUE STAR MEMORIAL MARKERS A Blue Star Memorial Marker sponsored by The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., in Cooperation with the State of Georgia was dedicated on Friday, November 7t h . The dedication ceremony was held in the West Tower lobby of the Floyd Veterans Memorial Building on the State Capital Grounds. The marker is located at the entrance of the Pete Wheeler Veterans Memorial Garden, which is in front of the Floyd Veterans Memorial Building and across the street from the Georgia State Capital Building. Guest speakers were Col. Dwayne Wilson, Commander of the 78t h Aviation Troop Command for the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Navy Veteran, Chief Petty Officer (Retired), Alan Thiese. The event was well attended by State Officials and Garden Club Members. Another Memorial Marker was dedicated Tuesday, November 18t h at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus-Ft. Benning. This marker, sponsored by Magnolia District and The Columbus Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. is located along the "Walk of Honor" at the museum. Due to the extreme cold weather on that day the dedication was held in “Patriot Hall”, the auditorium of the museum. A video was shown of the unveiling. The video also gave an overview of the magnificent “Walk of Honor”. The marker could not be in a more appropriate location. Plans are underway for another Memorial Marker to be placed on the grounds of Berry College in Rome. The projected dedication date for this marker is January 14 or 15, 2015 at the time of the GCG Winter Board Meeting in Rome. A By-Way Marker at The Founder’s Memorial Garden on the UGA campus in Athens is planned in March. Thank you to all who had a part in making these dedications a reality and to those who attended and gave your support. I encourage the District Directors to make your decision for a location and get your orders in for the remaining markers that are being cosponsored by the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Since this is a project promoted by President Suzanne Wheeler, we would like to have these markers in place and dedicated by the end of her term of office which will be April 2015. As always feel free to contact me with any needs or questions. Jan Thiese, GCG Blue Star Memorial Marker Chairman, 128 Weatherly Drive Macon 31210 478-477-6507 [email protected] 21. WILDFLOWERS DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST Through the GCG photographic contest, we hope to create an appreciation of our wonderful Wildflower Heritage. We wish to encourage photographers to go outdoors and view/photograph their beauty and share that with others. ENJOY & SHARE THE WILDFLOWERS! RULES FOR WILDFLOWER DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES – MARCH 10, 2015 Chairmen: Evelyna Keadle Rogers - [email protected] & Barbara Johnson Webmaster/2nd Vice-President - Barbara Bourque - [email protected] The winners of the first Wildflower Digital Photo Contest will be announced at the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Convention to be held at Jekyll Island, Georgia April 15,16,&17. We hope all of you will be there to congratulate these photographers. The enthusiastic response to the announcement of the Wildflower Digital Photo Contest from GCG President, Suzanne Wheeler, and members of the GCG Board of Directors sustained us as we worked together to map out the rules and regulations for the contest. We thank you for your continued support. We thank all of the wonderful photographers who went Pink Lady ’s slipper - Cypripedium acaule into the wild in all kinds of weather to hunt, and shoot their Photo by Linda Ragland wildflower photographs. You still have until March 10 th to get your entries in. Go to , “Projects and Programs” and scroll to the bottom of “Roadside Beautification”. The photographs represent wildflowers across Georgia. This is also the site to get the contest rules and entry forms. We thank the District Directors for encouraging their club members to participate in the contest. We thank all of you who enjoyed following the wildflower journey on the website. As the poet Milton says, “He also serves who stands and waits to serve." We wish we could present a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers to each of you who supported this contest by sharing your photographs, spreading the word, and enjoying the beauty of the wildflower show on the web. And, a very special thank you to the editors of Garden Gateways, Board Briefs, Scatter-the-Information, and List-Serve. CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the first Wildflower Digital Photo Contest. We hope to find you in the winners' circle. Keep watching for the announcement of details of the new: WILDFLOWER DIGITAL PHOTO CONTEST beginning in April 2015. Evelyna, Barbara & Barbara 22. CAPITAL CONSERVATION DAY IN GEORGIA in Partnership with the Georgia Water Coalition FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Chairman - Tally Sweat Capitol Conserv ation Day at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta in partnership with the Georgia Water Coalition. With "Beautification . . . Conserv ation . . . Education" as our Mission, GCG and its Legislativ e Team encourages indiv idual members to contact their elected officials