Parish News To Glorify God To Grow in Faith To Give In Service Together in Christ A Letter from Pastor May 2015 "It's Time!" Dear Members and Friends in Christ, Inside this issue: One of my favorite Scripture passages to be read at a funeral is this one. It reminds us of the fullness and circle of life. Part of the passage is: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance" -Ecclesiastes3:1-4 I have thought about that passage as I have witnessed part of what Grace has gone through over the past four years. It has been an amazing time as I have served as your pastor for the last year and a half; I can only imagine the full journey many of you have lived. You have had a number of persons serve as your shepherd-leader, as called pastors, interim pastors, and bridge pastors. Each of us have brought our own gifts of ministry in our time of service. Each of us also have areas of weakness and growth. You have also been a part of a devastating fire and years of building transition. There was the insurance settlement, demolition work, the dreaming and planning for a new building, blueprints and sketches put on paper and altered again and again, a feasibility study, government and financing approvals, and a successful capital campaign. There has been hard work by many people, especially your building team who has logged in over 100 meetings. Over $300,000 has been pledged to be given to our "Growing in God's Grace" capital campaign with over one- third of that goal al- Pastor’s Letter 1,2 Fellowship Gatherings 2 Carnation Form 3 Prayers; 4 Finance Team Update Shepherd Schedule; Mother’s Day Carnations; Thanks 5 InReach; Summer Schedule 6 Golf Outing; 7 Rice Bowl ; Pastoral Acts; Council Highlights Calendar 8 Aging Parents?; Music Ministry 9 Music Ministry 10 Serving Schedule 11 Page 2 Pastor’s Letter continued; Fellowship Gatherings ready received, and other members who did not pledge are also contributing. As the Ecclesiastes scripture reminds us, in relationships and a building there has been death. There has been tearing down. There has been weeping and mourning. Thank God, we have been able to laugh too! A building of faithful memories is missed. Members have come and gone, and they are missed. But I believe now is the time to build up and we have started! A congregational meeting will be held on May 3 after a combined service at 9:15 am with a proposal from the building team and congregation council to build. Letters have been sent to inactive members in the last month asking how Grace could help them and gently inviting them to participation in our life together. New folks are coming to this church and we are gathering a second group of new members now since my arrival. There is a quiet Spirit-filled building-up going on and it's hard work, but driven by our love of God and one another, a building of a church home and a Christ-claimed people. I invite you to be a part of this special time at Grace. Come to worship. Participate in the congregational meeting on May 3. Think about how you might be a part of the ministry of this congregation. We will be stronger with you than without you. Pray for this congregation at this time! Together in Ministry, + Pastor Dave Lutcher Summer Wednesday Evening Fellowship Gatherings Our Summer Gatherings on Wednesdays at Grace begin in June. Consider hosting one of our five Wednesday gatherings. We begin our time together with dinner and fellowship. Dinner is at 6:30 pm. As hosts you provide the main course and invite others to bring side dishes. This is a great time to catch up with Grace Friends during the summer when our schedules are busy with traveling and family activities. If you would like to be a host for one of our Wednesday Evening Picnics, please contact Kay Stone at 215-368-3725 or email [email protected]. Mother’s Day Carnation Order Form Page 3 Mother’s Day Carnations Single Stem Carnations $2.50 each Orders due Sunday, May 3rd Please place orders in the offering plate or the basket in the narthex YOUR NAME ________________________ White Carnations (in memory of): Number ordered_____ x $2.50 = ______ Pink Carnations (in honor of): Number ordered_____ x $2.50 = ______ TOTAL= $______ __cash __check Checks should be made out to Grace Lutheran Church – memo carnations Flowers may be taken home after either service on May 10th PLEASE FILL IN: In memory of: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ FROM: _____________________________________________ In honor of: __________________________________ ___________________________________________________ FROM: _____________________________________________ Proceeds benefit the women and children of Nehemiah’s Way Page 4 Prayers; Finance Report Please keep the following people in your prayers: John Fischer Sherry Peck Giana Campbell Sandy Kohr Bob Lutcher Alyssa Oxenford Melissa Kane Lewis Fluck Harold Hummel Dave Krum Carol Capanear Alexis Picon Lynda Deutsch Peg Weaver Rev. Greg Dimick Michael Day Don Roeder James