HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) AMBALAMUGAL, Ernakulam District, PIN – 682 032. Phone: (0484) 2720911, FAX No. (0484) 2720893 E- TENDER NOTICE HOCL Invites e-Bids under the two-bid system for the following work: Sl. No. 1 Description of Item and Tender No. CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. MSTC Tender Ref : HOCL(K)/15-16/ET/1 HOCL Tender Ref : 1402/PAD20034 Tender documents may be downloaded www.mstcecommerce.com or www.eprocure.gov.in. from www.hoclkochi.com or Interested parties may please get registered with MSTC e procurement portal (URL: https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/hoclkochi/) to participate in the tender. Tenders submitted other than through online procedure specified will not be accepted. Please visit the above sites regularly for any addendum/ corrigendum. Due Date & Time for Bid e-Submission: 13.05.2015, 14:00:00 Hours. Pre bid Meeting – 22.04.2015 at 14.00 Hrs For and on behalf of Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited (CIN: L99999MH1960GOIO11895), L SHANIL LAL GM (UTILITIES) CONTRACT CELL/1402/PAD20034 13.04.2015 M/s. Dear Sir, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited is a Government of India Undertaking manufacturing Phenol, Acetone & Hydrogen Peroxide at its plant at Kochi, Kerala, India. HOCL invites e-tenders for CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. HOCL has entered into an agreement with M/s. MSTC for e-procurement through their portal www.mstcecommerce.com. You may please get registered as a vendor with MSTC for participating in this tender. Tender documents are uploaded in HOCL website www.hoclkochi.com and www.eprocure.gov.in and MSTC E-Tender Link. Details of the tender are as shown in the INDEX enclosed. You may submit your offer (e-tender) on two-bid system online before the due date and time specified. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully, For Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited (CIN: L99999MH1960GOI011895), L SHANIL LAL GM (UTILITIES) INDEX - LIMITED TENDER NOTICE FOR CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. 1 General instructions to the bidders for bid submission Annexure-I 2 E-Procurement tender process Annexure-II 3 Prequalification requirements of the bidder Annexure-III EVEN THOUGH IT IS AN E-TENDER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERSTANDING THE TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL TERMS, THE FORMAT IS ATTACHED AS ANNEXURES V & VI 1 TECHNO COMMERCIAL BID Annexure-IV 2 SCOPE OF WORK Annexure-V 3 TECHNICAL BID (FORM – A) Annexure-VI 4 PRICE BID Annexure-VII ANNEXURE- I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR BID SUBMISSION Please submit your e-bids under the two-bid system conforming to the specifications and the terms and conditions attached as per instructions given below:1. HOCL has entered into an Agreement with MSTC for e procurement through their portal www.mstcecommerce.com. Quotations shall be submitted online on or before the due date and time of closing the tender. The Techno commercial bid for satisfactorily meeting the Eligibility Criteria and all commercial terms should be uploaded as per instructions given in Annexure-II A. EMD should be submitted by bank transfer as per details given in Annexure III. 2. Techno commercial bid shall be opened electronically on specified date and time given in RFQ. Bidders can witness the electronic opening of bid .The date and time of opening of the price bids will be intimated to the technicallyqualified bidders after evaluation of the Technical bids via email alerts through the valid email confirmed. 3. The bid shall contain the following compliance statement: as integral part of the same “We have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions of purchase/works and related documents forming part of this enquiry and agree to execute “Contract For Hiring Of Buses For Transportation Of School Going Children 2015-2017.” in compliance with the same.” 4. The bids shall be neatly typed in English language with pages consecutively numbered and shall be signed on all pages by authorized persons. Bids shall be free from over-writing and the bidder shall duly attest all corrections. 5. Bidders should carefully study the documents of this enquiry. All terms and conditions set out there in the enquiry shall be binding on the bidders unless conflicting with any terms and conditions expressly stated by HOCL while accepting any bid, in the event of such acceptance. 6. HOCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in part or in full or cancel this enquiry after giving proper justification. 7. HOCL reserves the right to extend the closing date/time of the enquiry. 