Europe Ramble Tour 2015 PREFACE The first Europe Ramble Tour was arranged in 1983, for exchange students who arrived in January to have the opportunity to travel Europe during their summer vacation. From that year on, a bus trip has been arranged every summer, and is now open to all Rotary long term exchange students in Sweden. In this booklet we have compiled information that is necessary to be aware of before signing up for the Europe Ramble Tour. Please take the time and read this booklet before signing up. The information contains both practical information and rules and regulations, all to make the trip safe and worthwhile for both you and the rest of the group. We hope that you, after having read the brochure, will be inspired to sign up for the tour. We think that you will not regret touring Europe with us and your Rotary friends. Please ask your parents and/or host parents if need explaining of anything in the information. Welcome! Rotary Youth Exchange, Sweden 1 1. ABOUT EUROPE RAMBLE TOUR.............................................................................................. 3 General Information......................................................................................................................................... 3 The Tour Operator ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Your Rotary Chaperons .................................................................................................................................... 4 The Rules of Rotary Youth Exchange and the Europe Ramble Tour .................................................................. 4 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Rules for the exchange year ............................................................................................................................... 4 The 4 D ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Additional Rules for the Europe Ramble Tour .................................................................................................. 5 How to Apply ................................................................................................................................................... 6 How to Pay....................................................................................................................................................... 6 The price ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Registration fee .................................................................................................................................................. 6 The final payment .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Methods of payment .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Terms and Conditions of Cancellations............................................................................................................. 6 Visas................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Staying in a Hotel................................................................................................................................................ 7 Curfews .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 2. YOUR OWN PREPARATION ....................................................................................................... 8 General ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 What to Pack.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Money.............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Insurance ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Illness and Accidents .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Other Events....................................................................................................................................................... 9 3. THE TRIP DAY BY DAY............................................................................................................. 10 Traveling to and Gathering in Malmö ............................................................................................................. 10 The First Day of Travel.................................................................................................................................... 10 Touring in Europe ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Return to Malmö............................................................................................................................................ 11 4. IMPORTANT NAMES AND ADDRESSES............................................................................... 12 5. EMERGENCY NUMBERS FOR CREDIT CARDS ................................................................... 13 6. PRACTICAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ........................... 14 7. ROTARY’S RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR EXCHANGE................................................... 