Autumn 2015 Write these commandments that I have given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Deuteronomy 6:6-8 Love THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR heart AND WITH ALL YOUR soul AND WITH ALL YOUR strength. THESE COMMANDMENTS THAT I GIVE YOU TODAY ARE TO be on your hearts. Deuteronomy 6:5-6 On Your Hearts Official publication of the Board for Child, Youth and Family Ministry of the Lutheran Church of Australia LCA Child Youth and Family Ministry 197 Archer Street, North Adelaide SA 5006 p: 08 8267 7300 e: [email protected] LU TH ER their home. The men gathered along a This OYH’s edition is based on Guiding Principle #11. Ministry practices and approaches Recently, I missional attendedfocus theandhere2stay path thatout ledintoChrist’s the edge of the mountain. have a strong dimension, reaching name to children, conference (you can find out more at As the young man walked along the path, young people and families in the wider community. At this conference the men would step out and speak words The want to on are reaching commanded us to ‘go and make theywords talkedI about 10focus formational pillars forout.ofGod encouragement and meaning to him. disciples of all nations the name of the Fatherreached and of the of the faith formation. Manybaptising of their them ideasin are When he finally the Son end,and his father Holy also Spirit.’ reflected in Grow Ministries’ guiding was there with a gift which he presented to principles. One of the formational pillars his son. It was a pocket knife. They prayed I was listening to a sermon once and the pastor said; “Note that He said to GO - He didn’t is ‘anchors’ or ‘rites of passage’, at Grow together and asked God to continue to say BE disciples, Jesus said GO and make disciples - not sit in your church pew and BE we call them ‘trail markers’. uphold him and draw him closer. Wow, do comfortable!” Whilst we all found this very funny, it is true and challenging. So often we get you think that young man will remember Many cultures are rich significant events comfortable in our owninplace, so busy with our own lives and faith walk that we forget about that acknowledge a particular time or ‘rite when he became a teenager? Will those the GO part. of passage’ in a young person’s life. This words spoken over him encourage him in hiswho faithdon’t journey? We need out tofor those know Jesus or have drifted raised lotstoofreach questions me. around How dous, wethose away Him. God’sthrough purposelife forstages us is for to love Him made and then others, simple mark from this movement in us This story melove tear up, quite not only our Westernreally! culture? As households commands Our whole lives need and to be built around loving our God, to such be because I am a mum, but Iseeking think it is communities of faith do weguided help by young amazingly close to Him and then being Him to an love others. rich thing to do. Our children people navigate through life? How can we and young people are telling us that they Ibe would to encourage you all this year, continue in your ministry, whatever it may morelike strategic and intentional with ouras you want to experience faith, to know that be, to continue to putcreate God first. Praytothat He will show you areas in your community where young people and space help God is real. What better way than for us to you can make a difference. It doesn’t need a huge projectand to start Get alongside anchor them in their faith formation? In our to be walk with them showwith. them! those in your community and show share the love of Christ, to His glory. Lutheran tradition we already haveand three significant ‘trail markers’, baptism, first Will you walk the So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has communion and confirmation. Are there journey with us? warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified. Romans 15:7 (TLB) other times that we could meaningfully Blessings, mark a special moment in the lives of our Blessings, children and young people? Vicki :) AN CH UR CH OF AU ST RA LIA Reaching out... This autumn season of On Your Hearts investigates guiding principle #12 which focuses A story that was shared at the conference was that of the speaker’s thirteen Welcome to 2015! I can’t been a year since I year old on the importance of believe faith it’s son. As he made the transition into being introduced to youjourney and became part of the Grow formation myself as lifelong a teenager, a special event was held. Ministries Team. It’s been a busy year and 2015 looks like it will of discipleship. It is a journey Significant men in his life who had be much of same andlearn, more! intentionally We look forward to sharing the mentored and walked with in which wethe continually him during his thirteen (all ideas from his journey withand you this year and you withyears some experience practice our providing community and family) were present and insights into child, youth andfaith family ministry. Christian faith. at a special place in the mountains near Welcome Pastor Vaughn! We would love to introduce you to our newest team member Pastor Vaughn Spring. Pastor Vaughn will lead the team as we develop and implement our initiative. Pastor Vaughn will also provide theological guidance for the development and review of CYFM resources for the LCA. This includes contributing to the development of resources for baptism, first communion, confirmation preparation and bible studies, focused on our guiding principles for effective child, youth and family ministry. ily The Spring Fam A word from Pastor Vaughn…. There’s great excitement and joy in our home as we settle into Melbourne and take up the call as Pastor for Grow Ministries. There is excitement about spending time growing with a new team, meeting new people across the LCANZ and seeing old friends. We’re enjoying life in Melbourne. Our daughter Amy is praying the Lord will finally give her some snow after years in the tropics. (It has something to do with Frozen and her being Queen Elsa ) We’re also enjoying the close proximity to our families after many years of living away from them. I’m looking forward to sharing and serving with many others in the church, connecting Lutheran theology to the everyday lives of children, youth and families. This is not only a wonderful privilege, but also an important ministry in a fast moving culture and changing world. Regardless of what is ahead, our confidence is secured in the finished work of the cross. This is what makes my heart sing - God has left nothing undone as we come to Him with our deepest heart desires and prayers for His church and people of all ages, tribes, nations and cultures. I pray that as we participate in all the Lord has for us, many would be renewed, filled and find rest for their souls in Jesus. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Blessings, Pastor Vaughn, Janelle and Amy Spring Va u gh n ’ s I n s ta l l a ti o n A Guiding Word Devotions based on the 12 Guiding Principles A resource to share with congregations, families & small groups. This devotion, based on the Faith5, is one in a series of twelve developed by Grow Ministries that help to share our Guiding Principles. Please feel free to print and distribute. Single copies are available by contacting [email protected] Guiding Principle #12 Integrated pathways of faith formation tend the faith journeys of children, young people and their families through the various ages and phases of life. Share • Name some significant milestones along your faith journey. • What are you involved in now that tends your faith? This might include; worship, small groups, meeting with a mentor, personal devotional life. • Name some significant life transitions that occur in our lives from birth to death. How do you think your congregation could support people during these times? Read Psalm 71:16-18 I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvellous deeds. Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Talk What do you think some of God’s mighty acts are? (Ps 71:1, 15, 16, 24) Have there been different times throughout your life when God has powerfully intervened to help you? How often do you talk about these with people from other generations? Do you think your view, understanding of God and his marvellous deeds has changed from when you were young? Talk about how you think they have changed. How can we encourage generations to spend time together sharing about their experience of faith and life at significant life transitions? Beginning school, high school or university? Receiving their first Bible, learning to drive, preparing for marriage, just to get you started! Pray Thank God for the mighty saving work of the cross and Jesus’ resurrection which has given you new life and hope. Thank Him for his marvellous deeds and mighty acts. Thank Him for his faithfulness to us, to past generations and the generations to come. Pray that God will provide opportunities for us to be free to share and encourage all generations to look to Jesus through every challenge, celebration and stage of life. Ask God to fill our lives with His grace and to return to Him again and again throughout our lifelong journey with Him. Keep us faithful on our lifelong faith journey. Pray for opportunities to share what we know about God with the next generation. Bless each other with these words: (Name), God has blessed you in Jesus and will never leave or forsake you. Amen. INTEGRATED PATHWAYS OF FAITH FORMATION t e e h S t Fac L C A C H I L D Y O U T H & F A M I LY M I N I S T R Y Guiding Principles for Effective Child, Youth & Family Ministry G U I D I N G PRINCIPLE #12 Integrated pathways of faith formation tend the faith journeys of children, young people and their families through the various ages and phases of life. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvellous deeds. Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. Psalm 71:16-18 In the twenty-first century, faith formation involves planning a journey of lifelong discipleship—a process of experiencing, learning, and practising the Christian faith as we seek to follow Jesus in today’s world. This faith-formation journey integrates all age groups and provides wholecommunity experiences and learning, focused on events of church life and seasons of the Christian faith. It also seeks to support the needs, interests, and spiritual growth of every age group. It’s holistic—it’s about nurturing the way of the head, the heart, and the hands— informing, forming, and transforming people in Christian faith and identity. To provide this holistic pathway requires intentional planning. Being intentional about celebrating faith milestones or rites of passage, in order to place all of life under the care, blessing and direction of our gracious God. Every ending, beginning, transition, and moment in life is an opportunity to actively claim God’s grace and blessing for our lives, and celebrate with all of those in our lives. It is an opportunity to weave our stories with God’s story, to live with confidence in God’s care in every way, every place—all the time. “A faith milestone is a marker along life’s journey that says, ‘This is something important and God is here, too.’ It is a faith formation practice for both home and congregation that helps all generations recognise God’s presence in everyday life.” Dr David Anderson As leaders in congregations, it is up to us to help others understand and recognise how God is present in everyday life. How we go about doing that and the tools we use is part of the challenge we face. But let’s not overlook the impact these events can have on building a connected faith community. One way Grow Ministries can assist is through our Faith Trail ministry resource. The encouragement provided in Psalm 71:16-18 gives us a framework and the basis for this ministry. It reminds us to tell the story of God’s marvellous deeds to the next generation. Faith Trail integrates four basic elements into a vital partnership between the congregation and the home. That home could be a house in the suburbs, a farmhouse, a share house, a small group, or a room in an aged care facility. These elements can be incorporated into any life or faith milestone: a birth, a baptism, a new puppy, a graduation, a wedding, receiving a driver’s licence, a retirement, a funeral, or any occasion related to a stage, age or moment in life. 1 NAMING Naming the sacred and ordinary events in the life of a congregation and in our daily life creates rituals and traditions that shape us and give us a sense of belonging to the family of Jesus Christ. 2 EQUIPPING Equipping provides instruction related to the Faith Trail event, builds community, gathers generations, invites conversation and encourages story telling. Participants learn from each other as they engage in intergenerational learning and are provided with take home resources to encourage continued learning. 