as constituents especially about conserv ation issues. Gov er n or Dea l & T a lly Sw ea t T a lly Sweat & Naom i Ger son Gov ernor Nathan Deal presents Tally Sweat and m em bers of The Garden Club of Georgia a proclam ation declaring February 1 8 th “Conserv ation Day ” in Georgia T a lly Sweat vehemently presents GCG’s position Na om i Gerson, GCG 1 st VP, Martha Pr ice & Ma r ia n Hill GCG 1 st V ice Pr esiden t , Ma r t h a Pr ice, Na om i Gerson, Helen Grogan & Marian Hill Naom i Gerson & Helen Grogan 23. Phot ographs by Erik Voss Photography ROADSIDE BEAUTIFICATION KATHRYN LITTON, STATE CHAIRMAN Calling all clubs! Please remember to budget your $25 or more to send to the GCG State Treasurer as your donation to Roadside Beautification. This money is donated to the State Department of Transportation to help purchase wildflower seeds and daffodils to plant on the highways of Georgia to help beautify our state. Also, memorial donations can be made in honor of a favorite person. Personal donations will be accepted as well as clubs, councils, and districts. Be sure to indicate your preference on the form that you fill in, available on the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. website. ( Donations should be made by the end of February, 2015. Thank you for your attention to this request. 24. Grand Opening May 2015 Atlanta Botanical Garden – Gainesville, Georgia News Release: The new Atlanta Botanical Garden, Gainesville, will open in May, celebrating years of planning and development of one of North Georgia’s most beautiful landscapes aimed at connecting visitors with both the natural word and cultural amenities. Ground was broken in April 2013 on the first phase. The $21 million initial phase of the garden, developed on 185 acres given to the Atlanta Botanical Garden in 2002 by Gainesville philanthropists Charles and Lessie Smithgall, will include a contemporary visitor center, 2000-seat amphitheater, a model train garden, and five acres of display gardens featuring nationally recognized plant collections. Future plans call for an interactive children’s garden, a native plant conservation nursery, and a student training and education center. Photo L to R: Mark and Mildred Fockele, Doug and Kay Ivester, Jack Burd, Mary Pat Matheson, and Jim Spratt. Photo Courtesy of Travis Massey 25. otanical Gardens in Georgia 26. Botanical Gardens in Georgia Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta Botanical Gardens – Gainesville (Opens May, 2015) Gainesville, Georgia Augusta Botanical Gardens Augusta, Georgia Barnsley Gardens Adairsville, Georgia Callaway Gardens Pine Mountain, Georgia Chatham County Garden Center Savannah, Georgia Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at Historic Bamboo Farm Savannah, Georgia Columbus Botanical Garden Columbus, Georgia Fred Hamilton Rhododendron Garden Hiawassee, Georgia Garden State Research & Education Center Griffin, Georgia Georgia Perimeter College Botanical Garden Decatur, Georgia Georgia Southern Botanical Garden Statesboro, Georgia Masse Lane Gardens Fort Valley, Georgia State Botanical Garden of Georgia Athens, Georgia Vines Botanical Garden Loganville, Georgia Waddell Barnes Botanical Gardens Macon, Georgia Arboretums in Georgia Coastal Plain Research Center Lockerly Arboretum Thompson Mills Forest UGA Campus Arboretum Tifton, Georgia Milledgeville, Georgia Braselton, Georgia Athens, Georgia 27. Wildflowers Evelyna Keadle Rogers & Barbara Johnson Disguises and masks are fun to wear for masquerade parties, and even at Halloween; however, the masks the wildflower chairmen wore to the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Board Meeting were not party masks. These chairmen were hiding their faces in shame. It was their sad duty to report to all present that they had failed in their mission. The chairmen shared this letter: Dear Abbie, and Dear Heloise, We are writing this letter in desperation. We feel like brides left at the altar. We feel like the hostess who plans a great party and no one comes. We are suffering pain and embarrassment. Please help. It all started when our president, the president of the Garden Club of Georgia, (not that other President), charged us with the task of leading the garden clubs of Georgia to increase their knowledge, attention, and appreciation for our wildflower heritage. The President charged us with the mandate to: Raise the awareness of wildflowers; to provide leadership in expanding wildflower knowledge; to lead clubs to have programs on wildflowers; and to encourage clubs to have wildflower projects. The primary goal for all of this to culminate in clubs all across Georgia entering their wonderful wildflower projects for the GCG Wildflower Award # 11. Happy, enthusiastic, and confident with our new assignment, we took to the road promoting wildflowers. We prepared and delivered presentations on wildflower. We carted our wildflower displays around the state, we designed posters and hand-outs, we wrote articles for GCG publications, we wrote articles for newspapers and 28. we sent out words of encouragement by List-Serve. And Abby, we must confess, we felt a little smug expecting an overwhelming number of applications for Wildflower Award # 11. Honestly, Heloise, we kept the computers dusted, and we let no weeds grow around