NEXUS MAY 2015 Connecting Family – Friends & Faith through Christ “A BEND IN THE ROAD OR THE END OF THE ROAD” It really stopped me in my tracks. I had just finished visiting one of the church members in the hospital. Walking down the corridor, reflecting on the visit just completed as well as trying to keep in mind my next appointment, my eyes were drawn to a poster on the wall of the hallway. It was a picture of a winding, meandering road through a lushly green countryside taken from a birdseye view. The picture was nice, but the caption underneath it was fantastic! It said, “A Bend in the Road Is Not the End of the Road…Unless You Fail to Make the Turn.” Wow! These are words of guidance for today. Because life takes so many twists and turns, one keeps wondering if life’s journey is ending or bending. Isn’t it great to know our God never changes? Hebrews 13:8 gives so much comfort: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” No matter what or who changes, Jesus is a constant. Constantly He loves. Constantly He forgives. Constantly He comforts. Constantly He breaks through the confusion of change and offers His never-changing power, protection and provision. Life is changing dramatically in the Yonker household this spring and summer. My last-born is graduating from high school and is already turning his attention toward heading off to college. This man-child will fly and leave his parents as empty-nesters. Although his absence will be felt greatly (as is his sisters’) Joanne and I are looking forward to this new chapter of our lives – we’re taking the “bend in the road.” continued… 2 Pastoral Reflections Mr. Faga’s Retirement! .............. 2 Table of Contents IN THIS ISSUE….. Member Updates ........................ 3 Memorials Thrivent Choice.......................... 4 ACTS 2 ...................................... 9 Calendar .................................... 10 Worship Notes ........................... 11 Pastor’s Pen ................................ 5 School News .............................. 12-13 Five 10.10 “What’s For Dinner.................... 6 Church Records ......................... 14 LWML/Dorcas Society Greater Things ........................... 7 ISM, FMSC, Stephen Ministry ...................... 8 Immanuel GO FISH 5K Volley for Africa ....................... 15 Youth Ministry .......................... 16-17 Worship Opportunities .............. 18 Pastoral REFLECTIONS I bet you all are experiencing changes too. That really is the way life goes. Babies being born, elderly dying, new jobs offered, factories closing, fortunes being won, ventures being lost, relationships being built up as washing machines are breaking down; there is a whole world of change occurring right outside our back door. Is your journey a straight highway or is it curving? Jesus offers to carry you regardless of the terrain or the turns. He reminds us: no matter what happens on life’s journey “a bend in the road isn’t the end in the road.” He will help us make the turn through all the changes. Here’s the thing though: I’m glad Jesus doesn’t ever change. On the cross Jesus could have changed His mind and left the death and payment of sins to someone else. He could have changed His mind about loving us who repeatedly push Him away. He could have gone back into heaven and said to the Father, “Let’s wipe out the world and start creation over.” But He didn’t. Jesus didn’t change his mind and He won’t change His heart. He will be with us through all our days. I am yours in Jesus, Pastor Yonker The Retirement of Mr. Barry Faga! Sunday, May 31st @ 12 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass We also invite you to show your appreciation to Mr. Faga by sending cards & gifts or bringing them on that day. (Please make any checks payable to Barry Faga) 2 MEMBER UPDATES Kaylee Marie Vesely daughter of Josh & Abbey Vesely April 4, 2015 Lillian Grace Grocke daughter of Mike & Sara Grocke April 11, 2015 Madison Elizabeth Moeller daughter of Matt & Sarah Moeller April 25, 2015 Cora Anne Burns daughter of Brian & Courtney Burns April 25, 2015 Rev. Charles & Sue Kittel Trinity Lutheran Church, Huntley Randy & Wendy Ballschmiede Kelly & Tim Barnes Tim & Chris Bishop Jim & Lynn Bruening Jim & Barb Christie Randy & Connie Freise 5/19 5/23 5/11 5/23 5/10 5/10 Jason & Maria Harkness Rocky & Twyla Hoffman Jeff & Torie Kamp Doug & Martha Krieser Doug & Martha Krieser Erika & Josh Kwasny 5/20 5/16 5/18 5/30 5/30 5/25 Scott & Krista Pedersen Sloan & Gayle Seaton Dan & Liz Trebes Eric & Amy Yakes Tom & Jill Yucuis 5/7 5/8 5/6 5/19 5/1 Each month we will publish a “GOLDEN YEARS” listing of members who have reached the milestone of 60 years of age or over. To all we say HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and