THE GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL OF THE ANNUNCIATION March 2015 Parish Newsletter Lenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian O Lord and Master of my life! Take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Archimandrite Constantine Moralis Presiding Priest [email protected] Andreas G. Houpos Pastoral Assistant [email protected] 24 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Yea, Lord and King! Grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother, for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen. —————Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργίας, φιλαρχίας, καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῷς. 410-727-1831 FAX 410-727-7602 Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς, καὶ ἀγάπης χάρισαί μοι τῷ σῷ δούλῳ. Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαι μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου, ὅτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν. SACRAMENTAL WINE The sacramental wine for the month of March is offered to the glory of God and / memory of George, Evelyn, in loving Philip and Janice Hagopian. This is a gift of the Hagopian Family. PROJECT PHILOXENIA The quarterly offering for Project Philoxenia will be taken on Sunday, March 1. Please be as generous as possible. CROSSROADS There are only a few days left to submit your CrossRoads applications! Please share this link with any high school juniors and seniors you think would be interested in attending this life-changing ten-day program. Hosted on the scenic Hellenic College Holy Cross campus, overlooking the beautiful Boston skyline, participants experience daily worship, visit local parishes, tour Boston and spend a day at the beach. June Session: June 20 – June 30 July Session: July 7 – July 17 Application deadline is March 2. Visit the website, PHILOPTOCHOS UPDATE Please join us for the rescheduled Winter General meeting/luncheon on Saturday, March 7, at Casa Mia's Restaurant in Parkton, MD. For additional information and for reservations, contact Mitsie Doccolo, [email protected], Tasia Cavas, 410-560-3570, or Alice Ioannou, 410-560-5738. It is not too early to start thinking about pastries for Pascha. We will be baking on March 27, 28, April 2 and April 3, and everyone's help is needed. Philoptochos will again be sending Easter boxes to our college students and military personnel. Send names and addresses to Jo Gafos, [email protected], by March 20, so we may remind them that their church community remembers them during this important time of year. Mark your calendar for the Philoptochos Art Auction to be held on Saturday, April 25, at the Cathedral. 2015-2016 UNDERGRADUATE/ GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS NEW YORK – Applications and instructions for three scholarships administered by the Department of Philanthropy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are available for awards to be made for the 2015-2016 academic year. The George & Naouma (Gioule) Gioles Scholarship and the Katina John Malta Scholarship are for undergraduate studies, and the Paleologos Scholarship is awarded for graduate work of a nontheological nature. Each of these scholarships was established through generous gifts from dedicated Greek Orthodox Christians who wanted to provide financial assistance towards the education of young people from our Orthodox Christian community. Applications can be accessed by visiting (scholarships are listed in the ‘SPOTLIGHT’ section on the homepage). For more information, please email [email protected], or you may call 1-212-774-0283. The deadline for submitting an application for any of the above scholarships is April 27, 2015. FOUNDATION FUND The Annunciation Cathedral has received a $10,000 donation to its Foundation Fund thanks to the generosity of the late Betty Jean Alevizatos, who fell asleep in the Lord on October 24, 2014. In addition, Ms. Alevizatos established the 'BETTY JEAN ALEVIZATOS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, the annual income from which is to be used for the award annually of a college or university scholarship to a Greek Orthodox student who is or whose parents are parishioners of the Cathedral. The original capital amount of the Scholarship Fund is $99,795.81. The first scholarship will be awarded in 2016. Ms. Alevizatos was active in Cathedral affairs