PERMIT & SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE A Supplemental Document Completing the Fire Code of the City of Las Vegas PASSES AND APPROVED ON January 5, 2011 RESOLUTION R-75-2010 CITY OF LAS VEGAS Department of Fire & Rescue Fire Prevention Division 500 N Casino Center Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-2944 LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE I. GENERAL Purpose The purpose of this Permit and Service Fee Schedule is to establish fees for permits required in the International Fire Code (IFC), as adopted by the City of Las Vegas, and to establish fees for services performed by Las Vegas Fire and Rescue, Fire Prevention Division. Definitions All terms not defined in this Schedule have the meanings set forth in the International Fire Code (IFC), as adopted by the City. Permit and Service Fees A fee in accordance with this Schedule shall be paid to the City of Las Vegas, for any of the following: Annually Renewable Use Permit For each permit category listed in the table in Section II below, the fee shall be $80.00, unless the table indicates otherwise. Temporary Use Permit For each permit category listed in the table in Section III below, the fee shall be $80.00, unless the table indicates otherwise. Fire Engineering-Related Permits. For each permit category listed in the table in Section IV below, the minimum fee shall be $80.00 (or higher based on the table 3-A of the Uniform Administrative Code, Building Permit Fee Column). Hazardous Materials – Related Permits. For each permit category listed in the table in Section V below, the minimum fee shall be $80.00 multiplied per range, as indicated in the Range Calculation table set forth in Section V below. The range is based upon maximum quantities stored at any given time. The fee for Hazardous Materials Storage is independent of the fee for annually renewable permits listed in the table in Section II below. Miscellaneous Services and Activities. For other miscellaneous services and charges, the fees shall be as set forth in the table in Section VI below. Record-related Requests. For requests for records, photographs or other documents, the fee shall be set forth in the table in Section VII below. General Provisions There are various types of fees set forth in this Permit and Service Fee Schedule that are separate and independent of the others. A permit is required for each building address. Each business in a building must have a permit if required. Failure to pay the fee within the time period specified on the Permit Application, Work Order or Invoice from the City of Las Vegas is sufficient grounds to withhold a permit, inspection or to void a permit previously issued. In addition, the failure to obtain or renew a permit in a timely manner shall result in penalty fees being assessed. A permit fee is not refundable if an applicant fails to qualify for or receive a permit. In addition, the failure to apply for a permit may result in action as prescribed by law. The initial permit fee and the subsequent fee for renewal of a permit includes, and is intended to offset the cost of initial inspection and plan review required in connection with the issuance or renewal of a permit. Additional inspections, plan review, code research, reinspection or inspections requested for a time outside of normal business hours shall be assessed a fee in accordance with Section IV. Fees are payable upon notice thereof. -2- PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Re-Inspection fees shall be assessed in accordance with Section VI, FEES FOR OTHER SERVICES, as a means to obtain code compliance. Nothing in this Permit and Service Fee Schedule is intended, nor shall it be used, to determine neither the minimum number of overtime hours nor the hourly wage for employees. Federal, state and local governmental entities are exempt from the payment of permit and plan check fees. Nonprofit organizations and special tax districts are not exempt from the payment of fees. II. ANNUALLY RENEWABLE PERMIT CATEGORIES The following permit categories as set forth in the International Fire Code (IFC) are subject to a Permit Fee per the International Fire Code (IFC) Section 105. Operation or Activity Aerosol Products An operational permit is required to manufacture, store or handle an aggregate quantity of Level 2 or Level 3 aerosol products in excess of 500 pounds (227Kg) net weight. Aviation Facilities An operational permit is required to use Group H or Group S occupancy for aircraft servicing or repair and fuel-servicing. Cellulose Nitrate Film An operational permit is required for storage, handling or use cellulose nitrate film in a Group A occupancy. Combustible Dust-Producing Operations An operational permit is required to operate a grain elevator, flour starch mill, feed mill, or plant pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices or sugar, or other operation producing combustible dusts as defined in Chapter 2. Combustible Fibers An operational permit is required for storage and handling of combustible fibers in quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet (2.8m³). Compressed Gases An operational permit is required for the storage, use and handling at normal temperature and pressure (NTP) of compressed gases in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.8. Exception: Vehicles equipped for and using compressed gas a fuel for propelling the vehicle. Covered Mall Buildings An operational permit is required for: 1. Placing or constructing temporary kiosks, display booths, concession equipment or the like in the mall. 2. Using a mall as a place of assembly. 