GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 3 The "Mood Walks" Success Story ood Walks is a program initiated by Hike Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association and Conservation Ontario to expose mental health clients to regular, quality hiking experiences. The general idea being that several metrics of mental health for an individual can be uplifted by a routine of regular long walks or hikes, a notion well-supported by clinical studies. As you have read in earlier newsletters, GHTC pioneered this activity for two previous seasons in partnership with The Homewood (Christine Wenzler and Jalna Colquohoun coordinating a number of GHTC's certified hike leaders who led short walks.) M In 2014 Mood Walks expanded on this groundbreaking experience by offering funding, training and project coordination that allowed for The Homewood to mount a slate of 10 longer weekly hikes for its older clients. Homewood made the client contacts, promoted the program, provided accompanying staff, and transported clients to the venues. These included well-known destinations ranging from Rockwood CA, the Starkey Hill and Spencer Gorge (none of the clients had ever been there; few had even been to Starkey Hill.) We even managed a group of 25 through the semi-wilderness of Section 2 of Speed River Trail, successfully navigating its tricky drain-holes, planks and swamps. Clients' reactions to the hikes verged on the ecstatic. GHTC's job was easy. We simply provided "the guide" and sweep, and picked the locations and routes, all under 4.5 km or 90 minutes. Thanks to the many hike leaders and other members who came when asked to help with one or more of the 10 hikes. To help cement the hiking habit with the clients, I presented an interactive, condensed version of the Hike Ontario "Safe Hiker" course one morning at The Homewood. Clients were left with a list of 23 locations within the City with worthwhile hiking that could be accessed by bus (though a number of the clients did drive.) Province-wide, the program was a stunning success. And the GHTC / Homewood program had the highest turnouts of clients, averaging over 2 dozen each week. And Hike Ontario's Mood Walks presentation at the Hike Ontario Summit in Guelph received the highest rating out of all 11 sessions, made especially poignant by the most moving and positive testimonials by a number of the clients and mental health agency staff who came to this presentation. The CMHA is currently seeking funding to sponsor Mood Walks in 2015, and a number of members have said they would love to again be involved. Bill Mungall (Coordinator, 2014 Mood Walks) GH GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 9 HIKING SCHEDULE Mar 2015 through mid July 2015 Over the years the GHTC has enjoyed permission from the generosity of private landowners for footpaths through their property. The friendship, respect and trust of these landowners are the Club’s most important assets. Let us continue to care for and properly use their property while maintaining the objectives of the Club. All hikers should check the GHTC web site for detailed advice and information on Terrain Rating System, Hike Speed, special seasonal instructions and other timely recommendations. • To avoid disappointment due to cancellation, please notify the hike leader if you intend to join a scheduled hike. • Cancelled, changed or rescheduled hikes will be posted on the GHTC web site as TWEETS. You can also “Follow” our TWEETS to have them sent automatically to your smartphone or tablet. The calendar of events, accessed from GHTC home page will also reflect cancellations and changes. The leader may choose to post a rain date here. Be sure to check for updates and impromptu hikes! • Occasionally it proves more convenient for a hike leader to select a meeting place that is not in Guelph. If you cannot arrange a ride to get there, call the hike leader who may know of someone who is willing to take you. In other out-of-town hikes the leader will meet at a local location to carpool. If the distance is considerable, it is customary to offer to help pay for the gasoline. • It is important to stay with the group while hiking, alerting the leader of intentions to ‘drop-out’ at the beginning a necessity and appreciated. NOTE: HIKE Dates and TITLES in BOLD are conducted by the Guelph Hiking Trail Club. Thanks again to GHTC hike leaders