Stratford St Mary Higham Holton St Mary Raydon Quartet The Parish Magazine April 2015 Issue 320 Caretaker needed for Raydon village hall from January. IGNITION Youth Club Stratford Chapel Every Friday night 7.30 to 9.30 Age 11 - 16 contact [email protected] 07842 207598 Details from 01473 310088 or 823638 Item for sale. Hardly used Bathing Cushion with Airflo inflator. Enabling easy access into and out of the bath. Cost nearly £500 but offers and more information from Wendy Mumford 312123. In aid of Raydon Church fabric fund. EPSON INK CARTRIDGES Unused Epson Black (T0711) and Yellow (T0714) and part used Black, Yellow, Cyan (T0712) and Magenta (T0713) cartridges available due to new printer. Donation to Holton St Mary Church Fund. Contact Jinny at [email protected] or call 01473 310529. Ikea 2 seater sofa for sale. ‘EKTORP’ with two sets of covers. White & Cream/white. £70. Bargain! 01473 311991 (look it up on Ikea website for design detail) You can place items for sale or wanted on the Small Ads Pin Board for free. Just email [email protected] with your advert. We will place it for one month space permitting. Small Ads pin board Welcome Dear friends, I would also like to give notice that the Filling Station will resume at 7.30 p.m. on 6 May in the Parish Room at SSM, with speakers from the Ipswich Night Shelter. In future, we hope to run it during the summer months only (May-October inclusive), and attract some interesting speakers. We also desperately need musicians (or just someone with a keyboard) who are prepared to commit themselves to playing modern Christian music for us for a couple of hours once a month during these summer meetings. Please talk to me if you can offer your skills in this way. I hope you will get this before our Easter S u n d a y celebrations start on 5 April this year. All confirmed Christians used to be required (but are now gently reminded!) to take Communion at Easter, and we shall welcome you at either of our 10 a.m. services that morning - at Higham or at Raydon. Easter eggs will be available at both....! Many blessings on you all as the joy of the risen Lord is made even clearer in the beauty of the breaking forth of spring all around us. With Easter we emerge from the introspection of Lent, when we should have been spending time thinking about, and repenting for, all the things we have done wrong. Now, the joyful Easter message is that, with the rising of Jesus from the dead, we know that we are forgiven and that, if we accept him as Lord, our lives will be so much richer. We too, because of his death and rising again, have the certainty of joining him and his Father God in heaven at the end of our lives. Rosalind Paul Rector With this understanding in mind, we are putting on an Alpha Course for all who would like to explore their faith - or lack of it. From 30 April we shall meet on Thursdays in the Rectory, starting with coffee at 10 a.m. and ending by 12.30. The format of each session will be the same we shall watch a thought-provoking DVD together and then discuss what we have heard. If you are interested in Christianity, but have never really committed yourself to it, this course is for you - it is fun, interesting, and you will get to know other people who are on the same journey as you. 1 The Quartet Diary April 1 Raydon Women’s Fellowship 8 U3A Speaker Programme 9 Plant Sale, Raydon Spring Cleaning, HSM Church 11 SSM Parish Council Meeting 10 HSM Social Club AGM SSM Rambling Club 13 U3A Speaker Programme Training Day, Constable County Medical Practice 11 R&DGC members Spring Show 20 Raydon Women’s Fellowship 12 SESAW Fundraiser, Long Melford 23 HSM Social Club Progressive Dinner 15 Raydon Women’s Fellowship HSM Annual Parish Meeting 23-25 Dedham Arts Goup Spring Exhibition 15-18 Dedham Players Production 26 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 16 Training Day, Constable County Medical Practice 28 R&DGC Meeting June 16 - 18 “Dead Ringer” Nayland Village Players 10 U3A Speaker Programme 20 SSM Rambling Club 21 R & DGC Summer Outing 23 R&DGC meeting 23 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 27 SSM Annual Parish Meeting 24 Training Day, Constable County Medical Practice 28 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 27 HSM Social Club Kew Visit 29 AMP and APCM, HSM Church July May 2 8 Help for Heroes Cake Sale, Colchester 6 Raydon Women’s Fellowship 7 SSM Parish Council Elections HSM Parish Council Elections U3A Speaker Programme 13 SSM Parish Council Meeting 21 Raydon Fair Trade Coffee Morning 2 Editors Corner Articles for the Quartet are included if we have room, and if, in the opinion of the editors, they are of general interest to our readers. Please remember all articles will be subject to editing. We prefer you to contact us via email where possible. Well, I don’t know where the sun has gone it’s a cold and grey morning as I finish off the Quartet ready for the printers. At least the daffodils are beginning to show their faces, spring must be on the way really. As far as our villages are concerned, spring means AGM’s for a lot of organisations and this year I notice that both Stratford and Holton are after new volunteers for the Parish Council. There is a useful article about what is required of you on page 9, so please have a read if you feel you could serve your local community in this way. Further details on the vacancies can be found on p5 for Stratford and p16 for Holton. Further towards the end of the editorial section, there are two articles that I would like to draw your attention to: The security update from the local police on p19, with information on how to keep your outbuildings more secure from opportunistic thieves and the Constable Country Medical Practice patient Representative Group has news on page 18 about a major overhaul. Copy deadline for next edition: 19th April 2015 Contact details: Email: [email protected] On a lighter note - there are a few opportunities for those of us who bake this month - look particularly on the Higham page (page 14) for two such events in need of your support! Editors: Anne Wicks; 1 Corpus Christi Cottages, Holton St Mary. CO7 6NN We hope you have a good Easter - maybe the sun will be out by then. Jane Lelliott ; 5 Swan Meadow, Stratford St Mary. CO7 6JQ Feels like wishful thinking at the moment! Distribution: Dave Leach 07930390517 Anne and Jane Invoicing: Jenny Leach [email protected] 3 Stratford St Mary Stratford St Mary Primary opens new school library Do you remember the first book that captured your imagination? How about the last book that really gripped you? For me, I loved nothing more than stepping into the world of Jemima Puddle Duck. As for more recently, well the list would be endless. So you can imagine my delight when the school council (made up of seven pupils from each of our year groups) came to me about this time last year and asked for a new library. They wanted new books of course, but they also wanted an exciting new space to store them in. With lots of colour and easy to reach shelving, as well as a comfortable place to read. One year on the vision of seven enthusiastic pupils has become a reality for everyone at Stratford St Mary Primary as we opened our brand new library on the 29th February. None of this would have been possible without the incredible fundraising achievements of our PTA, as well as money raised from the pupils themselves. We were also fortunate to receive a generous donation for new books from the Parish Council. Yourgame real consoles and In the age of tablets, mobiles. When the real tree worldatis at our Christmas children's fingertips, being about to give Stratford St Mary them a doorway into books and the world of their imaginations is truly Hall priceless. We are Village doing everything we to ignite a passion carcan park for literacy in every pupil at the school, but you can help too by sparing an hour a week or just an hour a month to sit with a pupil in the school and listen to them read. Thank you. Elizabeth Kumar, Head Teacher 01206 323236 To all walkers If you encounter a problem on a public footpath (stile, sign, gate etc.) it is possible to report it yourself via Suffolk County Council’s website. Resurfacing of Upper Street - Update As everyone can see the resurfacing in Upper Street has not been finished. The contractors for Suffolk County Council started this in July last year but were unable to finish it because it was too hot! We have complained and involved our County Councillor Gordon Jones, but because this is a weather dependent job, this work will now be done in May this year. In the meantime we will be organising the removal of the temporary road signs. Stratford St Mary Parish Council 4 Stratford St Mary Parish Council Emergency Team Dates for Parish Council Meetings 2015 If an emergency does arise, please contact one of the following team members: 11 May; 13 July; 14 September; 9 November. All meetings start at 7.30pm and are held in the Institute, Higham Road. Copies of the agenda will be posted on the noticeboards located by the Anchor pub in Upper Street and by the Weir in Lower Street. Hilary Cairns – Emergency Team Leader 6 Mors End 01206 323417 07712 591379 [email protected] Norman Woodard 12 Swaynes 01206 323015 [email