May 2015 Issue I A H I M A N EW S LE T T E R IaHIMA President’s Message By MariBeth S. Lane, MS, RHIA, IaHIMA President INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Distinguished Member Award 2 Scholarship Awardee 2 2015-2016 BOD 3 Save The Date 3 Iowa Guide for Medical Record Law 4 Hill Day & Legislative Advocacy 5 Di st ri ct B Li ai son Po sit ion O p en ! If i nt er es t pl e as e c on t ac t M ar i B et h La n e, I aH I M A Pr es id e nt or Li z Ma ye r , Ia HI M A Pr es id e nt - E l ec t . Hello IaHIMA members, Happy Spring! I hope all of you are enjoying the warmer temperatures, the flowers, and the vibrant shades of green in so many variations visible this time of year. Just as the beginning of the year is a good time to look back over the past year and make new resolutions, the change in seasons is a reminder that all things change and grow. One thing I think we are all hoping will change is our ICD-9-CM code set to the greatly anticipated ICD-10-CM/PCS code set. As I previously wrote, What’s the one of the changes I have been prepared for since 2009 is the implementation of ICD-10-CM/PCS. Along with fellow IaHIMA Board members and many of you, I Value of Your have been advocating for ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation in 2015. Our AHIMA Hill Day Attitude? delegation made some successful contacts and had some great meetings while we were in Washington, DC earlier this spring. Still, our success will not be known until the October 1, 2015 What’s The date has come and gone and ICD-10 is being used. This was never more true than when we Value of Your received the notification from Margarita Valdez, AHIMA’s Senior Director of Congressional Attitude? Relations on May 5, 2015 informing us of the introduction of H.R. 2126 by Rep. Ted Poe of TX is an oldfew which would stop the implementation of ICD-10. We must be alert and vigilantThere as these next months pass to ensure that no surprise legislation sneaks past us and changes our course saying that once again. Please contact our legislators and let them know you support ICD-10 implementation “attitude is in 2015 and why. Please participate in the testing and training and updating necessary to haveIsa everything”. smooth transition to the new code set in October. Please review the article in this newsletter for that true? I more information on our Hill Day activities. think Attitude Another wonderful sign of spring is the IaHIMA Annual Meeting which was held and is Wednesday the START of Thursday, April 15 and 16, 2015 at The Meadows Events and Conference Center in Altoona, IA. everything! We heard many positive things about our speakers and had great evaluationsAttitude on our meeting overall. If you were able to attend, Thank You! If you were unable to attend, please review the determines articles in the newsletter about some of the highlights of the conference. Be sure to “Save the your thoughts Date” of the next IaHIMA Annual Meeting which will be held as a joint meeting with the Iowa HiMSS group on Tuesday, May 3 and May 4, 2016 at the Marriott in Coralville. It will and be a ultimately new experience actions. for both groups and one we have been working towards as part of the IaHIMAyour Strategic Plan.In this program More new beginnings are evident as the IaHIMA membership has elected its 2015-2016 Board of you will find Directors. Please see the article in this newsletter for more details about our incoming officers and that being liaisons. Remember, all contact information for the IaHIMA Board members will be updated as positive as soon as possible on the IaHIMA website ( so you can reach us at any time. A often as special thank you to everyone who ran for office. It was nice to have so many names on the ballot possible this year. I look forward to the transition meeting in June when the outgoing officers willhelps hand-off their materials and some of their knowledge to the in-coming officers. I once again look forward to you be more serving on the Board, this time as the Immediate Past President as we welcome Liz Mayeratas our successful 2015-2016 IaHIMA President and Sarah Cottington as our President-Elect. Best wishes! what you do. You’ll leave this program with practical take-a-ways , page 2 IAHIMA MAY NEWSLETTER page 2 IAHIMA OCTOBER NEWSLETTER IaHIMA Distinguished Member Award By Tina Gray, MHA, RN, CCDS, CCS-P, CCS, IaHIMA Secretary Kathy O’Toole, RHIT was recently honored at IaHIMA (Iowa Health Information Management Assocation)’s annual