TrexTrim ™ Why use TrexTrim ? ™ R e l e a s e F il m . Only F r o m T r e x ® . •O ne-of-a-kind film protects the product during shipping t h e lat e s t p r o d u ct o ff e r ing f r o m t h e inn o v at o r in h ig h - p e r f o r m anc e w o o d alt e r nati v e s . •O nce installation is complete, remove the film and the job is done • Painting is optional due to the protection that the release film provides TrexTrim Designs ™ C r e at e s u p e r i o r c u s t o m h o m e s . Sta r t w it h t h e p e r f e ct fini s h ing t o u c h . trextrim smooth A smooth, semi-matte finish on both sides of this trim provides added flexibility. The square edges are ideal for a variety of trim applications, including window and door surrounds, fascia, and soffits. May be heated for curved and radial installations. Available in board, corner board and sheet dimensions. trextrim woodgrain T r e x ® – A N a m e Y o u C an T r u s t T REX T R I M O F F ERS One of the most trusted names in the decking industry is now one of the most trusted names in the building industry. Introducing •Remarkable reliability made with a revolutionary Free Foam cellular PVC process TrexTrim – trim worthy of a name synonymous with innovation, • Unique release film that protects from plant to installation reliability, and long-lasting beauty. • Uniform cell structure • Outstanding workability – cuts, routs, fastens and paints easily F L EX I B I L I T Y & E A S Y OR D ER I N G • Superior resistance to rot and insects • Long-lasting beauty and durability our products. That’s why orders can be customized and combined • Available in both a smooth or woodgrain finish with other Trex products. Because keeping things simple helps you •Breadth of products available in boards, sheets, corner boards and bead boards • Easy maintenance • 25-year limited warranty 1-800- BUY- TREX trextrim corner board Ideally suited to housing exteriors, these pre-formed corner boards are easy to install and feature a seam that never opens, providing long-lasting beauty. Available in smooth and woodgrain finishes. • Superior resistance to fading, yellowing and splitting At Trex, we strive to make working with us as easy as working with keep projects moving forward. Completely reversible and very versatile, this trim offers a smooth texture on one side and a more rustic look on the other. Use either side for a variety of applications, including window and door surrounds, fascia, soffits and other trim applications. Available in board and corner board dimensions. trextrim bead board More than a trend, this product is the new sensation for porch ceilings, soffits, wainscoting and hot tub surrounds. Available in v-groove and reversible edge/center bead designs, it will add polish to your next project. Why use TrexTrim ? ™ R e l e a s e F il m . Only F r o m T r e x ® . •O ne-of-a-kind film protects the product during shipping t h e lat e s t p r o d u ct o ff e r ing f r o m t h e inn o v at o r in h ig h - p e r f o r m anc e w o o d alt e r nati v e s . •O nce installation is complete, remove the film and the job is done • Painting is optional due to the protection that the release film provides TrexTrim Designs ™ C r e at e s u p e r i o r c u s t o m h o m e s . Sta r t w it h t h e p e r f e ct fini s h ing t o u c h . trextrim smooth A smooth, semi-matte finish on both sides of this trim provides added flexibility. The square edges are ideal for a variety of trim applications, including window and door surrounds, fascia, and soffits. May be heated for curved and radial installations. Available in board, corner board and sheet dimensions. trextrim woodgrain T r e x ® – A N a m e Y o u C an T r u s t T REX T R I M O F F ERS One of the most trusted names in the decking industry is now one of the most trusted names in the building industry. Introducing •Remarkable reliability made with a revolutionary Free Foam cellular PVC process TrexTrim – trim worthy of a name synonymous with innovation, • Unique release film that protects from plant to installation reliability, and long-lasting beauty. • Uniform cell structure • Outstanding workability – cuts, routs, fastens and paints