_J NAUMBURG Sunday Morning Bible Talk. Funeral of Attorney W. A. Porter Each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Funeral service* for Attorney WilReturns Home From Extended Visit Next Meeting of the Home Bureau, Judge Rutherford gives a wonderful bur A. Porter, prominent lawyer and , in Gertuany—Brincs |Back Many Thursday, September JW—Grange to talk explaining the Bible truth qver a member of the Jefferson County Bar Mementoes—The Builder'* Cbus.tVUl Give Harvest Supper, September 37— net work of 14 stations, including Association, were largely attended at A. KARL AltTHUR. WOV, WOKO. The purpose Grace Episcopal church, Carthage, on Serve Supper, Wednesday, SeptemHome Service ftt the M. J5. WBBR, Editor and Owner. ber SO—Quite a Number on the Sick Old to acquaint us with our creator, Friday afternoon, the Rev. H. P. LeF. Church—Enjoyable Gathering of the is God, and learn of His king- Orabar, rector, officiating. Following Official Paper of Town and County. list—Notes. Tlsse Family—Notes and Personal*. Jehovah dom, for which we pray when we the services at the church, a large (Issued Weekly.) utter our Lord's prayer. Tune in at of friend* of the deceased went (Mrs. L. H. Weir, Correspondent.) (Mrs. Grace Weaver, Correspondent) 10 o'clock each Sunday morning. If crowd to Fairview cemetery, where Masonic Journal EsatabHahed 1838. Mrs. Herbert Hall and Mrs. E. C. BarLucian Wilder, of Chaumorvt, was in you have no radio, visit your neighbor services were conducted at the grave Republican Established 1880. ker spent Wednesday in Watertown. town, Monday: and hear and marvel at God's povi- by Dr. H. -E. Phelpe. The Lewis Terms of Subscription :—S2.U0 per Mre. Elizabeth Mellnitz is spending Mrs. Charles Meeker, who has been sions for ths human family through County bar was represented by Judge some time with her son, Howard visiting relatives at Redwood, return- His kingdom soon to come to earth. Milton Carter, Perry G. Williams and year if paid in advance. ed home Saturday. The Journal and Republican has a Mellnitz. Mrs. Bertha Sammis. Mrs. F. E. LaPorte, of Plainfield, N. circulation of 4,000 copies, being a Misa .Catherine Martin Is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Zehr, at J,, called on Mrs. John U. Tlsse, and larger circulation than any other other friends In town Monday. ^^____^_----^__^^^--^^^^^^^^^-w--^-^^^-^-^-^^-^--»----»-------^----^^^^__^^_^» paper in Lewis county, or in this Beaver Falls. section, consequently being by f*r the Charles Sauer visited his sister, Mrs. Herman Schneider, who under- Republican Judicial District Committee Mr*. Fred Bingle and family at Rivermost desirable medium for advertiswent an operation, at Crouse Irving of the Fifth Judicial District of the bank recently. ing. Our rates are reasonable. Hospital, In Syracuse, recently Is ImState of New York. Mrs. John Kaccher and granddaughForeign Advertising Representative, ter, Natlle Herzfg, are visiting friends proving. Mr. and Mrs. Klumburg, and daughAMERICAN PRESS ASSbCIAHON. in RockviHe, Canada. ters. Frances and Anna, of Newark, N. To the Republican Voters of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of New Mrs. Florence Norton returned home J., were guests of Mrs. Clara Martin York. after spending some time with her son last week. HARRISBURG Erford Norton, in Syracuse. A Judicial District Convention of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Shultz are rejoicDeForest Norton, of Syracuse spent ing over the arrival of a daughter, born delegates and alternate delegates rep(Mrs. W. A. Vary, Correspondent.) the -week-end with his sister, Mrs. September 14th, which has been named resenting the voters of the Republican Florence. Party of the Fifth Judicial District of The weather Is very catchy for David Schantzaand family. the farmers who wish to thresh in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stiler visited At the Grange meeting, Friday even- the State of New York will be held their daughter, Mrs. Edward Mathys the field. ing, September 13th, plans were made pursuant to law, at the County Court School is progressing finely in the