thank you, with God’s help, for keeping Immanuel alive for these many years! THIS MONTH’s birthdays Dorothy Hansen Susan Schumacher Ken Becker Larry Pedley Ron Schumacher Pam Vogelman 5/1 5/1 5/4 5/7 5/7 5/7 Peg Bruell Marty Wilharm John Kamp Gordon Sherman Sandy Freeman Mike LaComb 3 5/8 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/20 Dorothy Scheer 5/20 Jean Jablonski 5/21 William Davidowski 5/26 Richard Myers 5/29 Sharon Skinner 5/29 Ruth Ramel 5/30 MEMORIALS In Memory of....... GENERAL Fund TOTAL MEMORIAL FUNDS In Memory of Katherine Bergdolt (sister of Ramona Baerwolf) Donna Steinberg, Virginia Ikert, Steve & Jan Weber In Memory of Lois Swanson Bob Hoyt In Memory of Darlene Ulm (sister of Pastor Bojens) Ruth Ramel, Chuck & Marilyn Koehlert In Memory of Ruth P. Smith (mother of Cindy Meier) Steve & Jan Weber General $250 Foundation $50 School $370 FOUNDATION Fund In Memory of Katherine Bergdolt (sister of Ramona Baerwolf) Ralph & Judy Buhrow SCHOOL Fund In Memory of Lois Swanson Robert & Audrey Biester, Sr., Art & Nancy Schueneman, Mr. & Mrs. George Robinson, Steven & Artise Komarchuk, Dan & Barb Holtz, Tom & Bonnie Russell, Marty Wilharm, Ralph & Sue Norman In Memory of Katherine Bergdolt (sister of Ramona Baerwolf) Jeff & Cheryl Leitner Thrivent Choice Dollars We are thrilled to report that our March totals from Thrivent Choice Dollars surpassed any previous monthly totals. Thrivent members designated $2,120 to our church and $7,678 to our school. The money our church receives from Thrivent is placed in our General Fund which supports the total ministry at Immanuel. The money the school receives is placed in the School Scholarship Fund. Since the first quarter of Thrivent Choice is completed for 2015, you may again request funds for Immanuel by calling 1-800-847-4836 and say, “Thrivent Choice.” Another way to request Thrivent funds for Immanuel is by going online at dollars and follow the prompts. If you have further questions about this program, please contact Ken Becker or Chris Wendt at 847-428-4477 or John Drafall at 847-669-3029. 4 pastor’s pen On Christmas Day, December 25, 1930 something very unusual happened here at Immanuel Lutheran Church. A baby boy was baptized—his name was Robert David Uteg. We don’t know why his parents, Henry and Charlotte, chose to have their middle son baptized on the Lord’s birthday but maybe just maybe the Lord was preparing this baby boy to be a gift giver throughout his life. Robert received the gift of Christian education as he attended Immanuel Lutheran School graduating in 1944. That same year he began receiving the gifts of the Lord’s Supper as he was confirmed here at Immanuel. He graduated from Dundee Community High School in 1948. Four years later he graduated from Valparaiso University with a business major. He was drafted into the Army during the Korean War and gifted our nation with serving two years at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He then attended the University of Illinois at Champaign where he received his Masters Degree in management. He worked for Union Electric for a few years before accepting a position with A.G. Edwards and then Wells Fargo where he ended his business career retiring in 2013. In 1972, Robert received the gift of marriage by being united to his wife Marilyn. Our gracious God blessed Robert and Marilyn with many nieces and nephews with whom they shared their love. Robert was a gift to his church and community. He worshiped at Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield, Illinois serving as coordinator of the greeters ministry there for a quarter of a century. Robert was a blessing to many different community programs where he volunteered and served sharing his gifts with those who needed some help. The Lord gave Robert the very best gift of all by calling him from this life to life eternal on June 7, 2013. And yet, even in death, Robert remained a gift giver. In gratitude to God for all the gifts he received during his life, Robert never forgot the church where he received the gift of faith and forgiveness on that Christmas Day in 1930 as Immanuel received a portion of Mr. Uteg’s estate. His undesignated gift of over $165,000 was given to us just before Easter and we rejoice in his faithful stewardship of the gifts that the Lord had given to him over his life. What an amazing legacy for a man baptized on Christmas Day—a lifetime of giving and service and even in death that giving and service continues. As Immanuel received this unexpected gift we realize some wonderful truths…God is good all the time as we were anticipating running a deficit of nearly $80,000 for this fiscal year that ends in June, now we are looking forward to being nearly $75,000 to the