The Messenger the newsletter of Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center (ILCUSC) Vol. 19 No. 4 2104 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, Kansas 66049-2722 Church Office: (785) 843-0620 fax: (785) 843-1576 [email protected] f facebook immanuel lutheran church & university student center Worship Schedule: Worship Services Sunday, 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School - 9:45 AM Bible Studies - 9:45 AM Pastor Rev. Randall Weinkauf (785) 393-6745 Office Manager Karen Lawson (785) 843-0620 Sunday School Superintendent Margaret Peterson (785) 865-0003 Messenger Editors Karen Lawson Jan Leines Mission Statement Our mission is: “To share God’s love in Jesus Christ by word and deed.” April • 2015 FROM THE PASTOR Dear Members, Associates, and Friends of ILCUSC: I found the following article most intriguing, especially as we prepare ourselves for Holy Week and the grand celebration of Easter. My prayer for all of us is that week might not be “phony” but worshipful! Pastor Randy The Phoniness of Easter by Rev. Donald Jordan “Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” With that joyous acclamation to one another and to the world, one would think that Easter and the resurrection of Christ from the dead would not only be a joyous day but an exuberant time as well. In reality, however, Easter seems to be almost anticlimactic in our churches and lives. For forty days during Lent, there is an intensity like no other season. We pray, fast, meditate and exert ourselves with mid-week services, Holy Week services, Easter preparations, Easter services, Easter dinners and all the social aspects of egg hunts, baskets, hats, special clothing, family get-togethers and extra duties that seem to come crashing down upon us in the “finish line” of Easter. Parishioners even question their pastors, “Aren’t you glad Easter is here so you can finally relax some?” They realize that the rigors of Lent and Holy Week mean extra work. There is even an element of phoniness in our churches at Easter (and Christmas). Attendance at Easter services is dramatically high. People are dressed in their finest. Most everyone seems rather chipper. A breakfast might be served. Trumpets are blaring. Everything is celebratory. While none of these components is bad, it does strike us that some of this could be a passing fabrication, that coming to church on this special Sunday is based on the culture and may not be genuine. This certainly is evident in the Sunday after Easter as church attendance dips back to normal or even below normal. Gone is the excitement and fervor of Easter. Life returns to normalcy in the Church and world. The flowers fade, and the lilies begin to wilt. In a sense, there is a letdown that begins with and continues after Easter. Yet, this is certainly not the way of Scripture and the liturgical year. The Scriptures tell us that Christ, the risen Lord, made His appearances to His disciples and the Church, bringing them the joy and peace of the Gospel in His life, death and resurrection. When they were sad and forlorn, He came to them bodily, instilling in them a confident faith. He spoke to them, charging the apostles with the task of administering the Office of the Keys as they preached the Gospel and administered the Sacraments to a dying world. As they did, the Church grew and became emboldened in the proclamation of the Gospel to the whole world. continued on page 2 COUNCIL NOTES Linda Herbel, Congregational President Council Meeting Notes from March 9 One of the main topics for discussion at this recent council meeting surrounded the Elders’ concern for the number of evenings Pastor spends working on church business. Elders have recommended that all committees provide Pastor and the other Board and Committee Chairpersons with agendas and minutes of all meetings. This will further the goal of improving communication among church members as well as providing Pastor information regarding upcoming meetings and the need for his input. There will also be an attempt to consolidate all meetings to specific nights during the month, hopefully giving Pastor more personal time and time to make home and hospital visits. The Board of ILCUSC Services chairperson, David Lahm, announced that the plans for the improved and expanded parking lot have finally been approved by the city. He plans to put the project out for bid soon. Church members should be receiving information regarding the project and potential financing later this spring. It was decided to put a donation box out during adult Bible study to help pay for paper products used with refreshments. Board of Outreach asked for ideas on signage for the church van and how to go about paying for such signage. This discussion will continue. Church committees are in the process of turning in their membership lists and their lists of goals for the year. The Lawrence Ministerial Alliance will be holding its Holy Week Services at Immanuel this year on March 30, 31, and April 1 at 12:00. The worship service and lunch will be provided by the First Presbyterian Church on March 30; Plymouth Congregational on March 31; and 1st United Methodist Church on April 1. A review of the constitution and by-laws of the church will begin in April. 