Germantown Hills Elementary Grades PreK‐2 110 Fandel Rd. Germantown Hills, IL 61548 Ph: 309.383.2121 (ext. 2) Fax: 309.383.3392 Germantown Hills Middle School Intermediate Wing Grades 3‐5 103 Warrior Way Germantown Hills, IL 61548 Ph: 309.383.2121 (ext. 3) Fax: 309.383.2123 Germantown Hills Middle School Junior High Wing Grades 6‐8 103 Warrior Way Germantown Hills, IL 61548 Ph: 309.383.2121 (ext. 4) Fax: 309.383.4739 May 2015 Contents: Community Interest p. 7‐12 Dear Germantown Hills SD #69 Parents and Guardians, As we enter the last few weeks of the school year, I want to express my appreciation for the commitment of the students, teachers, and support staff of Germantown Hills School District #69 for their efforts in making this an incredible school year. I also want to thank our amazing parents and the community for their continued support and involvement. Fine Arts Dept. p. 4 GHMS Ac vi es p. 3 Honor Roll/Arrow Award p. 6 While there are still challenges to be faced, our district remains strong due to our school community. I continue to be thrilled at the excellent instruction our teachers offer their students. I am equally delighted at the level of parental involvement in our district. Educating children and preparing them for the future is truly a team effort. Lunch Menus p. 5 News from the Office p. 1‐2 PTO News p. 4 As the year comes to a close, I hope that the summer break gives you and your children a chance for rejuvenation. Have a safe, restful and enjoyable summer, and I look forward to seeing you in August! Sincerely, Daniel Mair, Superintendent Germantown Hills School District #69 Have a SAFE, wonderful, fun-filled summer! The District #69 newsletter is sent out monthly. Any inquiries about the newsletter may be made to any school office or directly to the newsletter coordinator Jean Wilmarth ([email protected]). Non-Profit Community Events will be included as space allows. All articles for the newsletter must be submitted by noon on the first Wednesday of each month. News from the District #69 Office Grandparent’s Day a Huge Success! End‐of‐Year Informa on As the 2014‐2015 school year comes to a close, please be reminded that May 21 will be the last day of a endance for all eighth graders. Eighth graders will be dismissed at approximately 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 21, and must make their own arrangements for transporta on home on that day. Wednesday, May 27 will be the last day of school for kindergarten. For students in grades 1‐7, the last day of school will be Monday, June 1. The last day of school will be a full day with normal dismissal mes. Report cards will be sent home with students. All lunch charges, library book fines, and any other miscellaneous charges must be paid before report cards may be issued to students. If anyone is looking ahead to next August already, you might like to note that the first day of student a endance for students has been set for Monday, Au‐ gust 17, 2015. The first day of school will be a full day. This includes Kindergarten. (A brief version of the 2015‐ 2016 school calendar is on the district website.) The August “Back to School” newsle er will have more detailed informa on about the start of the 2015‐2016 school year. The dis‐ trict website will be updated for the new school year beginning in July. Last month, the district carried on our annual tra‐ di on of Grandparents’ Day for first through eighth graders. Students and their grandpar‐ ents enjoyed a breakfast together, followed by visits to classrooms, a tour of the school, and a chance to view student art displays. Students enjoyed sharing part of their school day with their grandparents thanks to the efforts of many volunteers. We’d like to thank our faculty and staff for engaging our guests and students in fun ac vi es and helping with prepara ons; Mrs. Parrish, Mrs. Baldwin, and their kitchen staffs for our delicious breakfasts; Mr. Cupples and his custodial staff for accommoda ng every‐ one and keeping our buildings spotless; Mr. Bevard and his Service Club members for their assistance each day; our many parent volunteers who helped organize, served our a endees, and kept things running smooth‐ ly; Germantown Hills Bap st Church for loaning us coffee and water carafes; Woodford County Sheriff’s Dept. for their assistance with traffic control; Mrs. Mar‐ shall, Mrs. Balk, and Mr. Emlen for our shu le