meeting on April 15, 2015 for her accomplishments and outstanding work that she performed during her career in the HIM (Health Information Management) profession. The Distinguished Member Award is presented to a member who has demonstrated a sustained record of significant contributions to the HIM profession. The award recognizes excellence, dedication and service of health information management (HIM) professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the field. The award is an important way to recognize and thank those in our professional community who have made a difference in the world of health information management. Kathy has served as a great role model and mentor for others in the HIM profession. A member of IaHIMA for more than 16 years, Kathy has been involved at the District Level and served on the IaHIMA Board of Directors as a Delegate from 2008 2010. Her contributions as a Delegate included her participation on an AHIMA task force that evaluated the composition of the House of Delegates and their role within AHIMA. Kathy’s outstanding contributions and volunteerism have also been demonstrated by her willingness to help advance the HIM profession. Throughout the years, she has served as a host and presenter for a variety of educational events and round table discussions for District A. She has also served as a Professional Practice Site Supervisor for numerous HIM students. Working as the Director of Health Information Management at Buena Vista Regional Medical Center, she demonstrated her leadership and professionalism as she worked diligently on a Health Literacy Project with other health leaders and gave presentations throughout the state of Iowa. Additionally, Kathy lead and worked side by side with a group of District A, HIM Directors on defining the legal health record within their facilities. We are proud to honor Kathy with this distinguished award. We appreciate her achievements and the excellent work that she performed during her career. Pictured: MariBeth Lane, IaHIMA President and Kathy O’Toole IaHIMA Scholarship Awardees By Megan Weis, RHIA; IAHIMA 2nd Year Delegate This year, IaHIMA awarded $500 scholarships to two college students. Applicants completed the scholarship application, essay, and submitted letters of recommendation earlier this year and scholarships awardees were announced at the 2015 Annual Business Meeting. Congratulations to Mary Maher of Eastern Iowa Community College and Wendy Johnson of Northeast Iowa Community College! We hope to have many more applicants next year and look forward to reviewing applications! Also, IaHIMA members should keep in mind that there are also Continuing Education Funds ($100 awards) available for active members in good standing for a minimum of two years. IAHIMA MAY NEWSLETTER page 3 IaHIMA 2015-2016 Board of Directors Introduced By MariBeth Lane, MS, RHIA; IaHIMA President Thank you to all who exercised your right to vote as IaHIMA active or emeritus members. We had a 21% voter turnout which is awesome! AHIMA's national election averages a 9-11% response rate. A special thank you to all those who ran for office. I hope you will consider running again next year and serving the organization in the future. Congratulations to those who will be part of the 2015-2015 IaHIMA Board of Directors. The results are as follows: President-Elect Sarah Cottington, MHA, RHIT, CPHQ, CPEHR, CHTS-IM, FNAHQ, FAHIMA Secretary Tina Gray, MHA, RN, CCDS, CCS-P, CCS First-Year Director Tina Sander, RHIT Nominating Committee Kim Barth, RHIT, CPC At the IaHIMA Annual Meeting, President-Elect Liz Mayer was installed into office as the 2015-2016 IaHIMA President. Congratulations Liz! Pictured is the outgoing IaHIMA President MariBeth Lane reading the recognition statement to the incoming IaHIMA President Liz and passing off the gavel. Pictured above: MariBeth Lane, IaHIMA President and Liz Mayer, IaHIMA 2015-2016 President For a full list of IaHIMA Board Officers and Liaisons, please visit the IaHIMA website ( following the June 12, 2015 Board meeting. We hope to have all the names and contact information of those in new positions published on the website as soon as possible following the meeting. There may be some additional liaison or district leader positions open as we finalize the Board list. Keep in touch with us. Serving this organization is very fulfilling and challenging and brings about many positive changes including the growth of professional contacts and relationships which