protected] Chris Griffin Brook Farm, School Lane 01206 337363/07885 807567 [email protected] Bryn Ager 2 Matthews Close Steve Kite 42 Strickmere 01206 322482 07958 515573 Bill Davies 3 Spanbies 01206 322990 [email protected] Date for Annual Parish Meeting 2015 Monday 27 April. STRATFORD ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2015 This year will see parish council elections taking place on Thursday 7 May 2015. Some of our councillors will be retiring from the parish council and we may therefore have vacancies for up to 4 new parish councillors. MUMS & TOTS Every Tuesday 9.15 – 11.30 a.m. Stratford Chapel, Upper Street Stratford St. Mary CO7 6JH If you are interested in serving your village, would like to know more about what is involved with being a parish councillor, are 18 and over and have lived in the village for 12 months or longer, please contact either:- Join us every Tuesday morning at Mums & Tots. A great way to meet other mums, dads, grandparents & carers while the little ones get creative and play. Bill Davies, Chairman, Tel: 01206 322990 Or £1.00 per session Drinks & snacks provided For more details call Becky on (01206) 323095 Jayne Postans, Parish Clerk Tel No: 01473 311111 E-mail: [email protected] 5 STRATFORD St. MARY PARISH ROOM STRATFORD ST. MARY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (known also as “Stratford Chapel”) Upper Street, Stratford St. Mary CO7 6JH letting fees are as follows: 1 session - £17.00. 2 consecutive sessions - £30.00. all day - £38.00. A session is 5 hours ie morning afternoon- evening We are an evangelical/charismatic and community based Church attended by all age groups Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Morning Praise & Worship followed by refreshments 10.15 a.m. -11.15 a.m. “Sparks on Sunday” for children aged 5 – 11 years and Youth Group for ages 12-16 years. 6.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise Mid-Week Groups: Tuesdays 9.30 am – 11.30 am - Mums & Tots (during term time) Tuesday 7.30 am -9.30 am - Men’s Recreational Evening (2nd Tues every month) Wednesday 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm - Bible Discussion and Fellowship Evening Friday 5 pm – 6.30pm – “Sparks on Friday” for Children ages 7 – 11 years Friday 7.30pm – 9.30pm - “Ignition” Youth Club for teens ages 11 – 16 yrs Special rates for regular bookings. Heating and lighting are included For booking please see or ring Don Umfreville at Christmas Cottage, Upper Street. Tel : 322 626. With immediate effect, the new email address for Stratford St Mary Parish Council will be [email protected]. For further information: Telephone: Phil (01473) 310728 Email : [email protected] Interested in becoming a CFR? Why not find out what it is about? Look at the CFR link on the East of England Ambulance Services website. You can even apply on line! If you watch the training video - do not be alarmed - you are never expected to do mouth to mouth. Colin the fishmonger has his fresh fish van in the lay-by at the bottom of Church Hill in Stratford every Thursday morning from 10.30am to 1.30pm For further information, please contact your local co-ordinator. Sue Lawrence 6 01206 322066 Transport to medical appointments. COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH SCHEME This has been in operation since 2013 and is run by village residents giving their time in order to make our village safer for residents of all age groups by encouraging motorists to drive through our village at no more than the legal limit of 30mph. If you live in Stratford St Mary and have difficulty in getting to and from medical appointments our friendly team are happy to help. We can also help with transport to visit people in hospital. We would, however, welcome a few more volunteers into the scheme so if you could spare just 1 or 2 hours per month please consider joining us. Please give us as much notice as you can. ring:. Charlie Ablitt on 01206 322684 Lynn Badcock on 01206 323788 Please contact Ian Montgomery, 5 Lower St tel 01206 321024 for more details. The Institute hall can be hired at reasonable rates for a wide range of social activities. Please contact our booking secretary Anna Shead on 01206 321261 or email [email protected] for more information. Many thanks to all our 100 Club subscribers for your continued support in helping us to maintain your village hall. Membership costs only £1 per month and you could win £40 first prize in our monthly draw. Contact Sue or Eddie Lawrence on 01206 322066 if you wish to join. HELP!! IDEAS NEEDED FOR MUSIC EVENTS IN SSM WHAT DO YOU WANT?? We have just completed a successful programme of music at the church here in Stratford St Mary which included events such as evenings with Quatro Amici and the Hadleigh Choral Society, a fabulous production of the Messiah and most recently the Suffolk Concert Band. We hope to do this again this year and are busy thinking about what should be included. In addition we have a notion to extend this beyond the church to other parts of the village. This is why we need your help. We would like volunteers to help with organisation of this programme AND we are keen to hear what type of music would be of most interest. So whether it’s rock, pop, jazz, classical, gospel, garage or hip hop get your thinking caps on and let us know your thoughts. All ideas most welcome at [email protected] Stratford St Mary Institute Committee A reminder to all walkers. Please keep to public footpaths when ‘out and about’. 7 SSM Rambling Club in the river was really high, so there were not many wading birds around, though there were some geese and ducks, especially numbers of teal, a delightful little duck. Arriving early in Wivenhoe, we had a wander around, and tried to have look into the church, to see the good brasses and other interesting things, but it was locked. We decided to walk further along the river towards Arlesford, and had to help each other past a flood. We watched a boat loading up with sand across the river, and then quickly head out towards the sea. Back in Wivenhoe, we had lunch in the community owned Black Buoy. A good lunch was enjoyed, with sandwiches, ploughmans, fish & chips, while two had one of the specials – Irish Stew – 2 days after St Patrick’s Day. We managed to get slightly lost on the way back to the footpath, in spite of doing this walk so often! On the way back the cold breeze in our faces encouraged a decent pace. Future Events Sunday 29 March – Staverton (about 5 miles) Friday 10 April – Stour Valley (about 4.5 miles) Monday 20 April – Sandlings (about 5 miles) Recent Walks Wednesday 25 February was a walk at Great Bromley. We often do this walk around late winter/early spring, and in recent years have walked in thick fog. However, this time the weather was clear, dry and mild. A dozen turned up for this pleasant country walk. We parked at Great Bromley church and headed north away from the main road. After a loop around open countryside, we briefly walked on part of the dual carriageway, where the A133 to Clacton leaves the A120, and then dropped down into the little hamlet of Hare Green. Our next little adventure included a very wet country lane, where I was really glad I was wearing my wellies, while those who did not have stout boots or wellies, struggled with the wet conditions underfoot. We stopped at the Old Courthouse pub for lunch. Recently refurbished, their speciality was a wide range of home-made pies, which proved popular with our group. Suitably refreshed, we continued the walk, crossing a bridge over the A120, and then down a little lane and over farmland, heading back to the church. --------------------Main contact is the chairman, Don Umfreville on 01206 322626. Unless stated otherwise, we meet up at 09:45 at the Parish Room, Upper Street, Stratford St Mary. Dave George On Thursday 19 March we walked to Wivenhoe. After parking at B&Q in Colchester, we walked down to the river and then along the north bank of the Colne towards the North Sea. It was viciously cold, after the mild weather in recent weeks, and scarves and gloves were utilised. The water 8 01206 322297 Council area or within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) for the preceding 12 months. Become a Councillor The elections for local councils will take place May 7 2015 and Stratford St Mary Parish Council will have 9 vacancies. This is your opportunity to help shape your community’s future and lend your voice and life experiences to help make decisions for your community in these challenging times. No matter what your background or employment status everyone has valuable views that count and would add to the community’s voice. If you can meet the conditions above you qualify to stand for your local Town or Parish Council. Who may not be a candidate? · People who do not satisfy the above nationality condition, or who are not aged 18 or over, may not be a candidate. · Bankrupts – a person who has been adjudged bankrupt, for who has made a composition or arrangement with his creditors is disqualified or election as a member of a local authority. · Office holders – people employed by the Town or Parish Council are disqualified from being elected members of it. · Imprisonment – a person is disqualified