2 From the Pastor, continued Easter made a difference in the disciples’ lives. It was not a letdown to them. Instead, it was the springboard for a real life in Christ that is lived each day in the power of His resurrection. Easter is not a letdown. Christ is risen. We are raised to new life in Baptism each day. The celebration continues for forty days until the Ascension of our Lord and the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost. So, come Easter, let the rejoicing begin. — About the Author: The Rev. Donald Jordan is pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chico, Calif. Reprinted from “The View from Here,” April 5, 2012 in Lutheran Witness (accessed May 23, 2015) ME, A PASTOR? ME, A DEACONESS? Have you ever considered being a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Michael Redeker from Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, would like to meet with you at Immanuel Lutheran Church, on Monday, April 27, from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Rev. Redeker is interested in meeting with prospective students of all ages – elementary school through adults who are already employed in another vocation. Conferences are individual, informal, and family/friends are welcome. Reservations are not necessary, but strongly encouraged. If you are interested in scheduling a specific conference time, please call Rev. Redeker at 314-505-7225 or email him at [email protected] to set up an appointment. YOUNG FAMILIES FELLOWSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY The Young Families Group will meet April 12th from 5-7pm in the Activity Center. It will be a potluck style meal so bring an entrée and side dish to share. Child care will be available during the Bible study, just bring $2 per child to cover the cost. Plan on joining us! Any questions, email Lisa Lahm at [email protected]. Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center Church Council Meeting – February 9, 2015 Members present: Linda Herbel, David Magill, Tim Hetzler, Eloise Kerbs, David Lahm, Ann Hossler, Virgil Dean, Eleanor Woodyard, Pastor Randy Weinkauf. Guests: none Call to Order: Linda Herbel The meeting was called to order by Linda Herbel at 4:32pm. Opening Devotion: Pastor Weinkauf Pastor Randy opened the meeting with a devotion and spoke about Valentine’s Day and its connection to martyred saints. Pastor offered a prayer for us to be thankful for the upcoming season of spring and the signs of new life. Approval of minutes: Eloise Kerbs A motion was made by Eleanor Woodyard and seconded by Virgil Dean to approve the minutes of the January 12 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report: Tim Hetzler Tim asked if Council wanted to continue the transfer of $1,000 each month from the General Fund to the New Staff Fund. Following discussion, Council decided to continue with the transfer of funds. Other notes from the Treasurer’s Report: - offerings for January were less than the budgeted income - $500 was transferred to the New Roof Fund There were no questions from Council about the report. A motion was made by Eloise Kerbs to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented, seconded by Virgil Dean. Motion passed unanimously. Statistical/Parochial Report: Pastor Weinkauf Points from the report: - a small shift in attendance from early to late service - early and late services are identical with the exception of how communion is distributed Pastor’s Report: Pastor Weinkauf Pastor Randy noted meetings attended, baptisms, upcoming weddings, and Pastoral visits. On February 4- 6, Pastor attended the Clergy Conference sponsored by Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART). Church Calendar Update: Pastor Weinkauf The following calendar changes were noted: February: (17) no Board of Educational Ministries March: (4) Board of outreach meets; (11) Spiritual Affairs meets; (30,31, April 1) Immanuel is hosting 12:00 pm Holy Week services sponsored by Lawrence Area Clergy. Board of Spiritual Affairs: Eleanor Woodyard Eleanor discussed the approval of Brian Stapleton as an elder. Notices for the congregation would be on February 15th and 22nd, with a special Voter’s Meeting to be held at 10:00 on March 1st for approval. A motion was made by Eleanor Woodyard to call a special Voter’s meeting for the approval of Brian Stapleton as an elder, seconded by Virgil Dean. Motion passed unanimously. Eleanor discussed the use of memorial money for repairing the organ. Funds from memorials, the organ fund, LWML, and