easily F L EX I B I L I T Y & E A S Y OR D ER I N G • Superior resistance to rot and insects • Long-lasting beauty and durability our products. That’s why orders can be customized and combined • Available in both a smooth or woodgrain finish with other Trex products. Because keeping things simple helps you •Breadth of products available in boards, sheets, corner boards and bead boards • Easy maintenance • 25-year limited warranty 1-800- BUY- TREX trextrim corner board Ideally suited to housing exteriors, these pre-formed corner boards are easy to install and feature a seam that never opens, providing long-lasting beauty. Available in smooth and woodgrain finishes. • Superior resistance to fading, yellowing and splitting At Trex, we strive to make working with us as easy as working with keep projects moving forward. Completely reversible and very versatile, this trim offers a smooth texture on one side and a more rustic look on the other. Use either side for a variety of applications, including window and door surrounds, fascia, soffits and other trim applications. Available in board and corner board dimensions. trextrim bead board More than a trend, this product is the new sensation for porch ceilings, soffits, wainscoting and hot tub surrounds. Available in v-groove and reversible edge/center bead designs, it will add polish to your next project. Installation TrexTrim vs. wood ™ B e A u T Y w I T h o u T T h e w o r k – w h AT A r e m A r k A B L e T h I N G . ® Ultra-lowmaintenance * Impervious to rot and insects * Direct contact with masonry * Resistanttosplitting * Selfextinguishing * Number of paint coats needed for good coverage one e x pA N s I o N A N D C o N T r A C T I o N •StoreTrexTrim™ fl at on a clean, dry and level surface. TrexTrim may conform to an uneven surface, especially in hot conditions. •Storeindoorsorcoveredtoensurecleanproductandeasyremoval ofreleasefilm. •HandleTrexTrimwiththecareappropriateforanyotherfinefinish construction product to avoid damage. •Iffilmisdiffi culttopullup,applyapieceoftapetoacorner. Thiscreatesatabtopullupthefilm. •TrexTrimwillexpandandcontractwithchangesintemperature. •FasteningTrexTrimatrecommendedintervals(2fastenersateach framing member) will reduce the effects of expansion and contraction. •Bondingrunningjointsandcornerswillreducetheopportunity for joint separation. •L eaveagapofatleast¹⁄ 8 ˝ per 18´ length at the end of long runs to allow for expansion and contraction. •A llowproducttoacclimatetooutsidetemperatureprior to installation. CuT TING, DrILLING AND rouTING •StandardwoodworkingtoolsworkwelltocutTrexTrim. Usecarbide-tippedtoolsdesignedforwoodcutting. •Avoidusingfine-toothmetalcuttingblades. •Roughedgesarecausedbyheatbuildupduetodull, dirty tools or poor support at the cut. •W hendrilling,removebitperiodicallyandremoveshavings to reduce heat buildup. s pA N N I N G wooD •TrexTrimmustnotbeusedinaload-bearingapplication. •Spannedapplicationssuchassoffi tsandceilingsarenotload bearing. TrexTrim may be used for these applications with appropriate spanning: WaRm WeatheR instaLLation (outdooR temp. above 40°f) * Nopre-drillingrequiredto avoid splitting near edges when nailing sTo r AG e A N D h A N D LIN G A D v A N TA G e s o F T r e x T r I m over wooD •Noknots,nosplinters,andnosearching tofindbetterpieces •Itcanbesawed,routed,anddrilled– nospecialtoolsrequired two •Itcanbeglued,screwed,andnailed–handorpowernailing •TrexTrimcanbepainted–acryliclatexisnormallyused •FoamPVC-specificpaintproductsareavailable TrexTrIm proDuCT ½˝ Bead Board JoIsT spAN 12˝ Install perpendicular to joists 16˝–24˝ Ceiling and soffit installations 1and⁄Nominal (0.75˝and1˝actual) NoTes (From CeNTer To CeNTer) coLd WeatheR instaLLation (outdooR temp. beLoW 40°f) All Products 12˝ Do not install any TrexTrim product with spans>12˝incold weather (below40ºF) FA s T e N I N G •TrexTrimshouldbefastenedtoasolid,stableandflatsurface. Do not install on hollow or uneven areas. •Forbestresults,usegoodqualityexterior-gradefastenersdesigned for wood trim and siding. Fasteners must be long enough to penetrate wood substrate at least 1 ½˝. If wood substrate is ACQ lumber, fasteners must be