Volume 40 Issue 3 Message from the President Spring 2015 Aloha from Hilo! hbea.org HAWAI`I BUSINESS EDU CATION ASSOCIATION R osa Say states that knowledge is food for mind, heart, and soul. I have to agree. When I learn something new that is relevant and valuable, I feel energized and motivated to share that knowledge with those around me. I am sure that people around you can feel your energetic and positive spirit when you share your knowledge with them. In the spirit of ‘Ike loa, I look forward to seeking knowledge and wisdom at our HBEA Spring Conference on Saturday, April 25. I am looking forward to hearing the esteemed Ms. Sherry Menor-McNamara, originally from Hilo, talk about trends in business in Hawai`i. Our tech savvy Mr. Warren Kawano will be sharing more with us about using social media in and out of the classroom. The details and registration form are in this newsletter, so please register for the HBEA spring conference and share this information with your colleagues. The 2015 WBEA conference, Highlighting Education and Technology (HEAT), will be held on May 22-24 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kick off your summer with some knowledge to inspire you and help you bring innovation to your daily practices. I will be there and I hope that you have already registered for the conference too. There are some great computer and breakout sessions planned. We would love to have as many HBEA members there to help market the 2016 WBEA conference to be held at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa! [Continued on page 2] Newsletter Contents Message from the President, 1, 2 HBEA Hosts WBEA Conference in 2016, 2 HBEA Spring Conference Info., 3 Election Results for 2015-16 Executive Board, 4 Conference Schedule, 4 HBEA Awards, 5-7 HBEA State Conference Highlights, 7-8 HBEA Vacancies, 9 2014-2015 HBEA Executive Board, 9-10 HBEA Membership List, 11 Outstanding Student Awards Nomination, 12 Keyboarding Contest, 13-14 “Friend of WBEA” Contribution Form, 18 WBEA Conference in Phoenix, 16-17 Newsletter Information, 18 WE’RE ON THE WEB! http://www.hbea.org HBEA Spring Conference: Saturday, April 25, 2015 Leeward Community College Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 2 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org President’s Message [Continued from page 1] In closing, I look forward to seeing you in April at our spring conference. Knowing others well enhances our relationships and broadens our prospects. Organizations need to embrace this philosophy because the learning of new things allows us to let go of things that may not be working for us anymore. Working together and helping each other brings joy, creativity, efficiency, and productivity to our daily lives. I feel so lucky to work with this wonderful group who live the spirit of ‘Ike loa. In Rosa Say’s words, “Grab your opportunity to learn and to know well all you wish to know.” Anne Chung HBEA President ‘Ike loa: To know well. To seek knowledge and wisdom. ‘Ike loa is the value of learning. Seek knowledge, for new knowledge is the food for mind, heart, and soul. Learning inspires us, and with ‘Ike loa we constantly give birth to new creative possibilities. ‘Ike loa promotes learning in the ‘Ohana; we must incorporate the seeking of knowledge and wisdom into our business plan and into our daily practice. ‘Ike loa is to know well, and knowing others well enhances our relationships and broadens our prospects. ‘Ike loa: pursue wisdom. Learn and know well. What are the things you would like to learn more about? What have you learned about recently? How has this new knowledge helped you? How can we stay connected with those we work with? From Managing with Aloha: Bringing Hawai`i’s Universal Values to the Art of Business by Rosa Say. HBEA Hosts WBEA Conference in 2016! E very ten years, HBEA hosts the annual Western Business Education Association (WBEA) conference. Please mark your calendars and plan to join fellow HBEA colleagues in welcoming business educators to the WBEA/HBEA 2016 Conference. It will be held at the Marriott Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa from February 12-15, 2016. Please help make this conference another memorable one for our local and mainland colleagues. Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 3 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org 2015 HBEA Spring Conference Spring is here and it’s time to rejuvenate ourselves! Saturday, April 25, 2015 Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782 Education Building – Second and Third Floors (Leeward CC Map & Directions: http://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/campus-map) Come learn why Pacific Business News recognized Ms. Sherry Menor-McNamara was one of the “Top 10 to Watch” in 2014. Ms. Menor-McNamara is the youngest and first female appointed as President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Hawai`i. Prior to joining the Chamber, Ms. Menor-McNamara was the events manager for ESPN Sports’ Sheraton Hawai`i Bowl. She has lived in several major cities, including Tokyo, New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and London, working for a wide variety of companies such as Sony Corporation, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Estee Lauder Company, Field Group, Elton John Production, and “60 Minutes” news magazine show, as well as for the Hawai`i State Legislature, U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka and the Executive Office of the United States President. Ref: http://www.cochawaii.org/ The Technology Session will be presented by Mr. Warren Kawano, Instructor and Business Technology Program Coordinator