15 2 1. ABOUT EUROPE RAMBLE TOUR General Information The Europe Ramble tour is arranged for Rotary’s long-term youth exchange students in Sweden. If the buses are not filled by exchange students in Sweden, exchange students in other European countries can be invited. The purpose of the tour is to make possible for our exchange students to experience the culture of Europe in a Rotary way, under pleasant circumstances. This three-week tour of Europe is arranged by Rotary Youth Exchange Sweden, which operates as a non-profit foundation. The Europe Ramble Tour is arranged in co-operation with a tour operator “Scandorama”. You can read about the tour at their website . This year 2015, the tour runs from June 25 to July 11. The tour always runs around this time of the year, so that our exchange students will not miss school and be in Sweden for the Midsummer Holiday, and because the chaperons need summer vacation to be able to volunteer. The number of participating exchange students has for the past year been around 60-70. To ensure that the trip is arranged according to Rotary International’s rules for exchange students’ travel, the bus trip must be under the supervision of Rotarians. For that reason we have 4 Rotary chaperons in the bus, whose function is to be ”extra parents” to maintain good behavior, good spirit, as well as see to that the rules are abided by. The price for the tour 2015 is SEK 17 200 which include the following services: A comfortable coach and its experienced driver for the whole tour. A guide throughout the whole tour. Ferry crossings both ways. Local taxes. 16 stay-overs in middle and tourist class hotels in 7 different countries. Breakfast every morning from day 2 to day 17. 10 light lunches including one soft drink. (Served on travel days and the day of hiking in Zell am See only.) Dinner from day 1 to 9 and day 12 to 16, including one soft drink. Citysightseeing in Berlin, Krakow, Budapest, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Venice, Paris, Bryssel. The price also includes admission fees to the following attractions: Paris - Typical French dinner Venice - Vaporetto, Gondola ride Zell am See - Hiking in the mountains Budapest - Boat ride and soft drinks Berlin – Stasi museum, typical German dinner Crakow – Auschwitz, a former Concentration Camp, and a Jewish dinner 3 Please note that you will have to pay for any extra activities that you wish to attend, on the spot. Neither the chaperons nor the tour guide from Scandorama will lend you money. The Tour Operator The Europe Ramble tour is arranged in co-operation with Scandorama. All payment is done directly to them, see further information, and concerning some parts of the arrangement you may have direct contact with their office in Malmö. The tour operator will carefully select an experienced bus-driver as well as a tour guide, who together with the Rotary chaperons are responsible for the tour. Your Rotary Chaperons The Rotary Chaperons are selected by Rotary Youth Exchange, in Sweden. Their responsibility is to be “parents” for you. They will help you in case you don’t feel well, if you lose something, need help at the bank etc, or if you just feel like talking to someone during the trip. They will also ensure your safety by seeing to that the rules are abided, curfews are obeyed, and deadlines held. If you feel that something is not right, inform the chaperons right away. The Rules of Rotary Youth Exchange and the Europe Ramble Tour General Exchange students will be expected to conduct themselves at all times in a responsible manner. You, and only you, are responsible for your own valuables, e.g. passport, cameras, jewelry, mobile phones etc. If you lose any of your valuables it may cause such delay, that the whole group misses a planned visit, which they actually have paid for. You must have proper clothes for each occasion. Beach-wear is for the beach. Visits to churches, museums etc. require proper clothes that cover up. Ripped jeans and a worn out tshirt are not considered proper clothing. Rules for the exchange year For the exchange year you are currently participating in there are certain rules that apply, that you and your parents have signed and agreed to follow. The 4 D 1. No Drinking You are not allowed to drink any alcohol, except at certain special occasions, together with the Rotary chaperons. 2. No Drugs Drugs of any kind are absolutely forbidden, no matter your age, no matter the laws of the country you are visiting. For medication you need a prescription. The trip is also a non-smoking trip. There is no smoking nor in the bus, neither in the hotel rooms. Out of courtesy to the other exchange students, there is no smoking allowed either when 4 you’re gathered at different functions, sight-seeing etc. N.B. If you have stated, in your application to your exchange year, that you’re a non-smoker, you will remain a nonsmoker throughout the whole exchange experience, including the Ramble tour. 3. No Dating The purpose of this tour is to visit different parts of Europe, to learn about culture and history, and to get to know and exchange experiences with the other exchange students you travel together with. Therefore hanging out too much with only one person hinders you from benefiting as much as possible from the tour. Sexual activity is not allowed either. 4. No Driving You are not authorized to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind. When you sign up for the trip you also gives the chaperons permission to alcohol test you. Additional Rules for the Europe Ramble Tour 1. The trip is a non-smoking trip. There is no smoking nor in the bus, neither in the hotel rooms. Out of courtesy to the other exchange students, there is no smoking allowed either when you’re gathered at different functions, sight-seeing etc. 2. When staying in a hotel, consider the well-being of the other guests. No running in the halls, shouting or disturbing in any other way. 3. No exchanging of the rooms you have been assigned, due to security reasons. 