AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 3 WING ROUTINE INSTRUCTION Lidcombe MUD, Gormley Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141 3WG RI 03/15 Appointments 1. Pursuant to HQAAFC RI 3/13 and delegated authority, the following personnel have been appointed to the positions as shown. AUTH: OC3WG a. FLTLT(AAFC) Rachelle Warner, 8497509, Temporary Staff Officer Operations (T/SOOPS) for the period 14 Apr 15 to 1 May 15, vice SQNLDR(AAFC) Peter O’Neill on leave. 2. Pursuant to AAFC Manual of Management, Volume 2, Part 1 (Personnel) Chapter 4, paragraph 7 and delegated authority, the following personnel have been registered as Civilian Instructors. AUTH: OC 3WG a. CIV Ross Vonhoff, AC30394, 301FLT, WEF 02 Apr 15 b. CIV Phillip Chadwick, AC30391, 312SQN, WEF 02 Apr 15 c. CIV Russell Hill, AC30392, 331SQN, WEF 02 Apr 15 d. CIV Peter Singleton, AC30393, 331SQN, WEF 02 Apr 15 e. CIV Terance Moore, AC30395, 301FLT, WEF 03 Apr 15 f. CIV Adam Sneddon, AC30397, 318SQN, WEF 14 Apr 15 g. CIV Brooke Anderson, AC30396, 312SQN, WEF 14 Apr 15 h. Errata from the RI 2/15: CIV Joshua Charles Klingberg, AC30388, 304SQN, WEF 15 Mar 15 Leave 3. Pursuant to AAFC Standing Instructions Personnel Part 7 Chapter 1, the following members have been granted leave for the periods as shown. AUTH: OC 3WG a. SQNLDR(AAFC) Peter O’Neill, 8031273, 3WGHQ, 14 Apr 15 to 1 May 15. b. FLTLT(AAFC) Bob Sheehan, 8021692, 301FLT, 14-30 Apr 15. All enquiries during this period of leave are to be directed to the Deputy Flight Commander, SGT(AAFC) Rachel Turnell, [email protected]. ANZAC Day Approvals 4. It has been noticed that a number of Anzac Day Activities have not been submitted for approval in C1. This may have been due to the uncertainty surrounding carriage of weapons. SQNs are advised that OA86s for Anzac Day must be submitted no later than 1600 h on Fri 17 Apr 15. Activities submitted after this time and date will not be actioned. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 1 of 7 Email Addresses for SOOPS, BM and FINACCTO 5. Members are requested to address all email for Staff Officer Operations (SOOPS), the WG Business Manager (BM) or the WG Financial Accounting Officer (FINACCTO) to the relevant appointment email and not to the incumbent’s personal or private email address: a. [email protected] b. [email protected] c. [email protected] 3WG Senior Officer and WGWOFF appointments 6. Thank you to all members that submitted an expression of interest and participated in the interviews for the Executive Officer, Staff Officer and Wing WOFF positions advertised in 3WG RI 2/15. 7. Congratulations to the following members who were successful in their applications. Their appointments will be promulgated in the National AAFC POR 2/15, with their appointments to take effect from 01 May 15: a. Executive Officer – FLTLT(AAFC) Peter Thompson, HQ3WG, b. Executive Officer (South) – SQNLDR(AAFC) Darren Banfield, HQ3WG, c. Executive Officer (North) – FLTLT(AAFC) Grant Mayler, 335SQN, d. Executive Officer (West) – SQNLDR(AAFC) Michael White, HQ3WG, e. Staff Officer Operations – FLTLT(AAFC) Rachelle Warner, 334SQN, f. Staff Officer Management Services, FLTLT(AAFC) Merridy Thompson, 322SQN, and g. Wing Warrant Officer – FLTLT(AAFC) Derek Kenyon 321SQN. 8. The WG extends its thanks and gratitude to the outgoing members who will be leaving those positions as of 30 April 15. Their dedication and the valuable contribution to the management and welfare of the WG, in what are demanding roles, is greatly appreciated: a. SQNLDR(AAFC) Jim Klumpp, XO(N), b. SQNLDR(AAFC) Peter O’Neill, SOOPS, c. SQNLDR(AAFC) Darren Cook, SOMS, d. WOFF(AAFC) Rob McFadden, WGWOFF, and e. WOFF(AAFC) Paul Dunsford, T/WGWOFF. ANZAC Day 2015 – City of Sydney March 9. ANZAC day is fast approaching and as per previous years, 3WG will play a significant part in the City of Sydney March. An activity for this march has been created on C1 Activity No. 28475. SQNs will be required to endorse cadet nominations to ensure an accurate nominal roll can be completed for the activity. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 2 of 7 10. A JI is already available for download from C1 and will also be circulated by email. All metro SQN members are encouraged to attend the City of Sydney March. Dress will be Service Dress 4B Long Sleeve Shirt, Tie and Medals. 11. Let’s aim for 200 Cadets in attendance on what will be one of the most public and televised events of the year. Individual Proficiency Badge recording on CadetOne 12. The WLOGO has noticed inaccuracies in the dates recorded in C1 for the IPB qualification. 13. Whilst SI(OPS)4-1 states that IPB requests in C-LOG are to be endorsed by a member’s CO or equivalent, it is the responsibility of the WLOGO to ensure requests are valid and appropriately approved to ensure the integrity of the IPB is maintained IAW the intent of the SI. 14. The WLOGO checks the records of each member requesting the IPB. Recent checks have revealed that some qualification records have incorrect expiry dates. The SI states as per below (emphasis added): a. “OOC, IOC and Cadets are to conduct an individual proficiency assessment at least once every 12 months. An OOC, IOC or a cadet may raise an individual proficiency assessment at any time after they have addressed all of the relevant individual proficiency requirements. A successful assessment is valid for 12 months from the date the assessor validates the individual proficiency assessment form, and Individual proficiency is to be recorded on CadetOne as a qualification with a validity of 12 months.” 