Commonwealth Wood Stove Change-Out Program Program Manual Sponsored by: The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Issued: April 10, 2015 1. Program Overview The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), along with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER), have committed funding to support the 2015 Commonwealth Wood Stove Change-Out Program (the “Program”). This Program offers rebates toward the replacement of non-EPA-certified wood stoves with new, low-emission EPA-certified wood or pellet stoves. All Massachusetts residents that currently operate a non-EPA-certified wood stove in Massachusetts are eligible to apply. The program is administered by MassCEC, while MassDEP and DOER provided guidance on program requirements and maximum emissions levels for new stoves. EPA-certified wood or pellet stoves can provide significantly increased efficiency and reduced emissions when compared to non-EPA-certified wood stoves. The increased efficiency of EPA-certified stoves reduces the amount of wood consumed and ultimately saves residents money. Residents interested in receiving a rebate for a stove change-out must apply through a participating stove retailer or installer (“Participating Stove Professional” or “Stove Professional”) at the time of purchasing their stove. A list of Participating Stove Professionals can be found on our website at 2. Stove Eligibility and Performance Standards Only existing and operational non-EPA-certified wood stoves are eligible for replacement under this Program. Homemade or modified wood stoves are not eligible for replacement under this Program. Existing non-EPA-certified wood stoves must be replaced with new, low-emission, wood or pellet stoves that are EPA-certified and meet the stove performance standards outlined in Table 1 (“Qualified Equipment”). A list of Qualified Equipment is posted at Stoves removed through this Program must be rendered permanently inoperable at a recycling facility. 1 3. Rebates and Funding Participating Stove Professionals must submit rebate applications (“Application”) on behalf of the homeowner. If the Application is approved, the rebate will be reserved (an “Award” or “Rebate”) and the Participating Stove Professionals will issue a discount off the cost of the Qualified Equipment and costs associated with the purchase and installation of the Qualified Equipment (“Eligible Project Costs”) to the homeowner (“System Owner”). Upon submission and approval of project completion documentation (“Project Completion “, or “Project Completion Form”), the rebate will be paid to the Participating Stove Professional. Rebate values are listed in Table 1. Table 1 - Stove Performance Standards and Rebate Levels Maximum PM2.5 Emissions Stove Type Rebate Value Standard Rebate Low-Income Rebate Pellet Stove 2.0 g/hr $1,250 $2,250 Catalytic Wood Stoves 2.0 g/hr $1,000 $2,000 Non-Catalytic Wood Stoves >3.0 and ≤3.5 g/hr $750 $1,750 Non-Catalytic Wood Stoves ≤3.0 g/hr $1,000 $2,000 - All stoves installed under this Program must be EPA-certified. - Hybrid stoves are considered catalytic stoves. - Fireplace inserts are considered stoves and are subject to emissions limits and rebate values of the emissions control technology utilized in the model being installed. Eligible Applications submitted from April 10 through the end of the application period (“Application Deadline”) (initially set at May 22) are guaranteed funding. If sufficient funds remain upon approaching the Application Deadline, MassCEC will post an extension to the Program at at least 10 days before the Application Deadline. MassCEC will email all Participating Stove Professionals any such announcement. MassCEC reserves the right to allocate more or less funding than stated. Average costs for the previous year’s program are presented in Table 2 below as a reference point for customers. Table 2 - MassCEC Average Change-Out Costs from Prior Year Average Stove Cost Average Project Cost Average Out-ofPocket Cost Wood Stove – Standard Rebate ($750) $2,139 $3,007 $2,257 Pellet Stove – Standard Rebate ($750) $2,783 $3,582 $2,832 Wood Stove – Low-Income Rebate ($2,000) $1,990 $2,805 Pellet Stove – Low-Income Rebate ($2,000) $2,671 $3,679 $805 $1,679 Stove Type and Voucher Value 2 4. Rebate Application Process and Requirements The application, approval, and project completion process consists of four steps, as outlined in Table 3 below. The submission of an Application does not guarantee that a rebate will be awarded. Rebates shall be treated as an instant discount from the Participating Stove Professional to the System Owner at the time of final payment of the invoice. If the total Eligible Project Costs are less than the value of the rebate, then the rebate will be reduced to the value of the total Eligible Project Costs. Eligible Project Costs include the cost of the new EPA-certified stove or fireplace insert, stove installation and any parts, materials or labor required for the safe and legal installation of the stove or fireplace insert. Qualified Equipment MUST be installed by a Participating Stove Professional and meet local fire and building codes. Rebates are not transferable across Participating Stove