ikob-Award | International At the 2015 edition, the ikob-Award once again rewards the creativity of the emerging international art scene – with the support of the German-speaking Community. The contest is open to artists of any artistic discipline that are younger than 45 years on the 1 January 2015. Based on the material submitted, the jury makes a preselection of 5 nominees and 1 laureate. The candidates that are nominated by the jury (max. 5) are invited to participate in the exhibition taking place from 8 June to 17 August 2015. During the Opening on 7 June, the international jury is going to award the laureate. The material for the application must be sent or deposited before Monday 20 April 2015 at: CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION / RECOURSE TO THE LAW CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Eligible to take part are artists that are younger than 45 years at the date of 1 January 2015. All participants accept the findings of the jury. Any recourse to legal action is excluded. The 3 works presented for the exhibition need to be the property of the participant, who is their copyright holder. The participation to this contest is free. However, the participants take over the entire responsibility of expenses that occur through their participation at the contest. Through the registration, the participant accepts the present terms of agreement All disciplines in visual arts are accepted. THE APPLICATION (A4 format, paper version. No application sent per email will be accepted) contains the following mandatory information: The correctly filled in application form (see last page) A description (max. 1 page text) of the 3 existent works of art, not older than 3 years, that are intended to be shown during the exhibition at the ikob. Each work has to be described precisely: title, year, technique, material, dimensions, insurance value, etc. The illustration of the works of art through photographs or, where required, through CD-ROMs or DVDs for video graphic works (excerpts should not exceed a total duration of 15 minutes) A description of the general artistic approach (max. 1 page text), completed by a detailed portfolio of previous realisations A short biography of max. 10 lines with the artist’s approach. A curriculum vitae (formation, exhibitions, publications, website) THE APPLICATION IS TO BE SENT: Before 20 April 2015 (no exception are made after this deadline) On the envelope, please mention ‘ikob-Award |International’ Address ikob Rotenberg 12 B B-4700 Eupen More info: +32 87 56 01 10 | [email protected] The artists that will not have been selected can reclaim their application material at the ikob. In any other case, the documents will be kept in the archives of the ikob. The ikob has the right to contact the candidates to ask for confirmation of provided information in the application form or for any other reason. JURY : Headed by Dirk Snauwaert, Director of the Wiels in Brussels, the jury is composed oft he following art experts: Sarah Zurcher (Director Museum Langmatt, Switzerland), Pierre-Olivier Rollin (Director BPS 22, Charleroi), Eva Wittocx (Curator Museum M, Leuven) The jury will meet in private. AWARD The Award given through the Opening of the exhibition is of 5000 € The jury is free to decide not to give the Award or to split it. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION AT THE EXHIBITION OF THE IKOB The selected artists are invited to show their work(s) at the ikob (according to the jury’s decision). The exact place of exhibition for each artist and the dates of reception for the works of art will be defined later on. Each candidate selected for the exhibition, after the decision has been communicated to her/him beginning of May has to immediately provide the three works of art (the exhibition taking place in June). The works should not exceed a weight on the ground of 300 kg/m² and a surface of 2 x 2 m and comply with the material possibilities of their exhibition. Audio-visual works can only be presented in form of DVD for a projection or a monitor presentation. The ikob keeps the right to define the exhibition modalities according to the existing material and the possibilities offered by the space. Transport of the artworks to and from the ikob is at the artist’s own costs and risks. The ikob will insure the works ‘all-risks’ only for the duration of the exhibition within its space. The ikob cannot be hold responsible for any damage that occurs during the transport or the setting up / disassembly of the works unless there is a major error from the technician. The selected artist declares to be the copyright holder of the respective artwork(s). For the communication, the candidate will put at disposal of the ikob a series of photos in high definition (300 dpi) as well as a short biography. By this, s/he gives the ikob the right of reproduction of the works for the promotion of the exhibition. S/he also gives the ikob the right to realize reproductions and to communicate to the public her/his works on film, video, photo, the internet, a catalogue or any other picture support, to use them integrally or partially in a (TV) programme or website and to show them integrally or partially, and on demand, to put them at disposal of the public, without any further allowance for reasons of copyright or related rights, for an unlimited amount of time and worldwide. APPLICATION FORM IKOB-AWARD |INTERNATIONAL Deadline for application: 20 April 2015 I, the undersigned .........................................................................................., Born on …………….....................…, Residing in ........................................................, nr........, ZIP................ City................................................ Phone. ......................................... // e-mail........................................................ Hereby declare that I am subscribing to the ikob-Award | International and accept in their integrity the terms of agreement. In case I am selected, I will undertake to provide maximum three works for the exhibition ikob-Award that will be organized at the ikob in Eupen – Museum for Contemporary Art from 7 June to 18 August 2015. ............................, on the............................................. ‘AGREED AND ACCEPTED’ Signature
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