for a great hiking schedule that address different interests and hiking levels. And just a reminder that the times listed with hikes are departure times so please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier. We would be disappointed if we left without you. ***************************** NOTE ********************************* GHTC’s dogs on hike policy is that unless hike states “dogs welcome” please call the leader to determine if dogs make be brought on hike. As long as the parking lot at the Guelph Covered bridge off of Gordon St. is occupied by road construction equipment the leader will be waiting on the west side of the covered bridge. ********************************************************************** Sat Feb 28 ELORA TO FERGUS LOOP 8km Hike the Cataract Trail between Elora and Fergus. Meet at the Guelph Canadian Tire Store on W oodlawn Ave for a 1pm departure. Carpool to Fergus and hike the loop. Bring water, snack, appropriate footwear and clothing for snow and ice. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 1. Speed Moderate Thu M ar 05 UP AND DOW N AROUND TOW N TW O RIVERS FULL M OON HIKE 2hr Guided by the light of a full moon, we hike around Guelph's core plus the two rivers Royal Recreational Trails. Park along Cardigan Street or in the Youth Music Centre parking lot opposite London Road for a 7 p.m. start at Goldie Mill Park. Bring water and lights. Leader: Susan Bard 519 836-6570; Peter Jaspers-Fayer 519-835-0829. Level 2. Speed Moderate Sat M ar 07 M OUNT NEM O 8km Meet 10am on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for car pooling to the trail head for a loop hike on the Niagara Escarpment. Bring snacks and water. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell ` Level 3 Speed Moderate Sun M ar 08 GUELPH LAKE CONSERVATION TRAILS 2hr The Trails at Guelph Lake are very beautiful in the winter. Meet at 10am at the Guelph Golden Griddle Parking Lot off W oodlawn Rd. E. to carpool to the Guelph Conservation Park (Conservation Rd.) and we will hike for about 2 hours. Leader: Suzanne Gates 519-265-3962 Level 2. Speed Moderate Sat M ar 14 BREAKFAST AT BONNIE LOU'S CAFE, FLORADALE 7km Meet at Bonnie Lou's Cafe in Floradale for an 8:30am breakfast to enjoy homemade Mennonite food. W e will then do the 7km loop around the W oolwich Reservoir. Bring water and wear appropriate footwear. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 1. Speed Moderate GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 10 Sun M ar 15 ROYAL RECREATION TRAIL 2hr Meet 1pm on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for a loop hike around the Eramosa River from Gordon street to Victoria Road then back. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 2 Speed Moderate Sat M ar 21 CALEDON TRAILW AY 15-20 km 5-6 hr W e will explore the Caledon Trailway, part of the National Trail, an abandoned rail-line between Caledon East and Terra Cotta. This will be an easy hike over 5 or 6 hours. Bring water and a lunch. W e will meet near Georgetown around 9:30am. Call Mike for details of the rendezvous place. Optional drop out after 8km at Ingelwood needs to be arranged in advance with leader. Leader: Mike Curtis 1-905-877-4134 Level 2. Speed Moderate Thur Mar 19 Trek & Tell Rift Valley End to End (almost) Zhers Community Room, Imperial &Paisley, Guelph Gord King 7:00 to 9:00 pm Sun M ar 22 LIM EHOUSE LOOP 2-3hr Meet 1pm on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for a loop hike, come see the Hole in the wall, and heritage lime kilns restored. Bring water and snacks. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 3. Speed Moderate Sat M ar 28 RIVERSIDE PARK - PHOTO HIKE 3-5km, 2hr W e will explore the trail on the east side of the river, north to W oodlawn Rd. Bring a camera that you are comfortable using. Meet at the unpaved parking lot at the north end of the park just off W oodlawn Rd in Guelph, at 1:30 PM. Leader: Bob Fanning 519 822 5181 [email protected] Level 1, casual Sat M ar 28 DIFFERENT KIND OF SOUTH END LOOP 2.5-3hr Meet at the very back of the Bishop MacDonell High School parking lot on Clair Rd at 9am. W e will do a loop hike that includes a variety of trail conditions, from light bush-whacking to groomed gravel trail, and will go through a wide variety of terrain on both sides of the Hanlon Expressway. Contact hike leader for ride or car pool. Leader: [email protected], 