We are the Church of the May 17, 2015 Holy Family A S C E N S I O N 11804 S. Saginaw Street Grand Blanc, MI 48439 810-694-4891 hfgb.org Facebook.com/HolyFamilyGrandBlanc Mission Statement We are a caring catholic community who are called together by Christ’s love. We are committed to drawing all people to God with the help of the Holy Spirit. We will spread the good news of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world and ultimately share eternal happiness. Active & Participating Parishioner Is a registered member of Holy Family Parish who participates weekly in Sunday Mass and contributes time, talent and treasures through stewardship. Parish Stewardship Program We acknowledge that all we are and all we have comes from God and we give back to God a planned portion of all we have received as part of Sunday Eucharist, where our personal sacrifice is joined to Christ’s Sacrifice. O F T H E L O R D P a r i s h D i r e c t o r y Parish Office .................................... 694-4891 Religious Education .................... 694-9072 Hours………………………...………...M-T 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. W-Th-F 8 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 5p.m. Fax .………………………………………………. 694-1583 Religious Education Classes (Pre-school - Adult) Children’s Liturgy of the Word… during Sun. 10 am Mass Grades K-6 Mon. 5 - 6:15 pm or Sun 11:30 am -12:45 pm Grades 7-8…..Tues. 6:30 - 8:30 pm in St. Joseph Center Grades 9-12…..Confirmation prep (once per month, Sundays) Special Education ........................... Contact the RE office Director, Janet Gravel ......................................... ext. 151 Secretary, Janine Schichtel ............................... ext. 101 RCIA/Baptism Director, Maddie White.………….ext. 154 Email: [email protected] Website: hfgb.org Parish Administrator, Fr. Jonathan Perrotta Parochial Vicar, Fr. Gary Koenigsknecht Music Director, Dr. B. Simon Lee Liturgy Coordinator, Joanie Donovan Evangelization/Discipleship, Larry Blondin Stewardship/Discipleship, Lorri O’Dea Business Manager, Mark Stockoski Bookkeeper, Sue Satkowiak Parish Secretary, Theresa Dyer Bulletin Editor, Linda Doyle Plant Services Supervisor, Brian Aulph Mass Schedule Weekend: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. & 7 p.m. (Memorial Day - Labor Day) / 5 p.m. (Sept. 7 - May 17, 2015) Children’s Liturgy of the Word - during 10 a.m. Mass For children 4 years old - 2nd grade Weekday: Mon. 6:30 a.m. Tue. 8:15 a.m. & 7 p.m. Wed. 6:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Thu. 6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Fri. 6:30 a.m. Sat. 8 a.m. Holy Day: As announced in bulletin. Sacraments Reconciliation: Tuesday 6 p.m. - 6:40 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., and by appt. with a Parish Priest. Baptism: Please make arrangements in advance. Marriage: Please make arrangements with Parish Priest at least nine months in advance. Prayers & Devotions Rosary: after daily Masses Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday…9 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. Ministry to the Ill & Bereaved Linda Waggoner, Linda Blondin ........................ 694-4891 Social Outreach Ministry ......... 771-7279 Hours ................................................ M-F 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Deacon Jack Daunt (retired) / Brian Holyfield Holy Family School ..................... 694-9072 School Day .......................................... 7:45 a.m. - 3 p.m. Principal, Michael McGonigle Assistant Principal, Theresa Purcell Administrative Assistant, Lisa Harvey Secretary, Orysia Novajovsky School Receptionist, Shelley Corcoran 2 Youth Ministry ............................... 694-9072 Coordinator of H.S. Youth Ministry, Jennifer Giddings, ext. 153, meets Wednesday (during the school year), 7 9 pm in the St. Joseph Center. Coordinator of M.S. Youth Ministry, Jan Gravel Meets once a month - Friday, 6:30-9:00 pm Event/Facility Coordinator..... 