the mailbox. We baked cookies for the mailman to thank him for lugging all those heavy bags filled with applications, we baked pound-cakes for the judges, we waited in happy anticipation and we waited some more. Not even one application arrived! Please Abby, Please Heloise, tell us what we did wrong. And, please tell us how long we must wear these mask hiding our faces in shame. Most importantly, tell us how we can make 2015 The Year of the Wildflower. Sincerely, The two wallflower wildflowers Barbara & Evelyna POST SCRIPT: We may not need to wait to hear from Abby and Heloise. We received some exciting ideas and suggestions from Kathrine Litton for making 2015 The Year of the Wildflower. We are working to get them in place. We invite you to send us your ideas and suggestions. Fire Pink, Scarlet Catchfly Silene virginica Oxeye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 29. Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa BAN-THE-BAG GEORGIA ROUND-UP Chairmen: EVELYNA KEADLE ROGERS & BARBARA KEADLE JOHNSON Have you seen the new GEICO commercial where the cowboy leaves his lady love in typical western movie style? Before leaving her in tears, he tells her he is a loner and a loner must always be alone. However, there is a surprise ending. As this cowboy is riding into the sunset he falls from his horse. Barbara and I have enjoyed traveling the varied trails of the Georgia Round-Up for BAN-THE-BAG. However, we are very pleased that we have not been traveling alone. We do not want to be loners and are thankful for our trail mates. Signing up for the ride are members of the GCG executive board, our fellow Board of Directors members, all seven District Directors and many, many Georgia garden club presidents, and club members. The Round-Up has covered a lot of territory from the mountains, to the coast, across middle Georgia and into the southernmost boundaries of Georgia. Together we have cleaned up a lot of clutter from our land and our waters. This Georgia Round-Up is exciting, and very busy. There have been stops at all seven districts, and some public libraries for presentations and displays promoting support for the BANTHE-BAG project. On the trail there were Presentations, articles written, Press releases and Sign-Up Sheets Distributed Loading and unloading displays onto and off those weary pack-horses all across the state and setting-up and taking down those displays has provided much muscle stretching for these old cow-girls. But, enough about work; the campfire is burning bright, it is storytelling time and we have many stories to share. We want to tell about all seven districts, and many of their clubs joining in this Round-Up supporting the BANTHE-BAG project in every area of the state. Did you know all seven districts are selling alternative bags? A great way to transport our stuff around in style while decreasing our use of plastic bags. If it is a small bag you need, then the GCG Scholarship bag is the perfect size for you. And while you are stuffing the little bags with your stuff, you will also be stuffing the scholarship fund with needed monies -- a perfect fit. Many clubs have presented programs to inform club members and their communities of the need to reduce clutter and pollution caused by plastic bags loose in the environment. Clubs have participated in city cleanup and re-cycling projects, and many clubs have initiated clean-up and re-cycling projects. 30. Clubs are leading the way in re-using the plastic bag. One club used the collected bags to stuff life sized figures for a downtown display. Some clubs are collecting bags and giving the bags to their local food bank. Ban-the-Bag chairmen promoted “Re-Thinking” the plastic bag. Some clubs developed creative and unique uses for the plastic bag. In many displays, the chairmen used a plastic bag hat from the St. Mary's Garden Club. Clubs used plastic bags in creating games for and with youth groups. A club made place mats from plastic bags and donated the place mats to nursing homes and schools. Plastic bag crafts are sold in the country stores and country stores re-use plastic bags to hold purchases. Many more great stories were discovered in the Litter and Pollution Award Applications: * Each month members of The Landings Garden Club in Savannah and community volunteers work together for a neighborhood clean-up and re-cycling project. * The Odom Garden Club collects objects all year to be recycled in a giant yard sale. We hope to mosey on up there next year. * The Spade &Trowel Garden Club hosted an expert to design and teach a community project. * The Roswell Garden Club took their act on the road, presenting an interactive demonstration in a public park. Let us share the story of what happened when the judges for the Litter and Pollution Control Award received the applications. It looked like it might be a shoot-out to rival the one at the O. K. Corral. They argued all the applications were so good it was difficult to choose just one first place winner. The sheriff arrived just in time with a copy of the RULES and REGULATIONS provided by state awards chairman, Suzanne Wheeler, and the shoot-out was averted. A tip of the cowboy hats to all clubs submitting applications. This is only a sampling of the BAN-THE-BAG saga. There are many more stories to share, but