519 716-8273 Level 2. Speed Moderate Sun M ar 29 FAM ILY M APLE SYRUP EVENT Join us at Shady Grove Maple Farm – 6640 Fife Road (W oolwich) at 2:00 pm. Learn about making Maple Syrup, take a ride on a horse drawn wagon, enjoy the small petting zoo and feast on pancakes and maple syrup (extra cost for pancakes). There is also a short walking trail. Admission is $ 8.00 for adults and $ 5.00 for children. Children under 3 go free. 25% discount for groups of 25 and over. Carpool at Tim Hortons on Imperial and W ellington at 1:30 pm Leader: Florence W hite – [email protected] - 519-824-6241 Level 1, casual W ed Apr 01 HISTORIC DOW NTOW N RAM BLE AND RANT 2½ hr Led by one of the Arts Council's historic walks guides, we will wander around downtown and hear stories old and new of some of the buildings and persons who have given the downtown its unique cachet. Meet at 1pm in the rear parking lot of Church of Our Lady. Leader: Bill Mungall [email protected]. Level 1. Speed Slow Sat Apr 04 KELSO (M ILTON) 2-3hr Meet in parking lot in the plaza on the NW corner of Clair/Gordon. Car pool will depart for Kelso at 9am... approximately 30 minute drive. W e will walk along the escarpment trail, checking out 1000+ yr old cedars and impressive views. Optional restaurant lunch stop at the Trail Eatery before return drive (contact hike leader in advance if interested so arrangements can be made). Leader: [email protected], 519 716-8273 Level 2. Speed Moderate Thu Apr 09 STARKEY HILL 1½hr Meet at 6:30pm in Starkey Hill parking lot, south side of Arkell Rd., about 1km east of Arkell Village. W e may see a few early wild flowers such as Hepatica. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 2. Speed Casual Sat Apr 11 ELORA GORGE AREA (GVTA TRAIL) 4km, 1hr Spectacular views of the Grand. Meet at parking lot of ball diamond on west side Ct.Rd7 (Elora Rd) and Middlebrook Rd. for a 10am departure. Please call before heading out for any last minute changes or cancellations. Leader: Stan Litch 519-843-5915 Level 2. Speed Moderate Sun Apr 12 SNYDERS FLATS 7km, 2hr Meet at the Guelph W oodlawn Canadian Tire parking lot for a 1pm departure. Car pool to Bloomingdale for an easy hike along part of the Grand Valley trail. Bring water, insect repellent, no dogs. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 1. Speed Moderate Thu Apr 16 ROCKW OOD CONSERVATION 1½ hr Hike the Rockwood Conservation area trails and view some of the 200 glacial potholes found here. W e'll pass by one of the 12 caves and the ruins of a woollen mill as we follow the Eramosa River that will take us to Rockwood's Main Street. Park on Mary or Falls Street in Rockwood for a 6:15pm start. Leader: Gayle 519 856-1012 Level 1. Speed Moderate GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 11 Sat Apr 18 HALTON AGREEM ENT FOREST 3hr W e enter on the 4th Line of Nassagaweya and hike along fire road and parts of Bruce Side Trail. Meet on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street at 1pm to car pool. Bring water and snacks. Trails may be wet. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657, Gayle 519-856-1012 Level 2. Speed Moderate Sun Apr 19 SPEED RIVER TRAIL SECTIONS 2 AND 3 END-TO-END PART 1 10km Here is your first chance to earn the new and attractive GHTC End-to-End badge! Hike leaders are breaking the trail into a greater number of hikes so as to make earning the end-to-end more accessible for those who prefer a led-hike. W e will try to have these shorter hikes cover the length of the Speed and Radial Line Trails over course of the year. Meet on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street in Guelph at 9:30am. Leader: Bill Mungall [email protected] Level 2. Speed Moderate W ed Apr 22 EARTH DAY SPEED RIVER TRAIL SECTION 2 HIKE 2hr This section is perfect to find some spring flora along with beginning vegetation on an evening hike. Bring water. Meet 6p.m. at the east end of the plaza cornering on W ellington Street and Imperial Road to shuttle to start point. Leader: Susan Bard 519 836-6570; Peter Jaspers-Fayer 519-835-0829. Level 2. Speed Moderate Sat Apr 25 TRAILS OPEN - PRESERVATION PARK 45-75min (a.k.a. the Hanlon Creek Conservation Area) celebrating our 5th Annual Doors Open/Trails Open event, we are featuring guided walks through a slice of this huge 450 acre wetland. (GHTC opened the first – ever trails through this area in 1976.) Learn