PETROGENESIS OF THE OLIGOCENE EAST TINTIC VOLCANIC FIELD, UTAH by Daniel K. Jeffrey D. Eric H. Christiansen2, Choon-Sik Kim3, 2 David G. Tingey , Stephen T. Nelson2, and Douglas S. Flamm2 Moore1, Keith2, ABSTRACT The early Oligocene East Tintic volcanic field of central Utah, located near the eastern margin of the Basin and Range Province, consists of mafic to silicic volcanic (mostly intermediate-composition lava flows) and shallow intrusive rocks associated with the formation of small, nested calderas. Radiometric ages establish a minimum age for initiation (34.94 ± 0.10 Ma) and cessation (32.70 ± 0.28 Ma) of East Tintic magmatism. The igneous rocks of the field are calc-alkalic, potassic, silica-oversaturated, and metaluminous, and can be categorized into the following three compositional groups: the shoshonite-trachyte series, the trachyandesite series, and the rhyolite series. Based on composition and phenocryst assemblage, the shoshonite-trachyte series is divided into two groups: a clinopyroxene group and a two-pyroxene group. The rhyolite series consists of three field units: the Packard Quartz Latite, the Fernow Quartz Latite, and the rhyolite of Keystone Springs. The trachyandesite series is by far the most voluminous. This series is also subdivided into a clinopyroxene group and a two-pyroxene group. Temperature and oxygen fugacity estimates indicate that shoshonite-trachyte series magmas were the hottest and least oxidizing and that two-pyroxene trachyandesite series magmas were the coolest and most oxidizing. Clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magma evolved mainly by fractional crystallization. The high K2O, Rb, and Al2O3/CaO ratios and modest SiO2 enrichment of these rocks appear to result from extensive, high-pressure fractional crystallization of clinopyroxene (without plagioclase). Two-pyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magma was likely produced by mixing between mafic and silicic clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magmas at low pressure. Assimilation of crustal material appears not to have been important for shoshonite-trachyte series magmas. We believe that parental clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magma originated in the mantle wedge above a Cenozoic subduction zone and then interacted with older subduction-metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Rhyolite series magma was likely the differentiate of a lower crustal partial melt. Trachyandesite series magma likely evolved by magma mixing and subsequent fractional crystallization. Trace-element compositions indicate that the mixing that produced trachyandesite series magmas was between mafic clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magma and Fernow Quartz Latite magma, at low pressure for two-pyroxene trachyandesite series magma, and at high pressure for clinopyroxene trachyandesite series magma. INTRODUCTION The East Tintic Mountains of central Utah are a Basin and Range-style horst that exposes Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the volcanic, sedimentary, and shallow intrusive rocks of the early Oligocene East Tintic volcanic field (figure 1). In the East Tintic mining district, sulfide-rich alteration and mineralization (Lindgren and Laughlin, 1919; Lovering, 1949; Morris and Lovering, 1979) are the products of magmatism (Ames, 1962; Morris and Lovering, 1979; Keith and others, 1989; Hannah and others, 1991; Moore, 1993). The East Tintic volcanic field represents an ideal locale for studying the processes responsible for the genesis of subduction-related, potassic, silica-saturated magmas related to ore genesis. This report explores the petrogenesis of the igneous rocks of the East Tintic volcanic field. GEOLOGIC SETTING To establish stratigraphic and temporal relationships, the bedrock geology of the central East Tintic Mountains 1 2 3 (figure 1) was mapped at a scale of 1:24,000 using conventional methods (Morris, 1975; Hannah and Macbeth, 1990; Kim, 1992; Moore, 1993; Keith and others, in preparation). Fresh samples were collected from most igneous rock units. Standard petrographic techniques were used to determine rock texture and modal mineralogy. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations were done on a VG1200S automated mass spectrometer using standard techniques (like those of Harrison and Fitzgerald, 1986) at the University of California at Los Angeles by S.T. Nelson, and are reported in table 1. The East Tintic Mountains are characterized by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of early Oligocene age (following the scale of Hansen, 1991) that lie unconformably upon folded and faulted Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, all of which are cut by shallow intrusions associated with the volcanic rocks (figure 1). The west side of the range is more deeply eroded and exposes older rocks. Morris and Anderson (1962) studied the Paleozoic-Tertiary unconformity and concluded that there was substantial topographic relief at the onset of volcanism. An 40Ar/39Ar sanidine age of 34.94 ± 0.10 Ma from the Department of Geology, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Rexburg, ID 83460 [email protected] Department of Geological Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 [email protected] Department of Geology, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape 164 112˚07’ 30’’ W 112˚00’ W 40˚00’ N N 0 2 km Goshen Valley Tintic Valley 39˚45’ N Figure 1. Index map and generalized geologic map of the East Tintic volcanic field. Geologic contacts are from Keith and others (in preparation). Ore-related latite flows Ore-related monzonite intrusions Other volcanic and intrusive rocks undivided Salt Lake City Tintic District Utah Paleozoic sedimentary rocks undivided 39 1 40Ar / 40 39Ar Table Summary of new Ar radiometric Table 1.1.Summary of new Ar /radiometric ages.1 ages. Sample2 Mineral 3 Latitude (N) Longitude(W) Jx10-6 Fusions 40/36 Ar 40/39 Ar MWSD4 Age (Ma)5 1 6 1 SP292 SP192 TJ77 TJ197 TJ108 ET134 biotite sanidine sanidine biotite biotite biotite 40.174296° 40.204185° ET134 ET121 hornblende hornblende 39°48’23” 39°53’35” 39°49’21” 39°59’37” 39°59’37” 39°57’59” 111.955592° 111.977750° 112°2’54” 112°3’2” 112°4’7” 112°2’38” 112°2’38” 112°3’51” 7865 8 - 7862 10 - 7856 10 - 7860 5 - 7858 5 - 7870 7 - 34.71 0.19 34.18 0.24 34.03 0.18 33.87 0.13 33.72 0.08 33.34 0.15 7869 - 7876 - 294±7.60 301±4.90 2.37±0.01 2.33±0.02 10.75 1.96 33.29 0.09 32.70 0.28 The details of the analytical methods used for age determinations are described in Moore (1993). Samples are in stratigraphic order: the youngest are on right. Location data based on NAD27. 