YtÅ|Äç Éy Yt|à{ f{tÜ|Çz g|Åx? gtÄxÇà? tÇw gÜxtáâÜx hÇt YtÅ|Ä|t wx Yx VÉÅÑtÜà|xÇwÉ g|xÅÑÉ? gtÄxÇàÉ ç gxáÉÜÉ WELCOME TO Holy Angels Church 107 SAN PEDRO ROAD COLMA, CA 94014 APRIL 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY Pastoral Staff Devotions Rev. Alex L. Legaspi, Pastor Rev. Erick E. Arauz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Juan Ruiz, Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Lerny Prudenciado, Permanent Deacon Rosary Daily After 7:30AM Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)Mondays After 5:45 PM Mass Marian Congregation & Rosary Wednesdays 7:00PM (Spanish) Adoration of the First Friday After 7:30AM Mass Blessed Sacrament until the 5:45 PM Mass Sacred Heart/Devotion First Friday After 5:45PM Mass Music Coordinators Margaret Anne Kerns Tito Rangasajo Laura Reyes Rudy Valeros, Sr. Confessions/Reconciliation Educational Staff Sr. Leonarda Montealto, O.P., School Principal K to 8th Connie Gonzalez, Director of Holy Angels Pre-School Sr. Delia Obenza O.P., Coordinator, School of Religion (CCD) and Confirmation OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8:00AM–12PM, 1:00PM–5PM; School K to 8th ……………………………………….(650) 755-0220 Holy Angels Pre-School……………………………...(650-303-1478 School of Religion (CCD)…………………………... (650) 992-5539 Deacon Lerny Prudenciado …………………….…..(650) 758-3480 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)…………….…..(650) 758-3480 Support Staff Nymia Tolentino, Bookkeeper Ning Ludovico, Secretary Lynne Horan, Secretary/Receptionist Magdalena Turcios, Housekeeper Roger Turcios, Maintenance Organizations Parish Council Finance Committee Filipino-American Club (FIL-AM) Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Knights of Columbus (K of C - Council 10948) Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Group St. Vincent de Paul Society Grupos Latinos Teen/Youth Groups Latin Youth Group Holy Angels Youth Ministry Saturday………….3:30-4:15PM (or by appointment with a priest) Telephone Numbers Rectory (Parish Office) ..…………….…..…….……(650) 755-0478 Parish Fax…………………………………………….(650) 755-7653 Masses 4th Thursday Quarterly 3rd Sunday 2nd & 4th Monday 2nd Sunday & 1st Monday Every Saturday Every Thursday 1st & 3rd Thursday 1st Sunday 7:30PM 7:30PM 12:30PM 7:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 9:30AM 7:00PM 7:00PM 10:00AM Every Friday 7:00PM Every 4th Sunday 5:30PM Saturday ............................. 7:30AM, 4:30PM (SUNDAY VIGIL) Sunday ................................ 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM (Español), 11:30AM, 1:00PM & 4:30PM Weekdays…...7:30AM, 5:45PM First Friday & Holy Days of Obligation………………..7:30AM, 5:45PM Baptism: Pre-Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call the rectory two months in advance to register and to make an interview appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least six months prior to the wedding date. Sacraments for the Sick: Call the parish office when you know of a parishioner who is ill. A priest will administer the Anointing of the Sick when necessary; if the parishioner is unable to come to Mass contact the rectory at 650-755-0478. Page 2 Easter Sunday - April 5, 2015 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Pastor’s Easter Message — Psalm 118:17 SEEKING Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Christian communities gathered around the Apostles, seeking more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the baptized Colossians to “seek what is above.” Mary of Magdala went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lord’s body so that she could anoint it. We come to church on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once‑a‑year journey, when we seek connection with the foundations of the Christian faith. For others, this day is the culmination of a long journey of Lenten repentance. For the newly baptized, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expectation. Whatever it is that we seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the empty tomb, “saw and believed.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacri-ficed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:1335). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. May you feel the hope of new beginnings , love and happiness during this joyful Easter. Father Alex, Father Rey, Deacon Lerny, Deacon Juan and the Parish Staff My Dear Parishioners, Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection, is the greatest day of the year. It is a day of triumph, happiness and rejoicing. It commemorates the victory of Christ over every worldly evil including sin and death. His resurrection from the dead placed the seal of divinity upon His teachings. That is why at Easter Time the Church sings with joy and gladness. The Resurrection means much more than a happy ending to Calvary. It is the climax of the great drama of our salvation. How proud we should be to profess our faith, to live it, to generously support it