Window On The Hill Green Mountain United Methodist Church A Nurturing, Inspiring, and Enriching Community … Open Hearts … Open Minds … Open Doors 12755 W. Cedar Drive Lakewood, CO 80228 Rev. Paul Murphy-Geiss, Pastor Phone: 303-989-3727 Fax: 303-987-9220 April 2015 Church Website: Guiding members and friends to a fuller knowledge of GMUMC through information, support, confirmation, praise, and celebration Items of interest and importance in this issue: ~Easter Week Schedule (p. 3) and other Holy Week Activities (p. 4) ~New projects—See p. 16, Church and Society ~New activities—Co-Ed Softball (p. 6), Girl’s Night Out (p. 14), and more— ~Latest information on Narthex remodel and rental of day care space ~Grubby Sunday—April 12th *************************************************************************** In this issue of the Window on the Hill: From Paul’s Pen —page 2 Children’s Ministries –Page 18 Steve’s Stuff – page 5 Youth Fellowship – Page 19 Announcements – page 5 What a wondrous time is spring, when all the trees are budding; The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming. That's how it is with God's love once you've experienced it; You want to sing, it's fresh like spring, you want to pass it on. Pass It On by Kurt Kaiser #572 The United Methodist Hymnal Spring is here, although some days (like today) it hardly seems true as winter refuses to take leave and snowflakes mix with raindrops. In various neighborhoods the signs of spring are evident as flowers begin to bloom and residents anticipate another "growing" season as they take on their yard and garden preparations. In the church, every season should be a "growing season." Each of us is charged as a follower of Christ to continually grow in our faith. We are given the task of inviting others to join us in following Christ, thus enabling the church to grow. We are challenged as Christians to grow in our service to all God's children and to all God's creation. None of this growth happens by chance. If we are to grow as Christians, then we must intentionally seek to grow. My prayer this spring, as the growing season begins for our gardens and lawns, is that this will be a true growing season for Green Mountain UMC and for each and every person who is a part of this community of faith. Peace, shalom, paix, heiwa, salaam, Pastor Paul 2 HOLY WEEK AT GREEN MOUNTAIN Sunday, March 29 – Palm & Passion Sunday 8 am & 10:30 am -- A service of song and scripture recalling the events from Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem through the arrest and trail. Holy Thursday, April 2 7 pm – The Last Supper Story and Communion Chancel Choir singing Good Friday, April 3 Noon – Labyrinth available to walk in the fellowship hall until noon on Saturday. 7 pm – Journey to Golgotha Choir Cantata 8 pm – Begin 24 hour prayer vigil Holy Saturday, April 19 “The church continues in prayer, waiting with the women at the Lord’s tomb. Good Friday and Holy Saturday are traditional days of fasting. Historically, these hours were the last period of intensive preparation for those persons who were to be baptized at the first Easter service in ancient times, always the great Easter Vigil.” Handbook of the Christian Year, Hickman, Saliers, Stookey, & White EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 8 am & 10:30 am -- “The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Easter Breakfast served beginning at 9:00 am Invite family and friends to join in this great celebration of life! 3 Into the Labyrinth: Walking the Way of Wisdom We fortunate to have a labyrinth available to walk in Fellowship Hall from noon on Good Friday (April 3) until noon on Black Saturday (April 4). You are invited to use it as a part of the spiritual journey from Good Friday to Easter. For those who have never experienced a labyrinth walk before, there will be some suggestions/guidelines available at the entrance to the room. In the night hours, the room will be dimly lit and chant-like music will be available to play as you walk. The labyrinth is available thanks to The Evanston Center for Spiritual Wholeness and Healing. I went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found out, was really going in. John Muir Just what is a prayer vigil? The idea is centuries old. Vigil indicates a time of vigilance ~ wakefulness. Often it is a period leading up to a religious feast, and we invite you to be a part of our 24 hour prayer vigil beginning immediately after the Good Friday service of worship. Upon entering the sanctuary you will find several prayer resources on a table. Included will be some helpful hints for first-timers. You are invited to use whatever form of prayer is most comfortable - kneeling at the communion railing or on the steps to the chancel, sit in a pew or a comfortable chair (near the piano), walk or you may choose to pray prostrate (but you might doze off). Individuals or groups may sign up to pray in the church sanctuary for an hour blocks. We would like to have at least one person signed up for each hour, but each hour is not limited to one person. If you would like to be part of this powerful time, sign up on the program table in the entryway. 