double-dipped galvanized or stainless steel. •Donotusestaples,smallbrads,wirenails,finethreadwoodscrews or ring shank nails. •StandardnailgunsworkwellwithTrexTrim.Setairpressure to drive nail even with surface, but not below. The typical pressure range will be 70 – 100psi. •Pre-drillingisnottypicallynecessary.Pre-drillingmayberequired with installations using large fasteners or in cold temperatures (below40F). •Use2fastenersperframingmemberontrimboards. For12˝orwider,useadditionalfasteners. •Eachboardmustbefastenedwithin2˝oftheend. •3 ⁄ 8 ˝ and ½˝ sheets must be glued and mechanically fastened to a solid substrate. These products are not intended to be ripped for use in trim applications. BoNDING /GLuING •Forbestresults,onlybondclean,smooth,drysurfacesthatare in full contact with each other. •A lljoints,suchasinlongrunsoffasciaorcornersofwindow trim, should be glued to reduce joint separation. •UseaPVCcementorbondandfillproductdesignedforPVC. Adhesives with a longer set time are preferred for best bond strength. •Fastenoneithersideofjointtoholdinplacewhilecuring. •Scarfjointsarerecommendedwhenbondinglongruns. •TobondTrexTrimtoanothermaterial,consultadhesives manufacturer to determine correct product for application. Note: Do not install TrexTrim profi les using a span above 24˝. 1-800- BUY- TREX Installation TrexTrim vs. wood ™ B e A u T Y w I T h o u T T h e w o r k – w h AT A r e m A r k A B L e T h I N G . ® Ultra-lowmaintenance * Impervious to rot and insects * Direct contact with masonry * Resistanttosplitting * Selfextinguishing * Number of paint coats needed for good coverage one e x pA N s I o N A N D C o N T r A C T I o N •StoreTrexTrim™ fl at on a clean, dry and level surface. TrexTrim may conform to an uneven surface, especially in hot conditions. •Storeindoorsorcoveredtoensurecleanproductandeasyremoval ofreleasefilm. •HandleTrexTrimwiththecareappropriateforanyotherfinefinish construction product to avoid damage. •Iffilmisdiffi culttopullup,applyapieceoftapetoacorner. Thiscreatesatabtopullupthefilm. •TrexTrimwillexpandandcontractwithchangesintemperature. •FasteningTrexTrimatrecommendedintervals(2fastenersateach framing member) will reduce the effects of expansion and contraction. •Bondingrunningjointsandcornerswillreducetheopportunity for joint separation. •L eaveagapofatleast¹⁄ 8 ˝ per 18´ length at the end of long runs to allow for expansion and contraction. •A llowproducttoacclimatetooutsidetemperatureprior to installation. CuT TING, DrILLING AND rouTING •StandardwoodworkingtoolsworkwelltocutTrexTrim. Usecarbide-tippedtoolsdesignedforwoodcutting. •Avoidusingfine-toothmetalcuttingblades. •Roughedgesarecausedbyheatbuildupduetodull, dirty tools or poor support at the cut. •W hendrilling,removebitperiodicallyandremoveshavings to reduce heat buildup. s pA N N I N G wooD •TrexTrimmustnotbeusedinaload-bearingapplication. •Spannedapplicationssuchassoffi tsandceilingsarenotload bearing. TrexTrim may be used for these applications with appropriate spanning: WaRm WeatheR instaLLation (outdooR temp. above 40°f) * Nopre-drillingrequiredto avoid splitting near edges when nailing sTo r AG e A N D h A N D LIN G A D v A N TA G e s o F T r e x T r I m over wooD •Noknots,nosplinters,andnosearching tofindbetterpieces •Itcanbesawed,routed,anddrilled– nospecialtoolsrequired two •Itcanbeglued,screwed,andnailed–handorpowernailing •TrexTrimcanbepainted–acryliclatexisnormallyused •FoamPVC-specificpaintproductsareavailable TrexTrIm proDuCT ½˝ Bead Board JoIsT spAN 12˝ Install perpendicular to joists 16˝–24˝ Ceiling and soffit installations 1and⁄Nominal (0.75˝and1˝actual) NoTes (From CeNTer To CeNTer) coLd WeatheR instaLLation (outdooR temp. beLoW 40°f) All Products 12˝ Do not install any TrexTrim product with spans>12˝incold weather (below40ºF) FA s T e N I N G •TrexTrimshouldbefastenedtoasolid,stableandflatsurface. Do not install on hollow or uneven areas. •Forbestresults,usegoodqualityexterior-gradefastenersdesigned for wood trim and siding. Fasteners must be long enough to penetrate wood substrate at least 1 ½˝. If wood substrate is ACQ lumber, fasteners must be double-dipped galvanized or stainless