good which will allow us to cover some of our previous years’ deficit spending; all because of this gift giving God who continues to surprise us. Mr. Uteg’s gift reminds us about the importance of faithful stewardship as we look at the ways God has personally blessed each one of us how can we say thank you to God for all His good gifts to us? This amazing gift also reminds us about leaving a legacy—maybe it is time to talk to your financial advisor or speak to our Business Manager, Mr. Chris Wendt, or one of the pastors about ways you can leave a lasting gift to Immanuel so that future generations will be blessed as we are in receiving this gift. It all began on that Christmas Day in 1930 as Pastor Gade splashed water on Robert David’s head and baptized him in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That gift of faith and life continues to this day as Robert enjoys the wonder and beauty of being in the Lord’s eternal presence and we rejoice in the gifts Mr. Uteg left for us here at Immanuel. 5 BIBLE Studies 9:30 a.m. Monday Mission Mary’s 1:30 p.m. Faith Factory 9:30 a.m. Tuesday Sr. Bible Study 1:30 p.m. Middle School/HS Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Men’s Study 9:00 p.m. High School Youth Night 5:30 p.m. Thursday Mom’s Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Saturday Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Sunday ACTS 2 Upcoming Men’s Bible Studies… Studying, Praying, Sharing Our Five.10.10 Men’s Ministry Group meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday nights We meet at Bill Gade’s house (415 Maiden Lane, East Dundee) We meet @ 7:30 pm Men's Ministry Current Book Study: “Heaven” - by Randy Alcorn We make time to talk, share, read, study, pray…very, very informal Men…college aged or above are invited and welcomed!! Call Bill Gade (224.402.3164) if ?? “What’s for Dinner?” …A fellowship where food brings friends together “What’s for Dinner?”…a purely social event, designed to give members of Immanuel an opportunity to get to know each other - new and existing members - even better. Food, fun! Fellowship!! Meets: These “Table of 8” settings gather one time in each of the months of September, November, January and March, with a final “wrap-up” Gala Blowout in April) Night, Place & Time: Selected Saturday nights …in assigned “hosts” homes @ 7 pm You may have already heard about this from your friends or seen some info about this exciting fellowship on the atrium bulletin board. If even a little curious…check it out! “What’s for Dinner?”…a lot of fun, no pressure to ‘create’ - if you wish, just share that ‘favorite’ recipe A terrific and inexpensive “night out”…great way to really talk & better get to know friends “old and new” ONLY 3 dates throughout the year…when a conflict, No Sweat - just put a call out to someone on the SUB list. If your house is too small for a gathering of 8…No Problem - some love to be home-host each time. Informal! Very Tasty! So Much Fun! Watch for 2015/2016 details and “sign-up” at the Welcome Center (Immanuel Commons) If you have questions or interest, call Christine Gathman (847.742.6273) or Kay Gade (847.426.3164). 6 Lutheran Women's Missionary League & Immanuel Lutheran ~ Dorcas Society MONTHLY NEWS & UPDATES Dorcas Society traditional Layette Ingathering will be collecting baby items through Sunday, May 10th for Illinois Lutheran Child & Family Services. On behalf of the many needy families we are able to serve, we are most grateful for the generosity and kindness of our church families & friends. (Look for our cradle in the atrium) You are invited to attend! 36th Biennial LWML Convention: June 25th - 28th in Des Moines Iowa For more information go to: MITES Offering: As always, we are grateful for contributions to our mighty MITES missions. Most especially, we want to help meet our LWML 2015 'mission grant goal' which ends June 30th. Contributions will support projects including: Lutheran Children's Books for SE Asia, rebuilding Nord Est Haiti Lutheran School, I CAN-serving at risk children with learning needs, worship for shut-ins, Lutheran public radio. Kindly return offering boxes to either of our mighty MITES box located in the atrium. Replacement boxes are also there for you to take home, loose change joyfully accepted throughout the year! Our May calendar & call to missions includes: TUESDAY, May 5th: 9:00 a.m -10:00 a.m. LCFS 'Inspire HOPE' fundraiser breakfast (Chicago Marriott Oak Brook) THURSDAY, May 7th:1:00 p.m. regular Dorcas Society meeting - Luther Hall Theme: Program: presented by our Stephens Ministry team Under His Wings TUESDAY, May 12th: 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. LCFS Auxiliary - (Lutherbrook, Addison) THURSDAY, May 21st: 1:00 p.m. Greeting Card Ministry workshop - Luther Hall WEDNESDAY, May 27th: 1:00 p.m. TLC nursing home/homebound friends visits Meet at church & carpool to visits We again thank everyone who is supporting our “Greater Things” debt reduction drive! For March we received $32,306. Our drive total now stands at $627,029. Please contact one of our pastors or Chris Wendt at 847-428-4477 for further information concerning “Greater Things.” 