8. Bids shall be valid for a minimum of 90 days from the due date for receipt and opening of the bids. 9. Purchase Preference to Central Public Sector Enterprises of Government Of India and MSMEs shall be as per Government of India policy in vogue. -------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 18 ANNEXURE-II E-Procurement tender process-Important instructions to bidders This is an e-procurement event of Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited. The eprocurement service provider is MSTC Limited, 225C, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020. You are requested to read the terms & conditions (Annexures) of this tender before submitting your online tender. Tenderers who do not comply with the conditions with documentary proof (wherever required) will not qualify in the Tender for opening of price bid. 1. Process of E-tender : A) Registration: The process involves vendor’s registration with MSTC eprocurement portal, which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his/their bids electronically. Electronic Bidding for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid as well as Price Bid over the internet will be done. The Vendor should possess Class III signing type digital certificate. Vendors are to make their own arrangement for bidding from a P.C. connected with Internet. MSTC/HOCL is not responsible for making such arrangement. (Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature). SPECIAL NOTE: THE TECHNOCOMMERCIAL AND PRICE BID HAS TO BE SUBMITTED ON-LINE AT https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/hoclkochi/ 1).Vendors are required to register themselves online with www.mstcecommerce.com → e-Procurement→ PSU /GOVT DEPTs→ HOCL, Kochi →Register as Vendor Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit. 2).Vendors will receive a system-generated mail confirming their registration in their email, which has been provided during filling the registration form. In case of any bidding related clarification, please contact MSTC, (before the scheduled time of the e- tender). Contact Persons (MSTC): 1. Mr. J Damodaran Manager Mobile: 09841002253 E-Mail: [email protected] 2) Mr. V Ganesh Moorthy Assistant Manager Mobile: 09176616410 E-Mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 18 Contact Persons (Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited): 2. 3. 4. 1) L. Shanil lal 2) Jayasree. M GM (Utilities) M (Civil) Mobile: 08907647337 Mobile: 9446023157 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] B) System Requirement: i) Windows 98 /XP-SP3 & above/Windows 7 Operating System ii) IE-7 (Internet Explorer 7) and above Internet browser. iii) Signing type digital signature iv) JRE 7 update 9 and above software to be downloaded and installed in the system. To enable ALL ActiveX controls and disable ‘use pop up blocker’ under Tools→Internet Options→ Custom Level (A) Part I Techno-Commercial bid will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the NIT. Bidder(s) can witness electronic opening of bid. (B) Part II Price bid will be opened electronically of only those bidder(s) whose Part I Techno-Commercial Bid is found to be Techno-Commercially acceptable by HOCL. Such bidder(s) will be intimated date of opening of Part II Price bid, through valid email confirmed by them. Note: The tenderers are advised to offer their best possible rates. There would generally be no negotiations. Hence, please submit your most competitive prices while submitting the price bid. However in case the lowest rate appears to be reasonable taking into account the prevailing market conditions, the order may be awarded to the lowest bidder and if the rate is still considered high, action as per prevailing instruction/guideline shall be taken. All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without any ambiguity. Special Note towards Transaction fee: PAYMENT OF Transaction fee BY RTGS in favour of MSTC Limited. (Amount ` 1445/-). The Bank details, format etc for sending Transaction fee by RTGS to MSTC is detailed below: Bank Details : Axis Bank ,Shakespeare Sarani Branch, Kolkata Account Details : Axis Bank A/c.No.005010200057840 IFSC Code No. : UTIB0000005. The bidders are requested to communicate the UTR No. and E-tender No and Page 3 of 18 a certificate in Bank’s letter-head mentioning UTR No., amount, No. of the account debited, Name of the remitter and Pan No. of the remitter by Fax or Email. NOTE: The bidders should submit the transaction fee well in advance before the last date of submission of tender as they will be activated for bid submission only after receipt of transaction fee by MSTC. 5. Contact Details : Fax No.: 033- 22831002 [email protected], Email Ids: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Bidders may please note that the transaction fee should be deposited by debiting the account of the bidder only; transaction fee deposited from or by debiting any other party’s account will not be accepted. Transaction fee is non-refundable. In case of failure to make payment towards Transaction fee for any reason, the vendor, in turn, will not have the access to online e-tender. In case of failure to access the payment towards cost of tender document & EMD for any reason, the vender, in term, will not have the access to on line e-tender and no correspondence in this respect will be entertained and HOCL will not be responsible for any such lapses on this account. Bidder(s) are advised to make remittance of tender fee and EMD through separate DD well in advance and verify completion of transaction in respect of tender fee and EMD. Vendors are instructed to use Upload Documents link in My menu to upload documents in document library. Multiple documents can be uploaded. Maximum size of single document for upload is 5 MB. THE HARD COPIES OF ALL UPLOADED DOCUMENTS (UNPRICED BID) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO HOCL. 6. Once documents are uploaded in the library, vendors can attach documents through Attach Document link against the particular tender. For further assistance please follow instructions of vendor guide. All notices and correspondence to the bidder(s) shall be sent by email only during the process till finalization of tender by HOCL as well as by MSTC (eprocurement service provider). Hence the bidders are required to ensure that their corporate email I.D. provided is valid and updated at the stage of registration of vendor with MSTC (i.e. Service Provider). Bidders are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate). Page 4 of 18 7. 