sale of tents and canopies (Property & Grounds) would be used. A motion was made by David Lahm to use the sale proceeds from Property & Grounds (approximately $666.00), money in the organ fund account ($1,288.93), and contribution from LWML for organ repairs, seconded by Eleanor Woodyard. Motion passed unanimously. Board of Educational Ministries: Ann Hossler Highlights from Ann’s report: - consolidating curriculum for a two-year cycle - VBS will be hosted by Immanuel and Good Shepherd Lutheran - Sunday school materials are being reviewed continued on page 4 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 3 Board of ILCUSC Services: David Lahm The plans for the parking lot expansion project have been submitted to the city for approval. Other notes from Property & Grounds: - exploring purchasing more signage to designate parking for only church business - look at landscaping projects once parking lot work is completed Board of Outreach: Virgil Dean The church will host Family Promise February 8-15 The amplifier/sound system has arrived and will be installed Old Business: Linda Herbel Council discussed the following: - Council continues to receive favorable comments about Voters’ Meetings being held at 10:00 - designing a year-long calendar has been tabled - inventory of kitchen supplies/budget was discussed, possibly using a portion or all of offerings during adult Bible study; more information at the April meeting - 5th Sunday luncheons; the first will be held on March 29th and Council will be in charge of setup and takedown - Lenten meals prior to Lenten service will begin February 25th with Property & Grounds taking care of the responsibilities; March 4th will be Outreach, March 11th and 18th are yet to be decided, possibly Spiritual Affairs or Youth - committee chairs were asked to provide Linda with a list of their members - committee chairs asked to send their goals to Linda - Elaine McGill has offered to be responsible for decorating bulletin boards on months not already designated by others - on March 30th, 31st, and April 1st Immanuel will host a noon Holy Week service sponsored by Lawrence area clergy; evening Immanuel services will be on Thursday (2nd) and Friday(3rd) - Time & Talent surveys will continue to be updated and a new form distributed at a later date - by the end of February, Justice Ministries will designate an issue of focus New Business: Linda Herbel Linda distributed a Timeline of Events, listed by months. She asked Council to review and note any changes. Copies of the Constitution were distributed. Linda asked Council to review the document and note any questions/changes. Discussion will be at the April meeting. An update on grocery bucks was tabled pending further information from Elois Allan. Curt Loupe, representing Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF), will present a Shared Blessing Loan Rebate check in the amount of $739 to Immanuel on March 15th during Bible study as part of Investor’s Sunday. Curt will be available during Bible study to answer any questions. Linda asked Council to review the information compiled from the Survey on Church Boards and Committee Meeting Times. This document will go to the Elders and they will bring any recommendions to Council. A plaque, from Jan Dean, that has an inspirational message was graciously accepted. A motion was made by Eleanor Woodyard to accept the plaque and for Linda to work with Jan on the placement; seconded by David Lahm. Motion passed unanimously. Topics for future discussion: - Consecrated Stewards - David Lahm: replacement of light bulbs/fixtures Closing Prayer Linda Herbel Linda closed with a prayer of thanks for Council’s work and the ability to collaborate. Meeting ended - 6:00 pm Respectfully submitted by Eloise Kerbs, Secretary 4 Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center BUDGET & EXPENSES April Birthdays! Emma Durr 1 1 Don Herbel 3 Jakob Busch Ben Maloun Lauren Studley Total Yearly Budget General Offerings (2015) $27,820.91 $56,083.06 2,000.00 125.00 240.00 0.00 668.00 673.00 Total Gen. Receipts $392.390.96 $28,613.91 $56,996.06 Total Gen. Expenses $423,120.00 $29,169.38 $58,623.02 Net Income (Loss) ($32,729.04) ($555.47) ($1,626.96) General Fund Designated Other income 3 Year-to-Date $390,390.96 Building Use 3 Current (Feb. 2015) Nancy Rolfs 4 Marcus Merritt 5 Daniel Lenz 6 Baek Souvannavong DJ Giermann 6 8 Jake Signor 8 JoAnn Siler 8 Feb. 1 $7,863.91 $179.56 Julie Crowe Feb. 8 7,017.61 391.05 Virgil Dean 10 11 Feb. 15 7,028.80 2,041.97 Kelly Elrod 11 Feb. 22 5,910.59 269.14 Kaius Grady 11 $27,820.91 $2,881.72 Tony Jensen Richard Angeletti 11 12 Joshua Snider 13 Marcie Clester 14 Tiffany McCandless 14 Paula Greathouse 15 Suzanne Anderson 17 Laura Carson 17 Kyra Pfannenstiel Jackson Thaemert 17 18 Kristin Linkugel 23 David Nation 25 Jessica Merrit 26 Jesson Ross 26 Warren Legler 28 Bryant Peterson 28 Zachary