and help it bring to others. That pride in our Church led us to fully take part in the recent Holy Week Services and prompted us to receive Holy Communion during the Eucharistic celebrations. Let me take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you, our dear Parishioners and those who worship here at Holy Angels, for particularly keeping this, our Parish of Holy Angels, the fine place of worship which you have helped to maintain over these many years. Thank you very much for your faithful continued support. May the peace and joy that you experience on ‘Easter Morning’ be a foretaste of the eternal happiness that God has prepared for those who love Him. And may the Holy Redeemer bestow on you that peace and happiness which He alone can give. On behalf of the Clergy and the Parish Staff, we wish you a blessed and happy Easter! Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Alex L. Legaspi Pastor Welcome in the Lord to Holy Angels Church We extend our hands and hearts to you here whether longtime parishioners or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If you are not registered, please fill out the form below and place in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office: Name: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ Ο Put me on mailing list O Send Offertory Envelopes Ο Call the parish Office Ο MOVING:Please CYCLE B—BULLETIN 19 The Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary join with the faculty, support staff and students of Holy Angels School in wishing Easter blessings to all the parishioners of Holy Angels Church. We thank you for your loyal support of our school and pray that God will reward you abundantly for your generosity. Page 3 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord . . . Rosie Barbonio, Maria Concepcion Acuña . . . and let perpetual light shine upon them. MASS INTENTIONS Mon., 4/6 7:30 Intentions/Lita Romero Rosina Prefeti Alaide & Albert Bertini TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Soledad Bernardino Our tradition has a way of 5:45 Jackson Zapanta honoring age-old customs, and Tues., 4/7 7:30 Arturo La Pena is patient with how practices Hanolino F. Cruz unfold in different places. The 5:45 Hanolino F. Cruz name of today’s feast illusWed., 4/8 7:30 Maria Elena Rivas trates this well. English is a Editha Borja Germanic language, and our 5:45 Editha Borja word “Easter,” or German Thu., 4/9 7:30 James Fogliano “Oester,” points back to the pagan god. READINGS FOR THE WEEK 5:45 Virginia Lawson Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1 dess Eoestre, the star of the vernal equiFri., 4/10 nox feast. The Greek title “Pasch” reaches 7:30 Bartolomeo Ratto -2a, 5, 7-11; back in a more helpful manner to the He- 5:45 Orlando, Irene, Angelo & Mt 28:8-15 Yolanda Disperati Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, brew “Pesach,” or “Passover.” “Paschal Sat., 4/11 18-20, 22; Triduum” may be slow to replace “Easter” 7:30 Intentions/Gigi Miranda Jn 20:11-18 in our vocabulary, but it is clearer about 4:30 Rosendo & Elia Gomez Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, the mystery we celebrate today, the culmiMarilyn Perez Louisa Wai Chu Pon 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 nation of three days laden with mystery Annette Dizon Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5 and meaning. Ernie Atencion -9; Lk 24:35-48 Sun., 4/12 You can hear the older term, and the Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, Fogliano resistance to English influence, in the Irish 7:00 Intentions/Rose 4, 22-27a; Intentions/Nynia Francisco “Casca” and Scottish “Pask.” Romance 8:30 Intentions/Rosie Mostoles Sabalo Jn 21:1-14 Intentions/Lea O. Cruzana languages stay close to the deep paschal Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, Cresencia Villaza tradition, with the French “Pâques,” Span14-15ab, 16-21; Julia Brecio ish “Pascua” and Italian “Pasqua.” MemoMk 16:9-15 Souls in Purgatory Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, ries of our pagan past with “Oester” will 11:30 Jose Dy, Sr. Carlos & Cecilia Baon 13-15, 22-24; not soon fade away: even Japanese 1:00 Intentions Holy Angels 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Christians are under her spell, for today’s Volunteers feast is called “ I-suta.” Swahili, a young 4:30 Jeffrey Borrero language, takes the more traditional route The Holy Angels March 21 - March 22 with “Pasaka.” Each language yields a School community The 1st collection amounted to rich insight into the feast. Spanish ininvites everyone to $8, 014.75 and the 2nd cludes a sense that today is a “big Suncollection for the Archbishop’s Annual their Spring Celebration on day” by adding the designation “Pascua” Saturday, April 25th from 10 am to 2 to the greatest feasts, such as “Pascua de Appeal amounted to $ 1,788. pm. Please join us for a day of song, la Natividad” (Christmas). Once Christ is dance, games and good food. Many risen, every step of life’s journey is illuminated by the light of the Pasch! 