8 9. (i) Please note that there is no provision to take out the list of parties downloading the tender document from the web site mentioned in RFQ. As such, bidders are requested to see the web site once again before the due date of tender opening to ensure that they have not missed any corrigendum uploaded against the said tender after downloading the tender document. The responsibility of downloading the related corrigendum, if any, will be that of the downloading parties. (ii) No separate intimation in respect of corrigendum to this RFQ (if any) will be sent to tenderer (s) who have downloaded the documents from web site. Please see website http://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/hoclkochi of MSTC Limited periodically before submitting the offers. E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in RFQ. Bidding in e-tender : a) Bidder(s) need to submit necessary EMD, Tender fees (If ANY) and Transaction fees to be eligible to bid online in the e-tender. Tender fees and Transaction fees are non refundable. No interest will be paid on EMD. EMD of the unsuccessful bidder(s) will be refunded by HOCL. b) The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of Techno Commercial Bid as well as Price Bid. c) The bidder(s) who have submitted the above fees can only submit their Techno Commercial Bids and Price Bid through internet in MSTC website www.mstcecommerce.com→ e-procurement →PSU/Govt. Dept.→ HOCL Kochi Login →My Menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live events. d) The bidder should allow to run an application namely enApple by accepting the risk and clicking on run. This exercise has to be done twice immediately after clicking on the Techno-Commercial bid. If this application is not run then the bidder will not be able to save/submit his bid. e) After filling the Techno-Commercial Bid, bidder should click ‘save’ for recording their Techno-Commercial bid. Once the same is done, the Price Bid link becomes active and the same has to filled up and then bidder should click on “save” to record their price bid. Then once both the Techno-Commercial bid & price bid has been saved, the bidder can click on the “Final Submission” button to register their bid Page 5 of 18 NOTE: - The Techno-Commercial Bid & price bid cannot be revised once the submit button has been clicked by the bidder. f) In all cases, bidder should use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of submission of their bid. g) During the entire e-tender process, the bidders will remain completely anonymous to one another and also to everybody else. h) The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as mentioned above. i) All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding on the bidder. Any bid will be considered as the valid bid offered by that bidder and acceptance of the same by the Buyer will form a binding contract between Buyer and the Bidder for execution of work. Such successful tenderer shall be called hereafter SUPPLIER. j) It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with digital signature certificate otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system. k) Buyer reserves the right to cancel, reject, accept, withdraw, or extend the tender in full, or part as the case may be without assigning any reason thereof. l) No deviation of the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable. Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any bidder confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender. m) Unit of Measure (UOM) is indicated in the e-tender Floor. Rate to be quoted should be in Indian Rupee as per UOM indicated in the e-tender floor/tender document. 10. Any order resulting from this open e-tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned therein. 11. No deviation to the technical and commercial terms & conditions are allowed. 12. After submitting online bid, the bidder cannot access the tender, once it has been submitted with digital signature 13. HOCL has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date of receipt of bid(s) without assigning any reason thereof. 14 The online tender should be submitted strictly as per the terms and conditions and procedures laid down in the website www.mstcecommerce.com/eprochome/hoclkochi of MSTC Limited. 15. The bidders must upload all the documents required as per terms of RFQ. Page 6 of 18 16 17. Any other document uploaded which is not required as per the terms of the NIT shall not be considered. The bid will be evaluated based on the filled-in technical & commercial formats. The documents uploaded by bidder(s) will be scrutinized. In case any of the information furnished by the bidder is found to be false during scrutiny, EMD of defaulting bidder(s) will be forfeited. Punitive action including suspension and banning of business can also be taken against defaulting bidders. Page 7 of 18 ANNEXURE-III HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Ambalamugal P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala–682302. Tender No: 1402/PAD20034 CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS THIS DOCUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY BIDDER ON ALL PAGES AND SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE E-TENDER PREQUALIFICATION CRITERIA 1. Tenderers should have a minimum of two years experience in providing transportation arrangements to reputed establishments. 