7 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MINISTRY HOSTS NEEDED FRIDAY, MAY 22nd The board for International Student Ministry, Inc. (ISM, Inc.) is looking forward once again to gathering at Immanuel for their 24-hour face to face meeting - this time from Noon Friday May 22nd to Noon Saturday May 23rd. They desire to room for the night in homes of Immanuel members, asking only for your gift of hospitality in providing a bed for the night. No meals are needed. Arrival to your home would be on Friday around 9 p.m. or shortly after, and departure Saturday probably before 8 a.m. Your guests are LCMS adults who encourage and equip others to join them in intentional Gospel ministry among international student communities on USA college and university campuses, with the hope that when the students return home they will carry with them the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ. Go to to learn more of the organization and those who are involved in the ministry. Contact Immanuel member Dorcas Meissner for any questions you may have and to inform her of your desire to be an ISM, Inc. host for the night of May 22nd. Hello Immanuel Lutheran Church and School! Thank you again for the opportunity to share more about FMSC with your students and Dorcas Society. Thanks too for your generous gift. Your donation will provide 1,641 lifesaving meals and care for children who would otherwise have nothing. I have met some of the children we serve and thank you on their behalf. It is through such selfless efforts as yours that Feed My Starving Children will bring 270 million meals to children in 70 countries this year. We take our biblical call to stewardship very seriously. Over 92% of all donations go right into the feeding program. Thank you once again for your diligence, your commitment and your obedience to God’s call to care for the poor. May He bless you all abundantly. In Him and for His Kids, Marilyn Maurella Development Advisor Sometimes we fall into a trap where we think it’s a sign of weakness to ask for help. So when we’re stressed, discouraged, lonely, or sad, we try to keep our struggles hidden and are reluctant to ask for help. However, that’s not God’s plan. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” God wants us to care for others—and allow others to care for us in our time of need. If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to provide confidential one-to-one care, encouragement, and support to help you through a tough time. Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our pastors or one of our Stephen Leaders: Steve Harrison 630-7402665 or Ramona Baerwolf 630-337-4691.. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care into your life. 8 ACTS 2 - May 2015 - Fear and Pride I've participated in a number of Bible studies over the years premised on the concept that the root of most sin comes from fear and/or pride. Would you agree? It certainly has given me pause for thought in my quest for a closer personal relationship with my Lord. In the NIV there are 81 occurrences of the phrase "Do not be afraid". Could this be the 11th commandment? Looking up afraid in the Concordance I found several different meanings varying by the source of the fear. For example: When the Lord sent messengers to the people He would calm them first by instructing them to not be afraid. When there were natural forces - wind, waves - the instruction was to not be afraid for your lives and when confronted by violence at the hand of man, again the instructions were to not be afraid because He is always present and in control. I'm thinking the Lord God wants us to calm down! He recognizes our need to be with Him in times of fear. The caution here of fear being a primary root of sin is that many actions we take without Him are sinful. Whether it is in protecting ourselves, our family, or our stuff we sometimes forget to whom we need to turn first and trust: our loving Savior. So we need pray to believe! The first biblical encounter with pride, of course, is the separation of God and His angel Lucifer. Lucifer was convinced that he was on the same footing as our Creator. Ditto then for us humans and the original sin in the garden. Of course, we fight others and ourselves everyday over what we own, what we know, who we know, how much we have, how good we look, how