4. Curfews are to be obeyed. 5. Do not misplace items that are not your property from the stops along the way. The Ramble tour wants to return next year. 6. You are not allowed to go out on your own. During daytime you ought to be in pairs of two, during nighttime you have to be at least in groups of three. You are responsible for always knowing the telephone number to the chaperones and the address of the hotel you are staying at. When you sign the application you certify that you have read the rules, and agree to abide by them during the entire tour. The rules of course apply to your travel to and from Malmö. As well as during the exchange year, breaking these rules may be grounds for expelling you from the tour, e.g. sending you back to Sweden, at your own expense. Any cost for Rotary connected with disobeying these rules will be charged on you. The Rules for the Europe Ramble Tour applies all night, all day! 5 How to Apply The last day of application is March 30, 2015. Send 3 copies of the application, 3 business cards and proof of insurance for the Ramble Tour to Scandorama. Due to limited seating there might not be room for everyone, so please make sure to send the application in time. Your entry is binding as soon as you get an e-mail from Scandorama confirming your place on the tour. Scandorama Grupp & Konferens Box 4012 SE-203 11 MALMÖ Remember to make your own copy of the application form before sending it. How to Pay The price The price for the tour is SEK 17 200. We reserve the right to change the tour price if the rate of exchange is changed in an unforeseeable way. The payment The payment for the tour SEK 17 200 + the cost for lodging in Malmö SEK 375 per person per night, is to be paid to Scandorama no later than April 30, 2015. Methods of payment Please see the website for detailed information on how to pay. Terms and Conditions of Cancellations Before May 25, 2015 Your money will be returned to you, except for a handling fee SEK 500. May 27-June 11, 2015 Your money will be returned to you, except for a fee of SEK 3 750. June 12-June 23, 2015 Your money will be returned to you, except for a fee of SEK 8 550. Less than 24 hours before departure You will have to pay the total amount of SEK 17 200. Please refer to your private insurance for reimbursement if you have to cancel due to injury or illness. 6 Visas Please note that it is your own responsibility to apply and pay for each visa needed. For the countries you will visit, belonging to the group of Schengen countries, you do not need any visa, since you have your student visa. It is important though to check now already that your student visa for Sweden is valid during the whole trip. There will be neither time nor possibility of last minute passport/visa fixing. NO VISA/PASSPORT = NO EUROPE RAMBLE Guidelines Staying in a Hotel It is important to remember that the group you travel with will not be the only people staying in the hotels. Therefore you have to behave in a manner that does not disturb the other guests, including the rest of the people of your group. That means no running in the halls, shouting or disturbing in any other way. That also means no drinking, drugs, or smoking anywhere in the hotel. Also do not misplace items that belong to the hotels, such as keys, towels etc. The Ramble tour wants to return next year. If you do not respect this, the whole trip can be cancelled. Do not make telephone calls from hotel rooms. It is too expensive. Use a pay phone instead if you need to call home or call Sweden. The country code to call Sweden is 0046. The first thing you should do when you enter a new hotel and your hotel room is to check out the fire exits. Also take the hotel’s business card and carry it with you at all times, so there is no trouble finding the hotel. You, and only you, are responsible for your own valuables, e.g. passport, travelers checks, cameras, jewelry, mobile phones etc. Curfews Each night there will be a curfew set by the Rotary chaperons. Travel days usually start quite early, and there are a lot of things to experience and see also during a travel day. Most nights there will be either group activities or activities with the chaperons. A few nights during the tour will not have organized activities. Such nights there will be a chaperon waiting in the hotel lobby to make sure that every student comes back in time for the set curfew, safe and sound. The system with curfews is a question of your safety which the chaperons are responsible for. Disobeying/misusing the curfews is very serious, and can lead to immediate dismissal from the tour. 7 2. YOUR OWN PREPARATION General Going on a trip like the Ramble Tour, traveling Europe for almost three weeks, needs careful, practical preparation of what to pack. To make the most out of what you will experience of culture, history, customs and traditions etc. of the different countries, it could be beneficial for you to prepare yourself, by reading about the countries you will visit and pass through. Search the Internet and go to the library to find information. Also study the map of Europe to see where the countries are situated. What to Pack Since the space in the coach is limited, and the