ser‐ vice; Great Oaks Community Church for the use of their parking lot; MTHS for loaning us chairs; and the PTO for their monetary gi towards costs this year. Summer Office Hours Due to vaca on schedules, school office hours during the summer may vary at mes, but one of the school offices will be open daily. Office hours will be 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 2015‐2016 Registra on forms and supply lists will be sent home with your child’s report card, and are also available on the school website. Eighth Grade Gradua on The District #69 Board of Educa on has re‐ served Thursday, May 21 for Eighth Grade Gradua on. This formal ceremony will be held at the J. D. S eglitz Gymnasium beginning with the procession of graduates at 7 p.m. In addi on to bleacher sea ng, there will be limited sea ng available on the floor. If someone in your family requires floor sea ng due to physical limita ons, we rec‐ ommend that you call the school in advance to make arrangements for sea ng on the floor. Graduates will meet in the Mul ‐Purpose room be‐ fore the gradua on ceremony. There will be a special area set up in the Mul ‐Purpose Room for photos of graduates, families, and friends. Forms are due by July 1. Mail‐in registra on was very successful last year, and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this con‐ venient op on. 2 Educa onal Founda on Golf Ou ng Kindergarten Registra on Needs YOU! In order to prepare for the 2015‐2016 school year, it is impera ve that all students eligible for kindergarten in the fall register as soon as possible. If you know of any friends or neighbors living in (or moving into) the district with children who will be five by September 1, 2015, please remind them to register their child as soon as possible. Parents may stop by the elementary school office to register in person between 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. To help expedite the registra on process, all forms may be download‐ ed from the school web site: h p:// Parents will be asked to schedule their child’s kinder‐ garten screening at that me as well. Kindergarten screenings are being scheduled for May 28 & 29. If you have ques ons, or need to register before or a er school, please call the elementary school office at 383‐2121 opt.2. PLEASE NOTE: A copy of the child’s cer fied birth cer ficate and proof of residency must be presented at the me of registra on. Health records must be turned in to the school office prior to the first day of school. As the 2014‐2015 school year winds down, the Administra on, Teachers, and Staff of German‐ town Hills School District #69 would like to thank all the par‐ ents who have volunteered so graciously this past school year in so many ways. Your support and efforts are invalua‐ ble to the district, and we thank you for your me and talent. Thank you to those who volunteered to serve on the PTO Board or to help with the various PTO fund‐ raisers. Your me and energy goes such a long way to help our students. Thanks to our playground helpers, weekly PALS volunteers, as well as to those who helped with the various PTO fundraisers including the new Fall Fes val. Thank you to those who served as room‐parents, making our holiday par es so fun. The gi of your me helps make this district the best it can be! We appreciate all YOU do! The Germantown Hills S.D. #69 Educa onal Founda on will sponsor its 19th Annual Golf Ou ng at Metamora Fields Golf Club on Thurs‐ day, June 11, 2015. The Educa onal Founda on is excited to host another great event this year! Proceeds from this Golf Ou ng will go to the Educa onal Founda on’s Endowment Fund for the ben‐ efit of Germantown Hills S. D. #69 Educa onal pro‐ grams. This is the only fundraiser the Educa onal Founda‐ on holds. Everyone is invited to par cipate. Golf, lunch, dinner and many exci ng awards, prizes and raffles are planned. You do not have to be a resident of the School District to sign up. We encourage you to get your friends together, form a team and join us for this day of fun! The Educa onal Founda on’s annual Golf Ou ng is a very popular event with many, many people involved, so if any individual or business would like to be a “Hole Spon‐ sor”, or would like to donate prizes, please contact district superintendent’s secretary Maureen Braskich, #383‐2121, ext. 5 press 2. See you there! 