4 April 2015 Steve’s Stuff (Ramblings & Program Notes) For questions….please see me, email [email protected], or call 303-989-3727...thank you! The point of a faith community is not to think alike, but to think together. Legal Planning for Peace of Mind with Melanie J Stickler, Attorney Sunday, April 19th, 11:40 a.m., #403 You just want to live your life, caring for yourself and others, aging gracefully, and dying peacefully in the proverbial “fullness of years,” knowing you have left a burden-free legacy of wisdom, memories, and precious heirlooms to those left behind. That works great — if you’re in a romance movie. In the real world, it takes mental, physical, financial, and legal decision making. Whether you’ve got two dogs, a car, and a checking account or two villas and a thick stock takes a plan. Overwhelming? Wills. Living Wills. Financial POA. Medical POA. Long Term Care Insurance. Assets. Trusts. Estates. And on. Yes, overwhelming. But what do you really need? Just as important, what don’t you need? No matter your age, or what you may already have in place, please consider joining this conversation about thinking wisely ahead, by thinking now. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. Caffeine — Sunday’s 9:00 a.m., #403 Current Exploration: World Religions for the Curious Soul Pondering the challenges of living by faith — and coffee — in the 21st Century. Consider joining this multi-week exploration into the diverse, yet similar, ways we make sense of the world…and our place in it. All are welcome for the caffeine & conversation. (Please note: We will not meet on Easter Sunday.) The Shared Journey Tuesday, April 21st, 9:00 a.m. (locations vary, please contact me or the Church Office for details) An ever-evolving, supportive community for those that share the daily challenges of facing the diagnosis of dementia – as individuals, families, and caring friends. All are welcome! Project Cure Work Team Next gathering: April 14th, from 1 to 3 p.m. The Cure Bin Join an efficient, excellent, and entertaining crew — no medical knowledge needed, we work as a team — curiosity and humor are required. Want to learn more...see me! Assorted medical supplies (no drugs!) are gathered in the orange bin at the top of the upstairs ramp for Project Cure Church of The Apocalyptic Optimists Investing in people and ideas across the globe, via the Kiva microloan. Interested? See me. As of March 10th — 563 loans, totaling $14,875. The Senior Wii Bowling Association April 28th, #403, 12:00 noon Light lunch then virtual pins tremble. To RSVP see the Program Table. 5 Front Room Ruminators Using a video for discussion, these good folks explore the diversity of faith, ideas, & perspectives. Thursday’s, 11:00 a.m., Room 403...then lunch, most often via the local and popular Front Room Pizza. HOLY HUMOR SUNDAY April 12 Our annual Holy Humor Celebration is the Sunday after Easter, and Pastor Paul really needs more. Please send jokes and humorous stories to share during the service. Send them to him at [email protected] right away! Let's have some fun! GMUMC’s Assistive Hearing Devices If you have trouble hearing in church, GMUMC has two types of devices available for assistive listening. We have units that hook over the ear and magnify the sound. If your own hearing aids are equipped with telecoil, we have neck loops that transmit directly to your hearing aids. Please ask an usher where they are located in the narthex. If you have taken a unit home by accident, we would appreciate its return. Thanks. DONATIONS TO NARTHEX EXPANSION PROJECT Some members have been asking if they can contribute to the narthex expansion project with donations to help pay for the furnishings. These expenses will include tables and chairs for both the lobby area and the conference room, coffee maker, cups, etc. Donations would be greatly appreciated; however, remember they are separate from your operating fund pledges! Please write on your checks: "Narthex Furnishings". Thanks! 