from being elected if, within the last 5 years, they have been convicted in the UK of any offence, and have had a sentence passed for a period of imprisonment of at least 3 months. · A personal found guilty of a corrupt or illegal practice relating to an election is disqualified from being a candidate. How do I stand and what do I do? Consent to nomination Each candidate must consent to their nomination, and confirm that they would be qualified to be elected. A more detailed guide has been produced by the Electoral Commission, which is available at their website uk/guidance/candidates-agents Do I qualify? There is a series of qualifications and disqualifications for membership of a local authority. · A person must be a British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of another European Union State. · You must be aged 18 or more on the date of your nomination. In addition to these two conditions, you must satisfy one of the following: · You must be registered as a local government elector within the Town or Parish Council area; or · You have occupied land or premises in the Town or Parish Council area for the preceding 12 months; or · You have your main place of work in the Town or Parish Council area for the preceding 12 months; or · You have lived in the Town or Parish Nominations MUST be delivered BY HAND by the candidate or their representative to Babergh District Council Offices, Corks Lane, Hadleigh, IP7 6SJ, between 9am and 5pm on any working day from Monday 23 March until Wednesday 8 April 2015, and between 9am and 4pm on Thursday 9 April 2015. Nominations received after this time will not be valid. Nomination papers can be obtained from the Parish Clerk as follows: Jayne Postans 4 Winding Piece, Capel St Mary Ipswich, IP9 2UZ Tel: 01473 311111 Email: [email protected] 9 Raydon So do hope you’ll make a date and join us between 10.15 and 11.30 in the Church. Thanks again for all your support Fair Trade Coffee Morning. Wendy Mumford 312123 Fair Trade “Big Brew” What a wonderful response to my request for support for WANTED: Keen Gardeners this year’s “Big Brew” for Fair Trade fortnight. It was brilliant that so many of you took the time to come along and join in this fundraising effort so that Tradecraft can give smallholder farmers a hand up and not a hand out. We are having another plant sale in aid of Raydon Village Hall funds. It will take place on We also had a terrific response from Cake makers, raffle prize providers, donations and gift givers not to mention all the help to set up the morning and then to clear it all away. Also a special thank you to the “Frinton Patisserie” for the super sausage rolls and cheese scones. With all this help and goodwill the grand total to send to Tradecraft was £160 which will be matched with another £160 from the government! So a huge thank you to everyone for all your support. 9th of May 2015. If in the process of your garden tidy-up you are planning on dividing your perennials, or taking some cuttings, please consider potting some up for our forthcoming sale and over-wintering them. All donations will be very gratefully It was also a treat to meet the newest arrival for two of our regulars, their sweet little granddaughter made her debut and did her best to steal the show! We hope to see her again as we all wanted to have a “turn” at a cuddle! NEW WEBSITE GOES LIVE! Well, it will be back to our usual coffee and cookie morning on March 31st. The following Fair Trade coffee morning, on April 28th will see the “tea team” in charge. The new Raydon website is now live please visit and ‘contact us’ let us know what you think. 10 Raydon and District Gardening Club different classes available to enter, especially if the weather is not good and spoiling the flowers as sometimes happens. Members if you have misplaced your schedule I or any committee member can help so please give us a call. Just so you know both our President Mrs Natalie Finch (Hip problems) and Peggy Cole ** (Judge) have both been in hospital during March for major operations so we wish them both a speedy recovery and hope to see them again soon. Daphne is now taking bookings for our Summer coach outing to Blickling Hall & Estates in Norfolk on Sunday 21st June. This is National Trust so:- garden club member & NT member, the coach only £12.50. If club member only not NT then coach & entrance ticket £24.30. Non club member but NT member coach only £14.50, Non member not NT member coach & entrance ticket £26.30. Note :- NT members must have paid up 2015 membership cards with them on the day. Well here we are enjoying our 35th year of this garden club and it`s April and well into Spring time with Easter almost upon us once again. As I write these notes in mid March the weather is dull and cloudy and cool, so nothing unusual as most Spring weather is very changeable. I hope all you keen gardeners with veggie plots - or even allotments have made a start with seed planting etc as things move on very quickly this time of year, it’s so easy to get behind. The sound of lawn mowers working once again is with us, and it’s always nice to smell the fresh cut grass. Cut lawns of course set off the flower beds so you can enjoy the beauty of all the new flowers coming out to the full. Daphne & I try to walk around the garden most days and spend a short while just to look, otherwise things come on flower and go off sometimes so quick. So to club events this year, we have only had the February meeting which had a reasonable number of members and guests to listen to our guest speakers which was about Suffolk Carers and an increasing problem facing many, and that's living with people who have illness i.e. like dementia for example. Both Bill Priestly aided with slides, & Jim Lowe, a volunteer helper to this very worthy cause, gave us an insight to the many problems faced by the community in the coming years (due partly to populations living longer). Thank you both for an informative evening. Now April means Members Spring Show which is on Saturday 11th. Only one week after Easter so it’s time to start thinking about what to enter. Entries in by Wed 8th please. A quick walk around the garden to sort out flowers has to be left closer to the day but there`s plenty of other things to enter so look at your schedules to see the April 23rd meeting should be Peggy Cole with "Gardening for the Less Able" (but subject to change ** ). This followed by May 28th Bourne Garden Centre Ipswich coming to village hall, so plenty to look forward to over the next few weeks. As always a warm welcome and I look forward to meeting all members + any guests or any new members that have just joined. Geoff Horrex (01473 310422) Y 35th ear 11 SESAW NEWS RAYDON WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Greetings from Oliver (Ollie to my intimates), resident "Top Cat" at SESAW. Poisoned, rescued and nursed back to health by Mother. Now wary of people, though I might allow you to stroke me if I'm in the mood. April 1st 7.30pm Chris Parfitt. The Realm of the Polar Bear April 15th 7.30pm Simon Gallup. Dedham, Lavenham and the cloth trade I’m here to spill the beans on that upstart Kenneth, who has blotted his copy book. The Little Squirt led the canine chorus as Mother was interviewed by Lesley Dolphin on BBC Suffolk. Fortunately this did not spoil the Pets Corner broadcast and two rabbits were found a home. Whilst on the subject of the lower species (dogs) great news - Angel and Harvey have found a new home. By the time you read this there will be new dogs waiting. Visit us to choose your canine pal and make my day, please! We always have cats waiting for a loving home too. May 6th 7.30pm The Suffolk Probation Service May 20th 7.30pm Janet Dann. A way with Words If you would like to see copies of the minutes of any Raydon Parish Council meetings, please contact Jane Cryer, Parish Clerk on 07920 713940, or email her at [email protected]. Thank you to everyone who helped raise £500 at Barbara's Mad March Sale, including £100 donated by a generous well wisher. Also to the Hadleigh Co-Op customers who donated £182 at our February collection. Our next fundraising event is a big table sale on Sunday 12 April at the Old School, Long Melford. 10 to 3pm. Raydon Century Club Draw for February 2015 £25 116 Pat Simonet £15 137 Mr S Zaman £10 134 Mrs J Meach £5 110 Mr M Burls £5 62 Mr T Middlebrook £5 75 Mr K Whiting £5 55 Mr J Anderson Time to accompany Mother on her rounds. Hope you have appreciated Oliver’s observations, but Kenneth's fans will be please to know he will be back in May. It's far too arduous for a cat to do this every month. Kenny (The Boss), Huh! He's a good ambassador, but really! A dog, the Boss? Obviously the person who dreamed that one up did not realise the power of felines like me, Ollie (the Black) Cat. Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. 01787 210888 Open 10-1pm Thurs-Sunday. 