and faithfully served as a member of the Cathedral Parish Council for many years. She also served for a number of years as Director of The Cathedral's Sunday School. She is most remembered for her outstanding volunteer work as Cathedral Archivist, a position she held from 1985 until her retirement in 2010. For a quarter-century, she worked to organize, index and preserve the parish's vast collecSALUTATIONS tion of documents and photographs. May to the VIRGIN MARY On Friday evenings during Great Lent, her memory be eternal. the service of the Salutations to the Theotokos are celebrated. These beautiful SPECIAL PARISH ASSEMBLY and melodic hymns allow us to reflect on A Special Parish Assembly will be held the life of the Theotokos and her dedica- on Sunday, March 29, 2015, in the Fation to God. Plan on attending with us in ther Constantine M. Monios Hall, immeprayer beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Fri- diately following the Divine Liturgy. days, March 6, 13, 20 and the Akathyst The purpose of this meeting is to present Hymn on March 27. to the community the architectural drawFollowing each service, a reception will ings of our intentions to refurbish the be held in the Mentis Room, with discus- row houses, 35—41 West Preston Street, that are presently under a citation from sions to follow. the City of Baltimore. At the same time, estimates will be available for the intendORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ed work. FELLOWSHIP The next OCF dinner for the Orthodox students at JHU is Thursday, March 12, Also to be included will be a vote for at 6:00 p.m., in the Interfaith Center. All approval of the work in accordance with information and documentation Cathedral college students are welcome the made available. to attend. For more details, contact Andreas Houpos, [email protected]. It is very important that this Assembly be well attended. The Parish Council looks forward to your participation in this exciting endeavor. SCHEDULING of EVENTS Attention all committee chairs and presidents of organizations. Plan to schedule a meeting with Father Dean so that all yearly events, gatherings and meetings may be posted on the master calendar. It is very important that your committee or organization’s events are posted. Call Father Dean, 410-727-1831. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Applications for Philoptochos scholarships are now available in the Cathedral office and on our website, under “Philoptochos.” The deadline for the return of these applications is April 26. Applications must be returned to the Cathedral office. REBUILDING of ST. NICHOLAS at the WORLD TRADE CENTER Our sincere appreciation is extended to all our devoted parishioners who have so graciously donated to the rebuilding of Saint Nicholas Shrine at the World Trade Center, in New York. Through your generous contributions, you have enabled the humble church of PRESTON HALL UPDATE The Order of AHEPA Worthington Saint Nicholas, that stood for nearly a This month, Tracy Rammacca is celebrat- Chapter #30 scholarships will soon be century, destroyed on September 11, ing her third anniversary as the Events available and may be picked up from the 2001, to be a beacon of hope to the world. Coordinator for Preston Hall. She has Cathedral office. been making exceptional progress in promoting Preston Hall as a premier venue It is also requested, if you need a letter of As of this newsletter, we have received for special events and has increased the recommendation from Father Dean, con$11,600.00 in donations from our parishnumber of activities being held there. tact the Cathedral office, 410-727-1831. ioners. We thank them for their generosiPlease think of Preston Hall as a place to Your request must be received two weeks ty and commitment to this worthy enhold your function, either social or busi- prior to the due date. deavor. For those who have not yet conness. Special reduced rates are available tributed, it is not too late to do so. Listed for Annunciation parishioners. For infor- READERS NEEDED below are the additional names of those mation and to check date availability, Great Vespers of Agape will be celebratwho have contributed since last month. contact, [email protected], or ed on Pascha, April 12, at 11:00 a.m. It you may call Tracy, 410-802-4372. is a tradition that the Good News of the Kytherian Brotherhood Resurrection of our Lord