fact that you will have to carry the luggage yourself, you may bring one normal sized suit case and one small carryon luggage. The suitcase including contents should not weigh more than 25 kg, so travel light when you start. If your own suitcase is very big, borrow a smaller one from you host family. If your suitcase is too big, you might have to leave the bag in Malmö. Although this is a “vacation trip” you need to be dressed properly at all times. Ripped and worn out clothes are not considered being proper. Essential to make the trip pleasant is comfortable walking shoes, that do not give you blisters. The shoes are especially important during the hiking in Zell am See. For visits to churches you need to cover up arms and legs. For special events such as concerts you need to wear a nice pair of pants/a skirt and a shirt/blouse. Beach wear such as bikini/tank tops, shorts etc. is only for the beach. A sunhat can be useful the whole trip, since the temperatures can reach 30C at times. Besides clothes you need to bring personal things like your tooth brush and prescribed medication. For your own safety, please inform the chaperons if you take any prescribed medication. Other useful things could be an alarm clock, a small travel pillow, paper handkerchiefs, umbrella and your camera. You need to bring your own towel. The hotels do not allow you to bring their towels to the beach. Please note that you are responsible for loading and unloading your own luggage on travel days, and also for carrying it to and from the hotel room. Money We recommend that you bring both a credit card and some cash. There are plenty of cash dispensers all over Europe. Most countries you will visit use euros. You need to bring EUR 30 cash, which the tour guide will collect during the first day. 8 This EUR 30 will be used to pay a deposit at every hotel you check in at, and unless you are responsible for any damage in the hotels, this money will be given back to you the last day of the tour. You need to bring a sufficient amount of pocket money to cover admissions to attractions not included in the price, as well as lunches not included in the tour, souvenirs, post cards, phone calls, etc. Please note that you will have to pay for any extra activities Scandorama will not lend you money. Insurance General It is essential that your insurance also covers travel. Please check before signing up for the trip that this is the case with your particular insurance. You may have to make an additional payment for the Europe Ramble Tour. Make sure that you bring evidence of your insurance, and instructions of how to act if you become ill, e.g. insurance card and emergency numbers. Illness and Accidents You need to carry your insurance card on you at all times. If you need to see a doctor or go to the hospital you will need to show the card. For a single doctor’s visit you may have to pay cash. If so, take the receipt and when you come back to Sweden fill out a claim form and send to your insurance company, in order to get reimbursed. Keep all receipts from doctors’ visits, taxi rides, medication, etc. If you need to go to the hospital you must show the emergency card, to ensure the hospital that the bill will be paid. When it comes to more serious incidents you need to call the emergency number. The insurance company will then contact the hospital to settle the payment for your treatment. Neither you nor Rotary should pay anything at this time. If your condition is due to violence by another person, or a vehicle you need to report it to the police. The chaperons will help you with that. Other Events If your belongings are stolen it has to be reported immediately to the nearest police station. Without the police report, you will not receive any money from the insurance company. If you need to buy new things during the trip to replace stolen items, you pay for it with your own money. Rotary has no obligation/possibility to do it for you. 9 3. THE TRIP DAY BY DAY For the full program, please see the folder “Welcome to the Europe Ramble Tour“ and . Traveling to and Gathering in Malmö The Europe Ramble Tour 2015 will start with an information meeting at 08.30 on the day of departure, June 25, in Malmö. The meeting will be held at Grand Hotel Garden, Balzarsgatan 20, 211 36 Malmö. If you live far from Malmö you need to plan to go to Malmö the day before departure, to stay overnight. Make sure you note on the application if you need lodging. As far as traveling to and from Malmö you need to make the arrangements yourself. If you are going by train, bus or plane we recommend you to make your reservations through our travel agency Carlson Wagonlit Travel, where you should talk to Karin Wiman, phone 026-66 3160. She is very familiar with Rotary and makes most of our travel arrangements. Please make your travel arrangements well in advance. Chaperons, drivers and guide will meet the day before departure, for last minute planning. They will welcome those of you who will stay at the hotel June 25. Bed time is at 23.00. The above hotel rules apply of course also this night. The First Day of Travel All participants should be present for the pre-tour information and roll call at 08.30 on the day of departure, June 25. After that everyone takes her/his luggage from the locker room and loads it in to the buss. Do not be late! Touring in Europe During the 17 days of