15. Members charged with approving and recording IPB in C1 are advised to take note of this information and ensure that the expiry date for an IPB qualification is one year minus one day from the date of the qualification. Such that a qualification issued on 15 Apr 15 will expire on 14 Apr 16. Generic HQ email address – [email protected] 16. HQ has established a generic email address for all official correspondence. The email address is [email protected]. 17. Email correspondence should still be directed to the HQ staff member responsible. The HQ Gmail address is to be used as a carbon copy (cc) address in all business email correspondence to HQ staff. It has been set up to assist in retention of official correspondence between members of the WG and HQ. It will also assist in ensuring that emails are responded to in a timely manner. 18. The HQ Gmail address will only be accessible by the following members: a. OC, b. XO, c. SOMS, d. ADMINO, and e. As delegated by the OC from time to time. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 3 of 7 19. All members assigned access to the HQ Gmail address are experienced in dealing with sensitive and confidential issues and will treat emails sent to the HQ Gmail address appropriately. Addressees in emails to HQ 20. Members should keep in mind the following guidelines when including addressees in business emails to HQ: a. Address emails in the “To:” field to the people who need the information or need to take action. b. Add addressees in the ‘carbon copy’, “Cc:”, field where you believe the person needs to know that the information has been sent but does not need to take any action or respond to the email. c. Always Cc the HQ Gmail address when addressing an email to a member of HQ. These emails will be automatically archived within Gmail and will only be reviewed to check that they have been responded to appropriately. All replies to the original and subsequent emails are to include the HQ Gmail address as a Cc. d. If you don’t know who at HQ to address an email to, address the email (in the “To:” field) to the HQ Gmail address. These emails will be viewed by the ADMINO and forwarded to the appropriate HQ member. All replies to the original and subsequent emails are to include the HQ Gmail address as a Cc. 21. Members are encouraged to download the latest Defence Writing Manual, located in the Cadetnet OIP Portal,, and make themselves familiar with the email guidelines in chap 9. Refer to para 9.46 to 9.57 for style and presentation guidelines. Wings over the Illawarra 22. The annual Wings Over Illawarra Airshow will be held on 3 May 15. The final JI is not ready to release yet as we are awaiting advice on the availability of any RAAF Aircraft to fly cadets and staff to the airshow. Movement schedules are being prepared and will be published as soon as available. Issues relating to funding are being resolved. 23. All personnel are encouraged to attend and nominate on C1 via Activity no 30015. If you have any questions on the activity please contact the planning coordinator PLTOFF(AAFC) Kent Hungerford on Email: [email protected]. 24. Closing date for nominations is 8 May 15. 2/15 Promotion Courses – RAAF Base Wagga 25. The 3WG promotion courses for CWOFF, CSNCO and CJNCO candidates will take place over the period 27 Jun - 11 Jul 15. All interested cadets are reminded that the closing date for nominations is 12 May 15. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 4 of 7 3WG Competition and Annual Ball 26. The 3WG competition will take place over the long weekend of 5 - 8 Jun 15. This is a great opportunity for all SQNs from around the Wing to come together,to compete and share new experiences. This years competitions and activities will be a trial run for the 75th Anniversary activities to be held over the June long weekend 2016. The C1 Activity no is 28472. The competitions will take place on Saturday 6 Jun 15 and will include; • • • • • Drill and Ceremonial competitions similar to previous years, Aircraft Recognition competition, Service Knowledge competition, Fieldcraft competition, and Aeromodelling competition, On Sunday 7 Jun 15, there will be a major regional sports competition involving numerous sporting events and encouraging participation from all. Closing date for nominations for the 3WG Competition and sporting events is 8 May 15. 27. This weekend will also include the 3WG Ball where the theme for this year is ‘a night at the Oscars’. This is a must attend event for all Cadets and Staff and an opportunity to dress to impress. The C1 Activity no is 28969. 28. Closing date for nominations for the 3WG Ball is 24 Apr 15. 