4 MWSD = mean weighted standard deviation. 5 The age reported for biotite and sanidine analyses are mean ages; hornblende analyses are isotope correlation ages. 6 1σ = one-sigma standard deviation. 2 3 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors Fernow Quartz Latite, one of the oldest volcanic units, establishes a minimum age for initiation of magmatism in the East Tintic region (Utah Geological Survey and New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory, 2007; Keith and others, in preparation). Clark (2003) obtained a similar argon age (34.83 ± 0.15 Ma) for the Fernow to the south in Sage Valley. East Tintic magmatism continued until at least 32.70 ± 0.28 Ma (table 1). The two “SP” samples in table 1 are from locations just north of the East Tintic Mountains and are from units that overlie possibly the oldest East Tintic volcanic field unit—a welded ash-flow tuff, the Packard Quartz Latite. Christiansen and others (2007, this volume) describe these “SP” units and associated volcanics. Outcrops of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are most abundant in the northern and southern parts of the range (figure 1). These Paleozoic rocks experienced significant folding and faulting during the Mesozoic orogenies of western North America. Farmer and DePaolo (1983) suggested that basement rocks beneath this portion of the Basin and Range Province are Proterozoic. Nelson and others (2002) show that the nearby Santaquin Complex was accreted to the Archean craton no earlier than ca. 1700 Ma and underwent metamorphism prior to ca. 1670 Ma. Moore (1993) reported on the volcanic stratigraphy and age relations of the field (see also the stratigraphic summary of Hintze, 1988, p. 149). This work substantially updates and revises that of Morris and others (Morris and Anderson, 1962; Morris, 1975; Morris and Lovering, 1979), and Hannah and Macbeth (1990). Further clarification of the volcanic stratigraphy and age relations is ongoing by Keith and others (in preparation). At least 100 km3 of magma was erupted during the roughly 2-million-year life span of the volcanic field (Moore, 1993). The magmatic history of the field consists of the formation of nested calderas that produced small deposits of tuff and numerous lava flows. By volume, roughly twice as much lava as ash was erupted. The volcanic field is one of the easternmost members of the Tintic–Deep Creek magmatic belt, an east-west elongate zone of Cenozoic magmatism that extends from the Colorado Plateau westward into the Deep Creek Range of west-central Utah (Stewart and others, 1977). Activity in nearby magmatic centers, including those in the West Tintic Mountains (Stein and others, 1990), Salt Creek area (Keith and others, 1991; New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory and Utah Geological Survey, 2005), and Bingham mining district (Moore, 1973), was roughly contemporaneous with that in the early Oligocene East Tintic volcanic field. Severinghaus and Atwater (1990) reconstructed the time-integrated geometry and thermal history of the Farallon and Vancouver plates, which were subducted beneath western North America during the Cenozoic. Best and others (1989), Best and Christiansen (1991), and Christiansen and others (2007, this volume) suggest that, beginning at around 45 Ma in northern Utah and Nevada, volcanism spread southward across what is now the Basin and Range 165 Province. These observations are compatible with production of subduction-related magmas beneath the East Tintic volcanic field during the early Oligocene, although East Tintic magmatism would have been behind the active volcanic front, which was several hundred kilometers farther south. COMPOSITION Whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses were obtained by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using a Seimens SRS 303 at Brigham Young University-Provo. Representative analyses are given in table 2. A description of techniques and the complete geochemical data set (as an Excel file) are available at under the heading Resources. Phenocryst compositions were determined using a JEOL JXA-8600 Superprobe by Choon Sun Kim at the University of Georgia with an accelerating potential of 15 keV, a 15 nA beam, and counting times of 40s for standards and 20s for unknowns. Igneous rocks of the East Tintic volcanic field are potassic, silica-oversaturated, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, and range from shoshonite to rhyolite— 53 to 78 weight percent (wt. %) SiO2; (table 2; figure 2). Compositions plot mostly in the alkali-calcic field on the modified alkali-lime versus silica diagram of Frost and others (2001). On the silica versus FeOtotal/(FeOtotal + MgO) diagram of Frost and others (2001), using the dividing line of Miyashiro (1974), East Tintic samples straddle the ferroan/magnesian boundary. Compositional trends for major and trace elements are shown on SiO2 variation diagrams (figures 3 and 4). Representative mineral modes are shown in table 3. We group the compositions of field units of the East Tintic volcanic field into the following three compositional series: the shoshonite-trachyte series, the trachyandesite series, and the rhyolite series. These series are based on compositional groupings and trends that we determined were petrogenetically important. We describe these series in this section and interpret them in the next. Shoshonite-trachyte series rocks are petrogenetically important (see below), but volumetrically small. This series includes the most mafic samples of the field and ranges from 53 to 57 and 63 to 68 wt. % SiO2. Compared with trachyandesite series rocks at equal SiO2, shoshonite-trachyte series rocks have higher K2O, Rb, Zr, Ba, and Al2O3/CaO and lower Ni, Cr, Fe2O3, and MgO (table 3; figures 3 and 4). Based on composition and phenocryst assemblage, the shoshonite-trachyte series is divided into two