LA VENTANA DEL LAGO Volume 34 Number 6 WCID No. 50 Facility Rehab Bonds & Tax Implications for District Residents Jeff Tave In 2014, residents voted to allow WCID No. 50 authorization to sell financial bonds to cover refurbishment/replacement of District facilities. The first bond sale under this authorization was approved by the WCID Board to cover a $4.69 million Water and Sanitary Sewer System/Plant Rehabilitation project. This project will cover much needed maintenance of the above-ground water storage tanks including replacing one, refurbishment of elements at both the potable water and sewer processing plants, new lift station, as well as surveying and repair of the sanitary sewer lines not previously addressed in past years (FYI, apparently the sewer lines in Taylorcrest are in need of significant repair based on initial surveys). The interest rate for the bonds sold was competitively bid, and the low bid came out to be 3.65% for a 25-year bond duration with a 9-year call period. Based on 2014 property appraisal values in the District, the added debt service tax to cover the bonds will be approximately $0.14 per $100 valuation (or $210 for a home valued at $150,000). This amount will be in addition to the annual WCID maintenance & operations tax rate which was $0.2129 per $100 valuation for 2014. As area property values have risen for 2015, the actual bond service tax rate might be a penny or so less, but we will have to wait and see for the "official" rate levied by the District. Hopefully, in the near future, we'll see a letter in our water/sewer bills explaining the project and resulting debt service tax. 2015 - 2016 La Ventana Fundraising Drive A Newspaper for El Lago June 2015 2015 Hurricane Season Tom Merchant, El Lago Emergency Management Coordinator The 2015 Hurricane Season officially began on June 1; your actions should have already commenced and if they have not, here are a few suggestions: Be sure your flood insurance is up to date and paid Clean up around the exterior of your house, trim trees, remove all potential flying debris; be sure gutters are firmly attached Develop an “Emergency Information" list Make a plan if you stay. If you stay: Have a least a three day supply of the basics – water/ food/medicines/cash and be prepared to be without water. Plan for pets Make a plan if you are going to leave. If you leave: Plan to be gone for at least a week Plan your route Plan where you will go and have reservations The above is a short listing of items; go to one of the many online sites for details including the El Lago website <www.ellago> and look for the emergency management tab or the Harris County site <>. I am also available to provide any information I can, my contact information is available through the city web site. Jeff Tave Folks, as we wind down our 2014 - 2015 publishing year, I'd like to thank again all the citizens and advertisers who provided financial support this year. Without your contributions and business, we would not have made it through the year! The loss of the city of El Lago's financial support to offset the publishing of city business and news items continues to pressure us to solicit funds from the community. The City did purchase $250 worth of advertising space this past year, but falls significantly short of the $1250 provided up until this last year. As such, please send your financial support (c/o Carolynn Stanley, 411 Pebblebrook, El Lago, TX 77586) so that we can keep our presses going and have the paper delivered to your home. Remember, your donations are tax deductible as we are a 501C-3 non-profit organization. As the City begins its budget planning for next year, if you feel it should restore its support of the La Ventana to previous levels (which roughly equates to $1.25 per home per year or less than 25 cents an issue), please come to a City Council meeting to "officially" go on the record to voice your support during the Citizen's Forum session of the meeting. Alternatively, send me an email at [email protected], and I'll collect and submit to Council. June 2015 El Lago to Refinance Community Center Certificate of Obligation Jeff Tave El Lago City Council voted to finalize negotiations with its Community Center Certificate of Obligation lender, Southside Bank, concerning terms of the Certificate to take advantage of the historically low interest rates. The existing Certificate carried a 4.45% interest rate, and the City negotiated a 2.42% rate for the balance of the loan (until 2026). The net savings to taxpayers over the life of the Certificate will be $172K. Debt service amount per year will drop over 15% initially before levelling out. The debt service tax of approximately $0.09 per $100 valuation should drop at least $0.01 per $100 valuation before taking into account higher 2015 property valuations. The only downside to the deal was an additional 6-year call period on the Certificate meaning it cannot be paid off prior to 2022 (previously it was 2016). La Ventana Del Lago Page 1 Published monthly by the first Saturday From the Editor Dear Readers – Hope you have an enjoyable Summer break! Please remember to support the paper; we need your donations. The La Ventana del Lago Newspaper FaceBook Group is operational (access via individual request). THE PROCESS HAS RECENTLY BEEN SIMPLIFIED: To join, send a request to the FaceBook Group: La Ventana del Lago Newspaper. A subscription form will be sent to you. Please complete the form (basic contact info and survey) and send it to [email protected]. Do note that all info collected will be for La Ventana use only and not disseminated in any other way. Once your completed subscription form has been received & confirmed, your request to join the Newspaper group will be approved. GroupMaster Windy McCain has been faithfully populating the page with relevant local news. The latest issue of the La Ventana is available for electronic download at: < lvweb.html>. The file is in pdf format (you will need Acrobat Reader, a free utility already installed on most computers). Just click on the “Current Issue” button and the file will be downloaded (or displayed if you have an Acrobat Reader plug-in installed in your web browser application). A link to the La Ventana location