6 How about a Green Mountain UMC Co-Ed Softball team! We've been invited to organize a team to play in a church league. Teams play 10 to 12 games on Sunday afternoons/early evenings beginning May 31 through mid-August. Games are slow-pitch and are played at Progress Park near Belleview and Broadway. All teams must have balance of male-female players, and players must be at least 15 years old. Other churches involved in the league are University Park, Hope and St. Luke United Methodist Churches and Salem United Church of Christ. If you are interested in playing or helping to organize a team from Green Mountain UMC, let Pastor Paul know. GMUMC Quilts for Kids! GMUMC Quilts for Kids! Join in the fun and fellowship as we sew together. No quilting experience needed – sewing machines provided. in for the afun and of fellowship we sew together. Help with projects large andJoin small variety charitableasorganizations – e.g., Habitat for HumanNo quilting experience needed – sewing machines ity, Second Wind, Rett Foundation, Family Promise (formerly IHN), Youthprovided. Mission Projects, Hope Help withCU projects large Care, and small for a flood varietyvictims, of charitable organizations – e.g., Habitat for Humanity, SecHouse, Palliative Colorado and more. ond Wind, Retts Foundation, (formerly IHN), Youth Mission Projects, Hope House, CU Paland 4th Promise Thursdays each month When: 2ndFamily liative Care, Colorado flood9:00 victims, more. AM –and 1:00 PM When: 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Where: Fellowship Hall Where: Fellowship Hallcontact June Ryker, Gerry Rickett, or Peggy Morrison. For more information, Phone numbers are in the church directory or contact Meg in the church office. For more information, contact June Ryker, Gerry Rickett, or Peggy Morrison. Phone numbers are in the church directory or contact Meg in the church office. 7 Solo's is a group of women 55 and above who meet socially the 3rd Friday of the month. If you have any questions, please call Judith Berkhouse (303-9895248). April 19 - NOON Voice & Piano Lessons in Lakewood, CO Use the drop-off slot located in the narthex coatroom labeled NEWSLETTER OR (preferred method) Email RANDY HISE, B.M., M.M.E. Bachelor of Music Master of Music Education phone/text 303-946-0794 8 [email protected] Charlotte Worster at [email protected] OR Meg Leak at [email protected] Christian Spirituality In an Interfaith World Five-Day Academy For Spiritual Formation May 3 To 8 Sacred Heart Retreat House ~ Sedalia, CO Spiritual formation has been identified as one of the core processes for a person to become a Disciple of Jesus Christ. To this end, the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Methodist Church seeks to offer multiple opportunities for lay and clergy to participate in programs that assist in the spiritual formation process. To that end, we offer the Five-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation May 3 through 8 at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Sedalia. The theme is "Christian Spirituality in an Interfaith World" and will include lecturers in Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, and Islamic practices. The Academy for Spiritual Formation® (Upper Room Ministries) provides a rich environment of grace for deepening the spiritual lives of committed individuals. Both lay and clergy reside in community with others who wish to seek God through a rhythm of study and prayer, rest and exercise, and solitude and relationship. The Five Day Academy is designed around a daily schedule including morning and evening prayer, celebration of the Eucharist, silence, spiritual community, covenant groups, and thoughtful faculty presentations - a balanced approach for head and heart. Brochures and applications forms are on the Program Table outside the church office or may be found online at: new/images/stories/leadership_learning/spiritual_formation/five%20day%20academy%202014%202page.pdf The deadline for registration is April 1, 2015. Scholarship funds are available for lay persons to attend. Contact either Pastor Paul ([email protected]) or Jean Arnold ([email protected].) for a scholarship application if you are interested in attending but find the cost prohibitive. Bob’s 50/50 A Unique Thrift Store 9797 W Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215 East of Kipling and North of Colfax M-Sat 10-6 pm Collectables, toys, books, socks, antiques, furniture and more The best prices in town. Come see us. Part of the proceeds support The Action Center Santa Shop Bob Keating, Owner Cindy Cannon, Mgr 720-495-2144 9 United Methodist Men United Methodist Men’s Breakfast United Methodist Men’s Group Meets Saturday April 11 at 8:00 in fellowship hall. Breakfast will be served as usual. All are invited. Breakfast is free for first time visitors. The program will be on the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as ACA or Obama Care. Eligibility, Exemptions, Benefits, Premium Tax Credits, Minimum Coverage, Shared Responsibility Payments, Tax forms 1095, 8962, 8965 Etc. will be covered. This may sound a little dry but since all citizens are required to have health coverage, it should be of interest to all. United Methodist