groups: a clinopyroxene (cpx) group, and a two-pyroxene (2-px) group. Compositionally, the cpx group follows a tight mineral-control line, whereas the 2px group is more scattered (e.g., figures 3e and 4f). The cpx group consists of the shoshonite of Buckhorn Mountain and the Latite Ridge Latite units, and the 2-px group consists of the Dry Herd Canyon Latite and the Big Canyon Latite units (Moore, 1993). Patterns on Series Shoshonite-Trachyte Group Clinopyroxene Sample TD55 TD39 TD40 TJ198B ET153 Latitude (39°N) 48’20” Long. (112°W) 4’45” SiO2 TiO2 Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2 O K2 O P2O5 Anal. Total LOI 1 51’13” 5’38” 53.90 55.66 1.40 1.16 15.54 16.81 9.10 8.61 0.14 0.15 5.16 3.16 8.54 6.85 2.95 2.42 2.74 4.47 0.54 0.70 100.90 99.60 1.65 1.28 217 315 127 48 105 21 91 782 24 204 11 1115 45 95 47 11 8 3 213 5 14 82 87 21 124 1144 30 260 11 1417 61 110 59 25 31 12 51’10” 5’38” 55’4” 1’33” 55’30” 2’3” Rhyolite TJ74 Two-pyroxene Fernow Two-Pyroxene TD47 TD1.5 TD45 TD63 TD65 TD46E TD46C TD66 TD56 49’14” 1’3” 46’15” 5’56” 55’17” 0’52” 55.59 64.00 66.3 1.15 0.88 0.7 16.89 17.38 16.72 8.53 4.66 4.16 0.14 0.11 0.05 3.24 1.18 0.78 6.40 2.88 1.51 2.64 3.34 2.57 4.71 6.42 6.96 0.71 0.32 0.24 99.40 101.17 99.9 1.47 0.96 0.88 67.26 56.75 63.11 0.56 1.23 0.88 15.14 16.74 18.46 3.36 7.50 4.11 0.06 0.22 0.10 0.38 2.31 1.16 1.32 7.75 4.39 5.02 3.24 2.71 6.69 3.67 4.74 0.21 0.59 0.34 99.40 100.60 101.10 1.72 1.45 1.17 219 5 13 84 90 21 144 1176 31 255 11 1441 53 111 58 32 31 11 27 5 1 8 66 19 272 271 44 485 19 1313 87 138 70 36 60 11 57 4 3 15 87 21 254 482 42 445 17 1495 88 143 70 33 64 11 45 6 2 12 85 20 265 343 42 496 18 1369 79 143 68 37 68 11 Trachyandesite 202 8 10 42 101 23 136 672 33 282 11 1127 77 133 61 18 31 6 70 1 1 12 76 20 168 728 35 325 13 1371 82 129 65 24 37 9 45’37” 6’49” 77.59 0.25 12.24 1.27 0.02 0.30 1.26 2.65 4.36 0.05 98.80 0.90 17 2 9 3 18 12 152 200 13 115 16 577 23 46 20 30 24 8 49’13” 4’8” 49’10” 4’19” 47’26” 6’28” 58.28 59.52 59.74 1.06 1.04 1.12 15.56 15.61 17.25 8.34 7.89 6.64 0.13 0.12 0.13 3.55 2.90 2.35 5.88 5.58 5.90 2.96 2.93 2.26 3.74 3.97 4.02 0.48 0.45 0.59 101.10 100.20 99.90 0.05 1.20 0.03 161 18 15 45 93 23 139 731 29 239 12 1175 67 110 52 22 16 4 172 49 20 36 83 20 134 694 29 240 12 1224 55 105 48 25 22 7 132 1 3 14 89 19 133 822 36 272 12 1210 66 124 60 18 22 6 46’25” 6’33” 49’10” 4’24” 54’21” 5’20” 51’42” 6’0” 60.01 60.32 60.32 61.30 63.15 65.25 58.57 1.15 0.97 1.06 0.98 0.90 0.70 1.03 16.75 15.91 16.87 16.45 16.34 15.39 16.14 6.47 6.34 6.33 6.96 5.14 4.86 7.92 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.13 2.65 2.33 2.00 2.19 1.61 1.75 3.24 5.85 5.10 5.50 5.19 4.07 2.40 5.31 2.21 4.01 2.74 2.33 4.02 4.35 2.60 4.21 4.43 4.59 4.07 4.36 4.88 4.53 0.57 0.49 0.47 0.41 0.29 0.34 0.54 99.40 101.20 101.80 99.60 98.80 99.50 98.90 0.08 0.07 2.71 1.33 0.89 0.56 1.04 60.27 0.87 15.76 7.04 0.12 2.50 4.17 3.95 4.86 0.44 99.80 1.27 164 5 6 22 81 19 132 777 36 275 12 1240 61 117 60 22 23 9 139 59 21 57 76 21 182 661 27 286 14 1337 51 110 50 29 37 8 162 21 10 39 85 22 162 739 29 233 12 1347 59 109 50 25 27 8 47’19” 5’19” Clinopyroxene TD6 TD71B TJ146 ET188 TJ126 129 8 7 22 74 20 171 747 34 287 11 1360 62 111 60 19 22 7 47’44” 3’17” 116 3 5 18 91 21 140 605 35 283 11 1148 67 128 61 22 27 6 49’48” 5’55” 85 3 6 12 61 20 143 652 32 318 12 1288 62 118 58 18 21 6 51’25” 3’22” 97 8 4 24 66 20 168 426 25 213 12 1159 52 93 43 24 28 5 Major elements are reported as weight percent oxide and are normalized to 100% on a volatile-free basis. LOI is loss on ignition at 1000°C for 4 hours. Trace elements are reported as parts per million. 161 39 22 77 87 22 155 783 29 280 12 1190 78 131 47 28 26 7 Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape V Cr Ni Cu Zn Ga Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba La Ce Nd Pb Th U 166 Table 2. Representative whole-rock compositions1. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors 16 Clinopyroxene Shoshonite-Trachyte Series Two-pyroxene Shoshonite-Trachyte Series 14 Na2O + K2O (wt. %) 167 Two-pyroxene Trachyandesite Series Clinopyroxene Trachyandesite Series 12 Rhyolite Series Trachyte Keystone 10 Latite Packard 8 Shoshonite 6 Fernow Potassic Trachybasalt 4 Rhyolite Dacite Basaltic Andesite Basalt Andesite 2 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 SiO2 (wt. %) Figure 2. International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) classification diagram (Le Bas and others, 1986) for East Tintic rocks. Table 3. Representative phenocryst modes. Series Group Shoshonite-Trachyte Rhyolite Clinopyroxene Two-pyroxene Fernow Sample1 TD18 TD39 TD55 ET153 TJ198B TD47 TJ181 Latitude (39°N) 50’10” 51’13” 48’20” 55’30” Clinopyroxene TD45 TD46C TD46E TD56 TD63 TD68 TD6 TJ126 TJ51 51’48” 55’4” 46’15” 55’42” 45’37” 46’25” 1’33” 5’56” 3’23” 6’49” 6’33” Phenocryst % 19.8 34.2 8.8 4.5 Lithic % 5.0 Points Counted 2000 2000 2000 1959 11.1 6.1 2264 15.0 2000 31 2261 47.9 1.1 2000 32.9 2000 14.1 23.9 32.1 35.0 22.3 37.0 3.8 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 31.0 2000 Plagioclase Sanidine Quartz Clinopyroxene Orthopyroxene Biotite Hornblende Olivine Fe-Ti Oxides Apatite 3.6 15.2 8.0 trace 58.5 17.7 9.4 14.4 trace 62.4 25.4 5.1 7.1 trace 33.5 26.7 31.7 6.7 2.9 trace 64.4 12.5 9.4 4.0 9.7 trace 68.7 58.8 9.2 14.2 12.0 8.5 9.7 8.5 8.8 trace trace 55.3 1.5 13.4 19.8 9.5 trace Longitude (112°W) 4’43” 1 Trachyandesite Two-pyroxene 60.1 30.3 9.6 trace 5’38” 57.3 31.9 10.8 trace 4’45” 31.8 68.2 trace trace 2’3” 63.0 trace 26.1 trace 10.9 trace 47’26” 47’19” 49’13” 49’20” 47’44” 51’42” 6’28” 5’19” 4’8” 52.0 24.5 11.4 trace 11.4 trace 4’29” 3’17” 6’0” 63.1 65 63.2 10.9 5.8 15.4 4.4 10.3 9.2 14.3 6.3 12.4 12.6 7.0 trace trace trace 3’30” Samples were chosen to represent the variations in unit mineral mode. Sample – field unit correlations, and a complete list of all measured modal analyses are reported in Moore (1993). Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape 168 7 0.8 A 6.5 6 0.6 5.5 P2O5 (wt. %) K2O (wt. %) E 0.7 Shoshonitic 5 4.5 4 High-K 3.