Tuesday 0830 to 0955 Apollo Keynote Address History of Instrument Flight William R. Ercoline Tuesday 1015 to 1140 Apollo Discovery Atlantis ST01 ST02 ST03 Endeavour ST04 Symposium: Technological Countermeasures for Spatial Disorientation 400 Safety and Risk Analysis Performance-Enhancing Displays Symposium: High-Fidelity Simulation and Aviation Training to Improve Problem Solving Skills and Coordination 1460 Chair: Ben Lawson Chair: Robert Mauro Chair: Sylvain Hourlier Chair: Durant Bridges III Near-Future Technological Countermeasures for Spatial Disorientation in Flight 401 Behind the Scenes of the NAS: Human Factors Taxonomy for Investigating Service Integrity Events 770 Influence of Stereoscopic Depth on the Flanker Compatibility Effect 1300 The Effects of Workload and Stress on Teamwork in a High Fidelity Simulation 1501 Littman, Lawson, Brill, Rupert Berry, Sawyer, Hinson Funke, Vidulich, Warm, Dukes Georgiou Recent Advances in Tactile Cueing 402 A Comprehensive Effort to Arrive at an Optimally Reliable Human Factors Taxonomy 430 Flight Path Management Situational Awareness: Context-Based, DualCue Flight Mode Annunciator Alerting 1020 After-Action Reviews: Best Practices and Application to Aerospace Education 1502 Rupert, Lawson King Serber Moffett III, Hein, McClure Audiotactile Aids for Improving Pilot Situation Awareness 403 Identifying Major Human Factors Risks in North America Airline Operations: Airline Operator Perceptions 1350 Possibilities of Using the On-Board Intelligent Voice Informing Systems in Complex Flight Situations 710 Development of an Alternative Methodology for Implementation of SAGAT During Task Performance 1503 Brill, Lawson, Rupert Yan, Histon Petrenko Bridges III Tactile Cueing Strategies to Convey Aircraft Motion or Warn of Collision 404 Promoting Aviation Safety in Africa: Analysis of Air Accidents in the Region Between 2004 and 2014 1470 Toward An Integrated Ecological Plan View Display For Air Traffic Controllers 1880 Introduction: High Fidelity Simulation and Aviation Training to Improve Problem Solving Skills and Coordination 1494 Lawson, Cholewiak Brill, Rupert, Thompson Shila, Anne Beernink, Borst, Ellerbroek, Van Paassen, Mulder Lester, Craig Requirements for Developing the Model of Spatial Orientation into an Applied Cockpit Warning System 405 Analysis of Aviation Maintenance Technical Documentation and Procedures 1210 Smart Cockpit Initiative 380 Lawson, McGrath, Newman, Rupert Banks, Wenzel, Drechsler, Crayton, Hollomon Smith Tuesday 1300 to 1425 Apollo Discovery ST05 Atlantis ST06 Endeavour ST07 ST08 Excellence in Air Traffic Management UAV Selection and Assessment Displays for Adverse Environments Monitoring and Supervisory Control Chair: Todd Truitt Chair: Joe Wood Chair: Jeff Doyal Chair: Gregory Funke Toward a Standard of Human Performance Excellence in Air Traffic Management 1130 The Role of Personnel Selection in Remotely Piloted Aircraft Human System Integration 510 Dark Adaptation and its Implications for Augmented Reality 2040 Effects of 3D Displays on Vigilance Performance 2010 Joly, Kirwan, Krois, Marrison, May, Piccione, Schwarz Carretta, King Ledford, Thomas, Finomore, McClernon Amick, Pee, McClernon, Finomore Strategic Job and Training Needs Analyses 2370 Personality Test Scores that Distinguish United States Air Force Remotely Pilots Aircraft Pilot Candidates 2190 Impact of Weather Information Latency on General Aviation Pilot Situation Awareness 1810 An Empirical Study of Monitoring Performance In The Airline Cockpit 250 Krokos, Sawyer Chappelle, Swearingen, Goodman, Thompson Caldwell, Johnson, Whitehurst, Risukhin, Udo-Imeh, Duran, Nyre, Sperlak Casner Methods to Evaluate Discretionary ATC Safety Standards Using Performance Assessments 1430 Initial Validation of the Work Interest Inventory for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Career Fields 800 Avionics Touch Screen in Turbulence: Simulation for Design 660 Human