is proclaimed in of Baltimore PASTORAL RESOURCE various languages. Readers skilled in Ms. Georgia D. Economou from the ARCHDIOCESE languages are needed to proclaim the Mrs. Maria Thomakos REGARDING FASTING Gospel to the faithful. If you are interestJust as there are times for feasting, there ed, please contact Father Dean, _________________________________ are also times set aside for fasting. Dur- [email protected]. ing these periods, certain foods are proHELLENIC HERITAGE hibited. These are, in order of frequency GREEK INDEPENDENCE MUSEUM and ARCHIVES of prohibition, meat (including poultry), DAY PARADE of MARYLAND, INC. dairy products, fish, olive oil, and wine. The 2015 Maryland Greek Independence Save the Date—Sunday, May 3 Fruits, vegetables, grains and shellfish Day Parade will be held on Sunday, April The HHMAM will host the second of its are permitted throughout the year. 19, 2015, in Baltimore's Greektown at Hellenic Heritage Speakers Series, on 2:00 p.m. The Parade celebrates an ethSunday, May 3, 2015, from 12:30 to 2:30 Of course, the Orthodox Church never nic holiday, reminds us of our ancestors’ p.m., at the Annunciation Orthodox Cenreduces the practice of fasting to a legal- sacrifices, and is a wonderful event for ter. We will be presenting Tony Pann, istic observance of dietary rules. Fasting, our children and grandchildren. Meteorologist with WBAL/TV, at a that is not accompanied by intensified luncheon where he will share his experiprayer and acts of charity, inevitably be- This year, we will commemorate the Anences being a Greek American. comes a source of pride. niversary of Greek Independence, March 25, 1821, the 194th Anniversary. The Church also recognizes that not everyone can fast to the same degree, and For additional information, please call assumes that individual Christians will Georgia Vavas, 410-583-0068, or you observe the fast prescribed for them by may e-mail, [email protected]. You their spiritual fathers. may also call Manoli Theoharris, 410790-7542, or go to the website RESOURCES for YOUNG ADULTS Facebook: HELP US REDUCE OUR GOAyoungadults CARBON FOOTPRINT!! If you are able to receive Cathedral comTwitter: munications electronically, send an email to [email protected], type Instagram: ‘subscribe’ and your name in the subject line. Palm Sunday April 5 Pascha April 12 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT by Roann Tsakalas Voultepsis As spring approaches, we have some cleaning up to do across the street in the five row houses on West Preston Street. In / April 2012, the Cathedral received a citation from the City of Baltimore for the unsafe condition of the row houses. In response, the Parish Council, through the Long Range Planning Committee, entertained various uses for the properties. As ideas were determined, the Committee began working with Walter Schamu and Associates Architectural Firm, and developed architectural plans for the renovation of the row houses and the Education Building. The plans for renovations included leadership from all the parish committees and organizations to ensure the spaces will meet the needs of these groups. On Sunday, March 29, at the Special Parish Assembly, Father Dean and the Parish Council will present these architectural plans, and the Parish Council will propose immediate steps to be taken to bring the row houses into compliance with City's expectations for safety. It is important that all community members attend this meeting to view the plans, and to vote on the immediate steps needed to bring the row houses into compliance with safety regulations. As the year moves along, November will be quickly upon us. The Agora is scheduled for November 6, 7 and 8. We are asking for a volunteer(s) to Chair or Co-Chair the effort. Steven Kousouris, our past Agora Chair, is willing to train this person(s). Please contact me at [email protected], if you are interested. ___________________________________________________ Upcoming Services and Events Sunday, March 1—Sunday of Orthodoxy and First Sunday of Lent Wednesday, March 4—Presanctified Divine Liturgy Friday, March 6 — Second Salutations to the Theotokos Sunday, March 8—Second Sunday of Lent Wednesday, March 11—Presanctified Divine Liturgy Friday, March 13—Third Salutations to the Virgin Mary Saturday, March 14—Annual Lenten Retreat, St. Mary’s, Hunt Valley, MD Sunday, March 15—Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross