Phone 610-837-8605 • Fax 610-837-8705 • 6870 Chrisphalt Drive • Bath, PA 18014 E-mail: [email protected] • Web: April Thaw Basketball Tournament 2015 Brackets and team assignments: Winners Highlighted U10/4 Grade Boys th Records Great Valley Fire (GV) Malvern The Blaze (Blz) Luzerne County Competitive Edge Sports-Lagana (Ces-L) Competitive Edge Sports-Swayze (Ces-S) 0-3 1-3 4-0 2-1 U11/5th Grade Boys In the Zone 5-Lesko (Itz) Luzerne County Lightning-Kester (Lcl) Advanced Hoops-Fortney (AH) Perkasie Knights (PK) Moore Township (MT) 4-1 4-0 0-3 0-3 2-2 U17/10 & 11 Grade Boys Records In the Zone-Gilmore (Gilm) 3-1 In the Zone-Benton (Bent) 0-3 In the Zone-Mutarelli (Mut) 2-1 Advanced Hoops-Wilson (AH) 1-2 Luzerne County Lightning-DeAngelo (Lcl-D) 1-3 Luzerne County Lightning-Gray (Lcl-G) 4-1 4th Grade Girls In the Zone-Martin (Itz) Mid Penn Motion (Mpm) Camp Hill Tri-County Hoops (Tch) Gilbertsville U12/6th Grade Boys Advanced Hoops-Werner (AH) Back Court Hoops-Skoff (Bch-S) Back Court Hoops-Maddock (Bch-M) Woodloch (WL) Hawley, PA April 10-12, 2015 th 0-3 4-0 2-2 5th Grade Girls 0-3 3-0 3-0 0-3 In the Zone-Morgans (Morg) In the Zone-Turpening (Turp) Great Valley Blaze (GVB) Malvern 3-0 1-3 1-2 6th Grade Girls U13/7th Grade Boys Collegeville Jaguars (Jags) Advanced Hoops-Willis (AH) Mid Penn Motion (Mpm) Camp Hill Competitive Edge Sports-Carroll (Ces) JB Hoops-Shields (Jb-S) JB Hoops-Callejas (Jb-C) 1-2 0-3 2-2 2-2 3-0 3-0 U14/8th Grade Boys In the Zone-Medei (Med) In the Zone-Turpening (Turp) Perkiomen Valley (PV) Luzerne County Lightning-Kopko (Lcl-K) Luzerne County Lightning-Senk (Lcl-S) Backcourt Hoops-Petrunich (Bch) 0-3 2-1 2-1 3-2 4-1 0-3 U15/9th Grade Boys In the Zone-Ardos (Ard) In the Zone-Turpening (Turp) Lehighton Indians (LI) LV Stingers (St) 1-2 0-3 2-2 4-0 In the Zone-Khalil (Khal) 4-0 In the Zone-Bennett (Ben) 2-1 Luzerne County Lightning-Mackiewicz (Lcl) 1-3 Great Valley Fire (GVF) Malvern 0-3 7th Grade Girls In the Zone-Strunk (Stk) In the Zone-Sterner (Stn) Luzerne County Lightning-Fahey (Lcl) 0-3 2-1 3-1 7A/8B Grade Girls In the Zone-Turpening (Itz) Luzerne County Lightning-Partlow (Lcl-P) Berk County Ballers (Bcb) Central Bucks Athletic Assoc-7A (CB) Advanced Hoops-7A Fortney (AH) Luzerne Cty Lightn-7A Marcinkowski (Lcl-M) Page 1 of 4 1-2 4-0 0-3 2-2 2-3 2-1 Tournament Format: There is a 3 game minimum. Teams will play two preliminary games Friday and/or Saturday and are then seeded. The tournament will then continue in a single elimination process (lose and you’re out format; similar to NCAA and NFL playoffs). All teams will make this single elimination playoff. Seeding will be based on results of preliminary games, strength of schedule, pre-tournament seeding and personal observations. Scheduling consideration will also be made in order to avoid having teams play each other twice although this may happen. We will also try to avoid having teams from the same organization play each other. The intent is to provide the opportunity for the top teams to move on without matching up high seeds before the finals. Although this will not be a perfect process, every effort will be made to make it fair. For example, one team might go 1-1 in the preliminary games and still