tall we are... The cure for pride is to develop humility. To humble ourselves may be the 12th commandment. My research led me to some new understandings about this word in the Bible. The first realization I had was that there is a connection between humbling yourself and God listening to your prayers. This would augment the instruction that God doesn't like a prideful prayer. Other directions were to bend your knee, bring yourself low, and to practice gentleness with others. There is also a host of cautionary comments about what happens to people who attempt to humble others for their own benefit. This leads me to think that the Lord would like us to stop judging others and instead of trying to make sense of this crazy world let the justice be His. My conclusion: I'm to be confident and strong in my belief that God has a plan for me and no matter how scary it may seem, I'm to pray and ask for His help when confronted with fear. Regarding pride: remain calm realizing that I'm not perfect and just another forgiven sinner. In this light, I need to show a merciful heart and forgive those that have hurt me or others - allowing God's justice to occur in His perfect timing. (Forgiveness doesn't mean we need to continue in an abusive relationship. Forgiveness means setting boundaries for a healthy relationship.) Please consider joining in Bible Study, Acts 2, Prayer, Service or Worship with the Immanuel family! Sunday Mornings 9:30-10:30 a.m. Pastor Phillip Baerwolf Mr. Joe Glombicki Pastor Bruce Meissner Mrs. Chris Bishop “Glimpses of Heaven” “The Robust Roman Road” “Looking Ahead” Acts 2 Prayer 9 Luther Hall A Luther Hall B Luther Hall C PK Room 2015 MONDAY SUNDAY 3 8:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion 9:30 am Acts 2/FF 10:45 am Worship 5:30 pm IYM Live 4 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6 5 1:30 pm Mission Mary’s 1:30 pm Sr. Bible Study 8:45 am Chapel 9:00 am Men’s Study 5:30 pm Confirmation 7:00 pm PPP Worship THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 22 23 29 30 9:00 am Mom’s Study 1:00 pm Dorcas 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry 7:30 am Men’s Study 9 am Feed My Lambs 6:00 pm Worship w/Holy Communion 7:30 am Men’s Study 6:00 pm Worship 7:00 p.m. 10 11 1:30 pm Mission Mary’s 8:00 am Worship 9:30 am Acts 2/FF 10:45 am Worship w/Holy Communion 5:30 pm IYM Live 17 8 am Celebration Svc. w/Holy Communion 9:30 am ACTS 2/FFF 10:45 am Celebration Service 5:30 pm IYM Live 24 18 12 MINISTRY MEETINGS 19 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 13 8:45 am Chapel 9:00 am Men’s Study 5:30 pm Confirmation 1:30 pm Sr. Bible Study 7:00 pm PPP Worship 6:45 pm Ministry Mtgs. 20 21 27 28 1:30 pm Mission Mary’s FAMILY FUN NIGHT! 8:45 am Chapel 9:00 am Men’s Study 5:30 pm Confirmation 1:30 pm Sr. Bible Study 7:00 pm PPP Worship 7:00 pm Trustees 25 26 8:00 am Worship 9:30 am VOTER’s Mtg. 26 10:45 am Worship w/Holy Communion 27 5:30 pm IYM Live 9:00 am Mom’s Study 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry 1:30 pm Sr. Bible Study 9:00 am Men’s Study 8:30 am Teacher Workshops 7:00 pm PPP Worship FIELD DAY 9:00 am Mom’s Study 1:00 pm Caring Cards 6:00 pm Men’s Club 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm GRADUATION 8:30 am Teacher Workshops 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry 28 Church Office Closed 31 THURSDAYS 5:30 pm Sacred Ringers 6:30 pm Sacred Choir 7:45 pm Praise Team 8:00 am Worship 9:30 am ACTS 2/FFF 10:45 am Worship 12:00 pm Celebration for Mr. Barry Faga 5:30 pm IYM Live 10 7:30 am Men’s Study 6:00 pm Worship w/Holy Communion 7:30 am Men’s Study 6:00 pm Worship 7:30 am Men’s Study 6:00 pm Worship Upcoming Worship, Music Events & Ministry Notes… May, ‘15 PPP Worship… Our midweek Worship - Wed. nights at 7 p.m. - continues, worship services led in song on piano by leader Ms. Lori Anderson, with messages from our pastors that dig a little deeper into scripture, reach a little further into “what’s going on right now”, and come closer - literally - to where you are. Our PPP services are informal with a mix of classic hymns and classic praise & worship songs. Come grow with us as together we grow in the Word. Comin’ Alive ” “ The Services of Worship & Welcome for our A.I.M. Class Confirmands, New members & Transfers will be Sunday June 7th, in both the Sunday services (8:00 & 10:45 a.m.) To our new members… be sure to invite your friends & family - sharing with them the commitment and witness of your faith; and for the members of Immanuel…be sure to welcome these new friends into our family - watch for their pictures in the atrium, taking time to help yourself become more familiar with their faces and names. Join us for our school’s Spring Concert, Tuesday, May 5th at 7 p.m. in our