steel. •Donotusestaples,smallbrads,wirenails,finethreadwoodscrews or ring shank nails. •StandardnailgunsworkwellwithTrexTrim.Setairpressure to drive nail even with surface, but not below. The typical pressure range will be 70 – 100psi. •Pre-drillingisnottypicallynecessary.Pre-drillingmayberequired with installations using large fasteners or in cold temperatures (below40F). •Use2fastenersperframingmemberontrimboards. For12˝orwider,useadditionalfasteners. •Eachboardmustbefastenedwithin2˝oftheend. •3 ⁄ 8 ˝ and ½˝ sheets must be glued and mechanically fastened to a solid substrate. These products are not intended to be ripped for use in trim applications. BoNDING /GLuING •Forbestresults,onlybondclean,smooth,drysurfacesthatare in full contact with each other. •A lljoints,suchasinlongrunsoffasciaorcornersofwindow trim, should be glued to reduce joint separation. •UseaPVCcementorbondandfillproductdesignedforPVC. Adhesives with a longer set time are preferred for best bond strength. •Fastenoneithersideofjointtoholdinplacewhilecuring. •Scarfjointsarerecommendedwhenbondinglongruns. •TobondTrexTrimtoanothermaterial,consultadhesives manufacturer to determine correct product for application. Note: Do not install TrexTrim profi les using a span above 24˝. 1-800- BUY- TREX Installation Trim Sizes m an u fact u r e r s product website working time cure time Bond & Fill, Inc 877-822-4615 Bond & Fill, Inc Fastcure™ 5–8 24 Bond & Fill, Inc 877-822-4615 Bond & Fill, Inc Slowcure™ 45 – 60 24 Gorilla PVC Cement LLC 888-367-4583 Gorilla PVC™ 5 24 ITW Devcon 800-933-8266 TrimBonder™ 10 – 15 16 (minutes) (hours) actual thickness manufacturer nominal thickness Recommended adhesive manufacturers: sku# width x length (actual, not nominal) color surface finish qty/ skid weight/ skid (lbs) pallet weight (lbs) trimboard Painting C l e aning • TrexTrim™ does not require painting for protection. • To achieve a custom color, acrylic latex paint with a light reflectance value (LRV) above 55 works well. • Paint applied to clean, dry TrexTrim will adhere well with good durability. • Curing of paint on TrexTrim may take up to 60 days depending on humidity and temperature conditions. • Clean TrexTrim with a mild detergent and water. • Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) wiped onto edges will minimize pore size and help to clean the edges. WT580418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 260 2597 lbs. 300 WT580618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 160 2514 lbs. 300 5 ³⁄4 ˝ ⁄ 8 ˝ WT580818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 120 2478 lbs. 300 WT581018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 100 2638 lbs. 300 WT581218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 80 2568 lbs. 300 WT010418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 221 2796 lbs. 300 1˝ ³⁄4 ˝ WT010618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 136 2707 lbs. 300 WT010818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 102 2668 lbs. 300 WT011018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 85 2840 lbs. 300 WT011218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 68 2765 lbs. 300 WW010418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 221 2834 lbs. 300 WW010618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 136 2707 lbs. 300 1˝ ³⁄4 ˝ WW010818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 102 2688 lbs. 300 WW011018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 85 2840 lbs. 300 WW011218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 68 2765 lbs. 300 WT0Q0418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 156 2597 lbs. 300 WT0Q0518B 4.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 120 2559 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT0Q0618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 96 2514 lbs. 300 WT0Q0818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 72 2478 lbs. 300 WT0Q1018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 60 2638 lbs. 300 WT0Q1218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 48 2568 lbs. 300 WW0Q0418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 156 2597 lbs. 300 WW0Q0518B 4.