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 3 2.5 0 Medium-K 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 52 76 54 56 58 60 62 6 8 4.5 7 Fe2O3 (wt. %) Na2O (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 4 3.5 3 2.5 F 9 5 2 6 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 1 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 52 76 54 56 58 60 SiO2 (wt. %) 1.6 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 5.5 C 1.5 76 G 5 1.4 4.5 1.3 1.2 MgO (wt. %) TiO2 (wt. %) 66 10 B 5.5 64 SiO2 (wt. %) SiO2 (wt. %) 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 0.6 1.5 0.5 1 0.4 0.5 0.3 0 0.2 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 52 76 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 9 19 D 18 76 SiO2 (wt. %) SiO2 (wt. %) H 8 CaO (wt. %) 7 Al2O3 (wt. %) 17 16 15 14 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 0 12 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 Figure 3. Major-element variation diagrams for East Tintic rocks. The classification lines in figure 3A are after Ewart (1982). Symbols as for figure 2. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors 140 3000 A 120 169 E 2700 2400 Ba (ppm) Ni (ppm) 100 80 60 2100 1800 1500 1200 40 900 20 600 0 300 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 52 76 350 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 SiO2 (wt. %) 190 B 300 54 F 175 160 145 Ce (ppm) Cr (ppm) 250 200 150 100 115 100 85 70 50 55 0 40 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 52 54 56 58 60 C 240 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 G 280 220 260 200 240 180 Rb (ppm) 160 140 120 100 80 220 200 180 160 140 60 120 40 20 100 0 80 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 52 76 54 56 58 60 SiO2 (wt. %) 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 SiO2 (wt. %) 1100 1000 400 900 Sr (ppm) 450 350 300 H 1200 D 500 Zr (ppm) 62 SiO2 (wt. %) 260 V (ppm) 130 800 700 600 500 250 400 200 300 150 200 100 100 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 52 54 56 Figure 4. Trace-element variation diagrams for East Tintic rocks. Symbols as for figure 2. 58 60 62 64 66 SiO2 (wt. %) 68 70 72 74 76 170 chondrite-normalized trace-element diagrams of mafic shoshonite-trachyte series samples (especially TD55) are smooth curves—suggesting they are relatively undifferentiated rocks—that peak at Th, and have negative Nb and Ti anomalies (figure 5). Negative Sr, P, and Ti anomalies become larger as SiO2 increases. We attribute this to fractionation of the observed minerals (table 2). In evolved shoshonite-trachyte series samples positive light rare earth element (LREE) and Zr anomalies increase with evolution, suggesting the absence of LREE- and Zrsequestering phases like monazite, xenotime, or allanite and zircon, respectively. Zircon saturation calculations show that shoshonite-trachyte series magma was, for its composition, too hot and too Na-, K-, and Ca-rich to stabilize zircon (Watson and Harrison, 1983). The rhyolite series is distinguished by high silica content (70 to 78 wt. %), and consists of three field units: the Fernow Quartz Latite, the rhyolite of Keystone Springs, and the Packard Quartz Latite (Moore, 1993). Because rhyolite series compositions do not overlap in silica content with the other series, comparisons with those series are not meaningful. The units which comprise this series have relatively uniform mineral modes and chemical compositions, except that the Packard Quartz Latite has extremely high concentrations of Ba, ~2700 parts per million (ppm), and relatively high concentrations of Sr, ~425 ppm. Contamination by crustal rocks could explain the anomalous composition of Packard rhyolite series magma. The Jurassic Arapien Shale, which contains evaporite deposits, is exposed near the volcanic field (Hintze, 1980). It is possible that this unit, or some other unit containing evaporites, underlies the volcanic field at depths where rhyolite series magma could have been contaminated by them. If this did occur, the magma preferentially assimilated Sr and Ba, because the concentrations of other elements that would be abundant in evaporite deposits (e.g., Rb) appear not to have been affected. Some of the silicic rocks in the Soldiers Pass area to the north of the volcanic field also display elevated Ba concentrations (Christiansen and others, 2007, this volume). The trachyandesite series is by far the most voluminous. Rocks of this series range from 56 to 68 wt. % SiO2 (i.e., between the mafic and silicic rocks of the volcanic field) and are characterized by the lack of strong mineral control (e.g., figures 3g, 4b, 4d, and 4g). Based on differences in mineral mode, this series is subdivided into two groups: a cpx group, and a 2-px group. There are no significant compositional differences (for the elements we measured) between these two groups; however, intrusions of 2-px group magma are associated with mineralization while those of the cpx-group are not (Keith and others, 1993, 1997; Stavast and others, 2006). The 2-px group, shown in figure 1 as the ore-related latite flows and monzonite instrusions, consists of the Latite of Rock Canyon, the Silver City Monzonite, the Copperopolis Latite Tuff, and the Andesite of Rock Canyon units (Moore, 1993; Stavast and others, 2006). The cpxgroup consists of the Latite of Sunrise Peak and the Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape North Standard Latite, both non-mineralizing units (Moore, 1993). Trachyandesite sample patterns on chondrite-normalized trace-element diagrams show negative Sr, P, and Ti anomalies that become larger as SiO2 increases (figure 5). We attribute this to fractional crystallization of the observed phenocryst assemblages. The temperatures and oxygen fugacities of shoshonite-trachyte series and trachyandesite series rocks were estimated by Kim (1992) using the compositions of pyroxenes (Davidson and Lindsley, 1985) and Fe-Ti oxides (Andersen and Lindsley, 1988). For cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma, three determinations from a silicic unit (Latite Ridge Latite) yielded Fe-Ti oxide temperatures between 950 and 960°C and oxygen fugacity values between 0.88 and 0.94 log units above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer (FMQ) (Kim, 1992). Additional temperature information for cpx shoshonite-trachyte series rocks can be gleaned from a model for apatite saturation derived from experiments (Watson, 1980). Assuming apatite saturation occurred in the mafic samples of this series as predicted by peak