2014 Assessment: $63,400.00 exciting prizes will be given away —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Raised to Date: $9,223.00* during our raffle. Raffle tickets are Percentage of Goal: 15% available in the school office. Pledges to Date: 35 *Includes second collections Page 4 . LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY El primer domingo de Pascua debió haber sido bien difícil para los apóstoles que habían dedicado tres años de su vida para seguir al hombre que creyeron era el Mesías, sólo para verlo crucificado y enterrado. Todo parecía perdido. Obsesionados con los sucesos del Viernes Santo les era bien dificultoso al comienzo entender el mensaje de la resurrección. Pero sus ojos y sus corazones se abrieron cuando Jesús mencionó sus nombres, comió con ellos y sopló sobre ellos el don de la paz. Desde ese momento recibieron poder y fueron infundidos de valor y de un entusiasmo nuevo. Con el don del Espíritu Santo comenzaron a ser potentes testigos del mensaje de esperanza y de la vida nueva. Al regocijarnos en la gloria y el poder de la Resurrección llegamos a darnos cuenta de que la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado y la muerte también puede ser nuestra. Vivamos este día de Pascua con fe y convicción, y así llegaremos a participar por siempre de la plenitud de la resurrección de Cristo. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company LA FE EN CRISTO La fe en Cristo y el compromiso con él llevan consigo la garantía de una vida para siempre y..., el estímulo de la esperanza para luchar constantemente contra todo aquello que amenaza la existencia humana. —Anónimo TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE A veces los cristianos preguntamos: ¿qué le pasó a Cristo, durante los tres días de su muerte? La Iglesia de Asia Menor (la actual Turquía) respondió a esto decorando sus templos con murales bizantinos mostrando escenas principales de la vida de Jesús para instruir a los fieles. Una de estas escenas era la de Jesús entre los muertos. Según los evangelios, a la muerte de Jesús muchas tumbas se abrieron y muchos cuerpos de santos resucitaron (Mateo 27:52-53). El símbolo (Credo) de los Apóstoles declara que Jesús descendió a los infiernos. Imágenes antiguas muestran a Jesucristo entrando triunfalmente al infierno, rompiendo las cadenas de los ahí presentes, tomándolos para llevárselos al cielo. El imaginario cristiano normalmente pinta a Jesús con Adán y Eva. Los toma no de las manos sino del pulso, simbolizando que los tiene bien agarrados y nadie, ni el mismo diablo, se los puede quitar. Jesús comparte con todos los difuntos la victoria de su resurrección. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 5 RECTORIA DE LA PARROQUIA Diacóno Juan Ruiz…………………………………(650) 755-0478 Entrevistas para Bautismo los diás Miercoles 4 Y los diás. Jueves Matrimonio 4 Call (650) 755-0478 to schedule an appointment. COORDINACÍON DEL GRUPO LATINO DE HOLY ANGELS Reunión primer domingo de cada mes después de misa Coordinadora: Gladys Gomez...………...…(650) 290-3462 Sub-Coordinadora: María Locon.…………… (650) 455-6811 Secretaria: Jessica Cuellar…....……… (650) 204-0701 Tesorero: Erick Cojulun………………(650) 731-4792 CONGREGACIÓN MARIANA Francisco Hernández………………………………(650) 994-5451 Federico Tobar……………………………………..(650) 756-5537 Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Rezo del Rosario en sala de San Miguel. 1er. Miércoles de cada mes HORA SANTA GRUPO DE INTERCESIÓN Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Alejandrina Gomez………………………………...(650) 992-0990 Oración intercediendo por los enfermes, necesidades de la Parroquia y sus miembros……………...Jueves: 7:00 p.m. en la Sala de San Miguel GRUPO DE ORACIÓN ¨CRISTO FUENTE DE LUZ” Sábado 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla de la Iglesia. Oración por enfermos, necesidades, alabanza y acción de Gracias a DIOS, con testimonios para crecer en nuestra FE. Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Oscar Valencia……………………………...……...(415) 724-2413 GRUPO DE JOVENES “CRISTO VIVE CON LA JUVENTUD” Alejandro Ordoñez…………………………………(415) 678-7200 Karen Santizo……………………………………….(650) 271-1979 Fortalecer la FE de los jóvenes, Oración y compartir en comunidad………………...Reunión cada Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. CORO JUVENIL HISPANO Olga Cojulun………………………………………...(650) 488-0817 Teresa Morales………………………………….….(650) 583-4502 Ensayos, cada Viernes 6:30 p.m. en Sala de San Miguel ESCUELITA INFANTIL DOMINICAL Corina Trujillo…………………………………...…..(650) 757-0853 Cada 2o. y 4o. Domingo del mes. HERMANDAD “NUESTRO SEÑOR DE ESQUIPULAS” Mario Y Lilian Santizo……..……………………… (650) 271-2545 HERMANDAD “DIVINO SALVADOR DEL MUNDO” Rodolfo Castro……………………………………...(650) 992-4762 HERMANDAD “LA PURISIMA” Vilma Alvarez……………………………………….(650) 755-8859 HERMANDAD “GUADALUPANA” Enrique Y Mary Cruz………………………………(650) 954-5507
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