3rd Grade Pioneer Play Come join the fun at the annual 3rd grade Pioneer Play Thursday, May 7 in the JDS Gym beginning at 7 p.m. Enjoy the talents of our 3rd grade “pioneers” as students dance, sing, and entertain us with a tribute to this important era in American history. The best time to get your child’s sports physical is during summer break! Sports physicals are good for one year from the date of issuance. The following sports require a physical to be on file in the junior high office before a student may participate: • • • • • • • Cross Country Baseball/Softball Basketball Cheerleading Dance Team Volleyball Track What a GREAT idea! Save yourself that last-minute hassle—get your child’s sports physical before the school year begins! 3 P.T.O. News Thank you to all who supported our first annual SPRING “Strides4School” 5K and Fun Run! We couldn’t have done it without all the help we re‐ ceived from teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Mark your calendars for the first Saturday in May 2016, and plan to join us for this fun event! Teacher Apprecia on Week is May 4‐8. We have planned something special for each day of that week. Our teachers work so hard to make learning fun for our students. Let’s take a minute to thank them for all they do. You’d be surprised how much a short note of thanks means to a teacher. PTO con nues to meet during the sum‐ mer months as we gear up for a new year of fund‐ raising. We always encourage parents to a end mee ngs and join us in planning and prepara on for our fundraising events. Check the PTO web‐ site for summer mee ng mes. CEFCU “Smart Kid” Essay Contest We are proud to announce that 8th grad‐ er Claire Roethler is the 2015 CEFCU “Smart Kid” essay contest winner! Students were to answer the ques on “What is the biggest obstacle to sav‐ ing money and what technology solu ons might help you begin to save?” Claire then competed in the personal interview por on of the contest be‐ fore being named the 2015 winner. In addi on to a $2000 scholarship, Claire also got to throw out the first pitch at one of the Peoria Chiefs games! Celebra on of the Arts Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade art students and selected 5th grade art students will once again display an art exhibit at the Courthouse Plaza in downtown Peoria in conjunc on with the annual Arts in Educa on Celebra on on Wednesday, May 13th Please join us for lunch to view the Art Show and listen to our Band and Chorus students perform that day. Fine Arts Dept. Notes from the Music Department: 8th grade band and chorus students, along with several chaper‐ ones, enjoyed a great trip to Chicago to see Beauty and the Beast on Wednesday, March 25th. Student behavior was excel‐ lent, and everyone had a great me! Much of the cost of ck‐ ets, bus transporta on, and dinner was covered by the Music Boosters with funds generated from our Fall Wreath Sale. (Please encourage your child to par cipate in the wreath sale in the fall and if you can help our Music Booster organiza‐ on, we would be very grateful. Please contact Mr. Loring if you would like more informa on about the Music Boosters.) The final two band concerts of the year are quickly ap‐ proaching. The 7th/8th Grade Concert Band will perform in the MTHS auditorium on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m. The 5th Grade Beginning Band and the 6th Grade Cadet Band will per‐ form in the MTHS auditorium on Tuesday May 5th at 7:00 p.m. These concerts will also feature performances by bands from Metamora Township High School. The final chorus concert will be held in the MTHS audi‐ torium on Monday, May 11th, at 7:00 in p.m. This concert will feature the Cadet Chorus, Show Choir, Concert Chorus, and, in their debut performance, the 5th Grade Beginning Chorus. On Wednesday, May 13th, all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade music students will perform at the courthouse in Peoria. This concert will take place in the a ernoon and student transporta on will be provided by the school. Parent help will be needed with transpor ng instruments and supervising students. Please con‐ tact Mr. Loring if you are interested in helping with this perfor‐ mance. The Music Department Awards Night will be held on Tuesday, May 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the JDS Gymnasium at GHMS. All 5th‐8th grade band and chorus students are invited to a end this event. Each student will be recognized and