2015 3WG Management Conference Action Items 29. Action Item 18 Driver Training Requirements. CO’s are required to notify their Regional XO of requests for staff to undergo driver training no later than 4 May 15. 30. Information should include • • • • • name of the staff member, the class of licence sought, the class of licence currently held, how that category of licence will assist the SQN on activities and the types of activities, how the category of licence will assist the WG and the types of courses/activities the member has attended in the past/agrees to attend in the future. 31. Action Item 24 Sharing of SQN Training Resources. As outlined in RI 2/15 para 19-20, SQNs are reminded to provide their Regional XO copies of training notes and resources (preferably in electronic form) nlt 4 May 15 to enable them to be shared with SQNs throughout the WG. Nil returns are not acceptable. 32. Action Item 33 Annual Staff Performance Appraisal Reporting. In accordance with Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 1 of the AAFC Manual of Management (MoM), performance appraisal reports are an annual reporting requirement. 33. This reporting system will review an OOC or IOC in the following three areas: a. an indication of the member’s suitability for continued service with the AAFC; b. an indication of the member’s suitability for promotion to the next rank; and c. any areas of performance which are strengths and any area of performance which could be improved. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 5 of 7 34. To assist with this reporting, an Officer/Instructor Performance Appraisal Report (OIPAR) is available for download via the 3WG resource centre. 35. Each adult member is to undergo a performance appraisal at least, once each calendar year with respect to the members Squadron/Flight training requirements. Another appraisal can be made with respect to the member’s performance for periods of continuous training on Wing camps or courses. 36. Performance reports are an integral part of promotion deliberations. They provide the opportunity for OOC or IOCs to articulate and discuss their own desired career path and Continual Professional Development (CPD). Additionally, these appraisals provide opportunities for an OOC or IOC to improve their current performance as well as potential for future promotion. Any performance report about an OOC or IOC is to be sighted and signed by the member 37. Once completed, all OIPARs should be forwarded to SOMS NLT the end of March of the following year. The OIPARs should be accompanied by a cover minute, address to SOMs marked ‘Staff In-Confidence’. An OIPAR cover minute is available for download via the 3WG resource centre. 38. A copy should remain on the members file at the respective SQN, FLT or HQ element. The reviewed OIPAR will be placed on the members file at 3WG HQ. Members who have been assessed on Wing camp or courses should retain a copy to place on their SQN, FLT personal file. 39. In accordance with Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 1 of the AAFC MoM, promotion to the next rank is dependent upon the members current OIPAR(s). For example to be considered for promotion to FLTLT(AAFC), one of the criteria is three (3) favourable consecutive OIPARs. These revised guidelines and the requirement for OIPARs to be completed for all OOC and IOCs will apply to all promotions with effect from 1 May 15. 40. Further guidance and information on any issues arising, can be referred to SOMS or the respective XO. 41. Action Item 39 Wearing of uniforms for cadets – on ranges, public places & transport. As set out in RI 1/15 para 14, AAFC members are reminded not to wear uniforms on public transport. A specific exemption has been provided for ANZAC Day provided cadets are travelling in groups and not isolated. This will allow cadets to take advantage of free public transport on ANZAC Day. Uniforms can be worn in private transport and at on- and off-base activities provided a suitable Security Risk Assessment (SRA) has been conducted. Commanding Officers and activity co-ordinators should exercise caution in planning activities and whether cadets should attend or travel in uniform or neat casual attire. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 6 of 7 Expression of thanks from Mrs Mary Rice 42. The following note was received by the OC for broadcast to the WG. TO WING COMMANDER PAUL HUGHES, STAFF and CADETS of 3 WING AAFC Your expressions of sympathy and support conveyed to us in many ways were of great comfort during our sorrow. Thank you so much to those who attended Larry's funeral and formed the Guard of Honour. I will keep the memory of such a wonderful tribute forever in my heart and I know Larry would have been overwhelmed by the respect given to him by his many AAFC colleagues and friends. It was wonderful to meet so many of you and put faces to the names of those Larry spoke of so fondly. Please accept this as a personal thanks. Sincerely and in Appreciation Mary Rice PAUL M. HUGHES Wing Commander (AAFC) Officer Commanding 15 Apr 15 Enclosure 1. Wing Management Conference Minutes. 