3. Using open-flame or flame-producing devices. 4. Displaying liquid or gas fired equipment in the mall. Cryogenic Fluids An operational permit is required to produce, store, transport on site, use, handle or dispense cryogenic fluids in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.10 Exception: Permits are not required for vehicles equipped for and using cryogenic fluids as a fuel for propelling the vehicle or for refrigerating the lading. Cutting and Welding An operational permit is required to conduct cutting or welding operations within the jurisdiction. -3- Section No. 105.6.1 105.6.3 105.6.5 105.6.6 105.6.7 105.6.8 105.6.9 105.6.10 105.6.11 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Dry Cleaning Plants An operational permit is required to engage in the business of dry cleaning or to change to a more hazardous cleaning solvent. Such permits shall prescribe the class of system to be used. Class 2 ($240.00) Class 3A & 3B ($160.00) Class 4 ($80.00) Flammable Or Combustible Liquids An operational permit is required: 1. To use or operate, repair or modify a pipeline for the transportation of flammable or combustible liquids. This requirement shall not apply to the off-site transportation in pipelines regulated by the DOT nor does it apply to piping systems. 2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons In a building or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building., except that a permit is not required for the following: 2.1 The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile heating plant, unless such storage, in the opinion of the Fire Code official, would cause an unsafe condition. 2.2 The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. 3. To store, handle or use Class II or Class III-A liquids in excess of 25 gallons in a building or in excess of 60 gallons outside a building except for fuel oil used in connection with oil-burning equipment. 4. To store, handle or use Class III-B liquids in tanks or portable tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel-dispensing facilitate or where connected to fuel-burning equipment. 5. To remove Class I or II liquids from an underground storage tank used for fueling motor vehicles by any means other than the approved, stationary on-site pumps normally used for dispensing purposes. 6. To operate tank vehicles, equipment, tanks, plants, terminals, wells, fuel-dispensing stations, refineries, distilleries and similar facilities where flammable and combustible liquids are produced, processed, transported, stored, dispensed or used. 7. To place temporarily out of service (for more than 90 days) an underground, protected above-ground or above ground flammable or combustible liquid tank. 8. To change the type of contents stored in a flammable or combustible liquid tank to a material that poses a greater hazard than for which the tank was designed and constructed. 9. To manufacture, process, blend or refine flammable or combustible liquids. 10. To engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments. 11. To utilize a site for the liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments. Hazardous Materials An operational permit is required to store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.20 HPM Facilities An operational permit is required to store, handle or use hazardous production materials. High-Piled Combustible Storage An operational permit is required to use any building or portion thereof as a high-piled storage area exceeding 500 square feet (46m²). Range 1 – 501 – 12,000 square feet. $80.00 Range 2 – 12,001 – 500,000 square feet. $160.00 Range 3 – Over 500,000 square feet. $240.00 -4- Section No. 105.6.12 105.6.16 105.6.20 105.6.21 105.6.22 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Hot Works Operations An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to: 1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted. 2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside, upon, or within 10 feet of a structure. Exception: Work that is conducted under a construction permit. 3. Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths. 4. Hot work conducted within a hazardous fire area. 5. Application of roof coverings with the use of an open-flame device. Industrial Ovens. An operational permit is required for operation of industrial ovens regulated by Chapter 21. Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants An operational permit is required for the storage or processing of lumber in excess of 100,000 board feet (8,333ft³) (236m²). Liquid or Gas-Fueled Vehicles or Equipment in Assembly Buildings An operational permit is required to display, complete or demonstrate liquid- or gas- fueled vehicles or Equipment in assembly buildings. Liquefied Petroleum Gases. An operational permit is required for: 1. Storage and use of LP-gas. 2. Operation of cargo tankers that transport LP-gas. Magnesium An operational permit is required to melt, cast, heat, or grind more than 10 pounds (4.54kg) of magnesium Miscellaneous Combustible Storage An operational permit is required to store in any building or upon any premises in excess of 2,500 cubic feet (71m³) gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, rubber ties, rubber, cork, or other similarly combustible material. Candles And Open Flames In Assembly Areas An operational permit is required to use open flames or candles in connection with assembly areas, Dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments Place of Assembly. An operational permit is required to operate a place of assembly. Range 1 – 50 – 300 Occupants ($80.00) Range 2 – 301 – 1,000 Occupants ($160.00) Range 3 – 1,001 and up Occupants ($240.00) Pyroxylin Plastics An operational permit is required for the storage or handling of more than 25 pounds (11kg) of cellulose nitrate (Pyroxylin) plastics and for the assembly or manufacture of articles involving Pyroxylin plastics. Refrigeration Equipment An operational permit is required to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system regulated by Chapter 6. Repair Garages and Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities. An operational permit is required for the operation of repair garages and automotive, marine and fleet motor fuel-dispensing facilities. Exception: If Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Permit is issued, a separate permit for flammable or combustible liquids is not required. Additional permits based on permittable items may be required. Heliports, Helistops and Emergency Landing Pads An operational permit is required for the operations of a heliport, helistop and/or emergency landing pad. -5- Section No. 105.6.23 105.6.24 105.6.25 105.6.26 105.6.27 105.6.28 105.6.29 105.6.32 105.6.34 105.6.37 105.6.38 105.6.39 105.6.40 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Spraying Or Dipping An operational permit is required to conduct a spraying or dipping operation utilizing flammable or combustible liquids or the applications of combustible powders as regulated by chapter 15. Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts. An operational permit is required to establish, conduct or maintain storage of scrap ties and tire byproducts that exceeds 2,500 cubic feet (71m³) or total volume of scrap tires and for indoor storage or tires and tire byproducts. Tire-Rebuilding Plants An operational permit is required for the operation and maintenance of a tire-rebuilding plant. Waste Handling An operational permit is required for the operation of wrecking yards, junk yards and waste material-handling facilities. Wood Products An operational permit is required to store chips, hogged material, lumber or plywood in excess of 200 cubic feet (6m³). Firewood An operational permit is required to store firewood in excess of 50 cords. See Chapter 19. Hot Work Program An operational permit is required for a hot work program. The fire code official is authorized to permit a hot work program. This program allows approved personnel to regulate their company’s hot work operations. See Chapter 26. Mobile Fueling Site An operation a permit is required to operate each site where mobile fueling takes place. See Chapter 34. Mobile Fueling Vehicle An operational permit is required to operate a mobile fueling vehicle. See Chapter 34. Monitoring Facilities An operational permit is required for any facility that remotely monitors electronic signals initiated by fire protection systems such as central, supervising facilities. Smoke Control Systems An operational permit is required for facilities that have smoke control systems Smoke Removal Systems An operational permit is required for facilities that have smoke removal systems Tire Storage An operational permit is required to store tires in excess of 1,000 cubic feet (28.3m³). See Chapter 25. Wood Pallets An operational permit is required to store or rehabilitate pallets in an area exceeding 500 Square feet (46m²). See Chapter 19. Solvent Extraction An operational permit is required for storage, use, handling of flammable and combustible liquids for solvent extraction plants. Refer to NFPA 36. Filming An operational permit is required to film or broadcast at a public studio, production location, or sound stage. Barbecue, Commercial Operate a commercial barbecue in a fixed outdoor location. See Section 307.4.4. Battery System An operational permit is required to install or operate stationary lead-acid battery systems having a liquid capacity of more than 100 gallons in sprinklered buildings or 50 gallons (189L) in non-sprinklered buildings. See Section 608. -6- Section No. 105.6.41 105.6.42 105.6.44 105.6.45 105.6.46 105.6.51 105.6.23 105.6.53 105.6.54 105.6.55 105.6.57 105.6.58 105.6.60 105.6.61 105.6.16 105.6.20 105.6.48 105.6.32 105.6.62 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued III. TEMPORARY PERMIT CATEGORIES Operation or Activity Amusement Buildings (Haunted houses) An operational permit is