how the area came to be acquired, about the ancient Guelph Esker, and how volunteers were raised to complete the many boardwalks and bridges. Short hikes leave at 10:30, 12:30 and 3:00. Longer hike of 3.5 km at 1:30. Meet in Hanlon Creek Park parking lot on north side of Kortright Road. Leader: Bill Mungall [email protected]. Level 1. Speed Slow Sun Apr 26 RADIAL LINE SECTION 1 - PHOTO HIKE 3-5km, 2hr W e will explore the west end of Section 1, including the Blue side trail. Bring a camera that you are comfortable using. Meet at the Guelph Eramosa river Park at Victoria Rd and the Eramosa River, at 1:30 PM. Leader: Bob Fanning 519 822 5181 [email protected] Level 1. Speed Moderate Sun Apr 26 M IKE'S TRADITIONAL SPRING HIKE 6hr This is a great hike, looping along the Bruce Trail near Scottsdale Farm, north of Georgetown. The meeting place is on Trafalgar Road north of Hwy 7, opposite the Cango gas Station (Silvercreek) at 10:00am, and a three minute drive takes us to the parking lot at Scottsdale Farm. W e will follow the Bruce and a couple of side trails returning to the cars around 4:00ish. W ear appropriate clothing, and footwear (rocks can be slippery), lunch and water are essential. Leader: Mike Curtis 905-877-4134 Level 2. Speed Moderate Thu Apr 30 STARKEY HILL SPRING W ILDFLOW ER W ALK 1½hr Meet at 6:30pm in Starkey Hill parking lot, south side of Arkell Rd., about 1km east of Arkell Village. W e will meander along trail looking for wild flowers such as Trilliums, Hepatica, Spring Beauty and Dutchman's Breeches. Leader: Gayle 519 856-1012, Jim Hoare James.W [email protected] or 519-835-5284 Level 2. Speed Casual Sat M ay 02 HOCKLEY VALLEY 14km, 4-5hr Hike the Bruce Trail in beautiful Hockley Valley. Meet on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for a 9am departure. Carpool to hike start. Lots of hills. Bring water, snacks and lunch. Suitable hiking footwear is necessary. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 3, Speed moderate Sun M ay 03 5th ANNIVERSARY KID'S HIKE AT STARKEY TRAIL 90 min Introduce the young people in your life to the fun of hiking as we celebrate our 5th anniversary of seasonal Kids Hikes with a walk in the woods at Starkey Trail. Prior to the 1:00 pm hike start, meet at the Starkey Trail parking lot on the south side of Arkell Road, about a kilometre east of the hamlet of Arkell. The rain date is May 24. Children must be accompanied by an adult on the Tortoise or Hare hikes. Dress for the weather with sturdy footwear. No pets or strollers please. Refreshments provided after the hike. For details and to register, please call Kathy at 519 836-9147 or [email protected]. Leader: various GHTC certified leaders Tortoise and Hare speeds Thu M ay 07 SM ITHS SIDE TRAIL 4km Meet at 6:30pm at the trail head on W atson Rd. just south of Stone Rd. This is a loop along the Eramosa River past the dam, through woods and meadows. Bring water and snacks, dogs welcome Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 Level 2. Speed Moderate. Sat M ay 09 FORKS OF THE CREDIT 12km A moderate level 12km loop hike at a medium pace on hilly terrain (4 hrs). Meet 9.00 am at Exhibition Park arena parking lot on Exhibition & Division sts. No drop-outs and no dogs please. Hiking boots required. Bring water and lunch. Leader: Susan Atkinson [email protected] Level 2, Speed moderate GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 12 Sat M ay 09 M AGNIFICENT M AGNOLIA BIKE RIDE 2hr "Come Celebrate Spring" at our "Magnificent Magnolia Bike Ride". Dress up & have fun! Prizes for Best Dressed Cyclist, Best Spring Bonnet and Most Outlandish Ensemble. Meet at the Speed River Cycle Shop at 1pm for our bicycle ride organized with Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation and Ned Coates. W e will BIKE through different neighbourhoods to highlight Magnolia trees in our city. W e will stop at the Boat House and finish at Magnolia Cafe for refreshments at your discretion. There will also be lemonade along the way. Bring water and snacks. Leader: Suzanne Gates 519-265-3962 Level 2, Speed moderate Thu M ay 14 ROYAL RECREATION TRAIL 1½hr Meet at 6:30pm in the Guelph Golden Griddle parking lot off W oodlawn Rd. E. W e will hike along the river trail to Victoria Rd and back. Leader: Gayle 519 856-1012 Level 1, Speed Moderate Sat M ay 16 W EISSENBERG RD TO ELORA 10km W e will start on the North shore of the Grand River at W eissenberg Rd. (Townline Rd.) and hike back to Elora, ending up at the ball diamond at Middlebrook Rd. and the Elora Rd.