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 120 2559 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WW0Q0618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 96 2514 lbs. 300 WW0Q0818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 72 2478 lbs. 300 WW0Q1018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 60 2638 lbs. 300 WW0Q1218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 48 2568 lbs. 300 WT0Q0420B 3.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 156 2885 lbs. 300 WT0Q0520B 4.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 120 2843 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT0Q0620B 5.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 96 2793 lbs. 300 WT0Q0820B 7.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 72 2753 lbs. 300 WT0Q1020B 9.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 60 2931 lbs. 300 WT0Q1220B 11.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 48 2853 lbs. 300 sheets 3 ⁄ 8 ˝ Sherwin-Williams Pittsburgh Paints 1-800- BUY- TREX product Duration Exterior Coating or SuperPaint® Exterior Coating with VinylSafe™ Color Technology Manor Hall® Timeless, Manor Hall® Exterior lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 5 ⁄ 8 ˝ ½˝ WTH0618BB 5.50 in x 18ft White Smooth 192 2724 lbs. 300 corner board WT14410CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 10´ White Smooth 78 1400 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT16610CB 5.5˝ X 5.5˝ x 10´ White Smooth 48 1200 lbs. 300 WT14420CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 20´ White Smooth 78 2800 lbs. 300 WT16620CB 5.5˝X 5.5˝ x 20´ White Smooth 48 2400 lbs. 300 WW14410CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 10´ White Woodgrain 78 1400 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WW16610CB 5.5˝ X 5.5˝ x 10´ White Woodgrain 48 1200 lbs. 300 WW14420CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 20´ White Woodgrain 78 2800 lbs. 300 WW16620CB 5.5˝X 5.5˝ x 20´ White Woodgrain 48 2400 lbs. 300 lbs. bead Use 100% acrylic finish in a color no darker than original material color lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. website lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. WT030408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 50 2030 lbs. 300 WT030410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 50 2538 lbs. 300 ½˝ WTH0408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 40 2111 lbs. 300 WTH0410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 40 2639 lbs. 300 5 ⁄ 8 ˝ WT580408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 35 2132 lbs. 300 WT580410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 35 2665 lbs. 300 3 ⁄4 ˝ WT010408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 30 2314 lbs. 300 WT010410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 30 2893 lbs. 300 1˝ WT0Q0408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 20 2030 lbs. 300 WT0Q0410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 20 2538 lbs. 300 board recommended paint manufacturers: manufacturer lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Notes: Min Weight-44,000 pounds • Lead-time = 3 weeks lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. actual thickness nominal thickness Trim Sizes sku# width x length (actual, not nominal) color surface finish qty/ skid weight/ skid (lbs) pallet weight (lbs) trimboard WT580418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 260 2597 lbs. 300 WT580618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 160 2514 lbs. 300 5 ³⁄4 ˝ ⁄ 8 ˝ WT580818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 120 2478 lbs. 300 WT581018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 100 2638 lbs. 300 WT581218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 80 2568 lbs. 300 WT010418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 221 2796 lbs. 300 1˝ ³⁄4 ˝ WT010618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 136 2707 lbs. 300 WT010818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 102 2668 lbs. 300 WT011018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 85 2840 lbs. 300 WT011218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 68 2765 lbs. 300 WW010418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 221 2834 lbs. 300 WW010618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 136 2707 lbs. 300 1˝ ³⁄4 ˝ WW010818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 102 2688 lbs. 300 WW011018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 85 2840 lbs. 300 WW011218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Wood Grain 68 2765 lbs. 300 WT0Q0418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 156 2597 lbs. 300 WT0Q0518B 4.