Women Wednesday, April 1—8:00 Breakfast at Denny’s Wednesday, April 15—11:30-Circle meeting/pot luck lunch. This meeting is on 3rd Wed rather than the normal 2nd Wed to accommodate the program by Carol Partridge, our covenant missionary from Macedonia, who will be in Colorado then. 10 Keeping Our Promises By Upholding the Church With… our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service. Our Prayers For those who have experienced loss: The Family of: Paul Grant For those who are experiencing health concerns or other difficulties in their lives: Church Members: Chuck Thorman Mady Allen Eleanor St. Hillaire Mildred Geesaman Edith Gammon Ken Nortari Beth Topliff-Gentry Connie Englebert Lucille Bunger Mary McLaughlin Don McLean Don & Carole Falvey Family of Church Members: Uncle of Laurie Walcott Nadya Elayne Vardaman, great-granddaughter of BarbaraVardaman Dave Thomas, Harry Thomas’ brother Othon Sanchez, Sandy Sanchez’s husband PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES Andrew Allison Michael Andersen Mick Clanton Daniel Pryor Andrew Quast Gloria Sher, Timothy Skinner, Alexander Walcott William Walcott If you have family members who are currently in active military service and wish to have their name included in this section, please notify Meg in the church office. Friends of Church Members: Dave Pickett, friend of Deborah Bruner Gary Shaffer, neighbor of Anna Myers Elda, friend of Lisa Fulks Remember these people in your prayers— Please Note: Names will remain on the prayer list in the bulletin for four weeks, unless you notify the church office to remove them sooner. If you wish to have someone on the prayer list for longer than four weeks, please notify the church office so the name may be added to the Long-Term Prayer List that is published in the church newsletter, Window on the Hill. 11 Regarding the Prayer List: When our prayer list becomes very long (and some names have been before us many weeks), it becomes incumbent on our staff to keep our prayer concerns as meaningful as possible. When it is generally felt that the congregation has had enough time to become aware of circumstances, sometimes names are removed. We never intend to hurt or offend anyone; we are simply trying to keep the list current and not overwhelmingly long. We want to be aware of your concerns, but it would also be helpful if you could keep the office apprised of circumstances and when it is appropriate to remove the name submitted. If we don’t hear from you, our general guideline will be to leave the name on for four Sundays. Let us continue to pray for: Lucille Bunger Anita Rich, aunt of Alza Brink Muriel Pearl Sue Richards, sister of Mary Wylie Wendy Dumas, daughter of Jim Scalmanini Rev. Dr. Bob Titus Ashlie Torbic, young friend of Thayne & Sherry Coulter Carol Skinner, Ken & Oralee Schoeman’s daughter Doris Story, mother of Janet Ike Cody Wirth, friend of Brenda Christy Ryli O’Hara Patrick Wendy, relative of Marcia Johnston-Walden Susan, daughter of Anna Myers David Yaden, friend of Paul Murphy-Geiss Robin Furuta, friend of Lorna Chapa Dustin Neerhof, great grandson of Joyce Mellott Linda, Vicky Hamilton's sister Raya Joy Smith, friend of Kim & Josiah Myers Caroline Clovesko, Kristen Allen’s mom Virginia Sorenson, sister-in-law of Frank & Roxanne Penn Laura Inzano, friend of Marsha Moore Jeanne Faulkner, friend of Marsha Moore Bernice Arsenault, mother-in-law of Francis Arsenault Kathy Dutton, Frank Penn's sister Jerry Siener, friend of Vestals George Carlson, Joan Carlson’s father Kinsasha and Kahlia Zamora, great granddaughters of Edith Gammon Our Presence - 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 Worship Attendance-8:00 AM 21 14 23 20 Worship Attendance 10:30 AM 165 146 118 180 12 CHURCH COUNCIL The Church Council be held on Monday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. All Church members are welcome to attend. Trustees Sprouts Growth Center Contract Signed: We have received a deposit check and signed lease for the rental of the daycare area by Sprouts Growth Center. The five-year lease includes the daycare area and kitchen use. Sprouts currently operates two daycare facilities in Tacoma, Washington. During the next three months they will be getting the necessary licenses and inspections along with painting and floor covering for their area. Sprouts is a Christian daycare and we will be seeing their children in church and Sunday School. Welcome! Update on New Fellowship Area in the Narthex On April 6th the construction of our new fellowship area in the narthex will begin. There has already been a lot of behind-the-scenes preparation such as relocating the telephone lines, fire alarm controls, and door key-card system. The air handler has been removed, cabinets cleared in the kitchen, and lobby