HAMILTON PRESBYTERY IS CALLED TO MEET AT MARSHALL MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH 20 Gilbert Avenue , Ancaster, Ontario ON TUESDAY MAY 5, 2015 AT 5: 30 P.M. (SUPPER TIME) 6: 15 P.M. (PRAYER TIME) 6:30 p.m. (Worship and Business) NOTE: The Supper cost is $12.00 To Reserve call (905)648-4631. or e-mail at: [email protected] before noon on FRIDAY MAY 1, 2015 (Please inform the host church of any dietary restrictions or your need for a vegetarian/vegan meal when you phone/email the church with your dinner reservation.) Hamilton Presbytery Hosted by Marshall Memorial United Church 20 Gilbert Avenue, Ancaster, Ont. Tuesday May 5, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT WE are a court of the United Church of Canada expressed and lived out as a community of clergy and lay presbyters, who serve Jesus Christ by overseeing, nurturing, enabling, and building up Christ’s church and the realm of God within our bounds. Proposed Agenda For Worship and Business: 6:30 - Constitution of the Court 6:35 - Worship – (Ann Stafford) 6:45 - Welcome of Guests and new members 6:50 - Consent and Enabling Motions 7:00 - Comprehensive Review – (Judith Johnson and Lorna MacQueen) 9:00 - Break 9:15 – Wesley: ( Andrea Buttars) 9:20 - Education and Students: (Colleen Cavanaugh) 9:30 - Pastoral Relations: (Claudia Adams) 9:40 - Christian Development: (Linda Clark) 9:45 - Adjournment \ APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1890 The Executive of Hamilton Presbytery was called to meet in the Library of Olivet United Church, 40 Empress Street: on Tuesday February 17th 2015 at 7:00 p.m. with Past Chair Robin Wilkie chairing. _____________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Bob Brunner, Ross Hibberd, Diana Stewart, David Dawson, Jean Bethune Linda Clark, Norene Anderson, Claudia Adams, Colleen Cavanaugh, Robin Wilkie, Ralph Hayman, Lorna MacQueen, Jane Wyllie, Bill Wheeler, Peter Hartmans, Jenny Stephens. CONSTITUTION: Robin Wilkie constituted the meeting for business at 4:00 p.m.in the Parlour of Emmanuel United Church, and then turned the Chair over to Bob Brunner. OPENING WORSHIP: Bob Brunner led in an opening prayer. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: It was moved by Bill Wheeler, and seconded by Ralph Hayman: ‘That Peter Hartmans and Jenny Stephens be made Corresponding Members for this meeting’ -CARRIED COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: It was moved by Colleen Cavanaugh, seconded by Ralph Hayman: ‘That we move into Committee of the Whole’ -CARRIED. It was moved by Bill Wheeler, seconded by Norene Anderson: ‘That we move out of Committee of the Whole’. -CARRIED. Robin Wilkie resumed the Chair. The Executive had a discussion concerning ‘conflict of issues’. We decided that our Chair has acted appropriately in turning the chair over to the past chair and abstaining from all votes and observing only during conversations. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1891 NEW BUSINESS: It was moved by Ralph Hayman, seconded by Bob Brunner: ‘That we go into Committee of the Whole’ -CARRIED. It was moved by Jane Wyllie, seconded by Ralph Hayman: ‘That we come out of Committee of the Whole’. -CARRIED. CLOSING: There being no further business the meeting was closed on motion by Bill Wheeler at 5:25 p.m. Robin gave a Benediction prayer. _____________________________ The Rev. Dr. Robin Wilkie, (Chair of Hamilton Presbytery) _______________________________ The Rev. Ross Hibberd (Secretary of Hamilton Presbytery THE NEXT ‘REGULAR MEETING’ OF THE EXECUTIVE OF HAMILTON PRESYBTERY WILL BE HELD AT OLIVET UNITED CHURCH, EMPRESS STREET, HAMILTON, ON TUESDAY APRIL 21st, 2015; WITH ROBIN WILKIE CHAIRING. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1892 The Regular Meeting of Hamilton Presbytery of The United Church of Canada was called to meet on April 7, 2015 at Emmanuel United Church, 871 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton; at 5:30 p.m. with Robin Wilkie chairing. _____________________________________________________________________ ORDER OF MINISTRY: Claudia Adams, Anna Chen, Linda Clark, Lee Claus, Peter Cowley, Andy Crowell, Thom Davies, Lynn Godfrey, Svinda Heinrichs, Ross Hibberd, Charlie Hogg, Michelle Hogman, Pat Lawson-Paul, Lorna MacQueen, Ken MacDonald, Liz Mackenzie, Charlotte Moore, Doug Moore, Christina Paradela, Gary Patterson, Kin Shantz, Ann Stafford, Peg Turner, Brian Vickers, Glen Wells, Bill Wheeler, Robin Wilkie.. –(28) LAY DELEGATES: Tom Allin, Norene Anderson, Helen Beese, Jean Bethune, Bob Brunner, Andrea Butters, Doug Caldwell, Lynne Calnek, Marlene Cameron, Colleen Cavanaugh, Nancy Corman, Lorne Daw, David Dawson, Marion Duff, David Everett, Rob Gilhooly, Wendell Haines, Barbara Harwood, Maureen Hayman, Ralph Hayman, Lois Hunt, Mary Jackson, Janet Kilgannon, Janice Kowalezyk, Murray Luxon, Lyall Marshall, Gord Martin, Peter McQueen, Joan Packham, Myrna Pond, Alan Potts, Jane Ross, Shelagh Simpson, John Taylor, Pat Taylor, Geoff Thompson, Hugh Tope, Linda Waugh .