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 120 2559 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT0Q0618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 96 2514 lbs. 300 WT0Q0818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 72 2478 lbs. 300 WT0Q1018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 60 2638 lbs. 300 WT0Q1218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Smooth 48 2568 lbs. 300 WW0Q0418B 3.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 156 2597 lbs. 300 WW0Q0518B 4.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 120 2559 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WW0Q0618B 5.50 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 96 2514 lbs. 300 WW0Q0818B 7.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 72 2478 lbs. 300 WW0Q1018B 9.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 60 2638 lbs. 300 WW0Q1218B 11.25 in. x 18 ft. White Woodgrain 48 2568 lbs. 300 WT0Q0420B 3.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 156 2885 lbs. 300 WT0Q0520B 4.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 120 2843 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT0Q0620B 5.50 in X 20ft White Smooth 96 2793 lbs. 300 WT0Q0820B 7.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 72 2753 lbs. 300 WT0Q1020B 9.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 60 2931 lbs. 300 WT0Q1220B 11.25 in X 20ft White Smooth 48 2853 lbs. 300 sheets 3 ⁄ 8 ˝ bead WT380408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 50 2030 lbs. 300 WT380410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 50 2538 lbs. 300 ½˝ WTH0408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 40 2111 lbs. 300 WTH0410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 40 2639 lbs. 300 5 ⁄ 8 ˝ WT580408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 35 2132 lbs. 300 WT580410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 35 2665 lbs. 300 3 ⁄4 ˝ WT340408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 30 2314 lbs. 300 WT340410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 30 2893 lbs. 300 1˝ WT010408S 4´ x 8´ White Smooth 20 2030 lbs. 300 WT010410S 4´ x 10´ White Smooth 20 2538 lbs. 300 board 5 ⁄ 8 ˝ ½˝ WTH0618BB 5.50 in x 18ft White Smooth 192 2724 lbs. 300 corner board WT14410CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 10´ White Smooth 78 1400 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WT16610CB 5.5˝ X 5.5˝ x 10´ White Smooth 48 1200 lbs. 300 WT14420CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 20´ White Smooth 78 2800 lbs. 300 WT16620CB 5.5˝X 5.5˝ x 20´ White Smooth 48 2400 lbs. 300 WW14410CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 10´ White Woodgrain 78 1400 lbs. 300 5 ⁄4 ˝ 1˝ WW16610CB 5.5˝ X 5.5˝ x 10´ White Woodgrain 48 1200 lbs. 300 WW14420CB 3.5˝ X 3.5˝ x 20´ White Woodgrain 78 2800 lbs. 300 WW16620CB 5.5˝X 5.5˝ x 20´ White Woodgrain 48 2400 lbs. 300 Notes: Min Weight-44,000 pounds • Lead-time = 3 weeks • Special Order lists are available upon request lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. F o r m o r e inf o r m ati o n , v i s it t r e x . c o m o r call 1 - 8 0 0 - B U Y - T REX , e x t . 1 1 1 1 ©2008 Trex Company, Inc. All rights reserved. TREX®, the TREX® logo, TrexTrim™ and the TrexTrim™ logo are either federally registered trademarks, trademarks or trade dress of Trex Company, Inc., Winchester, Virginia. Product is subject to regional availability. Contact your local Trex sales representative for availability in your area.
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