Grant Parish School Board P.O. Box 208 Colfax, Louisiana 71417-0208 Phone: 318-627-3274 • Fax: 318-627-5931 Sheila S. Jackson, Superintendent Posted 06-30-15 Date of meeting: July 7, 2015 Time of meeting: 6:00 p.m. Place: Grant Parish School Board 512 Main Street - Colfax, LA. 71417 Board Members: A.D. Futrell President Mary Bullock Vice-President Randy Browning Lisa Roberts Karen Layton Charlene Anderson Roland “Buddy” Pennison Bill Riggs ***Public Hearing for the 2015-2016 Budgets @ 5:00 P.M.*** GRANT PARISH SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR MEETING GRANT PARISH SCHOOL BOARD TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 6:00 P.M. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact: Sheila S. Jackson at 318-627-3274 or at P.O. Box 208, Colfax, LA 71417, describing the assistance that is necessary. I. II. Call to Order Invocation III. Pledge IV. Consider approving the June 2, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes, and the June 8, 2015 Work Session Minutes. V. VI. Guests: 1. Deano Thornton – School Board Health Clinics. Committee Reports: 1. Finance Committee: A. Receive quote to install railing on the bleachers at Grant High School. 2. Transportation and Maintenance Committee: 1 Bill Riggs Mary Bullock A.D. Futrell VII. VIII. Public comment period concerning the adoption of the 2015 millage rates. Adopt 2015 millage rates. IX. Receive for approval at the August Board meeting the 2015-2016 Regulations for the Evaluation and Assessment of School Personnel. X. Consider approving an administrative contract for Kathy Smith, Assistant Principal at Grant High School. XI. XII. Consider granting permission to the Superintendent to execute by signature the 20152016 Healthy Behavior School District Grant between the Grant Parish School Board and the Rapides Foundation. Consider granting permission to the Superintendent to execute by signature the 20152016 Effective Schools Grant between the Grant Parish School Board and the Rapides Foundation. XIII. Consider approving the 2015-2016 12 month calendar. XIV. Consider approving the Grant Community Health Center to provide primary care, dental and behavioral health services in the Grant Parish Schools. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. Consider approving the following contracts: Michael Edwards 07-29-15 through 07-28-17; Shane Seward 07-01-15 through 06-30-17, Mary Nichols 07-01-15 through 0630-17; Jane Seward 07-01-15 through 06-30-17; Shana Delrie 07-01-15 through 06-30-17, Rebecca Durand 07-01-15 through 06-30-17; Robert Smith 07-01-15 through 06-30-17; Paxton Teddlie 07-01-15 through 06-30-17, Carla Lasyone 07-01-15 through 06-30-17, Patti Williams 05-26-15 through 05-25-17 and Julie Cole 07-27-15 through 07-26-17. Consider adopting the 2015-2016 General Fund Operational Budget. Consider adopting the 2015-2016 of the Parishwide and District Budget. Consider adopting the 2015-2016 Lunch Fund Budget. Consider adopting all other 2015-2016 Operational Budgets. Consider adopting the Carl Perkins Grant for the 2015-2016 school year. Consider adopting the 2015-2016 Grant Parish Student and Parent Handbook, Grant High Student and Faculty Handbooks, Montgomery High Student and Faculty Handbooks, Verda Elementary Student and Faculty Handbooks, and the Georgetown Student and Faculty Handbooks. 2 XXII. Consider adopting the job description for Transition Specialist. XXIII. Consider adopting the 2015-2016 Athletic Parish Policy. XXIV. Consider adopting the Pupil Progression Plan. XXV. XXVI. Receive revised policy, JR, Student Records for adoption at the August 2015 Meeting. Consider approving Amendment #6 for NCLB Title l funds XXVII. Consider approving 2016 NCLB and 2016 Consolidated IDEA grants for the 2015-2016 school year. XXVIII. Consider going into Executive Session to discuss entrance for a student. XXIX. Consider going out of Executive Session back to Regular Session. XXX. Superintendent’s Comments. XXXI. Board Member Comments: XXXII. Adjourn *****Reminder***** ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS CAN START UP TO 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO POSTED TIME. 5:00 P.M. Public Hearing for the 2015-2016 Budget 5:30 P.M Finance Committee 1. Receive quote to install railing on the bleachers at Grant High School. 5:45 P.M. Transportation and Maintenance Committee 3
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