Hillarys Primary School NEWSLETTER NO: 4 th 17 March 2015 75 Lymburner Drive | Hillarys | 6025 | Ph: 9307 6365 | Fax: 9307 8511 | Canteen: 9307 8466 www.hillarysps.wa.edu.au | email: [email protected] NAPLAN A reminder about NAPLAN testing for year 3 and 5 parents. This annual testing will be conducted in the week beginning May 11th. Information was sent home earlier this month. Please ensure you have submitted any withdrawal applications by April 1st. Year 6 Camp Some weary travellers returned from camp last week. Reports indicate a very responsible and polite group over the 3 days and 2 nights. Having spoken to the teachers in attendance there were certainly some mature behaviours evident and alternatively, some very funny anecdotes to accompany them! Clearly all the children had a wonderful time and we should all be very proud of their overall commitment to each other and the school. Fathering Project To all the dads in Hillarys PS land, we are about to embark on an initiative titled “The Fathering Project”, this being under our school’s Pastoral Care banner. I already have 4 dads that have put their hands up to be part of a start-up group. We will be meeting shortly with a liaison representative from this organisation to nut out the finer details. Early in Term 2 more information will be provided to any dads that want to “get on board”. In the meantime, why not have a look at this website? It may whet your appetite - http://thefatheringproject.org Sofcrosse Since the last Newsletter and as part of the PE program, children have commenced specialist tuition in Sofcrosse. By all accounts there seems to be some budding Lacrosse players in our midst! Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) – a snapshot of children in our community A nation-wide program called the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) will take place again in May, June and July 2015. The AEDC looks at how young children are developing in the years before they begin school. In 2009 and 2012, the AEDC was completed nationally collecting information on over 500,000 children in their first year of full-time school. The AEDC takes place every three years. In Western Australia information will be collected on pre-primary children. Pre-primary teachers will complete the AEDC Instrument (like a questionnaire) for each child in their class and enter information into a secure web-based data entry system that protects the privacy of all children. Information entered is based on the teacher’s knowledge and observations of their students and children are not required to be present while data is entered. The AEDC results are reported back to the community based on the suburb or locality where children live, so individual children cannot be identified. The results help communities understand how their children are developing and where improvements can be made to give children the best start in life. Parents of pre-primary students will receive a letter about our schools involvement in the coming weeks. You can find out more at www.aedc.gov.au Assembly Our next assembly is this Friday and will be conducted by A1, Year 2/3. Hope to see you there. The Principal Award Congratulations to Harry F for being the most recent recipient of the Principal Award. He received this for being particularly kind and caring towards another class member by helping him in the garden, being his partner for swimming and sitting and talking with him during recess times. Term 2 Start Advance reminder that Term 2 commences for children on Monday 20th April. The designated Professional Development Day in Term 2 for teachers (no school for children) is on Friday 29th May. Ron Chesny, Principal Early morning fitness group Mrs Armstrong is currently running an early morning fitness group for any interested students from years 3-6 on Wednesday mornings. These sessions run from 8am SHARP – 8.35am. Please note that students must be present for the warm up at 8am for safety reasons and any late comers will unfortunately be unable to join in. The sessions are designed for those students who wish to improve their fitness and enjoy the challenge of working hard. Attendance is flexible and students do not have to commit to coming every week although regular attendance will be more beneficial in building overall fitness. Congratulations Congratulations to three of our Year 6 students - Jack O, Sean F and Hamish M. They have been selected to take part in the Scitech GT program. They were selected because of the outstanding potential they have shown within the PEAC program. They will have the opportunity to develop their skills as they innovate, design and investigate with like-minded peers at events held throughout the year. And More Congratulations Leo H and Lucas W (Yr 6) competed in the State Surf Lifesaving Championships on the weekend. Leo won a bronze and silver medal for sprint relay and Cameron relay. Lucas won 2 silver medals for surf race and Cameron relay then a gold medal for surf team. Well done boys. Carpet for Undercover Area We are looking into carpeting our Undercover Assembly Area and are wondering if any family who is in the carpet business would be interested in providing us with a quote. If you are interested you can contact either Janene Heron or Gary Deere on 9307 6365. RAINBOWS Children who have experienced loss through death, family breakup or separation are invited to join the Rainbows Program in Term 2. Children with their trained facilitators will work through topics including their uniqueness, why my family?, blowups and letdowns, facing fears and worries, I am not to blame, forgiveness, step families, who can I trust?, and will finish with a ‘Celebrate Me’ day. Please email the school office should you wish your child