and Third Sunday of Lent Wednesday, March 18—Presanctified Divine Liturgy Friday, March 20—Fourth Salutations to the Theotokos Sunday, March 22—Fourth Sunday of Lent Tuesday, March 24—Great Vespers of the Annunciation Wednesday, March 25—Feast of the Annunciation Friday, March 27—Akathyst to the Theotokos Sunday, March 29—Fifth Sunday of Lent Wednesday, April 1—Presanctified Divine Liturgy Saturday, April 4—Saturday of Lazaros HOLY WEEK Sunday, April 5– Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday. Orthros, 9:00 a.m., Divine Liturgy, 10:00 a.m. Service of the Bridegroom, 7:00 p.m. Holy Monday, April 6 – 7:00 p.m., Service of the Bridegroom. Holy Tuesday, April 7 – 7:00 p.m., Service of the Bridegroom, Hymn of Kassiane. Holy Wednesday, April 8 – Ninth Hour, 9:45 a.m., Presanctified Divine Liturgy ,10:00 a.m., Chapel of Holy Wisdom. Sacrament of Holy Unction, 4:00 p.m., Cathedral. Service of the Bridegroom, 7:00 p.m., followed by Holy Unction. Holy Thursday, April 9 – Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, 6:30 a.m. Passion of our Lord, 7:00 p.m. Great and Holy Friday, April 10 – Great and Royal Hours, 10:00 a.m. Lowering of the Body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 3:00 p.m. Lamentations and Procession around the Cathedral, 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday, April 11 – Divine Liturgy, 10:00 a.m. Canon of Pascha, 11:00 p.m. Resurrection Service in Cathedral Court yard, 12:00 midnight. Divine Liturgy to follow. Pascha, April 12 – Vespers of Agape, 11:00 a.m. March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 3 SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY 6:30 PM Parish Council meeting, Cathedral Board Room 5:00 PM Vespers Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 9:45 AM 9th Hour 10:00 AM Presanctified Divine Liturgy, Chapel of Holy Wisdom 6:30 PM Senior Center meeting, AOC 5:00 PM Greek School 11:30 AM Philoptochos Luncheon at Casa Mia’s 6:00 PM GOYA Board meeting 6:30 PM Philoptochos Board meeting, AOC 6:00 PM PTO Board meeting 5:00 PM Great Vespers 7:00 PM 2nd Salutations to the Virgin Mary 8:00 PM GOYA meeting 8 9 10 Laconians Lenten Luncheon in the Mentis Room 11 12 13 14 6:30 PM Presanctified Divine Liturgy, Chapel of Holy Wisdom 7:00 PM Women’s Guild Board meeting 5:00 PM Greek School 8:30 AM Adult Bible Study Lenten Retreat, at St. Mary’s, Hunt Valley, MD 8:00 PM Hopkins Students at the Cathedral 6:30 PM PTO General meeting 7:00 PM 3rd Salutations to the Virgin Mary 7:45 PM Greek School Faculty meeting 15 16 17 FEAST OF THE HOLY CROSS 18 19 6:30 PM Presanctified Divine Liturgy , Chapel of Holy Wisdom 20 21 5:00 PM Greek School 7:00 PM 4th Salutations to the Virgin Mary Golden Age Club meeting, AHEPA Room 5:00 PM Vespers 22 23 24 25 Greek School Greek Independence Day Programn 6:30 PM Parish Council meeting, Cathedral Board Room 7:00 PM Great Vespers, of the Annunciation, in the Cathedral 5:00 PM Vespers 26 27 28 Feastday of the Annunciation 10:00 AM Philoptochos baking, Cathedral Kitchen 10:00 AM Philoptochos baking, Cathedral Kitchen 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy 5:00 PM Greek School 7:00 PM Akathyst Hymn HOLY WEEK—SEE FRONT PAGE FOR SCHEDULE 29 30 31 SPECIAL PARISH ASSEMBLY 5:00 PM Vespers INDICATES FAST DAY Looking for a Christ Centered Church? We are not Jewish—but we are Orthodox We are not Roman—but we are Catholic We are not Protestants—but the Bible came from us We are not Denominational—we are pre-denominational Get to know the original. Come worship with us! / Feastday Celebration of the Annunciation Monday, March 24 7:00 PM Great Vespers Tuesday, March 25 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Our Cathedral Philoptochos will host a reception following both services. THE BIBLICAL STORY of the FEAST of the her cousin Elizabeth had conceived a son in her old age ANNUNCIATION is found in the first chapter of (John the Baptist), and affirmed that with God nothing is impossible. the Gospel of Luke (1:26-39). The Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, who was living in NazaIn faith and obedience to the will of God, Mary replied reth, and said to her, “Hail, O favored one, the Lord is to the angel, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; with you.” Mary was perplexed and wondered what let it be according to your word.” Upon her response, kind of greeting