travel you will visit 9 different countries, with different languages, traditions and mentalities. The tour itinerary will contain a mixture of pleasant moments such as concerts and theme dinners, cultural moments such as visiting historical and tourist sites, moments of leisure on the beach and more serious moments such as remainders of war. The program is composed so that there will be a balance between the different parts. A lot of time will be spent in the coach going from place to place. It will be a comfortable coach with air condition, bath room as well as the possibility of buying cold drinks, coffee, tea and snacks. An experienced chauffeur will drive the coach. It is also the driver who is in charge of the coach. He alone sets the rules for how to conduct in general, playing music, eating and 10 drinking etc. The bus will be equipped with an emergency kit, and the chaperons will bring various “drugstore articles” such as band-aid, aspirin, cough-medicine etc. Please note that the main language spoken by the guide and chaperons on the tour is Swedish. Return to Malmö The coach will return to Malmö around 21.00 hours July 11. The tour will end at Grand Hotel Garden, Baltzarsgatan 20, 211 36 Malmö.. For those of you who plan to return to your host families by train or plane, make your reservations before leaving on the tour. Because of possible delays we recommend that you stay overnight in Malmö and continue your journey the next day. You have to return directly to your host family, after the Ramble tour is finished. 11 4. IMPORTANT NAMES AND ADDRESSES If you need to get in contact with Rotary Youth Exchange, and for all questions regarding visas and insurance, please turn to: Rotarys Ungdomsutbyte Varuvägen 9 125 30 Älvsjö-Stockholm Phone: 08-644 74 10 Email: [email protected] Send your application to, and for all questions regarding registration and payments, please address to: Scandorama Grupp & Konferens Box 4012 SE-203 11 MALMÖ Phone: +46 (0)40 600 00 60 or +46 (0)40 600 00 00 Fax: +46 (0)40 600 00 65 Contact person: Karin Ydrefelt E-mail: [email protected] For your travel to and from Malmö we recommend our travel agency: Carlson Wagonlit Travel Contact person: Karin Wiman E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 026-66 31 60 12 5. EMERGENCY NUMBERS FOR CREDIT CARDS Visa Belgium 0800-1-8397 Denmark 8001-6098 France 0800-90-1179 Italy 800-819-014 Switzerland 0800-89-4732 Sweden 020-79 56 75 Germany 0800-811-8440 Master Card Belgium 0800-1-5096 Denmark 800-16098 France 0800-90-1387 Italy 800-870-866 Monaco 0800-90-1387 Sweden 020-79 13 24 Switzerland 0800-89-7092 Germany 0800-819-1040 American Express Belgium +32-2-676-2121 Denmark +45-33-118099 France +33-1-4777-7000 Italy +39-6-72282 Switzerland +41-1-38436333 Sweden +46-8-429 54 29/00 Germany +49-69-9797-1000 Eurocard Sweden +46-8-14 67 67 Diners Club Sweden +46-8-14 68 78 N.B. These phone numbers are accurate when calling FROM Sweden, so when you are in the actual country, the country code should be omitted, and in some cases a 0 is to be added before the area code. 13 6. PRACTICAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES GERMANY: Berlin & Bochum LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT German is the main language. Most people in hotels and restaurants speak English. Euro (EUR) 220 V POLAND: Crakow LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT Polish is the main language. Older people speak Russian and younger people speak some English and some German. Złoty (PLN) 220 V HUNGARY: Budapest LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT Hungarian is the main language. A few, mostly younger people, speak some English and some German. Hungarian Forint (HUF) 230 V SLOVAKIA: Bratislava LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT Slovak is the main language. A few, mostly younger people, speak some English. Euro (EUR) 230 V AUSTRIA: Salzburg & Zell am See LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT German is the main language. Most of the people speak English as well. Euro (EUR) 220 V SLOVENIA: Ljubljana LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT Slovenian is the main language. A few, mostly younger people, speak some English. Euro (EUR) 220 V 14 ITALY: Lido di Jesolo & Venice LANGUAGE Italian is the main language. Younger people speak English as well. CURRENCY Euro (EUR) MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT 220 V. FRANCE: Chambéry & Paris LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT French is the main language. Younger people in the big cities speak English as well. Euro (EUR) 220 V BELGIUM: Brussels LANGUAGE CURRENCY MAPS & INFORMATION ELECTRIC CURRENT Dutch, French and German are the main languages. Euro (EUR) 220 V 7. ROTARY’S RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR EXCHANGE Som utbytesstudent sponsrad av en rotaryklubb eller ett rotarydistrikt måste du följa nedanstående villkor och bestämmelser för utbytet. Observera att distrikten får anpassa dokumentet efter lokala förhållanden genom att göra ändringar eller lägga till ytterligare bestämmelser. As a Youth Exchange student sponsored by a Rotary club or district, you must agree to the following rules and conditions of exchange. Please note that districts may edit this document or insert additional rules if needed to account for local conditions. 