12 REPORT TO PARISHES, MidSamford Ward: March 2015 Sue Carpendale and Kathy Pollard, Babergh District Councillors Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline (To help children suffering from the after effects of the Chernobyl disaster and economic situation) CAN YOU HELP? Developing information from the 2014 Suffolk Housing Survey In early July of each year a group of children will arrive from Belarus, all suffering from the Legacy of the Chernobyl Disaster. We bring them to the UK for four weeks respite to help boost their immune system which in turn improves their health and resistance to the cancers and neurological diseases that affect so many of these children having to live in levels of radioactivity that are far higher than would be acceptable in the western world. A major housing survey was launched last year in conjunction with other Suffolk councils. The results showed that, although the majority are very happy living here, many said their current accommodation would not be suitable in 10 years time. Babergh will use the information to guide its future policy. Good quality housing has an important role in improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. They arrive with hardly more than the clothes they stand in so we urgently need good quality “nearly new” clothing and shoes both summer and winter, for these little girls and boys. Clothing to fit the age range of 6 - 13 years would be really appreciated. A new Planning Enforcement Plan A new planning enforcement plan is being developed which will cover both Babergh and Mid Suffolk. The aim of the planning enforcement function is to discourage unauthorised development, and where planning breaches occur, to take proportionate action to remedy any harm to amenity or to the built or natural environment. If you can help please call your local contact now we are happy to arrange collection if required or alternatively donations can be left at the CCLL Charity Shop Needham Market (next to Rampant Horse Public House) Thank you Work inspiration for schools Currently there is a focus in the media on young people’s skills, together with commentary about how our schools aren’t always able to provide them with an awareness of work. With that in mind, the Work Inspiration Brokerage has been set up as a great mechanism for linking with young people at school. 01449 760343 or 07771 550868 Mail to: [email protected] REG CHARITY NUMBER 1014274 [email protected] [email protected] 13 Higham All are welcome at the EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE HIGHAM CHURCH 10am followed by a small matter of an egg hunt - (chocolate of course) and refreshments Help needed… HIGHAM ART SHOW If you love baking and would like to help we need lots of cakes, biscuits scones, bread, meringues,chutneys and preserves. Collection point will be:- Higham Lodge,Upper Street, Higham, Colchester,CO7 6ND by 11.00am Friday 1st May. Friday 19th June – Sunday 21st June This year we will be running a refreshment tent on the Saturday and Sunday of the Art Show and hope that as many people as possible would be willing to contribute cakes etc and also help in the tent for an hour or two. If you are able to assist please could you contact Nicola Tindall on 01787 212340. All funds raised will go towards the upkeep of our very beautiful church. 14 Holton St Mary Holton St Mary Social Club Holton St Mary Millennium Green Trust Whist - Last Friday of each month The Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held at 7.45pm on Wednesday 15th April 2015 in the Village Hall, as usual just before the Annual Parish Meeting. All parishioners are welcome to attend. Marjorie Haste, Secretary Progressive Dinner 23rd May – Form at Club or contact John Partridge 01473 311677 Pool Competition Ongoing Visit to Kew – 27th June - £36 per person includes coach, boat trip & entry to Kew Social Club AGM 10th April 8.45pm start Spring Cleaning Morning for Holton Church There will be a cleaning morning on May 9th from 10.00a.m till 12.30. This year the work will be concentrated inside the church. Please come and lend a hand, bringing cleaning materials for indoors, if possible. Chris, Paula & John would like to thank all our friends in the village and surrounding area for all their kindness and support following Marg’s passing Facebook Group for Holton St Mary The aim of the Group is to provide a meeting place on Facebook for villagers and friends to share news, friendly gossip, memories, old photographs or whatever. In view of the recent outbreak of crime in the area, the Group would also serve a valuable role in helping people to keep in touch and share information. HOLTON ST MARY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held at 8pm on 15th APRIL 2015 in the Village Hall Just search on Facebook for "Holton St Mary" and you can't miss it. All are welcome to attend 15 ST MARYS CHURCH HOLTON ST MARY Suffolk Walking Festival 9th 31st May 2015 The Annual Meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 29th April at 7.45p.m in Holton Village Hall. All parishioners are invited to attend. The meeting will end with a short talk on Church Recording as a group will be working in the church during the summer. We are fast approaching that time of year again when the air will start warming up, the bluebells will be blooming and the Suffolk countryside will be enticing us to dig out our walking boots and start exploring. What better way to do this than to join in the annual Suffolk Walking Festival which takes place 9th - 31st May. The programme is packed with over 90 guided walks around medieval villages, market towns, along the coast and through gentle landscapes across the county. The eclectic mix of walks includes Sketch Book Strolls for children (there's also one for adults) with a local artist around Brandon Country Park; a seven mile hike called Food Glorious Food through Thetford Forest to the award-winning restaurant at the Elvedon Hall Estate for lunch; A Scottish Visionary and His Fairytale Village, starting from Thorpeness along the coast as well as Beachcombing for Beginners on Felixstowe beach. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Parish Council elections are being held on Thursday 7 May. If you are interested in standing for election as a Holton St Mary Parish Councillor I have nomination papers or alternatively they are available from BDC Offices at Corks Lane, Hadleigh. The deadline for delivery of nomination papers is strictly 4pm on Thursday 9 April although you are advised to submit asap allowing correction of any errors prior to the above date. They must be hand delivered by the candidate or someone of his/her behalf. You can follow in Benjamin Britten's footsteps along 'Curlew River' and learn about the composer, his music and the wildlife that inspired him; walk the Horseshoe Trail and learn about horse racing in Newmarket; explore the Ponds of Helmingham Hall, walk in the footsteps of Thomas Gainsborough around Sudbury or learn about John Constable as you amble through 'Constable Country'. Please contact me if you would like a pack or would like more information on the role of a Parish Councillor. Dot Steeds [email protected] There are far too many walks to list here, so please visit to look at the programme and to book your tickets. You can also pick up a brochure from you local tourist information centre. The Holton St Mary United Charities Trust are able to distribute small amounts of financial help to residents of Holton St Mary who are in genuine need. We hope you will be inspired to join in this fun and sociable festival to enjoy Suffolk at its very best. Apply to the Secretary – Jean Styles [email protected] 16 Constable Singers EAST BERGHOLT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH We are preparing a new programme for the coming season songs from the musicals old and new. Looking for new members of all abilities and no audition just come along and join us for a free session to see if you would like to join us. Cemetery Lane, East Bergholt, CO7 6RZ Pastor -Mrs Maralyn Bambridge We meet at Lambe School East Bergholt each Thursday 7pm apart from 2nd Thursday when we are at Holton Village Hall. Services - Each Sunday morning at 10.30 led by the pastor unless otherwise stated Coffee Mornings - Each Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 am Concert at Congregational Church East Bergholt on June 20th. Singing at Days Road on Fri.27th March Church Secretary – John Jeffreys Tel 01206 298737 For further details contact Yvonne 01206298428 or Mel 01206298628 Dedham Arts Group Spring Exhibition DEDHAM TENNIS CLUB Open Wednesdays – Wednesday evening summer sessions (6pm Wednesday BST only) will now be open to non-members. A fee of £4 is payable for non-members. Please do come down and join us. Junior & Adult Coaching sessions are now set up. Please see our website for full programme of events at or contact our coaches James and Matt at [email protected] for further information. The Dedham Arts Group Spring Exhibition will be held at Littlegarth Studio, High Street, Dedham from Saturday 23rd May until Monday 25th May 2015. Admission is free and the exhibition is open every day from 10am until 5pm. There will be a private view open to members and their friends on Friday 22nd May at the Littlegarth Studio at 7pm 17 unable to recruit new / younger representatives for the Practice area. Patient Representative Group for The Constable Country Medical Practice With this in mind we contacted HealthWatch Suffolk to see if they can help us with member recruitment and enhancing