has also been provided on the City’s website <>. By the way, if you ever have any issues with the delivery of your paper, whether it be late, lost, found in the gutter, etc., please be sure to contact our Circulation Coordinator, Kimberley Campos. We are only able to correct problems if we are aware of them. Please support your community newspaper! How? Volunteer some time to write an article or two. We’re in need of general reporters to cover miscellaneous El Lago and community activities. Another way is to give us some feedback. What do you like? What are some suggestions for improvement? This is your paper; help us satisfy your needs. Thanks for reading ... EDITOR: Jeff Tave (326-5098) email: [email protected] GENERAL REPORTERS: Ann Vernon, Brenda Klingle, Donna Ward, Janice Makinen ADVERTISING/FLYERS: Jeff Tave (326-5098) LAYOUT & DESIGN: Laurie Fuller (281-513-4833) email: [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER: Carolynn Stanley (326-5066) email: [email protected] CIRCULATION: Kimberly Campos (832-232-2672) FACEBOOK GROUP : Windy McClain email: [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS: Bill Cooke, Tim Dohr, Sabrina Herod, Tom Merchant, Tom Savage, Milagros Tanega, Rob Wohrer, Andrea Wyrick In this Issue… WCID No. 50 Facility Rehab Bonds & Tax Implications………...Page 1 El Lago to Refinance Community Center ………………………...Page 1 Emergency Management………………..…………………………Page 1 La Ventana Fundraising Drive……………………………...……..Page 1 Advertising Policy…………………………………………………Page 2 From the Editor………..…………………………………………..Page 2 LPD Stats………………………………………………………….Page 3 LPD Commission Meeting of 04/13/2015………………………...Page 3 El Lago City Council 04/08/2015 6PM………………………….Page 4 WCID No. 50 Meeting for 04/10/2015………………..…………. Page 4 El Lago Aquanauts Addendum….………………………….……..Page 4 El Lago City Council 04//08//2015 7PM……………………….…Page 5 El Lago City Council Special Meeting Minutes 02/20/2015……...Page 6 El Lago CERT……………………………………………………..Page 6 Neighbor Line……………………………………………………. .Page 6 Classified…………..…...……………………….…………………Page 6 LPD Facebook Page……………………………………...………..Page 7 Meador Library Computer Classes……………………….……….Page 7 Trowels and Tribulations……………………………….…………Page 8 Golf Cart Laws………..…………………………………...………Page 8 Bay Area Meals on Wheels……………………………………......Page 8 El Lago City Council 04//22//2015………………………………..Page 10 El Lago Proud………………………………………….. ………...Page 11 Article Deadlines Jeff Tave Issue ADVERTISING POLICY La Ventana will accept personal ads from City teenagers for lost and found items at no charge. Commercial ads must be camera ready or an additional charge will be added to the prices below: Business card ad (3 1/2” X 2”)…………..….$39 1/8 page (3 1/2 X 2 1/2”) …………………….$45 1/4 page (3 1/2” X 5”)……………….……….$50 1/2 page (7 1/2” X 5”)………………………..$61 1/2 page (3 1/2” X 10”)………………………$61 Full page (7 1/2” X 10”)……………………...$100 Classified ad charges are: $5 for the first three lines; $1 each additional line. Flyers will be inserted and delivered for $85. Deadline for the ads is the 19th of the month. For further information, call: Advertising/Flyers: 281-326-5098. La Ventana is distributed monthly except January, July and August by the first Saturday of the month, with a circulation of 1000. June 2015 To Editor (electronic) No July or August issues Earliest La Ventana Delivery Enjoy your Summer vacation! September August 21 September 5 October September 18 October 3 The La Ventana is a 501C-3 registered, tax-exempt organization. Donations are gratefully accepted and exempt from taxes to the full extent of the law. La Ventana Del Lago Page 2 Significant Items from the Minutes of the Lakeview Police Department Commission Meeting on April 13th Brenda Klingle & Jeff Tave Code Enforcement Officer's Report Commissioner Easley asked about a resident running a business out of his home in El Lago. The resident has been warned several times and was issued a citation for this violation. Commissioners also discussed other violations such as bad trim on garages, running businesses from residences to grass violations. Commissioners discussed putting computers in patrol vehicles, but the Chief felt it was unnecessary at this time except for maybe the Detective's vehicle. Detective’s Activity Report: Commissioner O'Brien asked about the status of the Pelican Reef Apartments. Detective Dohr explained they had recently changed the management company for the property and that the prior manager was very pro-active; the current manager does not appear as attentive to current activity and issues. LPD Cases - April & May 2015 04/24/2015 400 Cedar Lane Burglary - Habitation Resident reported that during the night an unknown suspect had made entry to the house through the back door into the kitchen and den area of the house and took a color television from the den, the complainant’s wallet and his wife’s purse from the counter in the kitchen along with two bottles of liquor. The unknown suspect got away with the cash, credit cards, and identification documents in the wallet and purse as well. The value of the property stolen is approximately $780. No suspects identified. The case is currently under investigation. 05/25/2015 4101 NASA Parkway Theft A resident of the Dwell at Clear Lake Apartments reported that he had an expensive DSLR camera and lenses with equipment bag stolen from his apartment along with a two month supply of his prescription narcotic medication by a W/F suspect that he had let stay with him. While the complainant was at work, and the female was alone at his apartment, she stole his property, which was valued at $3,445, and then left. The suspect was identified and a search for the property was undertaken during the investigation. The property had been pawned by the suspect on 5/20/2015 at a pawn shop in the Clear Lake Area. The property was recovered and returned to the owner and the suspect was identified by the worker at the pawn shop. Charges for theft were filed on the female suspect who was already in the Harris County SO jail on other similar charges. June 2015 Police Chief’s Report: Status Report — Meetings, Personnel - Chief Savage stated he attended a meeting with Commissioner O'Donel and a contractor for drug testing. He also attended a meeting with ITC