Baby on the way! Your pregnancy and postpartum health resource guide 1899KPCC-12/4-12 All plans offered and underwritten by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest. 500 NE Multnomah St., Suite 100, Portland, OR 97232. congratulations — you’re pregnant! Whether it’s your first child or your next, each pregnancy and birth is a brand-new experience. Welcome to parenthood! If you’re like most new moms, you have lots of questions. Throughout pregnancy, you will notice changes in your body, emotions, and activities. Your Kaiser Permanente medical team is here to support you through it all. We created this guide especially for you. Its contents provide answers, information, and resources so you know what to expect during pregnancy and the first few weeks of your baby’s life. Use this valuable road map to navigate your way and stay healthy. You’ll see some sections organized by trimester, so you can keep track of what’s happening, and when. You’ll learn about your baby’s development week by week, how to care for yourself, tests you might need, getting ready for your newborn, and more. Read the right chapter before each medical appointment. Use the prenatal visit records to log your baby’s progress and make notes. Skip ahead to the labor, delivery, and postpartum section to prepare ahead of time. There’s a bounty of insights here, covering the spectrum of prenatal and postpartum needs. When you come in for a visit and to the hospital, bring this guide with you. Together we’ll review the contents that match your needs and answer questions. We’ve all heard about that healthy glow in pregnant moms-to-be. Now it’s your turn to shine. Use the information in this guide to help you and your baby thrive. We are here for you, every step of the way. We look forward to meeting you and sharing this special time in your life! Best wishes, Kaiser Permanente Northwest 1899KPCC-12/4-12 1 table of contents Your care team............................................... 4 First trimester............................................... 56 Finding providers and services....................... 5 Overview...................................................... 57 My Health Manager........................................ 6 Weeks 1 to 4................................................. 58 Pregnancy resources...................................... 7 Weeks 5 to 8................................................. 59 Prenatal visits................................................10 Weeks 9 to 12............................................... 60 Prenatal visit schedule................................... 12 Second trimester......................................... 64 Overview...................................................... 65 Prenatal visit records..................................... 13 Weeks 13 to 16............................................. 66 Classes and education...............................18 Weeks 17 to 20............................................. 70 Pregnancy and childbirth classes.................. 19 Weeks 21 to 24............................................. 72 Why take a childbirth class?......................... 20 Genetic testing............................................ 22 Weeks 25 to 28............................................. 74 Down syndrome and other chromosomal problems................................ 23 Third trimester............................................. 78 Genetic diseases.......................................... 26 Weeks 29 to 32............................................. 80 Cystic fibrosis................................................ 30 Weeks 33 to 36............................................. 82 Health and wellness.................................. 34 Weeks 37 to 40............................................. 84 Your health and wellness.............................. 35 Home and nursery....................................... 86 Staying fit...................................................... 36 Getting ready for baby................................. 87 Eating well.................................................... 40 A safe nursery............................................... 90 Medications and natural remedies............... 44 Preparing for birth..................................... 92 Managing emotions ..................................... 46 Your birth plan.............................................. 93 Body changes and discomfort..................... 48 Birthing options............................................ 97 Risks and safety........................................... 52 Preparing for labor...................................... 100 Things to avoid............................................. 53 What to bring to the hospital...................... 103 Overview...................................................... 79 When to call for help.................................... 54 1899KPCC-12/4-12 2 Labor, delivery, and postpartum........... 104 Appendix: Navigating complications...146 Timing contractions..................................... 105 Asthma........................................................148 Timing contraction chart............................. 106 Bacterial vaginosis....................................... 150 Early labor.................................................... 108 Deep vein thrombosis................................. 152 Active labor: First stage...............................110 Depression..................................................154 Active labor: Second stage..........................111 Diabetes...................................................... 156 Third stage: After your baby is born............112 Domestic abuse........................................... 161 Postpartum recovery and coping.................114 Ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy)......... 162 Infant care....................................................116 Fifth disease................................................164 Infant care overview.....................................117 Genital herpes............................................. 165 Newborn experience....................................118 High-risk pregnancy....................................166 Newborn appearance.................................. 124 Iron deficiency anemia................................ 170 Newborn behavior....................................... 126 Molar pregnancy......................................... 172 Baby care..................................................... 128 Multiple pregnancy..................................... 174 Feeding your baby...................................... 130 Obesity........................................................ 178 Multiples...................................................... 135 Placenta abruptio........................................180 Preterm infants............................................ 136 Placenta previa............................................182 Keep your baby healthy............................... 138 Preeclampsia and high blood pressure.......184 Keep your baby safe.................................... 140 Preterm labor...............................................188 Common newborn problems...................... 142 Preterm premature rupture of membranes.190 Rh sensitization............................................ 192 Toxoplasmosis............................................. 196 Urinary tract infection.................................. 198 1899KPCC-12/4-12 3 Your care team Your care team When you’re pregnant, you want the best possible care for you and your baby. Your Kaiser Permanente team is dedicated to providing just that. Each year, more than 90,000 pregnant women receive the care they need at Kaiser Permanente clinics. We help them bring their babies into the world at our own Kaiser Permanente or affiliated hospitals. In the Oregon/Washington region, you’ll have access to a team of doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health professionals who partner with you to keep you and your baby healthy. It’s an integrated approach that puts you at the center. Finding providers and services You can find Kaiser Permanente providers and medical offices online. Visit and click the “Locate our services” tab. Scroll down and select “Find doctors & locations.” On the next page, follow the prompts to narrow your search. Obstetric and gynecological care is available at most Kaiser Permanente medical offices in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our obstetrics advice line and the Mother-Baby Program offer additional resources, classes, and tips. When the time comes, Labor & Delivery and birthing services at Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center and our affiliated hospitals have you covered. Contact a member of your medical team anytime. They can help you make decisions that support you and your growing family. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Appointments and urgent care If you or your baby requires care during regular medical office hours, you can call to request a same-day appointment (as available) from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays. To make an appointment, call 1-800-813-2000 from all areas. For TTY, call 1-800-735-2900. For language interpretation services, call 1-800-324-8010. Outside regular medical office or urgent care hours, you can call the regional advice nurse. Our advice nurse can direct you to the most appropriate place for treatment or discuss your health concern. Call 1-800-813-2000 from all areas. For TTY, call 1-800-735-2900. For language interpretation services, call 1-800-324-8010. My Health Manager Use My Health Manager to manage your health online. This robust online tool lets you email your doctor, view lab results, refill prescriptions, make/ cancel appointments, and more. See page 6 to learn how to get started. 5 my health manager Anytime. anywhere. Manage your health online with My Health Manager. Register today. To start using My Health Manager, just go to We’ll ask you a few questions to verify your identity. Once registered, you can sign on with your unique user ID and password. You can rest assured knowing we keep your information safe using the highest standards of online security. And if you can’t or don’t wish to complete registration online, you can finish the process by mail. *The secure features of My Health Manager are available when you receive care and/or fill prescriptions at Kaiser Permanente facilities. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 My Health Manager is your one-stop online resource for timesaving features.* Use it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to: ➔ Email your doctor’s office Send secure, routine messages to your doctor’s office, saving time, gas, and a copayment. (If you have urgent questions, call your provider’s office.) ➔ View most lab test results Get most lab test results as soon as they’re available — many on the same day. ➔ Refill prescriptions Order your prescription refills. Enjoy the convenience of home delivery for most refills at no extra charge. ➔ Schedule, cancel, or review routine appointments Request appointments and check past office visit information for recommended follow-up steps. ➔ View recent immunizations, allergies, and more Review the names and dates of your immunizations, a list of your allergies, and your eligibility and benefit information. ➔ Act for a family member Access your family members’ health information and email their doctors’ offices using our secure online features. 6 pregnancy resources Have a question about your pregnancy? You can get assistance from these medical offices, hospitals, our Mother-Baby Program, and more. Obstetrics advice.............................. 503-571-4210 KAISER PERMANENTE Appointment cancellations............... 503-813-2000 • Portland....................................... 503-813-2000 • All other areas..........................1-800-813-2000 For obstetrics advice past 20 weeks’ pregnancy: • During office hours, call Obstetrics & Gynecology Advice at your medical office. • After office hours and on weekends and holidays, call Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center. Portland....................................... 503-571-9850 Washington.................................360-256-0556 Beaverton Medical Office Obstetrics advice..............................503-520-4906 Appointments................................... 503-350-2450 Mother-Baby Program.......................503-626-5502 Cascade Park Medical Office Obstetrics advice.............................. 360-891-6201 Appointments................................... 360-571-4267 Mt. Talbert Medical Office Appointments................................... 503-571-2946 Mother-Baby Program, Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center .......................................................... 503-571-4636 Rockwood Medical Office Obstetrics advice.............................. 503-571-4210 Appointments................................... 503-571-2946 Mother-Baby Program, Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center .......................................................... 503-571-4636 Salmon Creek Medical Office Obstetrics advice.............................. 360-891-6201 Appointments................................... 360-571-4267 Mother-Baby Program........................360-571-3017 Skyline Medical Office Obstetrics advice.............................. 503-361-5400 Appointments...................................503-370-4854 Mother-Baby Program, Salmon Creek Medical Office............360-571-3017 Interstate Medical Office East Obstetrics advice..............................503-520-4906 Appointments................................... 503-249-0550 Vancouver area............................ 360-694-1577 Mother-Baby Program....................... 503-331-6479 1899KPCC-12/4-12 7 pregnancy resources Mother-Baby Program....................... 503-361-5400 * Please register for a hospital tour by your 32nd week. HOSPITALS reference materials Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center .......................................................... 503-652-2880 You can find some of the following resources for sale, reference, or loan online or at your favorite bookstore, local library, or the Kaiser Permanente Northwest Regional Library at Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center. Vancouver area............................360-256-0556 Labor & Delivery................................503-571-4217 Tour appointments (Portland)*.......... 503-286-6816 Tour appointments (other areas)* ....................................... 1-866-301-3866 (toll free) Providence St. Vincent Medical Center...................................503-216-1234 All other areas................................ 1-800-677-6752 Labor & Delivery................................503-216-7391 Tour appointments (Portland)*.......... 503-286-6816 Tour appointments (other areas)* ....................................... 1-866-301-3866 (toll free) Salem Hospital.................................. 503-561-5200 All other areas in Oregon................1-800-876-1718 Southwest Washington Medical Center..................................360-256-2000 Portland area............................... 503-972-3000 Family Birth Center/ Labor & Delivery...............................360-514-4000 Tour appointments (Portland)*.......... 503-286-6816 Tour appointments (other areas)* ....................................... 1-866-301-3866 (toll free) Books • Your Pregnancy Week by Week, 6th edition. Glade B. Curtis, MD, and Judith Schuler, MS, Da Capo Lifelong Books, 2008. • The Whole Pregnancy Handbook: An Obstetrician’s Guide to Integrating Conventional and Alternative Medicine Before, During, and After Pregnancy. Joel Evans, MD, OB/GYN, Gotham, 2005. • Your 9-Month Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Date! A Guide to Healthful Eating During Pregnancy. Maggie McHugh, MS, RD, CDN, and Ellen Burggraf, MS, Eating for You (and baby too), Inc., 2007. • Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Mayo Clinic, Collins Living, 2004. • Hey! Who’s Having This Baby Anyway?: How to take charge and create a safe environment for your baby’s birth, including essential information about medications and interventions. Breck Hawk, RN, Metropolis Ink/ End Table Books, 2005. • The Official Lamaze Guide: Giving Birth With Confidence. Judith Lothian and Charlotte DeVries, Meadowbrook, 2005. • The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions. Penny Simkin, Harvard Common Press, 2007. • Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers. Nancy Mohrbacher, New Harbinger Publications, 2005. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 8 • The Nursing Mother’s Companion. Kathleen Huggins, RN, MS, Harvard Common Press, 2005. • The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem Solving Guide to Breastfeeding From the Foremost Expert in North America. Jack Newman, MD, and Teresa Pitman, Three Rivers Press, 2006. • My Baby Can Talk — Sharing Signs. Baby Hands Productions, 2005. Websites • Pregnancy and childbirth information • Baby Center • Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear. Pam Leo, Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, 2007. •, Inc. • Bright From the Start: The Simple, ScienceBacked Way to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind from Birth to Age 3. Jill Stamm, PhD, Gotham, 2007. • Child Safety Seat Resource Center • American Academy of Pediatrics • Baby Hearts: A Guide to Giving Your Child an Emotional Head Start. Susan Goodwin, PhD, and Linda Acredolo PhD, Bantam, 2005. • The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer. Harvey Karp, MD, Bantam, 2005. Videos and DVDs • Laugh and Learn About Childbirth. Expect This LLC, 2007. • Pregnancy for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2002. • National Geographic — In the Womb. National Geographic Video, 2006. • Denise Austin: Fit & Firm Pregnancy. Lion’s Gate, 2006. • Prenatal Yoga With Shiva Rea. Living Arts, 2005. • Having Your Baby! A Complete Lamaze Prepared Childbirth Class. Parent Productions, 2004. • Baby Massage Therapy: Newborns, Infants and Toddlers Version 2.0. Television School of Massage Therapy, 2003. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 9 Prenatal visits prenatal visits prenatal visits You and your baby are undergoing a lot of changes. Week by week, your pregnancy reaches new milestones and turning points. It’s critical to ensure you both stay healthy through it all. That’s why one of the most important steps you can take during pregnancy is to attend all your prenatal visits. During these checkups, you’ll discuss your baby’s development, how to care for yourself, tests you might need, preparations for your newborn, and more. These visits help you keep tabs on your health and your baby’s progress along the way. You review current priorities and things to consider. Each visit brings something new. As soon as you know you’re pregnant, make an appointment with your doctor or certified midwife. The schedule on page 12 outlines how often you should come in and what to expect during examinations. Prenatal visit records At each visit, you can use the prenatal visit records to log your progress. Bring this guide with you and enter the information with your care team. Beginning around week 28, you can take time to talk with your doctor about your labor and delivery options. As you identify your preferences, you may want to write them down as a birth plan. See page 93 for more information about this important step. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 11 Prenatal visit schedule Regular prenatal examinations are a priority during any pregnancy. Here’s the visit schedule for a lowrisk term pregnancy. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, develop complications, or are a teen, you may require more frequent visits. Week 6 – 8 • • • • • • Confirm pregnancy. Lab tests. First visit with your provider. Genetic testing options. Educational and diet information. Physical exam. Week 10 – 12 • • • • Fetal heart tones. Confirm genetic testing decision. Review lab results. Influenza vaccine (November 1 – March 31). Week 15 – 16 • Blood screening tests. • Schedule ultrasound. Week 20 • • • • Tdap/Td vaccination. Discuss ultrasound results. Due date confirmation. Hospital registration. Week 24 • View preterm labor video. • Schedule childbirth class. Week 28 • Learn to count fetal kicks. • Diabetes and blood count test; RhoGAM if RH negative. • Start birth plan discussion. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Week 32 • Discuss birth control plans; sign tubal ligation consent form if desired. • Schedule hospital tour. • Discuss breastfeeding. • Discuss circumcision. Week 34 • Optional visit, per provider and patient. Week 36 • Group B strep test. • Confirm baby’s position. • Discuss signs and symptoms of labor and preeclampsia. • Confirm birth plan. Week 37 • Optional visit, per provider and patient. Week 38 • Discuss readiness for labor and delivery. Week 39 • Optional visit, per provider and patient. Week 40 – 41 • Discuss postdate plan. • Schedule postpartum visit. After delivery: 4 – 6 weeks • Routine postpartum visit (sooner if needed). • Physical exam. • Discuss birth control, feeding, depression, return to work. 12 Prenatal visit records Due date First trimester 6 – 8 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 10 – 12 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions First-trimester notes 1899KPCC-12/4-12 13 Prenatal visit records Second trimester 15 – 16 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 20 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 24 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 28 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 1899KPCC-12/4-12 14 Baby’s heart rate Second-trimester notes Third trimester 32 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 34 weeks (optional visit) Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 36 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 1899KPCC-12/4-12 15 Baby’s heart rate Prenatal visit records 37 weeks (optional visit) Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions Third trimester 38 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Baby’s heart rate Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 39 weeks (optional visit) Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions 1899KPCC-12/4-12 16 Baby’s heart rate 40 weeks Time Appointment date Mom’s weight Tummy measurement Tests Questions to ask Provider instructions third-trimester notes Prenatal visit tests and lab results Ultrasound results Lab results Other 1899KPCC-12/4-12 17 Baby’s heart rate classes and education classes and education Pregnancy and childbirth classes Your journey through pregnancy will teach you many new things. Prepare yourself for the healthiest experience possible by learning what you need to know. Kaiser Permanente Northwest offers a variety of classes and programs designed just for expectant and new parents. To find details on products and classes near you, visit and click the “Health & wellness” tab. Then search for pregnancy programs and classes in the Oregon/Washington region. Newborn care products For your convenience, Kaiser Permanente sells some maternity and nursing products, such as pillows and pumps. Visit to read details about these items: • Medela breast pump. • Theraline maternity and nursing pillow. To learn more and to order items, call Health Education Services at 503-286-6816 or 1-866-301-3866 (toll free). For more information and to sign up, call Health Education Services at 503-286-6816, or 1-866-301-3866 (toll free). Types of classes offered There are a variety of classes to choose from to support you in your journey to motherhood. To find class locations and times, visit and look for these topics: • Hospital birth tour. One-time session. • Preparation for birth. Two or five class sessions. • Preparation for birth. Online class sessions vary. • Life with baby. Nine online class sessions. • Tool kit for new parents. One-time session. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 19 Why take a childbirth class? By now, you’ve probably surrounded yourself with articles on childbirth and heard countless labor stories from friends and loved ones. But do you really know what to expect during labor and birth at Kaiser Permanente? A childbirth education class can make a real difference in this experience. Why should I take a childbirth education class? Whether you’re a first-time mom or a delivery room veteran, a childbirth education class can help you prepare to meet the challenges of labor and birth. You can: • Learn things about pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum that you can’t get in books or DVDs. Find out what happens to you and your baby during the birth process as well as what you can do during the last months of pregnancy to make the birth a more positive experience for you, your partner, and your baby. You’ll also have the opportunity to have your questions answered by a certified childbirth educator. • Discuss options for handling pain. You can practice breathing, relaxation, visualization, and other methods for coping with contractions. Our classes also cover commonly used birth medications, such as narcotic analgesics and epidural blocks, including their advantages and effects on you and your baby. • Learn about cesarean birth. Learn why an abdominal birth may be needed — and what typically happens if your baby is delivered surgically. • Get more information on newborns and postpartum at home. In addition to labor and birth, you can discuss newborn appearance and procedures, breastfeeding, comforting baby, and postpartum issues. • Gain a sense of empowerment. Knowledge is power. Learning more about the birth process and your options allows you to more confidently make decisions. For more information, or to register for a class, call 503-286-6816 or 1-866-301-3866 (toll free). • Address concerns. Talk and share ideas and resources with other pregnant women and their partners. • Connect with your partner or labor coach. A childbirth education class offers your partner or labor support person the chance to learn about childbirth, too, as well as how to support you during labor. The class will give you an opportunity to practice relaxation techniques together — techniques that are life skills, not just for labor and birth. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 20 1899KPCC-12/4-12 21 Genetic testing Genetic diseases and chromosomal problems bring their own challenges. For many women, the chance of having a child with one of these conditions is quite low — about 3 to 4 percent. However, if you or your partner is a genetic carrier of a disease, then the risk of having a child with that disease may be higher. Chromosomal problems are less predictable, although chances increase with your age. There are tests that can tell you if your baby has one of these problems or is at risk. The following pages explain more about each condition and the screening tests available. For more information To learn more, contact Genetics at: Interstate Medical Office West 3325 N Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97227 503-331-6593 or 1-800-813-2000, ext 16-6593 Genetic testing If you have questions, you can talk to your health practitioner. The Genetics department offers evening classes for Kaiser Permanente members. These sessions offer more detailed information about prenatal testing options and can help support decision-making. Down syndrome and other chromosomal problems Abnormal chromosomes can cause some pregnancies and babies to have problems. Tests can show if your baby has a chromosomal problem or is at high risk for one. These tests can be helpful for some people, but they also have drawbacks. It is always your choice to have testing or not. What are chromosomal problems? Chromosomes are tiny structures in our cells that contain genetic information. This information is important in how a baby grows and develops. Most people have 46 chromosomes in each of their cells. The chromosomes come in pairs, numbered from 1 to 23. The 23rd pair contains the sex chromosomes and determines whether a baby is a boy or a girl. If there is an extra chromosome or a missing chromosome, this can cause problems in a baby’s development. Down syndrome is a common chromosomal problem. People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome 21. This extra chromosome causes people with Down syndrome to have developmental disabilities and unusual facial features. For most people with Down syndrome, the developmental disabilities are mild, although sometimes they can be more severe. Most people with Down syndrome are able to lead fulfilling lives. There are many other types of chromosomal problems. One severe chromosomal problem is called trisomy 18. Babies with trisomy 18 have an extra chromosome 18, and this seriously impairs growth and development. Most babies with trisomy 18 will miscarry, and few survive for long. Trisomy 18 is much less common than Down syndrome. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 More about Down syndrome This genetic condition is caused by abnormal cell division in the egg, sperm, or fertilized egg. This results in an extra or irregular chromosome in some or all of the body’s cells, causing varying levels of intellectual disability and physical problems. Down syndrome is also called trisomy 21, for the chromosome that has the abnormality. A person with Down syndrome has three copies of chromosome 21. Most people have two copies. Down syndrome usually can be detected during pregnancy or soon after birth. Chromosome (karyotype) tests and how a baby looks can help with a diagnosis. Babies with Down syndrome usually have distinctive facial characteristics, such as upwardsloping eyes and a flattened nose. People with Down syndrome have an increased risk of health problems. For example, some babies with Down syndrome are born with heart, intestinal, ear, or respiratory defects. These health conditions often lead to other problems, such as respiratory infections, sleep apnea, or hearing problems. Other health issues, such as vision trouble or thyroid problems, can also develop. Children with Down syndrome grow and develop more slowly than other children. But most are able to attend school, play sports, socialize, and enjoy active lifestyles. Unless their disabilities are severe, adults with Down syndrome can care for most of their own needs. Many people with Down syndrome survive into their 50s and some into their 60s or older. 23 Down syndrome and other chromosomal problems More about trisomy 18 Trisomy 18 is the second most common trisomy condition after Down syndrome. Chance for chance Mother’s chromosomal for down age problems syndrome A fetus with trisomy 18 has three copies of chromosome 18. The extra chromosome causes the fetus to develop abnormally, with a number of physical and mental problems. Trisomy 18 can be identified during pregnancy. Doctors can do prenatal tests and fetal ultrasounds to screen for problems, and they can do chromosome tests to diagnose trisomy 18. Most fetuses with trisomy 18 do not survive to birth. Those who do generally live for a couple of months to a couple of years. Babies born with trisomy 18 can have many physical problems, including heart and kidney problems, a small head with low-set ears, a chest with an unusual shape, and crossed legs. They also have severe intellectual disability. Who is at risk for having a baby with a chromosomal problem? Everyone has some chance of having a baby with a chromosomal problem, although the chances increase with maternal age (see chart). Most problems with chromosomes are caused by accidents in how the egg or sperm is formed and have nothing to do with the parents’ chromosomes or family history. Chromosomal problems are not caused by anything that the parents have done. 20 1 in 530 1 in 1,660 25 1 in 480 1 in 1,250 30 1 in 400 1 in 700 35 1 in 200 1 in 370 40 1 in 70 1 in 110 45 1 in 23 1 in 32 50 1 in 8 1 in 11 If I find out my baby has a chromosomal problem, can anything be done? There is no cure for chromosomal problems. Some people want to know this information to prepare for the birth of a child with special needs. Others might choose to end their pregnancy if they find out there is a serious chromosomal problem. This is an extremely personal decision. Chromosome screening tests Screening tests can give you a better idea of the chances for certain chromosomal problems like Down syndrome, but they cannot tell for sure if there is a problem. These are noninvasive tests, so there is no risk of miscarriage. There are two types of screening tests — stepwise screening and quad screening. 1. Stepwise screening can predict the chances for Down syndrome. This screening starts with a blood test at 9 to 12 weeks. The result will tell if the chance for Down syndrome is medium or very low. If the chance is medium, the next step is a special type of ultrasound called nuchal translucency. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 24 Nuchal translucency measures the fluid at the back of the baby’s neck and is helpful for figuring the chances for Down syndrome. If the risk is very high, a woman can consider amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). If the risk is medium, the next step is another blood test called the quad screen. If the chance for Down syndrome is high after these steps, a woman can choose to have an amniocentesis. 2. Quad screening by itself is another way to predict the chances for Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and spina bifida. If this test shows a high chance for one of these problems, a woman might want to consider other tests like an amniocentesis or ultrasound. What are the benefits and drawbacks of having amniocentesis or CVS? These tests will tell you for certain whether the baby has a chromosomal problem. This can be helpful if: • You might consider ending the pregnancy if there is a serious chromosomal problem. • You think it would be helpful to know before delivery if there is a problem with the baby’s chromosomes. • You are particularly worried and want to know for certain whether the chromosomes are normal. The biggest drawback to amniocentesis and CVS is the risk of miscarriage. Also, amniocentesis and CVS cannot predict all types of problems a baby might have. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 What are possible benefits of the screening tests for chromosomal problems? • The screening tests provide more personal information about the chances for some chromosomal problems. • There is no risk of miscarriage. • If the screening test shows a low risk, this can be reassuring information. • Some people would want to know if there is a higher risk, particularly if they would consider having amniocentesis or CVS. What are the drawbacks to the screening tests? • These tests can never tell for certain whether there is a chromosomal problem. • Even if the test shows a low risk, there is still a small possibility the baby has a chromosomal problem. • Even if the test shows a high risk, most of the time the baby is perfectly fine. • If the screening test shows a high risk for chromosomal problems, this information can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Whether to have any prenatal testing is completely up to you. Some people feel that having information about the baby’s chromosomes is very important. Others decide not to have testing because of the risk of miscarriage, or because they feel the information would not be helpful to them. Only you can decide what’s best for you. If you would like to have any of these tests, let your Ob-Gyn provider know. 25 genetic diseases Genetic diseases are caused by genes that do not work properly. Genes are the basic units of inheritance that determine many characteristics of a baby, such as eye color, height, and blood type. Genes are also important in determining a baby’s health. What does it mean to be a carrier? Genes that do not work correctly are responsible for genetic diseases such as thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and Canavan disease (see table on pages 28 and 29). A child will have one of these diseases only if he or she receives the same nonworking gene from each carrier parent. Being a carrier does not cause any health problems. However, if both parents carry genes for the same genetic disease, there is a chance their child will have the disease. All of our genes come in pairs; we get one from each parent. To have one of the above disorders, a baby must receive two nonworking genes for the same disease, one from each parent. A person who has only one nonworking gene for one of these diseases is called a carrier. When both parents are carriers, there is a 1 in 4 (25 percent) chance in each pregnancy that the baby will have the disease. There is also a 3 in 4 (75 percent) chance that the baby will not inherit the disease. If only one parent passes a nonworking gene on to a baby, the baby will not have the disease but will be a carrier like the parents. Who carries genetic diseases? How can I know if I am a carrier? We all have some genes that do not work properly, so everyone is a carrier for some genetic disease. However, some genetic diseases, such as the ones mentioned here, occur more often in certain ethnic and racial groups than in the general population. You don’t have to have a family member with one of these diseases to be a carrier. Usually, there is no family history, so most people do not know if they are carriers. Although carrier testing is not available for most genetic diseases, simple blood tests can tell you if you are a carrier for thalassemia, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, Canavan disease, or familial dysautonomia. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 26 You can be tested for one or more of these diseases if you or your baby’s father has an ethnic background that is associated with a higher chance of being a carrier. The test results are most accurate in the higher risk groups listed in the table and may be less accurate in other groups. Most of these genetic carrier blood tests are optional. What does a negative result mean? A negative test result means you are most likely not a carrier for that particular disease. Therefore, no further testing is generally needed. These tests are very accurate, but they will not identify all carriers. What does a positive result mean? If the father of the baby is also found to be a carrier, a genetic counselor will meet with you to discuss the option of testing the baby before birth (prenatal diagnosis). Prenatal diagnosis can tell you whether or not the baby will have the disease. Some people who learn that their baby will have one of these diseases may choose not to continue their pregnancy. Others may use this information to help them prepare for taking care of a child with special needs. If you choose not to have prenatal testing, your baby can be tested shortly after birth. A genetic counselor can help you make these decisions and give you ongoing support. A positive test result means that you are a carrier for that particular disease. A health care provider will tell you of your positive test result, and the father of the baby will be offered testing. If his test is negative, there is only a small chance that your baby will have the disease, and no more testing will be done. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 27 Genetic diseases — risk and carrier screening chart Disease Higher-risk populations Chance of being a carrier Thalassemia • Asian. Varies; 1 in 30 or higher. • Mediterranean (from Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, and so on). • African-American, black. Sickle cell disease • African-American, black. About 1 in 12. Cystic fibrosis • Caucasian, white (non-Hispanic). About 1 in 25. Tay-Sachs disease • Jewish (Ashkenazi/Eastern European). About 1 in 30. • French Canadian. • Cajun. Canavan disease • Jewish (Ashkenazi/Eastern European). About 1 in 40. Familial dysautonomia • Jewish (Ashkenazi/Eastern European). 1 in 30. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 28 Symptoms and treatment Carrier screening • Blood disorders; two major types: alpha thalassemia, beta thalassemia. • Routine blood test. • Alpha thalassemia usually causes babies to die during pregnancy or shortly after birth. • • During pregnancy, mother of an affected baby may develop serious health problems. Very accurate, but will not identify all carriers. • Beta thalassemia usually causes severe anemia and poor growth, beginning in infancy/ early childhood. • There may be a shortened life span. • Treatment may include lifelong blood transfusions, medications, frequent hospital stays. • Severity varies. Some people lead productive lives without serious illness. • Generally cannot be cured. • Blood disorders beginning in infancy/early childhood that cause anemia, bone pain, and frequent serious infections. There may be a shortened life span. • Optional blood test. • Treatment may include frequent hospital stays, medications, blood transfusions. • Very accurate. • Severity varies. Some people lead productive lives without serious illness. • Generally cannot be cured. • Disease of the lungs and digestive system, developing in early childhood. • Optional blood test. • Thick mucus clogs the lungs, causing difficulty breathing and frequent lung infections. Lung disease worsens over time. Problems with digesting food, resulting in poor weight gain. Most people do not live beyond early adulthood. • • Treatment may include daily chest physical therapy, medications, frequent hospital stays. Detects about 90 percent of all carriers in the Caucasian (nonHispanic) population. • Severity varies. Some people lead productive lives without serious illness. • Currently no cure. • Disease of the brain and nerves, developing in infancy. • Optional blood test. • Causes muscle weakness, developmental disabilities, and blindness. Greatly worsens over time. • • Death generally occurs by about 3 to 5 years. • No treatment or cure. Detects about 95 percent of all carriers in the Ashkenazi Jewish population; fewer in French Canadians and Cajuns. • Disease of the brain and nerves, developing in infancy. • Optional blood test. • Causes muscle weakness, developmental disabilities, and seizures. Worsens over time. • • Death generally occurs by 10 years. • No treatment or cure. Detects about 97 percent of all carriers in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. • Disease of the nervous system, developing in infancy. • Optional blood test. • Causes problems with growth, balance, muscle tone, and lung infections. Also problems with regulation of blood pressure, temperature, breathing, and digestion. Affects perception of heat, pain, and taste. • • Average life expectancy is 30 years. Detects about 99 percent of all carriers in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. • No cure is available. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 29 Cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that causes problems with frequent lung infections and digestion. Without testing, a person would ordinarily not know if he or she were a CF carrier since being a carrier does not affect health in any way. Some people who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy might like to know if they are CF carriers. Others prefer not to know. Whether or not to have CF carrier testing is completely up to you. How does CF affect a person? CF causes a person’s mucus to thicken and be stickier than usual. This makes it more likely that a person with CF will develop lung infections. It can also cause problems with the digestive enzymes usually produced by the pancreas, so there can be problems with properly digesting food. Sometimes babies with CF are born with blockages in the intestines. Most men with CF are infertile, and women with CF may have difficulties becoming pregnant. CF does not affect a person’s intelligence or appearance. The average life span for a person with CF is currently about 30 years. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. It is not always possible to predict how severe the disease will be. Some individuals with CF die in childhood, while others may live into their 40s, 50s, or beyond. Many people with CF are able to lead fulfilling lives. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Can CF be treated? At this time, there is no cure for CF. Some things can be done to help treat CF. Medication can help with the digestive problems. Respiratory therapy (pounding or vibrating the chest) on a daily basis is recommended for people with CF — this helps remove mucus from the lungs. When lung infections do happen, they are treated with antibiotics. However, the lung infections typically worsen over time and become more difficult to treat. How is CF inherited? CF is a genetic disorder. Our genes come in pairs. In each gene pair, we get one gene from our mother and the other from our father. Sometimes there can be changes in genes that cause them not to work properly. CF is a recessive genetic disorder. For CF and other recessive disorders, both genes in the pair must be altered for the person to have the disease. If a person has only one altered gene for CF and the other gene in the pair works correctly, then the person is a CF carrier and is not affected by CF. CF carriers do not have any health problems because the normal gene makes up for the gene with the harmful alteration. For a child to have CF, both parents must be CF carriers. If both parents are carriers, there is a 1 in 4 chance that a child will inherit an altered CF gene from each parent, and have CF. 30 What are my chances of being a CF carrier? Certain genetic disorders tend to occur more frequently in certain ethnic groups. CF is seen most often in Caucasians. About 1 in 25 Caucasians are CF carriers. With other ethnic groups, the chances of being a CF carrier are less. Ethnicity Chance of being a CF carrier Caucasian 1 in 25 Hispanic 1 in 58 African-American 1 in 61 Asian 1 in 94 If I have a relative with CF, does that change my chances of being a CF carrier? Is it possible that I could still be a CF carrier, even though my results are normal? Yes. At this time, the CF carrier test cannot find all the harmful alterations in the CF gene, just the most common ones. The test will detect about 90 percent of CF carriers in the general Caucasian population. It is about 98 percent accurate in people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. It is less accurate in other ethnic groups. Ethnicity Caucasian 88 percent Ashkenazi Jewish 94 percent Hispanic 72 percent African-American 64 percent Asian 49 percent Yes, it makes your chances higher. For instance, if you have a niece or nephew with CF, then you have a 1 in 2 chance of being a CF carrier. It is important to keep in mind that even if you don’t have anyone in your family with CF, it is still possible to be a CF carrier. In fact, most people who are CF carriers don’t have any relatives with CF. How is CF carrier testing done? A simple blood test can look at your CF genes to see if you carry any of the most common harmful alterations in the gene. Results usually take about two weeks. If you choose to be tested and your results show you are a CF carrier, you will be contacted by phone. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Accuracy of test 31 Cystic fibrosis What if I find out I am a CF carrier? If you are a CF carrier and you are pregnant or considering a pregnancy, the next thing to do is offer CF carrier testing to your partner. If your partner’s CF results are negative, then it is unlikely that your baby would have CF. Remember, both parents have to be CF carriers for there to be a chance the baby might have CF. It would also be a good idea to discuss these results with your relatives. For instance, if you are a CF carrier, then your brothers and sisters would each have a 50 percent chance of being a CF carrier. What if both my partner and I are CF carriers? That means that for each of your children, there would be a 1 in 4 chance that the child would have CF. You will have an opportunity to discuss this in more detail with a genetic counselor and to discuss the possibility of prenatal testing for CF. Are there risks associated with prenatal testing? Yes. Prenatal testing can be done through amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Amniocentesis can be done between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy and involves taking a small sample of amniotic fluid. CVS is done at 10 or 11 weeks and involves taking cells from the placenta. With amniocentesis, there is a 1 in 500 risk of miscarriage. CVS has a 1 in 100 risk of miscarriage. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 If I find out my baby has CF, can anything be done? There is no cure for CF, and there is no treatment for unborn babies with CF. Some couples might choose to terminate a pregnancy if they know the baby has CF. Others might want to continue with the pregnancy. This is a very personal decision and is completely up to the couple. If I had CF carrier testing once, would I ever need to have it again? Probably not. It is possible that the test will become more accurate in the future as technology improves. Check with your primary care provider or your Ob-Gyn provider in the future if you are planning a pregnancy. Could my CF carrier results ever cause problems in getting health or life insurance? There has been some concern in the medical community about the possibility of genetic discrimination. Few cases have been reported, and some laws are already in place to try to prevent insurance companies from turning people down because of genetic test results. Being a CF carrier does not cause health problems. CF carrier test results will not change your health care coverage at Kaiser Permanente in any way. 32 When should I have CF carrier testing? Possible reasons for not being tested The ideal time is before you become pregnant. That way, you are better informed beforehand. • You don’t see CF as being a serious disorder. If you are already pregnant and want to have CF carrier testing, earlier in pregnancy is better. CF carrier testing usually takes two weeks to get back the results — and another two weeks to get your partner’s results if you are a carrier. By testing early in pregnancy, there is still time for prenatal testing if you wish to do so. Possible reasons for being tested • You see CF as being a serious disorder. • You think your chances of being a CF carrier are high (for instance, you have relatives with CF). • You would consider prenatal testing if you and your partner are both CF carriers. • You would consider terminating a pregnancy with CF. • You feel knowing about CF before delivery would help you be better prepared. • You think your chances of being a CF carrier are low (for instance, you are not Caucasian). • You would not consider prenatal testing if you and your partner are both CF carriers. • You would not consider terminating a pregnancy with CF. • You think knowing about CF before delivery would not be helpful. • Finding out you are a CF carrier can cause stress and anxiety. • You are concerned about the possibility of genetic discrimination. • The test cannot identify all CF carriers. If you decide that you would like to have CF carrier testing, let your Ob-Gyn provider or your primary care provider know, and he or she can make arrangements for you to have your blood drawn. Remember — it’s your choice, so make the best choice for you. • Test results are usually reassuring. • It is unlikely that you would experience genetic discrimination based on your test results. • The test can identify most CF carriers, especially in Caucasians. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 33 health and wellness health and wellness Your health and wellness One of the best ways you can care for your baby’s health is to take care of yours. Knowing you’re doing all you can to stay healthy may give you greater peace of mind. The following pages offer tips on how to exercise, eat, and feel your best during one of the most dynamic times of your life. You’ll learn about: • Staying fit. • Eating well. • Medications and natural remedies. • Managing emotions. • Body changes and discomfort. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 35 staying fit Moderate exercise during pregnancy can help you feel your best and ward off discomforts, such as backache and fatigue. Exercise is a good warmup for childbirth because the physical activity improves your circulation and energy for labor. Also, exercising during pregnancy can help you maintain muscle strength and shed unwanted pounds after your baby is born. If you’re physically active most days, great! If not, this is a good time to start. Begin slowly, build up gradually, and try to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. tips for a safe workout • Check with your practitioner before starting any exercise routine. • Whatever activity you choose, don’t overdo it. Listen to your body and rest if you feel tired. You should be able to carry on a conversation during any activity. • Drink extra water before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration. • Get plenty to eat so that you don’t run low on glucose. • Do not exercise to lose weight. Read about the importance of weight gain during pregnancy. • Avoid overheating. During hot weather, exercise indoors and (ideally) in an airconditioned space. Best bets for moms-to-be During your first trimester, you should be able to continue your same exercise routine if you’re having a healthy pregnancy. Try for a combination of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises. In your second and third trimester, you may need to vary your routine slightly. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Walking. It’s safe and easy for most women from the moment you find out you’re pregnant until the final weeks. Wear a pedometer to count your steps and motivate you to stay active. Remember to use a handrail when walking up or down stairs. • Swimming or water aerobics. Both are gentle on your joints and provide a feeling of weightlessness (a welcome break in the later months of pregnancy). • Stretching or yoga. Stretching eases back pain and helps you maintain flexibility. Look for classes or videos designed for pregnant women. • Low-impact dance or aerobics. Moving to music is fun for both you and your growing baby. Stay balanced by avoiding jumps, kicks, leaps, and bouncing. Exercises to prepare for birth The muscles in your lower abdomen, lower back, and around the vagina (birth canal) come under great strain during pregnancy. During delivery, these same muscles must relax and stretch. In the event of a lengthy labor, increased endurance can be a real help. Practice the following exercises throughout your pregnancy to help you during childbirth. Back press This exercise strengthens your trunk and thighs, helping you maintain a healthy lower back posture during your pregnancy. 1. Stand 10 to 12 inches from a wall, with your back facing the wall. 2. Rest your back flat against the wall and slide down the wall until your knees are slightly bent. 3. Press your lower back against the wall by pulling in your stomach muscles. 36 4. Hold this position for a count of 10, then relax your stomach muscles and slide back up the wall. 5. Do this exercise 10 times. Backward stretch This exercise stretches and strengthens your back, thigh, and pelvic muscles. 1. Kneel on hands and knees with your knees 8 to 10 inches apart, hands directly under your shoulders, and arms and back straight. 2. Keeping your arms straight, slowly lower your buttocks toward your heels and tuck your head toward your knees. Hold for a count of 5. 3. Slowly return to the kneeling position. 4. Do this exercise 5 times. 3. Hold for a count of 5, then slowly sit up straight. 4. Do this bend 5 times or to your comfort level. Leg-lift crawl This exercise strengthens your back and abdomen muscles. 1. Kneeling on hands and knees, place your hands directly under your shoulders and straighten your arms. 2. Lift your left knee and point it toward your elbow, while lowering your chin toward your chest. 3. Slowly extend your leg behind you without completely straightening it, while raising your head to look in front of you. Avoid arching your back. Diagonal curl 4. Do left and right lifts 5 to 10 times each. This exercise stretches your back, spine, and upper torso muscles. Pelvic rocking 1. Sit with your feet out in front, knees bent, and hands clasped in front of you. 2. Slowly twist your upper torso to the left and then to the right. 3. Twist to each side 5 times. Forward bend This exercise strengthens your back, hip, and abdomen muscles. 1. Kneeling on hands and knees, place your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. 2. Inhale deeply. This exercise stretches and strengthens your back muscles. 3. While slowly exhaling, pull in your abdomen, and tighten your buttocks and pelvic floor muscles. This should curve your spine into a C shape. 1. Sit comfortably in a chair, with your arms relaxed. 4. Relax, keeping your back straight (don’t allow it to curve toward the floor). 2. Slowly bend forward, allowing your arms to hang down in front of you. Lean only as far as you can without feeling discomfort or pressure on your abdomen. 5. Do this exercise 8 times or to your comfort level. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 37 staying fit Pelvic tilt Tailor stretching This exercise strengthens your lower back and pelvis. It is for use during the first four months of pregnancy. After this point, lying on your back is not recommended, because it can cause blood circulation problems for you and your fetus. This exercise stretches the back, hamstrings, and arms. 1. Keep your knees relaxed. 2. Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. 3. At the same time, gently shift your pelvis upward. This should flatten the curve in your back. 4. Hold for a count of 10 and relax. 5. Gradually increase the number of tilts you do each day, to your comfort level. Tailor press This exercise stretches your hip and thigh muscles and strengthens your arm and leg muscles. 1. Bring the bottoms of your feet together, then draw them as close to your body as you can. 2. Cup your hands under your knees. 3. Press your knees toward the floor. At the same time, resist that force by pulling upward with your hands. Do this while slowly counting to 3. Relax. 4. Gradually increase the number of presses you do per day. A good goal is 10 times, twice daily. Tailor sitting This exercise stretches your hip and thigh muscles as you sit comfortably. 1. Bring your feet close to your body while crossing your ankles. 2. Hold this position for as long as you are comfortable. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 1. Sit with your back straight, legs about 12 inches apart, and feet relaxed outward. 2. Stretch your hands forward toward your left foot, then sit up. 3. Stretch your hands straight forward, then sit up. 4. Stretch your hands forward toward your right foot, then sit up. 5. Gradually increase the number of stretch sets you do per day. A good goal is 10 sets, twice daily. Trunk twist This exercise stretches your back, spine, and upper torso muscles. 1. Sit with your legs crossed. 2. Reach your left hand toward your left foot, and place your right hand at your side for support. 3. Slowly twist your torso to your right. 4. Switch your hands and twist to your left. 5. Repeat left and right twists 5 to 10 times each. Upper-body bends This exercise strengthens your back and torso muscles. 1. Stand with your hands on your hips, legs apart, and knees slightly bent. 2. Keeping your upper back straight, bend forward slowly. You should feel a slight pull below your buttocks. 3. Bend 10 times. 38 Kegels — the other exercise Activities to avoid During pregnancy and delivery, the pelvic floor can become stretched and weak, leading to urine control problems after your baby is born. Kegel exercises help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. As you enter your second trimester, you may find that your achy joints, growing belly, and changing center of gravity make you unstable on your feet. During this time, you’ll probably need to make adjustments to your normal exercise routine. Here are some activities to avoid: Start doing Kegel exercises daily as soon as you become pregnant. Kegels can be done anytime, standing or sitting, and no one will even know. Here’s how: • Firmly tighten the muscles around your vagina, as you would to stop urinating. (It’s not recommended to practice Kegel exercises while on the toilet because this may strain the pelvic floor muscles.) • Hold tightly for as long as you can (8 to 10 seconds). Remember to keep breathing as you hold the muscles. • Then slowly release the muscles and relax. • Repeat 10 to 15 times, at least 3 times a day. Kegel exercises are effective only when done regularly. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Bouncing, jumping, or movements where you could lose your balance, especially in the third trimester. • Contact sports, such as soccer, softball, and basketball. • Scuba diving. • Exercise in high altitudes (above 6,000 feet). • Water or downhill skiing. • Horseback or motorcycle riding. • After your fourth month, avoid anything that requires you to lie flat on your back (such as sit-ups and some yoga poses). • Avoid overheating or extreme sweating. 39 Eating well While you’re pregnant, you supply everything your baby needs to grow. The best way to do this is to eat at least three meals and two healthy snacks every day. Also, drink 8 to 10 full glasses of fluid every day. The daily food guide on page 41 will help you choose foods that give you the nutrition you and your baby need while you’re pregnant. At the end of the day, you can see if you’re getting enough servings from each of the following five food groups: Calcium-rich foods Aim for 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. If you don’t get enough calcium, your body will draw it from your own bones to give to the baby. This may cause you to develop osteoporosis later in life. Sources of calcium include: • Low-fat or nonfat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt). • Tofu (calcium fortified). • Almonds. • Bread and other whole grains. • Broccoli. • Vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. • Canned sardines or canned pink salmon with bones. • Fruits. • Milk and milk products. • Soy nuts or soybeans. • Meat and beans. • Certain green, leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, bok choy, collards, turnip greens, and broccoli). Vitamins and minerals • Scallops. Three vitamins and minerals are especially important for you and your growing baby: calcium, iron, and folate (also called folic acid). • Fortified cereals or oatmeal. You can get the extra nutrients your baby needs to be healthy if you eat enough of the right foods. But even if you have excellent eating habits, your practitioner may still recommend a daily multivitamin with folic acid. • Corn tortillas. • Orange juice (calcium fortified). Folate-rich foods It’s recommended that women take folic acid (400 micrograms per day) before getting pregnant and through the first three months of pregnancy. However, don’t rely on dietary supplements to make up for an unhealthy diet. Keep in mind that taking too much of any supplement can have a harmful effect on you and your baby. To be safe, check with your practitioner before taking vitamins, herbs, or other dietary supplements. Once you are pregnant, you should eat foods that contain approximately 0.6 milligrams per day of folic acid, which is a B vitamin. That’s the same as eating one bowl of 100 percent fortified cereal, a half-cup of spinach, and a half-cup of great northern beans. The following information lists the foods rich in nutrients that are most important during pregnancy. Use this as a general guideline for how much of each nutrient to take daily and where to find it naturally. Getting enough folic acid before and during pregnancy reduces the chance of certain birth defects. Folate-rich foods include: 1899KPCC-12/4-12 40 • Dark-green, leafy vegetables (kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, and spinach). Daily food guide Recommended daily amounts • Beans. Food groups • Broccoli. Bread and other whole grains 1 slice bread 1 tortilla 1 cup dry cereal ½ cup hot cereal ½ cup cooked rice, noodles, or pasta 6 whole-grain crackers 6 – 10 ounces Vegetables 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables 1 cup green salad 1 cup vegetable juice 2½ – 3½ cups Fruits 1 medium piece fresh fruit 1 cup fresh fruit 1 cup orange juice or other 100 percent fruit juice 1½ – 2½ cups Milk and milk products 1 cup low-fat or nonfat milk or yogurt 1 cup low-fat or nonfat frozen yogurt 1½ ounces low-fat cheese 2 cups cottage cheese 1 cup soy milk (calcium fortified) 3 cups Meat and beans 1 ounce lean meat, chicken, turkey, or fish 1 cup cooked beans or lentils ½ cup tofu 1 egg 1 tablespoon peanut butter ¼ cup nuts and seeds 5 – 7 ounces • Asparagus. • Cantaloupe, honeydew, oranges. • Orange and grapefruit juices. • Peanuts and almonds (limit to 1 to 2 tablespoons per serving). • Folate-fortified breads and breakfast cereals. Iron-rich foods If you need an iron supplement (ferrous sulfate), your practitioner will tell you which type to take and recommend when to take it. Generally women wait until their second trimester of pregnancy to take iron supplements, which may worsen morning sickness. You will need twice as much iron in your second and third trimesters as you did before pregnancy. Aim for 30 milligrams per day. Getting enough iron prevents anemia, which is linked to preterm birth and low-birth weight. Try to eat iron-rich foods in combination with foods or juices high in vitamin C — such as oranges, peppers, broccoli, and strawberries — because vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. Iron-rich foods include: • Lean beef, lean pork, and chicken or turkey (skin removed). • Pumpkin seeds. • Lentils and beans. • Iron-fortified cereals. • Mussels, oysters, clams, shrimp, and sardines. • Dark-green, leafy vegetables (kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, and spinach). • Dried fruits (raisins, prunes, apricots). 1899KPCC-12/4-12 41 For example: 2 slices of bread from sandwich = 2 ounces of bread For example: 1 cup raw carrots from snack = 1 cup of vegetables For example: 1 cup orange juice from lunch = 1 cup of fruit For example: 1 cup low-fat yogurt from snack = 1 cup of milk products For example: 1 ounce turkey from sandwich = 1 ounce of meat and beans Eating well prenatal vitamins Most women can benefit from prenatal vitamins, even before they start trying to conceive. Taking a prenatal vitamin is especially important for women who are pregnant with multiples or women who have dietary restrictions, certain health issues, or pregnancy complications. Prenatal vitamins are available without a prescription. If you have questions, talk to your practitioner. Foods to avoid Although you can enjoy most foods while pregnant, there are some that you should cut back on, or eliminate. This list includes: • Alcohol. Drinking alcohol can harm your baby and cause him or her problems later in life. There is no amount of alcohol that has been proven safe in pregnancy, so it’s better not to drink any alcohol. • Raw or undercooked meat, chicken, and fish. Cook raw foods thoroughly and cook ready-to-eat meats — such as hot dogs or deli meats (ham, bologna, salami, and corned beef) — until they’re steaming hot. Wash your hands, knives, cutting boards, and cooking surfaces with warm, soapy water after handling raw or undercooked meat. • Caffeine. Coffee, tea, soda, hot chocolate, or sports and energy drinks may contain caffeine. It’s a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 200 milligrams a day (about two cups of coffee) because more caffeine may be connected to higher rates of miscarriage. However, there is not enough evidence to know for sure. In addition, caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it makes you urinate more often, which can cause you to lose important minerals, including calcium. Caffeine may also interfere with sleep for both you and your baby. • Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and albacore tuna. They have high levels of mercury, which is dangerous to your baby. Eat no more than 12 ounces a week of fish or shellfish with low mercury levels. Good choices include shrimp, canned light tuna, wild salmon, pollack, trout, and catfish. • Raw eggs and foods containing raw egg. Lightly cooked eggs (such as soft-scrambled eggs), Caesar dressing, or hollandaise sauce can increase your risk of exposure to salmonella. • Liver. It has excessive amounts of vitamin A, and too much vitamin A may cause birth defects. However, fruits and vegetables that contain beta carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) are perfectly safe to eat. • Unpasteurized soft cheeses. Avoid brie, feta, fresh mozzarella, and blue cheese because they contain bacteria that could harm your baby. Hard cheese, processed cheeses, cream cheese, and cottage cheese are safe, but look for reduced-fat options. • Papaya, especially when unripe. Papaya is sometimes recommended for soothing indigestion, which is a common ailment during pregnancy. Although a fully ripe papaya is not considered dangerous, a papaya that is at all unripe contains a latex substance that triggers uterine contractions. Contractions of the uterus could lead to a miscarriage. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 42 1899KPCC-12/4-12 43 medications and natural remedies If you take any medications or herbal remedies, your developing baby takes them, too. That’s why it’s important to ask before taking any form of medication. In general, follow these guidelines: • If you’re taking prescription medications, continue to take them unless your practitioner tells you otherwise. Make sure to follow the directions carefully. • Tell your practitioner about all medications (prescription and over-the-counter), vitamins, homeopathic remedies, herbs, or home remedies that you’re taking. • Don’t take any prescription medications unless they’re prescribed or approved by a practitioner who knows you’re pregnant. • Use over-the-counter medications only if you really need them. Stop taking them as soon as you feel better. Try natural remedies for relief, if possible. (See the chart on the right.) Call your practitioner if: • You feel worse after you take any medication. • Your symptoms don’t improve. Fluid intake Drinking plenty of fluids during pregnancy can help you avoid many of these symptoms naturally. With enough fluid, you’re less likely to become dehydrated, be constipated, get urinary tract infections, or experience preterm (premature) labor. You’ll also have softer skin and be at less risk of retaining water. Your baby needs fluids for proper growth. To get enough fluids for yourself and your baby: • Drink about 8 to 10 full glasses (64 to 80 ounces) of fluid each day. • Keep a full glass of water with you. • Try a variety of fluids, like milk and soups, in moderate amounts. • Choose caffeine-free, nonalcoholic drinks. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 44 Natural remedies and safe over-the-counter medications problem Natural remedies Over-the-counter medications Headache • Massage. • Rest. • Cool washcloth on forehead. • Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol). • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen (such as Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, or Medipren). Cold and cough • Rest. • Drink plenty of warm liquids. • Use a vaporizer, humidifier, or shower for nasal congestion. • Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) for aches and fever. • Pseudoephedrine (such as Sudafed) for stuffy or runny nose. • Chlorpheniramine (such as Chlor-trimeton) for allergies. • Saline nasal drops. • Cough drops. • Dextromethorphan or guaifenesin. Constipation • Increase fluids and fiber in diet (such as prunes). • Exercise regularly. • Metamucil (plain), Fiberall, or Colace. Diarrhea • Drink clear liquids. • Imodium. Indigestion • Eat smaller meals. • Wear loose-fitting clothing. • Elevate head when lying down. • Tums (for occasional heartburn relief). • Maalox, Mylanta, or Riopan. Hemorrhoids • Use witch hazel pads, Tucks pads, or ice packs. • Take a warm sitz bath. • Preparation H, Anusol, or 1% hydrocortisone cream. Nausea and vomiting • Take vitamin B6 (25 milligrams three times a day). • Eat crackers or dry toast. • Use acupressure on wrist. • Ginger tea or capsules. • Emetrol. Vaginal itch • Eat yogurt that contains live Lactobacillus organisms. • Wear cotton underwear. • Reduce or eliminate sugar from diet. • 7-day treatment Monistat or GyneLotrimin (for yeast infections) or 1% hydrocortisone cream. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 45 Managing emotions What to expect from your emotions Emotions during pregnancy differ for every woman. You may experience highs and lows or feel uncertain — even if your pregnancy was planned. Increased hormones and the fatigue of pregnancy can spur mood swings. At times, you may feel exhausted, forgetful, or moody. You may worry about your body, how to manage symptoms, or how different your life is becoming. Many women fear that their baby will have a problem. Or they may feel anxious about childbirth or that their pregnancy isn’t going well. • Second trimester. Fatigue, morning sickness, and moodiness usually improve or go away. You may feel more forgetful and disorganized than before. Looking heavier than normal, then looking visibly pregnant and feeling the baby move, can make you feel any number of emotions. • Third trimester. Forgetfulness may continue. As your due date nears, it is common to feel more anxious about the childbirth and how a new baby will change your life. As you feel more tired and uncomfortable, you may be more irritable. Handling ups and downs Other concerns can come up, too. Keeping up with everyday life, finances, and relationships with family and friends are potential sources of confusion or stress. Feeling waves of emotion during pregnancy is natural. To keep your stress low, try doing relaxation exercises and time management practices at home. Here are a few tips to get started: As you adjust to your changing world, it’s important to understand why things feel different and how to find relief. Guided imagery Emotional shifts by trimester Each trimester brings new streams of mind and body sensations. Here are general ways your emotional life may shift along the way: • First trimester. Extreme fatigue or morning sickness can color your daily life. Moodiness (as with premenstrual syndrome) is normal. Happiness and anxiety about a new pregnancy, or feeling upset about an unplanned pregnancy, are also common. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 It is possible to feel calm just by imagining it. Guided imagery suggestions: • Work with audio recordings, an instructor, or a script (a set of written instructions) to lead you through the process. • Imagine yourself in a calm, peaceful setting to help you relax and relieve stress. • Use all of your senses (touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight) in guided imagery. For example, if you want a tropical setting, you can imagine the warm breeze on your skin, the bright blue of the water, the sound of the surf, the sweet scent of tropical flowers, and the taste of coconut so that you actually feel like you are there. 46 Breathing exercises Time management Deep breathing can help you feel relaxed, reduce tension, and relieve stress. Try some of these breathing exercises to calm and relax your mind and body: When you’re pregnant, demands on your time can increase. Doctor visits, classes, and preparing for the new baby — plus all of your normal obligations — add up fast. Finding a system to manage your time, activities, and commitments helps make your life easier, less stressful, and more meaningful. Time management suggestions: • Belly breathing. Sit in a comfortable position with one hand on your belly just below your ribs and the other hand on your chest. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let your belly push your hand out. Your chest should not move. Breathe out through pursed lips as if you were whistling. Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out. Do this breathing 3 to 10 times. Take your time with each breath. • 4-7-8 breathing. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Take a deep, slow breath from your belly, and silently count to 4 as you breathe in. Hold your breath, and silently count from 1 to 7. Breathe out completely as you silently count from 1 to 8. Try to get all the air out of your lungs by the time you count to 8. Repeat 3 to 7 times or until you feel calm. • Morning breathing. From a standing position, bend forward from the waist with your knees slightly bent, letting your arms dangle close to the floor. As you inhale slowly and deeply, return to a standing position by rolling up slowing, lifting your head last. Hold your breath for just a few seconds in this standing position. Exhale slowly as you return to the original position, bending forward from the waist. • Prioritize tasks. Make a list of all your tasks and activities for the day or week. Then rate these tasks by how important or urgent they are. • Control procrastination. The more stressful or unpleasant a task, the more likely you are to put it off. This only increases your stress. Try this instead: Structure your time, break up large tasks, create short-term deadlines, and avoid perfectionism. • Let go. Liberate yourself from doing it all. Learn what’s important to you, recognize that you have limits, and decide how you want to spend your time. When you do, you’ll breathe a little easier. • Make commitments. Once you commit, see it through. Commit as fully as you can, don’t back out of obligations, and be open to new ideas and suggestions. These are just a few of the breathing exercises out there. Consult your care team to find out which exercises are the best fit for your specific needs. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 47 Body changes and discomfort Your body changes a lot in nine months with a baby growing inside of you! Although they can range from mild to severe, the following conditions are common during pregnancy: Back pain and sciatica Most women develop back pain at some point during pregnancy. As the size and weight of your growing belly place more strain on your back, you may notice your posture changing. To protect your back, follow these guidelines: • Avoid standing with your belly forward and your shoulders back. Do the opposite. • When standing, rest one foot on a small box, brick, or stool. Try not to stand for long periods of time. • Sit with a back support or pillow against your lower back. If you must sit for prolonged periods, take a break every hour. • Avoid heavy lifting. Lift only by raising from a squat, keeping your waist and back straight. • Avoid stretching to reach something, such as on a high shelf or across a table. • Sleep on a firm mattress (plywood under a mattress helps). Lie on your side, with a pillow between your knees. • Stay active, and do the simple back exercises from the “Staying fit” section. Breast changes In the second trimester of pregnancy, your breasts will become larger and heavier, and you may need a larger and more supportive bra. As your breasts become larger, veins become more noticeable under the skin. The nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) darken, and small bumps may appear. You may also notice yellowish discharge (colostrum) from your nipples. Colostrum is what your breasts produce when they are preparing for breastfeeding. Changes in vaginal discharge A thin, milky-white discharge (leukorrhea) is normal throughout pregnancy. You may also have yeast infections that reoccur or are difficult to get rid of. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section for treatment options. Fatigue Most women struggle with fatigue during pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimesters. To manage fatigue during pregnancy: • Take frequent rest breaks during the day. • Reduce nonessential activities and responsibilities. • Exercise regularly — get outside, take walks, keep your blood moving with your favorite workout. If you don’t have your usual energy, don’t push it. • Eat a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section for more treatment options. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 48 Hair changes Hemorrhoids and constipation During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect how your hair looks and feels. You may notice that your hair is thicker and healthier-looking than usual. Hemorrhoids and constipation are common during pregnancy. Pressure on the large intestine, slower-moving bowels, and the increase in iron from prenatal vitamins are often the cause. For relief, try eating a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of water, avoid straining during bowel movements, and get more exercise. But some women find that their hair is more limp and lifeless during pregnancy. It is normal during pregnancy to grow hair on other parts of your body, such as your abdomen, face, or back. After pregnancy, your hair’s growth cycle returns to normal. Hand pain, numbness, or weakness (carpal tunnel syndrome) Tingling, numbness, and pain in the hands are common during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. These problems are usually caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, and they usually go away after pregnancy. To reduce discomfort, try changing or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms and take frequent breaks. You can also try using wrist guards, especially when sleeping. Heartburn (a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) Heartburn is common during pregnancy because hormones cause the digestive system to slow down. However, heartburn rarely causes complications, and most of the time, symptoms improve after your baby is born. Avoiding spicy foods, eating smaller meals, and waiting two to three hours after eating before you lie down can help reduce symptoms. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section for treatment options. Leg cramps Leg cramps affect many pregnant women. The cause of leg cramps during pregnancy is not fully known, but they may be caused by reduced levels of calcium or increased levels of phosphorus in the blood. If you get a leg cramp, straighten your leg, flex your foot so that your ankle and toes point up (toward your head), massage your calf, walk around to stretch your calf, and avoid pointing your toes when you stretch your legs. Although uncommon, a blood clot can form in a deep vein of the leg (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) during pregnancy. DVT can be life-threatening and requires medical treatment. Consult you care team for specific treatment advice. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section for treatment options. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 49 Body changes and discomfort Morning sickness Pelvic aches and hip pain Morning sickness is nausea, sometimes with vomiting, caused by hormones released during pregnancy. Morning sickness occurs most often during the first three months of pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, you may develop aches and pains in your hips and pelvic area. This is a normal sign that your pelvic girdle is preparing for childbirth. Pregnancy hormones are relaxing your ligaments, loosening up your pelvic bones so they can shift and open for childbirth. You may find that nausea and vomiting are worse in the morning. But symptoms can occur at any time of the day or night. Most women feel better at the beginning of the second trimester. However, symptoms can continue throughout pregnancy. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section for treatment options. Nosebleeds and bleeding gums Nosebleeds during pregnancy may be caused by increased blood flow to the tissue lining the inside of the nasal passages (mucous membranes). Increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums during pregnancy may also cause bleeding, especially when you brush your teeth. Your gums may appear more swollen than usual. Try using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Inform your dentist and visit regularly during pregnancy for exams, but avoid X-rays and anesthesia until after you deliver. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 To help manage pelvic and hip pain at home, try the following: • When lying on your back, propped up on your elbows or a pillow, squeeze a pillow between your knees. This can help realign your pelvic bones and may give you temporary pain relief. • Wear a prenatal belt or girdle around your hips, under your abdomen, to help stabilize your hips. • Sleep with a pillow between your knees. • Rest as much as possible, applying heat to painful areas. • Talk to your health professional about whether a safe pain reliever might help. Sleep problems Hormonal changes, plus the discomforts of later pregnancy, may disrupt your sleep cycle. Regular exercise, shorter naps, relaxation techniques, comfortable pillows, and avoiding caffeine can help you get the best possible sleep during pregnancy. 50 Stretch marks, itchiness, and other skin changes Stretch marks are most common on the belly, but they can also develop on the breasts and thighs. Other skin changes can also occur: • A dark line known as a linea nigra may appear on the skin between your navel and your pubic area. It generally fades after delivery. Varicose veins Enlarged, swollen veins are common during pregnancy, particularly in women with a family history of the problem. Varicose veins typically develop on the legs but can also affect the vulva. There are a few preventive and treatment measures that are safe during pregnancy: • Avoid prolonged standing and sitting. • Dark patches may develop on your face. This is known as the “mask of pregnancy,” or chloasma, and it usually fades after delivery. • Lie on your side as much as possible. This takes the pressure off your leg veins, allowing normal blood flow. • Blotchy skin and acne may increase or clear up during pregnancy. • Elevate your legs whenever possible. Gravity helps with blood return from your legs. • Tiny, red elevated areas (vascular spiders, or angiomas) may appear on the face, neck, chest, and arms. These are not serious and usually go away after pregnancy. • Wear compression stockings. You can buy these at the Kaiser Permanente pharmacy after being measured at your Ob/Gyn appointment. Vaginal bleeding or spotting • Get regular exercise to improve your blood circulation. Minimal bleeding or spotting may be normal in some pregnancies. But any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by your doctor. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 To learn more about common body changes and discomforts, visit and search for “pregnancy.” Consult with your care team for specific treatment advice. 51 risks and safety risks and safety Pregnancy is a sensitive time in a woman’s life. These guidelines summarize some healthy habits, risks to avoid, and warning signs when you’re expecting. Health and safety • Pregnancy over age 35 poses some risks, but most older women have healthy pregnancies. • Some immunizations should be done only before pregnancy. You can get other vaccines during pregnancy. • Flu vaccine is safe and recommended for all pregnant women. The vaccine also can help prevent H1N1 flu. • Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) immunization or booster is recommended for pregnant women. Please review your immunization history with your provider. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery may mean that you keep seeing the doctor who did your weight-loss surgery, along with seeing the doctor or midwife who is caring for you during pregnancy. • Domestic violence can happen more often and/or get worse when women are pregnant. It is dangerous for both mother and baby. See page 157 for more information. Travel If your pregnancy is normal and healthy, it is generally OK for you to travel during your second trimester (weeks 13 to 28). During the middle of your pregnancy, you may feel great, have lots of energy, and be able to enjoy a relaxing vacation — free of strollers and diapers. (You’ll have plenty of time for those later.) During this period, your risks for miscarriage and early labor are at their lowest. So why not seize this opportunity to hit the road? Things to avoid Certain substances aren’t good for you any time, but the list grows when you’re pregnant. Make sure you know what to steer clear of. Here are tips about things to avoid and moderate: • Hazardous chemicals, radiation, and certain cosmetic products. Avoid exposure to dangerous substances, such as pesticides, some household cleaners, paint, lead, and mercury during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. These toxins can be harmful to a developing fetus and/or cause birth defects or miscarriage. Nail polish, artificial nails, hair dyes, and hair permanents also contain strong chemicals. It is wise to reduce your exposure to these chemicals and be sure the room is well-ventilated if you use them. • Many prescription and over-the-counter medicines (including herbs and other supplements). Some over-the-counter and prescription medicines are not safe to take when you’re pregnant. Tell your doctor about all the drugs and supplements you take. He or she can help you decide what medicines are best for you. Review the “Medications and natural remedies” section in this guide for general recommendations. • Smoking during pregnancy. This unhealthy habit increases the risk of problems such as low birth weight, preterm labor, and miscarriage. • Hot tubs and saunas. If you use a hot tub or sauna during pregnancy, be conservative. Avoid uncomfortably high temperatures, and limit your exposure. Raising your core body temperature (hyperthermia) can harm your fetus, particularly during the early weeks of organ development. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 53 When to call for help Problems during and after pregnancy have warning signs. To stay as healthy as possible, familiarize yourself with these signs. If anything does go wrong, you will know just what to do and when. Call your doctor with urgent questions. Emails may take a few days for response and should be used only for routine questions. • Abdominal pain that does not go away. • Your baby has stopped moving or is moving less than 10 times in 2 hours. A common method of checking your baby’s movement is to count the number of kicks or moves you feel in an hour. Ten movements (such as kicks, flutters, or rolls) in an hour are normal. To count: During pregnancy • Pick your baby’s most active time of day. Some doctors suggest that you count in the morning until you get to 10 movements. Then you can quit for that day and start again the next day. When to call your doctor During your pregnancy, call your health care provider if any of the following occur: • Vaginal bleeding. • If you do not feel 10 movements in an hour, your baby may be sleeping. Wait for the next hour and count again. • Vaginal discharge that causes itching, soreness, or bad odor. • Signs of preeclampsia: • Severe headache that does not go away with acetaminophen (such as Tylenol). • Uterine tenderness, unexplained fever, or general weakness (possible symptoms of infection). • Visual disturbances, blurred vision, flashes of light, or spots before your eyes. • Contractions: • Between 20 and 37 weeks, more than four to six contractions in one hour could indicate preterm labor. • Sudden, increased swelling of the face, hands, or feet. • Sudden weight gain, 2 to 3 pounds in a week, in your third trimester. • After 37 weeks, contractions every five minutes for one to two hours could indicate labor. • Very bad, continuous headaches. • Between 20 and 37 weeks, preterm labor could be indicated by low back pain or pelvic pressure that does not go away, or intestinal cramping with or without diarrhea. • Pain or burning when urinating. • Decreased urine output, despite drinking large amounts of fluid. • Continuous vomiting or loose stools. • Fever with a temperature above 100.4 degrees, or feeling chills. • Painful, hard veins in the legs or elsewhere. • A gush or leak of water from the vagina. • An accident, hard fall, or other injury. • Sharp or continuous pain in your stomach. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 When to call 911 You or someone else should call 911 or other emergency services immediately if you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if you: • Have a seizure. • Pass out (lose consciousness). 54 • Have severe vaginal bleeding. • Have severe pain in your belly or pelvis. • Have had fluid gushing or leaking from your vagina (the amniotic sac has ruptured) AND you know or think the umbilical cord is bulging into your vagina (cord prolapse). This is quite rare, but if it happens, immediately get down on your knees and drop your head and upper body lower than your buttocks to decrease pressure on the cord until help arrives. Cord prolapse can cut off the baby’s blood supply. After delivery When to call your doctor • Your vaginal bleeding seems to be getting heavier or is still bright red four days after delivery, or you pass blood clots larger than the size of a golf ball. • You feel dizzy or lightheaded, or you feel as if you may faint. • You are vomiting or you cannot keep fluids down. • You have a fever. • You have new or more belly pain. • You pass tissue (not just blood). • You have a severe headache, visual problems, or sudden swelling of your face, hands, or feet. Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if: • You are not getting better after two to three days. • You have vaginal discharge that smells bad. • You have signs of postpartum depression, such as: • Feelings of despair or hopelessness for more than a few days. • Troubling or dangerous thoughts or hallucinations. • Your breasts are painful or red and you have a fever, which are symptoms of breast engorgement and mastitis. When to call 911 These situations after delivery warrant emergency help, so call 911 if: • You have severe vaginal bleeding. You are passing blood clots and soaking through a new sanitary pad each hour for two or more hours. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 55 first trimester first trimester first-trimester overview Your due date or estimated delivery date is based on the first day of your last menstrual period and is about 40 weeks (280 days) after your last period. However, you baby is considered to be full term between 37 and 40 weeks. During the week after fertilization, the fertilized egg grows into a microscopic ball of cells (blastocyst), which implants on the wall of your uterus. This implantation triggers a series of hormonal and physical changes in your body. The third through eighth weeks of growth are called the embryonic stage, during which the embryo develops most major body organs. During this process, the embryo is especially vulnerable to damaging substances, such as alcohol, radiation, and infectious diseases. Your body and emotions Extreme fatigue or morning sickness can color your daily life during the first trimester. Moodiness (as with premenstrual syndrome) is normal. Happiness and anxiety about a new pregnancy, or feeling upset about an unplanned pregnancy, are also common. The first trimester can bring insomnia and night waking. Most women feel the need to take naps to battle daytime sleepiness and fatigue. You may also experience breast tenderness, increased urination, fullness, or mild aching in your lower abdomen, and nausea with or without vomiting. Having reached a little more than 1 inch in length by the ninth week of growth, the embryo is called a fetus. By now, the uterus has grown from about the size of a fist to about the size of a grapefruit. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 57 First Trimester: Weeks 1 to 4 About your baby Your to-do list Your baby starts as a tiny fertilized egg. The fertilized egg divides rapidly, forming clusters of cells as it travels down the fallopian tube. If you haven’t already done so, use our medical staff directory to help you select a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable. At about three weeks, the egg burrows into the uterine wall, where it will make its home for the next nine months. Learn as much as you can. Our pregnancy center has information to guide you through your pregnancy, childbirth, and the challenging first months of parenthood. At four weeks, the heart, brain, and lungs are forming and the structures of the eyes and ears are beginning to develop. Arm and leg buds are visible, and some bones are forming. Go to and get familiar with the pregnancy health and wellness topics. You’ll find a wealth of material, tools, and calculators. You’ll also find information on pregnancy and childbirth classes offered in this region. Tips for staying healthy During the first three months, your baby develops quickly and is especially sensitive to toxins and stresses. Avoid harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Try to minimize stress and get enough sleep. • Take a vitamin supplement or prenatal vitamin with 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folic acid daily. Folic acid is a B vitamin that can help prevent birth defects. • Take a vitamin D supplement (1,000 milligrams) and omega-3 fatty acid capsule daily. • Eliminate or cut back on caffeine. • Ask your doctor about the safety of any medications you’re taking. • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 58 First trimester: Weeks 5 to 8 The second month of pregnancy is a time of amazing development. Your fertilized egg is now an embryo. Your to-do list Your first prenatal visit is coming up. You will have a complete physical exam, assessment of pregnancy symptoms, a variety of tests, and a review of your medical history. Your first visit is usually scheduled between 8 and 12 weeks. Make sure you schedule your appointment if you haven’t already. About your baby At five weeks, your baby resembles a tadpole. At six weeks, your baby’s nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to form, and his or her little heart has started to beat (almost twice as fast as yours). By eight weeks, your baby is about 1 inch long. Fill out and return the questionnaire that was mailed to you. Your baby is also starting to look human. The arms, legs, muscles, and skin are growing. And the head may seem larger than the rest of the body because the brain is developing faster than the other organs. Keep the lines of communication with your partner open. It’s important for you both to share your feelings about your pregnancy and impending parenthood. About you Get plenty of rest. Plan for baby expenses by creating a budget. You may soon start to notice early signs of pregnancy: exhaustion, tender breasts, nausea, and food cravings or aversions. A milky, vaginal discharge is also common in your first trimester. Feeling moody? Hormonal changes are partly to blame. You may also feel emotional about all the change that’s going on in your life. Tips for staying healthy • Eat a variety of foods including those high in iron, calcium, and protein each day. It’s quality, not quantity, that counts. Keep taking prenatal vitamins. • Exercise in moderation unless your doctor has instructed otherwise. Learn about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. • If you smoke, your baby smokes, too. See the “Health and wellness” section of this guide. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 59 First Trimester: Weeks 9 to 12 A fast or slow heart rate does not mean that your baby is a girl or a boy. The baby’s heart rate is faster when the baby moves and slower when the baby rests. About your baby At nine weeks, your baby is moving around, although you can’t quite feel it. Most of your baby’s critical development is complete. The reproductive organs have developed, but an ultrasound won’t show clearly whether the fetus is a girl or a boy until later (about week 20). At 10 weeks, your baby is growing more and more each day. Fingers and toes are emerging from the growing arms and legs. Your baby also has soft nails and eyelids. By the end of week 12, your baby is about 2 to 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce. About you You may not have a baby bump yet, but you probably feel pregnant by now. This can be one of the hardest months of pregnancy. You’re probably tired and needing extra rest. For some, morning sickness is at its peak. Fatigue and nausea will lessen, and you’ll start to feel normal again as you approach your second trimester. What’s normal • Some cramping as the uterus enlarges and contracts. During this time, your uterus will increase in weight from about an ounce to more than 2 pounds. Tips for staying healthy • Cat feces can sometimes cause an infection called toxoplasmosis, which could harm your baby. If you have a cat, ask someone else to change the litter box. If that’s not possible, wear rubber gloves and wash your hands well. • Avoid very hot baths and hot tubs (temperature should be below 101 degrees), saunas, steam rooms, and tanning beds. High temperatures may harm your developing baby. • You should gain about one pound a month for the first three months of your pregnancy. Too much weight gain in pregnancy can lead to a variety of health problems for you and your baby. • Pregnant women need 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily. Calcium builds your baby’s bones and teeth. It also prevents osteoporosis later in your life. Good sources include skim milk; yogurt; dark-green, leafy vegetables; canned salmon; and tofu. Relieving discomfort Appetite changes You may be very hungry, or you may find it hard to eat much at all; both are normal. Be sure to choose quality “baby-building” foods. Cut down on sweets like candy, cakes, doughnuts, and other high-fat, empty-calorie foods. At this point, a healthy weight gain is about ½ pound per week. Ask your practitioner for help if you think you’re gaining too much or too little weight. • Your breasts may feel larger and tender when touched. • Some bleeding in your gums is common, but don’t forget to brush and floss regularly. • Whitish vaginal discharge is normal throughout pregnancy. You may also have yeast infections that reoccur or are difficult to get rid of. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 60 Feeling tired • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Your body is working hard throughout your pregnancy. If you feel tired, that’s your body’s way of telling you to slow down. Don’t ignore your need for extra rest and sleep. You’ll find your energy returning during the middle months of pregnancy (the second trimester). • If you sit in the sun, wear a hat. Roller-coaster emotions Headaches Pregnancy can be an emotional roller-coaster for some. You’re not alone if you have mood swings, cry easily, feel easily annoyed, or feel disorganized and have trouble concentrating. Lie down and relax if possible. Put a cool cloth on your head and neck, and ask your partner to give you a neck and shoulder massage. Accept your feelings and share them with someone who cares. Talk to your practitioner if you need help coping with your feelings. Dizziness and fainting Women often feel dizzy when they’re pregnant, but dizzy spells should lessen ordisappear as your blood supply increases to meet your baby’s growing needs. If you feel faint, try these suggestions: • Sit down immediately and put your head down, as low as possible, between your legs. • If you can’t sit, kneel and bend your head down, as if you were going to tie your shoelace. • Lie down and keep your legs higher than your head (use pillows to prop your feet up). To reduce the likelihood of dizziness, try these suggestions: • Stand up slowly. Move slowly, especially when changing from a lying or sitting position. • Eat frequently to ensure that your blood sugar stays constant and you don’t feel lightheaded or faint. Eat healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, bread, or crackers. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Avoid closed-in spaces and get plenty of fresh air. • Fainting is rare. Be sure to report fainting. If you fall to the ground or hit an object, you’ll need to be examined right away. Don’t take aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin), or migraine medication while you’re pregnant unless directed by your practitioner. Call your practitioner if: • You have severe headaches after week 20 of pregnancy. • You have headaches along with muscle weakness, visual disturbance, or fever. • Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) doesn’t help your headache. Stuffy nose and nosebleeds You may have a stuffy nose, fluid dripping into your throat (post-nasal drip), or frequent sinus headaches. You can even get nosebleeds from blowing your nose too hard. Increased hormones make the mucous membranes inside your nose and sinuses swell. The tiny blood vessels in your nose have more blood while you’re pregnant. They can break with the slightest strain or no pressure at all. This will get better after your baby is born. In the meantime: 61 First Trimester: Weeks 9 to 12 • Use saline nose sprays to moisten dry nasal passages. • Dab Vaseline in each nostril and use a cool mist vaporizer. • Avoid nasal decongestant spray, which can actually make stuffiness worse. • Don’t use any drugs without asking your practitioner first. Call your practitioner if you can’t control the bleeding from a nosebleed or if the bleeding gets too heavy. Bleeding gums Tips for dealing with vaginal discharge include: • Wear cotton underwear and keep it clean and dry. • Wash thoroughly during baths or showers, but avoid strong soaps. • Remember that baths should be warm but not too hot. • Don’t douche while you’re pregnant. • Avoid sweets and sodas. They encourage yeast to grow. Your to-do list Your first visit is usually scheduled between 8 and 12 weeks. Make sure you schedule your appointment if you haven’t already. Bleeding gums are common during pregnancy. If you experience this side effect, try switching to a soft toothbrush, flossing gently, and using mild toothpaste. This is an important time for testing. If you are worried about Down syndrome or other chromosomal problems, you may be able to have a special ultrasound and a blood test (called first trimester screening) around 11 weeks. See a dentist for a checkup early in pregnancy and report any painful or swollen gums. Most dental care can be safely performed during pregnancy, but be sure to tell your dentist you’re pregnant. Getting your teeth cleaned can help if you’re experiencing bleeding gums. Talk to your doctor about genetic testing options to screen for chromosomal defects. Though some mild cramping is normal, call your doctor if cramping is severe. Vaginal discharge Whitish vaginal discharge is normal throughout pregnancy. You can also get yeast infections that come back (or don’t go away easily). Practice Kegel exercises to start preparing for childbirth (you can do it anytime, anywhere). Refer to page 39 for instructions. You can treat yeast infections and itching with over-the-counter drugs that don’t require a prescription, such as Monistat or Gyne-Lotrimin (7-day treatment). Make sure to follow the instructions. You can use 1% hydrocortisone cream to calm vaginal itching or burning. (Don’t use the cream inside the vagina.) 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Create your own at-home spa to pamper yourself and relieve stress. 62 1899KPCC-12/4-12 63 second trimester second trimester second-trimester overview By the end of the first trimester (about week 12 of pregnancy), the fetus has a recognizable human form. The second trimester lasts from weeks 13 to 28 of pregnancy. It’s when your baby’s movement takes off. If this is your first pregnancy, you’ll begin to feel your fetus move at about 18 to 22 weeks after your last menstrual period. Although your fetus has been moving for several weeks, the movements have not been strong enough for you to notice until now. At first, fetal movements can be so gentle that you may not be sure what you are feeling. If you’ve been pregnant before, you may notice movement earlier, sometime between weeks 16 and 18. Your body Your breasts will become larger and heavier in the second trimester. You may need a larger and more supportive bra. The tenderness and tingling sensation from early pregnancy will probably decrease. As your breasts become larger, the veins become more noticeable. The nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) become darker and larger. Small bumps may appear on the areolae and disappear after delivery. You may also experience: • Leg cramps. • Back pain. • Pelvic aches and hip pain. • Stretch marks and other skin changes. • Hemorrhoids and constipation. • Heartburn (also a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD). • Nosebleeds and bleeding gums. • Hand pain, numbness, or weakness (carpal tunnel syndrome). • Braxton Hicks contractions, which are “warmup” contractions that do not thin and open the cervix (and do not lead to labor). Emotional shifts Fatigue, morning sickness, and moodiness usually improve or go away. You may feel more forgetful and disorganized than before. Looking heavier than normal, then looking visibly pregnant and feeling the baby move, can make you feel any number of emotions. The second trimester tends to feel more normal for many women. This is often a period of improved daytime energy and less need for naps. As early as the 16th to 19th week, you may notice a thin, yellowish discharge (colostrum) from your nipples. Colostrum is what your breasts produce when they are preparing for breastfeeding. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 65 second Trimester: Weeks 13 to 16 Your second trimester officially began at week 13. This is when your risk of miscarriage drops dramatically. Take this time to enjoy your pregnancy — you’ll probably find the weeks of your second trimester to be the easiest. About your baby This is a time of rapid growth for your baby. Your baby now has more muscle tissue, and the bones have developed and become harder. Your baby is rolling, kicking, and moving a lot — flexing tiny arms and legs. The skin is beginning to form, but it’s almost transparent at this point. Your baby’s kidneys are functioning and start to pass urine. Most of the amniotic fluid that nourishes and protects your baby comes from the urine. The intestinal tract is starting to work too, producing meconium, which will later be used as your baby’s first bowel movement. You might now be able to hear the heartbeat with a Doppler heart monitor. By 16 weeks, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 3 to 4 ounces. About you By week 13, you’ll likely feel better and more energetic. Morning sickness and breast tenderness are easing. It’s probably time to break out the maternity clothes because your belly is starting to grow. What’s normal • You may experience heartburn along with a sour taste in your mouth. It’s not a cause for concern, but it’s uncomfortable. • Pregnancy hormones also cause the digestive tract to relax and work more slowly. As a result, you might feel constipated, especially as your pregnancy progresses. • You may experience round ligament pain. Round ligaments help support your uterus. As pregnancy progresses, these ligaments can stretch. Any movements that stretch these ligaments can cause pain. It can occur when turning over in bed, walking quickly, or sneezing and coughing. Tips for staying healthy • Keep weight gain under control by watching your portion sizes. This will make it easier to lose weight after the baby is born. • Make sure you get vitamin C daily, and drink plenty of water to reduce your risk of bladder infections. • We recommended that pregnant women get a flu vaccine. • Even as your belly expands, continue to wear a seat belt any time you are in a car. Wear both the lap belt and the shoulder harness, but place the lap belt low, below the baby (not across your stomach or uterus). If this is not your first pregnancy, you might feel your baby move. (It takes a little longer to feel this the first time you are pregnant.) These first flutters you feel are called quickening. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 66 Relieving discomfort • Exercise regularly. Heartburn • Establish a regular time for bowel movements. You may experience heartburn along with a sour taste in your mouth. Heartburn is caused when stomach acids bubble back into the esophagus. It’s not cause for concern, but it’s unpleasant and uncomfortable. Follow these suggestions for relief: • Eat small, frequent meals. • Try Metamucil, bran tablets, or Fiberall. • Try an over-the-counter stool softener called Colace (also called docusate sodium) as directed by your practitioner. • Don’t use laxatives (such as Ex-Lax) without first talking with your practitioner. • Avoid fatty, fried, or spicy foods. Hemorrhoids • Avoid beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or soda. Hemorrhoids (dilated, twisted blood vessels in and around the rectum) are common, especially in the last months of pregnancy when the uterus is pushing constantly on the rectal veins. Hemorrhoids can cause pain, itching, and bleeding during a bowel movement, but usually improve without treatment shortly after birth. Here are some tips that might help: • Avoid bending over or lying down after meals. Take a walk instead. • Avoid tight clothes and waistbands. • If heartburn is a problem at night, avoid eating just before bedtime, and sleep propped up with pillows. • Take an antacid, such as Tums or Mylanta, for instant relief. If your heartburn does not go away, you may use acid blockers such as cimetidine (Tagamet) or ranitidine (Zantac). • Don’t take high-sodium antacids such as AlkaSeltzer or baking soda. Constipation Pregnancy hormones cause the digestive tract to relax and function more slowly. Constipation is likely to result, especially as your pregnancy progresses. The following suggestions may decrease constipation: • Keep your stools soft by increasing your intake of liquids, fruits, vegetables, and fiber. • Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Lie on your side several times a day. • Cleanse the area with soft, moist toilet paper, witch hazel pads, or Tucks pads. • Try ice packs to relieve discomfort. • Take a sitz bath (a warm-water bath taken in the sitting position where only the hips and buttocks are covered) for 20 minutes, several times a day. • Use Preparation H, Anusol, or 1% hydrocortisone cream to help relieve the pain. • Drink more fluids (keep a bottle of water near you during the day). • Eat more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads, cereals, and beans. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 67 second Trimester: Weeks 13 to 16 Frequent or painful urination Round ligament pain You may notice that you do not need to urinate as frequently as you did when you were first pregnant because your uterus is well out of your pelvis, putting less pressure on your bladder. Continue to drink plenty of fluids and monitor how you feel. Round ligaments help support your uterus. As pregnancy progresses, these ligaments can stretch. Any movements that stretch these ligaments can cause pain. It can occur when turning over in bed, walking quickly, or sneezing and coughing. The following tips can help you avoid the pain: If you ever feel burning or pain when you urinate, call your practitioner. These symptoms may indicate a bladder infection, and you will need to be tested. Call now if you have chills and fever or a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater, with or without backache. These symptoms could be a sign of a more serious infection. Resting and sleeping positions • Change positions slowly. • Use your hands to support your weight when changing positions. • Rest as much as possible. • A maternity girdle or belt can help lift the weight of the uterus off the pelvic floor. Your to-do list Your doctor may recommend prenatal blood tests, such as a maternal serum quadruple test (also called a quad test or expanded AFP screening) or an alpha-fetoprotein screening (AFP), which detect signs of a possible birth defect. Lying on your side is better for you and the baby now. When you lie on your back, the weight of your uterus and your baby rests on the vena cava, the largest vein in your abdomen. When there is pressure on that vein, your blood pressure can go down, and you may feel dizzy or light-headed. Your doctor may also recommend an amniocentesis at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy to check for birth defects and genetic problems. Follow these tips for a good night’s sleep: • Sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. Announce the news at work. Check your employer’s maternity leave policy. In addition to any state or employer-sponsored leave, if your company has 50 or more employees, you’re entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. • If you find you have turned over onto your back, just roll back onto your side. • After week 16 of pregnancy, avoid exercises that involve lying on your back for longer than three minutes. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 68 1899KPCC-12/4-12 69 second Trimester: Weeks 17 to 20 At 20 weeks, you’ve reached the halfway mark of your pregnancy. Your practitioner may recommend an ultrasound to check your baby’s health. During the test, you might be able find out if you’re having a boy or a girl (if you want to know). About your baby Your baby is swallowing more amniotic fluid, which is good practice for his or her digestive system. The umbilical cord that connects you and your baby is thickening and continues to carry blood and nutrients. It’s about now that your baby’s sucking instinct develops, and he or she may have started thumbsucking. Your baby’s head is no longer so big compared to the rest of the body. Hair is starting to grow on the scalp, and tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are appearing. Your baby also sleeps and wakes regularly. By week 20, your baby is starting to build up body fat. He or she is about 8 to 10 inches long and weighs about 10 ounces. Your doctor may be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope. About you If this is your first pregnancy, you will start to feel your baby move between 18 and 22 weeks. These first flutters are called quickening, and some women say they feel like gas bubbles. It’s probably time to break out the maternity clothes because your belly is starting to grow. Many pregnant women report an increase in nightmares as their pregnancy progresses. Don’t worry. These vivid dreams are just your mind’s way of helping you process and adapt to the changes in your life. You may also notice that you and your partner are not experiencing your pregnancy in the same way (or at the same pace). It’s important to have frequent conversations about the new baby to reconnect to each other and share in your excitement for the future. What’s normal • You may begin feeling Braxton Hicks contractions, especially if this isn’t your first pregnancy. This painless tightening of muscles in the uterus is normal. • Notice brown patches on your face? It’s called the “mask of pregnancy” and is due to a temporary increase in estrogen. The brown patches may darken in the sun, so use sunscreen. • You may see a narrow, dark line (the linea nigra) running from your belly button to the top of your pubic bone. After birth, the darkened area should lighten and then disappear. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 70 Tips for staying healthy Your to-do list • To soothe aching legs and prevent varicose veins, elevate your legs often, don’t cross your legs when sitting down, and slip on support hose made especially for pregnant women. Your practitioner may recommend an ultrasound to measure your baby’s growth, estimate your due date, screen for certain abnormalities, and rule out twins (or more). • Keep taking your prenatal vitamin supplement and eating a diet rich in nutrients. Elastic waistbands will go only so far. Time to start shopping for (or borrowing) maternity clothes. • Pump up your daily iron intake (you now need about 30 milligrams) to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Ask your doctor and friends to recommend a childbirth education class and call to find out the dates of the classes. Most couples begin classes in the seventh month. • Sleep on your side. When you lie on your back, the weight of your uterus and baby rests on a large vein in your abdomen, which can cause your blood pressure to go down and make you feel dizzy or light-headed. Start discussing your maternity leave with your supervisor. Think about how long you’ll take off, and get the terms of your leave in writing. • Practice relaxation exercises to increase your energy, reduce your stress, and prepare for a relaxing labor. For ideas, check out our healthy pregnancy and childbirth guided imagery podcasts at 1899KPCC-12/4-12 If you plan to return to work after your leave, start to make arrangements for child care. Quality child care providers often have waiting lists. 71 second Trimester: Weeks 21 to 24 Your baby hears sounds outside your womb and responds by kicking or moving. Talk to your baby often so that he or she will recognize your voice and be comforted by it, both now and after birth. Tips for staying healthy About your baby • If at any time, even during the last weeks of pregnancy, you detect a lack of fetal movement, call your doctor. The fetus is still small enough to change position frequently — from head-down to feet-down, or even sideways. The eyes are beginning to open and close, and the brain is very active now. Your baby can grip firmly with little hands, which now have fingernails and fingerprints. The skin is wrinkled, red, and shiny, and your baby is starting to grow real hair. The fetus is still building up body fat and starting to put on a lot of weight. At the end of week 24, your baby will weigh in at around 1 to 1.5 pounds and measure 11 to 12 inches long. About you Pregnancy is a time when gaining the right amount of weight is essential to you and your baby’s health. It’s important not to skip meals or restrict eating to lose weight. Follow your practitioner’s advice on healthy eating and weight gain. What’s normal • You may notice a rhythmic jerking motion that can last several minutes. This means your baby has the hiccups! You don’t need to do anything about hiccups. They will stop soon and won’t hurt either of you. • You may also notice that your baby kicks and stretches more (and you may even be able to see squirming under your clothes). You will feel more movement or less movement at certain times of the day and night. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • If you have one or more children at home, your pregnancy can’t be your central focus. Get tips on parenting while pregnant. • Learn the signs of preterm labor. Read more about preterm labor further into this guide. Relieving discomfort Difficulty sleeping As pregnancy progresses, leg cramps, breathlessness, contractions, the frequent need to urinate, and an active baby may interfere with your sleep. You may not be able to find a comfortable position. • Use extra pillows to support your legs and back. Try sleeping on your side with pillows between your knees and behind your back. • Have a light snack or a glass of milk before going to bed. • Get regular exercise during the day to help you sleep more soundly at night. • Practice relaxation exercises before going to sleep or if you wake up during the night. • Take a warm (not hot) bath or shower before going to bed. • Avoid caffeine, including chocolate, especially late in the day. • Do not use sleeping pills or drink alcohol because they could harm your baby. 72 Leg cramps Leaking from your nipples Leg cramps are common in late pregnancy. They usually occur late at night and may wake you up. They may be caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on nerves or blood vessels in your legs, from lack of calcium, or occasionally from too much phosphorous in your diet. During the second or third trimester (anytime after 12 weeks), you might notice a yellowish or whitish fluid leaking from your nipples. This fluid is called colostrum, the first breast milk. To relieve leg cramps: • Sit on a firm bed or chair. Straighten your leg and flex your foot slowly toward the knee. • Stand on a flat surface (a cold surface is even better) and lift your toes up, as if to stand on your heels. Then try walking while keeping your toes up. • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle. To prevent leg cramps: • Avoid too much phosphorous in your diet. This is found in highly processed foods, such as lunch meats, packaged foods, and carbonated beverages. It’s the perfect food for your newborn and also supplies antibodies to help protect your baby from infections. Although leakage is common for many women, some women don’t have any leakage until after delivery. Colostrum may continue to leak from time to time through the rest of your pregnancy. If your blouse or dress gets wet from leaking: • Use breast pads (all cotton, no plastic liners) inside the cup of your bra. • Keep your breasts clean and dry. • Wear a supportive bra. Your to-do list Enroll in a childbirth education class. Look into baby care and breastfeeding classes. Ask your practitioner for recommendations. • If you have frequent cramps (more than twice a week), increase the amount of calcium in your diet or take calcium supplements that don’t contain phosphorous. Between now and 28 weeks, you will be given an oral glucose tolerance test to screen for gestational diabetes, a pregnancy complication affecting 4 percent of expectant moms. • Do leg stretches before bedtime. Keep track of fetal movement. • Wear leg warmers at night. Prepare for changes in your relationship with your partner. Take a “babymoon,” a weekend away with your partner to relax and enjoy yourselves before the new baby comes (and while you can still travel). Get tips on traveling while pregnant. • Exercise moderately every day. • Take a warm (not hot) bath before bedtime. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 73 second Trimester: Weeks 25 to 28 You can enjoy a sexual relationship with your partner throughout pregnancy, unless you have been told that you’re at high risk for preterm labor or that your placenta is over your cervix (placenta previa). If you have either of these conditions, talk with your practitioner. About your baby Your baby’s eyes are able to open and close, skin is becoming smooth, and the hair on the head is getting longer. The lanugo, a soft, fine, downy hair that once covered your baby, is beginning to disappear. The vernix caseosa, a white, creamy substance that protects the skin from long exposure to amniotic fluid, still covers your baby’s body. The lungs are maturing, and your baby is starting to practice breathing. Feel as if you can’t catch your breath? It’s your growing uterus pressing up on your diaphragm and crowding your lungs. Relief usually comes when your baby settles into your pelvis. What’s normal • Your blood pressure may increase slightly, returning to its normal pre-pregnancy state. • Sometimes your baby settles into a position that is very uncomfortable for you. Your unborn baby’s kicks and twists can be strong, very noticeable, and sometimes painful. • You may feel pelvic pressure or pain if your baby’s head is low in your pelvis. Lying on your side may help relieve this discomfort. Tips for staying healthy Your baby could probably survive if he or she was born now but will be healthier when born at full term (between 37 and 42 weeks). Your baby is probably in the head-down position, so you may feel less rolling over and more kicking under your ribs. • You may be plagued by hemorrhoids because of the amount of pressure your uterus is placing on the veins in your rectum. Talk to your practitioner about your treatment options. Eat a high-fiber diet, drink water, and avoid sitting or standing for long stretches of time. Throughout your seventh month, your baby continues to put on a lot of weight. By the end of week 28, he or she will weigh about 2 to 2.5 pounds and measure about 11 to 14 inches. • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid processed foods and other super-salty snacks to prevent swelling in your legs and fingers. About you As your second trimester draws to a close, new symptoms may start to crop up: aching back, leg cramps, minor swelling, and sleep problems, to name a few. Continue to get moderate exercise, which can help prevent and relieve some of these symptoms. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Make sure to get the nutrients that will fuel your growing baby and keep you healthy: folate, iron, and calcium. (See pages 40 and 41.) • Be aware of the warning signs of preeclampsia. • Lying on your side (especially your left side) promotes good circulation and improves oxygen flow to your baby. Use pillows for comfort and to help maintain the side position. 74 Relieving discomfort Leaking urine Painful kicking As your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, you might notice that you leak urine when you laugh or cough. This is common and is called stress incontinence. Your baby may settle into a position that is very uncomfortable for you. Your baby’s kicks and twists can be strong and sometimes painful. When your baby drops into your pelvis (called “lightening”), the kicks will probably be less uncomfortable. If you’re having your first baby, lightening can occur several weeks before delivery. For subsequent babies, it usually doesn’t happen until just before labor. If the baby’s movements are causing you discomfort: • Change your position and hope your baby changes position, too. • Try taking a deep breath while you raise your arm over your head and then breathe out while you drop your arm. • Try cupping your hands around your baby’s buttocks and gently moving the baby. Pelvic pressure or pain Sharp, lower, midline pain is sometimes caused when the symphysis pubis, a joint at the front of the pelvis, relaxes in response to pregnancy hormones. You may feel pelvic pressure or pain if your baby’s head is low in the pelvis (after lightening occurs). You can help prevent leaking by doing Kegel exercises (page 39 for instructions). Kegels strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and help reduce leaking. Don’t drink less fluid to keep urine from leaking; it won’t work! You still need fluids to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Not drinking enough fluids may lead to preterm labor. Also, reducing fluids will not keep you from needing to get up at night to empty your bladder. Call your practitioner now if you need a pad to keep your underwear dry. This could mean that you have a leak in your bag of waters. Swollen feet and ankles You may notice that your feet, ankles, hands, and fingers become swollen, particularly at the end of the day. It’s normal to have extra fluid in your tissues during pregnancy, but much of the swelling should disappear after a good night’s sleep. If your fingers are puffy, remove your rings. Do not take diuretics (water pills) because they interfere with your normal fluid balance. Lying on your side may help relieve this discomfort. You might have groin discomfort as the round ligaments that support the uterus continue to stretch. Again, resting on your side might help. Also, be sure to get up slowly from a sitting or lying position. Slowly roll onto your side when getting up from a lying position, and use your arms to get up. This helps prevent straining your round ligament and causing ligament pain. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 75 second Trimester: Weeks 25 to 28 Tips to prevent swelling or puffiness: Your to-do list • Avoid high-sodium (salty) foods. (Aim for less than 2,400 milligrams of sodium per day.) Select a pediatrician for your baby. Get recommendations from friends and family. • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Keep track of your baby’s movements. • Keep your feet up on a stool or couch whenever possible. Talk with your spouse or partner about how you’re feeling and your expectations of family. • Avoid standing for long periods of time. Take your childbirth preparation class and learn all you can about labor and childbirth, including your pain management options. • Don’t wear tight shoes or knee-high stockings. • Wear support stockings, and put them on before you get out of bed in the morning. Accept your growing body as beautiful. • Lie on your side to remove fluid from your puffy tissues. • Try sleeping with your feet slightly higher than your heart. Raise the foot of your bed by putting a thick blanket or pillows under the mattress. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 76 1899KPCC-12/4-12 77 third trimester third trimester third-trimester overview The third trimester lasts from about 29 weeks of pregnancy until birth. By the end of the second trimester (about week 27 to 28 of pregnancy), all the vital organs of the fetus have developed. Also, you will begin to feel the fetus move (quickening), usually starting between weeks 16 and 20. During the third trimester, the fetus’ size increases and organs mature. After week 32, your baby becomes too big to move around easily inside your uterus and may seem to move less. At the end of the third trimester, your baby usually settles into a headdown position in your uterus. You will likely feel some discomfort as you get close to delivery. Your body In the third trimester, your chest wall may widen because of your growing baby. You may need a larger bra or a bra extender. You may also experience: • Braxton Hicks contractions, which are “warmup” contractions that do not thin and open the cervix (and do not lead to labor). • Fatigue. • Back pain. • Pelvic aches and hip pain. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Hemorrhoids and constipation. • Heartburn (a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD). • Hand pain, numbness, or weakness (carpal tunnel syndrome). • Breathing difficulty, since your uterus is now just below your rib cage, and your lungs have less room to expand. • Mild swelling of your feet and ankles (edema). Pregnancy causes more fluid to build up in your body. This, plus the extra pressure that your uterus places on your legs, can lead to swelling in your feet and ankles. • Difficulty sleeping. The third trimester is a time to expect increasing insomnia and night waking. Most women wake up three to five times a night, usually because of such discomforts as back pain, needing to urinate, leg cramps, heartburn, and fetal movement. Strange dreams are also common in the last few weeks of pregnancy. The need to take daily naps returns as your due date approaches. Emotional shifts Forgetfulness may continue. As your due date nears, it is common to feel more anxious about childbirth and how a new baby will change your life. As you feel more tired and uncomfortable, you may be more irritable. 