at Leeward Community College. Warren will present Social Media Do's and Don'ts for Faculty, Students, and Professionals. Warren has eleven years of teaching experience at the secondary and postsecondary levels. He has presented at the 2013, 2014, and 2015 NBEA Conventions. Warren holds a BA in Business & Marketing Ed. from UH Mānoa and an MBA with a concentration in Finance from HPU. At the 2015 HBEA State Conference, Warren received the HBEA Career and Technology Student Organization (CTSO) Advisor of the Year Award, and he was recently named an ACTE Fellow. Warren is a member of the HBEA Executive Board and co-chair of the WBEA/HBEA 2016 Conference at the Waikiki Beach Marriott & Spa from February 12-15, 2016. http://wahine.hawaiibusiness.com/speakers/sherry-menor-mcnamara2/#more-444) Schedule: 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast, & Visit with Vendors (Education Building Third Floor) Welcome and Keynote Speaker (Education Building Second Floor) Ms. Sherry Menor-McNamara, President and CEO, Chamber of Commerce Hawai‘i Visit with Vendors (Third Floor) Technology Session: Social Media Do's and Don'ts for Faculty, Students, and Professionals Mr. Warren Kawano, Instructor, Leeward Community College Lunch (Education Building, Third Floor) Awards, Installation, and HBEA Business Meeting HBEA Executive Board Meeting Registration Form (One form per registrant) Name______________________________________________ School/Affiliation _________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail address ___________________________________ Check one: Meal Option: o Regular o Vegetarian o Vegan o HBEA Member/Corp/Retired .................. $40 o Non-Member ............................................. $60 o Student Member ....................................... $15 o Student Non-member ................................ $20 Annual Membership (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) o HBEA Regular ............................................ $20 o HBEA Corporate ........................................ $25 o HBEA Retired ................................................ $5 o HBEA Student (full-time) ........................... $5 For online payment, visit the following link: hbea.org Note: Photos will be taken dur ing the confer ence and may be used by HBEA publications, website, and social media. Make check payable to HBEA and mail to: Anne Chung, Hawai`i CC, Business Ed. & Technology, 200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720-4091 DEADLINE: Registration must be received by Friday, April 17, 2015 Questions? Contact Anne Chung at [email protected] (808.934.2547) or Kay Ono at [email protected] (808.455.0345) Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 4 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org Election Results for 2015-2016 Executive Board H BEA held its annual election at the State Conference in January 2015. The election results were reported to the HBEA Executive Board at its January 31, 2015, meeting by Kay Ono, HBEA Past President and Nominations Committee Chair. The Executive Board verified and approved the election results. Congratulations to the HBEA 2015-2016 incoming officers that will be installed at the HBEA Spring Conference on April 25, 2015, at Leeward Community College. President - Cheryl Fujii, Kaua`i Community College President-elect - Mark Langenbacher, Remington College Vice President - Warren Kawano, Leeward Community College Treasurer - Evelyn Wong, Leeward Community College Secretary - Doug Choy, Leeward Community College Past President - Anne Chung, Hawai`i Community College Conference Schedule NBEA Convention March 31 to April 4, 2015 Chicago, Illinois Spring Conference Saturday, April 25, 2015 Leeward Community College WBEA Conference May 22 to May 25, 2015 Scottsdale, Arizona WBEA Conference (Hawai`i) February 12-15, 2016 Honolulu, Hawai`i Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 5 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org HBEA Awards T hree HBEA awards were given at the 2015 HBEA State Conference. advised the Phi Beta Lambda/Enactus Business Club at Leeward since starting full time in Fall 2010. One nominator states: Warren Kawano— Outstanding Career and Technical Student Organization Advisor Warren Kawano is a Business Technology Instructor at the University of Hawai‘i, Leeward Community College in Pearl City, Hawai‘i. He has eleven years of teaching experience at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Warren has presented on the integration of social media in the classroom at the 2013 NBEA convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Warren holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business and Marketing Education from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from Hawai‘i Pacific University. Warren taught for six years at Waipahu High School as a business teacher and this is his fifth year at Leeward CC. At Waipahu High, he was the director of the Academy of Finance. He In addition to service projects that benefit the community, Warren also inspired students to improve the livelihood of the student body. This inspiration resulted with club members holding annual Spring Fairs and Holiday Fairs. The Fair’s mission is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit by providing a venue for student entrepreneurs and local small businesses to market their products. It also gives students who chair and co-chair the event experience with coordinating and conducting a large event. As a past chair of the Spring Fair, I can attest to the incredible experience and networking opportunities it afforded. Each semester, I am greeted by