15 Villkor och bestämmelser för utbytet 1) Du måste följa värdlandets lagar. Om du har förklarats skyldig till att ha brutit mot lagen kan du inte förvänta dig något stöd från din sponsorklubb eller från hemlandet. Snarast efter frigivningen måste du återvända hem på egen bekostnad. 2) Det är förbjudet att inneha eller använda illegala droger. Läkemedel utskrivna av läkare är tillåtna. 3) All olaglig förtäring av alkoholhaltiga drycker är uttryckligen förbjuden. Myndiga elever bör avstå. Om värdfamiljen bjuder dig på alkoholhaltiga drycker är det tillåtet att dricka om det sker under tillsyn i värdfamiljens hem. 4) Du får inte köra motordrivna fordon eller delta i körskoleutbildning. 5) Medan du är utbytesstudent omfattas du av värddistriktets villkor och bestämmelser för utbytet och förbinder dig att följa dessa. Du får inte inhämta samtycke från dina föräldrar eller målsmän för att delta i ytterligare aktiviteter. Eventuella släktingar i värdlandet har inte någon bestämmanderätt över dig så länge du deltar i utbytesprogrammet. 6) Du måste gå i skolan regelbundet och göra ditt bästa för att nå bra resultat. 7) Du måste ha en reseförsäkring som täcker läkar- och tandläkarvård vid olycksfall och sjukdom, ger ersättning vid dödsfall (inklusive hemsändning av den avlidne) och vid handikapp/lemlästning, täcker utgifter för sjuktransport, akutsjukvård och akuthjälp dygnet runt samt juridiska tjänster, till belopp som godkänns av värdklubben eller värddistriktet, i samråd med den sponsrande rotaryklubben eller det sponsrande rotarydistriktet, och som gäller under hela resan, från det att du lämnar hemlandet tills det att du återvänder. 8) Du bör ha tillräckligt med pengar för att klara dina utgifter under utbytesåret. Ditt värddistrikt kan kräva att du har en reservkassa för nödsituationer. Outnyttjade reservpengar kommer att återbetalas till föräldrarna eller målsmännen vid utbytesårets slut. 9) Du måste följa värddistriktets regler beträffande resor. Det är tillåtet att resa tillsammans med värdfamiljen eller i sällskap av en vuxen i samband med olika aktiviteter som värdklubben eller värddistriktet anordnar. Värdklubben och värddistriktet, värdfamiljen och dina föräldrar eller målsmän måste ge sin skriftliga tillåtelse för alla andra resor för att därmed befria Rotary från ansvar och skadeståndsskyldighet. 10) Du måste återvända direkt hem enligt den resväg som värddistriktet och dina föräldrar eller målsmän kommer överens om. 11) Föräldrar eller målsmän ansvarar för alla kostnader i samband med att en utbytesstudent reser hem i förtid eller andra särskilda kostnader (t.ex. enskild språkundervisning eller resor). 12) Du bör kontakta din första värdfamilj innan du lämnar hemlandet. Värdklubben eller värddistriktet är skyldiga att ge dig information om familjen före utresan. 13) Besök från föräldrar eller målsmän, syskon eller vänner bör undvikas under utbytesperioden. Sådana besök får enbart äga rum efter värdklubbens och värddistriktets godkännande och enligt deras riktlinjer. Besök kan i regel endast anordnas under utbytets sista kvartal eller under skollov och tillåts inte under stora högtider. 14) Tala med värdklubbens kontaktperson, din värdfamilj eller någon annan vuxen du litar på om du råkar ut för någon form av övergrepp eller trakasserier. Rekommendationer för ett lyckat utbyte 1) Rökning bör undvikas. Om du har angivit i din ansökan att du inte röker måste du hålla dig till detta under hela utbytesåret. Din undertecknade försäkran ligger till grund för antagningen till programmet och placeringen i värdfamilj. Du får under inga omständigheter röka i något av värdfamiljens sovrum. 2) Av hälsoskäl är det inte tillåtet att pierca eller tatuera sig under utbytesåret. 3) Respektera din värdfamiljs önskemål. Uppför dig som en familjemedlem och utför sådana sysslor och uppgifter som en person i din ålder eller värdfamiljens barn brukar utföra. 4) Lär dig värdlandets språk. Det kommer att uppskattas av lärare, värdfamilj, rotaryklubbens medlemmar och andra personer du kommer i kontakt med. Det kommer att hjälpa dig att komma in i gemenskapen och få vänner för livet. 5) Delta i och visa intresse för rotaryevenemang och aktiviteter som din värdfamilj anordnar. Ta egna initiativ, vänta inte på att bli tillfrågad. Bristande intresse från din sida kan inverka negativt både på ditt och på framtida utbyten. 6) Undvik att inleda kärleksförhållanden. Avstå från att ha sexuella förbindelser. 7) Engagera dig i skol- och samhällsaktiviteter. Planera din fritid tillsammans med skolkamrater och andra kamrater på utbytesorten. Umgås inte bara med andra utbyteselever. Gå med i en interactklubb om det finns någon nära dig. 8) Välj dina vänner på utbytesorten med omsorg. Rådfråga och lyssna på din värdfamilj, på vägledare och skolpersonal när du ska skaffa nya vänner. 9) Låna inte pengar. Betala alla räkningar omgående. Be om lov innan du använder familjens telefon eller dator. Håll reda på dina samtal och hur länge du har varit ute på Internet och ersätt din värdfamilj varje månad för dessa kostnader. 10) Begränsa din användning av Internet och mobiltelefon. Det är oacceptabelt med överdriven och olämplig användning. 11) Om du blir erbjuden att följa med på en resa eller att delta i ett evenemang måste du i förväg ta reda på hur mycket du ska betala och vad du har för skyldigheter. Rules and Conditions of Exchange 1) You must obey the laws of the host country. If found guilty of violating any law, you can expect no assistance from your sponsors or native country. You must return home at your own expense as soon as released by authorities. 