( on GVTA trail on the north side of the river, SW corner of Ct.Rd7 and Middlebrook Rd) Meet at ball diamond for a 10am departure to W eissenberg Rd. Please call before heading out for any last minute changes or cancellations. Leader: Stan Litch 519-843-5915 Level 2. Speed Moderate to Brisk Sun M ay 17 RLT SECT 6 2½-3hr Section 6 is most interesting and attractive along the Radial Line Trail any season, especially with the Kong Hill lookout. Meet 1:30pm on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street to carpool to Nassagaweya 6th Line for a 2pm hike start east to Dublin Line then return. Bring water and snacks. Leader: Jim Hoare James.W [email protected] or 519-835-5284 Level 2. Speed Moderate Thu M ay 21 SPEED RIVER SECTION 1-2hr Meet for a 6pm departure at the parking just outside of Guelph Humane Society. W e will follow SRT sect 1 to Niska Rd. and return on the John W oods Side trail. Dogs welcome Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 1. Speed Moderate Sat M ay 23 CREDIT RIVER (M ISSISSAUGA) 3-4hr Meet in parking lot in the plaza on the NW corner of Clair/Gordon. Car pool will depart for Erindale Park at 9am...approximately 45 minute drive. W e will walk north along the east bank of the Credit River. Bring packed lunch as we likely won't be back to Guelph until early or mid afternoon. Leader: [email protected], 519 716-8273 Level 2 Speed Moderate Sat May 23 GRAND VALLEY TRAIL, DUNNVILLE 19km End–to-End #1 of 18 Grand Valley Trail. Join Charles and Jim for a 275-kilometre trek on the Grand Valley Trail. They will lead a series of weekend hikes commencing at the southern end of the Grand Valley hiking trail near the mouth of the Grand River south of Dunnville and finishing nine weekend hikes later on top of Pinnacle Hill near the Caledon hamlet of Alton. This series of hikes will consist of nine weekend hikes in the Spring and Fall of 2015 and 2016. No drop outs, no dogs. For more info contact leader or go to Leader: Charles W hitlock, (519) 742-7435 or [email protected] Jim Vanderlip, (416) 925-9134 7-10 pm or [email protected] Level 2 Speed Fast Sun M ay 24 AM AZING RACE PHOTO CHALLENGE AT U OF G ARBORETUM 2½hr Meet at U of G Main Arboretum Parking lot at 1:30 PM. Each participant, or team, if numbers warrant, will be given a list of 10 clues to objects to be found in the central area of the Arboretum. First to correctly find all 10 items will be the winner. If no one finds all 10 within 90 minutes then the closest to the total will win. Scoring in this case will include bonus points for the most artistic picture for each object. Those who do not find the designated objects, but can make a convincing case for their found object to be a good fit for the clue will be given credit towards their score. Short distance, 90 minutes for finding objects and 60 minutes for review of pictures and declaration of winner(s). Leader: Bob Fanning 519 822 5181 [email protected] Level 1. Speed Moderate Sun M ay 24 SCOTTSDALE FARM 12+km, 4hr W e will do a loop using the main Bruce Trail and side trails. Meet on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for a 9am departure. Carpool to hike start. Bring water, snacks and lunch. Suitable hiking footwear is necessary. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 2, Speed moderate Sun May 24 GRAND VALLEY TRAIL, CAYUGA 20km End-to-End #2 of 18. Grand Valley Trail. Contact leader for more info or go to Leader: Charles W hitlock, (519) 742-7435 or [email protected] Jim Vanderlip, (416) 925-9134 7-10 pm or [email protected] Level 2 Speed Fast Sat M ay 30 TORONTO BT SPEYSIDE LOOP 10km Here is a lovely area close to home for a loop hike along Bruce main and side trails with variable terrain, rocky sections as well as a great lookout. W ear proper footwear and seasonal protective clothing. Bring water and snacks. Meet 1pm on west side of the Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for carpooling to trail head. Possible pub stop in Acton Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 3 Speed Moderate GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 13 Sun M ay 31 RLT SECTIONS 3&4 4/8km Departure from west side of Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon St. at 1:30pm or meet at trail head First