HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD LIMITED ( A STATE GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKING) *HRD SECTION* OFFICE ORDER NO.~\ /HPSEBL(SECTr.)/HRD/20l~ Dated:- e~o5-.J.ol The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. is pleased to order as under, in the exigencies of Board's work, with immediate effect: Sr. No. , 1. 2. 3. 4. 1) To create new Electrical Division, at Thalout under the administrative control of the Superintending Engineer, Operation Circle HPSEBL, Ku"u /Chief Engineer(OP) CZ HPSEBL, Mandi by providing 26 posts of various categories . by diversion from eXisting Units as indicated below:I, Name of category with No. of M10de of providing post(s) by ,I ~ay band post (s) diversion. I Sr. Executive Engineer in . 1 leOne) post of Sr. Executive II the PB-4 CPB Rs.16650 Engineer (E) in the PB-4 39100 + 8500 GP Rs.16650-39l00 + 8500 GP is diverted from Superintending Engineer, Design (Transmission), HPSEB, Hamirpur under the admin li strative control of the HPPTCL. Attached officer/Assistant 1 leOne) post of Assistant Engineer(E) in the PB-4 Engineer (E) in the PB-4 CPB CPB Rs.16650-39l00 + Rs.16650-39l00 + 5800 GP is 5800 GP diverted from Superintending Engineer, Design (Transmission), HPSEB, Hamirpur under the administrative control of the HPPTCL. Supdt. Gr.-II in the PB-3 1 leOne) post of CPB RS.10900-34800 + Superintendent Gr-II in the 5300 GP PB-3 CPB Rs.10900 34800+ 5300 GP is diverted . from Operation Circle, HPSEBL, Nahan because 4(four) posts are sufficient therein. Supdt.(D/A) in the PB-3 1 leOne) post of Labour Welfare CPB RS.l0900-34800 + Inspector in the PB-3 CPB 4550 GP Rs.10900-34800 +4300 GP is up-graded and re-designated as Supdt. (D/A) PB-3 CPB RS.10900-34800 + 4550 GP from Board Secretariat in the Admin.istrative Wing. ---------- I~ ' 5. 6. 7. 8. Sr. Assistant in the PB-3 ,\ CPB Rs. 10900 -34800 + I 14950 GP Clerk in the PB-2 CPB , RS.6400-20200 + , 2300GP Head Draftsman(E) in the PB-3 CPB Rs. 10900 -34800 + 5300GP Draftsman(E) in the PB-3 CPB Rs . 10900 -34800 + 4700 GP 6 5 1 I 2 9. Peon in the PB-1 CPB RS.5100-10680 + 1550 GP 3 10. Sweeper in the PB-1 ' CPB RS.5100-10680 + 1550GP 1 11. Chowkidar in the PB-1 CPB RS.5100-10680 + 21S0GP 1 Daftri in the PB-1 CPB RS .5100-10680 + 2150 GP 1 12. 3(Three) posts of Sr. Assistant are diverted from Electrical Division, Kullu . 1(One) post of Sr. Assistant is diverted from the office of Superintending Engineer, Design (Transmission), HPSEB, Hamirpur under the administrative control of the HPPTCl. 2(Two) posts of Sr. Assistant is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer (I&P), HPSEBL Sundernager. 3(Three) posts of Clerk are diverted from ED, Kullu. 2(Two) posts of Sr. Assistant is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer (I&P), HPSEBL, Sundernager. l(One) post of HDM(E) is diverted from surplus pool of the Board Secretariat. 2 (Two) posts of , Draftsman(E) are diverted from the office of Superintending Engineer, Design (Transmission), HPSEB, Hamirpur under the I administrative control of the HPPTCL l(One) posts of Peon is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer(I&P), HPSEBL, Sundernager remaining 2(Two) posts of Peon is diverted from surplus pool of the Board Secretariat. l(One) post of Sweeper is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer (I&P), HPSEBL Sundernag~_ e r ______~ l(One) post of Chowkidar is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer(I&P), HPSEBL, Sundernager l(One) post of Daftri is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer (I&P), , HPSEBL L Sundernager l(One) post of Driver in the PB-2 CPB 6400-20200 + 30S0GP is diverted from ED, Kullu. I I Driver in the PB-2 CPB CPS 6400-20200 , 30S0GP i 13. 