our contact with Patients. HealthWatch are a government body appointed as the consumer champion in health and care. Their job is to gather information which enables them to formally represent the views of the public in discussion with service providers. They are to some extent doing the same as our PRG volunteers but for the whole of Suffolk, however they have the power to formally pressurise the service providers where the PRG do not. They also have resources to engage in public engagement through meetings with community groups as well as PRG’s. The Patient Representative Group (PRG) has been considering the role it performs and how this should be developed for the future. Since its formation the PRG, who are volunteers, have acted as a link between Patients and our GP Practice with the aim of keeping the Practice focused on Patient needs and aware of problems experienced by Patients. We have done this not only as Patients ourselves but supported by information provided by you, the Patients who talk to us and tell us what you expect the Practice to deliver. Discussion with the Practice Manager has resulted in numerous changes over the years. Concerns about the “8.00 a.m. scramble”, to get an appointment, have been addressed with the recent introduction of more telephone lines and provision of more “on the day” appointments. Whilst this has resulted in a reduction in the advance booking option we believe that the present arrangement is a vast improvement. There are now 10 telephone lines available for incoming calls with up to 4 staff answering them and making bookings. The Practice has also made it clear that if you need to see a doctor on the day you will be seen. Whilst HealthWatch have identified how they might help us they consider this would best be achieved by us working in partnership with them. Such an arrangement is not what the current PRG members undertook when volunteering to serve. We are also aware that, with effect from April 2015, the Practice will have a contractual commitment to ensure a closer working arrangement with the community. Accordingly we have decided that it is time to completely re-organise the PRG for the Constable Country Practice. The current PRG members will therefore stand down with effect from March 3rd 2015 leaving the Practice free to work with HealthWatch Suffolk in establishing a new Patient Representative Group. Whilst addressing problems with the Practice we are aware that, compared with other parts of the country, the service we receive locally is quite good. We can get appointments at our surgery and Ipswich Hospital also delivers excellent service whilst achieving set targets. However we still have concerns, e.g high staff turnover at our Practice, which we discuss with the Practice. We wish the new group well in working with the Practice to provide the best service possible in difficult times. In the meantime if you have concerns about the Practice or your treatment by the Practice contact the Practice Manager on 01206 297148 or HealthWatch Suffolk (01449 703949). We also have concerns about our PRG in that we are not truly representative of the Practice demographic - we are mostly retired people - but we have also been The Patient Representative Group for The Constable Country Medical Practice. 18 security anchor point. Anchor points are designed to reinforce the security of equipment within a shed by securing it to an ‘anchor’ point. Please bear in mind that the chains and padlocks used should be just as secure and fit for purpose. Consider an alarm; either a battery operated alarm (sold at most police stations) or upgrade an existing house alarm to include the shed. Security Update There have been a number of sheds targeted across the Mid Suffolk district recently both at residential properties and on community allotments. Criminals are tempted by the goods and equipment stored within then including hand tools, power tools, lawn mowers, bicycles and fishing equipment. Sheds are usually poorly secured, or indeed left insecure making them an ideal target for the opportunistic thief. A few simple steps however can help keep your equipment safe while deterring thieves. Suffolk Police are therefore urging everyone to follow these recommendations; Are tools easily identifiable? Tools that are obviously marked are difficult for an offender to sell on. Property mark your tools, popular options include obvious marking such as etching, painting or DNA products like Smartwater and SelectaDNA. Advertise the fact that they are marked with signs or window stickers to deter an offender, but make sure you keep a note of serial/ make/ model numbers and take photographs of any valuable or unique garden ornaments and tools. Register all equipment with a serial number on the national database for free. This helps police identify and locate an owner if items are lost or stolen. Are perimeter hedges, fences and gates in good repair? Consider your boundary security; keep fences, hedges and ditches in good condition. Repair any holes and gaps, and cut back overhanging tree limbs which could be used as a climbing aid to gain unauthorised access. If considering new fencing, where possible, avoid chain link which is inherently weak. Welded mesh is preferable. Regularly check your gates and locks for evidence of tampering or damage. Use quality close shackle padlocks; Refer to for recommended manufacturers. Be proactive – Consider organising a “Property Marking Weekend” If you are an allotment holder in particular encourage other members to participate in a property marking weekend and make it an event. Your local safer neighbourhood team (SNT) are always happy to assist. You can contact them by calling 101. Are there places where individuals could hide themselves from view? Consider removing obstructions, places of concealment and recessed areas near stores and sheds. Consider installing lighting where it will increase your chances, or that of a neighbour or a passer-by, to detecting any criminal activity. Lighting installed in a remote or very rural location will only however aide an offender. Are you aware of local crime and suspicious activities in your area? Sign up to Police Connect alerts and receive up-to-date information relating to crime, suspicious activities, vehicles and individuals as well as crime prevention advice. This Suffolk Police service is completely free. For further information log onto /policedirect.aspx. For further help or advice on security please call your local SNT or Crime Reduction Officer on 101. Are your tools secured within your sheds? Inside the shed consider securing your tools to a ground anchor or through their handles to a ‘shed shackle’, or other similar 19 bench. It is a very fitting memorial to a highly regarded doctor who gave so much to the practice and community. Constable Country Medical Practice – Practice Update March 2015 Training Days Just a reminder that the practice will be closed from 1pm on the following dates for staff training: 16th April 2015 (Thursday), 13th May 2015 (Wednesday), 24th June 2015 (Wednesday) Patient Participation Group The practice aims to ensure it is connected with patients and understands the needs of different patient groups. The NHS is constantly mentioned in the media for a variety of reasons, and I’m sure all our patients understand that we operate in a very challenging environment. Demand is increasing and resources are diminishing, and we constantly review how we operate the practice to deliver the best service possible. It is therefore essential that we understand what services different patient groups need, their relative importance and how they wish these services to be delivered. The current PPG has done an excellent job over the years and we are currently reviewing how we operate it, recognising that technology and social media can play an important role in enabling us to connect with our patients. I’m pleased to announce that Healthwatch Suffolk will be helping us over the next few months to establish a new structure for the PPG. We are therefore looking for representatives from our patient list. If you are interested in getting involved, in any capacity, then to please write to me at the practice briefly describing the demographic you represent e.g. parent of young children, commuter, disabled, elderly etc., and how and in what capacity you would like to engage with the practice e.g. attend meetings, use social media, PPG administration, local representative, volunteer at events etc. On these afternoons you can still visit the practice to book an appointment or pick up a prescription. However, no clinicians will be available and all telephone calls to the practice will be diverted to the NHS 111 service. Pete Keeble, Practice Manager Waste & Recycling Collection Schedule 2015 Recycling this week Bench in Memory of Dr Finch You may have noticed a new lutyens bench outside the main door at East Bergholt. This is in memory of Dr Finch who sadly passed away in 2012. I’d like to thank Keith Rawlings who coordinated the collection of donations and arranged procurement of the Rubbish collected this week Bank Holiday week everyones collection will be a day later 20 Local Services MOBILE LIBRARY The Constable Country