Matthews Bryan Walter Beryl Souders Cameron Thompson Makayla Bancroft The Family of Dolores Lockner The Family of Ray Schiavone The Family of Noon-Joo Kim Finance Team Update As of March 31, we have a deficit of $10,226. However, there needs to be an adjustment to the revenue of $3.1K. This revenue consists of the Stepping Stones Fair Share from the Fire Recovery accounts and utilization of the Thrivent Funds. Once these transactions are made our deficit will be reduced to $4,976. Last year at this time we were running a deficit of $1,765. Our overall General envelopes are down by $1.4K over last year’s levels and our expenses are up. Our property expenses are over budget by $7.4K mainly due to building repairs, snow plowing and a one-time lease charge for the Post Office. Year to Date Analysis as of 31-Mar-2015 Income General Envelopes Mortgage Other Giving Rental Income Other Income Special Receipts Expenses Mission Staff Property Administration Programs Mortgage Suspense Account 2015 Actual $ 46,008 $ $ 1,557 $ 5,100 $ 464 $ 930 Total $ 54,060 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 Budget $ 45,618 $ $ 1,500 $ 5,246 $ 251 $ 6,375 $ 58,990 5,363 31,654 16,169 3,714 3,395 3,990 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 64,286 $ Surplus/(Deficit) $ (10,226) $ 5,925 33,781 9,784 3,321 2,711 3,990 59,512 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2014 Actual 43,737 3,787 1,390 3,400 11 4,815 57,140 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,363 29,784 11,549 2,938 6,782 2,490 58,905 (522) $ (1,765) If you any questions about our current finances please contact me or any member of the Finance team. John Stangl Finance Team Lead 610-584-6090 SCS Shepherds; Mother’s Day; Thank-you Page 5 Thanks for all of those that have volunteered to Shepherd during Sunday School for this season. The last day until September will be May 17. he Sunday School Shepherds for May are: 5/3 5/10 Pre-K No SCS Bonnie Stangl K&1 No SCS Kay Stone 2&3 No SCS Anna Walter 5/17 Ginny Williams Tom Lewis Jamie Snyder Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th A Grace tradition is to remember our Mothers on Mother’s Day by purchasing carnations. Pink Carnations honor our mothers and White Carnations remember our mothers who are no longer with us. The funds from the sale of the carnations are used to support Nehemiah’s Way, a local women’s shelter for those who are victims of domestic violence. Nehemiah’s Way has joined Laurel House, a Montgomery County organization that works to end domestic violence and provide shelter and education for those victims of domestic violence. Our gifts to Nehemiah’s Way will help to provide shelter for women and their families in our area. The Giving In Service Team would like you to consider honoring or remembering your mothers by helping others in need. See the display in the narthex for forms to fill out. Orders are due by Sunday, May 3rd. An order form is included in this newsletter. Place your order in an envelope marked Mother’s Day Carnations. Place in the offering plate or the basket in the narthex. Dear Friends of Grace, We would like to thank you for the many cards and words of encouragement after the sudden passing of Chris's mom. Your thoughts and prayers meant a lot to us and were of great comfort. Thank you again. Love, Gail and Chris Page 6 InReach Update; Summer Worship Tomato Project Update The tomato plants are rapidly growing and will be ready for distribution at Hatfield’s Roll and Stroll event on May 18th. The plants will be blessed at the May 17th, 8 am service and then distributed to the Sunday School children at 9:15 am. Patio tomato plants will be given to members that would like fresh tomatoes but do not have a garden to tend. Tomato recipes are still needed by May 3rd, so Kay Stone can put the finishing touches on our tomato recipe cookbook that will be given out with the tomatoes. Volunteers will be needed for working at Grace during the Hatfield Roll and Stroll on May 18th between 5 pm and 8 pm. We are looking for members that can give an hour to welcome the community to Grace. Sign-Up sheets are available in the narthex or you can tell any member of the Inreach Team. If you can not make it, we also are looking for snack donations. We had a delicious sampling of goodies last year and we would like to have the same again this year. Clean and Green In celebration of Earth Day, the Inreach Team has developed a Clean and Green Bag in order to provide some of our members with healthy and environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. The bags contain baking soda, white vinegar, clean and green cloths, Epsom salts, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, a squirt bottle and recommendations on how to use them. This will enable our members to have a healthier and safer home environment. Summer Worship Schedule begins on Sunday, May 24th One worship service at 9:15 am Bible Story and Craft Time for Children