2. Historical Reflections 3/15 - Traditions of ANZAC Day. 3WG RI 03/15 Page 7 of 7 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 3 WING MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE RAAF BASE RICHMOND 7 – 8 MAR 15 Minutes of Conference ITEM SUMMARY Apologies FLTLT Bob Sheehan FLTCDR 301FLT, FLTLT Neil Rogers CO 311SQN (Sunday only), PLTOFF Michael Bros CO 323SQN (Sunday only), FLTLT Dan Schubert (Sunday only), WOFF Neil Gamble CO 330SQN, FLGOFF Melissa Jones CO 334SQN, PLTOFF Tony Baxter-Tompkins CO 339SQN FLTLT Yan De Horta opened the conference. Cinema, safety, Base and behavioural briefings by FLTLT De Horta & SQNLDR O’Neill FLTLT De Horta introduces Officer Commanding Presentation by Officer Commanding 3WG, WGCDR Paul Hughes focussing on 2020 Plan & Commander’s Intent: Good to Great. Increase cadet numbers, Increase worth to community & enhance relevance of training and tangible benefits to training. A modern powered and gliding fleet with Australia’s leading aviation training system. Enhancing the Cadet Experience Enhancing the Staff Experience Role of HQ: Customer focus, supportive, outcome driven, professional & courteous, We Listen, We Learn, We get results – underpinned by communication Support to Staff: Skills training and Leadership development Expectations of Command: Develop junior staff, Youth Development Philosophy, courteous, professional & respectful, collegiate support & if you need help then ask. Accountability: Attention to detail, timely & effective communication, governance is mandatory Recognition & fun 10 year certificates 5 year certificates ACFSM and clasps Certificates of appointment of Command Officer Commanding Commendations: FLTLT Grahame Fisher & FLGOFF Julie Crumpton Interactive session – All conference attendees (Not just COs) broken into working groups. Opening Commander’s Vision Officer Commanding’s Vision Presentation of Awards Interactive Session – Define the ACTION PACIO: Presentation to Wing website Video of ‘OC Promise’ to Facebook & Website ADMINO: CadetOne to be updated Summary of Cadet Experience Define the Staff Experience Interactive Session – The top 5 issues facing 3 Wing and Possible solutions Questions: What is the Cadet Experience? What should the Cadet Experience be? How do we deliver it? What is the Staff Experience? What should the Staff Experience be? How do we deliver it? Groups presented their collective thoughts. Collated and summarised. The summary will be published on 3WG Website. Document will be used by Wing Executive in planning discussions. Interactive session – All conference attendees (Not just COs) broken into working groups. Groups presented their collective thoughts. Overall Top 5 later extended Top 8 collated for later discussion in conference. The top 8 issues identified by members present; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Staff applications and personnel administration generally Access for firearms training for cadets with first 12 months Sharing of information/Cadet Training Packages. (Collegiate Support) Facility upgrades to support 2020 Plan and achieve cadet number increases More cadets accessing GST courses Broadcast information for Wing Activities & Sharing of information Staff Training – specific to needs ADF Support funding member defined Cadet & Staff Experience published to assist Wing Executive planning AI = Action Item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AI 23 AI 22 AI 24 AI 27 AI 25 AI 20 & 21 AI 26 AI 27 OC – Initial response to the issues OC informed staff that of the problems facing the Wing some are easy to fix and within his facing 3 Wing. control – others need higher level intervention or approval. Initial action taken since 1 Jan 15 to address perceived issues; AI 23 Staff applications – processes improved 2nd half of last year – backlog down. Looking at implementation of KPIs and timelines, look at streamlining current processes including scanning of documents. National are investigating new online process. Relaxation of enrolment of ex-cadets – requiring 12 month separation. Consider shorter period – current published policy restriction is only 3 months. Merit assessment – case by case – not just local need, but individual maturity will factor significantly. Consideration of primary and secondary roles. Opportunity for members with time and energy. Balance required for organisation and individual. Possibility of increase in CFA – but requires elevation to another level – and not the priority. Re-introduction of 3WG – 18 month planning calendar. (See item 6 above). Allows SQNs AI 20 to plan around standard dates. Wing to ‘lock in’ standard activities. Wing Calendar to be published by Dec of each year and forecast 18 month period. To be readily available and displayed on Wing website or portal. Review of OIC activity levels – requires change at Directorate level. Designed to take workload of COs and share amongst experienced staff. Carriage of Firearms – ANZAC services. As OC, and recent CO, well aware of need to support local communities and RSLs. Will take on the issue to ensure