Span-of-Control in Cyber Operations: An Experimental Evaluation of Fan-Out 1000 Pounds, Galoci Barron, Rose, Burns Hourlier, Servantie Mancuso, Funke, Eckold, Strang Developing Quantitative Air Traffic Risk-Benefit Pathways for Class D Airports: Improving Small Tower Operations 630 Investigating UAS Operator Characteristics Influencing Mission Success 970 Chart Symbology for Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (LVO/SMGCS) 1900 Berry, Sawyer, Hinson Cuevas, Kendrick, Zeigler, Hamilton Sparko, Chase Tuesday 1445 to 1610 Apollo Discovery Atlantis Endeavour ST09 ST10 ST11 ST12 Symposium: Terminal or En Route? That is the Question: Placement of Development Air Traffic Controllers 260 Displays for Air and Ground Maneuvering UAV Operations Cognitive Challenges in Aviation Chair: Cristina Byrne Chair: Lawrence Prinzel Chair: Terry Stanard Chair: Christopher Brill Show Me the Data: Data-Driven Decision Making in ATCS Placement 271 Synthetic Vision Displays For Approaches And Missed Approaches In Challenging Terrain 1860 An Operational Analysis of Human Factors in Unmanned Air Systems 920 Tools for Improving Pilot DecisionMaking Under Stress 1050 Bleckley Beringer Revell, Cutler Henderson Perspectives of Unsuccessful Air Traffic Control Specialists 272 Effect of Angle of Attack Displays on Approach Stability 1720 Experimental Evaluation of Varying Feedback of a Cognitive Agent System for UAV Mission Management 420 Attentional Narrowing: First Step Towards Controlled Studies Of A Threat to Aviation Safety 490 Pierce Pruchnicki, Dillman, Wilt, Pomeroy, RudariBall Denk, Clauss, Borchers, Werner, Schulte Prinet, Moacdieh, Sarter What about AT-SAT? An Examination of the Utility of Using AT-SAT for ATCS Placement 273 Human Factors for Angle of Attack Display Interpretation and Aircraft Control 1690 An Ecological Approach To The Supervisory Control Of UAV Swarms 1890 The Cognition of Multi-Aircraft Control (MAC): Proactive Interference and Working Memory Capacity 1030 Byrne Wilt, Dillman, Pruchnicki, Ball, Pomeroy, Rudari Fuchs, Borst, de Croon Amaddio, Miller The Feasibility of a Classifier Course for Placement by Option in the ATCS Occupation 274 Acquisition of Level 1 Situation Awareness in ATC-Like Tasks 1090 Effect of Control Latency on Unmanned Aircraft Systems During Critical Phases of Flight 530 Modeling Visual Search and Target Selection using Boundedly Optimal State Estimation and Motor Control 940 Broach Nalbandian, Rantanen Zingale, Taylor Perelman, Myers Tuesday 1615 to 1740 Atrium PT Poster # Title Authors PT01 Anticipatorily Controlled Top-Down Processes Influence the Impact of Coriolis Effects 2090 Talker, Kallus PT02 Spatial Disorientation due to Emerging Augmented Reality Technology 2000 Perkins, Lackey, McClernon, Finomore PT03 Intellectual and Personality Differences Between Flying Class II and III Personnel 1230 Rhodes, Wood, Heaton, Haynes PT04 Intelligence and Neurocognitive Aptitude Test Scores Distinguishing US Air Force “Drone” Pilot Training Candidates 2030 Swearingen, Goodman, Chappelle, Thompson, Cowper PT05 Intellectual Differences of Rated Male and Female Pilots in the United States Air Force 1220 Wilson, Heaton, Chappelle, Haynes PT06 Establishing Screening Test Cut-Points Based on Aviation Occupational Task Performance 1330 Milburn, Chidester PT07 ANG and ROTC Pilot Selection Processes: Different Paths to “The Right Stuff” 1190 Wood, Shurlow, Haynes PT08 Conceptual and Procedural Training for Situation Awareness and Performance in an Instrument Holding Task 1800 Dattel, Thropp PT09 Psychological Aspects Of The Organization Of Information At The Instructor's Flight Simulator Workplace 930 Bondareva PT10 Flight Instructor Assistance in Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Using Pilot Trainee's Workload Determination 2400 Maiwald, Schulte PT12 DRADIS: Software for Real-Time Evaluation of Team Communication Complexity 1010 Dukes, Strang, Funke, Best PT13 Contribution