Troop Cookie Book 2013-2014 Table of Contents 2014 Cookie Program Timeline 1 How the Cookie Crumbles / What’s New? 2 Gluten Free Pilot Program 3 Cookie Program Basics 4 First Steps 5—6 Planning Your Sales 7 Online Marketing & Social Networking 8—9 Selling Methods 10—11 Cookies for a Cause 12 Troop Earning Power 13 Girl Recognitions 14 Recognitions 15 How Does a Troop get Cookies? 16—20 Booth Sales 21—25 Council-Organized Booth Sales 26—27 ROAMpay x4 28 Surplus Cookies?? 29 Last Steps 30 Financial Procedures 31—33 SNAP 34—37 Last year more than over 30,000 girls participated in the sale. This year we hope ALL registered Girl Scouts will experience the cookie sale and learn the “5 Skills.” We look forward to working with you as partners in achieving success to make this the best cookie sale ever! Email Addresses’ & Important Links 38 Wishing you a successful cookie sale, Five for Five Flyer 39 Five for Five Entry Forms 40 Cookie for a Cause Flyer 41 Gluten Free Order Form 42 Council Cupboard Information 43 Dear Cookie Volunteer, Selling cookies is an iconic and important part of the Girl Scout experience that teaches girls valuable skills including decision making, money management, goal setting, people skills and business ethics. Plus, girls learn the importance of giving back through our Cookies for a Cause program. Not only are girls given the opportunity to provide a tasty and treasured product to millions of hungry, eager customers, they have the chance to hone their customer service skills, learn about managing their own business, and take financial responsibility for their Girl Scout experience, following in the footsteps of a century of Girl Scouts before them. None of this would be possible without the help of more than 7,000 cookie volunteers like you. Your hard work and dedication during this sale is the reason Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is able to continue the important work of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Thank you for all you do to make the cookie sale at Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts successful. Ruth N. Bramson Chief Executive Officer 2014 Cookie Program Timeline December 2013 S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S 7 January 2014 S M 5 19 T 6 7 13 14 20 21 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 12/13 First Day of Cookie Sale-Council Cupboards Open 12/16 Mini Cookie Clinics – Waltham, N. Andover, Middleboro (Topic: SNAP – Cookie Database) 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m 12/18 “The ABC’s of Selling Girl Scout Cookies” Wednesday Webinar (12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m. ) 12/20 Deadline to submit request for January Council Organized Booth Sales in SNAP—10:00 p.m. 12/23 Waltham, North Andover and Middleboro Cupboards-open 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ONLY MONDAY OPEN BECAUSE OF HOLIDAY 12/24 Waltham, North Andover & Middleboro Cupboards open 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. NOTE EARLY CLOSURE TIME 12/31 Deadline to order Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies 22 23 12/25 –1/1 1/1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1/8 1/13 February 2014 1/15 SUCM Deadline for Initial Order entry (10:00 p.m.) in SNAP GSEM Closed – Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Opt-Out Paper Work due to Terese Kelly in Waltham office 7 1 8 1/24 6 13 14 15 W T 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 1/25-2/1 2/1 2/2 2/7 –2/9 25 26 27 28 2/17 2/17-21 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 Initial Order (Town Delivery Week) Deadline to submit request for March Council-Organized Booth Sales in SNAP Super Bowl Sunday National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend GSEM Closed – President’s Day Massachusetts School Vacation Week 3/2 Last day to do troop to troop transfers (10:00 p.m.) 3/3 Sliding Scale goes into effect (10:00 p.m.) 1 3/4 Sale Ends – All Cupboards Close at 4:00 p.m. 8 3/4 March 2014 S Troop Deadline for Initial Order entry (10:00 p.m.) in SNAP 1/20 T 24 Deadline to submit request for February Council-Organized Booth Sales in SNAP Mini Cookie Clinics - Waltham, N. Andover, Middleboro (Topic: Open for Question and Answer) 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. S M 23 Council Offices and Cupboards Closed F S 16 Cookie Rally—Camp Cedar Hill (Rookery) Cookie Training 9:00 a.m. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 12/7 S 9 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 12 13 14 15 3/7 3/11-14 3/15 Late April 5/2 Initial Order Payments Due Last day to transfer (assign packages) cookies to girls in SNAP for recognitions (10:00 p.m.) Sell Down in Waltham, N. Andover, Middleboro Saturday Sell Down in Waltham ONLY Recognitions Projected to Arrive Last day to report any recognition issues to Toni Dixon [email protected] All dates subject to change. Changes will be posted in SNAP. 1 2014 COOKIE PROGRAM TIMELINE • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• How the Cookie Crumbles.. Where does the money go from the sale of Girl Scout Cookies? Over 75 % of the price of each package of cookies stays with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. A significant portion of this amount goes directly back to troops and girls in the form of troop revenue, rewards and cookie credits. The money raised during the Cookie Program also allows GSEM to offer affordable girl programming, provide volunteer development and maintain our beautiful camps and properties. Girl Incentives 3% Admin. 