to be included in the program. Triple P - Positive Parenting Program Coming soon to Hillarys Primary School Triple P is an internationally renowned parenting program being offered to you through our school. Parents from across the Perth Metropolitan area have given it rave reviews…..And it’s Free. If you are a Parent of a 3 to 8 year old, you are invited to: ▪Promote your child’s development and preparation for school and formal learning ▪Discuss common parenting challenges ▪Enrich your parent-child relationship ▪Explore effective behaviour management strategies. Triple P is for every parent! Program DetailsVenue: Hillarys PS Library Term: Commencing in Term 2 – starting on Monday 4th May. Dates: Mondays - 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th May. Time: 9.00am to 11.00am Creche: Provided for children 0 (3mths) to 4 (to be confirmed dependent on numbers) Morning tea will be provided. After the four group sessions there will be two follow up phone consultations & final session on Monday, 22 June 2015 (9.00 to 11.00am) To register your interest - please see the School Front Office. Hurry….registrations are limited. (You will be contacted after the registration date whether you have received a place). Being Safe while On-line Children can be particularly vulnerable online. They may become victims of cyber-bullying, targets of online grooming or be exposed to inappropriate online content which involves concepts they are not developmentally ready to manage. Children often do not tell their parents about online incidents, in fear that it will make the situation worse. This may be damaging to a young person’s health and wellbeing, particularly if they have already experienced mental illness or trauma. If you know or suspect that your child has been a victim of cyber-bullying or any other type of cybercrime, it is important that he or she feels comfortable to speak about the incident with you, a teacher or another trusted adult. Your child may also benefit from contacting Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. It is available 24 hours a day to help with all sorts of problems, big and small. You and your child may also find it useful to access the Cybersmart Online Helpline Service or consider the following resources: • Online safety advice for kids and teens • Socialising online • Dealing with cyber-bullying • Cybersafety help – Information and Cybersafety help button. • Secure your mobile devices KIDS MATTER Helping Children to Manage Feelings: Children’s feelings are often intense and can quickly take over their behaviour. Adult support will help children to recognise and manage feelings as this is a very important part of children’s emotional and social development. Parents and carers can help children manage their feelings by: 1. Noticing and naming feelings. Using feeling words in conversation. 2. Talking about everyday feelings 3. Create space for talking about difficult feelings. Separate feelings from reactions, e.g. “I feel angry” but I can chose the way I respond. Learning to cope with feelings helps children manage their behaviour at school and at home. THE BRAVE PROGRAM A free, evidence-based program that has been proven to help prevent and treat anxiety in young people aged between eight and 17 is now available online. The BRAVE program, which has been trialed and evaluated over the last 13 years, is an online self-help course that allows young people and their parents to seek support for anxiety in the comfort of their own homes. The program, which uses Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques, includes up to 10 sessions for children or young people. Parents can also take part in a separate program to learn ways to help their children manage anxiety and participants can come back at any time for refreshers. Parents can complete the program together with, or independently of, their child and not everyone will need to do all sessions. “The program is fun, interactive and can be completed at your own pace. “Trials and evaluation of the BRAVE program have shown young people who use it notice a significant improvement in their anxiety, and many are able to overcome their worries.” www.brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au Cultural Journeys in the Library Students learnt about Chinese New Year and we were very lucky to have Mrs De Silva Beiter visit some of the classes and share some information and show us some things used to celebrate Chinese New Year. The lion dance puppet was a huge hit. Xiexieni Mrs de Silva Beiter. On March 13 we held a free dress day to raise funds for our Cambodian sister school and to celebrate Harmony Day. We raised $650.00. Come and see our Cambodia display in the library. Next month we will feature Vietnam, so we invite families with Vietnamese heritage to participate and make it an interesting experience for our students. Contributions to displays or help with craft activities would be most appreciated. What a fantastic handprint rainbow from our preprimary’s to celebrate Harmony Day. SCHOOL PHOTO DAY IS COMING! Dear Parents, Our school photo day is coming! Our photo days are Friday 27th March & Monday 30 March .You will have received a Kapture Photography order form by now. The recommended method of ordering your photos is online through Kapture’s website as your payment is secure and can be easily verified at any time. Alternatively you can pay by cash or cheque and return the provided envelope to the school on the photography day. If you place your order online please DO NOT return your envelope to school. Any parent who forgets or is unable to supply their envelope on the photo day will have five (5) days to complete an order online. Late payment envelopes cannot be accepted by the