Harris County for the 800 Radios. Operating costs for the radios will be recovered over the next 2 years. Beginning in March of 2016 cost will increase to $28 per radio and then in March 2017 cost will increase to $41 per radio. ITC informed that the charges will be the same for all agencies. This will effect the Outside Services line item in the upcoming budget year. Chief Savage stated that the Department will have the physical fitness testing for new applicants and for current employees wishing to participate on April 25, 2015. Commissioner Bielat asked about the cost for the Department to test. Monthly Activity Report - Commissioner O'Donel asked about the patrol time versus the miles driven. Chief Savage and Detective Dohr explained to Commissioners that a lot of times this increase in travel miles is when the officer is investigating cases. Financial Report Thru March 31, 2015 - Commissioner Easley asked about both cities payment for a new vehicle. Chief Savage verified that both cities have paid for the new patrol vehicle. Letter of Appreciation for Detective Dohr, Sgt. Hendricks and Officer Beaton - Chief Savage presented Commissioners with a letter of appreciation for Detective Dohr, Sgt. Hendricks and Officer Beaton for their assistance. Two Letters of Appreciation for Officer Smith - Chief Savage presented Commissioners with two letters of appreciation for Officer Smith for helping assist citizens. General Order Discussions 300-1 thru 300-3 - Most of the discussion centered on General Order 300-2. Commissioners discussed the options and the cost for the random drug-testing program. Commissioner O'Brien asked where the location for the testing sites. Chief Savage advised that most hospitals have the capability to provide this service. Commissioners also discussed percentage of personnel for random testing annually. Commissioners O'Donel, Easley, and Sheppard wanted 40% and Commissioner O'Brien wanted 20% annually. Chief Savage explained he has made the changes to General Orders 300-1 and 300-3, which were the state agency title changes. He also stated that he will be emailing Commissioners the next three General Orders in the Personnel Section. La Ventana Del Lago Page 3 Significant Items from the Minutes of the El Lago City Council Meeting on April 8th @ 6 PM WCID No. 50 Minutes for the April 10th Board Meeting Jeff Tave Sabrina Herod & Jeff Tave Direct excerpts from the official minutes deemed to be of interest and edited for space. Full minutes available on the cite website <>. The following are highlights of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors that took place on April 10, 2015. Complete minutes are available at the District office at 1122 Cedar Lane, and on the WCID No. 50 website at <>. Nominate and Adopt an Individual to Proclaim April 25, 2015 in Their Honor - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton motioned and Councilperson Kumar-Misir seconded to proclaim April 25th, 2015 as Carolynn Stanley Day. The motion carried by a unanimous decision. Consider the Renaming of Humble Road - Councilperson Kumar -Misir motioned to approve the renaming of Humble Road to Stanley Lane in honor of Carolynn Stanley and her 30 years of volunteer service to the city. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton seconded the motion and discussion ensued. Councilperson Tave stated that he has an issue with naming a current seated elected official for the following reasons: 1) It could be seen as inappropriate - a way of creating favor as she is still a decision-maker as a City Councilwoman. 2) There should be a priority list for these types of honors as there may be others just as deserving 3) Procedurally, this process is being done incorrectly as she was not notified in the usual manner of this meeting 4) The Council maybe should focus on the first chunk of the city's history, which Councilperson Stanley may or may not be a part of 5) There could be issues with the County when renaming the street and possibly unknown costs. Mayor White exclaimed that it is the City's right to name the streets whatever the Council chooses and that the cost to the city is nil. He said that Councilperson Stanley deserves this honor for working with and being involved with the city for 30 years. The Humble Road name has no real significance for most and the only person this name change will affect is the Charter School. Councilperson deserves recognition and this effort is well worth the small cost. Councilperson Tave stated that Humble Oil had drilling rights and it is part of the fabric of El Lago's history. Councilperson KumarMisir agreed that the naming a sitting Council member could be misconstrued was a valid point. However, Councilperson Stanley is worthy and he said he would like to see it happen. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton said he was having trouble finding anything negative about the re-naming. Mayor White said that although there is no hurry, this would be a nice thing to be able to present at the coming City Celebration. Councilperson Tave recommended reconsidering and possibly doing this at the next year's City Celebration. The motion was approved with a vote of two in favor and with Councilperson Tave voting opposed. El Lago Aquanauts Addendum Jeff Tave In the May issue, the article covering the Keys Club plaque noted that the El Lago Aquanauts were formed in 1964 under the leadership of Coach Jeanette Chase. Thanks to a long-time resident and past Keys Club Board member in the late 1960's, additional information has been brought to light concerning the beginning of the Aquanauts. This information added the contributions of Jan Armstrong (wife of astronaut Neil Armstrong) who was a force in organizing the group and cocoached with Ms. Chase in the early years just prior and after formation of the group. Subsequently, Ms. Chase took over as sole Coach and remains involved to the present day. Although it is not expected that there will be any modifications made to the plaque, Ms. Armstrong's efforts were significant in the initial stages of the Aquanauts existence. June 2015 Approve Preliminary Official Statement, Notice of Sale and Official Bond Form for Series 2015 Bonds – Anthea Moran addressed the Board