7.7% Program & Properties 50% Troop Proceeds 15.7% ABC Bakers 23.6% What does the Cookie Program do? The Cookie Program teaches girls the following life skills: □ Goal Setting □ Decision Making □ Money Management □ People Skills □ Business Ethics What’s New?? □ New Cookie!! It’s called Cranberry Citrus Crisps!!! □ Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie Pilot - Page 3 □ Troop Earning Power - Page 13 □ Earlier Town Delivery - Page 1 □ New enhancements to SNAP - Page 34 □ National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend - February 7-9 HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES / WHAT’S NEW?? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 2 Gluten Free Pilot Program Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is proud to have been selected to participate in a pilot to bring the first Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread cookie to the cookie sale! Because this is a pilot and not part of our regular sale, cookies will only be available by a one time special order to troops that want to participate. Troop pre-orders will be taken from November 4 through December 31 Troops can fax order forms 781-893-0022 or email to: [email protected]. Order Forms can be found on Page 42 Pre-orders are on a first come, first serve basis as Council will only have a limited amount Council will notify troops if cookies are no longer available Gluten Free Cookies will be available for pick up at requested Council Cupboards on Thursday, January 23rd Troops will have 14 days to pick up orders from the cupboard Gluten Free cookies CANNOT be returned Gluten Free cookies must be paid for within 10 days of pick up Troop earn $1.50 per pouch and girls do not receive any recognitions Available only at council cupboards: Boston, Middleboro, North Andover, Waltham Available in a 5-ounce re-sealable foil pouch with 12 pouches per case Due to the production costs of gluten free food, the cookie will sell for $5.00 per pouch Since this is a limited pilot program, this cookie cannot be ordered through SNAP Gluten free cookies will be paid for separately from cupboard & initial order cookies ABC is a proud participant of the Celiac Sprue Association (CSA) Recognition Seal program. The CSA Recognition seal represents critical review of ABC’s manufacturing processes to provide risk free choices for gluten free customers. ABC is offering helpful tools and materials to support troop sales on their website: These materials include: A specially designed web page with product information A custom QR code directing consumers to the gluten free webpage where they can learn more about the cookie and provide feedback Cookie FAQ’s Downloadable booth sale support materials 3 GLUTEN FREE PILOT PROGRAM • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Cookie Program Basics The Cookie Program is a wonderful opportunity for all Girl Scouts. Girls can learn more about themselves and develop positive values as they build upon each other’s strengths and skills. Consider the girls’ ages and their level of experience as you help them create a cookie sales plan. Utilize the Initial Order Card, and Planned Orders (through the Cookie Cupboard) in planning out a successful sale. Use the cookie sale to help the girls put the Girl Scout Promise and Law into action. Who can sell cookies? All registered Girl Scouts from Daisies through Ambassadors may participate. This includes Individually Registered Girls (IRG’s) and all Pathway participants. Who is this book for? This book is written for Troop Cookie Advisors (TCA), the adult volunteers responsible for advising girls as they plan and execute their sale. Troop Cookie Advisors must be registered Girl Scouts age 18 or over, responsible with money, and familiar with computers. Who is our cookie baker? Our cookie baker is ABC Bakers. Visit our baker at How many varieties of cookies are there? We are offering 9 varieties this year. The 7 traditional cookies are: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, and Thanks-A-Lot. NEW this year are the Cranberry Citrus Crisps, and we are excited to offer a Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie! (limited time only) How much is a package of cookies? The price of a package of cookies sold by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is $4.00. The Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie is $5.00 per pouch. Why is the price different outside of our Council? Each Girl Scout Council has a volunteer board that sets the price of their cookies based on their available resources and the Council’s financial needs. The price is based on the number of girls served, programs offered, and properties maintained. What is a Service Unit (SU)? A SU is the local geographical region where Girl Scouting is organized; it is common for a few towns to work together as one SU. The SU is led by a team of volunteers from the community and is supported by Membership Specialists from a regional Council office. Your SU Cookie Manager is a member of your local volunteer leadership team. Where can our Troop sell cookies? Cookies must only be sold within our Council footprint. Troops should stay within their Service Unit area. Troops that wish to sell outside of their Service Unit MUST get prior permission from that town’s Service Unit Cookie Manager FIRST. Please see Page 21 for procedures. COOKIE PROGRAM BASICS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 4 First Steps As you plan your troop’s journey through the 2014 Cookie Program, you will meet your local Service Unit Cookie Manager, review sales material, and use the SNAP cookie database. If your Service Unit does not have a Cookie Manager, please email: [email protected] Before having a