and family at Beaver Falls, Saturday. j to have a .harvest supper, which will House, in the City of Syracuse, Onon' Mrs. J. J. Nuepliger attended the new school building Miss Alice ' be held September 27. daga County, N. Y., on Wednesday, state convention of the American LeKenealy, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, son, September 25th, 1929, at 1 o'clock p. gion Auxiliary at Utica the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moody and Earl and daughter, Helen, of Lyons m., U. S. Standard Time, for the folMrs. Elizabeth Mellnltz of New Falls, Mr. George Alley, of Crogfoan, lowing purposes: son were Sunday guests of Mrs. Bremen is spending some time with J^orthrup, mother of Mrs. Moody. and Ml&s Pearl Ager, spent 'Sunday 1.—To nominate a candidate for the Miss Margaret Perger was taken to her son, Howard Mellnltz and family. . with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weaver and Office of Justice of the Supreme the Watertown city hospital last Fri- Mr. and Mrs. William Huni and fam- family. Cburt, of the State of New York, to day. Her father accompanied her. ily of HarrLsville, visited their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Windover, son succeed Hon. Gay H. Brown. % Mr. and Mrs, Charles Twitched and Mrs. John Karcher and family a day Glenn, and daughters, Crystle and 2.—To transact such other business Miss Ethel Brown were Sunday recently . of Lowviile, and Mr. and Mrs. as may properly come before the conguests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hum- David Schant*. who had the misfor- Bernice, Clyde Windover, of Castor land, spent vention. ADD A GREAT DEAL TO bert at Tylerville. tune to run a nail 1n his hand last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Delegates and alternate delegates to YOUR CHARM AND Mr. and- Mrs. John Allen and Mrs.week we are glad to report is much Windover. this Convention shall be elected at the APPEARANCE Anna Allen attended a variety shower improved. primary election September 17, 1929, The Home Bureau met with Mri. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Charles and George Sauer had the Fred Buckingham, Thursday, Septem- as provided by law. Bollivar, of North Lowvllle, in honor misfortune to have a horse break its 12. Eight ladles were present, and Each Assembly District In the Fifth If you would achieve •martof Miss Marguerite Bos hart, who isleg In the pasture. The horse had to abergood time reported. The next meet- Judicial District will be entitled to ness and chic at reasonable soon to become the bride of Donald be kiled. Ing will be held Thursday, September representation in accordance with the prices, we can help you solve Henry. Mrs. Howard Mellnitz is at the House at the home of Mrs. Roy Brown, rules, established by the Republican your Fail Dress problem*—AlMr. and Mrs. John Allen and Mrs. of the Good Samaritan, Watertown, 26, Croghan. State Committee and by the Republit-is newest styles and colors in Ann Allen visited at the home of Mr. receiving treatment. Her friends nope Mrs. Clara Martin entertained at can Judicial District Committee of said the correct new materials are and Mrs. Ephraim Allen at Carthage for a speedy recovery. her home on Tuesday in honor of her Fifth Judicial District on the 81st day here in all sizes up to 62H. Sunday, who had just returned from Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruhm, and guests from New Jersey, Mrs. Chris of August, 1929. Dresses that sell elsewhere a motor trip. They visited at New Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barnheimer, of Yousey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Archer, for $10 and up, we are able to York, Brooklyn, Troy, and several Wolcott, Assembly Representation spent Sunday and Monday and son, Mr. and Mrs. James Farney offer for a limited time at places in Vermont. County District Delegates Mr. and Mrs. Herbert HaJl. and sons. Mrs.» Harmon Lewis, who several with Herklmer , _ . 