this was. the angel departed. The angel told her not to be afraid, for she had found favor with God. He said, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Mary responded to the angel by asking how this could happen since she had no husband. The angel told her that the Holy Spirit and the power of God would come upon her, and that the child to be born of her would be called holy, the “Son of God.” The angel then proceeded to tell the Virgin Mary that It is on the Feast of the Annunciation, that Orthodox Christians commemorate both the divine initiative of God, whereby He took on flesh from the Virgin for our salvation, and the human response, whereby Mary freely accepted the vocation offered to her. He elected to become man, and He desired to do this with the willing agreement of her, whom He chose as His mother. Mary could have refused, for she was not a passive instrument, but an active participant with a free and positive part to play in God’s plan for our salvation. Thus, when on this and other feasts the Orthodox Church honors the Theotokos, the Mother of God, it is not just because God chose her but also because she herself chose to follow His will. ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL The Cathedral Oratorical Festival will be held on Sunday, March 22, in the Cathedral, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. This is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to research, reflect, study, and express their faith. Elementary Division – Grades 4 – 6; Junior Division – Grades 7 – 9; and Senior Division – Grades 10 – 12. Registration forms, and the list of topics, are available in the Cathedral office and in the lower lobby. For more information, contact our Pastoral Assistant, Andreas Houpos, [email protected]. _________________________________________________ WOMEN’S GUILD NEWS Before winter rolls into spring, the Annunciation Women's Guild held the last dance before Lent at their annual Taverna Night, on February 20, at the Preston Hall. It was a sold-out crowd of young and old who danced the night away!! While March will be a "quiet" month after all the January and February activities, April promises to be a busy month for events again! On Sunday, April 19, the Women's Guild will host an artoclasia to celebrate their 60th Anniversary of raising funds for the beautification of our beloved Cathedral. All the Presidents and Board members (past and present) will be honored with their "Hats and Gloves" on to give thanks to an organization of dynamic women who have given freely of their time and talent with the wonderful support from the Cathedral community for sixty years. There will be a gathering after church at Christopher Daniel's for Sunday brunch with limited reservations ($27.00 per person) available. For details/reservations, Melody Simmons, [email protected], or Nancy Pappas, [email protected]. On Friday, April 24, the Women's Guild will host a private pre-opening tour of the annual Baltimore Symphony Associates Decorators' Show House "Oak Acre." This year the location is 4309 North Charles Street in Guilford. There will be a reception after the tour, and a limited number of tickets are available for this event. Information will be posted by the co-chairs, Frances Apostolo, [email protected], and Angelique Pefinis-Newport, [email protected], as soon as possible. On Sunday, June 7, the Women's Guild has reserved 20 front center orchestra tickets for the 2:00 p.m. matinee of the Center Stage World Premier, “Marley,” an original musical based on the life and music of Reggae singer, Bob Marley. The tickets are $60.00 per person and will include a drink ticket at intermission. There will be reserved seating for those who want to have lunch at Sascha's on the mezzanine level of Center Stage, before the performance. Reservations are being taken by Melody Simmons, [email protected]. PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY Koulourakia, Kourambiethes, and Tsoureki for Pascha will be available on Palm Sunday, April 5, following the Divine Liturgy Tsoureki - $10 3 Dozen Koulourakia - $15 1 Dozen Kourambiethes - $15 To pre-order please contact: Kathe Apesos Poulos [email protected] Pat Bartsocas 410-274-0575 [email protected] Georgeann Morekas 443-845-1176 [email protected] The proceeds from the sale benefit the good works of the Cathedral of the Annunciation Philoptochos Society. STEWARDSHIP