3 BLESSING Blessing the individual, marking the occasion in worship and providing tools for blessing in the home say ‘this is all about faith’. God is present in all of daily life, making the ordinary sacred and the sacred ordinary. 4 We are in the process of identifying and developing these resources to include the life transitions of high school students, young adults and older adults. “Our milestones ministry started with conversations about what ‘rites of passage’ might look like in our context. Our essential question when developing faith milestones was: What does faith development look like in our community from birth to when our kids go off to college and beyond? Those conversations turned into ideas, then into small events and shifts, and then moved into consistent programs.” Steven Johnson—Milestones of Faith, Creating rhythms through rites of passage* Another resource Grow Ministries can provide to get your started is Faith Stepping Stones (Faith Inkubators). There are eight stones beginning with baby through to high school graduation. Each Faith Stepping Stone includes an opportunity for parents and children to gather three times and culminates with a blessing. The first session, the physical needs of both parent and child are addressed. The second session is emotional needs and the third, spiritual needs. Each time parents and children meet, there are fun games, skits, a scripture verse set to music, and a small group time. For more information: *Milestones of Faith (Sticky Faith) USA: GIFTING Gifting is a tangible way of providing a symbol and a reminder of the occasion being marked. Gifting serves as a resource for the ongoing nurture of faith in daily life. At the moment, our Faith Trail ministry resource is focused on supporting families and homes of pre-school and primary school children. It has been designed to help remind parents to celebrate and bless their children at every new beginning or transition in life. Milestones Ministry USA: Here 2 Stay Australia - Rites of Passage: LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA EQUIPPING encouraging young people in our church LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA The 10-12 of April was an amazing weekend full of questions and hopefully some answers! 12 young people from around Australia met in Adelaide for the ‘Have a Voice’ National Lutheran Youth Forum. They discussed issues that face the LCA today and were able to ‘have a voice’ about things that mattered to them. We will share a comprehensive report in our On Your Hearts Spring edition which will be a special newsletter especially for Synod. Here are some comments from our participants.... SW Meg | N Livi | VIC Jesse | SA “Thank you to Grow Ministries and LCA for holding the youth forum last weekend! It has been so encouraging in my faith to be with such wonderful blessings of God sharing conversations about the big issues the Lutheran Church faces. Jesus has truly blessed me and everyone who attended. The biggest THANKS goes out to him! We love and praise you Jesus!” “This weekend was a truly amazing and moving experience. I met some of the most inspiring young people ever and got to have incredible discussions about the future of the Lutheran Church Australia. I will never forget what I have learnt and I will continue to press on in discovering more about what God has to offer us. I hope to see everyone again sometime, hopefully in the near future.” “I just want to take a moment to appreciate the event I attended this weekend. At the Lutheran youth forum I felt that I was challenged in my views and opinions and in that was refined to have a better understanding of my own faith. Not to mention the amazing people I met, the beautiful views and fun times. There is nothing better in the world than discussing those things you are afraid and unsure of and particularly somewhere everyone may have different views but a common interest, enlightenment and learning. So thank you to everyone who contributed, it really did something for me.” The Grow Ministries Team would like to thank all of those involved to make the forum such a success. We are so proud of the participants and their behaviour, insights and passion for the LCA but most importantly, our Lord! EXPLORE THE IMPACT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE LIVES OF THE FIRST CHRISTIANS AT PENTECOST. Helping young people to discover more about the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives today . Before Jesus ascended into heaven he promised the disciples that he would send an advocate, comforter and friend to guide and enable them on their grace-filled journey of faith. The wonders of God never cease! He continues to fulfil His promises in our lives today as the Holy Spirit breaks open our hearts and calls us through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This means that God is with us continually, ready to work in and through us. In our newest GIFT resource we have included a discussion starter for your youth group or families with young people in your congregation. We pray that this may help them to discover more about the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives today. COMING EVENT S ACRO SS AUST RALIA Let us know if you have a CYFM event you would like us to advertise! Check out the Blueprint and LYQ websites for more details. Home and Church in Partnership W O R K S H O P 20 - 21 June 2015 Victory Lutheran College, Wodonga DISCOVER HOW BOTH HOME AND CHURCH CAN PA R T N E R T O G E T H E R I N PA S S I N G O N T H E FA I T H TO BOTH CHILDREN AND FA M I L I E S , B Y L O O K I N G AT 12 GUIDING PRINCIPLES. Based on Deuteronomy 6, this workshop will explore the guiding principles for effective child, youth and family ministry, and how these ideas and resources can be used and shared in your ministry context. T OPICS C OV E R E D I N T H IS W OR K S H O P : • Changes to child, youth and family ministry over the years • Developing healthy communities • Interacting with the generations • Partnership between home and church • Equipping the home • Equipping for the ministry Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9 N R S V Register now at Click on workshops & available workshops. For more information, or to place an order email: [email protected] in partnership with L C A C H I L D Y O U T H & F A M I LY M I N I S T R Y
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