familiar faces that are returning vendors and I kept up to date with the current marketable products because of the opportunity of chairing the event provided me. Warren is an outstanding CTSO advisor who has helped grow the club from 6 to over 30 members. Anne Chung—HBEA Outstanding Business Educator of the Year Anne Chung is an assistant professor in Business Technology at Hawai‘i Community College. A certified teacher with 20 years [Continued on Page 6] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 6 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org [Continued from Page 5] of teaching experience, she graduated from UHH with a BA in Japanese Studies, a minor in Business Administration, and a teaching certificate. She began her teaching career as a high school teacher in 1993 and worked for the DOE for 16 years. While teaching full time at the high school level, she earned her master’s degree in Occupational Studies from California State University at Long Beach. Dimpna Figuracion—Distinguished Service Award Representative for C.B. Mosby Medical Nursing Publishing, So. California, 1989-1992. Technology Representative for Thompson Publishing (Cengage), State of Hawai‘i (DOE & Higher Ed), 1992-1995. Technology Representative for McGraw-Hill Education, State of Hawai‘i (Higher Ed) since 1995. She has been teaching at Hawai‘i Community College since 2009. She is a Gen VII Wo Learning Champion and a Gen VIII Community Colleges Leadership Champion, and recently she was the recipient of the Frances Davis Award for One nominator writes: Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Learning Technology Representative Dimpna Figuracion, a dedicated, higher Anne is an active Hawai‘i Business Education education McGraw-Hill professional, has Association (HBEA) member and is currently the been supportive of business education HBEA president. She has served as HBEA and the Hawai`i Business Education President-elect, Vice President, Awards Committee Association for 21 years. Our nominee Chair, and State Conference Chair. She serves on has consistently demonstrated her the Western Business Education Association support of business education. Her (WBEA) Executive Board, and this year Anne will speedy response time to textbook and serve on the WBEA Nominating Committee. software queries, her concern for students' increasing textbook costs by She aims to challenge and inspire students to providing pricing structures, her achieve their objectives by celebrating their initiatives regarding professional successes while encouraging them to improve. Her development opportunities for faculty, teaching style encourages application of course and her ability to communicate and content to real-world contexts to make the Business follow up effectively are phenomenal. Technology (BTEC) program relevant and attractive When asked to sponsor activities for to students and valuable to employers. HBEA meetings and conferences, Dimpna always agrees. She has been a She is a lifelong Big Island resident, and enjoys strong supporter of HBEA for 21 years. eating, traveling, and spending time with her family. Her two children attempt to monopolize her time, Dimpna has continually supported but she still manages to exercise, read, and celebrate HBEA’s conferences by being an life with friends. exhibitor, contributing door prizes, funding conference speakers, and [Continued on Page 7] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 7 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org [Continued from Page 5] providing special assistance with the WBEA conference when held jointly with our HBEA State Conference. I have known Dimpna for almost 15 years while teaching business education classes at Leeward Community College and UH West Oahu. During this time she has been the ultimate professional in providing excellent customer service as McGraw Hill’s higher education sales representative for Hawai`i. She continues to be a wonderful source of knowledge and is able to match our needs with her company’s products while balancing an affordable cost to our students. Even when we decide not to use her products she is a gracious person who we always look forward in meeting. On behalf of all of the business educators you have helped throughout the years—thank you so much, Dimpna, for all your help and support of business education. (Dimpna was not able to attend the State Conference; therefore, her award will be presented at the HBEA Spring Conference on April 25.) Bobby Yamane HBEA Awards Chair HBEA State 2015 Conference Highlights T he Hawai‘i Business Education Association’s Annual State Conference was held on January 31, 2015, at Remington College. The conference began at 9:00 a.m with HBEA President Anne Chung presiding. The first session, entitled Easy Collaboration with Google Documents, was conducted by Rachael Inake, Assistant Professor and Educational Communications and Technology Developer at Leeward Community College. In this session, Rachael reviewed the highlights of using the cloud-based Google Docs as a sharing and collaboration tool that provides easy access to create, edit, and share documents which can be edited by others. Rachael facilitated hands-on activities in which participants worked together in small groups to practice using the many features of Google Documents. Session 2, The Power of Social Media, was held from 11:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. The workshop was presented by Melissa Chang, a freelance writer and independent marketing consultant. She specializes in integrating the new social media with traditional media. Both Sessions were well received by HBEA members. Lunch was