Our 2015 Stewardship campaign began on January 1, 2015. Below is the / first listing of names of those parishioners who have returned their commitment for 2015, and we express our sincere appreciation to them for their early response. Those who have not yet returned their card are asked to do so as soon as possible. The Stewardship program provides nearly 80% of the revenue necessary to maintain the Cathedral programs. The Cathedral budget is carefully prepared by the Parish Council and the Parish Assembly, so that we maintain a balanced budget. Your financial support is critical throughout the entire year to help us maintain a constant income, so that we may meet our expenses in a timely fashion. If you need a 2015 pledge card, call the Cathedral office, 410-727-1831. As of February 19, 2015, we have received 300 pledge cards and the amount pledged for the year is $354,723.00. M/M Dennis J. Bechis M/M Donald Bonolis M/M Evan Alevizatos Chriss Ms. Maryanth Constantine Mrs. Joanne Souris Deitz Mr. Nicholas Economides Ms. Georgia D. Economou M/M Basil Efdimis Mr. Charlie Flannery Mr. James Galanakis Mrs. Sophia Angelos Gilland M/M Robert Horst Ms. Alexia Kariotis M/M George Kinigopoulos M/M Alex Kougianos Mr. George Kougoulis M/M Owen F. Landis, Sr. M/M John LaRue Mrs. Penelope Laskaris M/M Albert Laun M/M James S. Leanos M/M Louis Loizou M/M John G. Magiros Mr. John Mandilaras Mr. Nicholas X. Margaritas M/M Thomas G. Markulis With humble gratitude and recognition of God’s gifts upon our family, Tom and Wendy Boardman sponsored February 13, 2015, their 27th wedding anniversary, for their Stewardship Sponsor Day. John and Penny Karangelen Heisler have selected the date of January 2, for their Stewardship Sponsor Day, in loving memory of her father, Peter N. Karangelen, to commemmorate his birthday. Dr. Thomas and Dixie Glyphis Gleason have chosen the date of January 5, which is the day they celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary. Anyone wishing to select a Stewardship Sponsor Day may contact the Cathedral office, 410-727-1831. Ms. Diana Memphis Mrs. Mabel O’Sullivan M/M John E. Padousis Mrs. Christine Panopoulos Mr. Spyridon Papaminas M/M Basil Pappas M/M Dean T. Pappas Mrs. Katherine Pappas C/M Charles G. Pavlos Mrs. Jean E. Prevas M/M Pantelis Primikirios Mr. Michael Rogers M/M Orlando Romeo M/M Isidoros Roros Mrs. Sylvia Sherwood M/M Themistoklis Smyrnioudis M/M Alex Solomotis M/M George Sourlis M/M James Stamatakos Mrs. Maria Thomakos Mrs. Anastasia Thomas Mrs. Carolyn Tsakalas Mr. Samuel P. Tsakalas M/M James Tsamoutalis M/M George Tsigounis Mr. Larry Vakoutis AHEPA CONVENTION The AHEPA Worthington Chapter #30, and the Daughters of Penelope Alceme #27, will host its annual District 3 Convention in Baltimore, from May 15 – 17, 2015. This is the first time we will be including District 4 Chapters from Pennsylvania, in addition to our own District #3 Chapters from Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia and North Carolina. This is a great opportunity for AHEPANs, Maids of Athena, Daughters of Penelope and Sons of Pericles to become re-engaged in Hellenic life and the positive impact they make on our community and our culture. Activities will include a crab feast at Jimmy’s Seafood May 15, and a banquet at Columbus Gardens on May 16. AHEPANs and Daughters will gather in the Cathedral on Sunday, May 17 for an Artoclasia and Memorial Service. For details, call Peter Sourlis, 410-967-0053, Bill Bond, 410-913-2350, or Steve Ro- ros, 443-621-3378. FIVE WAYS OUR CHURCH EXPERIENCE CHANGES DURING GREAT LENT by Andreas Houpos, Pastoral Assistant The Triodion Period brings with it some unmistakable changes to our liturgical experience. Technically speaking, the Church is set up to perform a cycle of services around the clock, each and every day of the year. When these are closely followed, it is very easy to see the seasonal changes in the services. Unfortunately, the reality is that many of our communities only see services celebrated on Sundays. Thankfully, many parishes also try to offer more services during Great Lent. Here is a quick overview of those services that we will encounter during the course of Great Lent: Vespers and Orthros These services mark the dusk (Vespers) and dawn (Orthros) of each day of the year. During Great Lent, their structure is modified slightly and the hymns, supplemented in this period