Medical Practice Stratford St Mary - Route 11 The bus stops every 4 weeks on Wednesdays 22nd April, 20th May, 17th Jun, 15th July, 12th August The Medical Centre, Heath Road, East Bergholt, Colchester CO7 6RT Surgery opening hours 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday Telephone 01206 298272 Fax 01206 299010 Black Horse - 11.05am - 11.20am Tally Ho! Corner - 11.25am - 11.45am Strickmere (School Lane end) - 11.50am 12.10pm 36 The Street, Capel St Mary, Ipswich IP9 2EE Route 14 Surgery opening hours 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday The bus stops every 4 weeks on Tuesdays, Holton St Mary Church Square - 10.00 - 10.15am Dispensary 8.30am – 6.15pm (closed between 1-2pm) Telephone 01473 310203 Fax 01473 311722 Raydon St Mary’s Raydon - 10.20am - 11.05am Lower Raydon Sulleys Hill - 11.10 - 11.25am Higham The Green - 11.35 am to 11.50 am 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 23rd Jun, 21st July, Stratford Village PO Opening times SHOP: Monday 9am to 1pm - 2pm to 5.30pm Tues to Fri (inc) 8.30am to 1pm - 2pm to 5.30pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm The customer service line 01473 283838 is staffed 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and can handle any library customer queries renewals and reservations to any general library queries. An answer phone is available outside of operating hours and people can also email [email protected] . POST OFFICE: Tuesday to Saturday (inc) 9.00 am to 1pm Crime prevention PC 1347 Gilkes Pcso 3041 Cooper [email protected] Telephone…101 21 THE GATTINETTS Local Directory OFFICE and WORKSHOP PREMISES TO RENT Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Central East Bergholt with excellent road and rail links Various sizes with tailored leasing arrangements Carpeted offices with own toilets and kitchenette Quiet rural location with plenty of parking Or ring 01206 393089 / 07941 781489 Conference room available Contact Anne on 07941 781489 for more details Mark’s Travel Service (Dedham’s Private Hire) ARTSCENE Local Mobile Picture Framing Service 30+ years experience Oil paintings, Photos, Prints, Medals, 3D/Box frames, X-Stitch, Tapestry, Mount Cutting, Stretching Also Frames cut to size for the DIY enthusiast FOR MORE DETAILS TELEPHONE LESLEY ON 01473 310630 (Bentley) MOBILE 07500 488667 22 23 Souters Holiday Cottage Higham Ideal for short breaks, longer stays, visiting friends or family overspill. All enquiries welcome. Phone Nick and Cath Marno (01206) 337316 email: [email protected] 24 POUND FARM Hadliegh Road, Higham near Colchester CO76LF BED & BREAKFAST Find peace, rest, great breakfast surrounded by the beauty of nature. KIT AND MARIA OGDEN email: [email protected] T el: 01206 337202 Families including dogs & horses are welcome. DOLLS HOUSES Kits and Houses Room boxes and wall displays Furniture - Wallpaper Lighting - Figures Miniature collectables and all those other little bits 01473 310 630 or 07500 488 667 email [email protected] Find us at Dedham Art and Craft Centre 25 Pre School Orchard Barns Kindergarten, Stratford St Mary 6 Higham Road, Stratford St Mary, Suffolk, CO7 6JU Outstanding full day & sessional nursery care and education for children aged 2 – 5 years Consistently graded Outstanding by Ofsted this small and welcoming nursery offers: Breakfast Club 8.00am, - 9.00am After School Club 3.15pm – 6.00pm School escort to and from Stratford St Mary School Holiday Clubs All school holidays for children aged 3 – 11 years French Club Every Thursday (term time only) 4.30pm – 5.30pm Stay and Play Under 2’s Every Monday and Friday (term time only) 9.30am – 11am For more details regarding any of the above services please contact Shelley on 01206 323093 at The Assembly Rooms For children aged 2 ½ - school age Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9.30am-12.30pm Tuesday & Thursday extended sessions until 2.45pm Thursday morning transition session for children going up to school We offer a welcoming and inclusive environment that gives children the opportunity to learn through play, both indoors and outdoors, in a stimulating and nurturing setting. 15 hours of government funding for 3 and 4 year olds Funding for 2 year olds subject to criteria Childcare vouchers accepted Please contact our admissions Secretary via our website. 26 Home and Garden Your local pest control experts for home & business ● Free advice, fast response ● Highly accredited, fully qualified & insured ● Discreet & confidential Tel: 01473 328092 (Holbrook) Monks Hood Monks Lane Dedham CO7 6DP [email protected] T. 07806 668247 SPECIALISTS IN BESPOKE FLORISTRY FOR ALL OCCASIONS 27 ARDLEIGH CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICES • Traditional and Power Sweeping • CCTV Inspections • Safety Certificate Issued • Fully Insured ANDREW SMITH PLANT CENTRE, GARDEN & CAFE For Specialist and Popular Plants 01206 231718 • 07845 249820 An extensive range of plants from trees and shrubs to alpines, herbaceous, climbers, roses and grasses. Gardening sundries, gifts, seeds, compost and pots. 31 HARWICH ROAD, LAWFORD, MANNINGTREE, ESSEX CO11 2LS DESIGN PLANTING CLEARANCE MAINTENANCE OPEN DAILY 10am-5pm East Bergholt Place, CO7 6UP Tel: (01206) 299 224 [email protected] HEDGECUTTING AND LAWN MOWING ALL YOUR GARDEN REQUIREMENTS CATERED FOR For more information please contact: R SWIFT (HND Commercial Horticulture) T elephone 07947 322429 Bland Landscapes Ltd. Specialists in Private & Commercial Tree Surgery & Landscaping All Aspects of Landscaping Including: All Aspects of Tree Surgery Including: Garden Construction Fencing Turfing Driveways Patios Contract Grass Cutting Commercial Planting Felling Clearing Reducing Reshaping Fruit Tree Pruning Hedge Cutting Stump Grinding Suppliers of Seasoned Logs & Woodchip Mulch Serving Dedham & Surrounding Villages for 25 years Telephone/Fax 01206 230882 Mobile 07710 770280 Ivydene, Frating Road, Ardleigh, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7SY 28 TV & Audio Solutions (Formerly BV Hicks Ltd) Are you having trouble setting up or operating your TV / Audio or DVD? Has your equipment stopped working? Does your TV need a re-tune? Help is at hand - Call Toby Hicks 014 4 9 74 1056 / 079 68 68 6035 29 DEDHAM VALE TREE SURGERY All tree work NPTC qualified, fully undertaken insured Crown reduction and 24 hr emergency tree shaping work Crown lifting and Site Clearance thinning Logs and wood chip Pruning and pollarding supplied Felling, sectional Pests and disease dismantling identification Specialising in big trees in delicate situations [email protected] mobile 07756 811098 phone 01206 323056 Mending your home Brett Valley Installations Oil boiler Service Engineer. Very experienced in fault diagnosis and repair, servicing and installation of oil fired boilers and heating systems. Local, Reliable, Competent. Nick Marno Tel. 01206 337316 or 07896 054439 S.W. STIFF Carpentry & Building Maintenance For all your carpentry & building maintenance, call for a no obligation free quote. No job too small. CONTACT : Steven on 07811 005241 30 AR LANDSCAPING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE : PAVING & PATIO'S : FENCING & DECKING : REPAIR'S & ODD JOB'S CALL ANDY ON TEL : 01473 787219 MOBILE : 07833540703 [email protected] Jackson Plumbing and Heating East Anglia Ltd q Installation - We install all makes and models of boilers, Combi and condensing specialists q q Servicing - All models serviced from £50.00 Repair and Maintenance - All work Guaranteed, highly skilled engineers Plumbing - Bathrooms, cylinders, leaks etc q OAP 15% Discount q 31 Special reader discounts for residents of Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon and Stratford St Mary £10.00 discount - Servicing boilers and minor repairs £30.00 discount - larger repairs £150 discount - boiler changes £250 discount - full installation These offers are valid until 31/12/2015 07834 612009 01206 322063 01473 214215 (estimates given before work undertaken) Michael J Byles Plumbing & Heating HIGH QUALITY PAINTER & DECORATOR Specialist in Oil Boiler Installations, Maintenance & Servicing - Oftec registered. Period property specialist with over 20 years' experience. References available. General Plumbing & Heating work also undertaken. Tel: 01206 822225 Mobile: 07717 012433 Email: [email protected] 'Jon-Pat', School Road, Langham, Colchester S.E.P Property Maintenance Maintenance, Repairs, Refurbishment Works undertaken Contact Andrew Stobbs Mobile No. 07778 314295 Or 01206 765003 32 Philip Avery Felicity Johnson Interior & Exterior Decorating Established 2002 Domestic Electrician Local, reliable, competitively priced Offering Superior Quality Decorating Experienced with listed properties,renovations, and barn conversions. Advice given with colour schemes, traditional and modern paints. Registered Part P electrician Plumbing Carpentry / joinery Home improvements/maintenance Based in Holton St Mary 07900 242 141 2 The Gardens, Raydon Tel: 01473 311261 Mob: 07923 434689 [email protected] 01473 310 288 [email protected] David Friend Oil Heating Services Oil Fired Boiler Service, Repair and Installation Specialist Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Servicing and commissioning of oil fired