of Multimethodology to Human Factors in Air Navigation Systems 2390 Cabral, Estellita Lins PT15 A Valid and Reliable Safety Scale for Commercial Airline Passengers (SS-CAP) 180 Rice, Mehta, Oyman PT16 Utilizing Macro Data to Create a Micro Experience: Personalizing the Air Passenger Selection Process 1790 Bowen, Bowen, Clary, Bennett, Megha PT17 Age and Trust in Flight Attendants: A Comparison Between Two Countries 830 Mehta, Rao, Labonte, Rice PT19 Water Reuse Attitudes for Airports: A Regression Analysis 220 Cremer, Rice, Mehta PT20 Safety Climate, Safety Motivation, Employee Turnover, and Unsafe Acts in Aircraft Maintenance 1710 Alnoaimi, Karwowski PT21 Invisible and Unanchored: Information Practices in Line Maintenance 1730 Munro PT22 Effects of Time-Based Metering on Controller Performance and Subjective Workload 700 Masalonis, Willems, Bastholm, Molyneux PT23 Development of the Air Traffic Control Tower Alerts Standard 240 Sierra, Buckley PT25 Cognitive Health Screening for Pilots: Comparing the Utility of Two Off-the-Shelf Assessment Tools 1910 Van Benthem, Herdman PT26 Are We Safe Yet: Discriminating Pilot Performance Based on Safety Climate 2180 Romeo, Gallimore PT27 Professional Ethics and Aviation Professionalism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Mitigating Mishaps 540 Rhodes, Neal, Shaw PT28 Human Factors Issues in UAV Accidents: Considerations in UAS Development 2210 Alsumiri, Bowen, Waldock PT29 A3IR-CORE and FlightProfiler: An Academic-Industry Partnership for SMS Development 2440 Ball PT30 The Assessment of Nigerians' Perceived Trust Level in Nigeria's Aviation Industry 190 Miya, Rice PT31 Evaluating Startle, Surprise, and Distraction: An Analysis of Aircraft Incident and Accident Reports 1120 Talone, Rivera, Jimenez, Jentsch PT32 Aftermath of an Airline Accident: What are the Implications in Consumer Trust Ratings? 210 Winter, Rice, Mehta Wednesday 0830 to 0955 Apollo The Quest for a Safer and More Efficient Sky: Theory and Practice Plenary Pratitioner Panel Panelists: John R. Dougherty, Karl Fennell, Doug Glussich, Jason G. Russi, Rick Yasky Moderator: Esa Rantanen Wednesday 1015 to 1140 Apollo SW01 Discovery SW04 Atlantis Endeavour SW03 SW02 Panel: Techniques for the Human Centered Evaluation of Designs for the Future Aviation System 1640 Selection and Training: Personality Factors UAVs and ATC Controller-Pilot Interaction Chair: Philip Smith Chair: Raymond King Chair: Joseph Coyne Chair: Victoria Cutler Evaluating Design-Related Pilot Error 1681 Personality Traits among Norwegian Pilot Students and it's Predictive Validity in Basic Flying Training 1100 Integrating UAS Operations in Class C Airspace 590 Human Systems Integration (HSI) Roadmap 1340 Abbott Odegaard, Lang-Ree, Martinussen Truitt, Sollenberger Austrian NASA Research Techniques for Future Aviation Systems - Synthetic and Enhanced Vision Systems 1683 Non-Cognitive Predictors of Early Phase Navy Flight Training 500 UAS Air Traffic Controller Acceptability Study-2: Effects of Communications Delays and Winds in Simulation 720 Assessing Potential Human Performance Safety Impacts Associated With Integrating Multiple Time-Based Flow Management Concepts 760 Prinzel Farmer, Miller, Edwards, Phillips, Foster, Cox Comstock, Ghatas, Consiglio, Chamberlain, Hoffler Sawyer, Berry, Liskey, Rohde Preventing Human Factors Problems Early in Design 1682 Personality Traits as Predictors of On-The-Job Performance of U.S. Air Force Pilots 670 UAS-NAS ATC Acceptability Study1: Effects of Horizontal Miss Distances on Simulated UASManned Aircraft Encounters 730 A Computational Study of Autonomy and Authority in Air Traffic Control 820 Pritchett Barron, Bonto-Kane Ghatas, Comstock, Jr., Consiglio, Chamberlain, Hoffler Bhattacharyya, Pritchett Human Factors in the Wild 1674 Effect of Narcissistic Personality on Risk Perception among Chinese Aviators 2070 Yuditsky You, Ju, Ji, Wei Structured Knowledge Elicitations to Envision