concentrations of P2O5 at 55 wt % SiO2 (figure 3e), the saturation model predicts a magmatic temperature of ~1000°C. These independent estimates of cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmatic temperatures are consistent—as expected, the less evolved magma is hotter. For 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma, determinations from two lava flows (Latite of Dry Herd Canyon and Latite of Rock Canyon) yielded 2-px temperatures between 1063 and 1162°C, an Fe-Ti oxide temperature of 1028°C, and oxygen fugacity values between 0.6 and 1.7 above FMQ. For 2-px trachyandesite series magma, four determinations from an extrusive unit (Latite of Rock Canyon) and four from an intrusive unit (Silver City Monzonite) yielded 2-px temperatures between 904 and 990°C, Fe-Ti oxide temperatures between 888 and 958°C, and oxygen fugacity values between 1.72 and 2.45 log units above FMQ. No temperature or oxygen fugacity estimates were made for cpx trachyandesite series or rhyolite series samples. The mineral assemblages of rhyolite series units indicate that rhyolite series magma was significantly cooler than shoshonite-trachyte series or trachyandesite series magma. These temperature and oxygen fugacity estimates support the series groupings we created based on compositional characteristics. PETROGENESIS Major- and trace-element trends on SiO2 variation diagrams (figures 3 and 4) indicate strong mineral control in the evolution of magmas of the East Tintic volcanic field, but are too incoherent to be explained by evolution along a single fractional crystallization line. These trends and major- and trace-element models suggest that magma mixing was also important in generating the observed compositions (explained below). Major-element modeling of fractional crystallization was done 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors 171 1000 Rock/Primitive Mantle Shoshonite-Trachyte Series 100 10 1 0.1 Rb Ba U K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Zr Ti Y Ti Y 1000 Rhyolite Series Rock/Primitive Mantle 100 10 1 0.1 Rb Ba U K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Zr 1000 Rock/Primitive Mantle Trachyandesite Series 100 10 1 0.1 Rb Ba U K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Zr Ti Y Figure 5. Trace-element patterns for each of the compositional series using the normalizing values of McDonough and Sun (1995). Symbols as for figure 2. 172 using mass balance calculations (Stormer and Nicholls, 1978) with the phenocryst compositions of Kim (1992) and the whole-rock chemical analyses collected for this study (table 2). Trace-element modeling of fractional crystallization was done using multi-sequence fractional crystallization calculations (Allégre and Minster, 1978). The parameters for the major- and trace-element fractional crystallization models are found in tables 4 and 5. The trace-element fractional crystallization and mixing models were applied to Rb, Sr, Ba, Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Zr, U, Th, La, and Ce compositions with equal success. The fits of the models to Rb, Sr, and Ba (and Zr and Cr) data are shown in figures 6, 7, and 8. Shoshonite-Trachyte Series Major- and trace-element models suggest that fractional crystallization dominated the evolution of cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmas, which range in composition from ~53 to 68 wt. % SiO2. The composition of the most mafic sample, TD55, was used as the parent magma in modeling the petrogenesis of this series. The whole-rock and olivine compositions of this sample have too little MgO and Ni to be a simple partial melt of mantle peridotite, indicating that some amount of evolution took place in the primitive magma generated by partial melting to produce the composition of this sample. Based on changes in the phenocryst (= fractionating) assemblage, the evolution of this series was divided into three segments: (1) olivine + clinopyroxene, (2) plagioclase + clinopyroxene + magnetite + apatite, and (3) plagioclase + pyroxene + biotite + hornblende + magnetite + apatite. The first segment models changes from samples TD55 to TD39, the second from samples TD39 to TJ198B, and the third from samples TJ198B to ET153. The inception of plagioclase and biotite fractionation for trace-element models was estimated from inflection points on, respectively, SiO2 vs. Sr (and Ba) and SiO2 vs. Cl (and F) variation diagrams. Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape The first segment of the major-element fractional crystallization model (table 4) predicts ~13% fractionated material and has a very large sum of the squared residuals, 3.66. Adding plagioclase and/or magnetite does not improve the model. The second segment of the majorelement model predicts subtraction of ~37% additional material, and has a small sum of the squared residuals, 0.46. A major-element model that combines segments one and two has a low sum of the squared residuals, 0.07, and predicts ~73% subtracted material. The third segment of the major-element model predicts subtraction of ~14% additional material, and has a sum of the squared residuals equal to 0.79. Table 5 shows the mineral modes and partition coefficients that make up the trace-element fractional crystallization models. These models are illustrated in figure 6. The first segment models evolution from the parent magma (TD55) to TD39 by removing 30% of the magma as olivine and clinopyroxene. The second segment models evolution from TD39 to TJ198B by removing an additional 33% of the magma as plagioclase, clinopyroxene, magnetite, and apatite. The third segment models evolution from TJ198B to ET153 by removing an additional 17% of the magma as plagioclase, pyroxene, biotite, hornblende, and apatite. A likely cause for the scatter of the data about the trace-element models is that sample compositions evolved from a parent magma more mafic than TD55, but followed slightly different fractional crystallization paths. As noted above, while only the fit of the model to Rb, Sr, and Ba data are shown in figure 6, the model was applied with equal success to Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Zr, U, Th, La, and Ce compositional data. Segments one and three of the major-element fractional crystallization models are impaired because SiO2 changes so little over these segments. Small SiO2 changes do not allow the necessary natural averaging effects needed in mass balance calculations. The majorelement models are also impaired by the mineral compositions upon which they are based. The models would be Table4.4.Major-element Major-element fractional crystallization Table fractional crystallization models1models for clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series magma.series magma. for clinopyroxene shoshonite-trachyte 1 Segment 1 Parent Daughter TD 55 TD39 2 1+2 3 TD39 TD55 TJ198B TJ198B TJ198B ET153 Plagioclase Clinopyroxene Biotite Olivine Magnetite 83.0 17.0 - 43.0 33.7 11.7 11.6 51.3 33.3 7.1 2.0 6.4 68.0 23.3 3.2 5.5 Sum % Subtracted 13.3 37.6 73.2 14.4 3.66 0.46 0.07 0.79 Sum R 1 2 Phenocryst modes represent weight percent crystals subtracted (as % of all mineral phases) from the parent magma. 