furniture relocated. So early in April for a few weeks there will be action to observe including demolition of the lobby wall, new flooring, lights, and fire-rated office doors and windows. The furniture has been ordered and soon the "Grand Opening" can occur. The wall opposite the window over the rear staircase will be changed to become a half-wall and the columbarium doors will be fitted with push bars. We hope this remodeling will occur with a minimum of inconvenience. Thanks for your patience as we undergo this longanticipated transformation! We should also begin to see some action in the daycare area as Sprouts begins to set up their business. They will be putting in new flooring and painting along with acquiring daycare furnishings. We are excited to have them in our building! In case you wondered...... The right wall projector in the sanctuary has been overheating and then turning off, leaving only the left and rear projectors working. The front projectors are about 11 years old and so may be unfixable or obsolete. We are exploring options on replacement and know the projectors have become an important part of our sanctuary equipment. Grubby Sunday April 12th Trustees invite you to join them after church on Sunday, April 12th. They will provide a light lunch followed by your choice of light work to keep our building and grounds looking clean and in repair. These jobs include painting of the railings, columbarium landscape maintenance, kitchen cleaning, sanctuary cleaning, and replacement of ceiling tiles. It is a great chance to get to know others as you work together and share your maintenance skills. Thanks! 13 Missions—Outreach Girls' Night Out - fund raiser by Arvada UMC to raise funds to build Jeffco Partners 2015 Habitat house: Save the date: Sat. May 9 for a fun evening with dinner and a movie. This event will be at Arvada UMC. Dinner is at 6:00 and the movie, Belle, is at 7:00. Tickets are $15 per adult and will be available in April. Tickets will be limited to 125 and will not be available in May or at the door. Dressed 8 in white shirts and black bow ties, the men of AUMC will serve the meal they helped to prepare. Childcare including pizza and children's movie will be available for $5 per child. Children's tickets must also be purchased in April. Purchase tickets by contacting Carolyn Williams, 303-422-6623303-422-6623 or [email protected] or calling AUMC office, 303-421-5135303-421-5135. 14 Missions—Outreach (Continued) WE NEED YOUR LOVING HELP IN APRIL!!!!! Outreach has agreed to help a young Somalia single Mom with 6 children due to arrive April 23 through Ecumenical Refugee & Immigration Services. She is 31 years old with 4 boys ages 4, 7, 11 and 12 and 2 daughters ages 3 and 9. We will provide them with a King Sooper's gift card to help with initial food but they need lots more. Furniture items for an apartment and household items including dishes, glasses, small appliances, lamps and linens like towels, sheets, blankets, etc. The mom and her children will also need clothing and we will need to guess their sizes according to the ages. I can store some of these things at my home but the furniture will be picked up by ERIS. Please donate clean and gently used clothing and linens in the west entrance and office bins that will be marked for this family. Any donations of furniture and questions please contact me at 303-989-2294. This has to be a big challenge for the mom and her children but we can help make this move happier and easier. Please pray for their safe arrival and transition. Thank you and God Bless You, Anna Myers From Marsha Carey— “We Made This” Project An evening of SEW MANY STORIES Date: May 7th, 2015 Time: 6-9 PM Where: Fashion Design Center of Denver 3301 Lawrence St., Denver, CO 80205 Benefiting ACC’s We Made This, an initiative of ECDC’s African Community Center Tickets may be purchased at For more information, contact Lindsay Dean, Outreach Coordinator [email protected] or phone 303-399-4500 A very important event which is coming up Thursday May 7, 2015. This first annual event is a fund raiser for the “We Made This” project which celebrates the courage and creativity of local refugee women. I have been involved with these lovely ladies for many years now (first as a sewing teacher and now in other roles) and I can truly say that this program has changed so many lives that it is mind boggling. Kudos go to Rachel Cox and all the other supporters of this program for creating such a wonderful space for refugee women and their talents. I am attaching several things to this email and if you would like to receive a beautiful invitation to this event, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL with your snail mail address. Also, if you wish to show the ladies some love via either becoming a sponsor