will receive an award. A endance is only required for Lab Band, Jazz Band, and Show Choir students since they are performing that night. Gradua on is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st. All 7th grade band students will perform for Gradua on. In addi on, several 6th grade students may be asked to play as well to help fill out the balance of the 7th grade band. More specific infor‐ ma on about each upcoming performance will be sent home with the students as the concerts approach. Informa on regarding summer music opportuni es from private lessons to music camps has been sent home with all the band students. Please contact Mr. Loring if you would like more infor‐ ma on. 4 Notice the new breakdown for lunch menus. This is done to accommodate the different nutrition requirements for younger/older children. Please note any dates in GREEN, indicating a menu change May Lunch Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 K‐2 K‐2 Please note: the last week of school, the middle school cooks will serve meals based on what is 3‐5 remaining in the cafeteria freezers. Therefore, the middle school menus are "Potluck" (generic) for 6‐8 that week. 4 K‐2 Chicken smackers w/ bread, carrots, 3‐5 Chicken smackers w/ roll, carrots, mix ed fruit, milk mix ed fruit, milk 5 K‐2 Sausage pizza, green beans, cinnamon 3‐5 Geo's sausage pizza, green beans, applesauce, frozen desert cup, milk cinnamon applesauce, frozen dessert 6 K‐2 Pretzel w/ cheese, black beans, 3‐5 Pretzel w/ cheese, black beans, corn, 6‐8 Pretzel w/ cheese OR pizza bites, peaches, milk peaches, milk 7 K‐2 French toast w/ sausage, ov en 3‐5 French toast w/ sausage, ov en 6‐8 French toast w/ sausage OR potatoes, oranges, milk potatoes, orange juice, milk C orndog, green beans, strawberries, milk Italian dippers w/ marinara sauce, green beans, strawberries, milk Italian dippers w/ marinara OR corndog, green beans, straw berries, cookie, milk 8 K‐2 C hicken nuggets w/ bread, peas, 3‐5 C hicken nuggets w/ roll, broccoli, 6‐8 C hicken nuggets w/ roll OR chicken & strawberries, milk strawberries, milk cup, milk Chicken smackers w/ roll OR chili dog 6‐8 on a bun, carrots, mix ed fruit, milk 6‐8 Geo's sausage pizza OR quesadilla, green beans, cinnamon applesauce, black beans, corn, peaches, milk frozen dessert cup, milk 11 K‐2 Cheeseburger on a bun, corn, mix ed Cheese pizza, green beans, peaches, 3‐5 Geo's cheese pizza, green beans, 6‐8 Geo's cheese pizza OR beef teriy aki w/ 5 fruit, milk 12 K‐2 3‐5 Cheeseburger on a bun, sw eet potato 6‐8 Cheeseburger OR chicken patty (both rounds, mix ed fruit, milk on a bun), sweet potato rounds, mix ed fruit, milk 18 K‐2 Chicken nuggets w / bread, green 3‐5 Hamburger on a bun, green beans, 6‐8 Hamburger on a bun OR chicken & beans, peaches, milk peaches, milk noodles, green beans, peaches, milk cookie, milk peaches, milk rice, green beans, peaches, cookie, orange juice, milk 13 K‐2 Chicken tenders w/ bread, baked 3‐5 Chicken tenders w/ roll, baked beans, 6‐8 Chicken tenders w/ roll OR sloppy joe milk 19 K‐2 Pepperoni pizza, carrots, strawberries, 3‐5 Geo's pepperoni pizza, carrots, 6‐8 Geo's pepperoni pizza OR corndog, milk strawberries, milk carrots, strawberries, milk beans, strawberries, milk strawberries, milk on a bun, baked beans, strawberries, Macaroni & cheese, peas, pears, milk 15 K‐2 3‐5 Macaroni & cheese, peas, pears, milk 3‐5 6‐8 Macaroni & cheese w / roll OR 6‐8 milk 20 K‐2 Tacos w/ salsa, refried beans, 3‐5 Tacos w/ salsa, refried beans, 6‐8 Tacos w/ salsa OR chicken fajita, applesauce, dessert, milk applesauce, dessert, milk refried beans, corn, applesauce, 3‐5 6‐8 Memorial Day - No School 26 K‐2 Sausage pizza, peas, peaches, milk 3‐5 Geo's sausage pizza, v egetable, fruit, 6‐8 Geo's sausage pizza OR potluck, milk v egetable, fruit, milk 27 K‐2 Chicken patty on a bun, broccoli, 3‐5 Chicken patty on a bun, v egetable, fruit, 6‐8 Potluck, v egetable, fruit, milk strawberries, milk milk Subway ™ (turkey /ham), peas, pears, noodles w/ roll, broccoli, strawberries, milk 14 K‐2 SIP Day - no lunch serv ed milk 21 K‐2 French toast w/ sausage, ov en taters, 3‐5 French toast w/ sausage, ov en taters, 6‐8 French toast w/ sausage OR dessert, milk 25 K‐2 Subway ™ (turkey ), ov en potatoes, fruit mix , milk fruit mix , milk Subway ™ (spicy ), ov en taters, fruit 22 K‐2 Bosco stick, peas, sliced apples, milk 3‐5 C heese quesadilla, broccoli, sliced 6‐8 C heese quesadilla OR chicken, 29 K‐2 Pretzel w/ cheese, peas, pears, milk 3‐5 Pretzel w/ cheese, v egetable, fruit, milk 6‐8 Potluck, black beans, v egetable, fruit, apples, milk broccoli, sliced apples, milk mix , milk 28 K‐2 Cheese quesadilla, carrots, mix ed fruit, 3‐5 Cheeseburger on a bun, v egetable, fruit, 6‐8 Potluck OR Subway ™ (ham), milk milk v egetable, fruit, milk milk 2014-2015 Honor Roll - 4th Nine Weeks Sixth Grade Seventh Grade A A A/B A/B Eighth Grade A A/B Honor Roll & Arrow Awards will be posted when available. Check the newsletter for updated page on June 1. 