every measure is taken to inform policy makers about importance of cadets involved in catafalque parties. Emphasised that threats are real and not imagined. It is a different world. COs to prepare detailed risk assessments and plan for carriage. Include liaison with local police and emphasise if they will be present at activity. Be aware the policy may be changed with late notice. The policy must be strictly adhered to – whatever it ultimately is. New look 3WG website will be up soon to assist with communication A vacancy portal – staff positions, staff required for particular activities whether at Wing or Squadron level (eg you need a female staff member for a bivouac). Also buy/swap/sell portal for equipment which can be shared/loaned/exchanged. Reasonable time frames to respond to HQ staff will be established and published. Limited control over National, CB-AF and CRESD requests. Proper and timely planning will minimise short turn around requests. Staff Paper: Request to DT for a more efficient pathway for ex CUO/CWOFFs to complete SIP in one weekend. Staff Paper: Review of .22LR training in first year of cadets. Emphasis on impact on retention and ‘enhancing the cadet experience” Minutes to be published for this conference. Outcomes and deadlines stated. Visibility of contact details on CadetOne for all 3WG HQ Key personnel/DETCDRs/COs. Implement a short term solution. Expression of Interest for all executive positions. Transparency in process. Dates set: Interviews on 28 Mar 15. Applications close on 21 Mar 15. Applications announced on 14 Mar 15 Activity approvals – Communicate in person before cancelling activities. More attention to detail by authors and approving/recommending authorities. Greater observance of minimum timings to submissions. Staff of 320FLT gave presentation of activities conducted by 320FLT. A copy of the presentation will be made available on the 3WG Website. The presentation focussed on; Structure and staff currently posted to 320FLT Abseiling and caving courses, ability to deliver training to units outside of 320FLT courses AI 28 320FLT presentation AI 8 AI 46 AI 22 AI 1 AI 16, 37 & 47 Routine Instruction 2/15 AI 8 Powerpoint presentation to Wing website 3 Wing Band Course proposal Conference Split – Staff Officer & non COs Aeromodelling basic courses – Balsa & Radio Control (Apr & Sep/Oct)and Plastic modelling (Jul) Aeromodelling advanced courses – Plastic modelling & Radio control Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Australia – Resource guides issued Plan to re-vitalise DoEA to make 3WG the foremost operator in NSW Fieldcraft – Focus on developing staff training 320FLT have equipment that can be loaned to SQNs to assist in their activities. Firearms training – Monthly shoots at Sydney International Shooting Centre (SISC) First Aid – 4 courses per year at Lidcombe Model Rocketry – Jun & Dec – Conducted out of RAAF Base Williamtown Please promote the activities at your SQNs Proposal to re-commence a Wing Band. Looking at more than drum corps – concert & military band. In principal approval from OC 3WG in Feb 15 2 Musicians courses per year. Targeting cadets that already have instruments and musical ability. Focus is upon ‘banding skills’ Courses likely to be conducted in Apr & Sep/Oct each year. Culminate in public performances Cookies International Café (35 personnel present) Discussion commenced around the limited number of cadets getting access to GSTs SQNLDR O’Neill spoke about the lack of policy (MoGT) defining a GST. General consensus was that the focus should be on learning basic skills – uniform maintenance, living skills, basic cadet skills. General consensus on running larger GSTs at locations that have accommodation for those cadets. Need for CDTNCOs to provide supervision and structure – allows them to develop their skills. PLTOFF Lansom indicated that they were running “Boot Camp at BATAC” which was performing a similar role. Discussion around use of Singleton. AIRCDRE Green indicated that it was important to investigate what other Wings were doing to achieve GST attendance – eg 5WG travelling to East Sale. 1& 5WG have tracked 95% retention over 12 months for cadets who attend GST. CAF motto for cadets “Smell and breathe the AVTUR”. PLTOFF Kent Hungerford added that 5WG have a 3 tiered approach – based on number of GSTs you have attended. FLTLT(PAF) John Klompenhouer indicated that AAFC was close to securing 120 man block at Richmond which AFLOs office will control use and bookings over. Discussion around staff applications and proposal being considered by DCDR for online electronic lodgement Recognition of AAFC training and mapping to AQTF so that staff receive recognition for the work they do. AIRCDRE Green indicated that RAAF is an RTO and is waiting for an Powerpoint presentation to Wing website AI 25 AI 26 approach from AAFC to endorse their training. OCs open forum (including questions from COs) One management team in place – HQ & AFLO team – co-ordinated and filter requests from National – OC to publish rules for communication from HQ. Information – especially policy to be published