cookie discussion with the girls and their parents, make sure to do the following: Register! Only registered Girl Scouts that have a signed Annual Permission Form on file will be eligible to receive cookie incentives. All adults who work with girls, handle troop money, or drive girls must be registered Girl Scouts. Only registered troops receive database access Develop a cookie team— Successful troops rely on a Troop Cookie Team to help accomplish their goals. Working as a team is fun, and it makes the work easier for everyone! Suggested positions are: □ Troop Cookie Manager—aka—Cookie Queen—Do you have a secret passion for training and/or distributing packets? This position oversees all areas of the program including training, order processing, delivery, money collection and cookie inventory □ Town Delivery/Initial Order Princess—Obsessed with being on-time and 100% correct? This position works with the online system—SNAP, and with Council to make sure orders are submitted correctly and on time □ Booth Sale Boss—Do you spend a lot of your free time shopping? Work with your Service Unit Booth Sale Coordinator in locating stores/locations for your troop □ Collections Agent—Do you like to process bank information? This position will follow up with parents/girls to collect money for cookies sold □ Delivery Day Diva— Do you like to pick things up and put them down? This position will pick up cookies from town delivery, sort orders according to girl orders, schedule pick up times with parents/guardians □ Recognitions Wrangler—Do you like to see Girl Scouts’ happy/excited faces when you bring recognitions to your troop meeting? This position will pick up incentives from Service Unit Cookie Manager when scheduled, sort incentives by girl and deliver to troop meeting Attend the Service Unit Cookie Training - both the Troop Leader and/or Troop Cookie Advisor should attend. Council also offers trainings before and during the cookie sale. Please look at the GSEM website for all training info at: 5 FIRST STEPS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• First Steps At training you will: sign the Troop Cookie Advisor (TCA) Position Description and pick up the following Troop Supplies: □ This Cookie Book □ Sample packages of cookies Cranberry Citrus Crisps Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie pouch □ Goal Tracking Poster □ Receipt Booklet □ Troop Worksheet—T2 (Optional) □ One for each girl: Order Card, Receipt Booklet, Money Envelope Utilize the online planning tools available at and review the new COCO system (see Page 9 for more information on COCO) Study safety tips. What online or booth sale safety issues might arise? Review SNAP; links with instructions are posted on the GSEM “Cookies & More” page as well as pre-recorded trainings that are located through e-Learning on the ABC Baker website at: Instructions to register on this site are as follows: □ Click “New User?” – a form will appear on the next page □ Fill out all required information (shown with an asterisk) □ Organization section “Organization/Council” is Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Enter “Troop Number” “Member Of” is 02116 (you will need to use accompanying PDF as it appears on screen), then add position code immediately after “Member Of” number Complete the “Security Check” Click “Create Account” At the Parent/Guardian Meeting: Discuss the importance of working together Discuss troop roles, responsibilities Ask for help! See Page 5 for suggested roles. also has some parent recruitment materials available. Once you have had the Parent/Guardian Meeting: Work with the girls to set goals for the troop and each individual girl Get a calendar and plan out the Cookie Program. Ask the girls when they would like to do booth sales, make sure they know when their initial orders are due, and when payments are expected. Work together as a troop—let the girls lead! An experienced older Troop might consider mentoring a younger troop and passing on their knowledge to help the next generation be as successful as they are! FIRST STEPS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 6 Planning Your Sale More girls participate in the Cookie Program than any other Girl Scout Program. The Cookie Program is one of the most important money raising programs that Girl Scouts has; it not only raises funds to sustain the Council’s various programs and properties, but it is an opportunity for the girls to develop skills that they can carry throughout their lives. There are many tools available to Troops to assist with the Cookie Program. COCO—Cookie Command (refer to page 9) is a tool that Troop Cookie Advisors can use to communicate with their Girl Scouts. The girls can set goals and track their progress in reaching those goals. They can see recognitions they are earning. The girls, with guidance from an adult, can send e-postcards out to their customers and accept cookie promises on-line. - a website with troop and girl activities developed to enhance the 5 skills. What are the 5 skills that Girls develop through the Cookie Program: Goal Setting: Girls set cookie sale goals and create a plan to reach them. This is a transferable skill that helps girls set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the job, and in their lives Decision-Making: Girls decide where and when to sell cookies, how to market their sale, and what to do with their earnings. Learning this skill will help girls make big and small lifelong decisions Money Management: Girls develop a budget, take cookie orders, and handle customers’ money. This is a helpful life skill that teaches girls how to handle money from their lunch money