-(39) REGRETS: Glenn Baker, Jacquie Burnie, David Catton, Don Deas, Eleanor Evenden, Don Fairfax, Janet Kilgannon, Tim Kennedy, Janet Kennedy, Bill Mackinnon, Doug Moore, Rawlier Quammie, Gary Quart, Martha Reynolds, Joan Robertson, Shelley Smith, Ted Vance, Laura Williams. –(18) COURTESIES: Robin Wilkie thanked Jean Lethbridge and the ladies and gentlemen from Emmanuel who had organized and served us a delicious ham and scalloped potatoes supper. CONSTITUTION: Robin Wilkie constituted the meeting for Worship and Business at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Hall of Emmanuel United Church. Jeff Chalmers led in worship outlining stories that tell us ‘How we came to be. Liturgical stories are still being written today. The Easter story is one such story that looks as the past, present, and future. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1893 INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS: New Members Brad Kuhn (Ryerson, Ancaster) and Guests Rose Ann Vita and Pam Byers were introduced and made welcome. CONSENT ENABLING MOTIONS: It was moved by Ross Hibberd, seconded by Jean Bethune: 1. That the Proposed Agenda be approved as printed and circulated 2. That the Minutes of February 3, 2015 (Pages 1874 to 1880) be approved; (Note that since the meeting was canceled due to inclement weather, so there are no Minutes for March 3 2015); and the Executive Minutes of March 17, 2015 (pages 1886 to 1889) be received for Information. 3. That the correspondence received from March 18 to April 7, 2015 as listed below and/or circulated be received as dealt with by the Secretary. 4. That the Roll Call be those who signify their attendance by registering their name with the Roll Clerk (Helen Beese) at the Registration Desk. 5. That guests be made Corresponding Members of the Court, which entitles them the privilege to speak, but not to vote. 6. That all motions and reports be written out and given to the Secretary. 7. That all announcements to be included in the Minutes be given to the Secretary. 8. That the use of a Ballot be waived for all Pastoral Relations motions that are to be brought forward in the Docket as per the Manual (2013) Section 035 unless specifically requested, or by motion. 9. That any ‘abstention’ votes to be recorded in the Minutes be submitted to the Secretary in writing. (abstentions will not be called for in the voting process). 10. That Hamilton Presbytery grant the executive ‘Presbytery Powers’ upon the close of this meeting, until the next regular meeting. -CARRIED. COMMUNITY BUILDING: Names of Biblical Characters were taped on Presbyters backs. Through conversations and questions with others, the goal was to find out ‘who am I?’ LAY DELEGATES COVENANTING: Lay representatives from congregations introduced themselves; and then they and the members of the order of Ministry exchanged vows to support each other in their respective ministries. RESOURCE CENTRE: (David Everett) David pointed out that the Resource Centre has gifts for Mothers’ Day, Baptism, and Confirmation; as well as worship resources for Pentecost. The newest issues of ‘Gatherings’ for worship planning are now available. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1894 FIVE OAKS: (Pam Byers, Rose Ann Vita) A video was shown giving the history of Five Oaks, as founded by Rev. Oaten. It was built with volunteer labour from churches and decorated by U.C.W. groups. In 2014 the decision had to be made regarding shortfalls between expenses and income. The buildings were falling into disrepair, and would not fit the present building and safety codes. It was decided in the fall to propose a redevelopment plan. The Board looked into possible partnerships, including the ‘Earthship Biotecture’ group that is headquartered in New Mexico. They promote sustainable ‘green’ buildings. There is an inspiring connection to spirit, self, each other, and nature. This would fit with the United Church creed: ‘To live with respect in creation’ They use student builders with oversight by professionals which would cut the cost. There was time for questions and answers. Presbyters are invited to attend the Annual meeting to be held on Friday April 24th. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW REPORT: (Lorna MacQueen) Lorna presented the Revised Comprehensive Review which will be voted on at this year’s General Council meeting. There are six recommendations some of which are quite different from ‘Fishing From the Other Side’. The report recommends a 3 council governing model. This will mean dissolution of the Presbytery and the Conference. Concern was raised about the membership of the Order of Ministry, and lack of fellowship and support. Can a college of ministers provide this? Time was given for questions and answers. This will be looked at again at the May meeting. WESLEY URBAN MINISTRIES: (Andrea Buttars) Don’t forget the Run, Walk, Ride event on June 7th. There will be a Pacesetters’ meal held on April 14th -The cook at Wesley is retiring after 24 years of service, anyone who know of someone who might be interested, please pass the word along. -The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday May 2nd at Beazley Centre. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PASTORAL RELATIONS: (Claudia Adams) The following motions were moved by Claudia Adams, and seconded by Doug Caldwell: 1. TROY UNITED: ‘That Hamilton Presbytery appoint The Reverend Ted Vance as United Supply, at Troy United Church; from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. This is a part time position, (10 hours per week) Terms: Salary: $ 9,713.93 (Category C) Housing: $ 5,063.42 Books and Study: $ 331.25 Phone $ 205.70 (the remainder is paid by Millgrove United) All other conditions of The Manual -CARRIED. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1895 2. (REV.) ELIZABETH MACKENZIE: a) ‘That Hamilton Presbytery approve the request of The Reverend Liz Mackenzie for a change in Pastoral Relations effective August 31, 2015 for the purpose of accepting a call to serve as Personnel Minister of Saskatchewan Presbytery.’ -CARRIED. b) ‘That Hamilton Presbytery approve the transfer of the membership of The Reverend Liz Mackenzie from Hamilton Presbytery, Hamilton Conference; to Wascana Presbytery, Saskatchewan Conference effective September 1, 2015’. -CARRIED. 3. NEW VISION UNITED CHURCH: It was requested that the motion regarding the appointment at New Vision United be ‘lifted from the docket ‘for discussion. It was moved by Bill Wheeler, seconded by Barb Woodburn: ‘That the appointment at New Vision be tabled until the next meeting’ -CARRIED. 4. OLIVET UNITED CHURCH: That Hamilton Presbytery appoint The Reverend Philip Gardiner at Olivet United Church; from May 15, 2015 to August 30, 2015. This is a weekend supply position. Terms: Salary: $ 300.00 per weekend Housing: $ 0.00 Travel: $ .42/km (re-imbursement for church related off-site parking) Books and Study: $ 0.00 Phone $ 15.00 / month All other conditions of The Manual -CARRIED. 5. St. MARK’S UNITED: ‘That Hamilton Presbytery approve the Provisional Call for Alison Mock to St. Mark’s United Church effective July 1, 2015. This is a part time position (30 hours/week) TERMS: (Using the new Compensation Model. St. Marks is in Cost of Living Group #3) Salary: $ 38,450.00 (includes Cost of Living – C.O.L.A. based on 3 years) Housing: $ included in salary. Books and Study $ 999.00 Phone $ 480.00 All other conditions of The Manual’. -CARRIED. 6. STONEY CREEK UNITED ‘That Hamilton Presbytery approve the Provisional Call for Etienne Lesage to Stoney Creek United Church effective July 1, 2015. This is a full time position (40 hours per week) Terms: Using the new Compensation Model. Stoney Creek is in Cost of Living Group #3 Annual Salary: $ 52,709.00 (Includes Cost of Living – C.O.L.A. based on 0 years of service but 6% above minimum for category A) Housing: $ (included in Salary) Books and Study $ 1,350.00 Phone $ 1,200.00 (basic $480.00 plus $472.00 cell/internet) All other conditions of The Manual’ -CARRIED. APRIL 7, 2015 PAGE 1896 PASTORAL OVERSIGHT: (Bill Wheeler) 1) Some congregations have not yet turned in the necessary 2 copies of their Annual Report; (including the Financial Report and Proposed 2015 Budget). Please bring these