6 B B B 6th Grade Arrow Award Winners 7th Grade Arrow Award Winners 8th Grade Arrow Award Winners Congratulations to 6th grader Brooke Barlow who represented GHMS at the National Geographic sponsored Illinois State Geography Bee on March 27! Community Interest Summer Tutoring Don’t let the “Summer Slide” happen to your child! Children o en lose newly learned skills over the sum‐ mer months, making the new school year even more difficult. Whether your child needs help in one spe‐ cific subject or just general review, summer tutoring can help. Mrs. Sherry Luhring, 3rd grade, will offer summer tutoring for students in all grade levels in reading comprehension, word decoding skills, math, wri ng (extended response), and cursive wri ng prac ce. Times and length of tutoring sessions are flexible, and will be arranged individually based on need. For in‐ forma on, or to set up a tutoring schedule, please email [email protected] or call 383‐2504 (leave message) Mrs. Dede Friedrich, subs tute teacher and a parent of former students, is also offering summer reading and math tutoring for students in 1st through 6th grades. If interested, or for addi onal informa on, please contact her by calling 712‐2297. Finally, don’t forget to exercise your child’s brain over the summer by keeping him/her interested in reading! Reading helps a child understand new concepts, increases vocabulary comprehension, and encourages imagina on. If your child doesn’t have a library card, stop by any area library to get one. A library card is good at any local library including Germantown Hills, Metamora, Fondulac (E Peo), Five Points, and Spring Bay. Librarians are excellent re‐ sources for book sugges ons based on your child’s interests, and for younger children, the library summer reading program is a wonderful way to encourage the love of reading. Metamora-Germantown Hills JFL Registration Sign‐ups for the 2015 fall JFL season will be held Sunday, May 3 at the Germantown Hills Fire Sta on from 3‐6 p.m. If you cannot register at that me, addi onal registra on mes are Wednesday, May 6 from 6‐8 p.m. at MTHS, Wednesday, May 13 from 6‐8 p.m. at Riverview Grade School, and Monday, May 18 from 6‐8 p.m. at MTHS. First year par cipants must provide birth cer ficate at me of registra on. Addi onal details are available by clicking on the “Community Interest” page on the district website or by contac ng Lacey Reising (303‐ 1083) or Jarrod Love (339‐3862). You are also encouraged to visit the JFL website: Warrior Cross Country Summer Run Club Students who will be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in the fall are invited to join the GHMS Cross Country team. Official prac ces won’t begin un l August 3, but our “Summer Run Club” will meet beginning July 2. We will run Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8‐9:00 a.m. (weather permi ng). We will begin at the Intermediate entrance of the Middle School, then run the trails at Great Oaks Community Church and Whispering Oaks. Runners should bring a sports bo le of water each day. Summer Run Club is not mandatory, but is designed to foster team spirit and to get runners into shape for the upcoming season. If you plan to join Cross Country, you must have a current sports physical and athle c permit on file in the Junior High office prior to August 3. There are no tryouts for Cross Country. Anyone willing to push themselves physically and mentally is encouraged to join the team. Contact Coach Jan Marks ([email protected]) with ques ons about Summer Run Club or the Cross Country program. You are also encouraged to click on the Cross Country website for the CC season calendar, meet schedule, FAQ, etc. (website will be updated for the fall 2015 season by July 1). h p:// 7 8 9 10 11
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