more consistently and not ‘drip fed’ in isolated emails. OC indicated need to enforce compliance on cadet attendance. Remove cadets that have terminated from CadetOne as soon as possible. Discussion around OIPAR. OIPAR template and users guide to be issued. MoM requires positive OIPARs for promotion to certain ranks. Review and expectations of promotion to be advised. Review and propose suitable requirements for promotion of staff, especially to key ranks. Review requirement, practices and procedures for chaperoning cadets during Wing courses and activities. Update and re-issue emergency response cards Publish full list of HQ structure and responsibilities Issue contact details of all 3WG Executive & COs Phone numbers to CO group and DETCDRs/CSECDRs OA-86 checklist & USR detail to be distributed to SQNs Need to clarify wearing of uniform for cadets; o On firearms ranges o Public places o Public transport Conference split – Staff Officers & SOOPS: Question raised about consideration of regional promotion courses CO forum SOOPS/SOGT: Attendance needs to be recorded for flying activities and other wing activities. Analysis required at the process of Wing activities and how to improve and communicate the process. SOGT: Medical alert condition on cadet ID cards. Investigation required on whether this can be achieved. SOMS: Clarify process for the printing and issue of ID cards. SOOPS: Promotion course: proposed acceptance spreadsheet to be sent out in advance of CadetOne acceptance. Close of Business – Saturday 7 March 2015 Opening of Conference – Sunday 8 March 2015 Confirmation of Minutes No minutes available 2014 conference OC Initial Brief Transport: ADF transport expenditure in the last 12 months has been captured by FLGOFF (PAF) Conference split – OC & CO forum AI 48 AI 8 AI 31 AI 32 & 33 AI 36 AI 35 AI 16, 37 & 47 AI 16, 37 & 47 AI 7 AI 39 AI 40 AI 11 & AI 42 AI 49 AI 44 AI 45 Noted AFLO Office presentation Melody Catling (DAFLO). Equates to $210,000. Significant expense that Wing would have to bear if we done manage it properly and show respect. Fieldcraft/320FLT: Standard of fieldcraft displayed by cadets needs improvement. Especially basic skills – map and compass work. 320FLT Stores will get a list on Wing portal/website with items available to be loaned to SQNs for AI 2 complete fieldcraft activities. First Aid: Attempts to draw reports of first aid expiry 12 months in advance from CadetOne has been met with frustration. The plan was to be able to have 320FLT deliver the training and to target members as their first aid comes up for renewal. Image: We set the example – as a corps of officers – Commanding Officers and senior staff – perception is reality – set the example for cadets. Sharing ideas: two quick ones. Barcode scanner – first used by CO302SQN. Scanner itself and AI 3, 4 & 5 printer to print labels total about $250. When cadets arrive, they scan the label on their blue book/card and it immediately records their attendance. CLOG program – produced by FSGT Rodney Manton – converts clothing and allows quick and efficient processing into CadetOne of orders. Accommodation: Availability of 30 beds at 314SQN facility – currently shared with 338SQN and Navy cadets – is available. Contact CO314SQN. ADF support: The USR requirements published by DG provide the basic timelines for support. There are currently no 4 x 4 available out of Richmond and Glenbrook. AFLO team demonstrated their visibility in CadetOne AFLO office has the ability to return to draft – saves you from having to re-input data. Thales now requires 2 months for ammunition forecasts. OC indicated if you are seeking support – ask for it. You won’t get it if you don’t ask for it. SQNLDR Michael White indicated that there was lots of valuable information – asked if it could AI 7 be reduced to a single source document. Vehicles – Information required includes; Driver details Where it is being picked up from/returned to, times and dates, Number of people in vehicles RMS at RIC, WLM and GBK are still run by RAAF, other centres are run by contractors. Enquiry as to whether vehicles can be obtained from Orchard Hills. Currently being investigated by AFLOs Request from COs for list of locations where vehicles can be obtained and current vehicles available. Budget: Each year 3WG budget is roughly the same. However as we lose access to things AI 6 AI 17 & 18 AI 19 Squadron Agenda Items through the system and have to account for them in our budget, we lose money in real terms. Eg. Portaloos are now paid for out of 3WG budget. First Aid kits on courses: Do not empty the consumables in the first aid kits to replenish your own SQN stocks. Usage should be consistent with first aid log on camp. Over-usage of consumables may restrict AAFC access to defence supplied first aid kits. If you need to replenish SQN consumables, contact AFLO team. The majority of these items were taken from Metro workshop and submissions from 326SQN. Unrealistic deadlines for SQNs to respond to HQ requests – already an action item Carriage of rifle approvals for ANZAC services – already covered and an action item FTE