1 3 The Builder's Class will serve a Old Home Service was observed weeks ago, while in Carthage tripped i 17 dining room on Sunday at the M. E. Church, and a Jefferson and fell on a cement walk, bruising Lewis .: 6 : good attendance was present. Several Oneida, 1st. Ladies' novelty shoes in all her leg and breaking a bone in her 11 until a M are served. Invitation Is exof the former pastors were present. Oneida, 2nd. - „ , . foot, is some better at this writing. shades and leathers to complete 18 tended to everyone. It has caused her much suffering and The singing by the Rome Male Quarthe fall costume 3rd. _„ u she has been obliged to use crutches Howard Mellnitz and children visit- tette was very much enjoyed. We are Oneida 16 ed Mrs. Mellnitz at the City Hospital hoping to have many Old Home Ser- Onondaga 1st. at times. Onondaga 2nd. ._ 19 WE OFFEE AT LOW PRICES THE FOLLOW-TO Prof, and Mrs. Frank Eggleton, Sunday, where she is receiving vices. Onondaga 3rd. L. 20 son and daughter, left for their home treatment. Her friends hope for a Camp Pharoux, the pleasant sum- Oswego USED FORDft 18 in Ann Arbor, Mich., after spending speedy recovery. mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. a very pleasant vacation with their Mrs. John M. Schwendy Who hae Tiase, was the scene of a happy gath- .Alternate delegates equal Jn number parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Vary, in been ill for the past two weeks does ering, Sunday, September 15th, when to the delegates from each district are Lowviile. and Mr. and Mts. G. N. Vary not gain as faat as her friends could forty of the deacendents of the late to be elected in each Assembly District. P. C. J. DeAngells, Chairman and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. wish for. Mrs. Martha Ossont, of New John J. and Marion Tlsse, met for 47-2t-« Lewis here. Bremen, is caring for her. 222 Court St., Watertown, N. Y. their first reunion. Speeches, singing George H. Bunce, Secretary. Ezra Lehman lost a valuable bull Fred Stockburger, who returned fishing, boating, and games were encalf one day last week by one of the home from Germany last week visited joyed by all. At 1:00 p. m. a bountiful Colonial busses hitting it. The calf | the old homestead of Mrs. John M. dinner was served, after which the ran directly in front of the bug. The!Schwendy and Robert Geiser and also guests left for their various homes, bust ran into the ditch. There were brought a twig of a tree that Mrs. having spent * d&V lon K to be rememseveral passengers on at the time, (Sshwendy's brother Robert planted bered. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark inwho received only the fright and a when a small boy. Carl Henssler, their vited the clan to meet next year at slight shaking up. But little damage brother-in-law also carved them each their home, in Oswegatchle. Members was done to the bus. a beautiful piece of wood and. sent it were present from Ogdensburg, LowThe twenty-fifth wedding anniver- to them which was much appreciated. viile, Oswegatchle, Watertown and eary of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon L. New Bremen. Lewis was celebrated at their home BEAVER FALLS Saturday night where sixty-three inAnnual Meeting. vited relatives and friends gathered to pay their respect to Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs. G. M. BardOj Correspondent) The annual meeting of the stockLewis on their siver wedding day. The Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steiner holders of the Crown Brand" Milk bride was attired in her wedding: at their home Sunday, September 1, Company will be held at the residence gown of white satin, trimmed With of W. D. Blinn, Denmark, N. Y., Octosen, named Maynard Ernest. lace and pearl beads. The style of a Mr. ber 1, 1929, at 8 o'clock p. m. At this and Mrs. G. M. Bardo left on the dress was much different than Thursday for New York, where they meeting nine directors and two inthat of today. Just the tip of the spectors of election will be elected visit their son Wilbur, and other according slippers peeping out beneath the long) will to the conditions set forth relatives. gown with train. The house was very} in the by-laws, and such other business transacted as may properly come ing the