or sharing with the ladies a nice item for their silent auction, please notify me as soon as possible so I can help you do that! Be sure to click on the link for the cute little movie on you tube that describes what they do. Here is the link to the Video for WMT--if you want to add this in the body of your email. it is also on our website. http://youtube/oDlVndcXbhw 15 Church and Society Imagine-Imagine if, you will, that the circumstances of your life had taken a different direction. You no longer have a comfortable chair to read this from. You no longer have a car to drive to work, You no longer have a place to work. You no longer have as much food as you want when you want it. You have no place to call your own. You have no shower, no bathroom, no kitchen, no food, no bed.... You get it? You're homeless. The Church in Society committee is putting together Homeless Help Bags and we are asking for your help. These bags will have items that will hopefully help the homeless feel a little more human. The first way you can help is we need these items to go into these bags. Any kind of non perishable snacks. i.e. Granola bars, Fruit bars, etc. Hard candy. Chapstick One time use toothbrushes. (The kind with the toothpaste all ready in them.) Trial sized Soap, Lotion, and Sunscreen. Bottled water or Sports drinks. Wash clothes. Gallon sized Zip lock type bags. Plastic Grocery bags. ( You know you have a bag of those in your home just collecting more bags. We will put them to good use.) The second way you can help is, after our committee has put these together into the Homeless Help bags, to take these bags out to the homeless. Take a few and keep them in your car and when you see homeless people as you travel through your life hand them out. Simple. Do all you can. By all the means you can. At all the times you can. In all the ways you can. To all the people you can. As long as you can. John Wesley. . Roberta Bunger Blue Moon Glass 720-210-7152720-210-7152 16 Happy April Birthdays: (listed in order by date) Don Bunger 4/1 Teresa Camper 4/6 Sydney Maybury 4/16 Bob Keating 4/27 Amy Branscome 4/2 Greg Montano 4/7 Jessica Haden 4/17 Alex Thomas 4/29 Anna Myers 4/2 Melanie Stickler 4/7 Edith Gammon 4/18 Amy Santistevan 4/28 Caitlyn Stenman 4/2 Muriel Pearl 4/10 Jeff Bliven 4/18 Andrea Thomas 4/28 JW Hindman 4/2 Betty Walker 4/11 Pamela Sunday 4/18 Danny Jackson 4/28 Emery Schattinger 4/3 Jim Stout 4/11 Deanna Hanna 4/20 Kahlia Zamora 4/29 Frances Arsenault 4/3 Jordan Phillips 4/11 Tracy Duerksen 4/21 Lucille Schmalz 4/29 David Little 4/4 Gregory Hise 4/15 Rhonda Renaud 4/26 Ken Schoeman 4/30 Jim Schmoker 4/6 Courtney Patterson 4/16 Tom Cummins 4/26 Happy April Anniversaries: (listed in order by date) Melissa & Frank Zamora 4/1 Elton & Betty Walker 4/13 Stephanie & Jeanine Schmalz 4/3 Gary & Maureen Curtiss 4/16 Beverly & Craig Reeves 4/4 Nelson & Lisa Garcia 4/19 Brian & Georgia Lewis 4/4 Pete & Donna Lozano 4/22 Charles Akers & Ronna Duncan 4/5 Dallas & Janet Riedesel 4/24 Ken & Mary Lou Notari 4/9 Zeid & Amber Nesheiwat 4/30 17 It is almost time for my favorite holiday to descend upon us! I have always enjoyed the early morning service to church to celebrate with other people that CHRIST has risen!! The music is always joyous and exciting and the spring air makes you truly feel like we are starting new and fresh with things. We will be very busy in the church that week!! Palm SundayPlease don’t forget to bring your child to celebrate in waving Palms March 29th. Eggstravaganza We are hoping the weather stays this beautiful to celebrate in egg dying, egg hunting and some fun spring eating!! Please come and join us Saturday, March 28th, from 9-11. Easter Sunday There will be a children’s time for both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. However, Sunday school will only be offered during the 10:30 service. Butter Braids will be ready for pick up after church on Palm Sunday!! THANK YOU all so much for your support with Vacation Bible school!! We have tentatively planned VBS for June 8th-11th from 9-11:30. 18 April 5 NO YOUTH GROUP: Easter Sunday There will be no youth group this day since it’s Easter Sunday. Enjoy this holiday with your family! April 12 Prayer: What is it and why should we ever do it? 6-8pm We all go through many crazy times in our lives: this seems to be when we finally decide to implore God to intervene. Prayer in times of distress is often quite helpful and therapeutic, but what about when life is just fine? Do we pray when life is going well? Or even when life is just boring? What is the function of prayer if all we do is pray when we’re in some sort of trouble? We’ll discuss these questions and more, followed by an experience of prayer. April 19 Youth Council 5-6pm This youth council we will discuss fundraising for the mission trip once again, but we’ll also be discussing what youth group over the summer will look like. What local activities might we want to do as a group? Do we want to go on hikes, play disc golf, go to Boondocks or Elitch Gardens, or just have barbeques in a park every other week? Come to youth council so YOU can decide what we should do! April 19 Game Night 6-8pm Following Youth Council this day we’ll have a game night! Possibilities include nerf wars, marshmallow wars, human sized hungry, hungry hippos, scooter games, or if it’s nice outside, hopefully outdoor games! Make sure to bring LOTS of friends to make this night extra fun!! April 26 Activism: Is there hope for the world? 