school office or by Kapture. You also have the option to order a sibling photo package online, however please be aware there may be a limited number of sibling orders that can be placed due to time constraints on photo day. We suggest you place your online sibling order as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note sibling orders close @ midday Thursday 26th March 2015 Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please direct them to the Kapture office on 9240 1714 or email [email protected]. All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group photo available for purchase to all families. Should there be any reason why your child should NOT be included in the photo shoot –please contact the school office. Merit Awards Congratulations to the following Merit Award recipients at the Assembly held on 6th March 2015. Lilly M Adele F Lucy W Charlotte C Holly W Annabelle D Shaye B Eva D Robert C Alexis G Mia B Cooper U Taya R Batavia 1 Batavia 2 Batavia 4 Batavia 5 Amity 1 Amity 2 Amity 5 Amity 6 Cygnet 2 Cygnet 3 Cygnet 5 Duyfken 1 Duyfken 3 James M Aveline K Nathan B Kate P Joel D Sam S Hayley K Myles I-J Lucia M-G Callan B Kane D Kayden R Ethan K Batavia 1 Batavia 3 Batavia 4 Batavia 6 Amity 1 Amity 3 Amity 5 Cygnet 1 Cygnet 2 Cygnet 4 Cygnet 5 Duyfken 2 Duyfken 3 Jasmine P Cade S Teale J Bianca N Caden M Archie Mc Zachary H Ben C Dylan Mc Abigail C Jacob U Anais B Batavia 2 Batavia 3 Batavia 5 Batavia 6 Amity 2 Amity 3 Amity 6 Cygnet 1 Cygnet 3 Cygnet 4 Duyfken 1 Duyfken 2 CANTEEN ROSTER TERM Term 1 PHONE NUMBER 9307 8466 Monday 16 March Sue Abbott & Amanda Dwyer Tuesday 17 March Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 18 March Marnie Leon & HELP NEEDED Thursday 19 March Rebecca McClean Friday 20 March Tina Robinson Monday 23 March Jill Jones Tuesday 24 March HELP NEEDED Wednesday 25 March HELP NEEDED Thursday 26 March Elise Morris Friday 27 March Lisa Brown Monday 30 March Amanda Dwyer & Deb Schroeder Tuesday 31 March Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 1 April Marnie Leon & HELP NEEDED Thursday 2 April Rebecca McClean Friday 3 April EASTER FRIDAY *** Help is desperately needed throughout the term. Please volunteer if you can. Thanks. Uniforms for Hillarys Primary School can now be purchased online www.lowesschoolwear.com.au School Holiday PONY RIDES Wednesday 8th April 9.30 – 12.30 Cake stalls, sausage sizzle & more Riding for the Disabled Association 77 Monyash Road, Carine Ph : 9448 6376 JUNIOR FISHING CLINIC April 2015 3 Day Clinic Cost $200 Age 9 - 16 Tuesday 7th 9:00am to 12:00pm - Learn how to rig a rod, casting practice and games, safety on the water and on boats Wednesday 8th 7:00am to 1:00pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle. Thursday 9th 7:00am to 1:00pm - Boat Fishing, Sausage Sizzle, Weigh In Competition and prizes. Contact Mel T 9246 2833 E [email protected] HILLARYS YACHT CLUB 65 NORTHSIDE DRIVE HILLARYS www.hillarysyachtclub.com.au HILLARYS YACHT CLUB START SAILING SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM APRIL 2015 Start Sailing 1, Start Sailing 2, Better Sailing, Start Racing, Better Racing Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th April 2015 8:30am to 12:30pm (4 day program) $220 Monday 13th to Friday 17th April 2015 8:30am to 12:30pm (5 day program) $250 The Yachting Australia ‘Discover Sailing’ program is designed to progressively teach you how to sail dinghies, starting with the essential skills in the first course, ‘Start Sailing 1’ to more advanced skills and techniques which are gradually introduced in each of the five courses, leading to Better Racing. Contact Mel T 9246 2833 E [email protected] A 65 Northside Drive Hillarys W www.hillarysyachtclub.com.au TERM PLANNER – TERM 1 2015 Week Seven MONDAY 16 March Week Eight 17 March WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 18 March 19 March Sofcrosse incursion Sofcrosse incursion FRIDAY 20 March Newsletter Staff Mtg 23 March 24 March Sofcrosse incursion Assembly A1 25 March 26 March 27 March Sofcrosse incursion Sofcrosse incursion Kapture Photos 2 April 3 April Board Meeting 30 March Week Nine TUESDAY 31 March 1 April Sofcrosse incursion Kapture Photos Easter Friday Newsletter Easter Bonnet Pde Assembly B1 TERM PLANNER – TERM 2 2015 Week Eleven Week Ten Week Nine Week Eight Week Seven Week Six Week Five Week Four Week Three Week Two Week One MONDAY 20 Apr TUESDAY 21 Apr WEDNESDAY 22 Apr THURSDAY FRIDAY 23 Apr 24 Apr ANZAC Service 30 Apr School Gym PP - 2 1 May 6 May 7 May 8 May School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Yr. 2 excursion B1 (am) B2 (pm) WAPPB Incursion and classroom visits Yr. 2 excursion B3/A6 12 May 13 May 14 May School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 School Gym PP - 2 19 May 20 May 21 May School Gym PP - 2 22 May School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May PD DAY School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 School Gym PP - 2 2 June 3 June 4 June Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 27 Apr ANZAC Day 28 Apr 29 Apr Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 School Gym PP - 2 4 May Triple P 11 May Triple P 18 May Triple P 25 May Triple P 1 June WA Day 8 June Triple P 15 June Triple P 5 May School Gym PP - 2 15 May 5 June School Gym PP - 2 School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June School Gym PP - 2 REPORTS DUE School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 16 June 17 June HPS Cross Country 18 June School Gym PP - 2 19 June 24 June 25 June 26 June School Gym PP - 2 22 June Triple P 23 June 29 June 30 June Reports collected Interschool Lightning Carnival (Kingsway) 1 July Reports sent home 2 July 3 July
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