2 Sum of the squares of the residuals of the nine elements used. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors 173 Table5.5.Trace-element Trace-element fractional crystallization model parameters. Table fractional crystallization model parameters. Mineral Mode1 & Partition Coefficient2 (D) Series Pl San Cpx Opx Bt Hb Ol Ap Dbulk - - 0.31 0.01 0.14 0.03 - - - 0.68 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.010 0.044 0.016 Clinopyroxene mode 0.60 DRb 0.02 ShoshoniteTrachyte DSr 3.00 F= 0.70–0.37 3 DBa 0.48 - 0.30 0.01 0.08 0.03 - - - - trace4 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.016 1.826 0.297 Clinopyroxene mode 0.67 DRb 0.02 ShoshoniteTrachyte DSr 3.00 F= 0.37–0.20 3 DBa 0.48 - 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.03 - 0.20 4.00 0.27 10.0 - - trace4 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.814 2.069 2.323 Clinopyroxene ShoshoniteTrachyte F=1.0–0.70 3 1 mode DRb DSr DBa Two-pyroxene ShoshoniteTrachyte 5 mode DRb DSr DBa 0.60 0.02 3.00 0.48 - 0.22 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.02 - - - trace4 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.382 0.707 1.830 Two-pyroxene Trachyandesite 5 mode DRb DSr DBa 0.60 0.02 3.00 0.48 - 0.14 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 4.00 0.27 10.0 0.02 0.05 0.23 0.35 - trace4 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.140 1.835 0.606 Clinopyroxene Trachyandesite 5 mode DRb DSr DBa 0.59 0.02 3.00 0.48 0.01 0.38 9.40 6.60 0.15 0.01 0.08 0.03 - 0.17 4.00 0.27 10.0 - - trace4 0.11 0.39 0.05 0.140 1.835 0.606 Pl = plagioclase; San = sanidine; Cpx = clinopyroxene; Opx = orthopyroxene; Bt = biotite; Hb = hornblende; Ol = olivine; Ap = apatite. 2 Partition Coefficients are from Arth (1976) and Henderson (1990). Because the partition coefficients for Rb, Sr, and Ba in Fe-Ti oxides are all 0, their modes were not included in the table, though magnetite was included in the models. 3 F = the fraction of liquid remaining. 4 The apatite modes used were: 0.001% for segment 1 (F = 1-0.7) and 0.005% for all other segments and models. 5 For this series, bulk D was calculated using an average of the sample mineral modes (table 3). 174 Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape Figure 6. The cpx shoshonite-trachyte series trace-element fractional crystallization model, which uses the data of table 5. The heavy line is the model. The model was applied to Rb, Sr, Ba, Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Zr, U, Th, La, and Ce compositional data with equal success. The fit of the model to Rb, Sr, and Ba data is shown here—Rb vs. Sr in figure A, Rb vs. Ba in figure B, and Sr vs. Ba in figure C. Fvalues indicate fraction of melt remaining (F = 1.0 indicates all melt; F = 0 indicates all solid). The cpx shoshonite-trachyte series fractional crystallization model (heavy line) is also the 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series mixing envelope. The arrow indicates the direction of compositional change caused by fractional crystallization (after mixing) for 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma. Symbols as for figure 2. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors more accurate if we had mineral composition data for samples from each segment. Unfortunately, the data of Kim (1992) are from a single cpx shoshonite-trachyte series sample. In spite of these problems, the major-element models do predict roughly the same amount of fractionated material as the trace-element models (tables 4 and 5). We attribute the discrepancies between the major- and trace-element models to the problems with the major-element model just described. Taken as a whole, the major- and trace-element models predict that ~80% of an initial magma with the composition of TD55 was subtracted as phenocrysts during the evolution from shoshonite to trachyte (from TD55 to ET153). The percent of magma subtracted as minerals to produce trachyte from the actual parent magma would be greater than 80% since TD55 is too Ni- and MgO-poor to be a direct partial melt of peridotite. Our calculations suggest that fractional crystallization dominated the evolution of cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma. Two-pyroxene shoshonite-trachyte series samples have compositions that lie between the mafic and the silicic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series samples (figures 4 and 6). These compositional variations, supported by magmatic temperatures and oxygen fugacity values, are consistent with production of 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magmas by mixing between mafic and silicic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmas. Low Zr concentrations of silicic 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series samples (figure 4d) are, however, not consistent with this genetic model. Since silicic 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma at ~1000°C would be zircon-undersaturated by roughly 400 ppm Zr, the low Zr concentrations could not have been produced by zircon removal (Watson and Harrison, 1983). Mixing in a small amount of Fernow rhyolite series magma would explain the Zr-concentration discrepancy. We propose that 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma was generated by mixing between mafic and silicic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma, with perhaps