AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAST PEORIA, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS JULY 2, 2013 DATE: JULY 2, 2013 TIME: 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: MAYOR MINGUS COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER COMMISSIONER DECKER COMMISSIONER JEFFERS COMMISSIONER JOOS INVOCATION: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the Working Session, Regular Meeting and Closed Meeting held on June 18, 2013. COMMUNICATIONS: COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON AGENDA ITEMS: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: Resolution No. 1314-019 – Resolution to approve the payment of bills listed on Schedule No. 4. Second Reading - Motion to adopt – Ordinance No. 4116 (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SPECIAL USES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1101 E. WASHINGTON STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS.) Resolution No. 1314-021 – Resolution to approve Outdoor Liquor Sales and Consumption Permit for July 4, 2013 to Granite City Restaurant Operations dba Granite City Food & Brewery. COMMISSIONER DECKER: Second Reading of Resolution No. 1314-015 – Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of East Peoria and Tazewell County to receive a grant in the amount of $40,000.00 to assist in the residential curbside recycling program. Resolution No. 1314-022 - Resolution to authorize a contract with R.A. Cullinan for the construction of a new road in Veterans Park. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: COMMISSIONER JOOS: MAYOR MINGUS: COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: COMMISSIONER JOOS: MAYOR MINGUS: MOTION FOR CLOSED MEETING: MOTION TO ADJOURN: /s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader City Clerk, Morgan R. Cadwalader Dated and Posted: June 28, 2013 MINUTES ARNOLD BUILDING 100 S. MAIN STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS JUNE 18, 2013 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor David Mingus at 6:00 P.M. Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor David Mingus, Commissioner Daniel Decker, Commissioner Gary Densberger, Commissioner Timothy Jeffers and Commissioner Benjamin C. Joos. Absent: None. The invocation was given by Commissioner Jeffers. Mayor Mingus led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Motion by Commissioner Joos, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Closed Meeting held on June 4, 2013 be approved as printed. Yeas: Commissioner Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Mayor Mingus asked for any communications. City Clerk, Morgan Cadwalader, read a letter from the Slusher Family thanking the emergency response service for their care of his father. City Clerk, Morgan Cadwalader, read a letter from UPS thanking the Public Works Department for their efforts during the April flooding. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come to the podium, state their name, address and the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response. Resolution No. 1314-012 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that the claims as listed on Schedule No. 3 be allowed. Mr. Mayor, I, move that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue orders on the Treasurer for the various amounts, totaling $1,764,863.32, and the schedule of bills be hereby adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1314-014 by Commissioner Densberger; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS THAT the Used Car Dealer Licenses hereto attached, submitted by Uftring Ford, Inc.; Gill Automotive; Auto Solutions; Premium Pre-Owned Autos; VM Associates Auto Sales; Baker Classic Cars, Inc.; and Jim Shanks Auto Sales, Inc. dba Mid Illini Auto Group be approved in accordance with the attached applications for licenses and that this Resolution No. 1314-014 be adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that Resolution No. 1314-014 be adopted as presented. Mayor Mingus and City Council discussed the City Code regulations for used car dealer licenses. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-014 be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1314-016 by Commissioner Densberger; WHEREAS, a healthy economy is of great important to all of Tazewell County; and Page 2 WHEREAS, on July 2012 the Tazewell County Board voted to appoint a Committee to be known as the Tazewell County Economic Development Committee (TCEDC) to research, analyze and define the best approaches for improving and strengthening the framework of our regional economic development efforts; and WHEREAS, said Committee was tasked with numerous objectives one of which was the development of goals for a 5 Year Economic Development Strategy for all of Tazewell County; and WHEREAS, the Tazewell County Economic Development Committee arrived at four (4) goals which are as follows: Goal #1: Act Regional – By 3Q 2013, implement an asset-based, comprehensive economic development strategy and ecosystem that expands public, private and non-profit collaboration in Tazewell County and the region with a common strategic vision. Goal #2: Expand Economic Performance – By 2018, implement community economic development strategies and action plans that will increase annual Tazewell County wages by $399.3 million, raise the average annual wage in Tazewell County by 6.9%. Goal #3: Improve Human Capital – By 