SUNDAY OFFERING May 17, 2015 Envelopes/Pre-Authorized Giving Program $12,577.20 Loose $1,395.50 “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” Corinthians 12:4-6. By giving each of us different gifts, God made sure that the Church would have the right combination of time, talent and treasure that was needed to do God’s work. However, if one of us does not utilize our gifts, God’s plan goes unfulfilled. Some important work is left undone. BAPTISM Expectant parents please contact the parish office three months prior to the baptism date to arrange for the baptism preparation program and for the baptism celebration. The next baptism celebrations are June 21, August 23, October 4, November 8 and December 6. Please call Sr. Marlene Aquino at the parish office, 306 374-1425, for information and to register. MARRIAGE Ar r angements for mar r iage can be made by contacting the par ish pr iest eight months prior to the date of marriage. This will provide adequate time for documentation and the diocesan required marriage preparation program. A preparation program is offered through Holy Spirit parish. This program is intended not only for engaged couples but also for couples considering engagement and marriage. The next session will begin October 18, 2015. Please call Arch McKay, 306 373-0993/[email protected] or the parish office, 306 374-1425/ [email protected] for information and to register. Catholic Family Services, 306 2447773, also offers a marriage preparation program. Please check the diocesan website at saskatoon for more opportunities for marriage preparation. CHILDREN’S LITURGY The pr ogr am takes place dur ing the r eadings and homily at Sunday Mass. It is suitable for children age 3 to pre-First Eucharist. Parents and young people interested in leading the program or helping, please call Shannon Granger, 306 955-0089. NEW IN THE PARISH? MOVING? Please help us keep par ish r ecor ds up-to-date. It assists us to serve you. Please complete the following and return to the parish office by mail or in the weekend collection basket. Thank you for your assistance. WE PLEDGE 5% . . . Face2Face Ministries, $593.84; St. Mary’s Back Door Ministry, $583.45; Global Gathering Place, $764.43. Thank you. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION/CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE _______________________ TELEPHONE _________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________________________ PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES? YES ______ PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING PROGRAM NOT AT THIS TIME ______ YES _________ HOLY SPIRIT PARISH PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 24, 2015 The reason for gifts Look around your church and you will see many gifts. You will see those who sing and those who read, those who preach and those who greet. You will see some who feed the hungry and others who serve on committees. You will see some who decorate and others who converse. Some have a gift for leading prayer, for parenting children or for making people feel at home. Everybody has some gift. Still, not all gifts are equal. Some people excel at their gifts. Others exercise them less capably. The quality of the gift is not that important. It is important to exercise the gift, whatever its extent may be. The use of our gifts releases the power of the Spirit. St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” God gives gifts for a reason. They are meant to be nurtured and used. The gifts manifest the Spirit. When used properly, they draw attention to God who gives, not to the person who has received. The manifold gifts within one community show the marvels of the Holy Spirit. When people share their gifts, they create a spirit of selflessness and inspire others to service. They help everyone appreciate the goodness of God, who gives even before we ask. When people look at you, they also see gifts. For which gifts are you most grateful? How do you share them? Paul Turner. Resource Publications, Inc. Alleluia. Alleluia. Come, Holy Spir it, fill the hear ts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia. Gospel Acclamation WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Charlene Nijhawan Ministry of Care Kelly Wormsbecker Ministry of Care Arch McKay Christian Initiation of Adults Marriage Preparation Bible Study Sr. Marlene Aquino Baptism First Reconciliation Confirmation First Communion Celena Komarnicki Youth Ministry Coordinator OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Delores McLean FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Melina Palendat BUILDING