the Impact of Future Design Smith Wednesday 1300 to 1350 Apollo Invited Adress Tomorrow's World: The Role of Human Factors in Designing the Future of Aviation Neville Stanton Wednesday 1410 to 1535 Apollo Discovery Atlantis SW05 SW08 SW07 Endeavour SW06 Cognitive System Engineering Applications Training Crew Resource Management Statistical Analysis and Quality Assurance Chair: René van Paassen Chair: Ioana Koglbauer Chair: Eric Geiselman Chair: Peter Hancock Incorporating New Methods of Classifying Domain Information for Use in Safety Hazard Analysis 1560 FAA Student Assessment of On the Job Training 790 Single Pilot Operations: A New Frontier for CRM/TEM 1620 Statistical errors in aviation psychology 870 Leveson, Montes, Stirling McCauley Mosier, Fischer Wickens Individual Problem Representations in Distributed Work 2140 Exploring the Mathematical Predictability of the Advanced Aircraft Training Climate 340 Inter-Rater Reliability of Instructor Pilots' Non-technical Skills Ratings 910 A Discrete Version of the McRuer Crossover Model 1630 Fernandes, Smith, Evans, Durham Naidoo Gontar, Hoermann Landry Potential Uses of Information Technology in Pararescue 2160 Airframe Parachute Knowledge and Deployment Scenarios: A Collegiate Perspective 370 Behavioral Traps In Crew-Related Aviation Accidents 980 Flight Operational Quality Assurance: Do Exceedances Tell the Whole Story? 1780 Militello, Lopez, Branlat Winter, Geske, Rice, Fanjoy, Sperlak Velazquez, Peck, Sestak Dillman, Wilt, Pruchnicki, Rudari, Ball, Pomeroy An Experiment to Identify Flight Crew Strategies for Unexpected Events 2350 The Retention of Manual Flying Skills In The Automated Cockpit 230 Getting Along and Calling the Shots: Aviators’ Conflict Management Styles and Core Self- Evaluations 620 Checklists for Smoke and Fire: Content and Crew Use 1840 Field, Woltjer, Rankin, Mulder Casner Chaturvedula, Gowda, Mandal Burian Wednesday 1540 to 1705 Atrium PW Poster # Title Authors PW01 Responding to Motion Cues Interferes with Encoding/Retention of Spatial, but not Visual Information 1150 Nicholson, Herdman PW02 Detecting Structure in Activity Sequences: Exploring the Hot Hand Phenomenon 1510 Hammack, Flach PW03 Identifying Mental Models of Search in a Simulated Flight Task Using a Pathmapping Approach 1400 Perelman, Mueller PW04 Multi-Gain Control: Balancing Demands for Speed and Precision 1550 Lemasters PW05 Automation Reliability and Monitoring Performance using the Newly Developed MultiAttribute Task Battery 520 Leavens, Mouloua PW06 Cued Visual Search and Multisensory Enhancement 2100 Haggit, Simpson, Watamaniuk, Gilkey PW07 Multimodal Mobile Collaboration Application for Increased Performance 2110 Vigil, Palmer, Finomore, McClernon PW08 Haptic Guidance: Interaction between the Guidance Model and Tuning 2290 van Paassen, Boink, Abbink, Mulder PW09 Full Haptic Flight Envelope Protection System 2340 Rodriguez-y-Martin, Ellerbroek, van Paassen, Mulder PW10 Developing and Designing a Human Factors Tool to Evaluate Aircraft Systems 2060 McClernon, Sykes PW11 Added value of digital equipment in operational human factors approaches: A400M use cases 960 Bey, Lini, Andre, Hourlier, Claverie PW12 A Model for Subjective Evaluation of Automated Vehicle Control 1180 Koglbauer, Eichberger, Lex, Holzinger PW13 Using Lessons Learned in Aviation to Improve the Safety of Locomotive Cab Automation 1410 Sebok, Wickens, Jones PW14 Open Source Devices for Human Factors Research 1310 Gildea, Milburn PW15 Engineering Psychology: NORAD Command Center Checklist 1990 Jeffery, Myers, McClernon, Finomore PW16 Physiological Indicators of Workload in a Remotely Piloted Aircraft Simulation 480 Hoepf, Middendorf, Epling, Galster PW17 EEG Data Analysis Using Artifact Separation 1500 Credlebaugh, Middendorf, Hoepf, Galster PW18 Neuromarkers in Individuals Transitioning from Novice to Expert Using an Aircraft Simulation 1480 Craven, Izzetoglu, Ayaz, Oden, Hernandez, Slason