served at 12:15 p.m. followed by announcements, awards, and the Executive Board Meeting. Mark Landenbacher Conference Chair [Continued on next page] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 8 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org HBEA State 2015 Conference Highlights Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 9 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org HBEA Vacancies HBEA is seeking volunteers to chair the following committees. If you are interested or want more information, please contact HBEA President Anne Chung at [email protected]. Legislative Newsletter Ways and Means Grants and Scholarships Service Projects HBEA EXECUTIVE BOARD 2014-2015 July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Executive Committee (Five Voting Members, Article II, Sections 1-7; three = quorum) President Anne Chung Hawai‘i Community College, 200 West Kawili Street, Hilo, HI 96720-4091 808.934.2547, [email protected] President-elect Cheryl Fujii Kaua‘i Community College, 3-1901 Kaumuali‘i Highway, Līhu‘e, HI 96766 808.245.8244, [email protected]. Vice President Mark Langenbacher Remington College, 1111 Bishop St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 808.791.9201, [email protected] Treasurer Evelyn Wong Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0422, [email protected] Secretary Douglas Choy Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0614, [email protected] Past President Kay Ono Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0345, [email protected] [Continued on next page] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 10 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org [Continued from previous page] Standing Committees and Appointments (Article IV, Sections 1, 3, 4, and 5) Aloha and Hospitality Thomas Kam, Chair Hawai`i Pacific University, 1132 Bishop St., Suite 510B-1, Honolulu, HI 96813 808.544.9348, [email protected] Awards Robert Yamane, Chair Hawai‘i Community College, 200 West Kawili Street, Hilo, HI 96720-4091 808.934.2553, [email protected] Constitution Roy Kamida, Chair Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0294, [email protected] Education Kay Ono, Chair Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0345, [email protected] Peggy Regentine, Cochair c/o Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0344, [email protected] Kay Ono, Co-chair Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0345, [email protected] Information Technology Rhonda Barut, Chair P.O. Box 880562, Pukalani, HI 96788 808.870.6784, [email protected] Legislative VACANT Membership Rhonda Barut, Chair Newsletter VACANT Nominations Kay Ono, Chair Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0345, [email protected] Public Relations Jean Hara, Chair c/o Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala ‘Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0344, [email protected] Spring Conference VACANT State Conference Mark Langenbacher, Chair Ways and Means VACANT Fall Conference P.O. Box 880562, Pukalani, HI 96788 808.870.6784, [email protected] Remington College, 1111 Bishop St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 808.791.9201, [email protected] Ad Hoc or Special Committees and Appointments (Article IV, Sections 2) Grants & Scholarships VACANT Service Projects VACANT Student Contests Warren Kawano, Chair Leeward Community College, 96-045 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782-3393 808.455.0224, [email protected] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 11 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org HBEA MEMBERSHIP LIST July 2014 – June 2015 Membership Year Updated 3/15/15 Last Name Anderson Aydlette Barut Beach Chang Chong Choy Chung Figuracion Fujii Greenwood Hanson Hara Harrold Kam Kamida Kawaauhau Kawano Kodani Kunitzer Kurch Kusunoki Kwock Langenbacher Lee Low May Nagaue Ono Pascual Regentine Schemmel Scott Sunio Tabuchi Troeger Wong Yamane First Name Della Jessica Rhonda Kay Andrey Salvacion Douglas Anne Dimpna Cheryl Brendan Deacon Jean Paul Thomas Roy Donala Warren Laureen Melissa Kaipo Eric Frances Mark Tina Sanford Stanley Ellen Kay Cyrilla Peggy Evelyn John Dorothy Candace Emi Evelyn Robert Affiliation Membership Type Leeward Community College Kamehameha High School Kalama Intermediate School Leeward Community College Hawai`i Community College Remington College Leeward Community College Hawai`i Community College McGraw-Hill Education Kaua`i Community College Optus Windward Community College Leeward Community College (Lifetime) Cengage Learning Hawai`i Pacific University Leeward Community College (Lifetime) Hawai`i Community College Leeward Community College UH Maui College UH Maui College Remington College Punahou School Leeward Community College Remington College Leeward Community College UH Maui College Leeward Community College Windward Community College Leeward Community College UH Maui College (Retired) Leeward Community College Heald College (Lifetime) Remington College Leeward Community College Kaua`i Community College Windward Community College Leeward Community College Hawai`i Community College Regular Regular Regular Retired Regular Regular Regular Regular Corporate Regular Corporate Regular Retired Corporate Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Retired Retired Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular If your information is incorrect or if you are missing from the list, contact: Rhonda Barut, Membership Chair, at [email protected] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 12 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 13 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org 