2) You are not allowed to possess or use illegal drugs. Medicine prescribed to you by a physician is allowed. 3) The illegal drinking of alcoholic beverages is expressly forbidden. Students who are of legal age should refrain. If your host family offers you an alcoholic drink, it is permissible to accept it under their supervision in the home. 4) You may not operate a motorized vehicle or participate in driver education programs. 5) You will be under the host district’s authority while you are an exchange student and must abide by the rules and conditions of exchange provided by the host district. Parents or legal guardians must not authorize any extra activities directly to you. Any relatives you may have in the host country will have no authority over you while you are in the program. 6) You must attend school regularly and make an honest attempt to succeed. 7) You must have travel insurance that provides medical and dental coverage for accidental injury and illness, death benefits (including repatriation of remains), disability / dismemberment benefits, emergency medical evacuation, emergency visitation expenses, 24-hour emergency assistance services, and legal services, in amounts satisfactory to the host Rotary club or district in consultation with the sponsor Rotary club or district, with coverage from the time of your departure from your home country until your return. Recommendations for a Successful Exchange 1) Smoking is discouraged. If you state in your application that you do not smoke, you will be held to that position throughout your exchange. Your acceptance and host family placement is based on your signed statement. Under no circumstances are you to smoke in your host family’s bedrooms. 2) Body piercing or obtaining a tattoo while on your exchange is not allowed, for health reasons. 3) Respect your host’s wishes. Become an integral part of the host family, assuming duties and responsibilities normal for a student of your age or for children in the family. 4) Learn the language of your host country. Teachers, host parents, Rotary club members, and others you meet in the community will appreciate the effort. It will go a long way in your gaining acceptance in the community and with those who will become lifelong friends. 5) Attend Rotary-sponsored events and host family events, and show an interest in these activities. Volunteer to be involved; do not wait to be asked. Lack of interest on your part is detrimental to your exchange and can have a negative impact on future exchanges. 8) You should have sufficient financial support to assure your well-being during your exchange. Your host district may require a contingency fund for emergency situations. Unused funds will be returned to your parents or legal guardians at the end of your exchange. 9) You must follow the travel rules of your host district. Travel is permitted with host parents or for Rotary club or district functions authorized by the host Rotary club or district with proper adult chaperones. The host district and club, host family, and your parents or legal guardians must approve any other travel in writing, thus exempting Rotary of responsibility and liability. 10) You must return home directly by a route mutually agreeable to your host district and your parents or legal guardians. 11) Any costs related to an early return home or any other unusual costs (language tutoring, tours, etc.) are the responsibility of you and your parents or legal guardians. 12) You should communicate with your first host family prior to leaving your home country. The family’s information must be provided to you by your host club or district prior to your departure. 13) Visits by your parents or legal guardians, siblings, or friends while you are on exchange are strongly discouraged. Such visits may only take place with the host club’s and district’s consent and within their guidelines. Typically, visits may be arranged only in the last quarter of the exchange or during school breaks and are not allowed during major holidays. 14) Talk with your host club counselor, host parents, or other trusted adult if you encounter any form of abuse or harassment. 6) Avoid serious romantic activity. Abstain from sexual activity. 7) Get involved in your school and community activities. Plan your recreation and spare-time activities around your school and community friends. Don’t spend all your time with other exchange students. If there is a local Interact club, you are encouraged to join it. 8) Choose friends in the community carefully. Ask for and heed the advice of host families, counselors, and school personnel in choosing friends. 9) Do not borrow money. Pay any bills promptly. Ask permission to use the family phone or computer, keep track of all calls and time on the Internet, and reimburse your host family each month for the costs you incur. 10) Limit your use of the Internet and mobile phones. Excessive or inappropriate use is not acceptable. 11) If you are offered an opportunity to go on a trip or attend an event, make sure you understand any costs you must pay and your responsibilities before you go.
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