are nourished as you strive towards a common purpose. I look forward to the transition to the new Board and hope that you will all keep us informed of the needs, hopes and goals for the future as we finalize a new strategic plan for IaHIMA. IaHIMA “SAVE THE DATE” By Liz Mayer, RHIA; IaHIMA President Elect As the IaHIMA board continues to look at opportunities to improve benefits to our members, we are very excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Iowa Chapter next year for the 2016 annual meeting. HIMSS is an organization dedicated to the advancement of health care through information technology and many of their focus areas mirror those of IaHIMA , so we feel this joint venture will be a positive change to our annual meeting. We are hoping this annual meeting partnership will increase attendance and membership satisfaction as well as give both organizations and opportunity to share resources to help decrease annual meeting expenses. IaHIMA has a HIMSS liaison on the board of directors, Joy Selleck. Joy will be the liaison between our Board of Directors and the HIMSS Board of Directors so that we can offer a fabulous annual meeting with more breakout sessions for attendees to choose from, more vendors and a great opportunity for both memberships to network and meet new people. The meeting will be held at the Marriott in Coralville, Iowa with the student RHIT prep session on Monday, May 2 nd with the meetings to commence on Tuesday, May 3 and Wednesday, May 4, 2016. Please stay tuned in the coming months for details! IAHIMA MAY NEWSLETTER page 4 Iowa Guide to Medical Records Laws IaHIMA is proud to announce a new release of the Iowa Guide to Medical Record Laws. The revised Iowa Guide to Medical Record Laws is THE resource for anyone dealing with disclosure of health information in Iowa, HIPAA and many other legal health information questions. All health information management departments should have this reference guide. The manual is being offered as a downloadable pdf file only. About the Publication Price Delivery Order Online (Payment options include check or credit card) Questions? Contact Us About the Publication This publication is the 8th Edition. With the assistance of an attorney, every chapter was reviewed and updated to include current Iowa statutes and regulations. In addition, this latest version will provide a comprehensive resource that combines requirements of Iowa law with HIPAA Privacy/Security requirements. This must have manual will outline the pertinent disclosure of information, state statutes, including HIPAA Privacy/Security mandates and encourages uniformity in the processing and release of health information in the state of Iowa. Sections Include: Section I. Release of Medical Information Section II. Required Reporting of Medical Information Section III. Retention of Medical Records Section IV. The Medical Record in Investigative and Court Proceedings Section V. HIPAA Privacy Rules Section VI. Advance Directives Section VII. HIPAA Security Rule HIPAA HELPER Note: Iowa Guide to Medical Record Laws is to be considered a general reference to assist health information management professionals with legal issues regarding the disclosure of health information. It is NOT intended to be considered legal advice. Price Single User License IaHIMA/AHIMA Member $250.00 Non-Member $300.00 HIM Student $50.00 The manual is being offered as a downloadable pdf file only. Single User License – to be used in one department at one facility. When you order online, you will have the option to pay by mail with a check or pay online with a credit card (AMEX, MasterCard, or Visa). If you are paying by check, select "offline/mail" under payment options in the shopping cart. You will later see instructions to print the invoice page and mail your payment to KnowledgeConnex. The mailing address will be on the invoice. Make your check payable to KnowledgeConnex. Version 8 of the IaHIMA Guide to Medical Records Law is now available. Purchases are made through the IaHIMA website at Get your updated guide today!! Delivery page 5 IAHIMA MAY NEWSLETTER AHIMA HILL DAY AND LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY By MariBeth Lane, MS, RHIA; IaHIMA President In March, IaHIMA sent a delegation of officers to the 2015 AHIMA Leadership Symposium on March 23 and Hill Day on March 24 in Washington, D.C. According to the AHIMA website, “The Leadership and Advocacy Symposium is a oneday collaborative educational conference that