Professionals. Scheduling a stove installation may take several weeks – Stove Professionals and System Owners must plan accordingly. Table 3 – Application Process Overview STEP STEP 1: Homeowner Initiates Stove Purchase through Participating Stove Professional Deadline Prior to Application Deadline STEP 2: Participating Stove Professional Submits Application May 22, 2015 or Application Deadline, whichever is later STEP 3: MassCEC Approves Award and Sends Award Letter Within 2 Weeks of Submission of Complete Application Task The homeowner contacts or visits a Participating Stove Professional to determine: current wood stove eligibility, cost of the entire change-out Project, new stove options and associated rebate values. Once the homeowner has identified the appropriate Participating Stove Professional to work with and eligibility for the rebate, the homeowner must initiate the purchase of the new stove with a down payment (minimum of 10%). If the homeowner elects to participate in the Program (now a “System Owner”), the Stove Professional will submit an Application on the System Owner’s behalf. The System Owner must provide the Stove Professional with an electric bill from the home where the stove will be installed (“Project Site”), a signed Participant’s Agreement (available at and proof of LowIncome Rebate qualification if applying for a Low-Income Award. MassCEC will review each Application to ensure the Project meets all Program requirements, including that the new stove qualifies for the selected rebate and to verify that Low-Income Rebate eligibility. The Stove Professional and System Owner will be sent an email stating that the Award is approved (“Award Letter”), typically within two weeks of submission. 3 STEP 4: Participating Stove Professional Completes Change-Out and Submits Project Completion 12 Weeks from Award Approval Once the Award is approved, the Stove Professional and System Owner will have 12 weeks to complete the change-out and submit the Project Completion Form. The Project Completion Form will be available to the Stove Professional upon Award approval. Extensions to the Project Completion Date will not be granted. Once the Project Completion Form is approved, MassCEC will reimburse the Participating Stove Professional for the value of the rebate provided to the System Owner. Detailed Step-by-Step Process and Requirements: STEP 1: Homeowner Initiates Stove Purchase through Participating Stove Professional Commonwealth residents interested in participating in the 2015 Commonwealth Wood Stove ChangeOut Program should contact or visit a Participating Stove Professional location. A list of Participating Stove Professionals is available at Participating Stove Professionals will be able determine whether a resident’s existing stove qualifies for replacement under the Program. Information that will be helpful to the Participating Stove Professional includes the year the stove was manufactured, a picture of the front of the stove and a picture of the back of the stove (if possible). All EPA-certified stoves have a metal tag on the back of the stove indicating EPA certification. Once the homeowner has identified the appropriate Participating Stove Professional to work with and eligibility for the rebate, the homeowner must initiate the purchase of the new stove with a down payment (minimum of 10%). Participating Stove Professionals may not submit an Application on behalf of a resident if the resident’s existing stove does not qualify for the program. Participating Stove Professionals will also be able to help residents estimate the full cost of the installation of the new stove, which new stoves are eligible for the Program, and the associated rebate for each new stove option. Estimates and stove eligibility determinations typically require a site visit. STEP 2: Participating Stove Professional Submits Application If a resident decides to participate in the Program, the Participating Stove Professional will submit an Application on behalf of the resident – now System Owner – through MassCEC’s online application portal at Only Participating Stove Professionals may submit Applications – residents must work with a Participating Stove Professional to get a rebate through this Program. The following information is required in order to complete an Application: 1. Answers to all questions on the Project Information Worksheet o The Project Information Worksheet is a tool that Participating Stove Professionals can use to track the Project before entering information into the online Application. All questions on the worksheet are included in the online application; the worksheet will not be required as an attachment on the application. 4 The new wood stove must be included on MassCEC’s list of approved wood stoves. A full list is available at Participant’s Agreement (Attachment) – Signed by the System Owner and Participating Stove Professional. Agreement is available at Invoice (Attachment) – Showing new stove model and that a minimum 10% down payment was paid 2015 Electric Bill (Attachment) – Showing address of Project Site (Service Address) o The electric bill does not need to show the System Owner’s name. Demonstration of Low-Income Rebate Qualification (Attachment) - If applying for a Low-Income Rebate. To qualify for a Low-Income Rebate, the System Owner must demonstrate that their household income is less than 60% of the estimated median state household income relevant to their tax filing status (Table 4). o 2. 