to Presbytery next month, and give them to either Bill Wheeler or Helen Beese at the registration Desk. 2) There will be a gathering for members of the order of ministry held at St. John United, on Thursday April 23rd. Please let Bill Wheeler know if you plan to attend. NOMINATIONS: It was moved by Bob Brunner, seconded by Jean Bethune: ‘That Helen Beese and David Hall serve as Scrutineers at Hamilton Conference meeting in May’ -CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: None was brought forward. PRESBYTERY RELATED ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) We need 3 billets for delegates attending the Conference meeting at Redeemer College in May. If you can help, please contact Christina Paradela. 2) There will be a Silent Auction at Conference again this year, to raise money for the Mission and Service Fund. For more information or to donate, contact Norene Anderson. MOTION TO ADJOURN: There being no further business, the meeting closed on motion by Bill Wheeler, at 9:15 p.m. Robin Wilkie pronounced the Benediction. ________________________________ The Rev. Dr. Robin Wilkie (Chair of Hamilton Presbytery) _______________________________ The Rev. Ross Hibberd (Secretary of Hamilton Presbytery) THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF HAMILTON PRESBYTERY WILL BE HOSTED AT MARSHALL MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH, 20 GILBERT AVENUE, ANCASTER; ON TUESDAY MAY 5, 2015; WITH ROBIN WILKIE CHAIRING. APRIL 21, 2015 PAGE 1897 The Executive of Hamilton Presbytery was called to meet in the Parlour of Olivet United Church, 40 Empress Street, on Tuesday April 21st 2015 at 6:00 p.m. with Robin Wilkie Chairing. ______________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Robin Wilkie, Bob Brunner, Ross Hibberd, Diana Stewart, David Dawson, Jean Bethune Linda Clark, , Claudia Adams, Colleen Cavanaugh, Ralph Hayman, Lorna MacQueen, Jane Wyllie. Guests: Thom Davies, Brad Kuhn, Jackie Feeney and Brad Randall. CONSTITUTION: Robin Wilkie constituted the meeting for business at 6:00 p.m.in the Parlour of Olivet United Church. OPENING WORSHIP: (Jean Bethune) Jean read 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27, the unity of the body; and a devotional reading that noted that we are called to work together in the church as the body of Christ, to serve each other. As Presbyters this calls us to serve the churches and congregations in our care. Jean then led in an opening prayer. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: It was moved by Ross Hibberd, seconded by Jean Bethune: ‘That Thom Davies, Brad Kuhn, Jackie Feeney, and Brad Randall be made Corresponding Members for this meeting’. -CARRIED. RYERSON REVIEW REPORT: Bob Brunner took the Chair for a discussion with members of Ryerson Ancaster, who arrived at 6:20 p.m. They shared their opinions and concerns raised by the Recommendations of the Ryerson Review report; both positive and negative. Guests from Ryerson, Ancaster left the meeting, at 7:15 p.m. with thanks from Bob Brunner. The Executive discussed the Recommendations and next Steps. It was moved by Jean Bethune, and seconded by David Dawson: ‘That having seen the Review of Ryerson United Church, Ancaster; and, having heard the responses from members of the Board of Ryerson, the Executive request the Finance committee to visit Ryerson United, Ancaster; to do a review of their financial records’ -CARRIED (Robin Wilkie abstained) APRIL 21, 2015 PAGE 1898 It was moved by Jane Wyllie, and seconded by Jean Bethune: ‘That having seen the review of Ryerson United Church, Ancaster; and having heard the responses from members of the Board of Ryerson, the Executive ask the Pastoral Relations Committee to work with Ryerson United, Ancaster to establish an Interim Minister (intentionally) that is within the financial means of Ryerson Ancaster’-CARRIED. -It was agreed that recommendation #8 be dropped from the list. Robin Wilkie resumed the Chair. MINUTES: a) It was moved by Ross Hibberd, seconded by Bob Brunner : ‘That the Executive Minutes of March 17, 2015 (Pages 1886 to 1889) and April 7, 2015 (Page 1891) be approved’ -CARRIED b) It was moved by Ross Hibberd, seconded by Claudia Adams: ‘That the draft minutes of April 7, 2015 (Pages 1892 – 1896) be received for information’. -CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES: -None was brought forward. CORRESPONDENCE: It was moved by Ross Hibberd, seconded by Colleen Cavanaugh : 'That the Correspondence received from April 8 to April 21, 2015 (see page 1901) be received as dealt with by the Secretary' -CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: None was brought forward. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. PERSISTENT FRIEND: (Lorna MacQueen) Judith Johnson will facilitate a presentation on the Comprehensive Review report and Lorna will provide a summary. We will gather Input and opinions for General Council consideration, and there will be time for questions and answers. 2. PROPERTY: (Ralph Hayman) The ‘Edge’ has met with the New Vision congregation at the former St. Giles site. It resulted in enthusiasm for the future; as well as several other congregations. It is hoped that time will be available on a fall agenda of Presbytery for a presentation. APRIL 21, 2015 PAGE 1899 3. EDUCATION AND STUDENTS: (Colleen Cavanaugh) Our Ordinands are going through final procedures and interviews, making arrangements for their ordination at the Annual Conference meeting next month. 4. CHRISTIAN DEVELOPMENT: (Linda Clark) -20 Counsellors have been, as well as 6 coordinator’s. 3 of the 5 government grants that have been applied for have been successful.. All available weeks have been filled. Any applicants from this point will double up in their hosting. 5. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND WORLD OUTREACH: (Diana Stewart) The Committee has recently had presentations from guests Liz Mackenzie and Lee Claus, and they will be looking at priorities for the future. 6. PASTORAL OVERSIGHT: (Jane Wyllie) The will be a meeting with members of the Order of Ministry. It will include social time, discussion and raising concerns and stresses of ministry. The Committee has recently visited with New Vision and Melrose United Churches. 7. FINANCE: (David Dawson) The Conference Executive will discuss the possibility of increasing the Annual Conference fees at their meeting next week. -Olivet United has applied for a loan to augment the cost of Interim Ministry. 8. NOMINATIONS: (Bob Brunner) It was moved by Bob Brunner and seconded by Claudia Adams:’ That we form a Task Group to meet with the Staff of the Resource Centre to begin the process of finding a new Director for the Resource Centre’. -CARRIED. -We are still looking for a Chair-Elect, and Education and Students is looking for a Cochair of the Transition Team. INCOMING CHAIR: (Jean Bethune) -No report. NEW BUSINESS: It was moved by Bob Brunner, seconded by Diana Stewart: ‘That we move into Committee of the Whole’ -CARRIED It was moved by Bob Brunner, seconded by Ralph Hayman: ‘That we come out of Committee of the Whole’ -CARRIED. APRIL 21, 2015 PAGE 1900 CLOSING: There being no further business the meeting was closed on motion by at 9:15 p.m. on motion by Colleen Cavanaugh, Robin gave the Benediction. _____________________________ The Rev. Dr. Robin Wilkie, (Chair of Hamilton Presbytery) _______________________________ The Rev. Ross Hibberd (Secretary of Hamilton Presbytery THE NEXT ‘REGULAR MEETING’ OF THE EXECUTIVE OF HAMILTON PRESYBTERY WILL BE HELD AT OLIVET UNITED CHURCH, EMPRESS STREET, HAMILTON, ON TUESDAY MAY 19, 2015; WITH ROBIN WILKIE CHAIRING. PAGE 1901 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM MARCH 18 TO APRIL 7, 2015: 1. R. Brunner – Ryerson Review Report. 2. L. Mackenzie – Request Change of Pastoral Relations and Transfer. 3. B. Randall – Ryerson Response to Review Report. 4. M. Aikman – Olivet Centennial Youth Service. 5. S. Duliban – List of Retirees for Hamilton Conference. 6. J. Brodati – Notice of Congregational Meeting at Emmanuel. 7. S. Jackson – List of delinquents re: G.C. Annual Statistics Forms. 8. L. DiVeto – New Horizons Grants for Seniors Ministry Available. -(Executive) -(P.R.) -(Executive) -(File) -(File) -(File) -(File) -(File) CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED APRIL 8TH TO APRIL 21ST, 2015: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Hampson – April Ham-Pak. -(File) J. Rympa – Invitation to Annual General Meeting. -(File) L. Gohn – Minutes of Bruce Presbytery and Executive. -(File) M. Shelter – Ecumenical Stewardship Centre Newsletter. -(File) General Council – God’s Mission and Our Gifts. Stewardship letter. -(File) J. Rympa – Five Oaks April Newsletter. -(File) C. Husky – Thanks/appreciation for welcome and Presentation of Five Oaks Project. -(File)
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