required to operate a special amusement building or operation. Annual – Permanent facility or operation. Temporary – (Less than 30 days on any single property) Carnivals and Fairs An operational permit is required to conduct a carnival, fair or special event. Explosives, Blasting Agents and Surface blasting An operational permit is required for the manufacture, storage, handling, sale or use of any quantity of explosives, explosive materials, fireworks, rocketry, pyrotechnic special effects within the scope of Chapter 33. (1.4G) Consumer Fireworks. Exception: Storage in Group R-3 occupancies of smokeless propellant, black powder and small arms primers for personal use, not for resale and in accordance with Section 3306. Fire Hydrants And Valves An operational permit is required to use or operate fire hydrants or valves intended for fire suppression purposes which are installed on water systems and accessible to a fire apparatus access road that is open to or generally used by the public. Exception: A permit is not required for authorizes employees of the water company that supplies the system of the fire department to use or operate fire hydrants or valves. Floor Finishing An operational permit is required for floor finishing or surfacing operations exceeding 350 sq ft using Class I or Class II liquids. Fruit and Crop Ripening An operational permit is required to operate a fruit-ripening or crop-ripening facility or conduct a fruit-ripening process using ethylene gas. Fumigation and Thermal Insecticidal Fogging An operational permit is required to operate a business of fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging and to maintain a room, vault or chamber in which a toxic or flammable fumigant is used. Open Burning An operational permit is required for the kindling or maintaining of an open fire or a fire on any public street, alley, road or other public or private ground. Instructions and stipulations of the permit shall be adhered to. Note: Clark County Health Department, Air Pollution Control Division, issues EPA permits for fires over 2 square feet. Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material An operational permit is required for use and handling of pyrotechnical special effects material (1.3G) Includes Display fireworks. Temporary Membrane Structures, Tents And Canopies An operational permit is required to operate a temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy having an area in excess of 400 square feet (37m²). Range 1 – 1-14,999 sq. ft ($80.00) Range 2 – 15,000 – 74,999 sq. ft ($160.00) Range 3 – 75,000 sq. ft and up ($240.00) Filming An operational permit is required to film or broadcast at a public studio, production location, or sound stage. -7- Section No. 105.6.2 105.6.4 105.6.14 105.6.15 105.6.17 105.6.18 105.6.19 105.6.30 105.6.36 105.6.43 105.7.14 105.6.48 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Flame Effects An operational permit is required is required to produce combustion through the use of flammable solids, liquids, or gases to produce thermal, physical, visual, or audible phenomenon for entertainment exhibition, demonstration or simulation. See NFPA 160. Cutting and Welding An operational permit is required to conduct cutting or welding operations within the jurisdiction. Exhibits and Trade Shows An operational permit is required to operate exhibits and trade shows. Range 1 – 4,500 – 14,999 sq. ft ($80.00) Range 2 – 15,000 – 74,999 sq. ft ($160.00) Range 3 – 75,000 – up sq. ft ($240.00) Hot Works Operations An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to: 1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted. 2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside, upon, or within 10 feet of a structure. Exception: Work that is conducted under a construction permit. 3. Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths. 4. Hot work conducted within a hazardous fire area. 5. Application of roof coverings with the use of an open-flame device. Heliports An operational permit is required for the operations of a heliport, helistop or emergency landing pad. Candles And Open Flames An operational permit is required to use open flames or candles in connection with assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. Special Activity An operational permit is required at locations that operate Christmas tree lots, pumpkin patch lots, and similar operations. See Section 320. IV. Section No. 105.6.52 105.6.11 105.6.13 105.6.23 105.6.40 105.6.32 105.6.59 FIRE ENGINEERING CATEGORIES Operation or Activity Automatic Fire-Extinguishing systems. A construction permit is required for the following: 1. Installation of or modification to an automatic fire-extinguishing system. 2. Replacement of recalled fire protection components. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code does not consider a modification and does not require a permit. NOTE: For buildings with a floor used for human occupancy located more than (55ft) above the lowest level of fire department access, a single construction permit per floor shall be processed. Battery Systems A construction permit is required to install stationary storage battery systems having a liquid capacity of more than 50 gallons (189L). Compressed Gases When the compresses gases in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in Table 105.6.8, a construction permit is required to install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, place temporarily out of service, or close or substantially modify a compressed gas system. Exceptions: 1. Routine Maintenance. 