79 third Trimester: Weeks 29 to 32 On average, women gain about 11 pounds — and babies gain about 5 pounds and grow 5 inches — in the third trimester alone. Your good health continues to be important because your immunities are passed on to your baby, helping fight off infection after birth. About your baby What’s normal Your baby’s brain and vision are in a major developmental spurt, and eyesight is sharpening. The bones are fully developed, but still soft and flexible for delivery. • Your feet, ankles, hands, and fingers may become swollen, particularly at the end of the day. It’s normal to have extra fluid in your tissues during pregnancy, but much of the swelling should disappear after a good night’s sleep. The fingernails and toenails are growing, lungs are maturing, and the nervous system is perfecting itself. Your baby is also starting to develop taste buds and can taste sweet and sour. By week 32, your baby is probably in the headdown position and is taking up more and more space in your uterus. Your baby is weighing about 3 to 5 pounds and measuring about 16 to 18 inches long. About you As you enter the final months of your pregnancy, the fatigue that you felt during the first trimester may return as your body grows and sleep becomes more difficult. You’ve probably noticed how easy it is to get off balance and feel clumsy. This is partly due to your center of gravity moving forward as your baby grows. You also release a pregnancy hormone called relaxin that softens the cartilage in your joints and pelvis. The pubic bone also opens up to make more room for the baby, causing the waddle that most pregnant women have when they walk. • As your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, you might notice that you leak urine when you laugh or cough. This is common. If you notice any consistent leaking, whether it is a large or small amount, call your doctor’s office to make sure that your water hasn’t broken. • Your growing uterus is also crowding other surrounding organs, leading to all sorts of common discomforts and annoyances, including heartburn, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Tips for staying healthy • Keep exercising. Moderate, gentle exercise can help with common pregnancy discomforts and prepare you for the rigors of labor. • Your gums might be more sensitive and may swell and bleed. Check with your dentist if you experience pain or discomfort. Continue to practice good dental hygiene. • To help avoid varicose veins, wear maternity support hose and prop your feet up when you sit. • Nap. It’s important to rest more often. • Get enough omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flaxseed, and walnuts) each day. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 80 Relieving discomfort Your to-do list Varicose veins Start thinking about your childbirth preferences. Discussing these preferences with your medical team beforehand can help you decide your birth plan. Varicose veins are visible, enlarged blood vessels in your legs. Your calves may ache or throb, even when the veins aren’t visible. Most varicose veins will shrink or disappear after birth. Until then: Take a tour of your hospital’s labor and delivery ward. • Try not to stand for long periods of time. Splurge on a new pair of comfortable shoes. The bones in your feet spread when you’re pregnant, and some women find their shoe size goes up. • When sitting, avoid crossing your legs at the knees. • Elevate your feet. Pamper yourself. Get a manicure and haircut (pregnancy hormones make your hair and nails grow faster). • Avoid tight clothing or stockings that hamper circulation. • Wear support hose; this may help prevent aching calves. Start to look into health care benefits for your baby. • Exercise regularly. Try walking for at least 30 minutes each day on most days. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 81 third Trimester: Weeks 33 to 36 About now, you may be feeling a surge of energy, but make sure you’re also getting plenty of rest. Achiness, cramps, and breathlessness accompany this period of pregnancy. Take care by continuing to exercise, eating well, and winding down work. About your baby Your baby is busy preparing for life outside the womb by storing iron in his or her liver. Things have become crowded inside your uterus, and there’s not as much room for your baby to move around. Your baby’s skin is now pink and smooth, and the arms and legs look chubby. The bones of the head are firm but flexible enough to pass through the birth canal without damage. The vernix caseosa, a white, creamy substance that protects the skin, is disappearing. The lanugo is almost completely gone except for some soft, fine hairs on your baby’s back and shoulders. During this final month, you baby’s lungs are almost fully developed. By week 36, your baby is weighing in at about 5 to 7 pounds and measuring around 18 to 20 inches from head to heels. About you This month, you’ll have a test for Group B streptococcus (GBS), which is usually harmless in adults but can cause serious complications if you pass it on to your baby during birth. GBS is fairly common; about 25 percent of our patients have positive results. Moms who have positive GBS cultures need to be treated with antibiotics during labor to prevent their babies from becoming ill. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 When you go to Labor & Delivery, you will receive antibiotics in your IV before the baby is born. To make sure there is time to receive the antibiotics, please call Labor & Delivery and go in as soon as your bag of waters breaks. If you are laboring at home and your bag of waters is not broken, call Labor & Delivery to have the RN help you determine when to come in. Make sure when you call that you tell them you are GBS positive. What’s normal • You likely make frequent trips to the bathroom. • Leg cramps, breathlessness, contractions, the frequent need to urinate, and an active baby may interfere with your sleep. If you’re having trouble finding a comfortable position, try some of the tips on pages 68 and 72. • Feel achiness or numbness in your fingers, wrists, or hands? You may have carpal tunnel syndrome. See page 49 for more information. Tips for staying healthy • Prevent or ease leg cramps by elevating your legs or getting a massage. • Continue walking for exercise. • Eat, even if you’re not especially hungry. 82 Your to-do list Discuss labor and delivery options, including pain management, with your doctor or midwife and write your birth plan. Try to tie up loose ends at work or home. Make a note in your calendar to add your newborn to your health plan within 31 days of birth. Practice the breathing and relaxation techniques you learned in your childbirth preparation classes or listen to our healthy pregnancy and successful childbirth podcast. Know the signs of labor. Keep track of your baby’s movements. Start thinking about names for your baby. Find out the popularity of names and how they have changed over time on the Social Security Administration website ( 1899KPCC-12/4-12 83 third Trimester: Weeks 37 to 40 Only 5 percent of babies are born on their due date. But don’t worry; your baby will arrive soon. About your baby Your baby’s basic physical development is now complete. Your baby starts to descend into the pelvic cavity around week 38 (a process called engagement). The lungs are now mature, and your baby continues to practice breathing in anticipation of the first breath of air. The umbilical cord is 20 inches long and will support your baby through birth until the lungs take over. Near the end of your pregnancy, your practitioner may perform a pelvic exam as part of your prenatal visit to check your cervix and the position of your baby. Your cervix will begin to thin out (efface) and open (dilate) by the time you go into labor. For some women, these changes begin weeks before their due date, as their bodies prepare for labor and birth. What’s normal • You’re now seeing your practitioner every week. Your baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight. At birth, most full-term babies weigh 6 to 9 pounds and measure 19 to 21 inches long. But healthy babies come in many different shapes and sizes. • Labor could begin at any time. Review the signs and stages of labor. About you • If your pregnancy extends beyond 42 weeks, your doctor may conduct tests to determine whether to induce labor or continue to wait for your baby to come on his or her own. Breathing might be a little easier as your baby drops into your pelvis in preparation for birth (called lightening). • At this size, your baby does not have much room to move around, so you will probably notice less big movement than before. Try to relax and enjoy these last few weeks and days before your baby comes. Go see a movie. Read. Take walks. At week 37, you’re considered full term, and by week 40, you’ve reached your official due date! Your pregnancy is not post-term or overdue until after 42 weeks (or 2 weeks after your due date), when risks go up for the baby and delivery is typically recommended. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 84 Tips for staying healthy Your to-do list • Take a lot of walks if you feel up to it. Review the tips for exercising during pregnancy in the “Staying fit” section. Pack your bags for the hospital. See the checklist on page 103. Order diaper service or buy diapers so you have them when you and your baby come home from the hospital. • Practice squatting to keep your leg muscles strong. • Do your Kegel exercises. See our “Getting ready for baby” tips at the end of this section to make sure you’ve covered all the basics. • Get lots of rest. When labor starts, you’ll need all your energy (and you may not sleep for a while). Learn how to care for yourself and your baby by reviewing the postpartum recovery and coping section. • Cook and freeze meals ahead of time and have a stock of groceries on hand. Check out the restaurants in your neighborhood that offer takeout. • Find out if there are any grocery delivery services in your area. • Arrange for a friend or family member to help with housework, errands, watching older children, and so on. Let people know what you need, and take them up on their offers to help. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 85 home and nursery home and nursery Getting ready for baby Organizing your home The basics include: As your pregnancy enters its final weeks, actually having a new baby and bringing this tiny person home becomes a reality. When you first find out that you’re pregnant, nine months may seem like a long time, but with so much to do and think about, it’s not too early to plan ahead. • Car seat (the law requires that you have a car seat to safely transport your child in a car). Since most car seats are not installed properly, consider scheduling a car seat safety inspection. Visit to find an inspection site near you. You’re preparing for labor and delivery, adjusting to the idea of becoming a parent, and getting your home ready for your newborn. If you can get your household in order before delivery, you’ll be able to focus on caring for and enjoying your new baby. • Crib. Have these supplies on hand: • A box of large sanitary pads. It’s normal to have vaginal bleeding for a few weeks following delivery, and you may have some blood-tinged discharge for up to six weeks. Don’t use tampons during this time. • Digital thermometers. • Three to four sheets. • Six receiving blankets. • Four waterproof mattress pads. • Six undershirts or “onesies” with a snap at the crotch. • Hats. • Two warm coveralls or blanket sleepers. • Four to six pairs of socks or booties. • Twelve to 24 washcloths. • Diapers or diaper service. Wash your baby’s clothing, blankets, and sheets in mild soap, such as Dreft, before use. The things you’ll need to make life easier: • Basic layette (see below). • Stroller. • A box of nursing pads and three nursing bras for breastfeeding mothers. (Sign up for a breastfeeding class at your local Health Education Department to prepare for breastfeeding.) • Rocking chair. • Six bottles, six nipples, and a bottle brush. • Baby bathtub. • Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) for pain. Although there are many cute and convenient baby items on the market today, babies need very few things to keep them happy and healthy in the first few weeks. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Infant seat (or car seat that doubles as an infant seat). • Infant carrier (sling or front pack). • Changing table or dresser top (at a comfortable level to protect your back). • Other items — such as swings, wipe warmers, cute clothes, and monitors — are nice but can come later. 87 Getting ready for baby Meal preparation: Looking for bargains • Cook and freeze meals ahead of time. Whether you’re getting new or used items, think about safety. With new items, you’ll be able to choose exactly what you want. New baby furniture must meet all of the latest safety standards. Some used items might not meet current safety guidelines. • Stock up on supplies like eggs, bread, drinking water, and canned goods. • Have paper plates and plastic utensils on hand. Housework: • Clean the house or have it cleaned thoroughly before you go into labor. • Arrange in advance to have cleaning assistance for a few days after you come home. Your partner or a relative may volunteer to help. Professional housekeepers are listed in your phone book. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • You can probably save up to 80 percent on some items by shopping at garage sales or at stores that sell used baby gear. • You can also borrow from friends. • Before you get anything secondhand, make sure that it meets current safety guidelines. If possible, avoid buying a used car seat. • Contact “twin clubs” in your area if you’re expecting multiples. 88 1899KPCC-12/4-12 89 A safe nursery The nursery is your baby’s home — a place where your baby should be safe and protected. A variety of nursery equipment is available, but some pieces are safer than others. Here are some guidelines that you should use when selecting equipment. Cribs More infants die every year in accidents involving cribs than with any other nursery product. If you already have a crib or are buying a used one, make sure that: Baby gates Don’t use baby gates with a V-shaped, accordionstyle opening, which can entrap a child’s head. Safe gates have vertical slats that are no more than 2³/8 inches apart. Diaper pails Diaper pails are dangerous targets for curious babies. Choose pails with protective lids, and keep the pails out of reach. • Crib slats are no more than 2³/8 inches apart. Pacifiers • Corner posts don’t extend above the end panel. Pacifiers must be strong enough so that they won’t tear into pieces and cause your baby to choke or suffocate. Pacifier guards or shields must have holes that allow breathing and must be large enough to prevent the pacifier from entering the baby’s throat. Pacifiers cannot be sold with ribbon, string, yarn, or a cord attached. Don’t put a pacifier on a string around your baby’s neck. • Plastic bags aren’t used as a mattress protector. • There are no dangling curtain cords within your child’s reach if the crib is near the window. • Toys, laundry bags, or other objects with strings aren’t hanging near the crib. • All nuts, bolts, and screws are tightened periodically. • Your baby is always placed on his or her back to sleep. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pacifiers not be introduced until two to four weeks postpartum for full-term, breastfeeding babies, since early use of pacifiers may interfere with breastfeeding. 90 High chairs More than 800 children are treated in emergency departments every year because of accidents involving high chairs. Most of these injuries are due to falls because adults are not watching or because the baby is not strapped into the chair. Restraining straps should be strong, and the high chair should have a wide base for stability. Toys An infant’s mouth is extremely flexible and can stretch to hold larger items than you might expect. Remove all toys and other small objects from the crib when your baby sleeps. If a toy has a part smaller than 15/8 inch, throw it away. Teethers, such as pacifiers, should never be fastened around a baby’s neck. Changing tables Buy a changing table that has safety straps — and always use them. More than 1,300 children are injured every year from falling off a changing table. Keep one hand on your baby at all times while he or she is on the changing table. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 91 preparing for birth preparing for birth Your birth plan Over the months of pregnancy, you’ve likely been imagining what your birth experience will be like. As you prepare for the big day, take some time to finalize or review your birth plan. If an emergency situation arises, your doctor has a responsibility to ensure the safety of you and your baby. You may still be allowed to share in some decisions, but your choices may be limited. A birth plan is not so much a “plan” as it is an ideal picture of what you would like to happen. Creating one helps you think through the choices you may have during labor and the exciting moments right after your baby is born. A birth plan also allows you to communicate your preferences to the staff who will care for you and your baby. Since no labor and delivery can be predicted or planned in advance, be flexible. As you think about how you’d handle possible complications, give yourself permission to change your mind at any time. And be prepared for your childbirth to be different from what you planned. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 93 your birth plan Kaiser Permanente’s philosophy It is our intention that every woman be treated with respect for her individuality and personal preferences. In keeping with this philosophy, we: • Support women who would like a birth that is unmedicated, and advocate for having people present to help and support this decision. • Photographs, flowers, or familiar objects that might be comforting to you, such as a special blanket, pillow, or something that might serve as a focal point while you breathe through your contractions. Your labor room is your bedroom; make it cozy! • Music and a battery-powered player (MP3, CD, tape). • Support women who have a preference for pain management, including medicine or epidural anesthesia when appropriate in labor. • A cooler with food and drink for your birth coach. You may also bring clear liquid drinks for yourself. Your preferred drink may not be available at the hospital. • Strongly recommend childbirth preparation classes. Even for women planning on using pain medication, childbirth classes help develop the skills necessary to deal with early labor. Above all, Kaiser Permanente is committed to ensuring that all mothers, babies, and families have a healthy and safe birth experience. • Support movement while in labor, as it often helps labor progress. • Do not order routine enemas, shaves, or episiotomies. • Recommend that you check with the hospital where you will be giving birth to familiarize yourself with your hospital’s labor and delivery policies and to find out if it offers tours of labor and delivery areas. • Believe that parents have a right to choose the feeding method for their baby. While “breast is best” for almost all infants, only you can decide what is right for your family. We will respect your feeding decision. In addition to creating a birth plan, there are a few things that you can do to feel more at home while you are in labor. This includes bringing: 1899KPCC-12/4-12 94 Instructions Pain management Check off your preferences for childbirth. Once you have completed your birth plan, bring it to your next prenatal appointment so you can discuss it with your provider. Your birth plan will be put in your chart so the medical and hospital staff can review it when you are admitted. I plan on using alternative pain relief options (such as breathing exercises, visualization/ relaxation, massage, shower, position changes). I will ask for pain medication if I need it. I would like to be offered pain medication if you see I am uncomfortable. Please realize that certain circumstances that arise during labor may limit the number and kinds of choices you will have. Your provider will discuss them with you during labor. I would like to have an epidural as soon as possible. I am considering having an epidural or using pain medication, but will decide when I am actually in labor. MY DOCTOR, NURSE PRACTITIONER, OR NURSE-MIDWIFE IS Delivery Environment If possible, I would like the option to be in a position other than lying on my back when I give birth (such as semi-sitting, squatting, lying on my side, or on my hands and knees). I would like to limit the number of guests and phone calls while I am in labor by disconnecting my phone and by having a sign posted on my door. I would like a mirror available to view the birth. I would like the lights in the room to be lowered. I would like to touch my baby’s head as it crowns. Labor I would like to hold my baby skin to skin immediately after delivery. I would like to be out of bed as much as possible during labor (such as walking, rocking). I would prefer that my baby be lightly dried off before being brought to me. I prefer to have intermittent fetal monitoring. I would like to have If I need an IV, I would prefer to have a saline lock (a plug for the IV catheter). cut the cord, if possible. I would prefer that the amniotic membrane (bag of waters) rupture naturally. I would like to meet the pediatric provider on duty if possible. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 95 your birth plan Postpartum Other I would like to delay newborn procedures (such as bathing, measuring, physical exam, eye medication, vitamin K injection) during the first hour so that I have a chance to feed and bond with my baby. I want all procedures and medications for my baby explained to me before they are carried out by the medical staff. I would like to have my baby evaluated and bathed in my presence. If my baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, I would like to accompany the baby. I plan to exclusively breastfeed my baby while in the hospital. Patient signature Date This information is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of medical advice or care you receive from your physician or other medical professional. If you have persistent health problems, or if you have additional questions, please consult with your doctor. If you have questions or need more information about your medication, please speak to your pharmacist. © 2004, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Regional Health Education. I would like to meet with a specialist who can help me learn to breastfeed effectively. I would like to be consulted before my baby is given water, formula, sugar water, or a pacifer. If I have a boy, I do/do not (circle one) plan on having him circumcised at Kaiser Permanente. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 96 Birthing options When you create your birth plan, you’ll address many factors. The location of your delivery, who will deliver your baby, and whether you want continuous labor support from a designated health professional, doula, friend, or family member are important details to consider. After you’ve set the stage, think through your preferences for comfort measures, pain relief, medical procedures, and fetal monitoring. Also, think about how you’d like to handle your first hours with your newborn. The following information can help you weigh these options. Comfort measures There are many ways to reduce the stresses of labor and delivery. Consider: • Continuous labor support from early labor until after childbirth, which has a proven, positive effect on childbirth. Women who have continuous one-on-one support (for example, from a mother’s support person, or doula; nurse; midwife; or childbirth educator) are more likely to give birth without pain medicine and are less likely to describe their birthing experience negatively. Although there is not a proven direct connection between continuous support and less labor pain, having a support person does help you feel more control and less fear, which are strong elements of mental pain control. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Walking during labor, including whether you prefer continuous electronic fetal heart monitoring or occasional monitoring. • Nonmedication pain management (“natural” childbirth), such as continuous labor support, focused breathing, distraction, massage, and imagery, which can reduce pain and help you feel a sense of control during labor. • Early laboring in water, which helps with pain, stress, and sometimes slow, difficult labor (dystocia). • Playing music during labor. • Acupuncture and hypnosis, which are low-risk ways of managing pain that work for some women. Pain relief with medicine Your options for pain relief with medicine may include: • Opioids (narcotics), which are used to reduce anxiety and partially relieve pain. Sometimes opioids can affect a newborn’s breathing, so they are usually not administered close to delivery. • Epidural anesthesia, which is an ongoing injection of pain medicine into the epidural space around the spinal cord. Some women prefer to use epidural anesthesia for pain relief during labor. 97 Birthing options Some pain-relief medicines are not the type that you would request during labor. Rather, they are used as part of another procedure or for an emergency delivery. But it’s a good idea to know about them. • Local anesthesia is the injection of numbing pain medicine into the skin. This is done before inserting an epidural or before making an incision (episiotomy) that widens the vaginal opening for the birth. • Spinal block is an injection of pain medicine into the spinal fluid, which rapidly and fully numbs the pelvic area for assisted births, such as a forceps or cesarean delivery (no pushing is possible). • General anesthesia is the use of inhaled or intravenous (IV) medicine, which makes you unconscious. It has more risks, yet it takes effect much faster than epidural or spinal anesthesia. General anesthesia is used only for some emergencies that require a rapid surgical delivery, such as when an epidural line (catheter) has not been installed in advance, is not working well, or medical reasons prevent you from having a spinal block or epidural anesthesia. Birthing positions Birthing positions for pushing include sitting, squatting, reclining, leaning on a ball, or using a birthing chair, stool, or bed. Medical procedures for labor and delivery Fetal heart monitoring is a standard practice during labor, but other procedures are used as needed. • Labor induction and augmentation includes a simple “sweeping of the membranes” just inside the cervix, rupturing the amniotic sac, using medicine to soften (ripen) the cervix, and using medicine to stimulate contractions. This is not always, but can be, a medically necessary decision — such as when a mother is about two weeks past her due date or when the mother or baby has a condition that requires immediate delivery. • Antibiotics if you tested positive for Group B strep during your pregnancy. • Electronic fetal heart monitoring may be either continuous or periodic depending on pregnancy or baby risk factors or medications being administered. • Episiotomy (not a routine procedure) widens the perineum with an incision. This is used to prevent further tearing when visible tearing is noticed or to create more space when needed for delivery. (Perineal massage and controlled pushing can also prevent or reduce tearing.) • Forceps delivery is used to assist a vaginal delivery, when a little assistance is needed. • The need for a cesarean birth during labor is primarily based on the baby’s and mother’s conditions. If you have had a cesarean delivery before, you may have a choice between a vaginal trial of labor and a planned cesarean birth. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 98 Newborn care decisions Things to think about before your baby is born: • Keeping your baby with you for at least one hour after birth, for bonding. (Many hospitals allow rooming-in, with no mother-baby separation during the entire hospital stay. A rooming-in policy also allows you to request time alone for rest, if you need it.) • Preventing breastfeeding problems. Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center and our partner hospitals have lactation consultants in-house. You can also make sure that hospital staff know not to give your baby supplemental formula, unless there is a medical need. • Having skin-to-skin contact with your baby in the first hour. It has been shown to help with breastfeeding and bonding. • Whether and when you’d like visitors, including children in your family. • Whether to bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood after the birth for possible use as a stem cell treatment. (This requires advance planning early in your pregnancy.) Consider taking a childbirth education class, and tour the labor and delivery area of your hospital or birthing center. This will help you feel more comfortable when the time for delivery comes. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 99 Preparing for labor Mind and body readiness Later in your pregnancy, you and your partner are probably focused on checking off your list of things to do before the baby arrives. But it’s important that you set aside time and energy to prepare your mind and body for labor. Stretches, exercises, and deep breaths can help you feel more relaxed and ready for the extraordinary act of childbirth. Here are some things you can do to prepare: Exercise The muscles in your lower abdomen, lower back, and around the vagina (birth canal) come under great strain during pregnancy. During delivery, these same muscles must relax and stretch. Simple exercises such as the pelvic tilt and tailor stretch will help you strengthen the muscles that support your growing uterus. See page 38 of this guide and visit to learn more about these and other exercises. Breathing, imagery, and relaxation Learning to relax your muscles, control your breathing, and focus your mind are skills you will need to call upon during labor and delivery. And they take some practice to master. Try them out now — you may find they also help you manage some of the discomforts of pregnancy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths is a simple way to help you relax and reduce stress. Try these relaxing breathing exercises. Rhythmic breathing (sometimes called Lamaze breathing) can take your focus away from pain and is often used to manage pain during contractions. • Imagery. Guided imagery helps you relax, manage stress, and alleviate pain by deliberately focusing your mind on a particular sensory experience. It usually centers around creating a visual image (such as picturing a tranquil beach or beautiful forest) but can also involve smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. Download or listen online to our guided imagery for a successful childbirth program or try other guided imagery exercises on • Progressive relaxation. Learning to relax will increase your energy and lower your stress during pregnancy, as well as help you know how to relax during labor. Try the progressive relaxation exercise detailed below. • Massage. Gentle massage can help relieve muscle tension and pain and help you relax. It can also be a nice way for you and your partner to bond. • Calming activities. Take time every day to relax, even if only for 10 or 15 minutes. Sitting in a quiet room, listening to music, taking a warm (not hot) bath, or taking a walk are simple ways to quiet your mind and feel centered. 100 Progressive Relaxation To begin, get into a comfortable position, preferably lying on your side or propped up with pillows in a semi-sitting position on a bed or a couch. Close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale completely through your mouth. Repeat this “cleansing breath.” Now, allow your breathing to become slower and effortless. Find a comfortable pace. If possible, have your partner touch each area that you’re relaxing as you inhale and contract the muscle. Have your partner feel the difference in muscle tone as you exhale and relax the area. If you’re practicing alone, concentrate on tensing each muscle group, relaxing it, feeling the difference between tension and relaxation, and breathing. Start with your forehead and move progressively toward your toes. • Raise your eyebrows toward your hairline and contract your forehead while inhaling. (Partners, feel the tension.) Try not to laugh; it tightens the rest of your face. • Now exhale … and release the tension. (Partners, feel the muscle relax.) • Keeping your forehead relaxed, bite down and clench your teeth as you inhale. (Partners, feel the muscles on the sides of her jaws.) • Now exhale … and release the tension; let your mouth open slightly. (Partners, feel the difference.) • Now exhale … and release the tension. (Partners, massage her a little and make sure she’s totally relaxed.) • Extend your right arm as you inhale. Make a fist and tense your right arm all the way to your shoulder. (Partners, feel the tension.) • Now exhale … and release the tension; let the arm drop to your lap. Feel the tension and distraction dissolve with every exhalation. Feel the relaxation flood your body with every inhalation. Calm in … tension out. Focus in … distraction out. Continue these steps with your left arm, abdomen, buttocks, left toes (flex toward nose), then right toes. When your whole body is relaxed, take a deep breath and exhale any remaining tension. Visualize that the tension is moving from your head, down your body, and out through your toes. Take another cleansing breath. Notice how relaxed your muscles feel. If there’s one area where you still feel tension, focus on it, breathe in and out four or five times, and relax it further each time. This is an excellent technique to use in your daily life when you feel stressed. At work or at home, find a quiet place and practice this exercise. After two or three weeks of daily practice, you’ll be able to produce the same relaxed feelings on the spur of the moment. You’ll also get a head start on preparing your mind and body for labor. • Next, raise your shoulders and tense up the neck and upper shoulder as you inhale. This is where many of us carry a lot of tension. Is your face still relaxed? (Partners, check the tension.) 1899KPCC-12/4-12 101 Preparing for labor Other ways to feel prepared Some of the following suggestions can help you feel more mentally organized leading up to the birth of your baby. • Take a childbirth class. If you haven’t done so already, sign up for a childbirth preparation class. A class can reduce your stress both before and during labor and delivery by preparing you to deal with what might happen. It can teach you ways to relax and the best ways for your support person to help you. • Pack your bags. Make sure you have everything to make your hospital stay comfortable. Review the next section of this guide for a checklist. Add to it any special items you want to bring from home, such as music or photographs, that may help you during labor and delivery. • Get ready for baby. Make sure you have the necessary items to bring your baby home safely and set up a comfortable environment. • Know what to expect. Review the signs and stages of labor and familiarize yourself with the warning signs for preterm labor. Also, learn the difference between false labor (Braxton Hicks contractions) and the real thing so you know when it’s time to grab your bag and go to the hospital. Use a chart to help time and record your contractions. • Create a birth plan. A birth plan will help you think through your options for pain management during labor and how your baby will be cared for after delivery. • Stop smoking. If you’ve been smoking during your pregnancy, try to quit now. Women who smoke are more likely to have problems in pregnancy and childbirth. Get help quitting with the HealthMedia® Breathe® program (for Kaiser Permanente members). 1899KPCC-12/4-12 102 What to bring to the hospital Don’t wait until your first labor pains to get ready to go to the hospital. Pack your bag at least three weeks before your due date with these items. For baby Labor kit • Kaiser Permanente ID card. • Outfit for going home (undershirt, outer garment, and hat, depending on the weather). • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, brush, hair clip or band, lotion, cosmetics). • One to two receiving blankets. • Hat or hooded garment. • Nightgown, robe, or loose-fitting T-shirt (if you prefer to wear your own; front-opening if you plan to breastfeed). • Mittens (many babies have long fingernails and can scratch their faces). • Nonskid slippers. • Cotton socks. • Hand fan or spray mist bottle. • Infant safety seat (required by law to be in the car when you leave the hospital). Do not bring • Electrical appliances (curling iron, hair dryer). • Valuables, jewelry, or cash. • Underwear (and your favorite brand of sanitary pad if desired). • Supportive bra or nursing bra (for breastfeeding mothers). • Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to wear home. • MP3 player or CDs and CD player to play relaxing music or audio programs. • Camera for photos or videos. • Cell phone and numbers of friends and relatives you plan to call. • Eyeglasses and contact lens supplies. • Snacks, a change of clothes, and toiletries for your partner. • Beverage of your choice not carried by the hospital (such as Gatorade). 1899KPCC-12/4-12 103 LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM Timing contractions A contraction is a tightening of the uterine muscle that becomes frequent or regular as labor begins. It might feel like cramping or pressure in the uterus. Talk to your practitioner about when you should notify Labor & Delivery and go to the hospital. The following are some general guidelines about when to call. How to count contractions When to call You should count contractions around the time your baby is due. Place your hands on your uterus and feel for a tightening and then a relaxing (softening) of your uterus. The tightening sensation should be felt over the entire uterus. If you’re a first-time mother, call when: • You can no longer walk or talk through contractions. Use a watch or a clock with a second hand and answer these two questions: • Contractions are regular, usually every 3 to 5 minutes over an hourlong period. Count from the start of a contraction to the beginning of the next. 1. How long do the contractions last (duration)? Time the length of each contraction from the moment it starts until it subsides. • Contractions last at least 45 to 60 seconds. Contractions that last 30 seconds are probably very early labor or Braxton Hicks contractions. 2. How far apart are the contractions (frequency)? Time each contraction from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. • Contractions become much stronger when you’re walking. You’re having a contraction if your uterus stays tight for 30 seconds or more and then repeats. It’s normal for most women to have Braxton Hicks contractions throughout pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions don’t usually come in a rhythmic pattern and don’t continue for more than an hour. They often disappear if you change your activity. If you’re not a first-time mother, call when: • Contractions are every 5 to 7 minutes for at least one hour. • Contractions last at least 45 to 60 seconds. • Contractions become stronger when walking. Call your provider or advice line if you are not due and experience contractions or cramping that you do not think are Braxton Hicks. If you have a contraction every 15 minutes or more often, you may be in labor. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 105 Timing contraction chart Use this chart to help you track the duration and frequency of your contractions. time duration frequency (Example) 1899KPCC-12/4-12 11 a.m. 60 sec. 11:10 75 sec. 10 min. 11:18 80 sec. 8 min. time duration frequency 106 time 1899KPCC-12/4-12 duration frequency 107 Early labor The birthing process is known as labor and delivery. No one can predict when labor will start. One woman can have all the signs that her body is ready to deliver, yet she may not have the baby for weeks. Another woman may have no advance signs before she goes into active labor. First-time deliveries are more difficult to predict. Signs of approaching early labor Signs that early labor is not far off include the following: • The baby settles into your pelvis. Although this is called dropping, or lightening, you may not feel it. • Your cervix begins to thin and open (cervical effacement and dilation). Your doctor checks for this during your prenatal exams. • Braxton Hicks contractions become more frequent and stronger, perhaps a little painful. You may also feel cramping in the groin or rectum or a persistent ache low in your back. • Your amniotic sac may break (rupture of the membranes). In most cases, rupture of the membranes occurs after labor has already started. In some women, this happens before labor starts. Call your doctor immediately or go to the hospital if you think your membranes have ruptured. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Early labor (latent phase of labor) Early labor is often the longest part of the birthing process, sometimes lasting two to three days. Uterine contractions: • Are mild to moderate (you can talk while they are happening) and last about 30 to 45 seconds. • May be irregular (5 to 20 minutes apart) and may even stop for a while. • Open (dilate) the cervix to about 3 centimeters. First-time mothers can experience many hours of early labor without the cervix dilating. It’s common for women to go to the hospital during early labor and be sent home again until they progress to active labor or until their water breaks (rupture of the membranes). This phase of labor can be long and uncomfortable. Walking, watching TV, listening to music, or taking a warm shower may help you through early labor. 108 Early labor that is progressing If you arrive at the hospital or birthing center in early labor that is dilating and effacing the cervix or is progressing quickly, you can expect some or all of the following: • In the birthing room, you will change into a hospital gown. • Your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature will be checked. • Your previous health, pregnancy, and labor history will be reviewed. • You will be asked about the timing and strength of your contractions and whether your membranes have ruptured. • Electronic fetal heart monitoring will be used to record the fetal heart rate in response to your uterine contractions. Fetal heart rate shows how your baby is doing. Unless you have a cesarean section, you will labor, deliver, and recover in the same room. In the hospital, you may be: • Encouraged to walk. Walking helps many women feel more comfortable during early labor. Walking is thought to help labor progress, but recent research suggests that walking doesn’t actually speed or slow labor. • Either intermittenly or continuously monitored for your baby’s well-being and contractions, depending on your or your baby’s risk factors or medications administered. • Allowed visitors. As your labor progresses and you become more uncomfortable, you may want to limit visitors to your partner or labor coach. • Offered a birthing ball that can be used for different positions and used during labor. • You will have vaginal exams to check whether your cervix is thinning and opening (effacing and dilating). • Depending on your physical needs and your doctor’s preference, you may have an intravenous (IV) catheter inserted in case you need extra fluids or medicine later. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 109 Active labor: First stage The first stage of active labor starts when the cervix is dilated about 3 to 4 centimeters. This stage is complete when the cervix is fully dilated and effaced and the baby is ready to be pushed out. During the last part of this stage (transition), labor becomes particularly intense. Compared with early labor, the contractions during the first stage of active labor are more intense and more frequent (every two to three minutes) and longer-lasting (50 to 70 seconds). Now is the time to be at or go to the hospital. If your amniotic sac hasn’t broken before this, it may now. As your contractions intensify, you may: • Feel restless or excited. • Find it difficult to stand. Transition phase The end of the first stage of active labor is called the transition phase. As the baby moves down, your contractions become more intense and longer and come even closer together than before. During transition, you will be selfabsorbed, concentrating on what your body is doing. You may be annoyed or distracted by others’ attempts to help you but still feel you need them nearby as a support. You may feel increasingly anxious, nauseated, exhausted, irritable, or frightened. A mother in first-time labor will take up to three hours in transition, and a mother who has vaginally delivered before will usually take no more than an hour. Some women have a very short, if intense, transition phase. • Have food and fluid restrictions. Some hospitals allow you to drink clear liquids. Others may only allow you to suck on ice chips or hard candy. Solid food is often restricted, because the stomach digests food more slowly during labor. An empty stomach is also best in the rare event that you may need general anesthesia. • Want to try breathing techniques, laboring in water, acupuncture, hypnosis, or other calming measures that you’ve chosen to manage pain and anxiety. • Feel the need to shift positions often. This is good for you, because it improves your circulation. • Want pain medicine, such as epidural anesthesia. • Be given intravenous (IV) fluids. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 110 Active labor: second stage The second stage of active labor is the actual birth, when the baby is pushed out by the tightening uterine muscles (contractions). During the second stage: • Uterine contractions will feel different. Though they are usually regular, they may slow down to every two to five minutes, lasting 60 to 90 seconds. If your labor stalls, changing positions may help. If not, your doctor may recommend using medicine to stimulate (augment) uterine contractions. • You may have a strong urge to push or bear down with each contraction. • The baby’s head is likely to create great pressure on your rectum. • You may need to change position several times to find the right birthing position. • You can have a mirror positioned so you can watch your baby crown and emerge from the birth canal. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • When the baby’s head passes through the vagina (crowns), you will feel a burning pain. The head is the largest part of the baby and the hardest part to deliver. If this is happening quickly, your doctor may advise you not to push every time, which may give the perineum, or area between the vulva and the anus, a chance to stretch without tearing. Or he or she may make an incision in the perineum (episiotomy). This is not recommended unless there is a medical need. • Your medical staff will be ready to handle anything unexpected. If an urgent problem comes up, people will move quickly. You may suddenly have more people and equipment in the room than before. This is a time when your doctor or nurse-midwife will be deciding what is best for you and your baby. This pushing stage can be as short as a few minutes or as long as several hours. You are more likely to have a fast labor if you have given birth before. 111 Third stage: After your baby is born After your baby is born, your body still has some work to do. This is the third stage of labor, when the placenta is delivered. You will still have contractions. These contractions make the placenta separate from the inside of the uterus, and they push the placenta out. Your medical staff will help you with this. They will also watch for any problems, such as heavy bleeding, especially if you have had it before. in most cases, the placenta is delivered within 30 minutes. If the placenta does not fully detach, your doctor or nurse-midwife will probably reach inside the uterus to remove by hand what is left. Your contractions will continue until after the placenta is delivered, so you may have to concentrate and breathe until this process is complete. Your provider’s goal is for the third stage to proceed normally, and for all of the placenta to leave the uterus. This is what keeps your bleeding down. You may be given medicine to help the uterus contract firmly. Oxytocin (such as Pitocin) may be given as a shot or in a vein (intravenously) after the placenta is delivered. Oxytocin is given to make your uterus shrink and bleed less. (This is the same medicine that is sometimes used to make contractions more regular and frequent during labor.) Breastfeeding right away can also help the uterus shrink and bleed less. The third stage can be as quick as five minutes. With a preterm birth, it tends to take longer. But 1899KPCC-12/4-12 112 1899KPCC-12/4-12 113 Postpartum recovery and coping Physical changes after childbirth After childbirth (postpartum period), your body goes through numerous changes, some of which continue for several weeks during your postpartum period. Like pregnancy, postpartum changes are different for every woman. • Shrinking of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size (uterine involution) starts when the placenta is delivered and continues for about two months. Within 24 hours, the uterus is about the size it was at 20 weeks of pregnancy, and after a week, it is half the size it was when you went into labor. By six weeks after delivery, the uterus is nearly as small as it was before pregnancy. • Contractions called afterpains shrink the uterus for several days after childbirth. These sharp pains are usually not as problematic after a first childbirth as they are after later deliveries. Afterpains typically improve during the third day. • Sore muscles (especially in the arms, neck, or jaw) are common after childbirth. This is a result of the hard work of labor and should go away in a few days. You may also have bloodshot eyes or facial bruising from vigorous pushing. • Difficulty with urination and bowel movements (elimination problems) can occur for several days after childbirth. Drink plenty of fluids and use stool softeners, if needed. • Postpartum bleeding (lochia) may last for two to four weeks and can come and go for about two months. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Recovery from an episiotomy or perineal tear in the area between the vagina and anus can take several weeks. You can ease the pain with home treatment, including ice, pain medicine, and sitz baths. Pain, discomfort, and numbness around the vagina are common after any vaginal birth. • Breast engorgement is common between the third and fourth days after delivery, when the breasts begin to fill with milk. This can cause breast discomfort and swelling. Placing ice packs on your breasts, taking a hot shower, or using warm compresses may relieve the discomfort of engorgement. • Recovery from pelvic bone problems, such as separated pubic bones (pubic symphysis) or a fractured tailbone (coccyx), can take several months. Treatment includes ice, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and sometimes physical therapy. Call your doctor if you are concerned about any of your postpartum symptoms. Coping during the postpartum period When you have returned home, you may find it a challenge to meet the increased demands on your limited energy and time. Take it easy on yourself. Pause for a moment, and think of what you need. Tips for coping during the postpartum period include accepting help from others, eating well and drinking plenty of fluids, getting rest whenever you can, limiting visitors, getting some time to yourself, and seeking the company of other women who have new babies. 114 Postpartum depression If you are having trouble with postpartum blues that last more than a few days or you think you may have signs of postpartum depression, call your doctor or social worker right away. Postpartum appointment It is important to have a routine postpartum visit with your practitioner four to six weeks after delivery. This appointment will include a physical exam and will give you a chance to discuss birth control, feeding, depression, and your return to work. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 115 INFANT CARE INFANT CARE Infant care overview Congratulations on your new baby! The day you’ve been waiting for is finally here — your baby is home with you. Like pregnancy, the postpartum period can be a time of mixed emotions. You may feel excitement and joy as well as concern and exhaustion. Your new family member has a unique personality and needs, which may take some adjustment. Remember to enroll your newborn in a health insurance plan within 31 days after birth. Check with your employer’s human resources department or a Kaiser Permanente Membership Services representative to learn about coverage for your baby. Here is some solid advice that may come in handy over the next few months. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 117 Newborn experience The time after birth is usually a mix of emotions, and we want you to feel supported while also ensuring the safety and health of your infant. The following information should help give you ideas about what to expect while you are in the hospital after the birth of your child. You’ll spend most of the time bonding as a new family and practicing breastfeeding. Bonding The time immediately following delivery is not only joyous but also very important for establishing a good connection with your new arrival. As long as it is safe, we encourage placing your infant on your chest, skin to skin, and to begin breastfeeding as soon as possible. This also provides warmth for your baby. Partners are encouraged to get involved in this period as well. If your provider determines that your baby needs additional help to breathe or to be checked just after delivery, we have pediatric providers nearby, if needed. If this occurs, we try to respect the bonding time for your family as soon as we assure the health and safety of your newborn. First bath When born, infants are covered in a thick, white, creamy substance called vernix. It protects and keeps your baby warm during development. Your baby is given a bath to remove this. The bath typically takes place in your room, and we strongly encourage family members to help. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Newborn screening tests Screening tests help your doctor diagnose and treat certain potentially serious diseases or conditions before symptoms appear. All states require newborn screening, although the required tests vary from state to state. They may include testing for galactosemia and phenylketonuria (metabolic disorders), sickle cell disease, thyroid hormone, and others. When your baby is at least 24 hours old, we take a few drops of blood from a heel for testing. If the tests results are abnormal, further testing may be needed. Your baby will also have other screening tests, including hearing, oxygen level, and jaundice tests. Often a baby may not pass the hearing test for simple reasons like the presence of fluid in the ear canal. We then repeat the test before or after you go home depending on when you are discharged. The oxygen test helps determine if there is a problem with your baby’s heart. If you have any questions about these, please talk to your provider. Circumcision If you want your newborn son circumcised, Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center has providers who can perform the procedure. We also have an outpatient clinic available after your discharge from the hospital. Health plans charge differently for the procedure. You may want to find out what your costs related to the procedure will be. 118 Medications There are state and national requirements regarding medications for newborns, including the hepatitis B vaccine; an antibiotic eye ointment to prevent infection; and a vitamin K shot to prevent bleeding. These are administered in the first couple of hours following delivery. Some infants may require other medications based on your health history. For instance, if you test positive for hepatitis B, your baby needs an additional medication at birth to help prevent transmission. Or if you had an infection during labor or delivery, your baby may need more medications, such as antibiotics. We also recommend that families and caregivers be vaccinated against pertussis (whooping cough) and influenza. Erythromycin ointment Erythromycin is an antibiotic that kills certain germs in mom and baby. It is applied to your newborn’s eyes within one to two hours of delivery to prevent infection. This treatment has proved effective and rarely has side effects. Past therapies caused some discomfort or irritation, but this ointment has proved to be safe. Why do we give erythromycin ointment? Eye infections were a significant cause of blindness in newborns before this treatment was started. Chlamydia and/or gonorrhea bacteria, as well as other, less common bacteria, can cause eye infections in newborns. The bacteria cause red, irritated eyes with profuse white drainage and can lead to blindness if left untreated. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 How are chlamydia and gonorrhea transmitted? Chlamydia and gonorrhea are sexually transmitted infections and are routinely screened for early in pregnancy because many women do not have symptoms and may not know they have the infection. Treatment of these infections helps decrease the chance of infection in newborns. A newborn can get infected regardless of the method of delivery. There is also a chance of contracting the infection after this screening. How safe is erythromycin ointment? It is very safe, and side effects are rare. Occasionally mild eye irritation may be noticed, but it is usually not bothersome to the newborn. What happens if my infant does not get the ointment? One study showed that in infants who were not at high risk (mothers tested negative for gonorrhea, had good prenatal care, had stable social situations, and had only one sexual partner), the rate of newborn eye infection was about 1 in 5 newborns with no ointment. There were smaller rates of eye infections in infants treated with erythromycin ointment. If you have active gonorrhea infection, your newborn should also get a vaccination of another antibiotic in addition to the eye ointment to help prevent the disease. Warning signs of eye infection Signs of potential eye infection include, but are not limited to: • Thick white eye discharge. • Eyelid swelling. • Eye redness. 119 Newborn experience Hepatitis B The first vaccination in a series of three is given to prevent passing on hepatitis B to your baby. Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that can cause liver damage, leading to a transplant or even death. When babies get infected, the virus usually remains in the body for life (this is called chronic hepatitis B). About 1 out of 4 infected babies will die of liver failure or liver cancer as adults. Hepatitis B is a deadly disease, but it’s preventable with vaccination. The vaccine is safe and, when given as recommended, very effective. How is hepatitis B virus spread? Anyone can become infected with hepatitis B virus at anytime during their lives. Hepatitis B virus is spread by contact with an infected person’s blood or other body fluids. For example, babies can get hepatitis B virus from their infected mothers at birth. Children can get it if they live with or are cared for by an infected person or if they share personal care items (such as a toothbrush) with an infected person. About 1 out of 20 people in the United States have been infected with the hepatitis B virus. How many people have hepatitis B? In the United States, tens of thousands of people get infected with the hepatitis B virus each year. About 1 million people in the U.S. are infected. Every year, about 3,000 Americans die from liver failure or liver cancer caused by hepatitis B. Worldwide, 350 million people are infected. It is impossible to know if a person is infected with the hepatitis B virus by looking at them. Most people have no symptoms, do not feel sick, and don’t know they are infected. As a result, they can spread the virus to others without knowing it. The only way to know if a person is infected is through a blood test. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Is there a cure for hepatitis B? No. Although there are several medicines to help people who have lifelong hepatitis B virus infection, there is no medicine that cures it. The good news is that hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccination. Who recommends that all babies get hepatitis B vaccination at birth? Medical groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that every baby get hepatitis B vaccine at birth, before leaving the hospital. These are the same groups that recommend babies get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis), measles, tetanus, polio, and other serious diseases. Why does my baby need a hepatitis B vaccination at birth? It is important to vaccinate babies at birth so they will be protected as early as possible from any exposure to the hepatitis B virus. Babies and young children are not able to fight off hepatitis B virus infection as well as older people. A child who gets infected with the hepatitis B virus during the first five years of life has a 15 to 25 percent risk for premature death from liver disease, including liver failure or liver cancer. Hepatitis B vaccine is your baby’s “insurance policy” against being infected with the virus. Experts recommend vaccination against hepatitis B as a routine part of a newborn’s hospital care. 120 How could my baby come in contact with the hepatitis B virus? In many cases, the hepatitis B virus passes from mother to baby during birth when the mother does not know she is infected. In other cases, the virus is spread to the baby during close contact with an infected family member, caregiver, or friend. Most people who are infected with hepatitis B do not feel sick and have no idea they carry this virus. They are surprised when they are told they are infected. Many people have no idea how they became infected with the virus in the first place. To protect your baby from infection with the hepatitis B virus, make sure he or she receives the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine before leaving the hospital. Is hepatitis B vaccine safe? Yes. Hepatitis B vaccine has been shown to be very safe when given to people of all ages. More than 1 billion hepatitis B vaccinations have been given worldwide. In the United States, more than 120 million people have received hepatitis B vaccine. The most common side effects from hepatitis B vaccine are soreness at the injection site or slight fever. Serious side effects are rare. Won’t my baby just recover from hepatitis B? Babies are not able to fight off hepatitis B as well as adults. About 9 out of 10 babies who get infected in the first year of life will stay infected for life. Why does my baby need so many vaccinations? It’s true that babies get lots of vaccinations, which can cause temporary discomfort. The good news is that more vaccines mean more protection from serious diseases than in the past. Like hepatitis B, many of these diseases, such as rotavirus, whooping cough, and meningitis, can result in severe illness, hospitalization, and even death. How many doses of hepatitis B vaccine will my baby receive? The basic series is three or four doses. The first dose should be given in the hospital (at birth), the second dose one to two months later, and the third dose at age 6 months or later. Because many health care providers choose to use certain combination vaccines during well-baby checkups, some infants will receive four doses of hepatitis B vaccine. Either alternative is considered routine and acceptable. How effective is hepatitis B vaccine? Very. More than 95 percent of infants, children, and adolescents develop immunity to the hepatitis B virus after three doses of properly spaced vaccine. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Some parents worry that their baby’s immune system is immature and cannot handle vaccination at such a young age. But as soon as they are born, babies start effectively dealing with trillions of bacteria and viruses. In comparison, the challenge to their immune systems from vaccines is tiny. Make sure your baby gets all his or her vaccines at the recommended ages. It’s the safest and surest way to protect children from deadly infectious diseases. Your baby is counting on you! Vitamin K Injections Vitamin K helps our blood clot. It is given to infants as an injection. Babies have little or no vitamin K stored up when they are born, and they do not absorb or make it adequately in the first few weeks of life. If they become deficient, they may have serious bleeding, even leading to brain damage or death. 121 Newborn experience Why do we give vitamin K? Newborns have low vitamin K at birth and are at risk of low levels for several reasons. First, vitamin K does not move across the placenta well during pregnancy. Second, vitamin K is made by bacteria in the intestines, and babies have sterile intestines when they are born. Third, breast milk is low in vitamin K. While formula has some, it may not be enough. Infants whose mothers are on certain seizure medications are at an even higher risk of low vitamin K. Low vitamin K in newborns may result in vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). What is VKDB? Vitamin K deficiency bleeding is a potentially devastating and sometimes fatal disease that can show up days to months after birth. VKDB is easily prevented, and both the American Academy of Pediatrics and Oregon law support giving a vitamin K injection to all newborns. VKDB shows up any time from the first day of life, typically in infants whose mothers were exposed to antiseizure medications or certain tuberculosis drugs, to about 4 months of age. These infants are almost always primarily breastfed and did not receive the vitamin K injection at birth. Some of them have liver disease or other diseases that make it difficult to absorb the vitamin. Some infants will have no signs of a problem until it is too late. How common is VKDB? It is a rare disease, but in infants who do not receive vitamin K at birth, about 4 to 7 per 100,000 will be affected. Even though it is rare, it is nearly 100 percent preventable by giving the vitamin K injection at birth. How safe is vitamin K? There are no known serious side effects associated with vitamin K. Any injection may cause mild redness, soreness, or swelling at the sight; a small amount of blood; or infection, though this is rare since we clean the skin before giving the medicine. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Controversies of vitamin K Vitamin K can be given as an injection or taken orally. The oral version involves giving multiple doses (usually at birth, 1 week, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks of age), and though it may decrease the risk for VKDB, it is not nearly as effective as the injection. Some European countries that switched from the injection to the oral form have seen an increase in VKDB. In 1997, a review of four countries that made this change showed that oral vitamin K led to VKDB in 1.2 to 1.8 per 100,000 births, compared with no cases from the injection. Incomplete oral administration resulted in failure in 2 to 4 per 100,000 births. Part of the reasons for these findings was that oral vitamin K tastes bad, and its effectiveness depends on parental compliance for all of the doses. In the early 1990s, two small studies suggested a link between vitamin K and childhood leukemia. Since then, two large studies in the U.S. (54,000 infants) and Sweden (1.3 million infants) have found no correlation between childhood leukemia and the vitamin K shot at birth. Signs of VKDB Some infants do not have warning signs of serious bleeding. Others may have bleeding, bruising, or change in alertness including, but not limited to: • Blood in feces, urine, vomit, or spit-up. • Black, sticky feces after the immediate newborn period. • Bloody nose, belly button, or circumcision site. • Bruising anywhere. • Not acting right, not eating well, seizures, lethargy. If you have more questions, please discuss them with your pediatrician. 122 Tdap and flu vaccines Pertussis (whooping cough) and influenza can cause serious and sometimes fatal illness, especially in newborns. Newborns are too young to be vaccinated for these diseases, but family and caregivers are strongly recommended to get the Tdap booster and regular flu vaccinations to help prevent passing these onto newborns. Other things to remember • Group B strep. When you have a positive Group B strep test during your pregnancy, we give antibiotics during labor to prevent transmission of the bacteria to the baby. Antibiotics are most effective when given at least four hours before birth. If your baby arrives before the antibiotic is given, we generally observe your infant for 48 hours in the hospital to make sure he/she is safe and healthy when we send you home. Sometimes we need to do blood work on your baby to check for infection. This is done in the first few hours after delivery. • Diabetics and small or large babies. When babies are born to women with diabetes, or they are smaller or larger than average, we routinely check sugar levels in the baby. If levels are low, frequent and effective feeding can almost always prevent the need for significant interventions. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Infection. If your doctor is worried about an infection you may have, your pediatric provider will talk to you about making sure the infection is not passed to your baby. This typically involves blood work and antibiotics for your baby until we can be sure. • Preterm infants. A baby born three or more weeks early is considered premature. Premature infants can have problems that range from serious to mild and most often relate to how early they are born. Common problems include difficulty feeding or breathing, temperature regulation, jaundice, and sugar-level control. More serious problems can include infections, brain injury, and cerebral palsy, and may require a blood transfusion or breathing machine. Premature infants need closer monitoring, and some need specialized care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). For more details about preterm infants, please click here. Discharge All infants must meet certain criteria to go home healthy. They have to be eating within expected norms, passing urine and stool, have the appropriate screening tests, and be able to maintain normal temperature and other vital signs. Kaiser Permanente’s Mother-Baby Program provides a lactation nurse who sees recently discharged mothers and infants and can assess any concerns that arise after discharge. You will see the lactation nurse one to three days after being discharged. This, along with your baby’s first doctor appointment, will be made before you leave the hospital. 123 Newborn appearance Head Skin Your baby’s head may seem large and out of shape. It makes up about 25 percent of total length (compared with about 10 percent for an adult). Your baby’s head may look drawn out and come to a point in the back. During labor, your baby’s head molded itself into this shape to safely pass through your pelvic bones. It will not be long before the head takes on a smoother, prettier shape. Sometimes there are rounded bumps on the back and side or the top of the head. These are harmless swellings that will disappear eventually. Your baby’s head has two soft spots — both in the middle of the head, one in front and a small one in the back. These areas may be touched and washed like any other area of the head. Your baby’s skin may be dry or moist. Some babies have scaly skin that may peel in a few weeks. This is normal. We do not recommend using oils or lotion because they may clog the pores and result in rashes. If the skin cracks at the wrists or ankles, apply Eucerin cream on those areas three or four times a day. Breasts Your baby’s breasts may be swollen. The same hormones that make your breasts larger during pregnancy can affect your baby’s breast tissue. It may take several months for the swelling to disappear naturally. This can occur even for boys. Your baby’s breasts may produce a milk-like substance. Your baby may have red blemishes on the eyelids, bridge of the nose, forehead, or nape of the neck. These frequently disappear before your child is a year old. Your baby may have a Mongolian spot, a blue-gray pigmented area above the buttocks that is normal and is not a bruise. Your baby’s skin is very sensitive. Things that will not hurt your skin can cause a variety of rashes on your baby. A heat rash looks like many tiny red pimples, usually on the face, neck, chest, or abdomen. This rash does not need treatment. Baby oil or lotion often make it worse. Your infant may have milia — white, slightly raised pimples. They most often are tiny and numerous on the nose, but may be anywhere, especially the face. If your baby has a peculiar rash that doesn’t fit the description of those above, call your provider. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 124 Weight If your pregnancy was full term, your baby probably weighed 5½ to 10 pounds at birth. In the first three days, babies will lose 5 to 10 percent of their weight. Small babies lose the least but take the longest to gain it back. Large babies lose the most but usually gain rapidly, often within one to two weeks. This weight loss will happen no matter what or how much your baby eats. Your baby will gain back the weight, at his/her own rate. Genitals If you have a girl, you may notice that her genitals appear swollen. This is caused by the same hormones that make the breasts larger. She may have blood on her diaper at the end of the first week for three to four days. Infant girls also may have a white vaginal discharge beginning on the second day that may last until the 10th or 12th day. If you have a boy, you may choose to have him circumcised. There is no medical indication for routine circumcision. If you are uncertain about circumcision, discuss it with your provider. After circumcision, your son may be fussy. When you look at the circumcision area during the first three or four days after the procedure, it will look red. There also may be a yellow-greenish discharge. This is normal healing and not a sign of infection. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 If your provider uses a plastic ring for circumcision, do not try to remove it. It will drop off on its own in 4 to 10 days. You may notice a few drops of blood on the diaper the first day or two after circumcision. You should report any bleeding after three days to your baby’s provider, even if a ring was not used. For circumcision not using a plastic ring, the site should be kept clean and covered with petroleum jelly for five to seven days or until the site appears pink and healed. For circumcision with a plastic ring, keep the area clean, but do not use petroleum jelly. When your son is 2 weeks old, the site should be healed. Eyes The birth process may cause your baby’s eyelids to look puffy. Sometimes there is a difference from side to side. This should improve within a few days. Your baby’s eyes may be red immediately after delivery, especially if it was a fast or difficult delivery. This is caused by broken blood vessels in the whites of the eyes and will resolve on its own. Your baby may frequently become cross-eyed because of undeveloped muscles. As the muscles strengthen, the eyes will begin to look normal. Hands and feet Often a newborn’s hands and feet are bluish or spotted. This is normal and will go away on its own. 125 Newborn behavior Breathing Crying During the first month, your baby may breathe irregularly. He/she may breathe rapidly and shallowly. At other times, breathing may be deep and sighing. You will notice that the abdominal muscles do more of the work than the chest muscles do. Noisy breathing, when the noise seems to come from the back of the nose, is normal. Coughing, sneezing, and hiccupping are common. Feeding may or may not help stop hiccups, which are not harmful. Your baby will cry. This is how your baby communicates needs. Comforting and holding your baby will not spoil your baby. Babies will cry when hungry, cold, and uncomfortable. They may cry because they need to be cuddled and loved. Some babies cry more than others. For inconsolable crying, call the advice nurse. Sleeping Your baby will probably sleep a lot during the first 24 hours but may sleep less and less, even in the hospital, before you go home. Babies vary in their need for sleep. Whether your baby sleeps a lot or hardly at all, you will learn what is normal for your baby. Providers recommend that infants, when being put down to sleep, be placed on their back. Co-sleeping is not recommended because of the risk of suffocation. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Fussiness By 2 weeks of age, many infants will have established a fussy time, usually around the same time each day and frequently in the late afternoon or early evening. This fussiness should begin to ease by 4 months of age. Often rocking or walking will help calm a fussy baby. 126 Elimination Preventing shaken baby syndrome Your baby will probably not urinate frequently during the first three days — and possibly only once or twice during the first 24 to 28 hours. When babies are getting adequate milk, they should have 6 to 10 wet diapers a day. Make a plan for what you will do when your baby cries for longer than usual. It is normal to feel frustrated. It is important to have a plan to help with these feelings so you don’t hurt your baby. Try one of these ideas: The first two days, your baby will pass a sticky, black substance called meconium. Gradually baby’s bowels will move more frequently, and a loose, greenish stool will replace the meconium. Your baby may have a bowel movement after each feeding or one or two stools a day. Within the first week, the stool will transition to a loose, yellow, seedy texture. Breastfed babies tend to have more frequent stools. If your baby develops hard stools, contact the advice nurse for information/ treatment. If your baby develops foul-smelling liquid stools, call the advice nurse. • Take a deep breath. • Turn the lights down and find a quiet place. Hold your baby next to your chest and breathe slowly to calm yourself and your baby. • Try singing or cooing to your baby. • Take your baby for a walk in a stroller. • Take your baby for a ride in the car (always use a car seat). • Call a family member or a friend to chat. • Ask someone you trust to take over for a while, to give you a break. If these tips don’t help, call the advice nurse. Be sure anyone who cares for your baby knows these steps as well. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 127 baby care Enjoy your baby This is equal in importance to feeding and protecting your infant. Remember, your baby has been cuddled, comfortable, warm, and safe these past months, leading an easy life inside your womb. As you walked, the baby enjoyed a gentle to-and-fro rocking motion. Now your baby has many jobs to do, such as breathe, suck, swallow, digest, eliminate, and keep warm — all things that, until now, were taken care of in the womb. changes, and a mild soap as needed. Desitin is often helpful if a diaper rash should develop. If the rash does not go away in three to five days, or gets worse, consult your baby’s provider for further advice. GIRL BABIES Cleaning the labia It is important to wipe your daughter’s bottom from front to back. Gently separate the folds (labia) and wash and rinse. There may be a white coating inside the folds, along with a clear, jelly-like discharge containing streaks of blood. These are normal. Do not try to scrub them off. They will eventually disappear. Trust yourself There will be many times when you will wonder if you are doing the “right thing” in the “right way.” This will be especially true if you have a wellmeaning friend or relative who gives you advice whether you need it or not. There are many ways to care for babies, and nearly all of them are right. If you are enjoying your baby and your new role as a parent, it is almost impossible for you to do something wrong — you will most naturally do it right. Trust yourself, but reach out if you need help. BOY BABIES Cleaning the scrotum and penis It is important to clean around your son’s scrotum, especially the underneath side. Carefully lift the scrotum and wash gently, being sure to rinse well if you use soap. Care of the uncircumcised baby Care of the uncircumcised boy is uncomplicated. Washing and rinsing your son’s genitals daily is all that is needed. Do not pull back the foreskin (the skin covering the tip of the penis) in an infant. Forcing the foreskin back may harm the penis, causing pain, bleeding, and possible scar tissue. The natural separation of the foreskin from the tip of the penis may take several years. When your son is older, he can learn to pull back the foreskin and clean under it on a daily basis. Limit visitors It is best to have few visitors during the first few weeks at home while you and your baby recover together and your family adjusts to new roles. Babies can be fussy from overstimulation or too many visitors. Changing diapers and cleaning the genitals The diaper area should be kept clean and dry. If there is no diaper rash and your baby is not uncomfortable, routine changes at feeding time may be all that is necessary. It is important to keep the diaper below the belly button until the umbilical cord has fallen off. Use warm water to clean the diaper area during 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Bathing The room should be warm and free of drafts. You may use mild soap or baby shampoo, but water is the best daily cleaner. Avoid highly perfumed soaps. Be careful to not get soap or shampoo in 128 your baby’s eyes. Do not use cotton swabs inside your baby’s nose or ear canals. Your baby should have a sponge bath until the umbilical cord and/ or circumcision heals. Skin care Do not use baby lotion or baby oil. These products may cause skin rashes. Do not use baby powder or cornstarch. Your baby may breathe in particles of the powder, which may cause lung irritation. Keep your baby’s skin care simple. It is normal for babies to have some dry skin after birth, but in most babies this old skin will flake off during the first weeks of life. For mild irritation in the diaper area, use Desitin ointment. To avoid skin irritation, launder cloth diapers and clothing in a mild detergent. Soak cloth diapers after use, and double-rinse after washing. Eye care For a few days after birth, your baby’s eyes may be puffy and have a yellowish discharge from the antibiotic used to prevent infection. Use clear, warm water on a cotton ball to wipe away the discharge. If swelling or redness with a draining, yellowish discharge continues or returns, this may indicate infection, and you should notify your provider. Umbilical cord care The stump of the cord is firm, rubbery, and moist. Some of the baby’s skin may cover the closest part of it. The cord will become very dry, wrinkled, and dark. It usually falls off between the 6th and the 21st day. It is a good idea not to touch the cord or the skin around it unless your hands are freshly washed. oozing of blood or yellowish-whitish discharge, be sure the diaper or diaper covering is not over the cord, causing it to remain moist. Slight bleeding a few days before and after the cord falls off is normal. Please call your provider if the skin around the navel becomes red or swollen or has a foul odor. Checking your baby’s warmth Touch your baby on the chest or back for proper skin temperature. If your baby feels comfortably warm, he/she is OK, even if the hands and feet feel cool (but not blue). If your baby feels cool, add clothes, including a hat in cold weather. If your baby feels hot, take his/her temperature using a thermometer in the armpit. If your baby has a temperature of 100.4 degrees, refer to the checklist of signs and symptoms of illness, and call the advice nurse after you assess symptoms. If your baby feels warm but his/her temperature is below 100.4 degrees, take off some of his/her clothes and recheck the temperature in an hour. You should keep your baby out of direct sunlight. Protect your baby from the sun with an umbrella, shade, hat, and clothing. You should also keep your baby away from drafts. Nail care It is common for your baby’s fingernails to be long and/or sharp at birth. You can cover your baby’s hands with socks or baby mittens or use a soft emery board to file down the nails. It is sometimes easier to file down the nails when your baby is sleeping. Until the cord falls off, keep the navel dry and clean. After the cord falls off, you may gently clean the area with warm water. If there is a little 1899KPCC-12/4-12 129 feeding your baby Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is an enjoyable and natural way of feeding your baby. Since many misconceptions and myths exist about breastfeeding, we advise that you consult credible resources. How breastfeeding works Breastfeeding is a simple system of supply and demand — the more you nurse, the more milk your body will produce for your baby. At first, your baby gets colostrum, a rich, yellowish fluid that protects against infection, is high in protein, and serves as a laxative to help clear out his/her digestive system. Colostrum is the perfect food until your milk comes in. Your milk production depends on the amount of stimulation at your breasts. Therefore, you should start breastfeeding soon after birth and frequently thereafter to support milk production. Mature breast milk can appear thin and bluish or creamy. Your milk is perfectly suited to your baby’s digestive system and nutritional needs. Getting started Breastfeed your baby as soon as possible after birth. Some babies are eager to breastfeed immediately after birth, and others take hours to become interested in latching on to the nipple. Don’t be concerned if your baby needs time to learn to breastfeed. Remember, every baby is an individual and will respond and breastfeed at his/her own pace. Give your baby lots of physical contact while frequently offering the breast; this will help encourage your baby’s natural instinct to suck. You are both new at breastfeeding, so have patience and give yourself and your baby time to establish this skill. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Get into a comfortable position — sitting up or lying down is fine. Take advantage of the rooting reflex, which is what causes your baby to seek the nipple when the cheek is stimulated. Tickle your baby’s bottom lip with your nipple, and your baby will turn toward that side and open the mouth. Pull your baby close to you and support your breast so that your baby grasps as much of the areola (dark area) as possible and not just the nipple. Your baby will then use the tongue to hold the nipple against the roof of the mouth and begin to suck. Your baby may nurse on one or both sides. If your baby nurses on both sides, start on the same side you ended with last time. If you need to release your baby’s grasp on your breast, you can insert your little finger in the corner of your baby’s mouth to gently break the suction. Allow your newborn to nurse as long and frequently as he/she demands. Spend a few minutes between sides burping your baby and changing the diaper. Newborns often fall asleep after the first breast, and such activity between sides can stimulate them to nurse on the second breast. Incorrect positioning and latch are primary causes of sore nipples. Proper positioning will help decrease nipple soreness. Ask your nurse for help with positioning before your nipples get sore. Remember, cracking, bleeding, or blistering is not normal — call the advice nurse, your provider, or the Mother-Baby Program. 130 Barring any medical indications, there should be no need to supplement your baby’s breastfeeding, as this can delay your milk coming in. Many babies lose interest in breastfeeding when a bottle is introduced too early or too often. They use the tongue differently on a rubber nipple and therefore lose the ability to latch on to the breast. Check with your provider or nurse practitioner if you have doubts or questions. Breast milk digests quickly and easily, so newborns nurse often, usually about every two to three hours during the day and night. Some babies are quite sleepy and don’t wake up often to be fed in the early days of life. It is advisable to wake and feed your sleepy baby to ensure he/she is getting enough food, and to stimulate your milk supply. About breast pumps Many breastfeeding mothers find the need for a breast pump at some point during breastfeeding. Depending on your need, you may want a manual or an electric pump, and these range in price. Pumps can also be rented by the month. We’re happy to help you assess your breast pump needs. Kaiser Permanente breastfeeding resources For breastfeeding questions or concerns, try the 24-hour information line, Mother-Baby Program, or your medical office advice nurse for over-thephone advice or to make an appointment. 24-hour breastfeeding/newborn care information line Portland — 503-571-6605 Vancouver — 360-992-4162 Salem — 503-316-2311 Many newborns have their days and nights mixed up at first — be patient and encourage frequent breastfeedings during the day. Rooming-in in the hospital will allow you to put your newborn to the breast whenever he/she is hungry. This will help your milk come in sooner. Mother-Baby Program Beaverton Medical Office — 503-626-5502 Interstate Medical Office East — 503-331-6479 Mt. Scott Medical Office — 503-571-4636 Salmon Creek Medical Office — 360-571-3017 You may take medications prescribed by your obstetric provider while breastfeeding. If you are subsequently placed on medications, be sure to tell your provider that you are breastfeeding. Preparation for breastfeeding For classes about breastfeeding and baby care, see the Health Education Catalog, available from Health Education Services. Call 503-286-6816 for a catalog or more information. Nurses and other clinicians at your medical office can schedule appointments if you have breastfeeding difficulties. Please call your medical office advice nurse if you need additional help with breastfeeding. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 131 feeding your baby Community breastfeeding resources Breast pump resources/rentals Medela breast pump information line — 1-800-TELL-YOU (1-800-835-5968); enter your ZIP code for the closest rental station. Apria Healthcare — 503-258-2200; Support groups/information La Leche League, Oregon — 503-282-9377 La Leche League, Washington — 360-892-4212 or 360-574-4866 Nursing Mothers Council — 503-293-0661 Healthy Start, Clackamas County — 503-655-8601 Nutrition during breastfeeding You must feed yourself to be able to feed your baby. While you were pregnant, what you ate and drank provided nourishment to you and your baby. Now that your baby has been born, what you eat and drink is still important. For the first few months, your breast milk supplies all the nutrients and calories your baby needs to grow and develop. Vitamins and minerals Breastfeeding also requires an increased intake of vitamins and minerals. You can get what you need by eating a well-balanced diet and by taking your prenatal vitamin/ mineral supplement as advised by your provider. Your requirements for vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and folic acid increase during breastfeeding. If you are anemic, you may need to include more iron-rich foods in your diet. Calcium and phosphorus are found in milk and other dairy products. If you do not like milk or cannot tolerate it, your provider may recommend a calcium supplement. Good sources of iron include liver, beef, raisins, oysters, dried fruit, and iron-fortified cereals. Iron is best absorbed in vitamin C. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli, melons, berries, tropical fruits, cabbage, and tomatoes. Folic acid is commonly found in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, and kale. Some cereals are fortified with folic acid. Calories, protein, and fluids You will need extra calories to produce milk. The current recommendation is 500 additional calories per day, as well as an additional 20 grams of protein. You will also want to drink extra fluids to stay hydrated. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 132 Other considerations during breastfeeding • If you are a vegetarian, be sure to get enough calories, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Because many foods you eat regularly — fruits, vegetables and grains — are low in calories, you need to be sure to eat adequate amounts each day. You may need a vitamin B12 and iron supplement. • Dieting while breastfeeding is not recommended. • Caffeinated products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and many sodas should be used in moderation (about two to three 8-ounce cups per day). Caffeine acts as a stimulant to your baby in large amounts. • Talk to your clinician about alcohol consumption while breastfeeding. • Consult your provider before taking any medications while you are breastfeeding, as many medications can pass through breast milk to your baby. • Avoid raw fish due to the mercury passing to the baby. Cooked fish is OK. Sucking needs Many babies have a need to suck that often is not satisfied with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. These babies can be soothed by sucking on your clean finger. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to wait until breastfeeding is wellestablished before introducing a pacifier or bottle nipple. Please consult your provider or nurse if you are confused or have questions about your baby’s sucking needs. Burping your baby It is important to burp your baby during and after each feeding. Some babies spit up more than others. This loss of milk, if not excessive, does not interfere with weight gain. Bottle-feeding Hold the bottle so that the neck of the bottle and nipple are always filled with formula. This prevents your baby from sucking and swallowing air. Your baby has a strong, natural desire to suck and will keep on sucking nipples even after they have collapsed. Take the nipple out of the mouth occasionally to keep it from collapsing. Never prop the bottle up and leave your baby to self-feed. The bottle can easily slip into the wrong position and cause choking. Your baby needs the security and pleasure of being held at each feeding. This is a time for both of you to relax and enjoy each other. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 133 feeding your baby formula and food handling It is not necessary to sterilize bottles, nipples, formula, or water. However, great care should be taken when preparing formula and foods: • Wash your hands carefully before preparing formula. • Wash bottles and nipples thoroughly in dishwashing detergent using a nipple brush and a bottle brush. Rinse and drain well. The top rack of a dishwasher is also safe to use for most bottles and nipples. Water that is mixed with formula should be boiled if it is not from a source that is regularly checked for harmful bacteria. It should then be allowed to cool to room temperature before mixing with formula. This applies to all private wells. Do not boil the milk itself, or you will destroy the vitamins. Powdered formula is less expensive and easy to use. Read the label when preparing the formula to be sure you are mixing it correctly. Vitamins • Wash all lids with detergent and water before opening. At your baby’s 2-week checkup, the provider will talk with you about your baby’s need for vitamins or fluoride drops. • Use a can opener that can be immersed in water. Wash the opener before and after use. Solid foods • Prepare only enough formula for 24 hours. Always store it in a covered container in the refrigerator until ready to use. Do not save formula when a feeding is finished. Discard remaining prepared formula. • Formula should be served at room temperature. If the formula has been refrigerated, the bottle can be warmed in a pan of hot water. Never heat your baby’s bottle or food in a microwave oven. The heating may be excessive or uneven and potentially very dangerous to your baby. Formula There is a wide variety of prepared milk formulas on the market. Some are available in ready-to-feed bottles or cans. While this is an expensive way to feed your baby, it is useful if you are taking a car trip with your baby. The milk mixture will remain sterile as long as the bottle or can is unopened. Prepared cow’s milk formulas are most common. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Your provider will advise you when it is appropriate to introduce solid foods to your baby. Do not put solid foods in your baby’s bottle. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics: “Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months of life and provides continuing protection against diarrhea and respiratory tract infection. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child. Complementary foods rich in iron should be introduced gradually beginning around 6 months of age. During the first 6 months of age, even in hot climates, water and juice are unnecessary for breastfed infants and may introduce contaminants or allergens.” 134 Multiples Challenges of caring for twins or more Once a multiple pregnancy is over, new challenges arise as you care for your babies. Be aware of signs of stress. Use your family, friends, and health professional to develop ways of coping with issues such as: • Premature infants who need to be hospitalized or have medical problems. See the next section on preterm infants. • Lack of sleep and exhaustion from meeting your infants’ round-the-clock needs. • The needs of other children and family members. • Lack of time for caring for yourself or your partner. The babies may face their own challenges, including: • Less time spent with a parent. Make time for each child individually. • Competition for parents’ attention. • More difficulty developing a separate identity. Celebrate your children’s differences and encourage them to make their own choices. • Less likelihood of being breastfed. Breastfeeding helps with bonding between a busy mother and child. It also helps increase an infant’s immunity against infection and many diseases in infancy and childhood. Working closely with a lactation consultant will help you master the art of breastfeeding more than one infant. • Possible delays in growth and development. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 135 preterm infants What is premature birth? What causes premature birth? Pregnancy normally lasts about 40 weeks. A baby born more than three weeks early is premature. Babies who are born closer to their due dates tend to have fewer problems, if any. Premature birth can be caused by a problem with the fetus, mother, or both. Often the cause is never known. The most common causes include: When a baby is born too early, the major organs are not fully formed. This can cause health problems. Any premature baby can have medical problems. But those who are born before 32 weeks are more likely to have more serious problems. • Pregnancy with twins or more. Babies who are born closer to 32 weeks (just over 7 months) may not be able to eat, breathe, or stay warm on their own. But after these babies have had time to grow, most of them can leave the hospital. Babies born earlier than 26 weeks (just under 6 months) are the most likely to have serious problems. If your baby was born very small or sick, you may face a hard life-or-death decision about treatment. Having a premature baby, often called a “preemie,” may be stressful and scary. To get through it, you and your partner must take good care of yourselves and each other. It may help to talk to a spiritual adviser, counselor, or social worker. You may be able to find a support group of other parents who are going through the same thing. • Problems with the placenta. • Infection in the mother. • Problems with the uterus or cervix. • Drug or alcohol use during pregnancy. What kind of treatments might a premature infant need? Premature babies who are moved to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are watched closely for infections and changes in breathing and heart rate. Until they can maintain their body heat, they are kept warm in special beds called isolettes. Premature babies are usually tube-fed or fed through a vein (intravenously), depending on their condition. Tube-feeding lasts until a baby is mature enough to breathe, suck, and swallow and can take all feedings by breast or bottle. Sick and very premature infants need special treatment, depending on what medical problems they have. Those who need help breathing are aided by an oxygen tube or a ventilator, a machine that moves air in and out of the lungs. Some babies need medicine. A few need surgery. Breast milk can give a baby extra protection from infection. So your hospital may urge you to pump your breast milk and bring it in for at least the first few weeks after birth. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 136 NICU doctors and nurses are specialists in premature infant care. If your premature baby is in the NICU, you can learn a lot from the medical staff about how to take care of your baby. Does premature birth cause longterm problems? Before birth, it is hard to predict how healthy a premature baby will be. But your doctors can prepare you for what may lie ahead. They can base this on your condition and how many weeks pregnant you will be when you give birth. Most premature babies do not develop serious disabilities. But the earlier a baby is born, the higher the chances of problems. Most premature babies who are born between 32 and 37 weeks do well after birth. If your baby does well after birth, his or her risk of disability is low. What can i expect when i take my baby home? When you’re at home, don’t be surprised if your baby sleeps for shorter periods than you expect. Premature babies are not often awake for more than brief periods, but they wake up more often than other babies. Because your baby is awake for only short periods, it may seem like a long time before he or she responds to you. Premature babies get sick more easily than fullterm infants. So it’s important to keep your baby away from sick family members and friends. Make sure your baby gets regular checkups and shots to protect against serious illness. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is more common among premature babies. So make sure your baby goes to sleep on his or her back. This lowers the chances of SIDS. Babies most likely to have long-term disability are those who are born before 26 weeks or who are very small (1.7 pound or less). Long-term problems may include intellectual disability or cerebral palsy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 137 Keep your baby healthy One important way to keep your baby healthy and happy is to make all necessary appointments for his or her routine checkups. Visit schedule Outpatient services include routine (well-child) visits, same-day appointments, urgent care visits, and telephone advice: • At about 2 weeks of age with a pediatrician or family doctor. • Well-child checks are regularly scheduled appointments to monitor your baby’s growth and development. • Same-day appointments are made when your baby has a condition or illness that cannot wait until a well-child checkup. This appointment is made during regular medical office hours. • Urgent care is provided after regular clinical hours for conditions that cannot wait until morning. • Telephone advice nurses can often assist you with nonurgent problems or advise whether your baby needs to see a provider. If you have questions or concerns, please call us before coming into a medical office. Our professional staff can advise you what to do. In many instances, a concern can be handled over the phone. If your baby needs to be seen, we can arrange for a visit. The best time to receive care is during routine office hours. Most appointment center hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, check to see if your medical office has extended hours. When calling for appointments, be ready to provide your child’s name, birth date, and health record number. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • One to three days after discharge from the hospital with the lactation nurse. • At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months of age with your provider (sometimes there is also a 9-month visit). What to expect at each early visit At these visits, your pediatrician will look at your baby’s growth by measuring his or her height, weight, and head circumference. The doctor will check your baby’s development and ask about any concerns that you may have. Use these opportunities to learn how you can keep your baby as healthy and safe as possible. Immunizations During some visits, your baby may get one or more shots to protect against childhood diseases. Ask your pediatrician for a visit and immunization schedule. When to call for help Any symptoms should at least be discussed by phone with a clinician/advice nurse as soon as noticed. A baby who appears ill should be seen immediately. To take your baby’s temperature, use a digital thermometer under the armpit. A normal temperature is 97.6 to 99.8 degrees. Do not use a mercury glass thermometer. Ear thermometers are not always accurate and thus not recommended for babies. 138 The following need attention: Whom to call • Any fever (armpit temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher) in an infant 4 months or younger requires an immediate exam by a provider. Temperature under 97.6 degrees may also indicate serious illness and should be reported to a provider. If you or your baby requires care during regular medical office hours, you can call to request a same-day appointment (as available) from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays. • Marked change in feeding pattern (significantly decreased appetite, vomiting, sweating, or shortness of breath with feeding). • Marked change in behavior (decreased activity, sleeping through two or more feedings in a day, unusual irritability, convulsions, or jerking movements of the body). • Breathing problems (more than 60 breaths per minute while sleeping or quiet; struggling or pulling hard to catch breath; pausing longer than 15 seconds between breaths). • Change in color (blueness, paleness, increasing yellowness). To make an appointment or to talk to an advice nurse, call 1-800-813-2000 from all areas. For TTY, call 1-800-735-2900. For language interpretation services, call 1-800-324-8010. For lactation and breastfeeding questions, call: • Mt. Scott Mother-Baby Program 503-571-4636 • East Interstate Mother-Baby Program 503-331-6479 • Beaverton Mother-Baby Program 503-626-5502 • Salmon Creek Mother-Baby Program 360-571-3017 • Explosive watery bowel movements. • Feeding poorly, crying excessively, increased frequency of stools, or foul-smelling stools. • Significant decrease in urine (fewer than three or four wet diapers per 24-hour period). • Bleeding from any place, other than a small amount from the navel or circumcision or vagina. • Any soft, fluid-filled blister. You should also call your doctor if you are crying a lot, feel sad for no apparent reason, or are concerned that you may hurt your baby. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 139 keep your baby safe The greatest danger to your baby is an accident, not disease. You, as the parents of this newborn, are responsible for constantly exercising sound judgment to keep your baby safe. The four most common dangers to an infant are drowning, suffocation, falls, and car accidents. Prevention is the key to a baby’s safe environment. Prevent drowning Your baby should be well-protected at all times from entering areas near spas, jacuzzis, hot tubs, bath tubs, or swimming pools without constant adult supervision. During bathing, never leave your baby alone. Always support your baby with one hand. If you are interrupted during bathing by the phone or doorbell, either let it ring (they will call back), or wrap up your baby and take him or her with you. Prevent suffocation Your baby should not be able to reach or play with plastic bags, telephone cords, ropes, cords from window coverings (such as mini-blinds), electrical cords, harnesses, soft pillows, or wideslat openings in cribs made before 1976. These all have the potential to smother, strangulate, or suffocate your baby. Don’t place necklaces around your baby’s neck. Small objects of any type have the immediate potential for choking a baby. Prevent falls The only safe place a baby can be left alone for even a few moments is in a safety-approved crib with all sides up or in a playpen. Babies can kick, scoot, and wiggle off high surfaces such as beds, tables, stairs, couches, and chairs. Floors and full-size beds are unsafe if you are not able to constantly watch your infant. All stairways should be sealed off from creeping babies. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Car safety In Washington and Oregon, the law requires that everyone wear seat belts. Children younger than 1 year and less than 20 pounds must be in a rear-facing car seat. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a rear-facing car seat until age 2 and more than 20 pounds. To access the safety seat resource center on the Web: • Go to • Click on Child Safety Seat Resource Center for training, education, and information. A safety seat: • Prevents your child from being thrown. • Absorbs the force of impact. • Distributes the force of impact more evenly over a child’s body. As responsible parents, keep these points in mind regarding car safety: • Infants should always be transported in an infant/child car safety seat — never in someone’s lap or arms. • A car seat is effective only if installed and used correctly according to manufacturer’s instructions. • Remove or secure all loose objects from your car that could become airborne in an accident. • The safest place for a child is in the center of the back seat securely fastened in a federally approved car seat. • If your car has an airbag, transport your child only in the back seat. • The best safety seat is one you will use each time your child rides in the car, that fits your car securely, and that is comfortable for your child. 140 Sleep safety and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Your baby should sleep near you in a safe crib or bassinet but not in the same bed. It is safe to bring your baby into bed to nurse or comfort. But return your baby to his/her crib or bassinet when you are ready to go back to sleep. The cause of SIDS is unknown, but there are several things you can do to help prevent it: • Put your baby on his/her back to sleep, every time. If your baby is old enough to roll and does so on his/her own, there is no need to correct the position. But you should always put your baby down directly on the back for sleep. • Use a firm, flat sleeping surface. • Keep soft toys and loose bedding out of the crib. • Do not use pillows, bumpers, comforters, stuffed toys, or other soft objects. • Make sure your baby’s head remains uncovered during sleep. • Do not string toys across the crib. They can choke your baby. • Some studies have suggested that pacifiers lower the risk of SIDS. • Put your baby to sleep in an area with good ventilation, and consider using a fan in the room (not blowing directly on the baby). • Do not expose your infant to smoke or use sedating medications. Crib safety You can help your baby sleep safely in a crib by following these guidelines: 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Use a firm, flat mattress that fits tight next to the edge of crib. • Make sure that the crib slats are less than 2³/8 inches apart. Your baby’s head can become trapped if the openings are too wide. • Remove corner post knobs if attached to the crib. They can become loose and cause choking. Also, tighten all nuts, bolts, and screws every few months, and check the mattress support hangers and hooks regularly. • Older cribs may not meet current safety standards. Check used cribs especially carefully. For more information on crib safety, visit Prevent burns Always check the temperature of warmed milk before feeding it to your baby by squirting some on your wrist. Never microwave milk or the bottle directly. Check to make sure your water heater is set to no higher than 120 degrees. Water heaters have a dial on the side that allows for this adjustment. Never carry hot liquids or foods when holding your baby, as a spill can burn your infant. Avoid smoking Keep your baby’s environment smoke free at all times. Smoking increases the risk of infections, asthma, and SIDS. Sun safety Newborn skin is very sensitive. Newborns do not need to be exposed to sunlight. If you want to take your baby out on a sunny day, keep him/ her shaded, with most of the skin covered. It is a good idea to consider putting on sunblock even if your baby will be covered, to prevent any accidental exposure. 141 common newborn problems Jaundice About 1 in 5 babies will be noticeably jaundiced by the second or third day of life. Jaundice is a result of the normal breakdown of red blood cells that occurs during the newborn period. There can be a relatively high number of excess red blood cells breaking down, and/or the liver is not quite ready to handle the waste load. Before birth, the mother’s liver does this for the baby. Bilirubin is a byproduct of this metabolic process; bilirubin circulates through the bloodstream and gives the skin a yellowish color. The liver filters bilirubin and sends it out with the bowel movement and urine. You should notice that in a few days, your baby’s bowel movement starts to turn yellow. This is the bilirubin leaving your baby’s system. Your baby’s jaundice may gradually increase for up to seven days and may last as long as two weeks. During this time, it is important that your baby gets plenty of fluids. Feeding your baby every two to three hours, particularly if you are breastfeeding, is important. If your milk is in, your baby should have at least six wet diapers a day. If your baby is increasingly sleepy, or the urine output is decreasing, please call the advice nurse. Your baby may need to have a bilirubin level drawn and a feeding evaluation. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 How do we check for jaundice? Jaundice usually turns the baby’s skin, and sometimes the whites of their eyes, yellow. It is most noticeable in daylight. It usually starts in the face and then continues to the chest, belly, arms, and legs as the bilirubin increases. We also check every baby’s blood for the bilirubin level to measure the level of jaundice. This is usually done when we do the state newborn screen after the first day of life. Can jaundice hurt my baby? Most infants have mild jaundice that is harmless, but in unusual situations the bilirubin level can get really high and can cause brain damage. This is why newborns are checked carefully for jaundice and treated to prevent a high bilirubin level. Signs of worsening jaundice Jaundice usually moves from head to toe, so if you think it is worsening, call your doctor or tell your nurse. If your baby is jaundiced and is hard to wake, fussy, or not nursing or taking formula well, jaundice may be contributing, so call your doctor or tell your nurse right away. Does breastfeeding affect jaundice? Jaundice is more common in babies who are breastfed, but usually in babies who are not nursing well. If you are breastfeeding, you should nurse your baby at least 8 to 12 times a day in the first few days to ensure you will produce enough milk and help keep the baby’s bilirubin level down. If you are having difficulty, please contact your doctor or nurse immediately. 142 Does my baby need closer attention for jaundice? Some babies have a greater risk of developing high levels of jaundice and need closer follow-up. These include babies: • With a high bilirubin level before discharge. • Who were born more than two weeks early. • Who had jaundice in the first 24 hours of life. • Who are not breastfeeding well. • With lots of bruising or bleeding from delivery. • With a family member who had high bilirubin and received phototherapy. How is harmful jaundice prevented? Most jaundice requires no treatment. When treatment is necessary, placing your baby under special lights while undressed will help lower the bilirubin level. This method, called phototherapy, can be used in the hospital or at home depending on the jaundice level. Jaundice is treated using this method only at lower levels, when brain damage is not a concern. This treatment can help prevent the harmful effects of jaundice. Sunlight can help lower levels of jaundice, but is not recommended as a safe way to treat jaundice. This cannot be done safely because your baby may get cold if undressed in your house, and newborns should never be exposed to direct sunlight outside because they might get sunburned. Sometimes giving your newborn more food by supplementing with formula will help eliminate the bilirubin by making your baby have a bowel movement more often. Your doctor will talk to you about his option if it could help. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 How do the special lights work? They cause a slight chemical change to bilirubin and allow your newborn’s system to more easily expel it. They work only while your infant is exposed to the lights, so the more time your baby is in the lights, the faster it works. It is also important to have as much skin exposed to the light as possible to ensure that enough bilirubin gets changed. How do we perform phototherapy? We undress your infant and place him or her next to a special light blanket. If the bilirubin levels are higher, we place your baby under bright blue lights for more effectiveness. The doctor will recommend a specific phototherapy method based on many factors, including your infant‘s age and jaundice level. Where is jaundice treated? Most of the time phototherapy can be done in your room, but it is up to your doctor. Your provider might want the phototherapy to be done in the nursery instead of your room if: • You and your family don’t want it done in your room. • There is concern that your infant isn’t getting enough phototherapy (out of lights or off blanket too much). • Your infant is admitted from home or you have been discharged from the hospital. • The level of jaundice is too high to be done in the room. • Your infant is having other problems such as trouble maintaining body temperature. 143 common newborn problems Are there risks to phototherapy? Phototherapy is very safe. The biggest complaint is that the baby needs to be left in the lights for extended lengths of time to be most effective. This means your baby will be allowed out only for short periods (20 to 30 minutes) to allow for feeding. Families sometime complain about the fussiness of the infant in lights or that the blue lights in the room are annoying. We use eye protection on infants in the lights, but there is no need for adults to wear eye protection. A baby getting too warm or too cold is rare but may prompt further investigation or require a different approach to treatment. In babies with a rare condition called porphyria, phototherapy may cause the skin to turn bronze-colored. It is reversible when the phototherapy is stopped, but if you know of a family history of this disease, please tell your provider. Cradle cap Cradle cap is a yellowish, dry, crusty scale on the scalp. This may extend onto the face as a rash. If this occurs, you may try the following: • Soften the scales with baby oil and let the oil remain on the scalp for 15 minutes. • Loosen scales with a very soft brush. • Shampoo gently with your usual baby shampoo. Rinse and dry well. Repeat this daily for one week and then as needed. Colic All babies have fussy periods that may last from one feeding to the next. This is not colic. If a baby sleeps for only one to two hours at a time and fusses after each feeding and passes a lot of gas, drawing up the legs and crying, this may be colic. Do you have to check any other lab tests? Every baby being treated for jaundice will have a repeat bilirubin test at some point. The frequency of repeat tests will be based on the doctor’s recommendations. Often we will check another bilirubin level after stopping the lights to ensure that the bilirubin hasn’t increased too fast. Sometimes the doctor will order other tests like a blood type to ensure that the jaundice is not more serious. If this occurs, you may try any of these suggestions: When does jaundice go away? Jaundice most commonly will go away on its own, unless the level is high and needs treatment. In breastfed infants, jaundice often lasts two to three weeks, and in formula-fed infants, most jaundice goes away by two weeks. If your baby is jaundiced for more than three weeks, see his or her doctor. • Take an infant massage class. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Feed your baby more slowly, with frequent burping. • Rock your baby gently. • Wrap your baby firmly in a light, soft blanket. • Provide a soft, steady humming noise. • Avoid sudden loud noises, bright lights, or extreme temperature changes. While the cause is not known, colic is not harmful, and it usually passes by 3 to 4 months of age even without treatment. Contact your provider if your baby develops fever, vomiting, bloody stools, or any symptoms that do not fit the colicky pattern described. 144 Diaper rash Diaper rash is common and is caused by wet diapers irritating the skin. To reduce diaper rash problems, change diapers frequently and clean or bathe the diaper area frequently. Keep the area exposed to the air as much as possible. Protective ointments, such as Desitin cream, can help. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 145 navigating complications navigating complications Appendix Most women go through pregnancy and childbirth without any medical problems or complications. Early and regular prenatal care can help keep you and your baby safe. If you have a suspected or diagnosed problem, you’ll need to take precautions to help your pregnancy go well. Many complications, such as gestational diabetes, are manageable with proper treatment. Even in a healthy pregnancy, it is possible to start labor too early. Learn the signs of preterm labor and what to do if contractions begin. This section provides you with the critical information you need to know. • Depression • Diabetes • Domestic abuse • Ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy) • Fifth disease • Genital herpes • High-risk pregnancy • Iron deficiency anemia • Molar pregnancy • Multiple pregnancy • Obesity • Placenta abruptio Review these pages to learn about common complications and how to navigate them. If you experience any problems during or after your pregnancy, contact your health care provider. The “Risks and safety” section outlines warning signs and when and if to call for help. • Placenta previa In this section, you’ll find information about: • Toxoplasmosis • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Preeclampsia and high blood pressure • Preterm labor • Preterm premature rupture of membranes • Rh sensitization • Bacterial vaginosis • Deep vein thrombosis 1899KPCC-12/4-12 147 asthma Asthma is a fairly common health problem for pregnant women, including some women who have never had it before. Risks to your baby include: During pregnancy, asthma not only affects you, but it can also cut back on the oxygen your fetus gets from you. But this does not mean that having asthma will make your pregnancy more difficult or dangerous to you or your fetus. Pregnant women with properly controlled asthma generally have a normal pregnancy with little or no increased risk to themselves or the fetus. • Abnormally slow growth of the fetus (intrauterine growth restriction). When born, the baby appears small. Most asthma treatments are safe to use when you are pregnant. After years of research, experts now say that it is far safer to manage your asthma with medicine than it is to leave asthma untreated during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about the safest treatment for you. Risks of uncontrolled asthma If you have not previously had asthma, you may not think that shortness of breath or wheezing during your pregnancy is asthma. If you know you have asthma, you may not consider it a concern if you only have mild symptoms. But asthma can affect you and your fetus, and you should act accordingly. • Death immediately before or after birth (perinatal mortality). • Birth before the 37th week of pregnancy (preterm birth). • Low birth weight. The more control you have over your asthma, the less risk there is. Asthma treatment and pregnancy Pregnant women manage asthma the same way non-pregnant women do. Like all people with asthma, pregnant women should have an asthma action plan to help them control inflammation and prevent and control asthma attacks. Part of a pregnant woman’s action plan should also include recording fetal movements. You can do this by noting whether fetal kicks decrease over time. If you notice less fetal activity during an asthma attack, contact your doctor or emergency help immediately to receive instructions. If your asthma is not controlled, risks to your health include: Considerations for treatment of asthma in pregnancy include the following: • High blood pressure. • If more than one health professional is involved in the pregnancy and asthma care, they must communicate with each other about treatment. The obstetrician must be involved with asthma care. • Preeclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure and can affect the placenta, kidneys, liver, and brain. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 148 • Monitor lung function carefully throughout your pregnancy to ensure that your growing fetus gets enough oxygen. Because asthma severity changes for about two-thirds of women during pregnancy, you should have monthly checkups to monitor your symptoms and lung function. Your doctor will use either spirometry or a peak flow meter to measure your lung function. • Monitor fetal movements daily after 28 weeks. Asthma and allergies Many women also have allergies, such as allergic rhinitis, along with asthma. Treating allergies is an important part of asthma management. • The antihistamines loratadine or cetirizine are recommended. • Inhaled corticosteroids at recommended doses are effective and can be used by pregnant women. • Consider ultrasounds to monitor fetal growth if your asthma is not well-controlled or if you have moderate or severe asthma. Ultrasound exams can also help your doctor check on the fetus after you have an asthma attack. • If you are already getting allergy shots, you may continue getting them, but starting allergy shots during pregnancy is not recommended. • Try to do more to avoid and control asthma triggers (such as tobacco smoke or dust mites) so that you can take less medicine if possible. Many women have nasal symptoms, and there may be a link between increased nasal symptoms and asthma attacks. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is common in pregnancy, may also cause symptoms. Albuterol (ProAir) is a fast-acting pulmonary airway muscle relaxer that can help quickly reverse signs and symptoms in some cases of asthma. If you use this inhaler, you should carry it with you at all times. • It is important that you have extra protection against the flu (influenza). Get a flu vaccination as soon as it’s available, whether you are in your first, second, or third trimester at the time. The flu vaccine is effective for one season. The flu vaccine is safe in pregnancy and is recommended for all pregnant women. Asthma medicines and pregnancy Budesonide is labeled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the safest inhaled corticosteroid to use during pregnancy. One study found that low-dose inhaled budesonide in pregnant women seemed to be safe for the mother and the fetus. Never stop taking or reduce your medicines without talking to your doctor. You might have to wait until after delivery to make changes in your medicine. Always talk to your doctor before using any medicine when you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 149 Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is the most common type of vaginal infection. Other common types include yeast infections and trichomoniasis. What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection of the vagina caused by bacteria. Normally, there are a lot of “good” bacteria and some “bad” bacteria in the vagina. The good types help control the growth of the bad types. In women with bacterial vaginosis, the balance is upset. There are not enough good bacteria and too many bad bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is usually a mild problem that may go away on its own in a few days. But since it can lead to more serious problems, it’s a good idea to see your doctor and get treatment. What causes bacterial vaginosis? Experts are not sure what causes the bacteria in the vagina to get out of balance. But certain things make it more likely to happen. Your risk of getting bacterial vaginosis is higher if you: • Have more than one sex partner or have a new sex partner. • Smoke. • Douche. What are the symptoms? The most common symptom is a smelly vaginal discharge. It may look grayish white or yellow. A sure sign of bacterial vaginosis is a “fishy” smell, which may be worse after sex. About half of women who have bacterial vaginosis do not notice any symptoms. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Many things can cause abnormal vaginal discharge, including some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). See your doctor so you can be tested and get the right treatment. How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed? Doctors diagnose bacterial vaginosis by asking about the symptoms, doing a pelvic exam, and taking a sample of the vaginal discharge. The sample can be tested to find out if you have bacterial vaginosis. What problems can bacterial vaginosis cause? Bacterial vaginosis usually does not cause other health problems. But it can lead to serious problems in some cases. • If you have it when you are pregnant, it increases the risk of miscarriage, early (preterm) delivery, and uterine infection after pregnancy. • If you have it when you have a pelvic procedure such as a C-section, abortion, or hysterectomy, you are more likely to get a pelvic infection. • If you have it and you are exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (including HIV), you are more likely to catch the disease. Getting treated with antibiotics can help prevent these problems. 150 How is it treated? Doctors usually prescribe an antibiotic to treat bacterial vaginosis. Those used most often are metronidazole (such as Flagyl) and clindamycin (such as Cleocin). They come as pills you swallow or as a cream or capsules (called ovules) that you put in your vagina. During pregnancy, you will need to take pills. Bacterial vaginosis usually clears up in two or three days with antibiotics, but treatment goes on for seven days. Do not stop using your medicine just because your symptoms are better. Be sure to take the full course of antibiotics. Antibiotics usually work well and have few side effects. But taking them can lead to a vaginal yeast infection. A yeast infection can cause itching, redness, and a lumpy, white discharge. If you have these symptoms, talk to your doctor about what to do. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 151 Deep vein thrombosis What is deep vein thrombosis? The known risk factors for blood clots include: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein, usually in the legs. • Pregnancy and the first six weeks after delivery. Clots can form in superficial veins and in deep veins. Blood clots with inflammation in superficial veins (called superficial thrombophlebitis or phlebitis) rarely cause serious problems. But clots in deep veins (deep vein thrombosis) require immediate medical care. • Personal or family history of blood clots. These clots are dangerous because they can break loose, travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, and block blood flow in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). A pulmonary embolism is often lifethreatening. DVT can also lead to long-lasting problems. DVT may damage the vein and cause the leg to ache, swell, and change color. It can also lead to leg sores after years of having DVT. Blood clots most often develop in the calf and thigh veins, and less often in the arm veins or pelvic veins. This section focuses on blood clots in the deep veins of the legs, but diagnosis and treatment of DVT in other parts of the body are similar. What causes deep vein clots to form? Blood clots can form in veins when you are inactive. For example, clots can form if you are paralyzed or bedridden or must sit while on a long flight or car trip. Surgery or an injury can damage your blood vessels and cause a clot to form. Cancer can also cause deep vein thrombosis. Some people have blood that clots too easily, a problem that may run in families (thrombophilia). 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Obesity. • Coagulation disorders, such as factor V Leiden mutation. This is a genetic blood-clotting problem. • Inactivity, such as during long-distance travel in cars or airplanes. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of DVT include swelling of the affected leg. Also, the leg may feel warm and look redder than the other leg. The calf or thigh may ache or feel tender when you touch or squeeze it or when you stand or move. Pain may get worse and last longer or become constant. If a blood clot is small, it may not cause symptoms. In some cases, pulmonary embolism is the first sign that you have DVT. How is deep vein thrombosis diagnosed? If your doctor suspects that you have DVT, you probably will have an ultrasound to measure the blood flow through your veins and help find any clots that might be blocking the flow. Other tests, such as a venogram, are sometimes used if ultrasound results are unclear. A venogram is an X-ray of the blood flow through the veins. 152 How is it treated? Treatment begins right away to reduce the chance that the blood clot will grow or that a piece of the clot might break loose and flow to your lungs. Treatment for DVT usually involves taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) such as heparin or enoxaparin (Lovenox). Heparin is given through a vein (intravenously, or IV) or as an injection. Enoxaparin is given as an injection. While there is a risk of taking these medications (such as bleeding, osteoporosis, or low platelet count), the risks of more serious complications from DVT are usually of more concern. These medications do not cross the placenta, so they should not affect your baby. How can deep vein thrombosis be prevented? There are things you can do to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Many doctors recommend that you wear compression stockings during a journey longer than eight hours. On long flights, walk up and down the aisle hourly, flex and point your feet every 20 minutes while sitting, and drink plenty of water. If you have a history of a blood clot in your lung (pulmonary embolus) or deep vein thrombosis, please let your provider know. Your doctor will provide a personalized treatment plan. You will have blood tests often to see how well the blood thinners are working. Most women will continue the blood thinners for a period after delivery. Your doctor also may recommend that you prop up or elevate your leg when possible, take walks, and wear compression stockings. These measures may help reduce the pain and swelling that can happen with DVT. In rare cases, a vena cava filter may be used. It is inserted into the vena cava, the large vein that returns blood to the heart from the abdomen and legs. A vena cava filter helps prevent blood clots from traveling to the lungs. This device is usually used only if you are at high risk for pulmonary embolism and not able to take blood thinners. It may also be used if you have DVT that comes back again or you had a sudden blockage of blood flow in the lung (pulmonary embolism) while taking blood thinners. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 153 Depression Depression is common during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. If you have symptoms of depression during pregnancy or are depressed and learn you are pregnant, make a treatment plan with your doctor right away. If you are being treated for depression and are planning a pregnancy, talk to your doctor ahead of time. You may be able to taper off your antidepressant medicine before your pregnancy, to see how you feel during your first trimester. It’s best to be medicine-free, especially during the first trimester. But if you are severely depressed, your doctor will probably want you to stay on your medicine. Don’t ever suddenly stop taking an antidepressant. This can cause difficult emotional and physical symptoms and may also affect your fetus. Your doctor can tell you the best way to taper off your medicine. Depression treatment choices during pregnancy If you are not severely depressed, interpersonal counseling or cognitive-behavioral therapy may be all that you need. • Interpersonal counseling focuses on your relationship and life adjustments, giving you emotional support and help with problemsolving and goal-setting. • Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you take charge of the way you think and feel, while giving you a supportive relationship. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 If counseling alone isn’t enough, or if your symptoms are severe and disabling, talk to your doctor about other possible treatments: • Light therapy uses regular doses of bright light (not full-spectrum light, which includes ultraviolet light). Typically, a person having light therapy will sit in front of a high-intensity (2,500- to 10,000-lux) fluorescent lamp, slowly building up to one to two hours each morning. (Possible side effects include eye strain, headache, feeling “wired,” and trouble falling asleep when light therapy is used later in the day.) • Antidepressant medicine, most often a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), such as fluoxetine (Prozac) or sertraline (Zoloft). Zoloft is the most commonly prescribed antidepressant during pregnancy. Fluoxetine and citalopram (Celexa) are not often used during breastfeeding, because they can pass into breast milk in high levels. Fluoxetine is also linked to side effects in some breastfeeding babies. If you are planning to breastfeed and are taking an antidepressant, talk about this with your doctor. Women who take an SSRI during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. There is also a small chance that your baby will have minor, temporary symptoms (such as poor feeding and irritability) related to SSRI exposure during pregnancy. But not treating depression can also cause problems during pregnancy and birth. If you become pregnant again, you and your doctor must weigh the risks of taking an SSRI against the risks of not treating depression. 154 FDA Advisory The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an advisory on antidepressant medicines and the risk of suicide. The FDA does not recommend that people stop using these medicines. Instead, a person taking antidepressants should be watched for warning signs of suicide. This is especially important at the beginning of treatment or when the doses are changed. Additional measures you can take against depression Whether you use counseling, medicine, light therapy, or a combination, be sure to also get regular exercise, healthy food, fresh air, and time with people who care about you. These are important parts of preventing and treating depression and having a healthy pregnancy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 155 Diabetes Diabetes is a condition that affects the body’s natural way of storing and using energy. It causes a high level of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream, which may lead to many health problems. In pregnancy, high blood glucose levels can cause the baby to grow too large, making a natural delivery difficult. This could result in cesarean section (C-section) or lead to injury of the baby at the time of vaginal delivery (such as a broken collarbone or nerve injury in the arm). The baby may also have problems after delivery (low blood sugar), and may need to be cared for in a special care nursery. This is why it’s so important to control your blood sugar while you are pregnant. Gestational diabetes If your blood sugar becomes too high for the first time while you are pregnant, you have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in pregnant women. Gestational diabetes usually begins after the first trimester of pregnancy. Most women with this type of diabetes have normal blood sugar in the first part of pregnancy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Because you can have gestational diabetes without knowing it, all women are tested for diabetes during pregnancy. Your chances of having diabetes in pregnancy are higher if any of the following warning signs are true: • You had high blood sugar during a previous pregnancy. • You have had other babies who weighed more than 9 pounds. • You are overweight. • A close relative, such as a parent or sibling, has diabetes. • You are part of an at-risk ethnic group, including African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Latina, Native American, Native Alaskan, or Pacific Islander. • You have prediabetes or glucose intolerance. Some women who have diabetes during pregnancy will continue to have diabetes after pregnancy. For most women, blood sugar levels return to normal after pregnancy. However, women who have gestational diabetes are at risk for recurrence in subsequent pregnancies and for developing type 2 diabetes several years after delivery. 156 Type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is the second most common form of diabetes in pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in adulthood. It has become more common in childhood and adolescence due to the increase in childhood obesity. This type of diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) or may need medications such as insulin or oral medication. Women with type 2 diabetes should see their doctor before they become pregnant to discuss steps they can take to ensure a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. Women with type 2 diabetes should also be seen as soon as they find out they are pregnant, so that blood sugar levels can be monitored carefully. Type 1 diabetes Type 1 diabetes is less common but more likely to cause problems in pregnancy. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to help your body properly use and store glucose. Type 1 diabetes can be managed with diet, exercise, and insulin to control blood sugar. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 What should I do if I have diabetes? By taking steps that will keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible, you will be doing all that you can do to have a healthy and normal pregnancy. These steps include the following: • Make wise food choices. Healthy eating will give you all the nutrition you need without extra sugars and fats that can cause your diabetes to get out of control. • Exercise. Physical activity will help your body lower blood sugar levels, help you better control your rate of weight gain, and help improve your overall well-being. • Gain the right amount of weight. Proper weight gain is necessary to provide your baby with good nutrition during pregnancy. But gaining too much weight increases insulin resistance in the body, making blood sugar go up and increasing the risk of having a big baby. • Check blood sugar levels. An important part of treating diabetes is checking your blood sugar level at home. You will need to do a home blood sugar test as directed by your doctor. 157 Diabetes • Take oral medications or insulin shots. The first way to treat gestational diabetes is by changing the way you eat and exercising regularly. If your blood sugar levels are still too high after changing the way you eat and exercising regularly, you may need oral medications or insulin shots. Synthetic insulin or oral medications can help lower your blood sugar level without harming your baby. Special monitoring usually starts between 32 and 34 weeks if you are taking insulin or oral medications. If you are not on medications, then special monitoring usually starts by week 40 of your pregnancy. • Monitor fetal growth and well-being. Your doctor may want you to monitor fetal movements called kick counts. You may also have fetal ultrasounds to see how well your baby is growing. If your blood sugar levels are high or your baby is growing larger than normal, you may need to take oral medication or insulin shots. If you take oral medications or insulin, you may have a nonstress test to check how well your baby responds to movement. Even if you do not take insulin, you may have a nonstress test and ultrasound as you get closer to your due date. • Get regular medical checkups. Having gestational diabetes means regular visits to your doctor. At these visits, your doctor will check your blood pressure and test a sample of your urine. You will also discuss your blood sugar levels, what you have been eating, how much you have been exercising, and how much weight you have gained. How will diabetes affect my baby? There are no absolute guarantees, but with careful lifestyle changes, including wise food choices, physical activity, and good blood sugar control, it is less likely that there will be any problems. If there are problems, your health care team will be there to assist you and your baby. Problems of a baby born to a mother with diabetes may include the following: • Mothers with high blood sugar levels at the beginning of pregnancy are at an increased risk for having a baby with birth defects. However, this risk can be lowered if blood sugars are well-controlled before pregnancy. • Babies of some mothers who have diabetes before pregnancy have a slightly increased chance of stillbirth. • Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) happens in a relatively small number (about 10 percent) of the women with pre-existing diabetes. Excess fluid can cause premature labor or other problems. • Macrosomia (large baby) happens when your baby grows too big from receiving too much blood sugar from you. The growing baby changes the extra blood sugar to fat and may grow too large to fit through the birth canal. To avoid possible injury to your baby during a vaginal delivery, your doctor may recommend a cesarean section. • Learn the warning signs of preeclampsia. Women who have diabetes during pregnancy may have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and preeclampsia. Call your doctor right away if you develop any of the symptoms. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 158 • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur if your blood sugar levels have been consistently high during pregnancy. This causes the fetus to develop high levels of insulin in the blood. After delivery, your baby no longer has the high level of sugar from you but continues to produce high levels of insulin. As a result, your newborn’s blood sugar becomes very low. Immediately after birth, your baby’s blood sugar level will be checked. If it is too low, your baby may need to be fed right away. Delivery of your baby When your blood sugar remains normal throughout pregnancy, diabetes should not affect the delivery of your baby. Sometimes a cesarean section may be necessary to deliver a baby that is too big to fit through the birth canal. Choices about delivery are very individual. You should discuss your concerns with your doctor or other medical professional. Should I breastfeed? We strongly encourage breastfeeding. The body uses the calories stored during the first part of pregnancy to make breast milk. About 300 to 500 calories per day are used for breastfeeding. By six weeks after delivery, women who breastfeed usually have lost an average of 4 pounds more than women who bottle-feed. This can be especially important for women with gestational diabetes, since keeping a normal body weight may reduce the risk of developing diabetes later in life. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Breastfeeding is also good for your baby. Breast milk offers health benefits that formula can’t duplicate. If you have had gestational diabetes, you should be able to breastfeed without any complications. The amount and type of milk your body makes is the same as a woman without gestational diabetes. If you took insulin or oral medications before you were pregnant, your insulin or medication needs may be different while breastfeeding. In particular, women with type 1 diabetes should be aware that their blood sugar may drop during or after nursing. You may want to check your blood sugars before and after feedings during the first few weeks of breastfeeding. You may need to eat snacks to prevent low blood sugar, especially during the night. Most likely, you will need to control your blood sugar with wise food choices, exercise, and possibly with oral medications or insulin while breastfeeding. If you took one of these medications before pregnancy, talk to your doctor or other medical professional before using it again. 159 Diabetes What happens after pregnancy? Once you have delivered your baby, the impact of diabetes often changes dramatically. If you have gestational diabetes, you will probably not need insulin or oral medication after you deliver; however, as many as 60 percent of women with gestational diabetes will develop type 2 diabetes later in life. It is important that you have a blood sugar test in the laboratory six weeks after your baby is born to see if you still have diabetes. You may need this test again after you stop breastfeeding. If you do have diabetes, your doctor or other medical professional will let you know if you need to take diabetes medications. You should continue with the dietary changes made during pregnancy and exercise regularly to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes or recurrent gestational diabetes in the future. If your blood test is normal, it is still important to keep in mind that you have an increased risk of developing diabetes later, especially if you gain weight. If you took insulin or oral medications to treat your diabetes before you were pregnant, there may be dramatic changes in your insulin needs the first few days after delivery. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 That’s why it is important to check your blood glucose frequently before meals to know when to adjust your medication. If you were on insulin prior to pregnancy, you probably needed to increase your dose frequently during your pregnancy. After delivery, your body’s insulin needs will be closer to what they were prior to pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, you are encouraged to use oral medications or insulin after talking with your doctor. To decrease your risk of diabetes, remember the following: • Try to reach or maintain a healthy weight. Losing the weight you gained during pregnancy will help decrease your risk. • Try to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. • Have a laboratory test of your blood sugar every one to three years to see if you have developed diabetes. • Plan your pregnancies and consult with your doctor or other medical professional before getting pregnant again to be sure your blood sugar is normal. Very high blood sugars in early pregnancy may cause miscarriage or birth defects in the developing fetus. If your blood sugar is under control before you get pregnant, you can reduce the risk of miscarriage and birth defects. 160 Domestic abuse Domestic violence is more common in pregnancy. If someone is hurting you, making you feel afraid, putting you down, making threats, or pushing or hitting you, it is not right, and it is not your fault. Abuse occurs when someone uses their body, words, or objects to hurt you. An abuser is usually trying to control another person through harmful words or actions. • If you are having problems with someone who threatens you or hurts you, tell your doctor or other medical professional. You and your baby can get free and confidential help. • Remember: It’s not your fault, no matter what anyone tells you. Nobody deserves to be abused. someone to hurt you or your baby. Have a safety net • Talk to someone you trust about what is going on. • Call the police in an emergency. • Keep a set of car keys and money stashed where you can find them. • Keep important papers (birth certificates, photo ID, bank book) in a safe place. The National Domestic Violence Hotline has counselors who speak English, Spanish, and other languages. They can give you information about local resources. They are available 24 hours a day, toll free, at 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233). • You need to take care of yourself because if you are hurt, your children are hurt, too. • If you need help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233). You are not alone. Help is available. In an emergency, call the number above, local police, or a women’s shelter in your community. If someone has hurt you before, it may happen again while you are pregnant or after your baby is born. Sometimes abuse starts when you become pregnant. Bringing a new baby into your home may bring added stress to you and your partner. Remember that stress is never an excuse for 1899KPCC-12/4-12 161 Ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy) In a normal pregnancy, a fertilized egg travels through a fallopian tube to the uterus. The egg attaches in the uterus and starts to grow. But in an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches (or implants) someplace other than the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube. (This is why it is sometimes called a tubal pregnancy.) In rare cases, the egg implants in an ovary, the cervix, or the belly. There is no way to save an ectopic pregnancy. It cannot turn into a normal pregnancy. If the egg keeps growing in the fallopian tube, it can damage or burst the tube and cause heavy bleeding that could be deadly. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you will need quick treatment to end it before it causes dangerous problems. What causes an ectopic pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy is often caused by damage to the fallopian tubes. A fertilized egg may have trouble passing through a damaged tube, causing the egg to implant and grow in the tube. You are more likely to have fallopian tube damage and an ectopic pregnancy if you: • Smoke. The more you smoke, the higher your risk of an ectopic pregnancy. • Have pelvic inflammatory disease. This is often the result of an infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. • Have endometriosis, which can cause scar tissue in or around the fallopian tubes. • Were exposed to the chemical DES before you were born. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Some medical treatments can increase your risk of ectopic pregnancy. These include: • Surgery on the fallopian tubes or in the pelvic area. • Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization. What are the symptoms? In the first few weeks, an ectopic pregnancy usually causes the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, such as a missed menstrual period, fatigue, nausea, and sore breasts. The key signs of an ectopic pregnancy are: • Pelvic or belly pain. It may be sharp on one side at first and then spread through your belly. It may be worse when you move or strain. • Vaginal bleeding. If you think you are pregnant and you have these symptoms, see your doctor right away. How is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed? A urine test can show if you are pregnant. To find out if you have an ectopic pregnancy, your doctor will likely do: • A pelvic exam to check the size of your uterus and feel for growths or tenderness in your belly. • A blood test that checks the level of the pregnancy hormone (hCG). This test is repeated two days later. During early pregnancy, the level of this hormone doubles every two days. Low levels suggest a problem, such as ectopic pregnancy. 162 • An ultrasound. This test can show pictures of what is inside your belly. With ultrasound, a doctor can usually see a pregnancy in the uterus six weeks after your last menstrual period. How is it treated? The most common treatments are medicine and surgery. In most cases, a doctor will treat an ectopic pregnancy right away to prevent harm to you. Medicine can be used if the pregnancy is found early, before the tube is damaged. In most cases, one or more shots of a medicine called methotrexate will end the pregnancy. Taking the shot lets you avoid surgery, but it can cause side effects. You will need to see your doctor for followup blood tests to make sure the shot worked. For some patients who are not candidates for treatment with medication, surgery is safer and more likely to work. If possible, the surgery will be laparoscopy. This type of surgery is done through one or more small cuts (incisions) in your belly. If you need emergency surgery, you may have a larger incision. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 What can i expect after an ectopic pregnancy? Losing a pregnancy is always hard, no matter how early it happens. Take time to grieve your loss, and get the support you need to make it through this time. You could be at risk for depression after an ectopic pregnancy. If you have symptoms of depression that last for more than a couple of weeks, be sure to tell your doctor so you can get the help you need. It is common to worry about your fertility after an ectopic pregnancy. Having an ectopic pregnancy does not mean that you can’t have a normal pregnancy in the future. But it does mean that: • You may have trouble getting pregnant. • You are more likely to have another ectopic pregnancy. If you get pregnant again, be sure your doctor knows that you had an ectopic pregnancy before. Regular testing in the first weeks of pregnancy can find a problem early or let you know that the pregnancy is normal. 163 Fifth disease Commonly referred to as “slapped cheek” disease because of the rash some people get on their face, 30 to 60 percent of all adults are already immune to fifth disease. It is more common for children to contract this virus. The disease is spread by coughing and sneezing. As a rule, people can spread fifth disease only while they have flu-like symptoms and before they get a rash. Some people who have fifth disease, such as those who have certain blood disorders or weak immune systems, may be able to spread the disease for a longer time. For women who have not previously had fifth disease, contracting the illness during pregnancy can increase the risk for certain complications. If you are pregnant and have been exposed to the illness, contact your health professional right away. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 A very small number of pregnant women who get fifth disease will have a miscarriage. In extremely rare cases, the infection can cause a condition called fetal hydrops, in which the fetus develops life-threatening anemia and severe swelling throughout the body. The mother and fetus should be closely monitored with fetal ultrasounds to detect this condition. When fetal hydrops is detected, the fetus may be treated with blood transfusions while in the uterus, although this is not usually necessary. Some babies born to mothers who were infected with fifth disease during pregnancy may also be treated with blood transfusions. 164 Genital herpes Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It is a sexually transmitted infection that may cause skin blisters and sores in the genital area but often causes no visible symptoms. It is possible to get genital herpes through sexual contact with an infected person even if he or she has no symptoms. After a person is infected for the first time, HSV stays in the body for life. Some people may have only a single outbreak of herpes. Other people will have repeated outbreaks. Medicine can reduce the number and severity of herpes outbreaks. But it cannot cure the infection. Acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir are antiviral medicines used to treat genital herpes. All are effective, but because valacyclovir and famciclovir are absorbed better by the stomach, they can be taken less often than acyclovir. Antiviral medicines are usually taken by mouth, but they are sometimes given intravenously in severe genital herpes outbreaks or herpes in newborns. The cream (topical) form of acyclovir (Zovirax ointment) offers little benefit in the treatment of genital herpes and is not recommended. Treatment during pregnancy The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published guidelines about the use of antiviral medicines in pregnancy: • Oral acyclovir may be given to pregnant women for a primary HSV infection or for severe recurrent outbreaks. • Oral acyclovir may be given to pregnant women at any time during pregnancy, including the first trimester. • Acyclovir may be given intravenously to pregnant women with severe HSV infection. • Acyclovir may decrease the frequency of recurrent outbreaks in pregnant women close to delivery, thereby reducing the possibility of needing a cesarean section at the time of delivery. If a genital herpes blister or sore is present at the time of labor and delivery, a cesarean section is usually done. A cesarean section may be recommended if a woman suspects she has symptoms of an impending outbreak, such as tingling or pain (prodromal symptoms). For women who have recurrent outbreaks, acyclovir used in the last four weeks of pregnancy may reduce the need for a cesarean section by reducing the risk of an outbreak at the time of delivery. People with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) should talk with their doctors for advice about these medicines. Depending on the stage of their illness, they may need higher doses or longer treatment time with antiviral medicines. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 165 High-risk pregnancy Your pregnancy is considered high risk if you or your baby has an increased chance of a health problem. Many things can put you at high risk. It may sound scary, but it’s just a way for doctors to make sure that you get special attention during your pregnancy. Your doctor will watch you closely during your pregnancy to find any problems early. • You had a problem in a past pregnancy, such as: The conditions listed below put you and your baby at a higher risk for problems, such as slowed growth for the baby, preterm labor, preeclampsia, and problems with the placenta. But it’s important to remember that being at high risk doesn’t mean that you or your baby will have problems. • You have an infection, such as HIV or hepatitis C. Other infections that can cause a problem include cytomegalovirus (CMV), chickenpox, rubella, toxoplasmosis, and syphilis. In general, your pregnancy may be high risk if: • You have a health problem, such as: oDiabetes. oCancer. o High blood pressure. o Kidney disease. oEpilepsy. • You use alcohol or illegal drugs, or you smoke. • You are younger than 17 or older than 35. • You are pregnant with more than one baby (multiple pregnancy). • You have had three or more miscarriages. • Your baby has been found to have a genetic condition, such as Down syndrome, or a heart, lung, or kidney problem. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 o Preterm labor. o Preeclampsia or seizures (eclampsia). o Having a baby with a genetic problem, such as Down syndrome. • You are taking certain medicines, such as lithium, phenytoin (such as Dilantin), valproic acid (Depakene), or carbamazepine (such as Tegretol). Other health problems can make your pregnancy high risk. These include heart valve problems, sickle cell disease, asthma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Talk to your doctor about any health problems you have. How will my doctor care for me during pregnancy? You will have more visits to the doctor than a woman who does not have a high-risk pregnancy. You may have more ultrasound tests to make sure that your baby is growing well. During your third trimester, you may have additional fetal monitoring (a nonstress test). You will have regular blood pressure checks, and your urine will be tested to look for protein (a sign of preeclampsia) and glucose (sugar, a sign of high blood sugar). 166 Tests for genetic or other problems also may be done, especially if you are 35 or older or if you had a genetic problem in a past pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe any medicine you may need, such as for diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about where he or she would like you to give birth. Your doctor may want you to have your baby in a hospital that offers special care for women and babies who may have complications. If your doctor thinks that your health or your baby’s health is at risk, you may need to have the baby early, or you may be hospitalized for evaluation or treatment. What type of doctor will I see for a high-risk pregnancy? Some women will see a doctor who has extra training in high-risk pregnancies. These doctors are called maternal-fetal specialists, or perinatologists. You may see this doctor and your regular doctor. Or the specialist may be your doctor throughout your pregnancy. What can i do to help have a healthy pregnancy? To help yourself and your baby be as healthy as possible: • Go to all your doctor visits so that you don’t miss tests to catch any new problems. • Eat a healthy diet that includes protein, milk and milk products, fruits, and vegetables. Talk to your doctor about any changes you may need in your diet. • Take any medicines, iron, or vitamins that your doctor prescribes. Don’t take any vitamins or medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) without talking to your doctor first. • Take folic acid daily. Experts recommend that you take 0.4 to 0.8 milligrams (400 to 800 micrograms) of folic acid every day. Folic acid is a B vitamin. Taking folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduces your chance of having a baby with a neural tube defect or other birth defects. It also helps prevent anemia. • Follow your doctor’s instructions for activity. Your doctor will let you know if you can work and exercise. • Do not smoke. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. Avoid other people’s tobacco smoke. • Do not drink alcohol. • Stay away from people who have colds and other infections. Your doctor may ask you to keep track of how much your baby moves every day. One way to do this is to note how much time it takes to feel 10 movements. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 167 High-risk pregnancy What symptoms should i watch for? • You have a sudden release of fluid from your vagina. Like any pregnant woman, you need to watch for any signs of problems. This doesn’t mean that you will have any problems. But if you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to get care quickly. • You have low back pain or pelvic pressure that does not go away. • You notice that your baby has stopped moving or is moving much less than normal. Call 911 or other emergency services right away if you think you need emergency care. For example, call if you: tests to evaluate fetal health • Have passed out (lost consciousness). • Have severe vaginal bleeding. • Have severe pain in your belly or pelvis. • Have had fluid gushing or leaking from your vagina and you know or think the umbilical cord is bulging into your vagina. If this happens, immediately get down on your knees so your rear end is higher than your head. This will decrease the pressure on the cord until help arrives. Call your doctor now or seek medical care right away if: • You have signs of preeclampsia, such as: o Sudden swelling of your face, hands, or feet. o New vision problems (such as dimness or blurring). oA severe headache. • You have any vaginal bleeding. There are many ways to evaluate the health and well-being of a fetus throughout pregnancy. If you have a pregnancy that is at higher risk for complications, certain tests can be done to check your baby. These tests help to see if your baby is receiving enough oxygen and nourishment through the placenta (sometimes called the “afterbirth,” the organ that connects you and your baby). You may be tested to see if you are having contractions. This is usually done during the last three months of pregnancy. Three tests are commonly offered in late pregnancy if you have a high-risk pregnancy: • Nonstress test. • Contraction stress test. • Biophysical profile. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, talk with your doctor or other medical professional about any prenatal tests you will be given. Testing is also done in low-risk pregnancies if your baby’s activity suddenly decreases. If you notice this occurring, you should call Labor & Delivery right away. • You have belly pain or cramping. • You have a fever. • You have four to six contractions (with or without pain) for an hour. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 168 Nonstress test A nonstress test (NST) checks your baby’s heart rate in response to his/her movements. An NST takes about 15 to 45 minutes. You don’t need to do anything special to prepare for it. A device that monitors your baby is attached by a belt to your abdomen. Another monitoring device is attached to your abdomen to see if you are having any uterine contractions. Neither device poses any risk to you or your baby. Babies are usually active, and as your baby moves, the monitor records your baby’s heart rate in response to his/her movements. If your baby is healthy, his/her heart rate will go up when he/she moves, and will stay steady when resting, just as ours does. Sometimes, your baby will not move much because he/she could be sleeping or resting. A device that makes a loud buzzing noise may be used to wake up your baby. Often a brief ultrasound is done at the same time to check the amount of amniotic fluid (“bag of waters”). Contraction stress test A contraction stress test (CST) measures the effect of contractions (stress) on your baby’s heart rate. You do not need to do anything special to prepare for this test. A monitor records your baby’s heart rate as your uterus contracts. If your baby is not receiving enough oxygen, or is under stress, the heart rate may slow down when there is a contraction. If the heart rate stays steady with contractions (or even goes up), that is generally a sign that your baby is not under stress. Biophysical profile A biophysical profile (BPP) uses ultrasound to evaluate your baby’s health. The BPP looks at your baby’s breathing pattern, body movements, muscle tone, and the amount of amniotic fluid (“bag of waters”). Often, a nonstress test is included as part of the BPP. You may have a biophysical profile done weekly toward the end of your pregnancy. Test results If one or all of these tests are normal, it is very likely that your baby is healthy. A test may be repeated in a few days to a week, depending on risk factors. If the test results are worrisome, your doctor or other medical professional will talk to you about what to do next. Additional tests may be ordered. In some cases, your doctor or other medical professional may determine that inducing or starting labor and delivering your baby is the safest plan. As with a nonstress test, two monitoring devices are attached to your abdomen. One measures your baby’s heart rate and the other records uterine contractions. Then, a low dose of a medicine called Pitocin may be given to you through a vein to cause your uterus to contract. Sometimes stimulation of the nipples may be used to cause uterine contractions. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 169 Iron deficiency anemia What is iron deficiency anemia? What are the symptoms? Iron deficiency anemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough iron. You may not notice the symptoms of anemia, because it develops slowly and the symptoms may be mild. In fact, you may not notice them until your anemia gets worse. As anemia gets worse, you may: Iron is important because it helps you get enough oxygen throughout your body. Your body uses iron to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a part of your red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your body. If you do not have enough iron, your body makes fewer and smaller red blood cells. Then your body has less hemoglobin, and you cannot get enough oxygen. • Feel weak and tire out more easily. • Feel dizzy. • Be grumpy or cranky. • Have headaches. • Look very pale. What causes iron deficiency anemia? • Feel short of breath. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by low levels of iron in the body. You might have low iron levels because you: Babies and small children who have anemia may: • Have heavy menstrual bleeding. • Are not getting enough iron in food. • Have bleeding inside your body. This bleeding may be caused by problems such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, or cancer. This bleeding can also happen with regular aspirin use. Bleeding inside the body is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia in men and in women after menopause. • Have trouble concentrating. • Be fussy. • Have a short attention span. • Grow more slowly than normal. • Develop skills, such as walking and talking, later than normal. Anemia in children must be treated so that mental and behavior problems do not last long. • Cannot absorb iron well in your body. This problem may occur if you have celiac disease or if you have had part of your stomach or small intestine removed. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 170 How is iron deficiency anemia diagnosed? If you think you have anemia, see your doctor. Your doctor will do a physical exam and ask you questions about your medical history and your symptoms. Your doctor will take some of your blood to run tests. These tests may include a complete blood count to look at your red blood cells and an iron test that shows how much iron is in your blood. Your doctor may also do tests to find out what is causing your anemia. How is it treated? Your doctor will probably have you take iron supplement pills to treat your anemia. Most people begin to feel better after a few days of taking iron pills. But do not stop taking the pills even if you feel better. You will need to keep taking the pills for several months to build up the iron in your body. If your doctor finds an exact cause of your anemia, such as a bleeding ulcer, he or she will also treat that problem. If you think you have anemia, do not try to treat yourself. Do not take iron pills on your own without seeing your doctor first. If you take iron pills without talking with your doctor first, the pills may cause you to have too much iron in your blood, or even iron poisoning. Your low iron level may be caused by a serious problem, such as a bleeding ulcer or colon cancer. These other problems need different treatment than iron pills. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 You can get the most benefit from iron pills if you take them with vitamin C or drink orange juice. Do not take your iron pills with milk, caffeine, foods with high fiber, or antacids. Can i prevent iron deficiency anemia? You can prevent anemia by eating the right amount of iron every day. Iron-rich foods include meats, eggs, and whole-grain or iron-fortified foods. You can also get iron from many other foods, including peas, beans, oatmeal, prunes, and figs. You can often absorb iron better from food sources than from pills. You can prevent anemia in babies and children by feeding them enough iron. To make sure they get enough iron: • Breastfeed your baby for at least a year or as long as you and your child desire. Introduce iron-enriched solid foods at 6 months of age to complement the breast milk. Iron-fortified cereals are a good source of iron. • After 6 months of age, give your child two to three servings of iron-rich foods a day. • For babies who were weaned from the breast or the bottle before 12 months of age, give iron-fortified formula, not cow’s milk or goat’s milk. Cow and goat milks are low in iron. If you are pregnant, you can prevent anemia by taking prenatal vitamins. Your doctor will give you prenatal vitamins that include iron. Your doctor will also test your blood to see if you are anemic. If you are anemic, you will take a higher-dose iron pill. 171 Molar pregnancy A molar pregnancy happens when tissue that normally becomes a fetus instead becomes a growth, called a mole, in your uterus. Even though it is not an embryo, a mole triggers symptoms of pregnancy. A molar pregnancy should be treated right away. This will make sure that all of the mole tissue is removed. This tissue can cause serious problems in some women. About 1 out of 1,000 women with early pregnancy symptoms has a molar pregnancy. This means that 999 women out of 1,000 do not have this problem. What causes a molar pregnancy? Molar pregnancy is thought to be caused by a problem with the genetic information of an egg or sperm. There are two types of molar pregnancy: • Complete molar pregnancy. An egg with no genetic information is fertilized by a sperm. The sperm grows, but it can only become a lump of tissue. It cannot become a fetus. As this tissue grows, it looks a bit like a cluster of grapes. This cluster of tissue is called a mole, and it can fill the uterus. • Partial molar pregnancy. An egg is fertilized by two sperm. The placenta grows into a mole. Any fetal tissue that forms is likely to have severe defects. Sometimes a pregnancy that seems to be twins is found to be one fetus and one mole. But this is very rare. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Things that may increase your risk of having a molar pregnancy include: • Age. The risk for complete molar pregnancy steadily increases after age 35. • A history of molar pregnancy, especially if you’ve had two or more. • A history of miscarriage. • A diet low in carotene. Carotene is a form of vitamin A. Women who don’t get enough of this vitamin have a higher rate of complete molar pregnancy. What are the symptoms? A molar pregnancy causes the same early symptoms that a normal pregnancy does, such as a missed period or morning sickness. But a molar pregnancy usually causes other symptoms too. These may include: • Bleeding from the vagina. • A uterus that is larger than normal. • Severe nausea and vomiting. • Signs of hyperthyroidism. These include feeling nervous or tired, having a fast or irregular heartbeat, and sweating a lot. • An uncomfortable feeling in the pelvis. • Vaginal discharge of tissue that is shaped like grapes. This is usually a sign of molar pregnancy. Most of these symptoms can also occur with a normal pregnancy, a multiple pregnancy, or a miscarriage. 172 How is a molar pregnancy diagnosed? Your doctor can confirm a molar pregnancy with: • A pelvic exam. • A blood test to measure your pregnancy hormones. • A pelvic ultrasound. Your doctor can also find a molar pregnancy during a routine ultrasound in early pregnancy. Partial molar pregnancies are often found when a woman is treated for an incomplete miscarriage. What are the risks of having a molar pregnancy? A molar pregnancy can cause heavy bleeding from the uterus. Some molar pregnancies lead to gestational trophoblastic disease, a growth of abnormal tissue inside the uterus during pregnancy. Trophoblastic disease can prevent the normal growth of a fetus. The abnormal tissue can continue to grow after a miscarriage. Sometimes this disease keeps growing after the mole is removed. • Complete molar pregnancies: Out of 1,000 cases of complete molar pregnancy, 150 to 200 develop trophoblastic disease that keeps growing after the mole is removed. This means that in the other 800 to 850 cases, this doesn’t happen. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Partial molar pregnancies: Out of 1,000 cases of partial molar pregnancy, about 50 develop trophoblastic disease. This means that in the other 950 cases, this doesn’t happen. In a few cases, trophoblastic disease turns into cancer. Fortunately, almost all women who get this cancer are cured with treatment. In rare cases, the abnormal tissue can spread to other parts of the body. How is it treated? When you have a molar pregnancy, you need treatment right away to remove all the growth from your uterus. Then you will have regular blood tests to look for signs of trophoblastic disease. These blood tests will be done over the next 6 to 12 months. If you do get trophoblastic disease, there’s a small chance that it will turn into cancer. But your doctor will likely find it early so it can be cured with chemotherapy. In the rare case when the cancer has had time to spread to other parts of the body, additional chemotherapy is needed, sometimes combined with radiation treatment. Trophoblastic disease doesn’t keep most women from becoming pregnant later. However, it may be recommended that you delay getting pregnant again for up to one year. After a molar pregnancy, it’s normal to feel very sad and to worry about cancer. It may help to find a local support group or talk to your friends, a counselor, or a religious adviser. 