MAINTENANCE Jack Altrogge Ed Yuzyk p/t PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Brent Blazieko Todd Gursky Jeannette Chicoine Darroch Robyn Kondratowicz Jaybee De Castro Ian Rana Rhea Johner Jim Wilson Bev Jutras Kim Morrison PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE Loretta Simonot, Chair Pat Pitka Ed Solie Basil Waslen By leaving a gift in your will or estate to Holy Spirit parish, the impact will be felt and remembered for generations. For more information, please contact the parish office, 306 374-1425. THIS WEEK AT HOLY SPIRIT Monday, May 25 6:30 pm EDGE Youth ministry Tuesday, May 26 8:30 am Mass 7:00 pm 12-Step Spirituality 7:00 pm CWL Executive meeting Wednesday, May 27 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass of Christian Burial Armella Weisensel 5:00 pm Columbian Seniors supper Thursday, May 28 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass (Stensrud Lodge) Friday, May 29 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday, May 30 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Confessions 1:00 pm Wedding 5:00 pm Mass Sunday, May 31 10:00 am Mass 11:00 pm Finding God program 12:00 pm Mass 1:00 pm Baptism 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Mass MINISTRY IN PHOTOGRAPHY Pastor al Council is looking for a group of individuals to share in the ministry of taking photos at liturgical/pastoral events as needed. If you, or someone you know, has an interest in photography, please call Jim at 306 374-7991. On our front cover: F ather Dan leading the children in prayer at the Confirmation/First Holy Communion retreat. May16, 2015. DID YOU KNOW? . . . 50th anniversary of ordination for Fr. Denis Phaneuf will be celebrated with a ‘come and go tea’ on Sunday, May 31, 2:00 - 5:00 pm, Bishop Mahoney Hall at St. Paul's coCathedral. Bishop Don Bolen will be present at 3:30 to offer a special episcopal prayer for the 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Everyone welcome. the Knights of Columbus are hosting a ‘Cancer Treatment Fundraiser’ to help Denise Hounjet-Roth cover the cost of treatments - Wednesday, May 27, Cathedral of the Holy Family; 6:00 pm cocktails; 7:00 pm dinner and dessert auction. There will also be a silent auction and raffle. For tickets, $25 each (table of 8 $200) contact John Cook, 306 477-1748. St. Patrick Parish Garage Sale - Thursday, May 28 and Friday, May 29, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and Saturday, May 30, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - 3339 Centennial Drive. There will be a concession on site, a pancake and sausage breakfast Saturday morning and a bake sale all day Saturday. Proceeds from the Garage Sale will go to the "All of Us Campaign" helping with needs within the parish community. For more details see Transitions: Your Journey of Transformation through Grief and Loss Thursday, May 28, 7:00 pm – Sunday, May 31, 1:00 pm. at Queen’s House Retreat Centre. Cost: $390 (live-in) - limited financial assistance available. Facilitator: Sarah Donnelly, BA, M.Div. To register or for more information, please contact Sarah at 306 717-3707 or [email protected] All former and present staff members of Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools are invited to attend the Annual Retirement Reception to honour this year’s retirees. The reception will be held Tuesday, June 9, 7:00 pm at TCU Place. The Catholic Women’s League is organizing a Food Drive for next weekend, May 30/31. Please help to stock the Food Bank shelves in preparation for the summer months with nonperishable food items. Our sincere ‘thank you’ for your participation and generosity. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Elaine Easton, 306 955-0063 Executive meeting - Tuesday, May 26, 7:00 pm The Catholic Women's League congratulates and thanks the following women for their many years of service to the League: 10 Years Melina Palendat Mary Pasloske Cheryl Starnes Celena Komarnicki 25 Years Julie Borsa Adele Giblin 40 Years Margaret Schwab Kay Lang Anita Usselman 50 Years Donna Brossart Alice Kusch Cathy Kary Helen Fedorchuk Pauline Cameron 55 Years Helen Kays Lucienne Smith 60 Years Anne Engel Katherine Andreas KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 8905 Paul Caves, Grand Knight 306 374-3713 Regular Meeting - Monday, June 8, 7:30 pm For information regarding membership in the Knights of Columbus, please call Paul, 306 374-3713 or Rob Young, 306 374-8559. Water A glorious and lovely custom, the origins of the Easter bath date back a little more than thou-sand years, from the time that large numbers of eastern Europeans first accepted