2. Tenderers should have in their control a minimum of two numbers of buses in good condition and of models not earlier than May 2010 with a seating capacity of not less than 20 passengers each. The vehicles should be either in the full ownership of the tenderer or attached to the tenderer with an agreement valid for the entire period of contract. However contractor will have option to run buses having more than 20 seat capacity. 3. Solvency Certificate of at least one lakhs shall be obtained from a nationalized bank which should not be older than 6 months. 4. For details of buses and experience of the tenderer, documentary proof should be submitted along with the technical bid. Page 8 of 18 ANNEXURE-IV TECHNO COMMERCIAL TERMS Earnest Money Deposit Quotation shall accompany an EMD of Rs. 20000/- paid by crossed DD/Bankers Cheque/Cash only of State Bank of India drawn in favor of M/s. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited payable at Ambalamedu branch of SBI (A/c. No: 10342163665, IFS Code: SBIN0001108). Details of bank transfer should be indicated in your technical offer. Quotations not accompanied with EMD, are liable to be rejected. EMD of the tenderer will be forfeited under the following conditions:a. If after opening of the tender, the tenderer revokes his tender or increase his quoted rates. b. If the tenderer contract. does not commence the work after awarding the c. No interest on EMD will be paid. d. EMD of the successful tenderer will be adjusted against the security deposit. e. EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded after finalization of the contract and no interest shall be payable. Rates Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi and other levies etc. and also KGST on works contract applicable as per rules in force. Service Tax, in case applicable shall be paid extra, to those who have Service Tax registration with Central Excise Department, unless otherwise specified elsewhere. Any work which involves transfer of materials, KVAT as applicable rate shall be deducted from the bill, unless a certificate to contrary is obtained from the Sales Tax Authorities. Security Deposit:The total security deposit shall be 10% of the contract value. 2.5% of the contract value should be deposited within 21 days of receipt of work order against initial security deposit. Balance 7.5% will be recovered from the first and subsequent receiving bills or final bill against Security Deposit @ 10% till 10% of the contract value is recovered. EMD deposited shall be adjusted against the initial security deposit. Liquidated Damages: As per our GCC Period of Contract:-Two years. Scope of Supply:AS PER SCOPE OF WORK Page 9 of 18 Time of Completion : Two years Payment terms Payment shall be made on monthly Billing may be made on daily basis. basis along with support documents. Contract Preference Contract / Price Preference or any other concessions applicable for MSME / SSI Units /PSUs will be as per latest Government of India Directives. For availing this benefit, the bidder shall make their claim in the Technical Bid itself and enclose necessary documentary evidence to prove their eligibility. Defect Liability Period:As per our GCC AGREEMENT 1. The successful tenderer/contractor, within 21 days from the date of work order shall execute at his cost and expense an agreement with the company in the prescribed format on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. The format of the agreement is given in our GCC and forms a part of this tender. Other Terms and Conditions 2. The tenderers have to download the GCC (General Conditions of Contract) from our web site www.hoclkochi.com and the same has to be returned along with the technical bid duly signed and stamped in all pages. However those who wish to have a hard copy, the same can be collected from us on request. The request for extension of due date will not be entertained in any case. 3. In addition to Clause No. 3.7 of our GCC, the tenderers who do not meet the basic requirements (technical / commercial) as per the tender enquiry document and any other important condition having significant bearing on the cost / utility / performance of the required goods, services, etc. will be treated as unresponsive and the tender will be liable to rejection. 4. For all future correspondences, please mention the Tender Number. 5. The tender notice may be read in conjunction with the standard General Conditions of Contract (available in www.hoclkochi.com), Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification, Drawings and other documents forming part of this enquiry. 