training on .22LR for cadets within first 12 months – already an action item Recording of attendances for Wing activities – already an action item o Issue raised of historical attendance at activities older than 6 months. These will not display on cadets record of service. Investigate if there is any means to backcapture these attendances. Social media training sign off on CadetOne – temporary workaround – Action item All Commanding Officer appointments should be SQNLDRs. Opposed robustly by WOFF Michael Barr. No one spoke in support. (He is a hard act to follow) No further action. Individual Proficiency Badge – Discussion regarding inability to produce reports at SQN level for cadets as to expiry dates of IPB. SQNLDR Lowther indicated the manner in which the dates are inserted is critical to the ability to produce report. SQNLDR Lowther to prepare information sheet. CFA (Cadet Forces Allowance) –Investigate the possibility of providing additional CFA for staff who dedicate significant periods of time to Wing activities on a case by case merit basis. Flying days – visibility of flying days into 2nd half of calendar year. Addressed at CO meeting. Routine Instruction – There will be no further National Routine Instructions after 1 Mar 15. Information will be released in Information Circulars on CadetNet. Appointments, promotions, terminations will be promulgated in Personnel Occurrence Reports (PORs) which will still be issued on the 1st of the month. No action taken on local issues reported to Headquarters. This will be dealt with in regards to expectations surrounding communication, including following up on matters. This will be further assisted by the introduction of a HQ gmail account, similar to the one operated by PERSO, where multiple people will be able to access the email, if there is no timely response from the designated addressee. The HQ 3WG gmail address is AI 8 AI 22 AI 9, 10 & 11 AI 12 AI 50 OC to consider – see earlier minutes AI 8 AI 14 AI 17 NSWAIRTC Association Incorporated AGM Conference wrap up [email protected] Relaxation on policy to bring back ex cadets – already covered – Action item Investigate if possible, to lock cadet photos in Cadetone, once cadets upload their first photo. Any updates can be done by SQN staff. There have been numerous incidents where cadets are uploading inappropriate photos (cartoon characters, random images). This is especially important with the printing of cadet ID cards. Conference adjourned to allow ordinary members to attend the Annual General Meeting. Annex C – Staff applications. There is now a requirement that COs comment upon all of the criteria in Annex C that are commented upon by the applicant in Annex B. A new form will be distributed shortly that is fit for purpose. Action Items: Discussed and finalised in general terms. Dates set to allow monitoring and finalisation. 75th Anniversary: Outline of activities provided by OC. Inter-regional sports events. Ball. Staff only dinner with an invite to CDF. Drill, service knowledge and other wing competitions. This year the activities on June long weekend will be a practice for next years activities. Future conferences FLTLT Les Nastevski indicated that the ‘old and bold’ are asking if there will be any events that they are invited to for the 75th Anniversary. Will there be a street march through Sydney? Conference dates 2016 20-21 Feb 16 This date avoids Canberra long weekend. There is no Avalon Air show. Conference dates 2017 18-19 Feb 17 Preference will be to routinely set down for 3rd weekend in February. This provides consistency. Is before the commencement of majority of SQN training. Avoids Avalon Air Show and Canberra Long weekend. CDR-AAFC will be informed of 3WGs commitment to those dates. Conference Closed Minutes prepared by FLTLT Peter Thompson Attached to these minutes Notes: All ranks are (AAFC) unless indicated. AI = Action Item Traditions of ANZAC Day On the 1st of January 1901, six Self-Governing Colonies joined together at Federation to become the States of the Commonwealth of Australia. At the outbreak of World War I, (WW1 - the War to end all Wars), the fledgling country of Australia was still a teenager, barely 13 years old. At the time, the population of Australia was less than 5 million (about the same as Sydney is today). During the course of WWI over 416,000 men joined to serve, some to protect Mother England, some for a sense of Adventure, many to be with their mates but all to represent Australia. The first men to enlist in the Army from August 1914 onwards were sent to Cairo, Egypt for training. They formed the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Under British Command, the Anzacs formed a part of the Dardanelles campaign – their task was to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. When the Anzacs landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915, they struggled to combat resistance from the Ottoman Turkish defenders. High death tolls in the initial landings were soon replaced by a stalemate, with the campaign dragging on for eight months. By the time Anzac troops were evacuated