have to play in the Play-In game based on strength of schedule while another team that goes 1-1 might get a bye into the semi finals. Also, a team might have to beat a team twice (once in the preliminary round and once in the single elimination round) to move on in the tournament. Please remember that seeding teams is a difficult process; after all, the selection committee for the NCAA tournament has an enormous amount of information and resources available to it and various media experts still complain and critique it for the entire week leading up to the first game. In order to win the tournament, teams need to beat whoever lines up against them. Play-in games (also called Pig-tail games) are necessary when there isn’t a round number for the play-off (i.e. 4, 8 or 16 teams). Lower seeded teams will need to play a pigtail game against another lower seeded team to advance into the round of 8 (or 4). This is similar to the NFL playoff system where the wild card teams play lower seeds for the right to advance while the top 2 teams get byes into the conference semi-finals. Sunday’s playoff schedule will be posted on the website,, throughout the day Saturday and finalized by 10:30 pm Saturday. Please check the website regularly. Games Rules: • 20 minute halves with running clock; stop clock for the last 2 minutes of each half. Clock stops on technical fouls. • Four 30 second timeouts per game; one additional 30 sec time out for each OT. • 4 minute halftime and up to 5 minutes between games for warm-up. Theses can be modified if games are running behind schedule. Games will start no earlier than 5 minutes before scheduled start time if games are running ahead of schedule. • 2 minute overtime followed by 1 minute overtimes until winner is determined. • No pressing by a team that has a 20 point lead. • If a team is up by 20 points or more in the second half, the clock will continue to run unless the lead slips below 20 points. • 10 minute grace period from start of game before forfeit is announced (tournament director’s discretion based on conversations with coaches). • Any player or coach receiving two technical fouls in a game will be ejected from that game and will not be allowed to play in their next game. • Any player ejected for fighting will be expelled from the tournament • Unless otherwise specified, all other rules follow PIAA standards except those relating to scorebook and uniform requirements. • Foul shots are live on the release of the ball from the shooters hand. • Hand checking will be called in line with new 2014 NFHS guidelines. To read this schedule: 1. Find the number and letter combination corresponding to the highest GRADE of age group of the team you are looking for. Boys Brackets are followed by a “B”; girls bracket will be followed by a “G” (i.e. the code “6G” for the Girls 6th Grade bracket while a “7B” would represent the Boys 7th grade bracket). 