regarding the Preliminary Official Statement, Notice of Sale, and Official Bid Form for Series 2015 Bonds. Ms. Moran reviewed the documents in detail with the Board. The Board provided comments for incorporation in the Preliminary Official Statement. After discussion, upon motion by Director Brown, seconded by Director Eisenbarth, the Board adopted the Resolution Approving the Preliminary Official Statement for the District’s Series 2015 Bonds, and upon unanimous vote, the Board approved the Resolution and distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement. Authorize Publication of Notice of Sale of Bonds – The Board considered the publication of Notice of Sale of the Series 2015 Bonds. Upon motion by Director Brown, seconded by Director Eisenbarth and unanimously carried, the Board authorized the publication of the Notice of Sale of the 2014 Bonds. Office Manager’s Report – Sabrina Herod discussed: a) 2014 Tax Collections are slowing down and as of meeting date, the County has collected 95% of the District’s expected levy. b). Office personnel will be attending a Cash Handling Seminar on May 8 in Baytown to maintain compliance with the Red Flag Identity Theft Policy. Superintendent’s Report – David Baker discussed: a) Repaired and replaced tap saddle, valve, and meter box at 318 Hickory Ridge; b) Made the requested and approved water tap with meter installation for the Whitecap Drive Park; c) Received complaints from residents by the Water Plant regarding sand blasting materials in the air even though the contractor performing the work was in compliance with EPA and TCEQ environmental protection standards; d). The backflow preventer was certified for the sewer plant; e) Replaced the manhole covers at 518 Bayview Drive and the Loch Lake Entrance; f) Cleaned the grit and debris from the sewer plant lift station pumps. Engineer’s Report – Ron Anderson discussed: a) Two of the three hydropneumatic tanks are back on-line. The third hydropneumatic tank has been blasted and coated. It should be back online in the near future. Ground Storage Tank No. 3 is being blasted and coated. Pay Application No. 4 from the Trey Evans Company in the amount of $48,600 for the Water Plant Rehabilitation is presented and recommended for payment. A motion to approve the pay application was made by Sheila Brown. The motion was seconded by M. B. Eisenbarth and approved by all; b) Camino Services continues its activities with regard to the Sanitary Sewer Cleaning, Televising and Rehabilitation Project. Pay Application No. 4 in the amount of $12,666.14 and No. 5 in the amount of $8,805.72 are being presented and recommended for payment. A motion to approve Camino Services Pay Application No. 4 and No. 5 was made by Sheila Brown. The motion was seconded by M. B. Eisenbarth and approved by all; c) Review of the offering documents with regard to the Bond Application has been completed and the District is actively working with the Financial Advisor and the Attorney on selling bonds; d) The MS4 Permit is completed and the GIS Services are nearing completion and the yearly report for the current permit will be submitted soon. A copy of the submitted report will be kept in the District’s files; e) South Taylor Lake Water Supply Corporation – A recommendation for a system check is proposed before proceeding with any future possible annexation. Annual Review of the FTC identify theft red flag policy – Davis Bonham presented an identity theft red flag policy outlining efforts to ensure the District’s protection of personally identifying information (i.e. payment information, addresses, and phone numbers) used in connection with the residents water and wastewater accounts. The policy was reviewed, presented, approved, and signed. La Ventana Del Lago Page 4 Significant Items from the Minutes of the El Lago City Council Meeting on April 8th @ 7 PM Jeff Tave Direct excerpts from the official minutes deemed to be of interest and edited for space. Full minutes available on the cite website <>. Mayor's Report On City Business - Mayor White reported the following: Hugh Brasseaux is in St. John's hospital with heart trouble. City Council should plan to report or comment on items of interest to them; items should be submitted to the City Secretary for inclusion in the agenda. The City Celebration will be April 25th at McNair Park. There will be meatballs and other food items, the band Radio Rewind and toys for the kids, etc. The Easter Egg Hunt, which was on April 4 th, had good participation. Councilperson Tave asked and Council agreed that Cam Michalak and Carole Gartman of the Events Committee should be acknowledged for their work as it was greatly appreciated. New Business To Consider For Approval Ordinance 426 Declaring Unopposed Candidates Elected And Canceling The General Election - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton motioned to approve Ordinance 426 Declaring Unopposed Candidates Elected and Cancelling the May 9th General Election. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Stanley and approved unanimously. Approve Kitchen Fire Equipment Repair Expense Of $1025 - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton motioned and Councilperson Kumar-Misir seconded approving the expense of $1,025 to repair the kitchen vent hood fire equipment. Councilperson Tave mentioned that the agreement is self-renewing annually and automatically authorizes repairs up to $1,000. He suggested that the city give the required 60day notification to opt in or out of the agreement as soon as possible. He also wanted to know how binding the agreement is and if you must be committed to the contract in order to have the repairs completed. Councilperson Tave then motioned to amend the main motion to approve the $1,025 for the Amerex cylinder and fusible links with cancellation of the agreement after 30 days. Councilperson Stanley seconded the motion to amend. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton stated that he hopes the administrative side of the city is already watching this type of thing. The motion to amend failed with Councilpersons Tave and Stanley voting for, Mayor Pro Tem Skelton and Councilperson Kumar-Misir voting against and the Mayor braking the tie by voting opposed. The initial motion was then voted on with all voting in favor. Review And Take Action On The Following Documents In Order To Lower The Interest Rate For The 2010 Series Certificates Of Obligation Interest 1) Consent And Agreement To Modification Of Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance Of Certificates Of Obligation - Mayor White read aloud the agenda form and recommended motion. Councilperson Tave motioned and Councilperson Stanley seconded approving the Consent and Agreement to Modification of Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation letter. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton clarified that the money saved due to the reduced interest goes back to the residents and was told that it does. Councilperson Tave asked why the December date and was told that the Certificates were originally issued in December. The motion passed by a unanimous decision. 2) Resolution Modifying Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance Of Certificates Of Obligation - Mayor White read Resolution 201502 Modifying the Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Certificates of Obligation aloud. Councilperson Stanley motioned to approved Resolution 2015-02 and the motion was seconded by Councilperson Kumar-Misir. Mayor Pro-Tem Skelton reread Section 2, Item B verifying that the 2.42% interest rate starts on December 1, 2015. Upon being asked, City Financial Advisor Bill Blitch said that the call date was initially assumed by the Bond Attorney to be the same date as the interest payment date in August, but had since corrected it to the December 1st date. The motion passed with a vote of all in favor. Consent Agenda - Councilperson Tave said he would like to consider the minutes of the February 18, 2015 City Council meeting separately. Mayor white called for a vote on the other two Consent Agenda items and they were approved by a vote of four in favor. Minutes Of The February 18, 2015 Public Hearing Minutes Of The February 18, 2015 City Council Meeting - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton motioned and Councilperson Kumar-Misir seconded approving the minutes of the February 18, 2015 City Council meeting minutes. Councilperson Tave said that under item 7.4 on the Resolution forming a planning committee, he would like additional discussion recorded about the Mayor stating that no Council member would be part of or present at the Committee meetings and that is was strictly an advisory board. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton agreed that the additional conversation should be captured in detail from the recording. Councilperson Tave motioned to postpone approving the minutes, Councilperson Kumar-Misir seconded it and the motion was approved unanimously. Minutes Of The February 20, 2015 City Council Meeting Other Items Council Would Like To Suggest For Consideration On A Future City Council Agenda - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton said he would like to: 1) review the mid-year financial report; and 2) do a survey and then discuss the Repsdorph traffic at the first meeting in May. Councilperson Tave asked to have a City Bill Review and to restore this regular bill review back to Council meetings. June 2015 La Ventana Del Lago Page 5 L Significant Items from the Minutes of the El Lago Special City Council Meeting on February 20th Jeff Tave Direct excerpts from the official minutes deemed to be of interest and edited for space. Full minutes available on the cite website <>. Consider/Approve Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance - Mayor White reviewed the flood damage prevention ordinance stating that all but one of the changes to the ordinance were part of the new recommended ordinance by FEMA. The one change specific to our city is the minimum building height above the base flood elevation (BFE) of 24 inches. This is a change from the previous 15.7 foot minimum building height. Over the last ten years, the city has granted variances and failed to uphold the minimum building height. On a recent Community Assessment Visit (CAV), the representative recommended that we 1) put in a freeboard height rather than a fixed height which will then vary with the varying BFE; and 2) that the freeboard not be too high to uphold for all future buildings being build or significantly reconstructed. Councilperson Tave motioned to approve the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and Councilperson Youts seconded it. The motion was approved by all present. Join the La Ventana Team! We are looking for an Editor and Advertising Coordinator. Call Jeff Tave(281) 326-5098 Classified*Classified*Classified Join the El Lago Baby-sitting Co-Op. It’s a great way to exchange baby-sitting at no cost. We just exchange tickets; for example,two tickets pays for 1 hour of baby-sitting. Plus, we have monthly kid and parent fun activities. Please join us or call Peta at (281) 326-1340 for more information. Join the La Ventana Team! We are looking for an Advertising Director. Call Jeff Tave at (281) 326– 5098. Need a babysitter? Give Eve a call @ 281-326-2377. For a responsible, caring babysitter who loves kids. Will gladly care for your pets. Call Kelly Flanagan (281) 326-3735. Baby-Sitting 14 year-old who loves kids. Call Alicia (281) 291-0942. Residential House Cleaning - Thorough & in-depth cleaning. Move-outs and make readies; references available. Crystal Angel Cleaning Service. Call Linda (281)-922-0044 & (713)-947-8930. Pet-sitting - For the best pet-sitter, give Skyler a call at (281) 326-2377. Baby-sitting: 14 year old, 9th grader at CL High, completed American Red Cross baby-sitting course. Experienced. Call Tara Powell at (281) 532-0964. Baby-sitting: 15 year old teenager experienced with kids. 713-906-4351 Pet-Sitting and Plant Care—Will responsibly care for your pets or plants while you are away. Give Eve a call at 281-3262377. June 2015 El Lago CERT Assists at Hampton Inn Fire Art Richard & Jeff Tave Five of our El Lago Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members were on hand to help along with 25 others from the Bay Area CERT group. The fire was located at the Hampton Inn 3000 NASA Parkway in Seabrook, TX. El Lago CERT members assisted