2. For emergency repair work performed on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two working days of commencement of work. -8- Section No. 105.7.1 105.7.2 105.7.3 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Cryogenic Fluids A construction permit is required for installation of or alteration to outdoor stationary cryogenic fluid storage systems where the system capacity exceeds the amounts listed in Table 105.6.10. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered an alteration and does not require a construction permit. Fire alarm and Detection Systems and Related Equipment and Dedicated Function Fire Alarm Systems (i.e. monitoring). A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification including but not limited to: extending, reprogramming, upgrading field programmable EPROM, or altering to fire alarm and detection systems, related equipment, and dedicated function fire alarm systems. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit except control equipment replacement due to equipment failure or voluntary replacement, which does require a permit. NOTE: For buildings with a floor used for human occupancy located more than (55ft) above the lowest level of fire department access, a single construction permit per floor shall be processed. Fire Pumps and Related Equipment A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to fire pumps and related fuel tanks, jockey pumps, controllers and generators. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit. Flammable and Combustible Liquids. A construction permit is required: 1. To install, repair or modify a pipeline for the transportation of flammable or combustible liquids. 2. To install, construct or alter tank vehicles, equipment tanks, plants, terminals, wells, fuel-dispensing stations, refineries, distilleries and similar facilities where flammable and combustible liquids are produced, processed, transported, stored, dispensed or used. 3. To install, alter, abandon, place temporarily out of service or otherwise dispose of a flammable or combustible liquid tank. 4. To change the type of contents stored in a flammable or combustible liquid tank to material other than that for which the tank was designed and constructed. (Tank Removal regulated by Clark County Health Department) Hazardous Materials A construction permit is required to install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, place temporarily out of service or close or substantially modify a storage facility or other area regulated by Chapter 27 when the hazardous materials in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in Table 105.6.20. Exceptions: 1. Routine Maintenance. 2. For emergency repair work performed on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two working days of commencement of work. Industrial Ovens A construction permit is required for installation of industrial ovens covered by Chapter 21. Exceptions: 1. Routine Maintenance. 2. For emergency repair work performed on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two working days of commencement of work. LP-Gas A construction permit is required for installation of or modification to an LP-gas system. Private Fire Hydrants and Associated Piping A construction permit is required for the installation or modification of private fire hydrants and the associated supply piping. -9- Section No. 105.7.4 105.7.5 105.7.6 105.7.7 105.7.8 105.7.9 105.7.10 105.7.11 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Operation or Activity Spraying or Dipping A construction permit is required to install or modify a spray room, dip tank or booth. Standpipe Systems. A construction permit is required for the installation, modification or removal from service of a standpipe system. Maintenance performed in accordance with the code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit. Access Gates A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to each access gate (including both manual and automatic gates) obstructing a fire apparatus road. See Chapter 5. Emergency Responder Radio Systems. A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to an emergency responder radio system. See Section 510 and Appendix J. Heliports, Helistops, and Emergency Landing pads. A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to a heliport, helistop, and/or emergency landing pad. See Chapter 3 and NFPA 418. Smoke Control System A construction permit is required for the installation of or modification to a smoke control system. See Chapter 9. Smoke Removal System A construction permit ii required for the installation of or modification to a smoke removal system. See Chapter 9. V. Section No. 105.7.12 105.7.13 105.7.15 105.7.16 105.7.20 105.7.22 105.7.23 RANGE CALCULATION TABLE Additional fee(s) are required for solids, liquids and gases classified as Hazardous Materials. The range is based on maximum quantities that are stored at any given time. The fee of $80.00 per quantity range is independent of the annual/renewable permit category fee(s) specified in Section II. RANGE CALCULATION TABLE QUANTITY RANGES Gallons x3.785 for L Range 0 ....................................53 54 ................................499 500 .............................. 