school gym. Come enjoy the joyful sounds of music - from our school bands, our school choirs and handbell ensembles. It’s a great night of music making and talent sharing - thanking God in our performances for the talents He invests in each of us. ALL CALL to Celebration Singers & High School Instrumentalists… For any/all of our choir members, praise singers, and all others who just love to sing but cannot always commit to regular rehearsals…Our Celebration Service weekend will be the weekend of May 17th. Please put that date on your calendar. In the 8:00 & 10:45 services that weekend, we will be featuring music from our vocal, instrumental, and handbell ensembles. For those wishing to join and be part of the Celebration Singing Ensemble, please include these rehearsal dates on your calendar: Thursdays… (May 7th + 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Room, lower level of the Christian Life Center). Watch at the Welcome Center for Info & music, etc…and let Bill Gade know you are interested. * Anyone high school aged (or older) wanting to be part of a Worship Ensemble this summer?? Instrumentally? Vocally?? Give Mr. G. a call (847.428.4477 x227) Immanuel Sermons are on I-Tunes…Go to I tunes and type key word of Immanuel Lutheran Church – then look for our church sign…each week the sermons are posted! You can also find our sermons on our Immanuel Lutheran Website: (go to… Resources & Sermons / see… Sermons online) Hear the whole service live (from our Sunday morning 8 a.m. Traditional worship)… WRMN (1) go on your radio to… AM 1410 or (2) on computer (audio streamed live): Watch the 10:45 on our bi-weekly posted LIVESTREAM broadcast (Live or reviewable later) … UPPER R.H. CORNER – “Sign-up” (it’s free & EZ ) Go to… Contact Bill Gade - [email protected] if any??? 11 Sue Domeier, Principal Congratulations to our State Science Fair Par ticipants: Rebecca Kr eiser , Caleb Pieper, and Caleb Faulkner. Congratulations to our State History Fair par ticipants: Alber t Navar r o, Kailey Connors, John Shanahan, and Teddy Lyon. Join us for the Spring Music Concert on Tuesday, May 5th at 7 PM in the school gym. In addition to our band, hand bells and chorus, our third and fourth graders will perform a special selection. All are welcome! On Friday, April 17th, our school participated as one of 12 area Lutheran schools in Trinity - Roselle's Fine Arts Festival for a day filled with music in the areas of band, vocal, bells, and chimes. Trumpeter, Albert Navarro, was chosen as a soloist in the evening's culminating concert! We are certainly gifted with music at Immanuel! Many thanks to all the people who made this day possible. A special thank you goes to Mr. Bill Gade, Mrs. Jennifer Green, Mrs. Kris Bartelt, Mrs. Cena Becker, and Mrs. Shelley Pieper (and many more!) who worked so hard to make this day so successful! Coming soon…Summer Reading Lists! This summer our teachers challenge students to keep reading and have prepared a list of books to keep them busy over the summer months. When we return to school, we will compare notes. On May 21st, 17 young men and women will graduate from Immanuel’s School. Congratulations and God’s Blessings to: Brett Barker, Benjamin Bartelt, Zachary Bonder, Kailey Connors, Michael Curatti, Julia Hanson, Hadley Hudson, Luke Koshiol, Hannah Kujawa, Timothy Leahy, Mark Lemke, Meghan Lemke, Theodore Lyon, Albert Navarro, Madisyn Reinke, John Shanahan, and Nicholas Spiro. We pray that God will guide and keep you as you leave our school. Graduates and families, we hope to stay close to you and see you each week in worship! 12 If you are happy and you know it…tell a friend! Word of mouth is one of the best ways to communicate what a great school we have. Please encourage friends and neighbors to check out ILS! We have spaces available for 2015-16 in most grades and would love to see every seat filled, giving us a chance to share Jesus with more children. Volleyball and Basketball camps will be offered this summer by our coaching staff. The community is welcome to attend but spaces are limited, so register early by contacting Mr. Kevin Becker at [email protected]. Are you a member of our church? Would you like to become a member? Immanuel usually runs two Adult Information for Membership (AIM) classes during the school year, but we are considering offering a summer option if families are interested. If you would like to become a member and can commit to attend the 8 week class this summer, please contact the church office @ 847-428-4477. Immanuel Summer Youth Theatre offers a two week intensive camp June 16-27 as they put on the production The Lion King Experience Jr.! Preschoolers through 8th graders are invited to attend. Auditions will be held May 2nd. See the website for more details or contact Courtney Dougherty at [email protected]. NEW this summer: Immanuel’s first STEAM camp. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades 3 - 8 are invited to join us afternoons June 8-12 to learn about the human heart. For more information, see, or contact the school office. 13 UPDATING CHURCH RECORDS In an effort to update our church database and better connect with our members, please complete the form below updating any information that has changed within the last year, i.e. address, phone numbers and email addresses. You may return the form to the church office, give to an usher or leave in the church mailbox outside the office. Thanks for helping us to better communicate with you! IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH MEMBER INFORMATION FORM Please fill out the sheet listing each family member, completing only those items that are applicable. All information is confidential and will be used only for our church records. Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Home Phone ___________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________________ Birth date _______________________ Baptism date _________________________ Name of spouse _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________________ Birth date _______________________ Baptism date _________________________ Preferred method for receiving Nexus: Mail __________ Children: Name Email __________ Birth date Baptism Date ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Save the Date! What: ‘Go Fish’ Family 5k Run/Walk When: Saturday, August 22, 2015 8:30-9:30 Run/Walk 9:30-11:00 Afterparty ( Pancake Breakfast with Teachers and Pastors flipping pancakes, Fun & Prizes!) Who: Everyone! Individuals AND Families! From couch potatoes to disciplined runners… run and/or walk to support F.I.S.H. Food Pantry! Where: The run begins at the Fox River Trail near Immanuel Lutheran Church; the Afterparty will take place on church grounds. Why: This year all proceeds from the race will benefit the F.I.S.H. Food Pantry, a volunteer-run organization which provides food/necessities to over 450 families in the Dundee area. Come out and help others while benefiting your own health and exercising with family and friends! Any questions, please contact the church office or race coordinators, Sarah Schiltz ([email protected]), Mel Schroeder ([email protected]), Amanda Knisely ([email protected]). Watch for more details to come, and plan to join us for this fun family event! Want to train to run the ‘Go FISH 5K’? Looking to exercise with some devoted and fun fitness-minded folks? Want your family to start exercising together to be healthy? The Immanuel Lutheran Go FISH 5K is coming up on August 22nd. It’s time to start training! We will exercise every Saturday from May 2nd-August 22nd. Everyone is welcome to join to run, walk or participate in the instructor-led ‘Couch to 5K’ program. The ‘Couch to 5k’ program can help even the most inexperienced runners build their stamina to participate in a 5K. Come join us! It’s a great way to start your weekend by exercising with friends and family. Join us starting May 2nd at 8am. Meet at the south church doors for a prayer and workout. Bring the family (bikes and strollers are okay for training runs). Hope to see you all on Saturdays! VOLLEY FOR AFRICA COMING UP IN JUNE! WATCH THE CHURCH AND SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION! 15 16 17 Immanuel Lutheran Church 310 E. Main Street East Dundee IL 60118 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Dundee, Illinois RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Check us out on Facebook! Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran-East Dundee Rev. William Yonker Senior Pastor Rev. Phillip Baerwolf Associate Pastor Rev. Bruce Meissner Assoc. Pastor of Visitation Rev. Don Bojens Pastor Emeritus Rev. Gregg Bowen Guest Preacher in Residence Ken Becker Parish Assistant Bill Gade Dir. of Music & Worship Kris Bartelt Asst. Director of Music David Meier DCE Sue Domeier Principal Sue Watzlawick Church Secretary Chris Wendt Business Manager Pat Wilson Print Operator CHURCH SERVICES Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. A staffed nursery is available during Sunday Services FAITH FACTORY & BIBLE STUDIES Sunday 9:30 a.m. BROADCAST OF WORSHIP SERVICES Radio Sunday 8:00 a.m. (live) WRMN, 1410 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1st & 3rd week Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Television Friday 5:00 p.m. - Access Channel 17 2nd & 4th week Sunday 10:45 a.m. WEEKDAY OFFICE HOURS 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Website: Email: [email protected] 18
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