PW19 A Coalition Study of Warfighter Acceptance of Wearable Physiological Sensors 1320 Menke, Best, Funke, Strang PW20 Individual Differences in Physiological Responses within a Remotely Piloted Aircraft Multitasking Environment 1420 Durkee, Pappada, Ortiz, Hiriyanna, Feeney, Galster PW21 Effects of Time-Based Metering on Heart Rate Variability and Ocular Indices of Mental Workload 1290 Bastholm, Willems, Masalonis PW22 Human Task Prioritization Behaviors in a Time-Pressured Aviation Multitasking Environment 680 Toma, Funk PW24 What’s A Cockpit Daddy? Doormen, Elevator Operators, Pilots And Other Extinct Species 1270 Hancock, Sanders, Kessler, Schafer, Volante PW27 Using Augmented Reality and Three-Dimensional Models to Improve Training and Technical Tasks in Aviation 1360 Anne, Wang PW28 Enabling Human-Automation Collaborative Target Tracking Using an Array of Sensors 320 Stanard, Roll, Bowman, Adkins, Ayala PW29 Impact of task load and gaze on Situation Awareness in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control 860 Coyne, Sibley PW30 Fusion: A Framework for Human Interaction with Flexible-Adaptive Automation across Multiple Unmanned Systems 1060 Rowe, Spriggs, Hooper PW31 Pilot Performance in the Advanced Cockpit: A Human Factors Optimization of UAV Control 2050 Boules, Steinmetz, McClernon, Finomore PW32 Visualization Methods for Communicating Unmanned Vehicle Mission Status 650 Behymer, Ruff, Mersch, Calhoun, Spriggs Thursday 0830 to 0955 Apollo The Quest for a Safer and More Efficient Sky: Theory and Practice Plenary Researcher Panel Panelists: Kate Bleckley, Mark Draper, Hans Höermann, Kathleen Mosier Moderator: Amy Alexander Thursday 1015 to 1140 Apollo Discovery SR01 Atlantis SR02 Endeavour SR04 SR03 Symposium: Symposium on Cross-Cultural Pilot Selection 2260 Automation Impacts Simulation and Training Eye-Based Workload and SA Chair: Diane Damos Chair: Steven Landry Chair: Andrew Dattel Chair: Felix Maiwald Multi-Cultural Pilot Screening Issues 2331 Inverting the Human/Automation Equation to Support Situation Awareness and Prevent Loss of Control 1700 Enroute ATC Industry Perceptions of Simulation Fidelity 1040 Flight Deck Interval Management Avionics: Eye-Tracking Analysis. 2020 Damos Kirlik, Ackerman, Seefeldt, Xargay, Talleur, Carbonari, Hovakimyan, Sha, Trujillo, Gregory Dow, Histon Latorella Predicting Pilot Performance Across Cultures: Relative Utility of Cognitive Measures and Constructs 2332 Workload and Automation: A Human Factors Analysis of a UK Military Aviation Incident 690 A Method for Ab Initio Flight Training in a Network of Simulators 1170 Pupillary Response as an Indicator of Processing Demands within a Supervisory Control Simulation Environment 1370 Rose Cutler, Revell Koglbauer, Braunstingl, Riesel Sibley, Coyne, Jasper Cross-Cultural Use of Trait-Based Personality Measures for Pilot Selection 2343 Functional Complexity Failures and Automation Surprises 1080 Follow-Up Examination Of Simulator- The Electrooculogram and a New Based Training Effectiveness 1830 Blink Detector Algorithm 1260 Martinussen Barshi, Feary, Mauro, Sherry, Trippe Lubner, Dattel, Henneberry, DeVivo Epling, Middendorf, Hoepf, Galster Differences on Cognitive, Knowledge, and Assessment Center Measures Between European and Mauritius Cadet Applicants 2324 Understanding Automation Surprise: An Analysis of ASRS Reports 1440 An Eye Tracking-Based Assessment and Debrief Tool for Training 5th Generation Tactical Aviation Skills 990 Saccade Detection Using Polar Coordinates - A New Algorithm 1450 Lorenz Trippe, Mauro Carroll, Surpris, Sidor, Bennett Middendorf, Epling, Hoepf, Galster Safety and Training Impacts of LiveVirtual-Constructive Training on Navy Air Combat: A Multi-Year Study 2230 Sherwood, Neville, McLean, Cruit, Kaste, Walwanis, Bolton Thursday 1300 to 1350 Apollo Invited Address A Tale of Two Training Strategies: Implications for Cognition and Brain Function Arthur F. Kramer Thursday 