6. Unless otherwise stated all clauses of General Conditions of Contract and special Conditions of Contract shall generally be applicable to this contract. Page 10 of 18 ANNEXURE-V HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Ambalamugal P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala–682302. Tender No: 1402/PAD20034 CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. THIS DOCUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY BIDDER ON ALL PAGES AND SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE E-TENDER SCOPE OF WORK WORK:- The work is to operate Two Nos. of buses with seating capacity of not less than 20 to transport school going children as per the timing fixed by the company for a period of two years from 01.06.2015. Normally these buses will be utilized only for school trips. If required we will engage these buses for other trips also. Billing may be made on daily basis, payment will be made on monthly basis. For the calculation of Km/Hour starting and closing point will be HOC Township at Irimpanam. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1) The rates quoted for supplying the buses and running the services shall include all direct and indirect costs and profit element of the Contractor and the company shall not entertain any other claim on any account during the pendency of the contract. To clarify further, the rates will be inclusive of all the expenses of fuel, oil, wages of drivers and conductors', maintenance charges, insurance charges, road, taxes, statutory remittance like ESI & PF. for the drivers & conductors etc. Service Tax if applicable at any point of time shall be borne by HOCL subject to the Contractor having Central Excise registration. 2) Increase/decrease in cost of fuel (diesel) shall be adjusted by keeping the price of diesel as on the date of issue of Tender Notice as the base. For this purpose, average distance to be covered with one litre of diesel will be taken as 7 KMs. 3) The tenderer will be required to start operation of the contract on the date specified by the Company. 4) Certified Photostat copy of the registration certificate of the buses in the control of the tenderer with valid contract carriage permits should be produced along with the technical bid of the tender, otherwise, the tender shall be rejected. The tenderer/firm should have a garage of his/their own with telephone facility. Page 11 of 18 5) The vehicle and the crew shall be at the disposal of the company as per requirement. A Conductor shall be provided in each bus. 6) The contractor shall not assign, transfer or sublet this contract to any party. 7) The contract will be for a period of two years from the date of starting operations as per the contract. However, the company reserves the right to terminate the contract during the pendency of the above contract after giving one month's notice. 8) The Company reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time during the period of this contract if the performance of the contractor is found unsatisfactory. 9) The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses and other authorisation as required for his work from Transport Authorities and Government. He shall comply with all rules and regulations and other statutory obligations under the various enactments concerning the subject and bear the cost of the same, if any. 10) The Company shall not be responsible either directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever for any omission or commission of the Contractor. 11) It is the responsibility of the contractor to meet all claims for compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act and Motor Vehicles Act or under any other law in respect of accidents. 12) The contractor shall be solely and exclusively responsible for engaging or employing persons for the execution of the work. All employees engaged by the contractor shall be on his/her/their payroll and paid by him/her/them. All disputes or differences between the contractor and his/her/their employees shall be settled by him/her/them. The company will have absolutely no liability whatsoever concerning the employees of the contractor. The contractor shall indemnify the Company against all losses or damages or liabilities arising out of his/their relations with his/her/their employees or in the course of his/her/their employing persons. The contractor should maintain proper records/registers as required by the concerned statutes and submit them to the company as and when required. A conductor shall be engaged in each Bus. 13) The employees engaged by the contractor shall adhere to all security, safety, Fire protection and other rules of the company while inside the company premises. The company reserves the right to prohibit entry into Company's premises to the Contractor's employees either individually or wholly without assigning any reason. In that event contractor shall replace such employees and conduct the services without interruption. 14) Prior to the commencement of the awarded contract work, the contractor shall furnish a list of employees whom he intends to take in for his job, to the Chief General Manager(P&A) of the Company for statutory purpose. Similarly when new persons are to be engaged, information should be given to the Chief General Manager(P&A). The contractor shall ensure that the same crew is continuously employed in each vehicle. Changing crew quite frequently is not allowed as it Page 12 of 18 affects smooth operation. If in the opinion of the Company employee of the contractor is not satisfactorily performing duties due to his negligence, misbehaviour or misconduct, contractor has to replace such employees. any his the 15) Insurance of the vehicles and the risk of passengers travelling in the vehicle should be covered by the contractor to the extent of liability specified in the Motor Vehicles Act or any other relevant Act and rules made there under. 