694-9013 Carrie Pilarski Meeting and Event Facilities: Father Bush Parish Center, St. Joseph Center, and all other venues Pastoral Council Chairperson, Doug Benchley Vice Chairperson, Joe Bonifazi At-Large Members: Norm Fox, Cathy Lane, Tiffany Minder Commissions: Christian Service Commission Facilitator, Michelle Furman Education Commission Facilitator, Kourtney Lobsinger Evangelization Commission Facilitator, Liz Manzo Finance Commission Facilitator, Andy Ortiz Stewardship Commission Facilitator, Jayson Richert Parish Life Commission Facilitator, Mark Dell’Eva Worship Commission Facilitator, Tom Hasselbach Youth Commission Facilitator, Kristin Koglin Communications Commission Facilitator, Melissa Jablonski To contact any Facilitators, please call parish office Bulletin Deadline: The deadline for each Sunday is the previous Monday by noon. Watch the bulletin for holiday early deadlines. Submit to: [email protected] hfgb.org Parish Notes A Word from Fr. Gary At the end of April I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a week-long conference on a beautiful teaching in the Church called Theology of the Body. As a parish we are trying to bring Theology of the Body into our school, religious education, and parish, and it was very helpful for me to learn more! So I want to share with you some of what I learned from an amazing week of prayer and study (there were 30 hours of class time!). To begin, the name “Theology of the Body,” which sounds imposing, simply refers to an understanding of the purpose that God gives to the human body. The power of the Theology of the Body is that it unpacks the great beauty and goodness of our bodies. Our bodies, as male or female, are not arbitrary. Rather, our very bodies teach us something about God Himself and how we in turn are meant to live. A catchphrase that the presenter kept using during the week was that we are “Made by love, for love, to bring love into the world.” We are made by love, which reminds us that God freely created us out of pure love and generosity. God did not create us to get something from us, but that he might love us! We are made for love, which means that when we look at our bodies, we can see that we are meant for someone else. We are literally designed by God to give and receive love, as an image of how God Himself loves within the Trinity. Lastly, we are made to bring love into the world. In the gift of marriage, for example, the love of spouses can actually take on flesh and become another person! Jesus sums up our mission in the Gospel of John, “This I command you: love one another” (John 15:17). Whether in physical or spiritual ways, Jesus calls all of us to bring love into the world. He has stamped that very design into our bodies. This is just a small taste of a much larger topic that I was privileged to learn more about. I can only say so much in a short bulletin article, but I look forward to sharing more about the great goodness and meaning that God gives to our bodies. God bless you all. Healing and Prayer Service Anyone in need of any healing physical or spiritual is invited to an evening of praise and worship music, Eucharistic Adoration, healing ministry, reconciliation and “more” led by Fr. Steve Anderson and Fr. Benjamin Hawley, SJ, on Wednesday, May 20th, at 6:30 p.m. in the church Class of 2015 Graduation Liturgy Attention graduating Seniors (high school or college): You and your family are cordially invited to attend a Graduation Liturgy honoring the Class of 2015 on Sunday, May 31st, at 10:00 a.m. Breakfast will immediately follow in the Fr. Bush Parish Center in the Large Hall. It is expected all graduates will wear their gowns and mortarboards to our special Mass. Please R.S.V.P. by May 22nd with the number of family members attending to 694-9072, ext. 101. Mass on Memorial Day, May 25th 10:00 a.m. - Evergreen Cemetery, Hill Rd. at Center Rd. Enter cemetery from Hill Road. Proceed north to the first road past the Chapel. Turn right and go to first road. Signs will direct you to this location. Please bring your own chairs as none will be provided. If it is raining at 9:45 a.m., Mass will instead be held at Holy Family Church. Incense Come Meet Deacon Peter Lawrence Join us for coffee and donuts after the 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and noon Masses on Sunday, May 24th, and Sunday, May 31st, for a chance to chat with Deacon Peter Lawrence. Deacon Peter will be with us at Holy Family for a year until he is ordained a priest next June. 3 Pentecost will be celebrated next weekend, May 23rd and 24th. Incense will be used at all Masses with the exception of 8:00 a.m. Mass. If the incense bothers you, you might wish to sit toward the back of the church or attend the Sunday, May 24th, 8:00 a.m. celebration. 