boilers. Boiler and system breakdowns. AGA’s, Rayburns and Stanleys. Oil tank replacement and installation. Oil boiler replacement. All central heating system components catered for. No call out charge. Free quotes. Tel 01394 411839 Mobile 07786 971425 33 Nigel Bruce Industrial & Domestic ELECTRICIAN ‘The Swift’, Upper Street, Stratford St. Mary, Colchester CO7 6JW Telephone: 01206 322751 34 David Price Painter and Decorator Specialising in Complete redecoration and Restoration Interior and Exterior All Wall Coverings and Lime Washing Period and Modern Properties Free Estimate and Colour Advice Clean Out and Repair Guttering Fully Insured TEL 01206 679920 MOBILE 07872 001929 Over 30 years Experience Andy slocombe brickwork serving the dedham vale G Ranson Plumbing & Heating Friendly service, Corgi Registered Plumber Based in Stratford St. Mary No call out charge All jobs considered Quotes given before work undertaken Taps, Radiators, Bathrooms, Boilers, Servicing, Guttering for all your building requirements property maintenance, roofing, block paving, landscape, repairs &restoration tel 01206 322884 / 07786 871364 3 Constable Row Manningtree Road Dedham nr Colchester Essex CO7 6DW Email: [email protected] Tel: 07912161646 Andy Smith Roofing TILING SLATING FASCIAS AND GUTTERING LEADWORK POINTING GENERAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE For more information contact Harvest Cottage,Upper Street Stratford St Mary CO7 6JW 01206 322882 07754368693 “We are Specialists in Grade II Listed Buildings” For all your internal and external painting and decorating work: Doors, Windows, Skirting and Fascias Floor and Wall Tiling Artexing and Coving Wallpapering General Repair and Maintenance NVQ2 Qualified A PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & DECORATING SERVICE FROM PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST For a FREE Estimate Contact Steve Ferguson on 07719 357322 or 01206 393351 – [email protected] Sbras, East End, East Bergholt, Colchester, Essex CO7 6XQ 35 BAILAND GENERAL BUILDER EXTENSIONS RENOVATIONS BATHROOMS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS PROFESSIONAL WORKMANSHIP WITH EXQUISITE ATTENTION TO DETAIL TOAD HALL, THE HEATH, DEDHAM, ESSEX, CO7 6BT 07920 449074 01206 323230 36 In the House So Much More Than a Dance Class COLCHESTER FOOT CLINIC Any age and ability are very welcome No partners required REGISTERED CHIROPODISTS & PODIATRISTS 292 Ipswich Road, Colchester, ESSEX. CO4 0ES TEL/FAX: 01206-854300 “Strictly” style Dance-a-cise Classes Colchester Foot Clinic is pleased to announce that, as from March 2015, we will be offering an outreach clinic at: 60 minute class only £5.50 in The Institute, Stratford St Mary every DEDHAM DOCTORS SURGERY Manningtree Road, Dedham, CO7 6DU Friday morning Classes also in: Brantham, Capel St Mary,East Bergholt, Great Waldingfield, Hadleigh & Nayland WEDNESDAY’S 2.00 – 5.00 PM Spaces are limited - to reserve yours Call Janet on 07506 350 455 To contact our receptionist for more details, or to make an appointment, please call us on 01206 854300 [email protected] Fun_Dancing 37 FunDancing.Suffolk AERIAL & SATELLITE SPECIALISTS Family run business – Friendly Local Service • • • • • • • Digital TV Aerials Sky HD & Multi-room Freesat HD & Freeview Additional TV points TV Installations Aerial & Satellite Repairs CAI, RDI & TRADING STANDARDS APPROVED For A Free Quote Call 01206 322071 Strickmere, Stratford St Mary CO7 6NX Yoga-Nut with Katie Courts The Bridal Lounge Highly-qualified yoga teacher & nutritionist at Stratford-St-Mary’s Parish Rooms. Mondays 6.15-7.30pm: Level 1 yoga; Mondays 7.30-8.45pm: Level 2 yoga Bridal Gowns, accessories & Bridesmaid dresses. Use yoga &/or nutrition to heal longterm injuries, lose weight, & find energy! For more information and bookings email: [email protected]; Tel: 01206 323757; or visit Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07738901237 38 DianaM Cleaning ● Home weekly cleaning ● Home deep cleaning ● Office cleaning Contact information: Diana Marinova Mobile number: 07925 624123 Email address: [email protected] Home Appliances A HANDYMAN SERVICE Domestic Appliance Repairs Casper M A De Boer Pilchard’s ,4 Visdelou Terrace Shotley Gate, IP9 1PR Phone: 01473788 222 Mob: 07789 751 781 For a Fast, Genuine Repair Service Throughout a 20 Mile radius of Ipswich REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF * WASHING MACHINES * DRYERS * DISHWASHERS * VACUUM CLEANERS * COOKERS Flatpack assembly - Carpentry Plumbing - Curtains - Draft proofing - Decorating - Painting CRB checked. Established 1988. [email protected] No job too large or small, so just make the list. Please contact me for costs and references anytime. ANYTIME (01473) 780238 Mobile 07769 662545 2 CHURCH ROAD CHELMONDISTON, IPSWICH 39 R & D SCHOFIELD LTD Removals & Storage Established 1919 Moving made easy • Local & long distance • European & worldwide • Professional packing service • Pianos - Antiques - Fine Art • Part loads & single items • Short & long term storage • DIY packaging materials for sale • Long serving staff • Free quotations & advice • Regular London service When flexibility and service is important Colchester Clacton on Sea 01206 322255 01255 408075 Sudbury 01787 259078 Foxash, Harwich Road, Lawford Manningtree, Essex CO11 2LR [email protected] Why not give us a call to see what we can do for you. Contact us for a free, no pressure design consultation on 01473 805532 or email us at: [email protected] 40 Could the kitchen do with an update? Does your bathroom need a new look? We can renovate your kitchen or bathroom to the highest standards CARPET FITTING SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION CARPET AND VINYL SPECIALIST FLOORING ACCESSORIES 07740 829 499 07933 157 121 (Based in Dedham) 41 Professional Services Josh Good Maths and Economics Tutor up to A Level Masters in Engineering and Economics - Oxford University 14 years teaching experience – Fully qualified Recently teaching A level at Colchester County High School for Girls Call 07427 641 931 or email [email protected] Hourly rate is £30 for Maths and £35 for Economics Tutoring takes place at Old Hall, East Bergholt, CO7 6TG Foster Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic · · · · · · Back, neck & sciatic pain Trapped nerves Hip, knee, ankle, hand & wrist injuries Whiplash injuries / Shoulder problems Tennis / Golfers’ elbow Muscle tension / strains Former England Cricketer Neil Foster Chartered and Health Professions Registered Physiotherapist Tel: 01206 299 749 Victoria Cottage, Heath Road, East Bergholt, CO7 6RL 42 Luke Jackman Bsc Hons Ost Registered Osteopath Tel: 01206 322836/07974 144593 Dedicated to getting you better Osteopathy and Western Medical Acupuncture clinic ideally located in the heart of the Dedham countryside, providing treatment for you and your family. ●Back pain/sciatica ●Pain/stiffness from Arthritis ●Muscle strains ●Hip/knee/ankle pain ● Tennis/Golfers Elbow ● Tendonitis ●Neck/shoulder pain ● Ligament sprains ●One hour initial appointment ●On-site free parking ●Open weekdays, evenings and weekends Experienced practitioner who has worked in busy multi-disciplinary practice, giving a greater depth of knowledge in managing your treatment and follow up care 43 Making your will I offer a home visit service for clients wishing to make their wills, lasting powers of attorney or advance decisions (to refuse medical treatment). As a retired solicitor I help my clients make well planned arrangements (including providing witnesses to ensure legal acceptance) at a very competitive price. Please call 01206 263420 or email me at [email protected] ROGER BALMER DESIGN ARCHITECTURE AND GARDEN DESIGN Telephone: 01206 299477 Email: [email protected] 44 Hayley Newell M.Ost Registered Osteopath Previous Commonwealth Karate champion Hayley Newell is an experienced Osteopath working at our satellite clinic in the Constable Country Medical Practice Specialising in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems including back/neck pain, sprains, headaches, whiplash, tendonitis and arthritis. Call today and let your recovery begin. Tel: 01473 217592 EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER Need help with your book keeping? • • • • • • • • • • Sage Line 50 and SageOne Sage Payroll Clearbooks Excel VAT Returns Self Assessments Management reports Credit control Qualified accountant Nearly 20 years experience Local and experienced Contact Joanne calcul8bookkeeping@outlook. 