2 + I I , 1(One) post of Driver is diverted from the office of the Chief Engineer (I&P), HPSEBL, Sundernager I I I Tota l 26 2) To transfer the administrative control of the Electrical Sub Divisions, HPSEBL, Nagwain, Larji and Banjar alongwith sanctioned posts/existing staff and assets as per annexure "A" from Electrical Division, HPSEBL, Kullu under Operation Circle, HPSEBL, Kullu to newly created Electrical Division, HPSEBL, Thalout under Operation Circle, HPSEBL, Kullu. Consequent upon aforesaid creation of Electrical Division, Thalout and after transfer the administrative control of the Electrical Sub-Divisions under Electrical Division, HPSEBL, Kullu , the following Electrical Divisions will have the following Sub-Oivisions:Sr. No. 11. Name of Divisions ' Kullu I 2. Name of Sub-Division(s) i) i i) Electrical Electrical Kullu Electrical Electrical Electrical iii) iv) i) i Thalout (Newly , created) Sr. No. Sub-Division No. I, HPSEBL, Kullu Sub-Division No.II, HPSEBL, Sub-Division, HPSEBL, Bhunter Sub-Division HPSEBL, Jari Sub-Division ,HPSEBL, Nagwain l ii) I ii i) Electrical Sub-Division, HPSEBL, Larji Electrical Sub-Division, HPSEB-.h Banjar The further action qua, orders for transfer the administrative control of the above Sub-Divisions alongwith sanctioned posts /existing staff/ assets and opening of new Electrical Division at Thalout shal'l be issued by the Chief Engineer(OP) CZ, Mandi immediately, under intimation to this office . at his own level, The expenditure involved on this account will be debitable to the head of Account Group-Head-75(Employees Cost}. ~/ (RohlY1~al) Executive Director (Pers.), H.P. State Electricity Board Ltd. ;\-s Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4 ~ NO.HPSEBL(SECTT. )/HRD/2-12/2015- "40 \ - b S -- Dated: - J $l-05-1.5 i Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Principal Secretary(MPP & Power), to the GOHP Shim la-2 AH the Ch ief Engineers/Managing Director in HPSEBL. Tne Chief Accounts Officer HPSEBL Shimla. The Resident Audit Officer, HPSEBL Shimla. All the Superintending Engineers and Sr. Executive Engineers in HPSEBL. '-6]ihe Superintending Engineer(IT),HPSEBL,Shimla-4 for uploading the same in the website of HPSEBL. 7) The Additional Secretary-cum-PS/Special PSs/Sr. PSs/ PSs. to the Chairman -cum-Managing Director / Directors and Executive Director (Per.) in the Board Secretariat . 8) The Joint Secretary(Law) in the Board Secretariat . 9) All the Deputy/Under Secretaries and Section Officers/PO in the Board Secretariat. 10) The Meeting Assistant in this office. The aforesaid proposal has been approved by the Board of Directors of HPSEBL by circulation. 11) (;iuard file in this office. -' (RO&: EXecutive Director (Pers.) H.P. State Electricity Board Ltd, Vidyut Bhawan,ShimI a-4. a.Q..Crus.ts 1 - ANNEXURE-"A" - " " 1) EI ectrlca I S u b 0"IVlslon,_ HPS E BL, Larll :Sr. No Name of category 1. Assistant Engineer(E) Sr. Assistant Clerk Peon Chowkidar Foreman ( Spl.) SCC Junior Engineer (E) JE S/Stn SSA Electrician Foreman (Line) Lineman Assistant Lineman TLMate Bill Distributor Foreman ( S/Stn) Help_er (S/Stn) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I Sanctioned strength Existing strength Regular Contract basis - 1 2 7 1 1 1 I 2 5 1 1 - - - 2 - - - - 1 1 - 1 3 1 5 2 1 4 1 4 - - - 1 7 10 1 5 - - 1 11 8 1 1 6 2 2 42 2 +1 2 +1 1 , - 1 53 Total: Net vacancy - +1 11 , , HPSEBL, Nagwam: 2) EI ectrlca IS u b 0'IVISlon, - Sr. No. Name of category 1. Assistant Engineer(E) Sr. Assistant Clerk Junior Office Assistant Peon Chowkidar F/Man Spl Driver JE(E) Junior Engineer (SLStn) SSA . Electrician I 2. 3. 14. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 FL M fLJ LIM Assistant ExistinJtstren~ _ Net vacancy Sanctioned strength Regular 1 1 - 2 6 1 2 3 - - - 3 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 4 1 4 1 1 12 11 - - - 5 1 I Work charged 2 I' 12 8 -------------------- - - +1 1 1 +1 1 - 2 1 1 - 3 I I 15 I 16 1 17 18 .1 I, Lineman T/Mate Bill Distributor Foreman(S/St n) Hell2er (S/Stn) Total: 11 2 1 4 4 66 2 42 - 2 5 2 .1 - 2 22 2 " " 3) EI ectrlca I S u b 0"IVlslon, HPSEBl, Banlar Sr. No. Name of category Sanctioned I strength 1 I, ~g stren!lth . I 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 I . 13 14 15 16 17 18 Assistant Engineer(E) Sr. Assistant Clerk Junior Office Assistant Peon Chowkidar SCC JEjEJ JE S/Str, SSA Electrician Foreman (L) Lineman Assistant Lineman T/Mate Bill Distribution Foreman ( S/Stn) Helper (5/ Stn.J Total: I Regular 1 I , 2 8 1 2 6 1 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 Net vacancy Contract basis - - - - 2 - 1 - - - - 1 3 1 2 - - 4 - - 1 10 20 1 7 19 13 2 12 1 1 1 - 1 +1 4 3 1 75 61 1 1 2 1 13 I
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