2014-2015 Annual Keyboarding Contest Sponsored by the Hawai‘i Business Education Association (HBEA) Recognize Awards First place, $50 Second place, $25 Overall winner, $25 your top Students! Contest Two students from each level (intermediate/middle, high school, and college) will be given an award Winner will be determined by the highest net words a minute (NWAM) Student with the highest NWAM will be the overall winner and receive an additional $25 monetary award Contest Procedures Five-minute timed writing must be completed using a keyboarding software that automatically imprints the speed and errors Five (5) maximum errors will be allowed for software programs with no backspacing available; two (2) point deduction per error No errors allowed on timed writings with backspacing available Submit original timed writing printout with application Send entries to: Warren Kawano Business Division, BE-219 Leeward Community College 96-045 Ala Ike Pearl City, HI 96782 Contact Warren Kawano for questions or if you need a keyboarding site for testing ([email protected] or 455-0224) Contest Eligibility State of Hawai‘i intermediate/middle, high school, or college student Contestant must be sponsored by a current HBEA member Important Dates Timed writing and application must be postmarked by Friday, April 3, 2015. Award presentation at the annual HBEA Spring Conference. The site, date, and time will be announced later. Warren Kawano Keyboarding Contest Chair Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 14 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org 2014-2015 Annual Keyboarding Contest Application Form Sponsored by the Hawai‘i Business Education Association (HBEA) STUDENT INFORMATION Student: School: Address: City/ZIP: Principal: Grade: Business class: Level: Intermediate/Middle High School Postsecondary SPONSORING* TEACHER INFORMATION Teacher: E-mail: Phone: 5-MINUTE TIMED WRITING Keyboarding Software: Backspacing: Allowed (0 errors allowed) Not Allowed (5 errors max. * 2 points per error) 5-Minute Timing Gross words a minute Number of errors * 2 - Net words a minute Submit original timed writing printout with application. Entries must be postmarked by Friday, April 3, 2015. Send entries to: Warren Kawano Business Division, BE-219 Leeward Community College 96-045 Ala Ike Pearl City, HI 96782 Award presentation at the annual HBEA Spring Conference. The site, date, and time will be announced later. HBEA SPONSORING* TEACHER – VERIFICATION I verify that I am a current* member of HBEA as of April 3, 2015. Signature: Date: Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 15 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR ALL PRESIDENTS-ELECT, MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORS, and THOSE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT LEADERSHIP POSITIONS The Professional Development Leadership Training encompasses the Presidents-elect workshop, Membership Directors workshop, and leadership training. We encourage all Presidents-elect, Membership Directors, and those interested in leadership training to sign up for this workshop. The workshop will be held on Friday morning, May 22, 2015, 7:30 am – 11:30 am. Some of the topics the workshop will cover are: Structure of Professional Organization Leadership Communications Meeting Management Other Leadership Responsibilities Participants will receive valuable information that will be needed throughout the year. Those wishing to participate, please complete the application and submit it to Eileen Wascisin, PDI Director, at the address listed at the bottom of the application. Other information is as follows: DATE: WHERE: HOTEL INFO: CONFERENCE INFO: May 20-25, 2015 Scottsdale, Arizona Scottsdale Plaza Resort 7200 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85253 Phone: 480-948-5000 Hotel Rooms $109 w/free wifi plus 13.2% tax per day Room Block—WBEA 2015 www.wbea.info WBEA is extremely happy to provide this opportunity for you. Your involvement with your professional association is a great investment for your future. If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Wascisin, PDI Director, [email protected]; Kay Ono, WBEA President-elect, [email protected]; Linda Snider, WBEA Membership Director, [email protected] Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 16 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 17 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org If you are not already an NBEA/WBEA member, please visit the WBEA website (http://www.wbea.info/new/friends/friendsofwbea.html) or complete and submit the form below. Benefits include receiving the WBEA Newsletter and member prices at the upcoming WBEA conference in Scottsdale, Arizona (see page 13-15 of this newsletter or visit http://www.wbea.info/new/conferences/conferences.html). Hawai`i Business Education Association, Page 18 Volume 40, Issue 3 www.hbea.org Promoting Business Education in the State of Hawai`i Information from the Webmaster and Newsletter Editor W e invite you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates on business education, technology and HBEA opportunities for professional development! Facebook: www.fb.com/hbea.org Twitter: www.twitter.com/hbea_org Rhonda Cua Barut Information Technology Chair [email protected] hbea.org hbea.org is the newsletter of HBEA, the Hawai`i Business Education Association, an affiliate of the Western Business Education Association (WBEA) and of the National Business Education Association (NBEA). We welcome your news articles throughout the year! Cheryl Fujii Interim Newsletter Editor [email protected]
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