past five weeks with her aunt, before' the meeting. Grey Enamel Bungalow Comclematis and cut flowers. The brides- Mrs. Ralph Kresge, at Syracuse has bination Ranges _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $11( maid and groomsman, Mr. and Mrs. returned. Each share of stock is entitled to George N. Vary, who attended at the one vote and should be represented at Cabinet Gas Ranges _ _ _ _ _ $35 Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Butler, pf j the meeting by the owner in person, •wedding twenty-five years ago, were present to enjoy the occasion. The Clinton, and Mrs. Freda Callahan, of , or by proxy. . Box Stoves for burning wood or evening passed only to quickly with Syracuse, were recent guests of Mr. I rubbish—suitable for camps Ellis C. Cook, Secretary. social chat, music and games. Re- and Mrs. Fred Keppli. and cottages _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $10 j Denmark, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1929. 48-2t Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence freshments were served at 11 o'clock. 6 griddle Coal, flanges with or Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Maurer, of West Palm Beach, Fla., Notice. without reservoir _ _ . _ . _ . _ • - $65 Fred S. Vary, Mrs. Josie E. Vary, of at Idle Ease Sanitarium, Croghan, on Lowviile, N. Y., September 18, 1929. Lowviile; Mr. and Mrs. Mason Vary Saturday, September, 7, a son. .^ Notice is hereby given that on the are agents for the famous and son Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Williams left on 28th day of September, 1929, at 10 We Allen's Parlor Furnace. Ryther, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lewis Sunday for Portland, Ore. They will o'clock in the forenoon, at the office and daughter Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs.also visit friends and relatives in of the Clerk of the County of Lewis, ORDER NOW See It On Display. Ray T.- Vary, Mr. and Mrs. Howard California and Safford, Arizona. at Lowviile, N. Y., the names of 36 Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Paris, Mr. and Mrs: Earl Austin and their Trial Jurors will be drawn to serve at A Good Allowance For Your Old Copenhagen; Mr. and Mrs. Jay E.daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- a trial term of the County Court to Stove. Brown, Watertown; Prof, and Mrs.sell Austin and children Jean and be held at Lowviile, N. Y., commencFrank E. Eggleton. son Reginald and James, of Chittenooga, Tenn., were ing Monday, October 14th, 1929. daughter Phylis, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Maurer P. J. Ulrich, Lewis County Clerk. Mrs. Dora A. Howe, Lowviile; Mr. and family. ' 48-2t and Mrs. Earl Peck and daughter Dorothy Parker, who has been Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllett H. Vary spending the summer vacation with According to a European scientist, Furniture Store, 210-217 Factory St and daughter June, Mr. and Mrs. her parents, has returned to Green- women's nature has not changed any Nicholas Gingerick and daughter port, L. I., where she is engaged as during the 'Phone 2411. past five thousand years. hOWVILLR, NrY. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Vary musical supervisor in the public Maybe she makes up for it by changand son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Willett schools of that city. • WATERTOWN, N. Y. ing her mind frequently. A- Vary, Mr. and Mrs. George N.' Vary and sons Gerald and Robert, Mr. Frank W. Smith and son, Russell Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Powis and sonwould like to take this opportunity to Kenneth and daughter Eloise, William thank the employees of the J. P. Glngerich, Fay S. Sheldon, Mr. and Lewis Paper Co., for their kind exMrs. Kent G. Vary and son Harold pression of sympathy In their sad beand daughter Irene, Mr. and Mrs. reavement, by the. lovely floral piece, Enos Peebles, Charles North, Miss which was,deeply appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Hollinsworth Leona North, Mr.' and Mrs. Frank I will sell at Public Auction at Powis, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheldon and and two children, of Oneida, Mr. and my farm about two miles west Mrs. William Reilly and son, of of HousevtUe, on Hie road lead" " * — - .? Elizabeth ing past Leon Carpenter's : THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1BS9 some very pretty presents consisting of silver, a beautiful clock and a AT 10 A . M . purse of silver and currency of which ents, Mr. and Mrs. > John Steiner. OPEN UNTIL 8 P. Df. PHONE 172 DELIVERY SERVICE 15 Milch Cows, S two-year-old Mrs. Earl Riffannacht and daughter Mrs. F. S. Vary presented to the bride Heifers,x (to freshen in the and groom in behalf of all present, Joyce Dorothy, of Syracuse, spent sevspring); 8 spring Calves, 1 wising them many more years of eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph yearling Bull, 2 Horses, (weight happy wedded life and all hoping to Honer and family. They were accomabout 8,500 pounds); 1 set heavy, be present on their golden wedding panied home by Dudley and Harold double Harness, 1 heavy, single day. Mr. "and Mrs. Lewis very feel- Riffan&cht, who had spent the sumHarness, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 ingly responded to their guests for mer with their grandparents, Mr. and Horse Rake, 1 Farm Wagon, 1 - — making their twenty-fifth anniversary Mrs. J. J: Honer. Hay Loader, 2 Plows, 1 Cultia happy one, long to be remembered. Among those who have left for their vator, 1 Hlller Plow, Vpr. Farm Mr. and Mrs. Lewis received an air- schools are: Misa Edna Stephens, who Sleighs, 50 tons Hay and many mail letter on Monday, September 16, is teaching at Coeyxnans, fourteen other articles too numerous to from an aunt, Mrs. Nellie D. Emmons, miles from Albany; MLss Re ma Hilts, mention. of California, extending congratula- at Belfort; Miss Alice Clark, in the Lunch Will Be Served at Noon tions to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Maurer district on the third road; Terms :-All sums under $10.00, Miss Bernice Cassldy, at Beach Hill; |—cash; Over $10.00, good en-" rict; Miss Jennie Hover, in the Second NEW BOSTON V dorsed, interest bearing notes Road school; Joel Maurer, Stamford, on The Lyons Falls National Conn; Miss Marion Just, at TiconderBank, will be accepted. (Margaret Maher Burns, Conespondt.) oga; Miss Marion VanAmam, Hunt: MARTIN MO8C1KI, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burns have rec- ingdon, L. I.; Mlas Lunetta Phelps, L. R. HOFFMAN, Auctioneer near Oswego. ently moved into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Lane and Ruth Maher, of Adams Center, were weekBELFORT end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Maher. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Finn and family Andrew Yancey and family are enof Dexter, were week-end guests of joying a Buick sedan. Mrs. Dolly Burns. Willias Camidge and Nelson Kieb Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Forbes entertainspent a day in Utica. ed on Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. Stowell, recently ; Mrs. Flora Hubbard, of Utica, Is ;. Mrs. Reta Seetey and Hugh Seeley, of spending several days with her par;>•;•/•: Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Camidge. i^V Mrs. Martin Leach and son Robert, ents, Mrs. Eliza Keck, who was quite ;>•: and Mrs. Terrance McMannus, of Carlast week, is able, to be out ?'• thage, were Sunday guests of Mr. and poorly again which her many friends will be Mrs. J. Maher and family. glad to hear. The proceeds from "Old Home Day" Miss Irene Kieb, who. has been conThe Ailing Rubber Co. is Celebrating its Twenty-First Anniversary with" a which was. held on August 15, In the fined to her home by the grip, is able : . Michael White grove for St. Peter's to resume her studier at the LowStore Wide Sale. We invite you to come to our store and share in its Money-Saving and St. Paul's church, netted $013.30. viile Academy. Several from here attended the fun- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor have pur, Celebration. eral of jj?dward Flanders, which was chased of Mrs. Belle Zehr her home H.