1410 to 1535 Apollo Discovery Atlantis Endeavour SR05 SR06 SR07 SR08 Symposium: MannedUnmanned Aviation Operations - A Tri-Service Overview 740 Psychophysiological Applications Communications Effectiveness Safety Culture Chair: Susan Flaherty Chair: Patrick Craven Chair: Maxine Lubner Chair: Erin Bowen Tactical Communications for Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Training through Gaming 751 Sense-Assess-Augment: Towards a Quantified Warrior 600 We Need Priority Please – Mitigated Speech in the Crash of Avianca Flight 052 360 The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Pilot Safety Performance 1600 Flaherty, Bink Galster, Johnson Cookson Alsowayigh, Karwowski Optimizing Performance of Trainees for UAS Manpower, Interface and Selection 752 A Neuroergonomic Study: Predictors of Situation Awareness with Pilots while Performing Complex Tasks 1970 The Use of Automated Speech Recognition in Multi Modal Communications 1980 Social Complexities: The Missing Link in Critical Incident Reporting Systems 1110 Pagan, Astwood, Phillips Harbour, Christensen Warner, Moody, Finomore, McClernon van der Westhuizen, Stanz Army MUM-T: Current Technologies and Ongoing Research 753 Compared Evaluation Off B-Alert’s Encephalographic Workload Metrics Using An Operational Video Game Setup 950 Information Asynchrony, UAS, and Pilot-Controller Communication 1770 Pilot's Willingness to Report Aviation Incidents 1610 Taylor, Turpin Lini, Bey, Lecoutre, Lebour, Favier Lien, Histon Haslbeck, Schmidt-Moll, Schubert Remotely Piloted Aircraft: USAF Insights on Manned-Unmanned Teaming 754 A Study to Assess Sensation of EgoMotion in a Flight Simulator 2150 Impaired Communication in Flight: Intelligibility and Understanding in Aircraft 1960 Top Ten Ways to Destroy Your Just Culture 1740 Martin Zaychik, Cardullo McNeese, Shults, Finomore, McClernon, Brungart, Sheffield Pruchnicki Thursday 1555 to 1715 Apollo Discovery Atlantis SR09 SR10 SR11 Endeavour SR12 Panel: Geographic Specific Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controllers 2120 Fatigue Helmet-Mounted Displays Selection Methodology Chair: Michael Pearson Chair: Darendia McCauley Chair: John Reising Chair: Diane Damos Geographic Specific Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controllers 2171 Effects of Workload on Measures of Sustained Attention during a Flight Simulator Night Mission 900 Toward Head-Worn Displays for Equivalent Visual Operations 1650 The Use of Time-to-Event (Survival) Analyses to Predict Day of Training Elimination 1580 Niemczyk Hoermann, Gontar, Haslbeck Prinzel, Arthur, Bailey, Jones, Williams, Harrison Thompson, Chappelle, Goodman Geographic Specific Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controllers 2172 The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Decision Making in Piloting 880 Helmet Mounted Displays: Attention Allocation and Reaction Time 1920 Improving Air Traffic Controller Selection Using Spatial Planning Tests Administered Under High Workload 1820 Nullmeyer Nacev Finomore, McClernon, Snow, Johnson, Steuber Jong, Parush Geographic Specific Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controllers 2183 Applications of Computational Modeling to Fatigue Risk Managment in Aviation 1760 The Effects of Parallax on Performance in an Augmented Reality 2080 Simulator-Based Assessment of Flight-Specific Aptitudes in German Armed Forces' Aircrew Selection 640 Gagliardo Gunzelmann denHollander, Janssen, Bishop, McClernon, Finomore Meierfrankenfeld, Greß, Vorbach Geographic Specific Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controllers 2174 Light Effects on Cognitive Function and Alertness in Flight Crew 310 Effect of Display Size and HMDs on Task Performance in Battlefield Airman Scenarios 1940 Cognitive Engineering: What's Old Is New Again 270 Pearson Brown, Whitehurst Sellers, Chaves, Finomore, McClernon Lofaro
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