3. 4. 5. Table 4 - Low-Income Threshold by Household Size Size of Household 1-Person 2-Person 3-Person 4-Person 5-Person 6-Person Gross Annual Income Limits (60% of estimated state median income) $32,618 $42,654 $52,691 $62,727 $72,763 $82,800 System Owners can demonstrate Low-Income Rebate eligibility by using any of the following three methods: a. Electric Bill – System Owners are eligible for Low-Income Rebates if they have a low-income rate code on their 2015 electricity bill. For customers served by National Grid or Unitil, the low-income rate code is R2. For customers served by Eversource (formerly including NSTAR and WMECo), the low-income rate codes are A2 and A3. b. Fuel Assistance Letter of Acceptance for the 2014-2015 heating season – Showing the date, System Owner’s name and Project Site address. c. Third Party Income Verification – System Owner can submit a no-cost application to Spillane Consulting Associates to have their income verified against the income limits in Table 4. This application will include a submission of a completed IRS Form 4506-T. Each individual/joint taxpayer must complete an IRS Form 4506-T. Any other adult within the residence who files taxes separately must also submit a 4506-T. i. Third Party Income Verification can take up to four (4) weeks. 5 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. System Owners will receive a letter from Spillane Consulting Associates indicating whether the System Owner qualifies for the Low-Income Rebate when the income verification is complete. MassCEC will receive a copy of this letter. If the System Owner receives an income verification letter from Spillane Consulting Associates before the Application is submitted, the Participating Stove Professional may include the income verification letter with the Application. Funding will be reserved (but not awarded) for submitted low-income Applications even if Third Party Income Verification is not complete. System Owners must submit required documents to Spillane Consulting Associates within one (1) week of Application submission. The appropriate rebate will be awarded when MassCEC has received a copy of the income verification letter from Spillane Consulting Associates. If the required documentation is not submitted to Spillane Consulting Associates within one week of Application submission, the Application will be processed as a Standard Rebate and will not be changed to a Low-Income Rebate. If the income verification letter indicates the System Owner does not qualify for the Low-Income Rebate, the Application will be processed as a Standard Rebate. Stove Professionals should not handle or submit income verification documentation to Spillane Consulting Associates on behalf of the System Owner. STEP 3: MassCEC Approves Award and Sends Award Letter MassCEC will review each Application to ensure the new stove qualifies for the selected rebate and to verify that any Low-Income Rebate documentation qualifies. Once the Application is approved, the Stove Professional and System Owner will receive an email notifying them of the Award, which constitutes the Award Letter. STEP 4: Participating Stove Professional Completes Change-Out and Submits Project Completion The Stove Professional and System Owner will have 12 weeks from the day the Award is approved to complete the change-out and submit the Project Completion Form. Extensions will not be granted. Upon completing the installation of the new EPA-certified stove and recycling of the existing non-EPAcertified stove, the Participating Stove Professional will submit the Project Completion Form to MassCEC. Within 28 days of approving the Project Completion Form, MassCEC will reimburse the Participating Stove Professional in the amount of the Award. The following information is required in order to complete a Project Completion Form: Project Completion 1. Verification of Project Cost 2. Identification of the EPA-certified stove installed 3. Stove Disposal Form signed by the stove recycler certifying the non-EPA-certified stove has been rendered inoperable (Attachment) 6 4. Picture of existing installed non-EPA-certified stove (Attachment) 5. Picture of installed EPA-certified stove (Attachment) 5. Additional Information To become a Participating Stove Professional, stove retailers and installers must complete and submit a Participating Stove Professional Agreement found at Questions and inquiries can be directed to [email protected] or (617) 315-9340. 