-\ i, i W 17. S held on Sunday at the home of his located on the Belfort-Croghan road; daughter, Mrs. William Finn, on the consideration, $1,200. Gardner road. Miss Lydia Yancey, of Indiana, who HANSON ATTENTION SWEATERS has spent the past year with her : FARMERS of all types WORK uncle, Andrew Yancey and family, has gone to Beaver River where she is 20% Discount at a saving GLOVES engaged in teaching school. R i" 1.1 r v t. s on milking machine —ofr$3.00 type at $1.49 pr. v Ervin Yancey returned home Sun840 Certificates Revoked or Suspended A C H Dl S T R b > day evening after having enjoyed a in Two Weeks. tubing. 20% iio 50% $2 50 type at $130 pr. ? ten day trip sojourning in the western states. While there he visited ' Charles A. Harnett, commissioner of the Yellowstone National Park, in RAINCOATS BELBER ROYAL CORD TIRES motor vehicles, revoked or suspended 840 certificates of automobile registra- Wyoming. for men, women, and LUGGAGE 30x3Ms OS Royal $6.35 Mrs. Eliza Keck and Mrs. Leon tion and driving licenses during the' Keck as guests Sunday the fol.• ! i I n i i . . - . f i . - i children two weeks ~ended August 31. In the lowing:had 20% Discount 29x4.40 4-ply Royal 7.40 Julia Pomerville and counties of the Utica district there son Giles,Mrs. Miss Jennie Pate, of Gooon cases and bags for 32x4 U.S. Co. 9.05 were ten revocations and eleven sus- vine; Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bush pensions. Big Savings. men and women. 31x5.25 U. S. Co. 9.85 and children, Mrs. Edwin Clarke and Revocations for driving car while in- daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kemptoxicated: Frank Howe, Peapacton; any, all of Natural Bridge; Frank Cordon Dunn, R. F. D. 1, Constable; Ardison, of Indian River; Mrs. Mary Spencer Bardo, Glenfleld; reckless Rubar, of Croghan; Mr. and Mrs. driving, John W. Coyle, Utica; Anth- Floyd Caldwell and daughter, of ! l i v . ' h A : «: ) ; v ony Janus, Marcy; leaving scene of an Carthage. accident without reporting; Frank' Wftydon, Massena, Americanism: Oid dad laying brick Suapex-Bions for permitting another at $12 a day and saving money to edu75 Public Sq., Phone 157 Watertown, N. Y. to use license, Walter Marclnkowski, cate the boy so he can hold a white R. F. D. 3, Boonville. collar job at $75 a month. Price 75. Cente. -• At Your Druggist. Journal and Republican NEW BREMEN GRAND UNION GROCERY STORES, INC. STORES OF QUALITY SPECIALS— Fig Bars, lb CALL FOR CONVENTION !. 10c Pocono Sweet Peas, No. 2 Can . 23c Puffed Rice or Wheat, 2 pkgs... 25c CORRECT CLOTHES $6.98 $2.95 and $3.95 i-i KRUPKIN'S i Here Is An Opportunity To Save 20 Per Cent on All Kinds of Puritan Malt, Can 55c Pocono Soap Flakes, 21b*. . 33c FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER, lb. . . . . . . 53c USED FORDS! USED 1-1927 Fordoi1-1926 Tudor 1-1924 Tudor 2-1927 Coupes 2-1927 Touring 1-Runabout with box Lowviile, A COMPLETE STOCK OF CUTTERS AND PARTS IN STOCK . 25c 5c A. N. Virkler Co. STOVES i Certo, Bot. . Red Jar Rings, Pkg. 12 —o—- New Yor§t; IA($INTCL "STORES OF-QljA__r_Y* FANCY CREAMERY Morrison's A. N. V1RKLER CO. BUTTER 53c per lb. 'Try Some of the Best" SPECIALS FROM SEPT 16thFigBars . . . ' . ' '.^^M Ufa-:. . . ... . . ; . ... /.llllliij BEYER & KIRSCHNER Home Bakery -:- Fancy Groceries Herschey's Cocoa, i/^lb., 2 for . . 25c 21b. Pkg. Prunes . '. . : 27c Parowax, lib. 10c; 3 for . . . . . . 25c Jelly Glasses, Flat, doz. . . . . 4 2 c T e a Sittings, l i b . . . . . . . . . . . 19c Pep-Post Bran, 2 for . 25c Muffets-Rice Krispies 2 for . . . 25c Can Rubbers (Good Luck) 3 for 25c Davis Baking Powder, large . . 1 9 c Pocono Sweet Peas . . . . . can, Puffed Wheat or Rice . . 2 pkgs,, 25c !^|&ngs. .". . . . . . . \ .'. ;-pJ^j;l^|j Puritan M a l t . . . . . . . . . can^ 5^ci Pocono Soap Flake* . . 2 lbs., 33c j SOME OF OUR REGULAR PRICES Post Brand Flakes . . 2 pkgs.,25c Berma Coffee . . . . . . lib. tins, 49c Golden Bantam Corn . . ,. tf|^^^^| Raisins . , "/v^. . . _ ^ i ; p i » | ? 3 0 i •mmmm. AUTO DRIVERS IN TROUBLE i• - • ti i; ! 11-1 > n 1 1 1 , THOUSANDS OF OTHER ITEMS AT REDUCED PRICES •71,';' ALLING RUBBER CO.
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