During our 9:15 am Summer Worship Services the children are invited to participate in the Bible Story and Craft Time. Kay Stone is organizing our volunteers to lead the Bible Story and Craft Time. If you would like to volunteer please contact Kay (215-368-3725 or [email protected]). Helpful hints will be provided to assist you in planning this fun event for our children. Our first Bible Story and Craft will be Sunday, June 7th. Golf Outing; Rice Bowl; Council Highlights; Pastoral Acts Page 7 Heidelberg UCC, Emmanuel EEC, and Grace Lutheran Annual Golf Outing: Calling all golfers! The annual golf outing fundraiser that supports Vacation Bible School will be held on Saturday May 9, 2015 at Mainland Golf Course. Create your own foursome or sign up and we'll put you with a team. The cost is $80.00 per golfer and includes dinner at Heidelberg following the outing. If you don't golf you can still support Bible School by sponsoring a hole for $25.00. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. All checks should be made to Heidelberg UCC. For more information contact Jeff Krout at 267-253-9939. Thanks! Rice Bowl 2015 UPDATE The Giving in Service Team would like to thank the congregation for supporting our Rice Bowl project during the Lenten Season. Your gifts as of April 19th totaled $3112 and will be shared with The Food Cupboard at Emmanuel Evangelical Congregational Church in Hatfield, Manna on Main Street in Lansdale and the World Hunger Appeal through the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Many lives of people in our area as well as around the world who are in need of food and shelter will benefit from your generous gifts. Church Council April Highlights Joanne and Barry Moyer will attend Synod Assembly in May Stair-climber was gifted to Silverdale Brethren Church and Grace received a thank-you note and donation. Donation will be deposited into the building fund. Letters have been sent to inactive families. Council approved movement of the organ a few feet in the sanctuary if there are no technical issues or cost Cemetery board gave the Calvary Church Minister a discount on the lot purchased Recent Pastoral Acts: Pastoral Acts: Funerals- Richard Sipes (non-member) died on March 21 and a service was held at the Huff-Lakjer Funeral Home on March 27. Raymond Schiavone (non-member) died April 2 and a service was held at Williams Bergey Koffel Funeral home on April 6. I Page 8 May Calendar May is a transition month when Grace moves from 2 services (8 am and 10:30am) to one service at 9:15 am. See the details for each week below. Calvary Korean Church uses the building from 1 pm until 4 pm each Sunday and on Friday evenings at 8 pm. Sun May 3, 2015 Tue May 5, 2015 Wed May 6, 2015 Fri May 8, 2015 Sat May 9, 2015 Sun May 10, 2015 Mon May 11, 2015 Tue May 12, 2015 Wed May 13, 2015 Thu May 14, 2015 Sun May 17, 2015 Mon May 18, 2015 Tue May 19, 2015 Thu May 21, 2015 Sun May 24, 2015 Mon May 25, 2015 Tue May 26, 2015 Wed May 27, 2015 Thu May 28, 2015 Sun May 31, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter 9:15am Worship 10:15am Congregational Meeting 7pm Stitcher's 10am WELCA Synod Assembly Synod Assembly Sixth Sunday of Easter 8am Worship / Communion 9:15am Sunday Church School 10:30am Worship 7pm Communications Team 7pm Stepping Stones Team 6pm Confirmation Class 7:15pm Worship and Music Team 11am Bible Study 7:30pm Bible Study 7pm Bldg. Team 7pm Mutual Ministry Seventh Sunday of Easter - Newsletter info. due 8am Worship / Communion 9:15am Communion Class 10:30am Worship 5pm Roll and Stroll 6pm Confirmation 7pm Church Council Meeting 7pm Choir Practice Pentecost 9:15am First Communion 9:15am Worship Memorial Day 10am Newsletter Mailing 11am Bible Study 7:30pm Bible Study 7pm Bldg. Team The Holy Trinity 9:15am Worship Aging Parents?; Music Ministry Page 9 Talk to your aging parents before it’s too late Talking to your parents about caregiving, end-of-life decisions and their wishes is important, but many people put it off because they don’t know how to begin the conversation. Reduce the stress by starting the discussion with something nonthreatening, like the location of important information and documents, rather than talking about their contents. Start by taking a financial inventory, which should be updated annually, that includes: Legal documents: property deeds, wills, trusts, living wills, health care and financial directives, and birth, marriage and military discharge certificates. Contact information: attorneys, accountants, financial planners, physicians and anyone else who provides financial, legal or medical advice and care. Current account information: type, number and institution for all financial accounts, including checking, savings, retirement, investment, plus loans and insurance contracts. Get financial guidance to help you prepare for the future. Contact David Kratz at 215362-3801- today, or visit There, you’ll find helpful information and resources, including a checklist