Christianity and were baptized into the faith. The custom takes many forms. It can be as sensuous as taking a warm, perfumed bath by candle light. And it can be as silly as tossing water balloons on the unsuspecting. Water is precious to Christians. It reminds us of the rivers of paradise, the great flood and the Red Sea. In baptism we enter those waters to be created anew. In baptism we are led safely to freedom. Baptismal waters are like a tomb. In them we die, are buried and are raised with Christ. The waters are like a womb. In them we are reborn. Throughout Eastertime, the 50 days from Easter until Pentecost, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord each January and on the actual anniversary of your own celebration of the first sacrament, remember and renew your baptism. Ask parents and godparents what they can recollect about it. What mementoes can you find - your robe, candle or certificate? Set a bowl brimming with water on the kitchen table. Morning and night, take some water on your fingertips and make the sign of the cross as a pledge of resurrection. Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. Text by Peter Mazar. Art by Vicki Shuck. JUBILEE YEAR Holy Spirit is celebrating 50 years as a parish in 2016. Parish Council is looking to form a committee to plan our year of celebration. If you are interested in serving on this planning committee, please contact Bev Jutras by email [email protected] or the parish office, 306 374-1425. HOLY SPIRIT FAMILY DAY This year Family Day at Holy Spirit is Sunday, June 7. Volunteers are needed to help with the many activities during the day - barbeque, fish pond, popcorn, helping with activities in the hall. Please email Kelly at [email protected] or call the office 306 374-1425. PARISH PLANT SALE The Art and Environment Committee is having a plant sale on Sunday, June 7, after the 10:00 am Mass (11:00 am to 12:00 noon). Parishioners wishing to donate plants for the gardens and/or for the sale, please contact Jim Wilson, 306 3747991. Proceeds will go towards maintaining Holy Spirit church gardens. FOOD FOR THE POOR A food container is available at the chur ch entr ance to r eceive your gifts of non-perishable food. This food will be distributed to agencies in Saskatoon involved in helping to feed the poor. Why not try on a weekly basis to bring an item of food? It will be a great reminder of God’s blessings and how we are called to bless others. HOLY SPIRIT PARISH 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V7 Office Rectory 306 374-1425/Fax 306 374-3190 Rectory 306 664-4548 Email [email protected] Website Office Hours 9:00 am-12:00 pm 1:00pm-5:00 pm Pastor Rev. Ken Beck Associate Pastor Rev. Dan Yasinski Diocesan website WELCOME to all visiting with us this weekend. Your faith and spirit enrich our community. May you travel safely and know that God’s presence is always with you. Farewell . . . to Father Ken (40th anniversary of ordination) and to Father Dan Dinner with the Priests Saturday, June 13, 2015 Holy Spirit church 6:00 pm Cocktails 6:30 pm Dinner Tickets - $20 per person available next weekend May 30/31 following all Masses Cash bar The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon and the Eparchy of Saskatoon cordially invites you to attend Congratulations to Deacon Greg Smith-Windsor of Holy Spirit parish. Deacon Greg will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Donald Bolen on Friday, June 19, 7:00 pm at the Cathedral of the Holy Family. A prayer vigil for Deacon Greg and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be held on Thursday, June 18, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at St. Paul Co-Cathedral. All are welcome to attend. Deacon Greg and his family have been long time parishioners of Holy Spirit. He attend Greystone Heights elementary school, Holy Cross High School, University of Saskatchewan and St. Peter’s Seminary in London, Ontario. God’s abundant blessing as Deacon Greg prepares for priesthood and ministry in the diocese of Saskatoon. Eucharist and Missioning Ceremony of the twenty-seventh graduating class from the Lay Formation Program Sunday, June 7, 2015 - 2:30 pm (tea to follow) Cathedral of the Holy Family 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon, SK Holy Spirit parish thanks, congratulates, and asks God’s blessing on Doug and Carrie Mills, Holy Spirit graduates for 2015. This program, meeting monthly for two years, enables participants to explore their faith and participate in parish life. Congratulations to all participants and may you continue to be a blessing to your parish. “ . . . were not our hearts catching fire