6:30 A.M. Friday Masses Please note that there will be NO Masses at 6:30 A.M. on Friday, May 22nd and May 29th. hfgb.org Stewardship Christ is calling us to be good stewards of all that we have and all that we are. Genesee County United Catholic Appeal 2015 May 16 - 31 The Genesee County United Catholic Appeal is an annual petition within the Catholic community dedicated to gathering support for agencies that serve Genesee County’s most vulnerable citizens. Week #10 Holy Family Goal: $185,132 Current Total: $160,840.50 (87%) Envelopes are still in the pews and at the entrances/exits. You can also use online giving. JOIN US TODAY IN THIS IMPORTANT APPEAL! Organizations benefitting from this appeal are: CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF GENESEE COUNTY including: NORTH END SOUP KITCHEN & OUTREACH PROGRAMS COMMUNITY CLOSET & W ARMING CENTER ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM UTILITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS also the ST. FRANCIS PRAYER CENTER ST. LUKE N.E.W. LIFE CENTER (NORTH END WOMEN’S) Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser The Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinner this week (Wednesday, May 20th) is serving as a fundraiser for Bo Nowakowski, a longtime parishioner recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. The spaghetti dinner is from 5 - 7:00 p.m. in the Fr. Bush Parish Center. Please come enjoy dinner out and help support a fellow parishioner and his family. Stewardship of Treasure These agencies are proud to represent the Catholic Church of Genesee County in serving God’s people. Generous support of this appeal will bear good fruit in the additional services these agencies can provide. Envelopes are available for the next three weekends in the pews and at the entrances/exits. You can also support this appeal at anytime using Online Giving. “...To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.’ - Pope Francis One in Faith, United in Service May 9/10, 2015 Registered Families 1760 Envelopes received this week Online givers this week Amount offered from envelopes Amount offered from online giving Amount offered from visitors Total Weekly Offerings 466 89 $ 25,595.15 $ 6,389.00 $ 2,101.27 $ 34,085.42 Note: Quarterly Financial Statements are now available on the church website. 4 Reflection “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.” – 1 JOHN 4:15 How strong is your faith? When you have an opportunity to defend your faith or clarify a question about your faith, do you do it? Or, do you remain silent so that others don’t think you are weird? Pray for the courage to be strong in your faith and share your witness with others. hfgb.org What’s Happening 2013 First Communicants (Names removed for web publication) Here Paint and Pray Thursday, May 21st / 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the Fr. Bush Parish Center All are invited to join us as we welcome back our local artist, Dana George, who will lead us in a step-by -step painting project. You will leave with a one of a kind creation (picture to be determined) and be inspired by a meditative prayer. Cost is $20.00 per person, which will include your canvas and paint supplies. Reservations are a must! Bring your favorite beverage and snacks for an evening of fun. Please call the Religious Education office at 694-9072, ext. 101, to make your reservation or have any of your questions answered. Mission Makeover 2015 Edition Our service week will take place July 12 - 17 and is open to all middle and high school students (those completing 6th grade). It is a week of service that takes place in Genesee County and on our parish grounds. The cost of this week is $100 and includes all meals (three per day), work supplies, a t-shirt, DVD, and a fun day at a local water park. Members of the Mission Team will be available after all Masses this weekend and again May 30th and 31st at Sr. Sharon’s desk to answer any questions you may have and to give out registration forms. 55 & Over Group There are negative words that are harmful and false words that we shouldn’t repeat. So choose positive words that are good and helpful words we can express. Keep beautiful thoughts! Our luncheon this Tuesday, May 19th, starts at 11:00 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. St. Gabriel Project On Sunday, June 7th, the Holy Family Respect Life Committee will host a baby shower to support the St. Gabriel Project at St. John the Evangelist in Fenton. This project helps the pregnant woman in need while choosing life for her unborn child. Baby items may be dropped off in the school lobby after any Mass that day. If you attend Saturday Mass, there will be boxes in the back of the church for baby items. Cash donations are also welcome. (Checks may be made payable to H.F. Respect Life Committee). 