some involvement of Fernow rhyolite series magma in generating silicic 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma. The compositional characteristics of shoshonite-trachyte series magma (e.g., negative Nb and Ti anomalies), the temporal and spatial association with a subducting oceanic plate (Severinghaus and Atwater, 1990), and the association with subduction-related mineralization (e.g., porphyry Cu-Mo and Ag-Au vein deposits; Lindgren and Laughlin, 1919; Morris and Lovering, 1979; Keith and others, 1989) suggest that cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma originated above a Cenozoic subduction zone. Many workers have proposed a fundamentally basaltic view for arc-related magmatism (e.g., Hildreth, 1981; Fyfe, 1982; Grove and Kinzler, 1986). These models predict injection and ponding of basaltic magma at or near the base of the crust. As noted before, shoshonitetrachyte series samples are characterized by high Al2O3/CaO, Zr, Rb, and K and modest SiO2 enrichment. Clinopyroxene and/or plagioclase fractionation affects the Al2O3/CaO ratios in cogenetic fractionating magmas. 175 The high Al2O3/CaO ratio of shoshonite-trachyte series magma is likely due to clinopyroxene fractionation (without plagioclase). Meen (1987) proposed that highpressure fractional crystallization of orthopyroxene from basaltic magma at or near the base of continental crust could cause the K2O/SiO2 ratio of the magma to increase dramatically. There is no orthopyroxene in cpx shoshonite-trachyte series samples, but the SiO2 content and K2O/SiO2 ratio in clinopyroxene is essentially the same as in orthopyroxene. Further, Draper and Johnston (1992) show that in Mg-rich arc basalts, clinopyroxene is stable at high pressure whereas both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are stable at low pressure. We propose that the elevated K2O, Rb, and Al2O3/CaO ratio and modest SiO2 enrichment of cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma result from extensive high-pressure fractionation of clinopyroxene (with plagioclase absent) from a primitive magma. As fractionation progressed, K2O and H2O concentrations would have increased to levels sufficient to stabilize biotite at the expense of clinopyroxene. Rhyolite Series There is little direct evidence for the source of rhyolite series magma. The fundamentally basaltic models for arc magmatism mentioned above predict that continental crustal melts would be produced by heat released from ponded, crystallizing basaltic magma. As these continental partial melts would be intimately associated with the basaltic magmas, extensive mixing between the two would be expected. We believe that Fernow, Keystone, and Packard rhyolite series magmas are likely the differentiates of lower crustal partial melts, and that these partial melts were produced as a result of the heat produced by the crystallization (including clinopyroxene) of ponded primitive cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma in the lower crust. Trachyandesite Series Trachyandesite series samples have compositions that lie between the mafic and silicic magmas of the volcanic field (figures 3 and 4). The compositional variations of this series indicate mineral control, but are too varied to have been produced by fractional crystallization alone along a single trend (e.g., figures 3a, 3d, 4d, 4f, and 4g). These compositional characteristics, supported by magmatic temperature and oxygen fugacity estimates, suggest that magma mixing and subsequent fractional crystallization governed the generation and evolution of trachyandesite series magma. Compositional variations suggest that the mafic end member for mixing was mafic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma. Zirconium concentrations (figure 4d) as well as estimated magmatic temperatures and oxygen fugacity values indicate that silicic shoshonite-trachyte series magma can be ruled out as the silicic end member for the trachyandesite series. Compositional variations are, however, consistent with rhyolite series magma as the silicic end member of mix- 176 ing. The compositional trends illustrated in figure 7 indicate that neither Packard nor Keystone rhyolite series magmas are the silicic end members of mixing—since Packard rhyolite series magma has too much Ba and too little Zr, and Keystone rhyolite series magma has too little Cr and Rb/Zr ratios that are too low. We propose that trachyandesite series magmas were generated by mixing between mafic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series and Fernow rhyolite series magmas. Figure 8 illustrates the compositions that could be produced by the combined effects of magma mixing and fractional crystallization. The fractional crystallization arrows in figure 8 were calculated using the parameters in table 5 and indicate the direction in which primitive (recently mixed) trachyandesite series magmas would evolve by fractionation (of the observed minerals). We are not able to determine the relative importance of magma mixing and fractional crystallization in generating trachyandesite series magmas. For example, widening the mixing envelope to Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape include silicic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmas is a valid alternative, but nearly eliminates the need for fractional crystallization. Our model allows an important role for both magma mixing and subsequent fractional crystallization and is meant to be illustrative, not definitive. We suggest that primitive trachyandesite series magmas were produced by magma mixing (within a mixing envelope similar to the one we have proposed) and then evolved (often to compositions outside the mixing envelope) by fractional crystallization. If the magmas of both trachyandesite series groups were produced by this mechanism, why does one group contain only clinopyroxene while the other contains both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene? In addition, if 2-px shoshonite-trachyte magma was produced by mixing between two orthopyroxene-absent magmas, why does it contain orthopyroxene? As mentioned above, Draper and Johnston (1992) show that in high-Mg arc basalts, only clinopyroxene is stable at high pressure whereas Figure 7. Cr vs. Ba (A) and Zr vs. Rb/Zr (B) variation diagrams, showing (1) the rhyolite series magma responsible for mixing with mafic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma to produce trachyandesite series magmas was Fernow rhyolite series magma rather than Keystone or Packard rhyolite series magmas, and (2) assimilation of crustal material was not important in generating the compositions of shoshonite-trachyte series magma. Symbols as for figure 2. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors 177 Figure 8. The trace-element magma mixing and fractional crystallization models for trachyandesite series magmas. The models were applied to Rb, Sr, Ba, Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Zr, U, Th, La, and Ce compositional data with equal success. The fit of the model to Rb, Sr, and Ba data is shown here—Rb vs. Sr in figure A, Rb vs. Ba in figure B, and Sr vs. Ba in figure C. The mafic end member of mixing is mafic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma (represented by the mafic portion of the fractional crystallization model of figure 6). The silicic end member of mixing is Fernow rhyolite series magma. Arrows show the directions that magmatic compositions would be displaced, after mixing, as a result of fractional crystallization. The directions were calculated using the parameters of table 5. Symbols as for figure 2. 178 both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are stable at low pressure. Assuming that their interpretations regarding pyroxene stability are applicable to the mafic and intermediate magmas of the East Tintic volcanic field, then the observed differences in mineral assemblages (specifically pyroxene) could indicate that phenocryst assemblages in 2-px trachyandesite series and 2-px shoshonitetrachyte series magmas last equilibrated at low pressure, and that the phenocryst assemblages of cpx trachyandesite series and cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmas last equilibrated at high pressure. This may indicate that mixing occurred in these groups at those pressures. Assimilation The role of assimilation of crustal material can be estimated most effectively with isotopic data; however, the variability of incompatible trace-element ratios is also a reasonably good indicator of open-system processes. Figure 7 illustrates the variability of two incompatible trace elements, Rb and Zr. The Rb/Zr ratio is relatively constant for shoshonite-trachyte series samples, which is consistent with our interpretations that magmatic differentiation for cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma was dominated by fractional crystallization, that 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma may have been generated by mixing of mafic and silicic cpx shoshonitetrachyte series magma (because mixing would not change the ratio), and that assimilation was not significant for shoshonite-trachyte series magma. If we have interpreted the origin of Fernow rhyolite series magma correctly, then the mixing of Fernow rhyolite series and shoshonite-trachyte series magmas could be considered crustal assimilation. CONCLUSIONS We propose that fractional crystallization and magma mixing controlled the evolution of magmas in the East Central Utah — Diverse Geology of a Dynamic Landscape Tintic volcanic field. The cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma evolved mainly by fractional crystallization. The high K2O, Rb, and Al2O3/CaO ratios and modest SiO2 enrichment of this series appear to result from extensive, high-pressure fractional crystallization of clinopyroxene (without plagioclase). The 2-px shoshonite-trachyte series magma was likely produced by magma mixing between mafic and silicic shoshonite-trachyte series magma at low pressure. Assimilation appears not to have been important for the shoshonite-trachyte series. Fernow rhyolite series magma was likely the differentiate of a lower crustal partial melt. Trachyandesite series magma evolved by magma mixing—between mafic shoshonite-trachyte series and Fernow rhyolite series magmas—and subsequent fractional crystallization, at low pressure for 2-px trachyandesite series magma and at high pressure for cpx trachyandesite series magma. We believe parental cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma originated in the mantle wedge above a Cenozoic subduction zone and then interacted with older subductionmetasomatized lithospheric mantle. Figure 9 is a schematic diagram that illustrates our petrogenetic interpretations—namely, how cpx shoshonite-trachyte series and Fernow rhyolite series magmas evolved and interacted to produce the magmas of the East Tintic volcanic field. Our petrogenetic model has important implications for the genesis of ore bodies in the Tintic mining district and related areas (see Keith and others, 1993, 1997; Stavast and others, 2006). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was funded by grants from the Brigham Young University Department of Geology and National Science Foundation (# EAR-9114980). We thank Dave Wark (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Tobi Kosanke (Shell Oil Company), and Don Clark, Tom Chidsey, and Grant Willis (Utah Geological Survey) for helpful reviews of this manuscript. Figure 9. Schematic diagram showing the proposed petrogenesis of East Tintic volcanic field magmas. Subduction-related cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magma ponded at or near the base of the crust. Heat from the crystallizing magma induced melting in continental material producing rhyolite series melts. Two-pyroxene shoshonite-trachyte magma was produced by mixing between primitive and evolved shoshonite-trachyte series magma at low pressure. Trachyandesite series magma was generated by mixing between Fernow rhyolite series and mafic cpx shoshonite-trachyte series magmas, at high pressure for cpx trachyandesite magma and at low pressure for 2-px trachyandesite magma. 2007 UGA Publication 36 — Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D., Clark, D.L., and Chidsey, T.C., Jr., editors REFERENCES Allégre, C.J., and Minster, J.F., 1978, Quantitative models of trace-element behavior in magmatic processes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 38, p. 1–25. 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