2. Find the abbreviation or shortened team name for your team as identified after the team name in the preceding table Page 2 of 4 Friday and Saturday Schedule: WINNERS BOLDED AND UNDERLINED Fri 4/10 6:00 7:00 8:00 Sat 4/11 In the Zone Red Court 5B: ITZ v MT 43-22 7G: Strnk v Stern 25-17 11B: Mut v Bent 46-24 In the Zone Red Court 4B:Blz - Ces-L 9:00 53-28 8B:Med v Lcl-S 10:00 38-20 4B: Blz v Ces-S 11:00 20-19 6G: Benn v Lcl 12:00 27-10 5B: PK v Lcl 1:00 46-25 6G: Ben v GVF 2:00 35-19 6G:Khal v Lcl 3:00 25-7 4G:Mpm v Tch 4:00 12-8 6G:Gvf v Khal 5:00 30-6 4G: Tch v ITZ 6:00 13-9 7B: Jb-C v Jags 7:00 47-24 In the Zone Blue Court 5G: Turp v Morg 30-15 8B: Turp v Med 55-51 9B: Turp v Sting 54-26 In the Zone Blue Court 4B: GV v Ces-S 24-22 8B: Turp v Bch 53-42 4B: GV v Ces-L 47-11 8G:Turp v LclP 27-10 5G:Turp v GVB 12-9 9B: Turp v LI 49-38 8G: Turp v Bcb 39-25 5B: PK v MT 37-24 7B: Ces v Jb-C 49-30 7B: Jb-S v AH 55-33 7B: Ces v Mpm 37-33 Forks Comm Center Gym 1 8B: Bch v Lclk 42-32 8B: Lcl-S v PV 48-36 7G: Lcl v Stern 25-16 8B: PV v Lcl-K 45-39 8G:AH v Lcl-P 46-24 5G:Morg –Gvb 23-12 Forks Comm Center Gym 3 East Side YC East Side YC Old Ct New Ct 11B:Gil v Lcl-g 9B:Ard v Sting 50-48 58-32 11B:Mut v Lcld 11B:Ben v AH 63-30 48-35 6B: Ah v Bch-s 9B: Ard v LI 40-16 46-45 7G: Strk v Lcl 11B:Lcl-d vGil 11B:Ah v Lcl-g 24-18 47-30 58-30 8G:Bcb v CB 6B:Ah v Bchm 6B:Bch-s v WL 36-12 49-33 29-24 8G:AH v Lcl-m 4G: Itz v Mpm 7B: Jag v AH 41-39 15-8 47-21 5B: Lcl v AH 7B:Mpm - Jb-S 41-25 46-32 8G: Lcl-m v CB 6B:WL –Bchm 28-27 52-20 5B: Itz v AH ****Please note: Games are played at 3\4 different locations**** In the Zone, 6870 Chrisphalt Drive, Bath, PA 18014, 610-837-8605 Northampton Rec. Center, One Lerchenmiller Dr. Northampton, PA 18067; 610-502-2990 East Side Youth Center, 1140 E Clair St, Allentown, PA 18109, 610-434-976 Forks Township Community Center, 500 Zucksville Road, Easton, PA 18040, 610-252-0785 Page 3 of 4 PLAYOFF TEMPLATE. Please remember playoffs are single elimination. Winners Advance. Sun 4/12 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 In the Zone Red Court 8G: Play-In Turp v AH 42-28 8B: Play-In LCL-s v Bch 43-28 8G: Semi Final Lcl-p v CB 29-28 8B: Semi Final Turp v Lcl-k 42-31 7G: Finals Stern v Lcl 21-16 5B: Semi Finals ITZ v AH 28-9 5G: Play-In GV v Turp 17-8 6G: Semi Final Khal v GV 23-4 5G: Finals Morg v Turp 31-24 5B: Finals LCL v ITZ 36-32 In the Zone Blue Court Northampton Rec Center Northampton Rec Big Ct East Side YC Old 8G: Play-In 4G: Play-in 7B: Play-In CB v BCB ITZ v Tch Jag v Mpm 44-29 14-11 29-19 8B: Play-In 7G: Play-In 11B: Play-In LCL-k v Med LCL v Strnk Lcl-g v Bent 52-32 34-28 72-37 8G: Semi Final 4G: Finals 7B: Semi Final Lcl-m v AH MPM v Tch Jbh-S v Mpm 38-35 9-7 62-19 8B: Semi Final 5B: Play-In PV v Lcl-s AH v PK 44-42 42-28 8G: Finals 4B: Semi Final Lcl-p v AH Ces-s v Blz 35-30 37-25 5B: Semi Finals 4B: Semi Final LCL v MT Ces-L v GV 39-21 49-27 7B: Finals Jbh v Jbh Did not p[lay 6G: Semi Final Benn v Lcl 30-20 4B: Finals Blz v Ces-L 54-19 6G: Finals Khal v Lcl 27-21 7B: Play-In CES v Ah 49-18 11B: Play-In AH v Lcl-d 45-29 7B: Semi Final Jbh-c v Ces 35-22 11B: Semi Final Mut v Lcl-g 54-49 6B: Semi Finals Bch –s v WL 61-28 6B: Semi Finals Bch-m v AH 49-16 11B: Finals Gilm v Lcl-g 51-48 2ot 6B: Finals Bch v Bch Did not play Page 4 of 4 East Side YC New 9B: Semi Final Sting v Turp 56-18 9B: Semi Final Ard v LI 35-30 11B:Semi Final Gilm v Lcl-d 51-33 9B: Finals Sting v LI 40-32 8B: Finals Lcl-k v Lcl-s 40-34
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