some of the displaced residents with water, food, a quiet place to sit for a while, and we also found them places to stay (most of the local hotels/motels offered free rooms) and transported them to those locations. If you have any interest in the El Lago CERT group, please contact Art Richard at 281-326-3348 or [email protected]. El Lago NeighborLine Jeff Tave Here again is the updated El Lago Neighbor Business Line, a list of business owners who desire to promote their services to fellow El Lagoans. The La Ventana in no way endorses these businesses, rather we are reporting their availability. With that in mind, here is our current list by type to date. If you are interested in adding your name/business to the list, please contact Jeff Tave (281-3265098 or via email: [email protected]) by August 21 (for the September issue). The listing fee is $4 per issue or $30 for a full year (9 issues). All fees go towards supporting the operations of your community newspaper. Academia Borde, Jenny: Alpha-Montessori School (1908 Hialeah), toddlers, pre-school, elementary, summer camp, before/after school. We match prices. Call 281-474-2222. Visit <>. Computers/Networks & Home Automation Wohrer, Rob: OutBackRob.Com, Owner & El Lago resident. We can fix things the Friends & the Geeks can’t. Over 30 years in the business. We come to you! Call 713-OUT-BACK CPA Coggin, John: John F. Coggin CPA PLLC, El Lago Resident since 1985. Full service CPA firm offering individual/corp. taxes, bookkeeping, payroll & monthly financial statements. 713-4081318 or Home Improvement Lehnertz, Tim: Rugmasters Carpet & Floors, Visit our showroom at 4903 NASA Parkway (across from Clear Lake Forest). Family business, 30+ yrs. @ the same location. 281-326-1724. Realty Services Musgrave, Patricia: Edmondson & Associates, will meet all your real estate needs with excellency, El Lago residence since 1967, 281-326-5544 (w), 713-206-3375 (cell), 281-326-1763 (h). Sailing School, Kayaking, Standup Paddleboards Coggin, Laurie: All Points of Sail Sailing School and Kayak/ Standup Paddleboard Rentals, On the water @ Pier 1 West Lakeside Yachting Center. El Lago Resident since 1985. For info, call 281-532-1518, La Ventana Del Lago Page 6 Lakeview Police Department FaceBook Page Tim Dohr, Detective LPD The Lakeview Police Department now has a FaceBook page. Bear with us, as we are still making improvements. Our page can be found at: <>. Please "like" it and follow the page if you are so inclined so that we can increase our exposure. We will be posting such things as crime information, crime prevention tips, and any other information that is relevant to our mission of serving the community. We hope that you will find the information useful. Computer Classes at Meador Library Andrea Wyrick Want to learn or improve your computer skills? The Evelyn Meador Library in Seabrook offers classes for people who want to use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation or other software for business or pleasure. We have classes for beginners and for those who want to further develop their computer skills. All these classes are free and open to the public! For more information, phone the library at 281-474-9142 or come by to pick up a class schedule. June 2015 La Ventana Del Lago Page 7 Trowels & Tribulations in a Suburban 1 Garden Current TX State Laws Regulating Golf Carts Tom Savage, LPD Chief Donna J. Ward, Certified Texas Master Gardener "April showers bring May flowers" - and did they ever! April showers carried over into May and we were graced with plenty of rain, sometimes more than we wanted. Every thing that could bloom - did. Huge magnolia blossoms floating in a shallow bowl of water perfumed the house, panicles of shell ginger blossoms appeared to be made of porcelain, and the 'way-over-my-head' tall gardenia bowed under the weight of creamy, white, fragrant blossoms. Thank you Mother Nature. But, all good things come to an end. June is the beginning of summer upkeep in our gardens. The results of work we did last fall and winter preparing for spring can be canceled out in June. Summer on the Texas Gulf Coast is usually hot and dry. This combination can lead to the demise of those azaleas that performed so well in March, and it's rumored that our neighborhood's azalea display this year made Bayou Bend jealous. I don't need to tell you that the answer to summer's heat is water. Azaleas and camellias are shallow rooted - never let them dry out. Give them a good soaking once or twice a week, maybe more often depending on the heat. They're setting next spring's flowers as we speak. Those trees that you planted last fall or winter are developing their root system. If they are not given ample water, and fragile young roots dry out - well, you know what happens. What many folks think is adequate water and what the Urban Forestry Council thinks may be two different things. Measure the diameter of the tree's trunk at about your waist high. Each inch of trunk diameter requires 5 gallons of water 3 times a week applied at the drip line. Sounds like a lot of water - and it is, but it's necessary to keep your young trees alive and healthy. Water deeply - sprinkling causes the roots to rise to the surface looking for water. Shallowrooted trees succumb more readily to hurricane force winds - it is June after all. The Texas State Legislature passed new laws that regulate the use of golf carts on public streets in the last regular session. Upon close examination of these laws, the following are the major changes: Registration of the golf cart is not required anymore for use on a public street. The golf cart is defined by statute as a “motor vehicle,” which means the operator of the golf cart must have insurance coverage for the golf cart and must have an operator’s license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. (TRC Sec. 502.001, TRC Sec. 601.051, TRC Sec. 521.021) Golf carts may be operated on a public street that has a posted speed limit of not more than 35 MPH. It is permissible to cross at intersections of streets that have a posted speed limit greater than 35 MPH. (TRC Sec. 551.404 (a) (2), TRC Sec. 551.405) Golf carts operated under TRC Sec. 551.404 (a) must have the following equipment. (TRC Sec. 551.404 (b)) - headlamps, taillamps, reflectors, parking brake, and mirrors 3 With our summer temps you may notice that some of your plants are looking wilted during the day. They go into self-preservation mode by reducing the amount of leaf surface exposed to the air - more exposure leads to more evaporation. You may think that water is the answer - but not always. Check again in the late evening or early morning. If they are still wilted during those hours - then get out the hose. Summer is probably not the most optimum time to put in new plants, but that "Sale" sign is hard to ignore. If you did succumb and purchase a few specimens, you will likely be successful if you remember to water every day for a week to help new roots develop. When you get home with your bargain plants, remove all flowers and buds. Hard to do I know, we all want instant color in our landscape, but it's difficult enough to establish a root system without the added burden of supporting flowers. Summer encourages chinch bugs in our lawns. You'll first notice them in the hottest areas near concrete sidewalks and driveways. Our nurseries have plenty of granular formulations to get rid of the critters, but it is absolutely necessary to repeat the application as per the directions on the bag. Otherwise we are wasting time and money. Okra is about the only veggie that enjoys our summer heat. Their seeds won't even sprout until the soil has thoroughly warmed - and it has. If summer's temps have made your cucumbers bitter, pull them out and prepare to plant another crop in late August when hopefully cooler weather is knocking on our door. Those tomato plants that were so sweet this spring can be enjoyed again this fall. Pinch off the top and root it or plant seeds now in a cool spot to prepare for your fall tomato crop. If we can all manage to get through another Texas Gulf Coast summer with its heat, drought, mosquitoes, and the usual summertime miseries, we'll talk again in September. Till then, sit on the patio or deck, sip one of those little 'umbrella' drinks and have a safe summer. June 2015 Bay Area Meals on Wheels Bill Cooke Bay Area Meals on Wheels has served the Clear Lake area since 1982. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday, including holidays, to the homebound that lack the capability to obtain a hot meal on a daily basis. About 70 clients are served on a typical day. In addition to meals, volunteers often offer a friendly smile and word to those who may have little or no contact with others during the day. Bay Area Meals on Wheels is an all-volunteer organization, and additional volunteers are needed now. You can start as a substitute, accompanying a regular driver, for about two hours on an occasional day when you are called and only if it fits your personal schedule. You will find it to be easy and rewarding. Please call Rebecca at 281-682-6797 if you would like to become either a regular or a substitute volunteer. You can learn more about Bay Area Meals on Wheels at our website <>. Join the La Ventana Team ! We are looking for a new Editor and Advertising Coordinator. Contact Jeff Tave (281) 326-5098 La Ventana Del Lago Page 8 April 2015 La Ventana Del Lago Page 9 Significant Items from the Minutes of the El Lago City Council Meeting on April 22nd Jeff Tave Direct excerpts from the official minutes deemed to be of interest and edited for space. Full minutes available on the cite website <>. Citizens' Comments - A resident of Lake Bank Court asked what the latest is on the Biggert Waters Act and also the preliminary NFIP flood maps. Mayor White told him that the preliminary maps have still not been approved. Meanwhile, he will get with BAHEP to arrange for someone with the knowledge to come and hold another meeting so residents can get updates on the situation. A resident of Shadow Creek told Council that the house across the street and also the one beside their house is an eyesore. The paint is peeling, yards are overgrown and he is sure there must be rodent problems. The resident asked if there was anything the city could do relative to the upkeep of these properties. Chief Savage said that both the properties have been addressed and have either been issued red tags and/or are getting violations. Mayor's Report On City Business - Mayor White reported that the coming Saturday is the annual City Celebration which will be from 11 AM to 3 PM. The band Radio Rewind will be there and will play 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s music. Centerpoint has donated money for food; there will also be adult beverages and toys/inflatables for kids. The Masons plan to be there to help out, but other volunteers are also needed. City Officials' Reports LPD Chief Tom Savage To Report On Police Activity In The City - Chief Savage said that there had been two chases, one which terminated in the city at the intersection of Seaway and Loch Lake. The driver and passenger bailed from the car and Seabrook arrested them on Repsdorph. Also, Officer Beaton was working another job at a local hospital in late February when a nurse friend told Officer Beaton that her credit card was being used by someone. Officer Beaton did some follow-up work and ultimately, found that another employee was the one using the nurse's credit card. The LPD had actually arrested this same individually previously on a county warrant for fraudulent charges. Officer Beaton arrested the woman when she came to work the next day and the woman not only had cocaine in the back pocket of her scrubs, but also eleven other people's names and credit card numbers of which she was in the process of stealing. Some of the victims were over 65 so it makes it even more serious. The woman is a Canadian and is considered a flight risk so she is not eligible for bond. Tanji Beaton deserves kudos for her work on this case. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton asked if there were any problems with backups coming off Repsdorph in the mornings and Chief said there were not really any. Most people know not to go that way then. The only problem is on Whitecap with people driving left of center before the intersection. Councilperson Tave asked if the LPD owned the Speed Sentry device and if so, why there had not been any recent reports. Chief said that they wait until they hear reports from citizens about speeders and so they set it up and are usually amazed that it is less than 1% of those that are speeding. Councilperson Tave asked about the green "speed fine" sign and what kind of reports he had received on them. The Chief said that he only had a couple of comments on the signs, one said they were cheesy or cheap and the other comment was about the color. New Business To Consider For Approval FY2014 Audit Report Presented By Belt Harris & Pechacek - Stephanie Harris of Belt Harris & Pechacek presented the city's FY2014 audit report stating that it was her pleasure to tell Council that again, they are issuing an unmodified opinion on the city's financial statements. An unmodified opinion is the highest assurance they can provide that the city's financial statements are materially correct and that all disclosures by generally accepted accounting principals have been met. Ms. Harris then reviewed some of the detail of the report and answered Council's questions. Mayor Pro Tem Skelton asked about the amount recommended to be held as an unencumbered balance and was told that an overall indicator of financial health would be a reserve of 25% of the city's expenditures which is exactly where the city is at this time. Consider Request By Tetyana Muirhead - Nastasya Volkovichel said she was representing Tetyana Muirhead since she could not be present at the meeting. Ms. Volkovichel stated that the purpose of the kids run and the cultural exchange is to bring awareness of the need in Djbouti in the Horn of Africa. The schools in that area are all privately funded and must be paid by the family if their child is to attend. The problem is that it is a very poor region so the Vessels World is trying to bring volunteers and tutors to teach for free. The event would host a one mile run and also use of the event room for an exhibition. Councilperson Youts moved to approve a charitable community event with a one mile run and cultural exhibition in the El Lago event room to raise awareness and funds for schools in the Horn of Africa and also to provide an educational opportunity for the El Lago community. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Skelton and Councilperson Tave asked who is funding the event and if the group was willing to pay the refundable deposit. Ms. Volkovichel said the charity is funding the event and that they would pay the deposit. In reply to Mayor Pro Tem Skelton's question, Council was told that this was the first of such events. Councilperson Tave suggested that possibly the city's communication devices could be used to publicize the event. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. Review Mid-Year Financial Report - Council reviewed the mid-year financial report. Old Business Consider Minutes Of The February 20, 2015 City Council Meeting - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton motioned to approve the February 20, 2015 City Council meeting minutes, the motion was seconded by Councilperson Youts and approved by all. Other Items Council Would Like To Suggest For Consideration On A Future City Council Agenda - Mayor Pro Tem Skelton asked to discuss opening up the traffic flow patterns around Repsdorph and renovations to the baseball field at McNair Park. Councilperson Tave asked to discuss the following: electronic notification redundancy for Council meetings, the "Fine" signs and how to put or a more positive message, and the email regarding the Porterfield driveway. June 2015 La Ventana Del Lago Page 10 1 2 5 3 7 6 4 8 El Lago, Are We Lookin' Good or What? Donna J. Ward, Secretary, El Lago Parks Board The El Lago Parks Board has again sponsored another El Lago Proud Spring Landscape Contest, and many residents have stepped up to the challenge. We love our city, and it's in the best interest of all residents to keep our property values high. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to enhance our curb appeal. Plenty of folks took the time, got dirt under their fingernails, put forth the effort and the expense of improving the view for everyone traversing the neighborhood whether by automobile, bicycle or just casually walking and taking in the beauty that is El Lago. Take some time to check out some of the eye-catching landscapes in our neighborhood. The winning addresses are: Taylorcrest: 1 Winner - 1803 Raintree Circle 2 Runner-up - 1730 Fairoaks Street El Lago Estates: 3 Winner - 1511 Lake Bluff Drive 4 Runner-up- 415 Whitecap Drive El Lago, Section Four: 5 Winner - 1242 Woodland Drive 6 Runner-up - 815 Woodland Drive El Lago, Section Three: 7 Winner - 303 Cedar Lane 8 Runner-up - 101 Bayou View Drive Congratulations to all winners and runners-up; it's apparent that a lot of planning and work went into these landscapes, and the El Lago Parks Board would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one for making the effort to keep our neighborhood attractive and well-maintained. In order to conduct a fair contest, the judges were not El Lago residents. The judges noted some addresses were not visible from the street, and were therefore disregarded. You might want to check and see if your address is apparent to passers-by. (Think fire, ambulance, and police departments!) We'd also like to thank DeAnna Scott for coordinating the non-resident judges, and Rob Wohrer for placing the signs on the winning properties. Rob also has the responsibility of keeping these signs in good condition so they make an impressive statement on your front lawn. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and you're welcome to attend our meetings - the last Wednesday of the month - 7 PM at 98 Lakeshore, in the Court/Police building. It's not too early to start making plans for the El Lago Proud Fall Landscape Contest. Do a bit of research - which way does your home face, does it get sun or shade, which colorful plants perform best in fall, etc.? Just remember that a First Place winner will not be eligible again for two years. Give your neighbors a chance to show off a bit while demonstrating their horticultural and landscaping know-how. June 2015 La Ventana Del Lago Page 11
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