2018, improve demographic trends and the population mix in Tazewell County to ensure a plentiful workforce supply by increasing the total population by 3.7% (+5,006); the prime workforce demographic of 25-44 year old citizens from 25.8% to 30% of the population (+7,341); and the labor force participation rate from 65% to 66.5% (+6,595). Goal #4: Value and Enhance the CI Way of Life – Quantify, communicate and imbed the importance of the unique rural and urban values of Tazewell County, and their role in the way CI Way of Life, to all who live in CI by 2014. WHEREAS, the East Peoria City Council supports the goals as established by the Tazewell County Economic Development Committee; and NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that the East Peoria City Council encourages the Tazewell County Board accept and approve the four (4) Economic Development Goals as developed by the Tazewell County Economic Development Committee. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Joos; Mr. Mayor, I move that Resolution No. 1314-016 be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-016 be duly adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4116 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SPECIAL USES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1101 E. WASHINGTON STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus. Abstain: Commissioner Joos. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4116 to be duly adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4117 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 727 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4117 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented. City Council discussed the use of the property and that it has been used as a car dealership for many years in the past. Page 3 Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4117 to be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1314-007 by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1314-007 hereto attached, a Resolution to authorize the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Peoria/Pekin Urbanized Area Transportation Study Planning Process for Fiscal Year 2013, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1314-007 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-007 be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1314-015 by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Joos; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1314-015, hereto attached, a Resolution to approve an agreement between the City of East Peoria and Tazewell County to receive a grant in the amount of $40,000.00 to assist in the residential curbside recycling program, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1314-015 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1314-010 by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Joos; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1314-010 hereto attached, a Resolution to authorize the purchase of an auto read system from Badger Meter Company for the Department of Public Works at a cost of $1,052,384.75 and to authorize the City to enter into an agreement with Professional Meter Inc. to install the auto read system at a cost of $602,834.28, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1314-010 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-010 be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1314-013 by Commissioner Jeffers; WHEREAS, Dirk McGuire has been continuously employed by the City from June 26, 1978 through June 28, 2013, most recently occupying the position of Water Treatment Plant Operator; and WHEREAS, Dirk McGuire has announced his intention to retire from employment effective at the end of day on June 28, 2013; and WHEREAS, the City is appreciative of the long and continued service provided by Dirk McGuire; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to execute the attached Separation Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The above recitals are found to be true and correct. Section 2. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized to execute the Separation Agreement with such changes as the Mayor, in his sole discretion, may decide are in the best interest of the City of East Peoria. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that Resolution No. 1314013 be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-013 be duly adopted as presented. Page 4 Resolution No. 1314-018 by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Special Outdoor Sales and Consumption Permit hereto attached, be issued to Granite City Restaurant Operations dba Granite City Food and Brewery located at 230 Conference Center Dr., East Peoria, Illinois for the proposed outdoor sale of alcoholic liquor on June 23, 2013 in accordance with the attached applications for permits be hereby approved and that this Resolution No. 1314-018 be adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Joos; Mr. Mayor, I move that Resolution No. 1314018 be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-018 be duly adopted as presented. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4115 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3 OF THE EAST PEORIA CITY CODE TO CHANGE THE NUMBER OF CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSES AND TO ADD PROBATIONARY LICENSE PROVISIONS FOR SUBCLASS 1 LICENSES) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4115 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented. Mayor Mingus, City Council, City Administrator, Tom Brimberry, and City Clerk Cadwalader discussed the City Code regulations related to the changes to Subclass 1 (beer garden) licenses. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4115 to be duly adopted as presented. Commissioner Joos explained that Resolution No. 1314-017 has been pulled from the agenda for further consideration. Resolution No. 1314-011 by Commissioner Joos, seconded by Commissioner Decker; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1314-011 hereto attached, a Resolution to authorize the purchase of seven Chevrolet Police Pursuit Interceptors from Green Chevrolet, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1314-011 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1314-011 be duly adopted as presented. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the nonagenda to come to the podium, state their name, address and the matter or matters to be discussed. John Reid of East Peoria, came up to the podium to discuss concealed carry. He read a letter that he received from Tazewell County State’s Attorney Stewart Umholtz regarding concealed carry. He explained that an opinion from Tazewell County State’s Attorney Stewart Umholtz indicated that the County would not prosecute people who carry a firearm outside their home if that person is legally allowed to possess a weapon. State’s Attorney Umholtz indicated that the County would follow constitutional carry laws. Police Chief Ganschow indicated that individuals in East Peoria that had concealed weapons and are legally carrying a weapon would not be arrested. He explained that East Peoria would follow the same constitutional carry law that State’s Attorney Umholtz explained in his letter. Mr. Reid and Commissioner Densberger discussed the fact that legislation explaining the laws once resolution is passed. Mayor Mingus asked for any additional comments from the audience. There was no response. Mayor Mingus then asked for comments from Council. Page 5 Commissioner Decker and Chief Ganschow discussed the exceptions to the law for concealed carry, including governmental buildings, schools, hospitals, and privately owned businesses can ban those weapons from their businesses. Motion by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Densberger, Mr. Mayor, I move that a meeting or session of the city council be held at the conclusion of this regular meeting to discuss the following matter or matters according to exceptions provided in the “Open Meetings Act” and specified as follows: Section 2(c)(2) – Collective negotiating matters. Section 2(c)(6) – The setting of a price for a sale or lease of property. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Decker, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Commissioner Densberger explained that the City of Peoria was recognized as an All American City and he congratulated them on that honor. Commissioner Jeffers discussed concerns about the increase of noise from motorcycles speeding. A resident asked the City monitor this issue. Commissioner Jeffers discussed the budget process and negotiations with unionized employees in the City. He discussed the pressure that the State and Federal government places on local governments. He explained that as the City have active contract negotiations, the City and employees are working together as a community to come to a resolution. He discussed the increasing health care costs and challenges regarding the health care costs. He discussed the challenges facing. He discussed the tour of the Library and shared space. He looks forward to seeing the completed building. Commissioner Joos thanked Mr. Reid for bringing up the concealed carry topic. He explained that it was refreshing to hear the State’s Attorney’s and Police Chief Ganschow’s opinion on the concealed carry issue. Mayor Mingus recommended caution when carrying a weapon and that the law allows for carrying a weapon and not for use of one. He advised that there is great responsibility that comes with the right to carry. Commissioner Densberger recommended that anyone who carries a weapon take a training course to ensure safe use and carrying of the weapon. Mr. Reid came up to the podium and explained that it is a right to carry and not a right to use. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Joos; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until Tuesday evening, July 2, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M. _/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader________ City Clerk Morgan R. Cadwalader MINUTES WORKING SESSION CITY COUNCIL 401 W. WASHINGTON STREET EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS June 18, 2013 Mayor Mingus called the Working Session of the City Council of East Peoria, Illinois to order at 5:00 P.M. Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor Mingus, Commissioners Decker and Jeffers. Absent: Commissioners Densberger and Joos. Mayor Mingus stated that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the status of construction for the meeting shared space and library. City Administrator, Tom Brimberry, began the tour in the future Council Chambers and meeting space. He described the layout of the Council Chambers and conference rooms. He explained that the entire room could be divided into three meeting rooms by moveable wall dividers. Principal Construction Management+Design, Director of Architecture, Wil Helmick, described the glass along the walls and other architectural details in the room. Commissioner Joos entered the meeting at 5:05 p.m. Director Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston, discussed a conceptual drawing of the Civic complex. City Administrator Brimberry and Mr. Helmick led everyone into the hallway and discussed the hallway and information technology room. They then led everyone to the outside to view the future green space of the Civic Complex at the corner of West Washington and Richland Streets. Both discussed the conceptual idea of the green space. Mr. Helmick led everyone back into the shared space and lobby. He discussed the parking for the buildings and the entryways. He led everyone into the Fondulac District Library and discussed the tower and first floor children’s book section. He then led everyone to the second floor of the library and discussed the second floor layout. Commissioner Densberger entered the meeting at 5:26 p.m. City Administrator Brimberry asked for any questions or comments from anyone present. There was no response. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn the meeting. Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 5:33 P.M. __/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader___________________ Morgan R. Cadwalader, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 1314-019 July 2, 2013 EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS THAT THE CLAIMS AS LISTED ON SCHEDULE NO. 4 BE ALLOWED. MR. MAYOR, I MOVE THAT THE CLERK IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO ISSUE ORDERS ON THE TREASURER FOR THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS, TOTALING $965,682.15 AND THE SCHEDULE OF BILLS BE HEREBY ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. MAYOR DATE: 06/28/13 TIME: 14:41:29 ID: AP443000.CEP CITY OF EAST PEORIA SCHEDULE OF BILLS PAYABLE PAGE: 18 FINAL TOTALS INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 06/30/2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL CORPORATE FUND 61,918.18 POLICE PROTECTION FUND 12,272.88 FIRE PROTECTION FUND 5,966.98 SOLID WASTE 15,352.12 STREET & BRIDGE FUND 15,620.41 EASTSIDE CENTRE 15,163.67 HOTEL-MOTEL TAX 1,164.39 AMBULANCE FUND 3,332.93 CAMP STREET TIF 5,013.36 W. WASHINGTON ST TIF 69,977.57 WATER & SEWER 12,259.05 MOTOR FUEL TAX RIVERBOAT GAMING TAX FUND 8,304.50 34,694.26 PAYROLL HOLDING ACCTS 704,641.85 ---------------- GRAND TOTAL 965,682.15 ================ Ordinance No. 4116 ORDINANCE NO. 4116 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SPECIAL USES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1101 E. WASHINGTON STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, Denny Boulton (the "Petitioner") has petitioned for special uses to allow an autobody repair and painting shop and an outdoor storage lot on real property zoned as “B-3, Business Service District” which property is shown and described at "Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (which property as so described is hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, after hearing pursuant to duly published notice, the East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals has recommended approval of the proposed special uses subject to certain conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. Special uses to allow an autobody repair and painting shop and an outdoor storage lot on the Property are hereby approved. Section 2. The continuation of the special uses hereby authorized is contingent upon continual compliance with all applicable provisions of the City Code and with the following special conditions: 1. The special uses hereby authorized shall be established and operated substantially in accordance with a site plan of the Property (the “Site Plan”) prepared by the Petitioner and approved by the Director of Planning and Zoning. 2. The façade of the principal structure located on the Property shall be improved with a combination of stone and redwood siding substantially in accordance with representations made by Petitioner. 3. The outdoor storage lot located on the Property shall be screened to obscure the view of the interior of the storage area from Washington and Bower Streets. 4. The outdoor storage lot shall be used only for the storage of items or vehicles related to the operation of an autobody repair and painting shop on the Property. 5. Landscaping improvements shall be made along Bower Street, along the front of the principal structure and in front of the parking lot, all in accordance with the Site Plan. Upon the violation of or failure to comply with the forgoing conditions or with any provisions of the City Code applicable to the Property or its use, the City Council may, after providing reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearing, terminate the special uses hereby approved. Section 3. This Ordinance is hereby ordered to be published in pamphlet form by the East Peoria City Clerk and said Clerk is ordered to keep at least three (3) copies hereof available for public inspection in the future and in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 4. This Ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances on the subject and shall be construed therewith excepting as to that part in direct conflict with any other ordinance, and in the event of such conflict, the provisions hereof shall govern. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and ten (10) day period of publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS ______ DAY OF __________________, 2013. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: ________________________________ Corporation Counsel 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1314-021 July 2, 2013 EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS THAT the Special Outdoor Sales and Consumption Permits hereto attached, be issued to Granite City Restaurant Operations dba Granite City Food & Brewery located at 230 Conference Center Dr., East Peoria, Illinois for the proposed outdoor sale of alcoholic liquor on July 4, 2013 in accordance with the attached application for permit be hereby approved and that this Resolution No. 1314-021 be adopted as presented. MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK t JUN- 20- 2013 03: 54 Pa9e: 1' 3 To: 3096984747 From: City of East Peoria 100 5. Main St., East Peoria, IL 61617, Phone: 309. 698. 4715 Fax: 309. 698.4747 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL OUTDOOR LIQUOR SALES AND CONSUMPTION PERMIT Current Date Name of 10( 11 I Applicant: ULl 0,t' a Physical Address Mailing Address . 3 , Permit to City Clerk 21 days in advance. 4 13. E G. Ey i OO( 1 hrWiti y CQY( O r lei( t SO1 r W ( 111:1111_ 1t City Ptt iQ City State Zip Q 1() [ State Zip Alterl'late..Phone Number:(' City Liquor License Number Date of Sale: 1! 4,ia0(3 il- ,(' Q h Proposed Hours of Sale ALL P.M. to ‘ i P1rn 7:00 P. M., 11:00 P. M.,.OR 10:00 P. M. Numbers of Employees whawvili be present: Type of freshly cooked food: Will there be outdoor music?, be sold: 4e5 Live or Recorded?, { 1 HOURS EVENT MAY BE HELP: Class A hours: 1 P. M. to 7 P. M. Class C hours: 4 P. M. to 11 P. M. Class D- E hours: 1 P. M. to 11 P. M. Class V-Z hours: , P. . 1. to 11 P. M.' Friday; Saturday:or National' Holiday' Any Specific Date, No Sale Sunday after 10 P. M. Friday, Saturday ofNational Holiday Friday,:Saturday or National Holiday ATTACH A SCALE DRAWING OF AREA INCLUDING PARKING AREA. I, the undersigned, hereby,declarethat I have carefully read-the Sectio_n. of the City Code relating to this business; that I understand it thoroughly and will carry out every provision thereof. I further state that the'sstatements and answers contained in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, knowing that ahy false statement will be sufficient cause for denial or revdcatiorrof said;license and/ or prosecution. ill Sign jOC Date: ure of applicant) Fee$ APPROVAL: POLICE Date Received MAYOR O LOOP() cLOJ? 1, 3 Accepted CITY CLERK Page 1 of 1 by aek-vc Q c li1 l 1 Q JUN- 20- 2013 03: 54 From: Z 7 C'N Vre--6._ I/ tn 1311 Vlikvain 1111111: P y . it I r To: 3096984747 Pa9e: 2/ 3 of y pFO EAST99 MMUrviry? East Peoria Police Department Dick Ganschow, Chief of Police To: Mayor and City Council From: Chief Ganscho V Date: June 24, 2013 Subject: Special Outdoor Sales and Consumption Permit Attached please find the Special Outdoor Sales and Consumption Permit for July,04 2013 from 1: 00 p. m. to 11: 00 p. m. for the liquor establishment of Granite City Food and Brewery, 230 Conference Center Drive, East Peoria, IL 61611. Our investigation is complete and we find that they are eligible for consideration regarding this permit. 201 W. Washington St., East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: ( 309) 698- 4700 Fax: ( 309) 698- 4725 Resolution No. 1314-015 RESOLUTION NO. 1314-015 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2013 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Tazewell County (the “County”) annually provides a grant in the amount of $40,000.00 (the “Grant”) to help fund the curbside recycling program operated by the City; and WHEREAS, the Grant will be disbursed under the terms of an intergovernmental agreement between the City and the County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an intergovernmental agreement between the City and the County under such terms and conditions as the Mayor in his discretion deems appropriate providing for the distribution of a curbside recycling grant in the amount of $40,000.00 from the County to the City. APPROVED: _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk Resolution No. 1314-022 RESOLUTION NO. 1314-022 East Peoria, Illinois ___________________, 2013 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Fondulac Park District (the “Park District”) authorizes the City to utilize Veterans Park as location for the Winter Wonderland during the annual Festival of Lights; and WHEREAS, the Park District has asked the City to build a new road in Veterans Park (the “Project”) in order to better control the flow of traffic through Veterans Park during the Festival of Lights; and WHEREAS, R. A. Cullinan, Inc. (“Cullinan”) has offered to complete the Project at a cost of $65,340.14; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the City Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Cullinan to complete the Project at a cost of $65,340.14 under such terms and conditions as the City Administrator deems appropriate; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this resolution until an executed original of such contract has been delivered to Cullinan. APPROVED: _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk
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