07812 708974 45 Victoria Baker PILATES Personally designed courses to improve posture, joint alignment, movement and strength. Group and individual sessions in a private, comfortable studio. Tel: (01206) 322244 M obile: 07887 987280 [email protected] Unit 18 Dedham Vale Business Centre M anningtree Road Dedham CO 7 6BL Maths & Science Tuition Primary to A Level School Entrance Exams Tuition from an experienced Teacher Call or email to discuss your needs Celia Iredale Tel: 01473 314151 Mobile: 07450 769944 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01206 615462 Mobile: 07940 913206 Email: [email protected] Web: The Care Advice Hub has been developed to assist you and your family to navigate your way through the care system by drawing on local and national expertise in your area. This has been designed for those that need to fund their own care costs and all the implications that follow. The Care Advice Hub will pro-actively introduce you to services such as:Legal & Professional Services Independent Financial Advisers Equity Release specialists Will Writers Power of Attorney specialists Solicitors Care Services Independent Social Worker Domiciliary Care Live In Care Care Homes Local support groups 46 REFLEXOLOGY ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Master NLP Practitioner Overcome problems – Feel great – Achieve your goals Marion Gill. M.A.R. HUGH CLOVER (MA Ed), MABCH, MCAHyp UKCHO Tel: 01473 314008 20 years experience: Caring and confidential help with relaxation, stress, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking, weight, unwanted habits, and many other psychological, emotional and physical problems. Hugh is experienced working with children and teenagers. Practitioner for 20 years Operating from Holton St Mary and Stow Health Medical Centre, Stowmarket. ‘Hugh provides a life changing service in a calm and trusting environment and has a deep understanding of the human psyche. I believe everyone should try it.’ Mrs EK WHY NOT TAKE A LOOK AT HUGH’S WEBSITE? WWW.HUGHCLOVER.CO.UK Member of the Dedham Vale Network of Complementary Therapists and practitioners. For further information please contact Hugh on 01206 323089 or email [email protected]. (Stratford St Mary - Easy access and parking just off the A12 between Ipswich and Colchester) 47 Andrew Stewart MSST MRSS Sports Therapist and Shiatsu Practitioner Injury management and rehabilitation Back and neck pain, Sciatica, headaches Stress related conditions, Joint pain, nagging injury and much more Practicing in Raydon for over 5 years [email protected] Tel 01473 652093 THE BARN VETERINARY PRACTICE Station Farm Kennels Robert M Hill BVMS MRCVS Wenham Road, Copdock, Ipswich Tel: 01473 730213 2A Ashcroft Road (off Norwich Road), Ipswich Tel: 01473 743460 Consultations by appointment 24 Hour Emergency Service Monday-Friday: 8.30am-7pm. Saturday: 9am-12noon. Sunday: 10am-1pm (Ashcroft Rd only) MODERN DIAGNOSTIC, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL FACILITIES ON SITE CAR PARKING A small select Kennels and Cattery Linda Rowe Woodlands Road, Raydon, Ipswich IP7 5QD Telephone (01473) 827973 Surgical Operating Theatre • Ultrasound scanner Radiography Department • Electrocardiography Own laboratory for rapid testing • Endoscopy Hospitalisation with isolation ward • Stabling 48 The answ er t o a l l your pest pr oblem s Fr e e a d v i ce , su r v e y s a n d q u o t a t i o n s Rats, Mice, Squirr els, Moles, Rabbits, Wasps, Hornet s, Cluster Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Mot hs, Flies, Fly killers & Scr eens Penrose & Partners VETERINARY SURGEONS Upper Street STRATFORD ST MARY Tel: 01206 323414 “Friendly, Professional, Local” The St r eet , Raydo n I P7 5LW E: info@pest solut uk w w w .lauriepest cont T: 01473 396807 Mon–Fri 8.45-12.30 & 2.30-6.30 (4.00 Wed) Sat morning at Brinkley Lane Consultations by appointment Operating Theatre Main Branch 70 Brinkley Lane, Highwoods, Colchester 01206 842608 John L. Haste Monumental Mason and Consultant, Memorial renovations. New Memorials supplied, Meadow View Cottage Higham, Colchester, Essex. CO7 6ND Tel: (01206) 337358 49 which is why at Grier and Partners we are dedicated to giving you information on your property’s perform ance 24/7. Our Myhousebook feature is a secure online journal, which you can use whenever you’re on the move. Providing you with up to date information on your house sale or let, including Rightmove visits and viewing feedback, all included as part of our exceptional standard of friendly and professional service. We believe this is what sets us apart from ordinary estate agents that just don’t have our spirit to win. Sound refreshing? Contact us today on 01206 299222 or visit us online. Find us on ..Facebook & Twitter 50 The agent with the Terrier spirit Printed by K•D S, Chattisham. (01473) 652 354 Information on your house sale tailored to you There’s nothing worse than being out of the loop when selling or letting your property, BENEFICE CONTACTS, SERVICES AND EVENTS Contact details Rector: Revd Rosalind Paul: The Rectory, Raydon, IP7 5LH. Tel.: 01473 310677. Email: [email protected] Benefice website: Please contact the Rector direct to talk about baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, or for home visits. Please note that her normal day off is Friday. Churchwardens Higham Nicola Tindall 01787 212340 (Elder) Martyn Carr 01206 337325 Holton Paul Torrington 01473 312046 Jean Styles 01473 828532 (Elder) Raydon Geoff Horrex 01473 310422 Simon Tennent 01473 310320 Stratford Christine Cousins 01206 322530 (Elder) Jonathan and Janet Dewey (01206 322148) Morning Prayer in April This month Morning Prayer will be said at 9.45 a.m. as follows: Tuesday 14th Holton Thursday 16th Higham Tuesday 28th Raydon Anyone is welcome to join us. Silent Prayer Group This group continues to meet at 11.30 a.m. in the Rectory for 25 minutes of silent prayer, with fellowship. Do come and join us if you can. (The group will not meet on 6 or 20 April.) Midweek Communion This month's short service of Holy Communion in the Parish Room at Stratford St Mary will be at 10 a.m. on 15 April. Lunch at the Anchor This month we shall meet at the Anchor at 12.30 on 29 April. Healing Course The final session will be held on 15 April at 7.30 p.m. in the Chapel at SSM. The Alpha Course On 30 April at 10 a.m. we shall start a 7-week long Alpha Course in the Rectory. We shall begin with coffee and then watch a DVD, followed by discussion. This is for anyone who would like to know more about the Christian faith, not necessarily those who have already made up their minds on the matter! Sunday Services in April 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. N.B. 6.30 p.m. 12th Raydon Higham (Easter Communion) SSM Raydon 19th Holton SSM 5th April 26th Higham Raydon SSM Family hour 3rd SSM Holton 10th Higham Raydon 17th Holton SSM 24th Higham 31st Raydon SSM Family Hour Deanery Eucharist at St Mary’s Hadleigh Services for Holy Week 30th 31st 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Higham ) Holton ) 6.30 p.m. Compline (Night Prayer) Raydon ) 6.30 p.m. SSM the Maundy Thursday Liturgy 9 a.m. the Good Friday Walk of Witness starts at SSM at 9 a.m. and ends at Raydon at 3 p.m., with short services at the beginning and the end. 7.30 p.m. Raydon the Easter Eve Vigil New Testament Readings and Collects for weekdays in April 29 March: Palm Sunday. True and humble King, hailed by the crowd as Messiah, grant us the faith to know you and to love you, that we may be found beside you on the way of the cross, which is the path of glory. Amen. 30th Luke 22.1-23 31st Luke 22.24-53 1st Luke 22.54-71 2nd Luke 23.1-25. MAUNDY THURSDAY 3rd John 18 & 19. GOOD FRIDAY 4th John 2.18-22. Easter Eve 5 April: EASTER DAY. God of glory, by the raising of your Son you have broken the chains of death and hell. Fill your Church with faith and hope, for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 6th Mark 16.1-8 7th Luke 24.1-12 8th Matthew 26.16-end 9th Luke 7.11-17 10th Luke 8.41-end 11th John 11.17-44 12 April: Easter 2. Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred, open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father. Amen. 13th John 20.1-10 14th John 20.11-18 15th John 20.19-end 16th John 21.1-14. Isabella Gilmore, Deaconess, 1923 17th John 21.15-19 18th John 21.20-end 19 April: Lent 3. Risen Christ, you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope. Strengthen us also to proclaim your risen life and fill us with your peace, to the glory of God the Father. Amen. 20th Ephesians 1.1-14 21st Ephesians 1.15-end. Anselm, Abbot of Le Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith, 1109 22nd Ephesians 2.1-10 23rd Ephesians 6.10-20. George, Martyr, Patron of England, c. 304 24th Ephesians 3.1-13. Mellitus, Bishop of London, 1st Bishop at St Paul's, 624 25th Acts 12.25-13.13. Mark the Evangelist 26 April: Easter 4. Risen Christ, faithful shepherd of your Father's sheep, teach us to hear your voice and to follow your command, that all your people may be gathered into one flock, to the glory of God the Father. Amen. 27th Ephesians 4.1-16. Christina Rosetti, Poet, 1894 28th Ephesians 4.17-end. Peter Chanel, Missionary in the South Pacific, Martyr, 1841 29th Ephesians 5.1-14. Catherine of Siena, Teacher of the Faith, 1380 30th Ephesians 5.15-end. Pandita Mary Ramabai, Translator of the Scriptures, 1922 1st James 1.1-12. Philip and James, Apostles 2nd Ephesians 6.10-end. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 373 APCMs 13th 14th 16th 29th 7.30 p.m. Raydon, in the church 7.30 p.m. SSM, in the church 7.30 p.m. Higham, in the church 7.30 p.m. Holton, in the Village Hall For your prayers Holton: The Clark Family, Gerard Noel Raydon: Cliff Cooper, Pat Cousins, Dennis Parnell, Patricia Reeves, Simon Tennent SSM: Tom Clover, Reg Price, Dwayne Outside the Benefice: Helen Gregory, Lizzie Gregory, David Keeble, Nick Middleton
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