5 Euchre Night at Holy Family Holy Family Parish Life Commission is hosting Euchre Night to benefit the Lansing Diocese Seminarians on Friday, June 5th, in the St. Joseph Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with game play beginning at 7:00 p.m. Cost per person is $15 which includes snacks, beverages, and eight rounds of play. Come join in the fun and support our seminarians. hfgb.org Holy Family School FAITH FORMATION . . . ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE The May Crowning of the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015 It is a Catholic tradition to honor Mary, our Mother, during the month of May by placing a crown of flowers on her statue. Our school tradition also includes the procession of a child from each class in grades K-8 carrying a vase of beautiful flowers to be placed all around the statue of Mary. Many children look forward to picking a flower from their yard to add to their class collection. The lovely crown of flowers was carried in by Grace Douglas and Sawyer Beauchamp, who were representatives from second grade. They looked adorable dressed in their First Communion attire! All eyes were on the statue of our Blessed Mother as our 8th grade students, Abby Polakowski and Sarah Waggoner, placed a beautiful crown of flowers on her head during this special ceremony. As part of the dedication to Mary, everyone joined in praying four decades of the rosary - The Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Jesus, The Second Luminous Mystery: The Wedding at Cana, The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus, and The Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven. These mysteries reflect the various roles Mary played throughout her life. We concluded by praying the Litany of Mary. The May Crowning gives the children an opportunity to especially honor the Blessed Mother of Jesus and give thanks to her for bringing our Savior into the world! (Pictures removed for web publication) Call the school office to meet with the principal or to take a tour of the school at any time, day or evening (810) 694-9072, Ext. 0 or email [email protected] Website: www.hfsgb.org 6 hfgb.org Liturgical Ministry May 23 - 24 Pentecost Sunday 5:00 PM Liturgy for Saturday, May 23 Lectors: Mary Ann Hergenreder, Denise Dye Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Sandra Sprague Rebecca Moran Mona Shonts Reggie Boerger Anna Przyjazny Don Sienko Darlene McKone Linda Schauman Bethany Zloto Servers: (Names removed for web publication) 8:00 AM Liturgy for Sunday, May 24 Lectors: Sandra Racine, Mary Tovey Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Cesar Bernabe Peter Cook Dick Jobbagy Ica Bernabe Kim Dinger Judy Puidokas James Campbell Karen Horton Danny Paris Servers: (Names removed for web publication) 10:00 AM Liturgy for Sunday, May 24 Lectors: Randy Petrides, Matthew Sczerba Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Karen Garland Matt Dillon Lori Drzewiecki Jim Garland Patsy Dillon Mike Drzewiecki Linda Kingston Jim Distelrath Earl Hagen Roy Linkowski Nancy Distelrath Richard Cross Terri Yochim Servers: (Names removed for web publication) 12:00 PM Liturgy for Sunday, May 24 Lectors: Peggy Tuohy, John Tuohy Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Karen Allen Kathy Savoie Desiree Londrigan Bill Harris Gail James Paul Londrigan Jane Harris Steve James Sondra Rutkoski Chris Harris Connie Lesley Scott Heron Michelle McLane Servers: Help (Names removed for web publication) 7:00 PM Liturgy for Sunday, May 24 Lectors: Lucinda Peterman, Mark Dyer Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Doug Benchley Chris McVannel Gloria Finnegan Pat Erickson Sharon Peasel (Help needed - 2) Martha Mansour Lyric Walsh Servers: (Names removed for web publication) Weekly Readings May 17 - 24 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Next Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Ext. Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/Ez 37:1-14/Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 7 May 17, 2015 PRINTER NOTE: PERFORATED PAGE & FLAP PAGE THIS SIDE OF PAGE GETS CUT OFF Mass Intentions May 18 - 24 Monday, May 18 6:30 AM Mary Bond by (the late) Barbara Daily Tuesday, May 19 8:15 AM Paul Weisbrod by Richard & Mary Ellen Cross 7:00 PM Dr. Chas. & Margaret Claffey by KofC 6742 Wednesday, May 20 6:30 AM Nicholas Daily by (the late) Barbara Daily 5:00 PM Pete (the late) & Bonnie Walsh by Dcn. Jack & Sue Daunt PRINTER NOTE: PERFORATED PAGE & FLAP PAGE THIS SIDE OF PAGE GETS CUT OFF Thursday, May 21 6:30 AM Steve Minnock (Living) by Leonard & Barbara Amore 8:15 AM Regina Misyiak by Art & Carol Puzycki Saturday, May 23 8:00 AM Peter and Pearl Joy by Richard Jobbagy 5:00 PM Michael & Rosanna Navarro (living) by Mark & Theresa Dyer Sunday, May 24 8:00 AM Michael Koziol by Dr. Richard & Rose Marie Shick 10:00 AM Mary Catherine Turnbull by Kathy Stowell 12:00 PM Robert Boegner by Lynda Carson and MaryRose Kennedy 7:00 PM All Holy Family Parishioners Holy Family Happenings Sunday, May 17 9 AM - 2 PM Coffee and Donuts (SH) 9:30 - 10 AM / 11:30 AM - 12 PM Reconciliation (CH) 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Religious Ed. Classes (HFS) 6 PM Zumba (HF gym) Monday, May 18 1:45 - 3 PM Christian Service Commission Mtg (HFS) 2:30 - 5 PM Youth Group Drop-In (SJC) 4 - 5 PM High School Musicians rehearsal (HFS) 5 - 6:15 PM Religious Education classes (HFS) 6 - 8 PM Finance Commission Meeting (HFS) Tuesday, May 19 9 AM - 6:45 PM Eucharistic Adoration (CH) 11 AM - 2 PM Senior Luncheon (LH) 6 - 6:40 PM Reconciliation 6:30 - 8:30 PM 7th/8th Grade Rel. Ed class (SJC) 6:30 - 8 PM Parish Bell Choir Rehearsal (HFS) 7:30 - 9 PM Evangelization Commission Mtg. (HFS) Wednesday, May 20 10 - 11 AM Parents & Tots Program (HFS) 2:30 - 7 PM Youth Group Drop-In (SJC) 5 - 7 PM KofC Spaghetti Dinner (FBPC) for Nowakowski 6:30 - 9 PM CRHP Meeting (HFS) 6:30 - 8:45 PM Living a Spirit-Filled Life (CH) 7 - 9 PM High School Youth Group (SJC) 7 - 8:30 PM Pastoral Council Meeting (FBPC) Thursday, May 21 2 PM Rosary for Priests (CH) 6 - 6:50 PM Parish Children’s Choir (HFS) 7 - 7:30 PM Parish Cantor Rehearsal (CH) 7 - 9 PM Paint & Pray (FBPC) 7:30 - 9 PM Parish Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH) Friday, May 22 3 - 4 PM Help Put God Back in America (CH) Saturday, May 23 11 AM - 12 PM Reconciliation (CH) May 17, 2015 8 Youth News High School Youth Ministry Youth Group All high school youth are welcome to join us at Youth Group this Wednesday, May 20th, from 7 to 9:00 p.m. Dinner will arrive at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Joseph Center. Join us for a night of reflective prayer and learn how the power of silence can help to increase your prayer life! Drop-In Center The Drop-In Center is open this week on Monday, May 18th, from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. and on Wednesday, May 20th, from 2:30 until 7:00 p.m. There will be no Drop-In Center on Monday, May 25th, due to Memorial Day. Diocesan Cedar Point Trip 2015 Mark your calendars now for the annual Diocesan Cedar Point Trip on Tuesday, June 30th! This trip is open to all youth currently in grades 8 – 12. The cost to attend is $68 per person and the last day to sign up is Wednesday, June 10th. Ticket price includes round-trip bus transportation and entrance into Cedar Point. Paperwork is now available in the Religious Education office, at Youth Group and on the parish website. Paperwork will not be accepted without payment. Grab a friend and sign up today! 8th grade welcome night Attention 8th grade students! You are invited to Youth Group on Wednesday, May 27th, for 8th grade welcome night! This night will include food, drinks, high school students, prizes and a scavenger hunt. Come to see what opportunities there are to grow in faith in your parish during high school. As always, all high school students are welcome. Jennifer Giddings, Coordinator of H.S. Youth Ministry, may be reached in the Religious Education office at 694-9082, ext. 153, or by email at [email protected]. Homilies on the Web Do you wish you could listen to a homily again? Or do you wish you could hear both our priests’ homilies each weekend? Well, now you can! Just go to our website hfgb.org and click on the "Resources & More" tab, then select "Homilies" from the drop down menu. We will try to have the recordings loaded within a couple days of the weekend. 9 and more Religious Education Vacation Bible School - June 22 - 26 Our theme this year is "Bible Blast to the Past." Students will come to know that God’s love is incredible, explore how God shows his love in amazing ways, and more! Registration deadline is June 5th. Registration forms are available on our website (hfgb.org). Religious Education Registration forms were mailed out for the 2015-2016 year. Please complete and return them as soon as possible. This will allow us to have ample supplies in the fall. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Please note that there will be NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word on May 24th. We will resume on May 31st and the last session will be June 7th. There will be additional materials for children on Sr. Sharon’s desk in the church. You are welcome to use these during Mass, but we ask that you return them to Sr. Sharon’s desk after Mass. May is the Month of Mary and Mama Mary Loves Her Priests! Please pray the rosary for all priests, especially those so close - our former pastors Fr. James Swiat and Fr. Ken Coughlin, our current priests, Fr. Jonathan Perrotta and Fr. Gary Koenigsknecht, and our new pastor, Msgr. Gerald Vincke. May their intentions and actions be fully aligned with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and their hearts love like the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! All are welcome to join in praying the rosary for this intention all Thursdays in May from 2-2:45 p.m. If that time doesn't work for you, consider visiting with Jesus during Tuesday Eucharistic Adoration hours 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. or carving a daily Mass into your schedule. Jesus loves to see you! DBSA Peer-led Support Group (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) Join a community of caring and supportive people who can help you on your road to recovery. The support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Holy Family School cafeteria. For more information call Angela at (810) 347-4706. hfgb.org Parish Prayers A funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy Family on May 8 for Gerald Wietecha. Gerald, age 83, died on Sunday, May 3, 2015. He was born May 27, 1931, in Detroit to Walter and Cecilia Wietecha. Surviving are his children Mark (Marcelle), Dave (Terri), Gary (Amy), and Paul, as well as nine grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife Barbara and several siblings. A funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy Family on May 12 for Vincent Pangori. Vincent, age 83, died on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. He was born October 14, 1931. Surviving are his wife Lorraine and children, Stephen (Laura), Clare Stevens, Mary (Jim) Hagerman, and John, as well as eleven grandchildren, a great grandchild and a brother. Lord, we remember in our prayers Gerald Wietecha and Vincent Pangori, whom you have called to be with you. May the calming peace of your love be with their families. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. Banns of Marriage Natalie Gerbasi and Jacob Gibson May 30, 2015 Please Pray for the Ill and their Caregivers Please remember in prayer those listed in the May 3rd bulletin and those listed in the Parish Book of Intercessions at the back of the church. HFS Teacher Positions Open Holy Family Catholic School in Grand Blanc is accepting resumes for two full-time 5th/6th grade teachers and a full -time kindergarten teacher. Candidates should be practicing Catholics and possess a valid Michigan Teaching certificate. Cover letter, references, resume, and a copy of Michigan teaching certificate should be emailed to [email protected]. Deadline is Friday, June 5th, 2015. 10 a n d m o r e Please pray for the following Holy Family parishioners who died on these dates: May 17 Kathleen Yorke, Albert Grantner, Iris Silance, Carolyn M. Beaudry, Sally Lasley May 18 Joan Powell May 19 Kolis D. Christy, Charles M. Quinn, John Goodwin, Natalie Bruening May 20 Margaret Simpkins, Pauline Callahan, Blonnie Wolford, Dorothy Russ, Joseph J. Porwoll, John Malloy, Marsha Lecea May 21 Mary Ellen Hoffman, Walter Tylus, William H. Benner, David Healy May 22 John Whalen, Dominick Passa, Gertrude Hornback, Mary Luella Yorke May 23 Murdock Fitzgerald, Dorethea DiAngelo, Mary Jane Porwoll Newman Connection for CollegeBound Students It that time of year again, when our soon-to-be high school graduates are starting to prepare for University/ College. College years are a critical time for our youth with their growing in and staying connected to the Catholic faith. Most secular universities have a Catholic Campus Ministry. Please check www.newmanconnection.com/locations/find. Please go to