at the end of 1915, over 8,000 Australian soldiers had been killed. News of the landings at Gallipoli and the events that followed had a profound impact on Australians at home. Dr Charles Bean, the Official Historian of WWI described it as our Nations “baptism of fire”. The 25th of April became the day on which Australians commemorated the sacrifice of those who died at Gallipoli specifically and in war generally. Anzac Day remembrance takes two forms. Commemorative services are held at dawn – the time of the original landing in Gallipoli – across the Nation. Later in the day, ex-servicemen and women meet to take part in marches through the major cities and many regional centres. Rosemary Rosemary grew wild all around the Gallipoli peninsula. Since ancient times, this sweet smelling herb was believed to improve memory, making rosemary an emblem of both fidelity and remembrance in literature and popular tradition. As an act of remembrance of the events of 1915, a sprig of Rosemary is worn by Australians on Anzac Day. Whilst the Flanders Red Poppy is becoming more popular on Anzac Day, its history is associated with Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day, on the 11th of November, and we will deal with that in a later article. The Ode In most ceremonies of remembrance around the World, a suitable poem is read. In Australian ceremonies, The Ode is recited. The Ode is taken from the fourth stanza of the poem ‘For the fallen’ by Laurence Binyon a former curator at the British Museum. His poem was first published in 1914 and read at the unveiling of the London Cenotaph at the end of the WW1 in 1919. The most well-known lines are; They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. The Last Post, Silence and Reveille In military tradition, the Last Post is the bugle call that signifies the end of the day’s activities. It is also played at military funerals to indicate a soldier may now rest in peace. The Last Post has its origins from a Duty Officer doing the rounds of his unit. Checking sentries were in their posts and rounding up the off duty personnel and sending them to bed. As he started his rounds the ‘first post’ was played and as he went from post to post a drum was played, until the final bugle call at the ‘last post’. The Last Post signified that the night sentries were alert at their posts and was the final warning to other soldiers. Silence in Anzac Day ceremonies is a sign of respect and a time for reflection. On 6th November 1919, King George V sent a decree to all Commonwealth countries for a “complete suspension of all our normal activities be observed for two minutes at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” so that “in perfect stillness the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on reverent remembrance of the Glorious Dead”. This Remembrance Day tradition over the years has been incorporated into Anzac Day ceremonies. The Reveille is a bright, cheerful call to rouse soldiers from their slumber and to be ready for duty. At funeral and commemorative services it symbolises an awakening to a better world and rouses the living back to duty, now their respects have been paid to the memory of their comrades. Flying the Australian Flag at Half Mast Flags are flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning or a sign of remembrance on ceremonial occasions. On Anzac day flags are flown at half mast until noon, then they return to their normal position. The half-mast position will depend on the size of the flag and the length of the flagpole. The flag must be lowered to a position recognisably half-mast to avoid the appearance of a flag which has accidentally fallen away from the top of the flagpole. An acceptable position would be when the top of the flag is a third of the distance down from the top of the flagpole. The flag should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously. During Anzac Day Services, the Australian National Flag carried on parade or flags on poles incorporated into the Service are lowered during the playing of the last post. They remain lowered during the period of silence and are then raised during the Reveille. Reversed Arms The tradition of reversing and resting on arms – that is, leaning on a weapon held upside down – has been a mark of respect or mourning for centuries, said to have originated with the ancient Greeks. Descriptions of sixteenth-century military funerals provide the earliest documented instances of carrying arms reversed in more recent times. One of the proudest moments for many Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is to participate in a guard on an Anzac Day service. Most AAFC guards are formed around a cenotaph or memorial. A Cenotaph is an empty tomb or monument erected in honour of a person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere. (It comes from the Greek words for empty and tomb.) A Catafalque is a raised box or platform used to support a casket, coffin or body of a deceased. (It comes from the Italian word for scaffolding). Further Reading:
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