brings AHIMA’s leadership together to engage in dialogue that sets the strategic direction and advocacy efforts of the HIM profession and the Association. Hill Day provides members the opportunity to interact and advocate for HIM with their Congress representatives.” Attending the activities this year were MariBeth Lane, IaHIMA President; Liz Mayer, IaHIMA President-Elect; Carrie Arens, IaHIMA Past President and Legislative Liaison; and Megan Weis, IaHIMA Second-Year Delegate. This year, we once again met with our Iowa Legislators to advocate for the implementation of the ICD-10-CM/PCS code set and to begin discussions on the unique patient identifier needed in our field. We urged our members of Congress to support the implementation of ICD-10 and oppose any legislation which would delay the October 1, 2015. All Legislators and the Legislative Aids we met with seemed to understand the importance of these requests and indicated we had their support, but it was dependent on the entire content of the proposed legislation as written to determine if the delay could happen. There was once again fear that an SGR fix bill could include ICD-10 delay language so we discussed this with those we met with also. This year, we were fortunate enough to meet with both Senator Grassley and Senator Ernst in person. Despite that fact that there were many votes happening in the Senate that day, each of the Senators cleared time in their calendars to meet with us. Although our meetings were brief, we did feel they each heard our requests and were respectful and understood our stand on the issues presented. We also met with Legislative Aids from the offices of Representative King, Representative Blum, and Representative Young. We did not have an appointment with anyone from Representative Loebsack’s office this year. In the case of the newly elected Representatives, the Aids seemed unfamiliar with the issues we discussed, but we presented them with additional written information and web links to assist them in becoming more familiar with our issues in order to share the information and our thoughts with the Congressmen they worked with. While the outcome of our advocacy will remain unknown until October 1, 2015, we did make good connections, established relationships, shared factual information, and made our opinions heard. That is the democracy our great nation is built upon. To quote Harry Emerson Fosdick, “Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.” Thank you to the IaHIMA Officers attending this event for their outstanding advocacy efforts throughout the year. A special thanks to Carrie Arens who served as the IaHIMA Grassroots Advocacy Liaison. Pictured L to R: MariBeth Lane, Liz Mayer, Senator Grassley, Megan Weis, and Carrie Arens IAHIMA IMPORTANT INFORMATION IAHIMA JANUARY NEWSLETTER UPCOMING BOARD MEETINGS June 12th at Iowa Hospital Association Anatomy & Physiology Webinars Anatomy & Physiology Webinars still available at IAHIMA WEBSITE – -Advertising and Posting Job Opening Available -Looking for a new job, check out the job board IAHIMA Board of Directors President – MariBeth Lane, MS RHIA Past President – Carrie Arens, MHIIM, RHIT President-Elect – Liz Mayer, RHIA Secretary – Tina Gray, MHA, RN, CCDS, CCS, CCS-P Treasurer – Peggy Wolfe, RHIT 1st Year Director – Shari Good, RHIT nd 2 Year Director – Tina Sander, RHIT Physician Office Liaison - Michele Flattery, RHIT 2nd Year Delegate – Megan Weis, RHIA Clinical Coding Liaison – MariBeth Lane, MS, RHIA Education Liaison – Barbara Foster, RHIA, CTR HIMSS Liaison – Joy Selleck, BS, SHIMSS Hospice/Home Care Liaison – Liz Mayer, RHIA IHA Liaison – Kathy Trytten Legislative Liaison – Carrie Arens, MHIIM, RHIT Long Term Care Liaison – Debra Sperry, RHIT Marketing & Recruitment – Peggy Wolfe, RHIT Nominating Committee – Amber Christopher, RHIT Communication Liaison – Tonia (Toni) Silver, RHIT Telligen Liaison – Sarah Cottington, MHA, RHIT, CPHQ, CPEHR, CHTS-IM, FNAHQ, FAHIMA District A – Jill Carver, RHIT District B – OPEN District C – Sarah Caddell, RHIT, CCS & Shawna Sweeney, MSH, RHIA, CCS District D – Shelly McFadden, RHIT, CCS & Deb Harlan, RHIT District E – Jessica Hoepker, MBA, CCA & LeAnn Klein, RHIA District F – Diana Johnston, BS, RHIA District G – Carrie Jackson, RHIT Helpful hints for AHIMA Engage Communities, please visit For Tutorials, please visit or Contact IaHIMA’s Communication Liaison, Tonia (Toni) Silver at [email protected]
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