the Newman Connection and find the Catholic presence at the university you are attending. If you are a graduate preparing for college, please fill out the information below and return it to Jennifer in the Religious Education office by May 27th. You can also fill out this information online at: http://hfgb.org/religious-education/ youth-ministry/ The Newman Connection will see to it that your information gets to the Catholic Campus Ministry of the school you are attending prior to school starting. Name (First and Last) _________________________ School you’re attending _________________________ Email Address ________________________________ hfgb.org First Communion 2015 (Pictures removed for web publication) Saturday, May 2nd, 2015, 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday, May 3rd, 12:00 p.m. Mass 11 hfgb.org First Communion 2015 (Pictures removed for web publication) Saturday, May 9th, 2015, 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday, May 10th, 12:00 p.m. Mass 12 hfgb.org Here and There Chicken Dinner Christ the King Catholic Church Chicken Dinner Fundraiser will be Sunday, June 28th, from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple - 755 S. Saginaw St. in Flint. Tickets are only $10 per person. Dine-in or takeout! Tickets will be sold after the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 21st. For additional tickets, please contact Robin at 810-814-7399. Thank you kindly for your support. Wounded Warrior Project A Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for the Wounded Warrior Project will be held on Saturday, May 30th, from 4 - 7:00 p.m. in the St. John the Evangelist Activity Center (600 N. Adelaide Rd., Fenton). There also will be a 50/50 drawing and raffle items. WWP Event ID 20812. Trivia Night A Trivia Night sponsored by the Holy Redeemer Parents Group will be held on Saturday, May 30th, at 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:30 p.m.) for adults and high school students. Bring snacks for your table. Pop and water provided. Cost is $15 per person. A table consists of eight people - each table is a team (make your own team or they will find you a team). RSVP to [email protected] (810) 449-1266. Please RSVP by May 23rd. Euchre Tournament There will be a Euchre Tournament on Friday, May 29th, (during the festival) at Holy Redeemer Family Life Center. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Registration at 6:30 p.m. Game starts at 7:00 p.m. They will have food and drinks at a reasonable cost. This is a night packed with fun and friends! Come enjoy a night of cards, 50/50, and so much more. For more information, call (810) 250-6012. Holy Family Needs Your Leadership! We sincerely thank all those who have served and are still serving on our many Commissions and Pastoral Council. We ask for those currently not involved to prayerfully consider helping our parish in this important ministry. Terms are for three years. Meetings are once a month, starting with a Commission Kick-off in September and ending in June. Finance Commission Meeting Time: 3rd Monday, 6-8 p.m., Room 21 school Worship Commission Meeting Time: 1st Saturday, 9-11 a.m., Room 7 school Education Commission Meeting Time: 1st Mon. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Teacher’s Lounge Christian Service Commission Meeting Time: 4th Mon. 1:45-3 p.m. Rm 7, starts August Parish Life Commission Meeting Time: 2nd Monday, 6-7 p.m., small hall FBPC Youth Commission Meeting Time:1st Thurs., 7-9 p.m., Rel. Ed. office Evangelization Commission Meeting Time: 3rd Tues., 7-8:30 p.m., Rm 21, starts Aug. Communications Commission Meeting Time: to be determined for 2015-2016 Stewardship Commission Meeting Time: 2nd Tues., 7:40 - 9:00 p.m., Rm 21 Pastoral Council - At Large Meeting Time: 3rd Wed., 7-8:30 p.m., small hall FBPC Job Posting at Diocese The Diocese of Lansing is accepting applications for the Director of Marriage and Family Life Ministry position. The deadline for application is Wednesday, May 27th. To learn more about the position and how to apply, please visit the website at www.dioceseoflansing.org/ employment. 13 For a description of each commission, visit our website hfgb.org and click on the “Ministries & Service” tab, then “Commissions.” If you are interested in joining any of these commissions or would like more information, please call Theresa Dyer in the parish office, 694-4891. hfgb.org
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