6-8pm In a world where you can read daily about injustices being done all around the world—from El Salvador to our own backyard—what hope is there in the world? If the problems only seem to be growing, what can we do about it as single individuals in a world so big? Is it enough to keep seeking justice even in a hopeless world? Why do we seek justice in the first place? We’ll continue to wrestle with these questions this night and probably come away with even more questions than answers. May 3 Church: Why does it exist? 6-8pm Many of us go to church, but do we really think about why we go to church? Do we go intending to get something in return? Do we go hoping simply to give? Or even do we go just to ease our conscience? What’s the place of church in our lives? And what do we even mean by “church?” Come to youth group and add your voice to our discussion of all of these questions and more! **If you are ever in doubt of what is going on inside of youth group, printed schedules, permission slips, etc. will ALWAYS be in the “Youth” box just outside the door to the office at the church AS WELL AS on the youth section of the website!** 19 Thank You— A message from Beth Topliff Gentry I appreciate your thoughtfulness, concerns, love and generosity in response to my message last month. Thank you for your on-going prayers for me as I approach my fifth year of having cancer. Celebrations ~Congratulations to proud grandparents, Darrel & Ruth Schnase, proud aunt Kelli Schnase, and proud parents, John Berge & Kerri Schnase-Berge on the birth of Brigette Josephine Berge. ~Congratulations to great grandma Barbara Vardaman on the birth of Nadya Elayne Vardaman on March 8th. Proud parents are Justin & Sarah Vardaman. 20 21 Green Mountain United Methodist Church April 2015 Sunday Monday Mar 2015 S M T W T 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 5 12 19 26 May 2015 S M T W T F S 6 13 20 27 Tuesday 7 14 21 28 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 6 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 1 8 15 22 29 Breakfast 10:00 AM Women's Spiritual Journey 9:00 AM Hill toppers 7:30 PM AA 10:30 AM Worship Church Office Closed 9:00 AM East er Thursday 2 8:00 AM UMW Breakfast @ Denny's F S 2 9 16 23 30 7 8:00 AM Worship Wednesday 3 11:00 AM Front Room Ruminators 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Last Supper Story & Holy Communion 8 Friday 9 4 12:00 PM Labyrinth Walk 7:00 PM Journey to Golgotha Choir Cantata 8:00 PM Begin 24 Hour Prayer Vigil 12:00 PM Labyrinth Walk Ends 24 Hour Prayer Vigil continues until 8:00 pm Good Friday 10 9:00 AM Quilts for Kids 10:30 AM Bible Study Saturday 11 8:00 AM United Methodist Men's Breakfast 11:00 AM Front Room Ruminators 5:30 PM Bellissimo Bells 6:30 PM Carillon Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Easter Sunday 12 13 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Caffeine 9:00 AM Hill toppers 10:30 AM Worship 14 10:00 AM Women's Spiritual Journey 10:30 AM Bible Study 1:00 PM Project Cure 15 11:30 AM UMW Potluck & Speaker 7:00 PM Church Committees 16 17 18 24 25 11:00 AM Front Room Ruminators 5:30 PM Bellissimo Bells 6:30 PM Carillon Bells Grubby Sunday Holy Humor Sunday 19 20 8:00 AM Worship 21 10:00 AM Women's Spiritual Journey 9:00 AM C affeine 9:00 AM H il ltoppe rs 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Legal Planning for Peace of Mind 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM AA 22 23 9:00 AM Quilts for Kids 9:00 AM Shared Journey 11:00 AM Front Room Ruminators 10:30 AM Bible Study 5:30 PM Bellissimo Bells 6:30 PM Carillon Bells 7:00 PM Church Council 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM AA Newsletter Deadline 26 27 8:00 AM Worship 8:30 AM Blood Drive 28 10:00 AM Women's Spiritual Journey 9:00 AM Caffeine 9:00 AM Hilltoppers 10:30 AM Worship 7:30 PM AA 29 30 10:30 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Front Room Ruminators 12:00 PM Senior Wii 5:30 PM Bellissimo Bells 6:30 PM Carillon Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir
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