173 Multiple pregnancy If you have two or more babies on the way, you may have twice as many questions. Good information is important because women who are pregnant with more than one baby are at higher risk of: • Preterm birth. • Low birth weight. • Preeclampsia. • Gestational diabetes. • Cesarean birth. You will need to see your doctor more often than women who are carrying only one baby so that your doctor can monitor you and your babies’ health. Your doctor will also tell you how much weight to gain, if you need to take extra vitamins, and how much activity is safe. With close monitoring, your babies will have the best chance of being born near term and at a healthy weight. After delivery and once your babies come home, you may feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Ask for help from your partner, family, and friends. Support groups for parents or multiples also can ease the transition. Types of multiple pregnancies A multiple pregnancy means that you have two or more babies in your uterus. These babies can come from the same egg or from different eggs. Babies who come from the same egg are called identical. This happens when one egg is fertilized by one sperm. The fertilized egg then splits into two or more embryos. Experts think that this happens by chance. It isn’t related to your age, race, or family history. If the babies you’re carrying are identical, they: • Are either all boys or all girls. • All have the same blood type. • Probably will have the same body type and the same color skin, hair, and eyes. But they won’t always look exactly the same. They also won’t have the same fingerprints. Babies who come from different eggs are called fraternal (nonidentical). This happens when two or more eggs are fertilized by different sperm. Fraternal babies tend to run in families. This means that if anyone in your family has had fraternal babies, you’re more likely to have them too. If the babies you’re carrying are fraternal, they: • Can be both boys and girls. • Can have different blood types. • May look different from each other or may look the same, as some brothers and sisters do. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 174 What causes a multiple pregnancy? What are the risks of a multiple pregnancy? If you take fertility drugs or have in vitro fertilization to help you get pregnant, you’re more likely to have a multiple pregnancy. Any pregnancy has risks. But the chance of having serious problems increases with each baby you carry at the same time. Fertility drugs help your body make several eggs at a time. This increases the chance that more than one of your eggs will be fertilized. If you’re pregnant with more than one baby, you’re more likely to: In vitro fertilization is the most common kind of assisted reproductive technology used to help women get pregnant. Several of your eggs are mixed with sperm in a lab. When the eggs are fertilized, they’re put back inside your uterus. The doctor puts in several fertilized eggs to increase your chances of having a baby. But this also makes a multiple pregnancy more likely. • Develop gestational diabetes. You’re also more likely to have more than one baby at a time if: • You’re 35 or older. • You’re of African descent. • You’ve had fraternal babies before. • Anyone on your mother’s side of the family has had fraternal babies. • You’ve just stopped using birth control pills. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Develop preeclampsia. • Deliver your babies too early. When babies are born too early, their organs haven’t had a chance to fully form. This can cause serious lung, brain, heart, and eye problems. • Have a miscarriage. This means that you may lose one or more of your babies. • Have one or more babies with a disease that is caused by a bad gene or group of genes. If you or anyone in your family has had a child with a disease that is linked to a gene change, let your doctor know. Keep in mind that these problems may or may not happen to you. Every day, women who are pregnant with more than one baby have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. 175 Multiple pregnancy How can i tell if i’m carrying more than one baby? While you may feel like you’re carrying more than one baby, only your doctor can say for sure. He or she will do a fetal ultrasound to find out. This test can give your doctor a clear picture of how many babies are in your uterus and how well they’re doing. If the test shows that you’re carrying more than one baby, you’ll need to have more ultrasounds during your pregnancy. Your doctor will use these tests to check for any signs of problems that your babies may have as they grow. What type of treatment will i need? If you’re pregnant with more than one baby, you’ll need to see your doctor more often than you would if you were having just one baby. This is because you and your babies have a greater chance of developing serious health problems. Your doctor will do a physical exam at each visit. It’s important that you go to every appointment. Your doctor may also do a fetal ultrasound, check your blood pressure, and test your blood and urine for any signs of problems. Early treatment can help you and your babies stay healthy. i’m having multiples. Now what? The thought of having more than one baby may be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. There are some simple things you can do to keep you and your babies healthy. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself. The healthier you are, the healthier your babies will be. While you’re pregnant, be sure to: • Go to every doctor’s appointment. • Eat a healthy diet. Take in plenty of calories from foods rich in folic acid, iron, and calcium. These nutrients are essential for the healthy growth of your babies. Breads, cereals, meats, milk, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables are good choices. If you’re not able to eat enough because of severe morning sickness, call your doctor. • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs. • Avoid caffeine. • Avoid using any medicines, vitamins, or herbs unless your doctor says it’s OK. • Talk to your doctor about what activities are OK. • Get a lot of rest. After your babies are born, you may feel overwhelmed and tired. You may wonder how you’re going to do it all. This is normal. Most new moms feel this way at one time or another. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 176 Here are some things you can do to ease the stress: • Ask your family and friends for help. • Rest as often as you can. • Join a support group for moms with multiples. This is a great place to share your concerns and hear how other moms cope with the demands of raising multiples. • If you feel sad or depressed for more than two weeks, call your doctor. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 177 obesity How does my weight affect my pregnancy? Should I try to lose weight during pregnancy? Most pregnant women have healthy babies — and that includes women who are obese. But being very heavy does increase the chance of problems. No. Pregnancy is not the time to lose weight. Your baby needs you to eat a well-rounded diet. Don’t cut out food groups or go on any type of weightloss diet. Babies born to mothers who are obese have a higher risk of: • Birth defects, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects. • Being too large. This can cause problems during labor and delivery. Mothers who are obese have a higher risk of: • Problems during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia. How much weight should I gain during pregnancy? Your doctor will work with you to set a weight goal that’s right for you. Although pregnant women often joke that they’re “eating for two,” you don’t need to eat twice as much food. In general, pregnant women need to eat about 300 extra calories a day. You can get this in a sandwich or in an apple and a cup of yogurt. • Cesarean (or C-section) birth and a higher risk of postoperative complications. How much can i eat during pregnancy? • Miscarriage or stillbirth. How much you can eat depends on: If you’re not pregnant already, being obese can make it hard to get pregnant. • How much you weigh when you get pregnant. These are scary problems, and it’s common to worry about you and your baby’s health. But being obese doesn’t mean that you will have these problems. You can do a lot to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. • How much you exercise. Work with your doctor to get the care you need. Go to all your doctor visits, and follow your doctor’s advice about what to do and what to avoid during pregnancy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Your body mass index (BMI). Like any pregnant woman, you need to eat a variety of foods from all the food groups. You especially need to make sure to get enough calcium and folic acid. You may want to work with a dietitian to help you plan healthy meals to get the right amount of calories. 178 How will obesity affect my prenatal care? You will have the same number of doctor visits as a woman of average weight, unless you start to have problems. Then you would see your doctor more often. But you’ll have the same type of tests to look for problems and make sure your baby is healthy. What can i do to have a healthy pregnancy? The best things you can do to have a healthy pregnancy are to eat a variety of foods, get regular exercise, avoid alcohol and smoking, and go to your doctor visits. If you didn’t exercise much before you got pregnant, talk to your doctor about how you can slowly get more active. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery Bariatric surgery (such as gastric bypass or banding) helps people lose weight. It’s only used for people who are obese and have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise. This surgery makes the stomach smaller. Some types of surgery also change how your stomach connects with your intestines. How can the surgery affect my pregnancy? This surgery may increase your risk of having a cesarean section. But there is some debate about why. It may be that past C-sections increase the risk, rather than the weight-loss surgery. Talk with your doctor if you have concerns about your chance of a C-section. How will my pregnancy be different after weight-loss surgery? In most ways, your prenatal care will be the same as for other women. But there are a few differences: • You may need to keep seeing the doctor who did your surgery. This is to make sure that you aren’t having any delayed problems from the surgery. • A dietitian may work with you to make sure you’re getting the nutrition you need and to help you plan meals. • You may need to take extra vitamins and minerals. Weight-loss surgery can make it hard for your body to absorb some nutrients, such as folic acid, calcium, vitamin B12, and iron. Some women may have a hard time with the idea of gaining weight for pregnancy after losing all that weight. Talk to your doctor if this bothers you. Weight-loss surgery before pregnancy can: • Help you get pregnant if obesity was the reason you had trouble getting pregnant. • Lower your chance of some pregnancy problems. These include high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. • Reduce how much weight you gain during pregnancy. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 179 Placenta abruptio What is placenta abruptio? Common risk factors for placenta abruptio include: Placenta abruptio is a problem with the placenta during pregnancy. The placenta is a round, flat organ that forms during pregnancy to give the baby food and oxygen from the mother. During a normal pregnancy, the placenta stays firmly attached to the inside wall of the uterus until the baby has been born. But with placenta abruptio, the placenta breaks away, or abrupts, from the wall of the uterus too early, before the baby is born. This can cause: • High blood pressure (140/90 or higher). This is the most common risk factor linked to placenta abruptio, whether the high blood pressure is chronic (long term) or is caused by pregnancy (preeclampsia). • Premature birth. • Low birth weight. • Major blood loss in the mother. Placenta abruptio can be very harmful for both the mother and the baby. In rare cases, it can cause death. Placenta abruptio is also called abruptio placenta or placental abruption. It affects about nine out of 1,000 pregnancies. It usually occurs in the third trimester, but it can happen at any time after the 20th week of pregnancy. What causes placenta abruptio, and how can i lower my risk? Doctors aren’t sure what causes placenta abruptio. But there are risk factors. If you avoid them, you can lower your risk. • Having a placental abruption in the past. • Smoking during pregnancy. Less common risk factors for placenta abruptio include: • Using cocaine. • Having a scar from a past surgery or a uterine fibroid where the placenta has attached to the wall of the uterus. • Having an injury to the uterus. This could happen in a car accident. • Premature rupture of membranes for 24 hours or more, especially when there is an infection in the uterus. What are the common symptoms? If you have placenta abruptio, you may notice one or more warning signs. Call your doctor right away if you are pregnant and have any of these symptoms: • Light or moderate vaginal bleeding. Bleeding caused by an abruption depends on where the abruption is and how long it has taken for the blood to pass. • A uterus that hurts or is sore. It might also feel hard or rigid. • Signs of early labor. These include regular contractions and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 180 Call 911 or emergency services right away if you have: • Sudden or severe pain in your belly. • Severe vaginal bleeding. • Any symptoms of shock. These include feeling lightheaded or like you are going to faint; feeling confused, restless or weak; feeling sick to your stomach or vomiting; and having fast, shallow breathing. You can’t really tell how serious an abruption is by the amount of vaginal bleeding. There might be a serious problem even if there is only a little bleeding. Sometimes the blood can be trapped between the placenta and the wall of the uterus. In rare cases, symptoms of shock will be the only signs that there is a problem. How is it treated? The kind of treatment you will have depends on: • How severe the abruption is. • How it is affecting your baby. • How close your due date is. If you have a mild abruption, it may get better on its own. You may just be closely watched for the rest of your pregnancy. You may not have to stay in the hospital. A medium to severe abruption means that you will likely have to stay in the hospital so that your baby’s health can be watched closely. In most cases, your baby will need to be delivered, sometimes by emergency cesarean section. How is placenta abruptio diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and will check your baby’s heart rate. You may have an ultrasound test. Your doctor might also do a blood test to see if you’re anemic from losing blood. If your doctor thinks that you have a placental abruption, you’ll likely have to stay in the hospital for at least a few hours. Your doctor will need to find out how severe the abruption is, if it is getting worse, and if it is affecting your baby. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 181 Placenta previa What is placenta previa? • A history of five or more past pregnancies. Placenta previa is a problem with the placenta during pregnancy. The placenta is a round, flat organ that forms during pregnancy to give the baby food and oxygen from the mother. The placenta forms on the inside wall of the uterus soon after conception. • Being 35 or older. During a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached higher up in the uterus, away from the cervix. But in rare cases, the placenta forms low in the uterus. If this happens, it may cover all or part of the cervix. When the placenta blocks the cervix, it is called placenta previa. What causes placenta previa, and how can i lower my risk? Doctors aren’t sure what causes placenta previa. But there are risk factors. Some risk factors you can control to lower your risk. Others are things you can’t control. Risk factors for placenta previa that you can control include: • Smoking during pregnancy. • Using cocaine during pregnancy. • A history of placenta previa. If your doctor finds out before your 20th week of pregnancy that you have a placenta that is attached low in the uterus, chances are good that it will get better on its own. In fact, 9 out of 10 cases found before the 20th week go away on their own by the end of the pregnancy. This is because as the lower uterus grows, the position of the placenta can change. So by the end of the pregnancy, the placenta may no longer block the cervix. What are the symptoms? Some women with placenta previa do not have any symptoms, but there are a few warning signs. If you have placenta previa, you may notice one or more symptoms. These include: • Sudden, painless vaginal bleeding that is light to heavy. The blood is often bright red. • Symptoms of early labor, such as regular contractions and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. Risk factors that you can’t control include: Call your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room right away if you have: • Past surgeries or tests that affected the lining of the uterus, such as uterine surgery, dilation and curettage (D&C), or myomectomy. • Medium to severe vaginal bleeding during the first trimester. • Past cesarean delivery (C-section). 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Any vaginal bleeding in the second or third trimesters. 182 How is placenta previa diagnosed? Most cases of placenta previa are found during a routine second-trimester ultrasound. Or it may be found when a pregnant woman has vaginal bleeding and gets an ultrasound to find out what is causing it. Some women find out that they have placenta previa only when they have bleeding at the start of labor. What are the possible problems from having placenta previa? Placenta previa can cause problems for both the mother and the baby. These include: • A condition called placenta abruptio. This means that the placenta breaks away from the wall of the uterus before the baby is born. • How the problem is affecting your health and your baby’s health. • Severe bleeding in the mother before or during delivery. This can be very dangerous for both the mother and the baby. If the placenta has attached or grown into the wall of the uterus (known as placenta accreta, placenta increta, or placenta percreta), the bleeding can be heavy enough to require a hysterectomy. • How close you are to your due date. • Having to deliver the baby too early. How is it treated? The kind of treatment you will have depends on: • How much you are bleeding. If you have placenta previa and aren’t bleeding, it is important to avoid having sex or vaginal exams and to avoid putting anything else in your vagina. (But you may have a carefully done vaginal exam at the hospital.) You should see your doctor if you have any bleeding. • Birth defects. These occur more often in pregnancies with placenta previa than in pregnancies without this problem. If you are bleeding, you may have to stay in the hospital. When your baby is mature enough, or if too much bleeding is putting you or your baby in danger, your baby will be delivered. Doctors always do a cesarean section when there is a placenta previa. This is because the placenta can be disturbed with a vaginal delivery, and it can cause severe bleeding. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 183 Preeclampsia and high blood pressure What are high blood pressure and preeclampsia? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard your blood pushes against the walls of your arteries. If the force is too hard, you have high blood pressure (also called hypertension). When high blood pressure starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it may be a sign of a very serious problem called preeclampsia. Blood pressure is shown as two numbers. The top number (systolic) is the pressure when the heart pumps blood. The bottom number (diastolic) is the pressure when the heart relaxes and fills with blood. Blood pressure is high if the top number is more than 140 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), or if the bottom number is more than 90 mm Hg. For example, blood pressure of 150/85 (say “150 over 85”) or 140/95 is high. Or both numbers can be high, such as 150/95. You may have high blood pressure before you get pregnant. Or your blood pressure may start to go up during pregnancy. If you are being treated with high blood pressure medications prior to pregnancy, please discuss this in advance with an advice nurse or clinician as soon as possible. If you have high blood pressure during pregnancy, you need to have checkups more often than women who do not have this problem, and you may need some additional lab work. There is no way to know if you will get preeclampsia. This is one of the reasons that you are watched closely during your pregnancy. High blood pressure Normally, a woman’s blood pressure drops during the second trimester. Then it returns to normal by the end of pregnancy. But in some women, blood pressure goes up very high in the second or third trimester. This is sometimes called gestational hypertension and can lead to preeclampsia. You will need to have your blood pressure checked often, and you may need treatment. Usually, the problem goes away after your baby is born. High blood pressure that started before pregnancy usually doesn’t go away after your baby is born. A small rise in blood pressure may not be a problem. But your doctor will watch your pressure to make sure it does not get too high. The doctor also will check you for preeclampsia. Very high blood pressure keeps your placenta from getting enough blood and oxygen for your baby. This could limit your baby’s growth or cause the placenta to pull away too soon from the uterus. High blood pressure also can lead to stillbirth. High blood pressure can be treated. Preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related problem. The symptoms of preeclampsia include new high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy along with other problems, such as protein in your urine. Preeclampsia usually goes away after you give birth. In rare cases, blood pressure can stay high for up to six weeks after the birth. High blood pressure and preeclampsia are related, but they have some differences. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 184 Preeclampsia can be deadly for the mother and baby. It can keep the baby from getting enough blood and oxygen. It also can harm the mother’s liver, kidneys, and brain. Women with very bad preeclampsia can have dangerous seizures. This is called eclampsia. What causes preeclampsia and high blood pressure during pregnancy? Experts don’t know the exact cause of preeclampsia and high blood pressure during pregnancy. But they have some ideas about preeclampsia: • Preeclampsia seems to start because the placenta doesn’t grow the usual network of blood vessels deep in the wall of the uterus. This leads to poor blood flow in the placenta. • Preeclampsia may run in families. If your mother had preeclampsia while she was pregnant with you, you have a higher chance of getting it during pregnancy. You also have a higher chance of getting it if the mother of your baby’s father had preeclampsia. • Your immune system may react to the father’s sperm, the placenta, or the baby. • Already having high blood pressure when you get pregnant raises your chance of getting preeclampsia. • Problems that can lead to high blood pressure, such as obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, and diabetes, could raise your risk of preeclampsia. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 What are the symptoms? High blood pressure usually doesn’t cause symptoms. But very high blood pressure sometimes causes headaches and shortness of breath or changes in vision. Mild preeclampsia usually doesn’t cause symptoms, either. But preeclampsia can cause rapid weight gain and sudden swelling of the hands and face. Severe preeclampsia causes symptoms of organ trouble, such as a very bad headache and trouble seeing and breathing. It also can cause belly pain and decreased urination. How are high blood pressure and preeclampsia diagnosed? High blood pressure and preeclampsia are usually found during a prenatal visit. This is one reason it’s so important to go to all of your prenatal visits. You need to have your blood pressure checked often. During these visits, your blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff. A sudden increase in blood pressure often is the first sign of a problem. After 20 weeks, you will have a urine test to look for protein, a sign of preeclampsia. If you have high blood pressure, tell your doctor right away if you have a headache or belly pain. These signs of preeclampsia can occur before protein shows up in your urine. 185 Preeclampsia and high blood pressure How are they treated? Your doctor may have you take medicine if he or she thinks your blood pressure is too high. The only cure for preeclampsia is having the baby. You may get medicines to lower your blood pressure and to prevent seizures. You also may get medicine to help your baby’s lungs get ready for birth. Your doctor will try to deliver your baby when the baby has grown enough to be ready for birth. But sometimes a baby has to be delivered early to protect the health of the mother or the baby. If this happens, your baby will get special care for premature babies. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 Do preeclampsia and high blood pressure lead to long-term high blood pressure? If you have high blood pressure during pregnancy but had normal blood pressure before pregnancy, your pressure is likely to go back to normal after you have the baby. But if you had high blood pressure before pregnancy, you probably will still have it after you give birth. 186 1899KPCC-12/4-12 187 Preterm labor What is preterm labor? Causes of preterm labor include: Preterm labor is the start of labor between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. A full-term pregnancy lasts 37 to 42 weeks. In labor, the uterus contracts to open the cervix. This is the first stage of childbirth. • The placenta separating early from the uterus. This is called placenta abruptio. Preterm labor is also called premature labor. What are the risks of preterm labor and preterm birth? The earlier the delivery, the greater the risk of serious problems for the baby. This is because many of the baby’s organs — especially the heart and lungs — are not fully grown, or mature. Premature infants born after 32 weeks of pregnancy tend to have less chance of problems than those born earlier. For infants born before 24 weeks of pregnancy, the chances of survival are extremely slim. Many who do survive have long-term health problems. They may also have other problems, such as trouble with learning and talking and with moving their body (poor motor skills). What causes preterm labor? Preterm labor can be caused by a problem with the baby, the mother, or both. Often the cause is not known. Preterm labor most often occurs naturally. But sometimes a doctor uses medicine or other methods to start labor early because of pregnancy problems that are dangerous to the mother or baby. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Elevated blood pressure or preeclampsia. • Being pregnant with more than one baby, such as twins or triplets. • An infection in the uterus that leads to the start of labor. • Problems with the uterus or cervix. • Drug or alcohol use during pregnancy. • The amniotic fluid breaking before contractions start. What are the symptoms? It can be hard to tell when labor starts, especially when it starts early. So watch for these symptoms: • Regular contractions for an hour. This means about four or more in 20 minutes, or about eight or more within 60 minutes, even after you have had a glass of water and are resting. • Leaking or gushing of fluid from your vagina. You may notice that it is pink or reddish. • Pain that feels like menstrual cramps, with or without diarrhea. • A feeling of pressure in your pelvis or lower belly. • A dull ache in your lower back, pelvic area, lower belly, or thighs that does not go away. • Not feeling well, including having a fever you can’t explain and being overly tired. Your belly may hurt when you press on it. 188 If your contractions stop, they may have been Braxton Hicks contractions. These are a sometimes uncomfortable, but not painful, tightening of the uterus. They are like practice contractions. But sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. If preterm labor contractions do not stop, the cervix begins to open (dilate) or thin (efface). Before or after contractions begin, the amniotic sac that holds the baby may break. This is called a rupture of membranes. It causes a leakage or a gush of amniotic fluid. Rupture of membranes before contractions start is called premature rupture of membranes, or PROM. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is called preterm premature rupture of membranes, or pPROM. How is preterm labor diagnosed? If you think you have symptoms of preterm labor, call your doctor or certified nurse-midwife. He or she can check to see if your water has broken, if you have an infection, or if your cervix is starting to dilate. You may also have urine and blood tests to check for problems that can cause preterm labor. Checking the baby’s heartbeat and doing an ultrasound can give your doctor or midwife a good picture of how your baby is doing. Amniotic fluid can be tested for signs that your baby’s lungs have grown enough for delivery. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 You may have a painless swab test for a protein in the vagina called fetal fibronectin. If the test does not find the protein, then you are unlikely to deliver soon. But the test cannot tell for certain if you are about to have a preterm birth. How is it treated? If you are in preterm labor, your doctor or certified nurse-midwife must weigh the risks of early delivery against the risks of waiting to deliver. Depending on your situation, your doctor or midwife may: • Try to delay the birth with medicine. This may or may not work. • Use antibiotics to treat or prevent infection. If your amniotic sac has broken early, you have a high risk of infection and must be watched closely. • Give you steroid medicine to help prepare your baby’s lungs for birth. This treatment has some risks, but it can improve your baby’s chances of surviving a premature birth between 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. • Treat any other medical problems causing trouble in pregnancy. • Allow the labor to go on because delivery is safer for you and your baby than letting the pregnancy go on. 189 Preterm premature rupture of membranes Before a baby is born, the amniotic sac breaks open, causing amniotic fluid to gush out or, less commonly, to slowly leak. When this happens before contractions start, it is called premature rupture of membranes (PROM). PROM can occur at any time during pregnancy. When PROM occurs before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy, it usually leads to preterm labor. You may hear this early PROM referred to as preterm premature rupture of membranes, or pPROM. PROM is often unexpected, and the cause is often difficult to identify. Known causes of PROM include: • Uterine infection, which is a common trigger of pPROM. • Overstretching (distension) of the uterus and amniotic sac. Multiple fetuses or too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) are common causes of distension. • Trauma, as from a motor vehicle accident. Course of pPROM Preterm labor can begin shortly after pPROM occurs. Sometimes, when a slow leak is present and infection has not developed, contractions may not start for a few days or longer. In general, the later in a pregnancy PROM occurs, the sooner the onset of labor. Sometimes a leak high up in the amniotic sac may reseal itself so that preterm labor does not start or subsides. In rare cases, a pregnancy can be carried to term if pPROM occurs in the second trimester. Treatment for pPROM Treatment for pPROM includes antenatal corticosteroid medicines, which are used to speed up fetal lung maturity at or before 32 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. Other treatments for pPROM may include: • An observation period or expectant management. • Antibiotics, given to treat or prevent amniotic fluid infection. • Amniocentesis, fluid collected from vaginal pooling, which is sometimes used to check for infection in the uterus or to see if the fetus’s lungs are mature enough for delivery. • Starting (inducing) labor with medicine if labor does not start naturally. This is meant to speed up delivery and reduce the risk of infection. Labor can be induced if there is strong evidence that the fetus’s lungs are mature enough, or if you have an infection. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 190 Alternative treatment for pPROM Tocolytic medicine (medicine used to relax your uterus) is sometimes used to delay a preterm birth long enough for antibiotics and antenatal corticosteroid medicine to work (24 hours) or long enough to transport the mother to a hospital that has a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, after amniotic membranes rupture, tocolytic medicine is less effective in slowing or stopping preterm labor contractions. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 191 Rh sensitization What is Rh sensitization during pregnancy? If you are Rh-negative, your red blood cells do not have a marker called Rh factor on them. Rh-positive blood does have this marker. If your blood mixes with Rh-positive blood, your immune system will react to the Rh factor by making antibodies to destroy it. This immune system response is called Rh sensitization. What causes Rh sensitization during pregnancy? Rh sensitization can occur during pregnancy if you are Rh-negative and pregnant with a baby who has Rh-positive blood. In most cases, your blood will not mix with your baby’s blood until delivery. It takes a while to make antibodies that can affect the baby, so during your first pregnancy, the baby probably would not be affected. But if you get pregnant again with an Rh-positive baby, the antibodies already in your blood could attack the baby’s red blood cells. This can cause the baby to have anemia, jaundice, or more serious problems. This is called Rh disease. The problems will tend to get worse with each Rhpositive pregnancy you have. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 During your first pregnancy, your baby could be at risk for Rh disease if you were sensitized before or during pregnancy. This can happen if: • You had a previous miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy and you did not receive Rh immune globulin to prevent sensitization. • You had a serious injury to your belly during pregnancy. • You had a medical test such as an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling while you were pregnant, and you did not receive Rh immune globulin. These tests could let your blood and your baby’s blood mix. Rh sensitization is one reason it’s important to see your doctor in the first trimester of pregnancy. It doesn’t cause any warning symptoms, and a blood test is the only way to know you have it or are at risk for it. • If you are at risk, Rh sensitization can almost always be prevented. • If you are already sensitized, treatment can help protect your baby. 192 Who gets Rh sensitization during pregnancy? If you have Rh-negative blood but are not sensitized: Rh sensitization during pregnancy can happen only if a woman has Rh-negative blood and her baby has Rh-positive blood. • The blood test may be repeated between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. If the test still shows that you are not sensitized, you probably will not need another antibody test until delivery. (You might need to have the test again if you have an amniocentesis, if your pregnancy goes beyond 40 weeks, or if you have a problem such as placenta abruptio, which could cause bleeding in the uterus.) • If the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, there is a good chance the baby will have Rh-positive blood. Rh sensitization can occur. • If both parents have Rh-negative blood, the baby will have Rh-negative blood. Since the mother’s blood and the baby’s blood match, sensitization will not occur. If you have Rh-negative blood, your doctor will probably treat you as though the baby’s blood is Rh-positive no matter what the father’s blood type is, just to be on the safe side. How is Rh sensitization diagnosed? All pregnant women get a blood test at their first prenatal visit during early pregnancy. This test will show if you have Rh-negative blood and if you are Rh-sensitized. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 • Your baby will have a blood test at birth. If the newborn has Rh-positive blood, you will have an antibody test to see if you were sensitized during late pregnancy or childbirth. If you are Rh-sensitized, your doctor will watch your pregnancy carefully. You may have: • Regular blood tests, to check the level of antibodies in your blood. • Doppler ultrasound, to check blood flow to your baby’s brain. This can show anemia and how severe it is. • Amniocentesis after 15 weeks, to check your baby’s blood type and Rh factor and to look for problems. 193 Rh sensitization How is Rh sensitization prevented? How is it treated? If you have Rh-negative blood but are not Rhsensitized, your doctor will give you one or more shots of Rh immune globulin (such as RhoGAM). This prevents Rh sensitization in about 99 out of 100 women. If you are Rh-sensitized, you will have regular testing to see how your baby is doing. You may also need to see a doctor who specializes in highrisk pregnancies (a perinatologist). You may get a shot of Rh immune globulin: • If you have a test such as an amniocentesis. • Around week 28 of your pregnancy. • After delivery if your newborn is Rh-positive. • If you have any abdominal trauma or vaginal bleeding. The shots only work for a short time, so you will need to repeat this treatment each time you get pregnant. (To prevent sensitization in future pregnancies, Rh immune globulin is also given when an Rh-negative woman has a miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy.) The shots won’t work if you are already Rh-sensitized. Treatment of the baby is based on how severe the loss of red blood cells (anemia) is: • If the baby’s anemia is mild, you will just have more testing than usual while you are pregnant. The baby may not need any special treatment after birth. • If anemia is getting worse, it may be safest to deliver the baby early. After delivery, some babies need a blood transfusion or treatment for jaundice. • For severe anemia, a baby can have a blood transfusion while still in the uterus. This can help keep the baby healthy until he or she is mature enough to be delivered. You will most likely have an early C-section, and the baby may need to have another blood transfusion right after birth. In the past, Rh sensitization was often deadly for the baby. But improved testing and treatment mean that now most babies with Rh disease survive and do well after birth. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 194 1899KPCC-12/4-12 195 Toxoplasmosis What is toxoplasmosis? What are the symptoms? Toxoplasmosis is a common infection found in birds, animals, and people. If you get toxoplasmosis, you may feel like you have the flu, or you may not feel sick at all. Most people who get the infection don’t even know that they have it. Symptoms may include: For most people, it doesn’t cause serious health problems. But for a pregnant woman’s growing baby, it can cause brain damage and vision loss. Still, the chance of a pregnant woman getting the infection and passing it on to her baby is low. If you’re pregnant or planning to have a baby and are worried that you may have toxoplasmosis, ask your doctor about getting tested. After you have had the infection, you can’t get it again or pass it on to your baby. You’re immune. But if you aren’t immune, you’ll want to take special care while you’re pregnant. Avoid anything that may be infected, such as infected meat and infected cat feces. What causes toxoplasmosis? A parasite causes toxoplasmosis. You can get the infection by: • Eating infected meat that hasn’t been fully cooked or frozen. • Swollen glands. • Muscle aches. • Fatigue. • Fever. • Sore throat. • Skin rash. How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed? A blood test can tell whether you have or have ever had toxoplasmosis. If you’re worried about getting the infection, ask your doctor about having the test. If you get the infection while you’re pregnant, you’ll need to have your baby tested. Your doctor can take some fluid from the sac that surrounds your baby and check for the infection. • Changing an infected cat’s litter box. Cats infected with the parasite pass it on to others through their feces. • Digging or gardening in sand or soil where an infected cat has left feces. • Eating anything that has touched infected cat feces, including fruits and vegetables that haven’t been washed. You can also get the infection by eating food that has touched tables and counters your cat has walked on. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 196 How is it treated? In healthy people, the infection often goes away on its own. But babies and people whose bodies can’t fight infection well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious health problems. If you get toxoplasmosis while you’re pregnant, you’ll take an antibiotic to treat the infection. This medicine may: • Keep your baby from getting the infection. • Lower your baby’s chance of having serious health problems if he or she does get it. Your baby has a better chance of being healthy at birth if you get treatment while you’re pregnant. Most newborns who have been infected with toxoplasmosis have no symptoms at birth. If your baby has the infection, he or she will need to take antibiotics for a year after birth. This lowers the chance of having problems later on. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 How can i prevent toxoplasmosis during pregnancy? There are several things you can do to avoid getting toxoplasmosis: • If you have a cat or are caring for one, ask someone to clean or empty the litter box while you’re pregnant. Wash tables and counters well if a cat may have walked on them. If you have to clean the cat’s litter box, wear gloves and a face mask. Be sure to wash your hands after you’re done. • If you eat meat, make sure it has been fully cooked or frozen. Avoid dried meats, such as beef jerky. • Avoid contact with cat feces in your garden. If you touch soil, be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands after you’re done. • Wash fruits and vegetables before you eat them. • Wash your hands and anything you use to prepare raw meat, chicken, fish, fruits, or vegetables. 197 Urinary tract infection What is a urinary tract infection? Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It includes your bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection. Most urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys. A kidney infection is serious and can cause permanent damage. What causes urinary tract infections? Usually, germs get into your system through your urethra, the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. The germs that usually cause these infections live in your large intestine and are found in your stool. If these germs get inside your urethra, they can travel up into your bladder and kidneys and cause an infection. Women tend to get more bladder infections than men. This is probably because women have shorter urethras, so it is easier for the germs to move up to their bladders. Having sex can make it easier for germs to get into your urethra. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 You may be more likely to get an infection if you do not drink enough fluids, you have diabetes, or you are pregnant. The chance that you will get a bladder infection is higher if you have any problem that blocks the flow of urine from your bladder, such as kidney stones. For reasons that are not well-understood, some women get bladder infections again and again. What are the symptoms? You may have an infection if you have any of these symptoms: • You feel pain or burning when you urinate. • You feel like you have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out when you do. • Your belly feels tender or heavy. • Your urine is cloudy or smells bad. • You have pain on one side of your back under your ribs. This is where your kidneys are. • You have fever and chills. • You have nausea and vomiting. 198 Call your doctor right away if you think you have an infection and: Can urinary tract infections be prevented? • You have a fever, nausea and vomiting, or pain in one side of your back under your ribs. You can help prevent these infections. Here are actions that can help: • You have diabetes, kidney problems, or a weak immune system. • Drink lots of water every day. How are urinary tract infections diagnosed? • Urinate often. Do not try to hold it. • Urinate right after having sex. Your doctor will ask for a sample of your urine. It is tested to see if it has germs that cause bladder infections. If you have infections often, you may need extra testing to find out why. How are they treated? Antibiotics prescribed by your doctor will usually cure a bladder infection. It may help to drink lots of water and other fluids and to urinate often, emptying your bladder each time. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, take the pills exactly as you are told. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You need to finish taking them all so that you do not get sick again. 1899KPCC-12/4-12 199 1899KPCC-12/4-12 ©2012 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest
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