Zule 28 Cooper Wood 29 Noah Katzenmeier 30 Phyllis Legler 30 30 Marcia Princivalli OFFERINGS Total Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday Offering: $1,723.00 New Sta ff Fund Goal, $70,000.00 New Sta ff Fund Ba l ance, $20,379 Tony & Jennylyn Jensen Andy & JoAnn Siler Chad & Mickey Dick Erin & Jeff Herschell Wiley & Caryn Scott Steve & Linda Vogelsang Zach & Britany Wood Brian & Ginny Kubota Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 4 14 17 18 20 23 27 29 5 ALL INVITED TO NEXT MEN’S GROUP MEETING, APRIL 20 Immanuel's Men's Club meeting at 7 PM on April 20 will be open to all parishioners (male and female). Dessert and coffee will be served, but no meal. Come to hear a presentation by Ben MacConnell, Lead Organizer from Justice Matters, on "Building the City of God: the Nehemiah Example." If you still harbor doubts about attending the Nehemiah Action Assembly at the Lied Center on May 7, be prepared to have those doubts erased. Ben will include actual examples of just how Justice Ministry organizations in other cities have already been able to make a positive difference and why we hold such hopes for its success here in Lawrence: public education improvement in Topeka affordable housing construction in Florida restrictions on usury charged for pay-day loans in Ohio, etc. RSVP to either Marvin Bredehoft ([email protected]) or Al Kuhlman ([email protected]) by April 12 with the number of attendees in your party. The total number attending will determine which room will be used, to be announced in the April 19 parish bulletin. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! “In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa Pick up a Volunteer Opportunity form from the table in the narthex. Check out the Volunteer Notebook there, also. Watch for volunteer opportunities announced in each week’s bulletin. Or contact an Immanuel Board member for more information. You are needed! Volunteer to serve today! 6 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF QUILTERS LWR Quilters have been able to create lots of quilts thanks to generous fabric donations, LWML's batting donation, and faithful workers. If you would like to help, but cannot attend the twice-monthly quilting sessions, we would be happy to provide you with a quilt to tie (plus needle and string), or a quilt kit that you can sew on your own. We will even deliver it right to your door! Please contact Kristie Rock, Sharon Hettinger, Suzie Anderson, or Dee Kaczor if you would like to help. And, as always, we greatly appreciate your fabric donations. WE WELCOME ‘JUSTICE MATTERS’ For the past year, Immanuel Lutheran Church and University Student Center has been involved with the Justice Matters program here in Lawrence. Last month, Justice Matters lost its office space. Since Immanuel currently has office space available, the Board of ILCUSC Services was able to offer space to Justice Matters staff member Ben MacConnell. Volunteers from the Board of ILCUSC Services worked to clear out and reorganize room 22 for use by the Justice Matters group. The Justice Matters group recognizes that in the event that Immanuel is able to add a staff member, the office area would be reclaimed. Having Justice Matters housed at Immanuel will assist our congregation in working toward our mission of “Sharing God’s love in Jesus Christ by Word and Deed.” TOWELS AND DISHCLOTHS NEEDED If anyone has an extra kitchen towel or dishcloth, the church kitchen is in need of a few. Our current supply is diminishing!! We are wearing them out as we clean up from our recent Advent and Lenten dinners and Family Promise meals. Please feel free to leave your donation of new or used towels on the counter by the sink. Thanks!! Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center PAROCHIAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Baptism: Jacob Bartuccio, infant son of Carly & Mark Bartuccio Thanks be to God! He gives Transferred In: us the victory through our Juanita Gerhardt, from St. Paul Lutheran, Clay Center, KS Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 15:57 Officers of the Congregation—2015 Linda Herbel President David Magill Vice-President Transferred Out: Aaron, Sarah, Sawyer, & Catelyn Rippe, to Trinity, Hanover, KS I f God didn’t withhold from us his very own Son, will God withhold anything we need? If trust must be earned, hasn’t God unequivocally earned our trust with the bark on the raw wounds, the thorns pressed into the brow, your name on the cracked lips? How will he not also graciously give us all things he deems best and right? He’s already given the incomprehensible. —Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts Eloise Kerbs Secretary Tim Hetzler Treasurer Board Chairs David Lahm --------- ILCUSC Services Virgil Dean ----------------------Outreach Ann Hossler---- Educational Ministries Elois Allan/Eleanor Woodyard -------------------------Spiritual Affairs Organizations Cradle Roll ------------ Courtney Sheldon Lutheran Women’s Missionary League ------------------------------ Joylynn Harlow Men of Immanuel Lutheran Church -------------------------------Marvin Bredehoft Elders Elois Allan Jake Lahm Scott O’Neal Barb Riley Brian Stapleton Eleanor Woodyard SERVING IN THE LORD’S HOUSE IN APRIL USHERS: Early Service: Late Service: GREETERS: Early Service: Late Service: Herb & Tammie George; Pat & Debra McCandless TBA Al & Donna Kuhlman Cristi Hansen LAY CALLERS: 5th 12th 19th 26th Caryn Scott Virgil Dean Jim Sylwester Dudley Karstensen READERS: 8:30am/11:00am 5th 12th 19th 26th Lori Bischel/Don Miller Christine Frese/Ginny Kubota Lyle Hettinger/Ruth Ellen Bartels Carolyn Landgrebe/Christine Frese ACOLYTES: 5th 12th 19th 26th Rhett May Jake Signor Lydia Storm Isabella Sturgeon COMMUNION CARE: 2nd 5th 12th 19th 26th Jan Dean (Holy Thursday) Amy Wilson & family Amy Wilson & family Amy Wilson & family Amy Wilson & family Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 7 Sunday 5 EASTER SUNDAY Red Wagon Food Collection 7:30 to 11am – Youth Serve Easter Breakfast (no Sunday School or Bible Class) 12 2nd Sunday of Easter Monday 6 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 6:00 Deaf Ministry 4:30 Church Council 6:00 Deaf Ministry 7:00 Close Knit Friends 13 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 1:00 Handbell Rehearsal 5:00 Jr. Confirmation Class 5:00 Young Families Gathering 11:00 Parish Educ. Meeting 19 3rd Sunday of Easter 20 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 1:00 Ministry to the Blind Committee 6:00 Deaf Ministry 7:00 Men’s Group 1:00 Handbell Rehearsal 5:00 Jr. Confirmation Class 26 4th Sunday of Easter 1:00 Handbell Rehearsal 5:00 Jr. Confirmation Class 7 Tuesday GENERAL ELECTIONS Wednesday 2 9:30 Bible Study Noon – Holy Week Service Thursday 9 9:30 Bible Study 7:00 Maundy Thursday Worship Service 1 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Noon – Holy Week Service 7:45 Choir Practice 8 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 8:00 Bible Study @KU Noon – Quilting for LWR 7:45 Choir Practice 16 9:30 Bible Study Council Reports Due 15 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 5:30 Ministry to the Blind Outreach Dinner 9:00 Circuit Pastors’ Conf. – St. John’s, Topeka 14 Noon L.I.N.K. Messenger articles due 8:00 Bible Study @KU 7:45 Choir Practice 23 9:30 Bible Study Noon - Quilting for LWR 30 9:30 Bible Study 8:00 Bible Study @KU 29 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 6:00 Campus Care- Package assembly 8:00 Bible Study @KU 7:45 Choir Practice 7:45 Choir Practice 22 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 6:45 Justice Matters Solutions Briefing – Free Methodist Church 21 27 28 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 1:30 Concordia Seminary Admissions Counselor 5:00 Health & Wellness 6:00 Deaf Ministry 7:00 LWML Qrtly Meeting 6:30 Property & Grounds 7:00 Stewardship 6:30 Elders Friday 3 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Noon – Holy Week Service 7:00 Good Friday Worship Service 10 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 4 11 25 17 18 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever 24 11:00 Faithfully Fit Forever Saturday 8:00am Men's Bible Study 8:00am Men's Bible Study 8:00am Men's Bible Study 8:00am Men's Bible Study Holy Week Services: Palm Sunday, March 29, 9:30 a.m. Holy Week Noon Worship Services, Mar. 30, 31, Apr. 1, 2, & 3 Holy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 p.m. Good Friday, April 3, 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 5, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 2104 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, KS 66049-2722 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage Paid Lawrence, KS 66044 Permit No. 74 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A monthly newsletter published by Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center “Every Servant a Loving Messenger” † APRIL 2015 March 29, SUNDAY OF THE PASSION/PALM SUNDAY – 9:30am Worship Service – 11:00am - 5th-Sunday Potluck † March 30, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary † March 31, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary † April 1, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary † April 2, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary 7:00pm † April 3, noon 7:00pm † – Maundy Thursday Worship Service, sanctuary – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary – Good Friday Worship Service, sanctuary April 5, RESURRECTION SUNDAY (no Sunday School or Bible Classes) – 7:30 to 11:30am – Youth Serve Easter Breakfast, activity center – 8:30am – Worship Service with Communion, sanctuary – 11:00am – Worship Service with Communion, sanctuary
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