to help start “the talk” with your aging parents. For more than 100 years, Thrivent Financial has been helping members be wise with money and live generously. Words from our Music Minister Job 42:5 “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you.” In a poem entitled “Church-Music”, the English poet and priest George Herbert writes “But if I travel in your company, You know the way to heavens door.” We who also travel in the company of church music know that Herbert was right on ! The worship of our remote ancestors gave birth to all the arts, Music, dance, and the visual arts were first of all sacred exercises, the human response to the numinous. And today, music continues to be an integral part of our worship, for it opens us---heart, mind, body, and spirit---to God. My organ Page 10 Words from our Music Minister (continued) teacher, Ed, has long studied the relationship of music with liturgy and had told me that he thinks that it becomes “heaven’s door” in a variety of ways. Music sets words apart, rather like a “consecration of the sonic world.” It strengthens the emotional content of the liturgy. It echoes the order of the cosmos and unifies our worship. And finally, in Ed’s words, it gives us knowledge of God “in whose creative play the singing worshipper can claim a share.” I love the idea of God’s creative play. It makes me think that, even though the derivation of the word “liturgy” suggests that it is “the work of the people”. Perhaps considering it “the play of the people” would be more accurate. The child psychologist Jean Piaget called child’s play “the herald of the arts.” When we were young children, our play was like a door through which we investigated the amazing world into which we had been born. Now that we are adults, the arts are the door through which we glimpse most vividly the world within us and beyond us. And both of those worlds are unseen; they are mystery. We can’t see that part of us we call our heart or soul, but that part of us is definitely there, controlling the way we feel, the way we think, and the way we act. And we can’t see god. We don’t have video of Jesus’ life or recordings of the Sermon on the Mount. No spaceship can reach the Creator’s dwelling; no scientific instrument can measure the power of the Spirit. We need another way to know god, another “door”. I remember a wonderful conversation I once had with a beautiful young woman, a cellist raised in a nonreligious household, who told me “ I can’t understand how anyone who loves music could not feel the presence of something beyond us” ( I once played my flute as 2nd violin in a string quartet) I think that the door that is opened by music is the door to our inmost selves, and that God is always waiting there for the door to open. When we sing, we not only begin to open this door within ourselves, but also enable those who hear us to open it within themselves. What greater blessing, what greater privilege, could God give us in our ministry as choir singers ? Being a member of our choir has the benefit of learning additional religious melodies that can run through the mind; implementing ones repertoire of hymns. Please consider joining our choir; open the ‘door’ for others, and learn these beautiful anthems! Ken Delmar Minister of Music May Serving Schedule Page 11 May 3 10 9:15 Service 17 24 31 9:15 Service 9:15 Service Communion Assist early N/A David Kunkel Joanne Moyer N/A N/A Communion Assist. late Dan Sarm N/A N/A Joyce Salter Frank Stone Lectors early N/A Kitty Heckler Charlie Roney N/A N/A Lectors late Laura Slugg Kerry Stone Josh Cottom Betty Murray Frank Stone Acolyte early N/A David Kunkel Charlie Roney N/A Acolyte late Tara Clegg Lindsay Stone Bob Kaler Fam- John Stangl ily Liana Murphy Ushers early N/A Chris Lockner Peggy & Bruce N/A & Bob Smyrl Schmidt N/A Ushers late Bob Reilly & Kay Stone Harold Schaefer & Jeff Krout Bonnie & John Stangl Chris Lockner & Bob Smyrl Greeters early N/A Don Capanear Don Capanear N/A N/A Greeters late Lisa Veit Dale & Mary Jane Moyer Dale & Mary Jane Moyer Dale & Mary Jane Moyer Lori Pluda Flower Delivery MC Reilly Carol MacDonald Kay & Frank Stone Betty Murray Kathy Stawasz Tami & Dan Sarm N/A Nursery 10:30 Kerry & Frank Laura & Matt Stone Slugg Alter Guild for May early services: Alter Guild for May late services: Council for May: Communion Bread for May: Bob Kaler family Janice Swartz Rich and Emily Woltmann Al Lund & Tom Lewis Kitty Heckler N/A N/A Parish News May 2015 The Reverend David Lutcher [email protected] (h) 215-723-5754 Office Phone: 215-855-4676 Church Office Secretary Patti Kennedy [email protected] Stepping Stones – Glenda Wismer steppingstonesoffice@ Grace Lutheran Church PO Box 57 25 W. Broad St. Hatfield, PA 19440-2905 Address Service Requested May 3 Congregational Meeting on Building May 13 Bible Studies May 18 Hatfield Roll and Stroll May 27 Bible Studies See More Important Information Inside
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