the campfire is burning low signaling story telling is over for now. Not far to go now before this Round-Up reaches our destination at Jekyll Island. When we arrive there it will be the time for us to kiss all the handsome cowboys good-bye, and ride off into the glory of that coastal sunset. Just as a precaution, we'll be holding tight to our saddle-horns and keeping our boots firmly in the stirrups. Falling off our horses would not be the best way to end the round-up. Before we get back in the saddle to ride off into that sunset, we wish to tip our hats in recognition and thanks to our fellow trail mates for joining up for this ride supporting Suzanne's special BAN-THE-BAG project. We want to remind you that there is always the next Round-Up and you will be needed again. We hope you will be signing on for the ride. Until then, Happy Trails to you. 31. Barbara & Evelyna OLEANDER DISTRICT & CASSINA GARDEN CLUB PRESENT TABBY & TILLANDSIA GARDEN WALK SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 Cassina Garden Club announces its 9th Annual Tabby and Tillandsia Garden Walk to coincide with Garden Week in Georgia. The event will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 10:00 am -5:00 pm. In the case of a torrential rain storm, the event will be held on Sunday, April 26 from Noon-5:00 pm. This year’s tour features five private gardens located on Gascoigne Bluff near Epworth by the Sea Conference Center on St. Simons Island, the gardens at the tabby cabins, the herb garden at Fort Frederica and a special event at Glynn Visual Arts: Fine Arts and Flowers. This show will feature original art and sculpture that floral designers, both professional and nonprofessional, will interpret and then recreate the design with fresh flowers. ( Visitors will drive themselves from garden to garden, take a break for lunch, visit the Fine Arts and Flower show and then enjoy a Southern Garden Party at the tabby cabins anytime between 2:00-5:00 pm. Also on the cabin grounds will be plein air artists, potting demonstrations, and The Hamilton Plantation Garden Club’s annual plant sale from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. Tickets are $30. Visit our website for more information: 32. BLAIRSVILLE GARDEN CLUB PRESENTS PAINT YOUR GARDEN WITH COLOR LANDSCAPE SEMINAR Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Haralson Memorial Civic Center 165 Welborn Street, Blairsville, Ga. 30512 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. PROGRAM ENCORE AZALEAS IN THE GARDEN SOUTHERN LIVING PLANT COLLECTION Mark Maher, Regional Representative Flowerwood Nurseries, Mobile, Alabama Mark Maher, Regional Representative FLOWERS, FRAGRANCE & MEDICINE FROM THE GARDEN Dr. Bodie Pennisi, Associate Professor and Extension Landscape Specialist Co-Editor-in-Chief, Scientia Horticulturae Dept. of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Griffin Campus MOBILE PLANTERS IN THE LANDSCAPE (A new look at hanging baskets, pots, and planters) Dr. Bodie Pennisi Mr. David Mitchel and his son and Mr. Thomas Gresham. CONIFERS IN GEORGIA Dr. John Ruter Professor of Horticulture, UGA Director of UGA Trial Gardens Registration $25.00, includes morning snacks and lunch. Name__________________________________________________ Address______________________________ City________________________ State ________________ Zip Code_______________________ e-mail______________________________________ Choice of sandwich Beef____________ Turkey_____________ Ham______________ Check payable to BLAIRSVILLE GARDEN CLUB Send check to: P.O. Box 965, Blairsville, Ga. 30514 33. DATE REGISTER MARCH 2015 4 Wed GCG Budget Committee Meeting Athens 5 Thu GCG Scholarship Committee Meeting Athens 17-18 Tue-Wed Environmental Studies School Tifton 25 Wed South Georgia Native Plant and Wildflower Symposium Tifton 15-17 Wed-Fri GCG State Convention Jekyll Island 19-25 Sun-Sat Garden Week in Georgia 20-21 Mon-Tue Landscape Design School – Course III Marietta Educational Garden Center 22 Wed Dogwood District Historic Landscape/Garden Grant Fundraiser and Lecture Ansley Golf Club 1-2 Fri-Sat Gardening Study School Course IV Augusta 1-3 Fri-Sun Valdosta Garden Center Annual Standard Flower Show: “Picture This” Valdosta Garden Center 4-6 Mon-Wed Landscape Design School – Course IV Marietta Educational Garden Center 15-18 Fri-Mon NGC Convention Louisville KY Sun-Tue Flower Show Judges Symposium Athens APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 14-16 JULY 2015 12-14 Sun-Tue Wild and Wonderful Experience Youth Camp Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield AUGUST 2015 17 Mon Camellia and Magnolia Districts Awards Workshop Albany 18 Tue Oleander District Awards Workshop Swainsboro 19 Wed Azalea District Awards Workshop Union Point 20 Thu Laurel District Awards Workshop Ellijay 21 Fri Dogwood and Redbud Districts Awards Workshop Atlanta OCTOBER 2015 6 Tue Camellia District Fall Meeting Thomasville 7 Wed Magnolia District Fall Meeting Fort Valley 34. 13 Tue Laurel District Fall Meeting Hiawassee 14 Wed Dogwood District Fall Meeting Atlanta 15 Thu Redbud District Fall Meeting Newnan 20 Tue Oleander District Meeting Rincon 21 Wed Azalea District Fall Meeting Augusta 29 Wed State Headquarters Trustees Meeting Athens 35.
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