16) Bills for the work done shall be presented by the Contractor with supporting documents once in a month to the Chief General Manager(P&A), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd, Ambalamugal. 17) The Contractor shall produce along with tender or before the agreement is executed, Income-tax/Sales-tax clearance certificate. Payment of bills will be made only after these documents are produced. 18) The trip timings of buses shall be intimated from time to time. For computation of KM run by each vehicle the point of origin shall be HOC Township, Irimpanam. 19) The Company reserves the right to alter the routes from time to time. 20) The punctuality of arrival of Contractor's bus is of paramount importance. In cases of delay in the scheduled arrival of the bus an amount of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) for every half an hour delay or part there of shall be recovered from the contractor as liquidated damages for late arrivals. Further, in case of failure of operation in any segment, 1/3 of the rate per day will be impounded as penalty, in addition to the nonpayment of that days charges. Also in case of failure to transport the employees and children, company shall make alternate arrangements and the cost will be recovered from the contractor. 21) The Contractor should make his/her/their own arrangements for the filling of fuel, lubricants and check the conditions of the vehicle before each trip and attend to required maintenance at his own expenses. The vehicle will have to be kept in good condition. 22) The contractor will produce all vehicles for inspection by the company before placing the vehicles for work under this agreement. Replacement of the vehicles will also be subject to the prior inspection of the company. The condition of the vehicles including the operation of the doors and windows, condition of seats and protection from rain are to be up to the satisfaction of the Company. 23) The contractor shall be fully responsible for the successful completion of the contract as per conditions stipulated above. Any contravention of the above conditions may lead to termination of contract and forfeiture of the Security Deposit. The Contractor shall be responsible for all the consequences arising out of such termination and the company will be free to seek other remedies in addition to forfeiture of Security Deposit. The Company will reserve Page 13 of 18 the right to contractor. rearrange the work at the risk and cost of the 24) All the conditions of HOCL General Conditions of Contract are applicable to this tender also. HOCL General Conditions of Contract is available on the Company Website www.hoclkochi.com 25) In all matters of dispute, the decision of the Chairman & Managing Director, HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LTD.shall be final and binding on both the parties. Page 14 of 18 ANNEXURE-VI TECHNICAL BID DETAILS OF THE TENDERER 1. Name of the Firm : 2. Address : 3. Name and of the Proprietor/Managing Partner/ Managing Director : 4. Main area of operation : 5. No. of buses available : 6. No. of Offices available and its address & telephone numbers : 7. PAN number of the tenderer : 8. Details of workshop facilities : 9. Previous experience in the same field (Attach copies of work orders/contracts) Sl. No Name of the Organisation Period of contract From(Date) To (Date) Page 15 of 18 10. Details of running contracts if any(Attach copies of Work Orders/Contracts) Sl. Name of the Organisation No Period of contract From(Date) To (Date) 11. Any other matter which is felt important for evaluation : 12. Particulars of Insurance if any taken for passengers with liability in case of accident 13. Whether registered under the ESI Act : : (If yes, furnish details) 14. Whether registered under EPF Act : (If yes furnish details ) 15. Details of vehicles, ownership, agreement Bus VEHICLE NO: I a. Vehicle Make : b. Vehicle Model(Month/Year) : c. Chasis Length : d. Regn. No. e. Regd. in the name of : Page 16 of 18 f. Seating Capacity : g. Fitness passing valid up to : h. Contract carriage permit No : VEHICLE NO: II a. Vehicle Make : b. Vehicle Model(Month/Year) : c. Chasis Length : d. Regn. No. e. Regd. in the name of : f. Seating Capacity : g. Fitness passing valid up to : h. Contract carriage permit No : (Attach copies of Registration Certificate and Contract Carriage Permit.) 16. Details of EMD(Attach DD /Cash Receipt) DD No._________________dtd____________.Bank____________________ 17.Details of Solvency Certificate Name of Bank_____________________________Dt____________Amount__________ Signature with seal of the Tenderer Place : Name : Address : Place : Date : Page 17 of 18 ANNEXURE-VII HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Ambalamugal P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala–682302. Tender No: 1402/PAD20034 CONTRACT FOR HIRING OF BUSES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN 2015-2017. THIS DOCUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY BIDDER ON ALL PAGES AND SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE E-TENDER PRICED BID Page 18 of 18
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