within us as he spoke to us on the road?” Luke 24:32. WE PLEDGE 5% . . . The Blackstrap Youth Camp gives youth, age 9 to 13, the opportunity to experience God through nature and fellowship with other young people. The camp is sponsored by the Saskatoon Knights of Columbus and is supported by the Diocese of Saskatoon and the Eparch of Saskatoon. Campers take part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including canoeing, swimming, hiking and tenting. Funds will be used to sponsor youth who, for financial reasons, could otherwise not attend. REST IN PEACE Pr ayer s and condolences to Marci, Marianne, Les, Cheryl, Ron and families on the death of husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, Adolph Matsalla. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in God’s peace. Holy Spirit Catholic Women’s League Parish Shawl Ministry - shawls knitted or crocheted while praying for intended recipients. The prayer shawls are then blessed at a Catholic Women’s League Mass. If you are aware of anyone who needs or would just appreciate a shawl, please call Barb, 306 374-0981, or Cathy, 306 374-3063. MINISTRIES for May 30/31 Altar Servers 5:00 pm Grace Rath team 10:00 am Jonathan Javillo team 12:00 pm Cong Tong team 7:00 pm Eldon Feraro team Children’s Liturgy 10:00 am Jennifer Boutin/Amanda Conway Benjamin Schubert 12:00 pm No Children’s Liturgy 7:00 pm Laurisa Kustaski/Mary Little Alyssa Hagen Jesus’ disciples find voice The Feast of Pentecost is not only about Jesus' disciples finding a motivating mission but about their finding voice - words for expressing their experience of Jesus. Any powerful, spiritual experience defies words. The awe one feels at a baby's birth or at a mountain view can't be wholly communicated. Yet finding one's voice is essential to finding one's identity and practicing personal power. In the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus' disciples find irrepressible voices for their lived experience of his ministry, death, and resurrection. Luke pictures 120 of Jesus' men and women disciples, including Jesus' mother, gathered in a room, awaiting the Spirit Jesus promised them when he returned to God. The wind and fire of the Spirit transform the community from voiceless expectation to fiery speech. The Jews that form the crowd hear them in their own languages. These visitors have come to Jerusalem for the feast from every direction - from Mesopotamia in the east and Egypt in the south, from Rome and Libya to the west, from Pamphylia to the north. The listeners come from areas to which Jesus' fiery preachers will spread his message. At Pentecost, the lived experience of Jesus' followers begins to become speech - sermons, stories, parables, dialogs, hymns. Over the first century this fiery speech is handed on and develops into the New Testament. The Pentecost event continues in our time as we still translate and hear Jesus' good news in every language today. We continue Pentecost as we interpret this word for our lives. How do you participate in the fiery speech of Pentecost? Sisters of St. Joseph Good Ground Press How has someone's forgiveness changed you? How has it made you more forgiving? How has forgiving someone changed you? What peace is within your power to give to someone this week? Imagine what the members of this community are talking and praying about together. What promptings of the Spirit do you experience in reflecting on this gospel? Toward what purpose do you experience the Spirit drawing you? RCIA ship drives. The company of 120 whom Luke What experience and gifts do Jesus' first disciples have that you do not for building up a Christian community? What experiences and gifts do you have that they not? GROWING TOGETHER What is faith? How does faith grow? What do Catholics believe and why is it different from other faith traditions? How different is it really? Sessions for the Christian Initiation of Adults are available for anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith. The process begins with an "Inquiry" period, when questions lead to exploration. Drop in - no obligation, no commitment, no pressure at our Q&A sessions. The second phase is the "Catechumenate" period for those who are interested in becoming fully Catholic. Meetings lead to a focus on how to identify God's special calling and purpose for your life. For more information or to register for the RCIA please contact: Meetings begin September 2015 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH Arch McKay 306 373-0993 [email protected] or Parish Office 306 374-1425 or [email protected]
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