945 946 ........................... 1,835 1,836 ........................ 4,499 4,500 ...................... 15,179 15,180 .................... 65,580 65,581 .................... 69,999 70,000 .................... 74,999 75,000 .................... 84,999 85,000 .................... and up Pounds x0.4536 for kg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range 0 ..................................498 499 ..............................999 1,000 ........................ 1,999 2,000 ........................ 2,999 3,000 ........................ 3,999 4,000 ........................ 4,999 - 10 - 0 1 2 3 4 5 PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued QUANTITY RANGES 5,000 ........................ 9,999 10,000 .................... 10,999 11,000 .................... 11,999 12,000 .................... 14,999 15,000 .................... and up Cubic Feet x0.028 for m3 Range 0 ..................................198 199 ........................... 1,998 1,999 ........................ 3,599 3,600 ........................ 6,799 6,800 ...................... 16,399 16,400 .................... 34,999 35,000 .................... 53,999 54,000 .................... 73,999 74,000 .................... 79,999 80,000 .................... 89,999 90,000 .................... and up VI. 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FEES FOR OTHER SERVICES Other services provided by the Fire Prevention Division are subject to the fees set forth below. For purposes of this Table, the Standard Hourly Fee (SHF) is $80.00. Service Fee Consultation (including reviews of projects prior to submission for a building permit and projects not requiring a building permit) SHF Consultation (including consultation done under (IFC 104.7.2 Technical Assistance) SHF Fire watch service (3-hour minimum) SHF Requested inspection outside of normal business hours SHF per inspector, including travel time, with a 3-hour minimum Additional inspections or re-inspections for renewable permits, new construction permits, fire protection systems due to system inspection deficiencies, cancellations with less than four (4) hours notice, or requiring additional inspections due to inspecting partial systems SHF per inspector, including travel time Any inspection or reinspection conducted during normal working hours, if it is found that the requesting party is not ready for the inspection or violations have not been corrected from previous inspections SHF per inspector Plan reviews which are requested to be performed outside normal business hours or same day plan review SHF with a 2-hour minimum Plan reviews of the first resubmittal of plans following rejection of plans that are incomplete, contain erroneous information, contain a non-code complying design or include incomplete or deficient as-builts 2 x SHF with a 1-hour minimum - 11 - PERMIT AND SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE - continued Service Fee Plan reviews of the second or subsequent resubmittal of plans following rejection of plans that are incomplete, contain erroneous information, contain a non-code complying design or include incomplete or deficient as-builts 3 x SHF with a 1-hour minimum Request for Alternative Materials or Methods $250.00 per request Same day inspection $120.00 per inspector or inspection File searches: searches for requested information contained in files, including “Environmental Assessments” SHF with a ½-hour minimum, billed to next ½ hr Fire Flow tests (Pre-permit issuance) $80.00 per request Emergency apparatus or unit standby $250.00 per hour, with a 4-hour minimum Expedite fee for processing permits in less than required time frames SHF False/Nuisance Alarm(s) Fee $250.00 per hour, with a 4-hour minimum Research, consultation or testimony in civil proceedings $120.00 hr Application to the Board of Appeals (IFC Section 108) $80.00 Review of smoke control / removal special inspection report and test plans SHF with a 1-hour minimum per report VII. FEES REGARDING RECORDS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND DOCUMENTS The following fees are payable for Las Vegas Fire & Rescue records, photographs and documents. Fees may be waived in connection with items that have been subpoenaed. Item Fee Written records $1.00 per page (Letter or legal size) $2.00 per page (11x17) $4.00 per page (D & E size plans) Audio cassette tapes $5.00 per tape Photographs $1.00 each + SHF to transport film for processing & pick up, with a ½ hour minimum. Fee is based on ½ hour increments with excess billed to next ½ hour. VCR tape $5.00 each CD’s $40.00 per CD. Fee includes preparation time of up to ½ hour. Additional time billed in ½ hour increments with excess billed to next ½ hour. - 12 -
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