by the Triodion, offer a different “flavor” than the hymns employed throughout the rest of the year. This is not as noticeable on Saturdays and Sundays (the days our parishes typically offer these services), but there are some changes on those days as well. Great Compline Compline is the after-dinner service (that is the literal meaning of its Greek name, apódeipno), and is part of the regular daily prayer cycle for Orthodox Christians. Great Compline takes that basic format and adds more readings and chants, such as God is with us and Lord of the powers. During the first four weekdays of Great Lent, the so-called ‘Great Canon’ of St. Andrew of Crete is also inserted, chanted in four sections across the four days; it consists of penetrating and moving poetry meant to motivate us to pursue repentance. Salutations The “Salutations” service, held on the first four Fridays of Great Lent, is simply Compline with poetic verses addressing (“saluting”) the Mother of God that are intoned by the priest, and a canon in her honor which is chanted by the choirs. The poetic verses are recited in sections, one per week, until the fifth Friday of Great Lent, when we chant the Akathist. The word “akathist” (Greek akáthistos) means “ not sitting” ; in other words, the name refers to the fact that the faithful remain standing. In the context of Great Lent, this refers to the culmination of the “Salutations” services (there are other kinds of akathist services for different occasions) wherein all the poetic verses mentioned above are included. Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts In an act that powerfully illustrates the penitent nature of Great Lent, the Church foregoes the joyous celebration of the Divine Liturgy during weekdays. However, in order to sustain the faithful in their fasting and spiritual struggle, portions of the Divine Body and Blood of our Savior are presented during the course of the week. In the Sunday preceding each week of Great Lent, the priest sets aside the sanctified Body and Blood that will be distributed during the week; the weekday service, which is a hybrid of Vespers and Divine Liturgy, does not have the special prayer of consecration. This is why the weekday liturgy is referred to as that of the “pre-sanctified” Gifts. It is properly an evening service, and the faithful who are otherwise prepared abstain from food and drink from midday in order to receive Holy Communion. Saturday of Souls Did you know that each Saturday is the day set aside by the Church to commemorate her deceased members? Properly speaking, this is the day of the week for memorial services to take place—not on Sundays. During the Triodion period, we celebrate Saturday of Souls on the day before Judgment (a.k.a. “Meatfare”) Sunday, a service dedicated to the memory of all those who have lived and died since Adam. On this day, the faithful bring kollyva—the boiled wheat traditionally served as a memorial for those who have fallen asleep—and a list of names of deceased relatives and ancestors to be commemorated. It is a common misconception that the Saturday of Cheesefare Week and the first Saturday after Great Lent begins are “Saturdays of Souls;” rather, these are commemorations of the Holy Ascetics and of a miracle concerning St. Theodore the Recruit and kollyva, respectively. Still, many use this as an opportunity to pray once again for those who have fallen asleep. Properly speaking, there are only two Saturdays of Souls in the life of the Church: The Saturday prior to Judgment Sunday, and the Saturday before Pentecost. Keep an eye out for the services offered at our Cathedral throughout this period, and take part in as many as possible. We often see Great Lent as a period of “negatives”: don’t eat this or that and don’t eat so much of this or that, don’t go out for entertainment as much, don’t otherwise pursue your appetites. . . If this is our impression of Great Lent, then we have an incomplete and, therefore, harmful perspective. If we are limiting these things in our life, then we must also be filling the gap with prayer, charity, and increased participation in the liturgical life of the Church. Lent is about the positive action of consciously fulfilling our Christian calling to be holy and not to be dominated by the mundane. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE / LENTEN RETREAT sponsored by the Twenty-first Annual " Growing in Faith" Bible Study in conjunction with Greater Baltimore Orthodox Clergy Association Do You Believe in Miracles? with retreat master Very Reverend Protopresbyter Mark Leasure Guardian of the Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Theotokos Kardiotissa Icon from Saint George's Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Concluding with a Paraklesis to the Theotokos, veneration of the Holy Icon, and anointing with Her precious and miraculous Myrrh $30 per person- (including continental breakfast and Lenten luncheon please note any food allergies) Registration deadline March 2nd. After March 3rd, registration will be $35. Retreat will be held at St. Mary's Antiochian Orthodox Church 909 Shawan Rd., Hunt Valley/Cockeysville, MD 21030 Information: • click on “2015 Retreat” or HAIL O BRIDE, UNWEDDED! Father Dean Moralis Unsuccessful is every hymn that attempts to pay homage to the multitude of Your mercies. For even if we offer You odes in number equal to the sands, O Holy King, yet we do nothing worthy of what You have given us who cry to You: Alleluia. The above is one of the beautiful stanzas from the Salutations to the Virgin Mary—a service chanted during the first five Friday nights of the Great Lenten Season. These solemn services provide an opportunity for us to come together, reflecting on the sacrifices of the Theotokos, her life, and her supreme and ultimate love of her son. This service gives us a recounting of the stories from the Annunciation, the Nativity, the preaching ministry of Christ, His crucifixion, and ultimate Resurrection, and the life of the Theotokos. We know from our own experiences, that we turn to different people in time of need. When we were young, our own mother became an object of true protection. Whatever the situation—a skinned knee, hurt feelings, anxiety about school—our mother had a true, loving way of making us feel better. This feeling cannot be taken away…no matter what the situation or how young or young-at-heart we may be. Similarly, we should turn with a pure heart to the Theotokos when we are in need. The sacrifices that we make in our lives are so small compared to those which the Virgin Mary did for humanity. We need to examine closely how we live today. At times we say we cannot make it to church for one reason or another. We cannot come and volunteer our services due to other commitments...we are just too busy. How can we truly make church life part of our busy life? Our Cathedral’s rich liturgical life and various activities are helpful in making your Christian journey a true celebration. Won’t you take the time to celebrate with us? As the hymn from the Salutations tells us, the example of our Life in Christ gives us the chance and purest opportunity to give those odes or hymns back to Christ that number the sands in the sea. Plan on being part of these beautiful services. Following each service, there will be refreshments and discussion held in the Mentis Room led by the clergy. Give Lilies for Easter One of our beautiful Easter traditions is the decorating of the Cathedral with lilies. These plants, at $25.00 each, may be donated either in memory, or in honor, of your loved ones. Please make checks payable to the Annunciation Cathedral, and return by March 31, 2015. Annunciation Cathedral, 24 West Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Yes, I would like to donate _________________ Easter plants at $25.00 each. Please accept my gift: in memory of __________________________________________________________________ in honor of ____________________________________________________________________ donated by ____________________________________________________________________ The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation 24 West /Preston Street at Maryland Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5700 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Baltimore, MD Permit NO. 632 Time Sensitive Material PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY saturday, february 28 sunday, march 1 visit of seminarians from hellenic college—holy cross greek orthodox school of theology Saturday, February 28—Great Vespers, 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 1—Orthros and Divine Liturgy beginning at 8:30 a.m. Presentation to follow in the Father Constantine M. Monios Hall.
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