Line Nassagaweya (County Rd 29) at intersection of Arkell Rd for a 2pm start. Hiking west to east through RLT sections 3&4 woodlands, gentle terrain across private lands. First part ends as section 4 comes out on Guelph Line. Carpooling would be required to get those only going one way back to start and/or covered bridge. Recommend parking on 1st Line SOUTH of Arkell Rd. Leader: Jim Hoare James.W [email protected] or 519-835-5284 Level 2. Speed Moderate Tue Jun 02 CANOEING/KAYAKING EVENING Courtesy of Speed River Paddling Inc., club members (only) are once again offered free use of their boats for this popular evening paddle up and back on the peaceful Eramosa River. (Or bring your own boat if you prefer.) All equipment supplied. Meet at the Boathouse on Gordon St. in Guelph at 6pm to go as a group, or come a bit later if you prefer. Return by dusk. Leader: Bill Mungall [email protected] W ed Jun 03 SPURLINE 2hr This is considered to catch spring in city gardens as we hike along some of the Trans Canada and Spurline Trails as well as city streets and park paths. Meet 6p.m. at the Youth music Centre parking lot opposite London Road on Cardigan Street. Bring water. Leader: Susan Bard 519 836-6570; Peter Jaspers-Fayer 519-835-0829. Level 2. Speed Casual Sat Jun 06 IGNATIUS JESUIT CENTRE 2hr Celebrate International Trails day on the Great Auk and Stations of the Cosmos W alk. Meet in the parking lot beside the labyrinth at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Highway 6 North at 1:30 pm. W e'll explore the Marden Creek W etlands and return to higher land to walk through several spiral walks such as the labyrinth and the Stations of the Cosmos and end up at the Peace Pole. Come prepared for the weather. Bring snacks and water Leader: Suzanne 519-265-3962 Level 1 Speed Moderate Sun Jun 07 CHELTENHAM TO INGLEW OOD 8-10km Meet 1pm at the corner of Falls (off of highway 7) and Mary St in Rockwood for car shuttle to Cheltenham. W e will walk the Caledon trail way to Ingelwood where we can get ice cream, baked goods or retro candy from the General Store. Then we will retrace our path back to Cheltenham. Bring water, snack and insect repellent. Leader: Gayle 519-856-1012 Level 1, speed moderate W ed Jun 10 TW O RIVER FESTIVAL HIKE 2hr Meet 6:30pm on the west side of Guelph covered bridge, on Gordon Street for a loop hike around the Eramosa River from Gordon street to Victoria Road then back. Bring water and snacks Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 2 Speed Moderate Sat Jun 13 ELM IRA RESERVOIR AT FLORADALE 8 km, 2hr Flat ,varied topography including Lion's Club Sugar Bush operation around reservoir on Canagagiue River. Old order Mennonite farm country. Meet on Florapine Rd just west of Arthur St N for a 10am departure. Please call before heading out for any last minute changes or cancellations. Leader: Stan Litch 519-843-5915 Level 2. Speed Moderate Sat Jun 13 BRIDGE TO BRIDGE HIKE 24 km W e will meet at 9am on the west side of the Guelph covered bridge, located on Gordon St. to board the bus for departure to the covered bridge at W est Montrose. From there we will hike back to the covered bridge in Guelph a distance of 24 km. Refreshments and snacks will be provided at checkpoints. Pre registration and a participation fee are required ,a badge will be available. See Guelph Hiking trail club web site for online registration or mail in form in near future. More details in upcoming events email or contact leader. Register early limited seats on the bus, no dogs please Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell [email protected] Level 2 Speed Moderate Sun Jun 14 SPEED RIVER TRAIL SECTION 1 AND THE "CONNECTING LINK" THRU THE CITY TO RADIAL LINE TRAILHEAD AT VICTORIA ROAD END-TO-END PART 2 7km Explore not only Section 1 but also some seldom used paths under the Hanlon Parkway along the river, and follow the original Toronto Suburban Railway line through The Cutten Club. Meet at Humane Society parking lot off W ellington Rd. at 9:00 AM Leader: Stan and Jana Stanek [email protected] Level 2 Speed Moderate Fri Jun 19 SUM M ER SOLSTICE PICNIC 1hr W e will gather at Riverside Park in the small picnic shelter (with the green roof) after 4:00 pm. – Potluck supper will be at 6:00pm. – Please bring your favourite dish to share and your own eating and drinking utensils. There will be hike after supper or you may just sit and socialize with other members. Contact Gitta - [email protected] - 519-822-2568 Leader: GHTC certified leader Level 1 Speed causal Sat Jun 20 CRAW FORD LAKE AND RATTLESNAKE POINT 15km, 4hr Loop hike from Crawford Lake to Rattlesnake Point along the Nassagaweya Canyon. Great views and some hills. Meet at the Guelph covered bridge for a 10am departure, carpool to hike start. Bring water, snacks & lunch. Park admission fee applicable. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 3 Speed Moderate Sat Jun 20 GRAND VALLEY TRAIL, YORK End-to End #3 of 18. Grand Valley Trail, York. Contact leader for more info or go to 18km GHTC Newsletter - March, 2015 - Page 14 Leader: Charles W hitlock, (519) 742-7435 or [email protected] Jim Vanderlip, (416) 925-9134 7-10 pm or [email protected] Level 2 Speed Fast Sun Jun 21 GRAND VALLEY TRAIL, ONONDAGA 19km End-to End #4 of 18. Grand Valley Trail, Onondaga. Contact leader for more info or go to Leader: Charles W hitlock, (519) 742-7435 or [email protected] Jim Vanderlip, (416) 925-9134 7-10 pm or [email protected] Level 2 Speed Fast Tue Jun 23 RADIAL LINE SECTION 2 SIDE TRAIL - PHOTO HIKE 2hr In Guelph, meet at the Lens' Mill parking lot (Victoria Rd.) for a 7:00 PM carpool to the trail head. An early evening shoot will give you a chance to try the effects of low angle lighting and shadows. Bring a camera that you are comfortable using. W e will explore the trail, at a slow pace, taking lots of time to find some great photographs, finishing as the sun begins to set. Leader: Bob Fanning 519 822 5181 [email protected] Level 2, Speed moderate Sun Jun 28 ARKELL SIDE TRAIL & RLT SECTION 2 7.5 km (2-3hr) Hike along this popular side trail. W e'll meet 1:30pm at the Starkey Hill parking lot, south side of Arkell Road, east of Arkell. This will be somewhat of a loop hike using part of RLT section 2. Bring water and snacks. Leader: Jim Hoare James.W [email protected] or 519-835-5284 Level 2 Speed Moderate Sat Jul 04 SCOTTSDALE 8-10km Meet at the Guelph covered bridge parking lot on Gordon St. for a 9am departure. W e will do a loop hike using the main trail and side trails of the Bruce Trail. Please bring water, snacks, lunch and wear hiking boots. Possible pub stop after hike. Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 3, Speed Moderate Sun Jul 05 SPEED RIVER TRAIL 16km, 4-5hr Hike the Speed River Trail end to end. Meet at the Guelph covered bridge on Gordon St for a 9am departure. Carpool to hike start. Bring water, snacks and lunch as well as bug spray. Leader: Terry Spittles 519-265-6203 Level 2, Speed moderate Thu Jul 09 GUELPH LAKE 2hr Meet at 6pm at Guelph Lake trail head on Victoria Road. Enjoy the scenic trail along the lake. Bring water and snacks, dogs welcome Leader: Norm 519-831-3657 cell Level 2. Speed Moderate ********************************************************************** For more hikes go to other Clubs website: % % % Maitland Trail Association - Grand Valley Trail Association – Halton Hills Bruce Trail Chapter - on a link at % Halton Outdoor Club - % Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club - % Thames Valley Trail Association - % Dufferin Bruce Trail Club - For 2015 Bruce Trail Organized End-to-End Hikes go to: GHTC celebrated Ontario Hiking Week this past October with a Kids’ Hike checking out the autumn colours and changes on the Guelph Lake trails. Next Kids' Hike May 3 Strakey Hill WHO KNEW? The Home & Gardener said: “Put up a bat house to encourage the presence of these shy animals. Bats consume 3,000 or more mosquitoes and other insects nightly.” Need another reason? Bats are responsible for up to 95% of the seed dispersal essential to the regeneration of forests. International Trails Day International Trails Day on June 6, 2015, is a day dedicated to celebrate trails, their development, uses and the healthy lifestyle they encourage. For many years now North America has traditionally celebrated a trails day on the first Saturday in June. Celebrate International Trails day with GHTC this year as we explore the Marden Creek Wetlands and return to higher land to walk through several spiral walks such as the labyrinth, the Stations of the Cosmos and end up at the Peace Pole. Meet in the parking lot beside the labyrinth at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Highway 6 North at 1:30 pm.
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