6. Definitions Applicant: The Applicant is the Participating Stove Professional who prepares and submits the Application on behalf of the System Owner. The Participating Stove Professional is responsible to work with the System Owner to prepare and submit the Application. Application: Application submitted on behalf of System Owner by the Participating Stove Professional for an Award. Award: Rebate funding awarded to a System Owner under the Program based on a submitted Application that has been approved by MassCEC. Eligible Project Costs: Costs associated with the purchase and installation of the Qualifying Equipment. Low-Income Rebate: Rebate received for the successful installation of stove on the Qualified Technology list if the System Owner demonstrates income eligibility. Rebate is dependent on stove emissions and stove type installed. Participant’s Agreement: An agreement signed by the System Owner and Participating Stove Professional that indicates their agreement to abide by the terms and conditions required for the Program and for the particular Project that was applied for. Participating Stove Professional: The Participating Stove Professional is the primary entity responsible for the installation of the Project. The Participating Stove Professional is directly responsible for turnkey project management, submission of the Application, and installation work, although aspects of the installation work may be sub-contracted. The Participating Stove Professional has submitted a Participating Stove Professional Agreement to MassCEC and has been approved to participate in the Program. Participating Stove Professional Agreement: An agreement signed by a stove professional that indicates their agreement to abide by the terms and conditions required of a stove professional in this Program. 7 Program Documents: The Program Documents consist of the Program Manual, Application, Participation Agreement, and Award Letter. Project: The wood stove change-out project. Project Completion: The status of a Project at the stage when the old stove has been removed and the new stove has been fully installed. Project Completion has been achieved when the installation has been completed in accordance with the Program Manual. Project Completion Date: The date when Project Completion has been achieved. Rebate: Rebate funding awarded to a System Owner under the Program based on a submitted Application that has been approved by MassCEC. System Owner: An individual who, together with the Participating Stove Professional, applies to MassCEC for a Wood Stove Change-Out Program rebate. The System Owner is the owner of the Project that is supported by the Program rebate. Standard Rebate – Rebate received for the successful installation of stove on the Qualified Technology list. Rebate is dependent on stove emissions and stove type installed. 7. General Conditions MassCEC reserves the right to reject any Applications or Projects. 7.1 Notice of Public Disclosure 7.1.1 General Statement As a public entity, MassCEC is subject to Massachusetts’ Public Records Law, codified at Chapter 66 of the Massachusetts General Laws. Grantee acknowledges and agrees that all Program Documents will be public records subject to disclosure. Thus, MassCEC urges Applicant Parties to carefully consider what documents, materials, data and other information is submitted to MassCEC in connection with an Application. 7.1.2 Procedures for Handling Documents Classified as “Sensitive Information” An Applicant Party may assert a claim of confidentiality for part or all of the information submitted to MassCEC by following the instructions on the Notice of Confidentiality Cover Letter, which can be requested from MassCEC. 7.2 Contractual Requirements The Participation Agreement defines the legal terms that will govern the Award and sets forth the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties specifically as they relate to the Project that is the 8 subject of the Award. The Participation Agreement is designed to be executed upon submitting an Application. This contract language is non-negotiable. No MassCEC funds may be used to pay rebates for Projects that reach Project Completion prior to the program launch date or after the program deadline. 7.3 Waiver Authority MassCEC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive minor irregularities in submittal requirements, to request modifications of the Application, to accept or reject any or all Applications received, and/or to cancel all or part of this Program at any time prior to Awards. 7.4 Disclaimer This Program Manual does not commit MassCEC to award any funds, pay any costs incurred in preparing an Application, or procure or contract for services or supplies. MassCEC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications received, negotiate with all qualified Applicants, cancel or modify the Program Manual in part or in its entirety, or change the application guidelines, when it is in its best interests. 7.5 Changes/Amendments to the Program Manual The requirements listed herein are subject to change without notice to potential Applicant Parties. This Program Manual has been distributed electronically using MassCEC’s website. It is the responsibility of Applicant Parties to check MassCEC’s website for any addenda or modifications to the Program Manual to which they intend to respond. MassCEC, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and its subdivisions accept no liability and will provide no accommodation to Applicants who submit an Application based on an out-of date Program Manual and/or related document. 9
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