to their allowance and someday their paycheck! People Skills: Girls learn how to talk, listen to their customers, and to work as a team with their Girl Scout sisters. These experiences help them develop good social skills which helps them do better in school, on sports teams, on the playground, and in their future work Business Ethics: Girls act honestly and responsibly during every step of the cookie sale. The world needs ethical leaders in every field What can the girls do to develop the 5 key skills? A Daisy can sell to extended family & friends; the girls should be doing the asking and delivering of the products with adult supervision A Daisy can use the order card for Initial Order and can participate in shorter time booth sales A Brownie can strategize to achieve troop goals during extended time booth sales A Junior can set up a budget on the cost of materials (ie: poster boards, samples to give away at booth sale) A Cadette can set individual and troop goals on how many cookie packages they want to sell. Utilize COCO to secure online cookie promises to increase their sales Seniors and Ambassadors can run the Cookie Program as their own business (with guidance) Seniors and Ambassadors can partner with younger troops to mentor them throughout the sale; all adult supervised; guidelines still need to be followed To make it girl-led...let girls lead! 7 PLANNING YOUR SALE • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Online Marketing & Social Networking In today’s world there are various ways a girl can get the word out about the cookie sale. Of course, we highly recommend all online usage be closely monitored by a parent or guardian. Text, email or post messages on social media networking sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. What is a Cookie Promise? COCO can be utilized as a way to contact customers via email to make cookie promises. A Cookie Promise is when a person agrees to purchase a specific amount of cookies from a Girl Scout. Please note that GSUSA does not allow Girl Scout Cookies to be sold online, therefore a Troop/girl/parent/guardian cannot use an online money collecting system (e.g., PayPal) to collect money from customers for cookies. Boost your Troop’s Cookie Program by using sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram Girls 13 years of age and older may post that “Cookie Season is Here!” on their own social networking page(s); girls under 13 may do so on their parents’ pages and Troop websites Troops can share their Cookie Booth Sales and are encouraged to post pictures and their stories from booth sales on the GSEM Facebook page Troops can create their own Facebook page and share their activities with others Parents and Troop Leaders can use Twitter to “tweet” the location and progress of a booth sale for their girls. Troops can quickly send a “tweet” to have people come by their booth to buy cookies before the booth sale ends Pinterest is a virtual scrapbook. It is a website where people share their creativity. Looking for new ideas for marketing your sale? Decorating your cookie booth? Pinterest is a great place to browse and to become inspired! Text-a-thon - Send out texts to friends and family (with parent permission) to announce the sale, local booth sales your Troop is doing, and a last-minute reminder to buy before the sale ends. Please be respectful of others and don’t over-text! Girls can use the COCO app to send emails, track cookie promises, and monitor their goals - see the next page for details! ONLINE MARKETING & SOCIAL NETWORKING • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 8 Online Marketing & Social Networking COCO is an online portal located on Troop leaders and girls (Parental Consent is Advised) can go on COCO to create their own mini-websites for both the troop and the individual girl. It is a great marketing tool that can also be used to create a plan, set goals, and track Troop/Girl progress. It’s like a mini-Facebook for Cookies! What can Troop Leaders/Cookie Advisors do on COCO? Set up a COCO account for the Troop Use the online “Cookie Calculator” tool to help the Troop create a plan to reach their goal Take advantage of the Troop Budget Worksheet to plan out how many packages the Troop needs to sell to achieve its goal Inform the girls individually and as a Troop how they are progressing throughout the sale towards their goals Troop is responsible for placing cookie promise orders What can girls do on COCO? Build a personalized dashboard so they can see their sales at a glance Upload their own pictures for family and friends to see Utilize COCO Goal Setting and marketing tools to help reach their goals Girls who send eCards and collect 24 online cookies promises will earn the Online patch Girls can view the recognitions they are earning or working towards earning Introducing COCO mobile for the iPhone,, iPod touch and iPad. The mobile app puts cookie selling right in the girl’s pocket! All of the same actions girls do online they can do through the app! Please reference the Resource Library for further information For rules on internet safety, please refer to Volunteer Essentials at the following link: 9 ONLINE MARKETING & SOCIAL NETWORKING • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Selling Methods Flexible Ways for Girls and Troops to Participate Why Should a Girl Sell in Person? Girls have the opportunity to connect with family, friends, and neighbors to improve their people skills Girls sell more cookies when they build connections with people, because people are more invested in “their Girl Scout” Sale Types There are several options that a Troop can use to sell cookies. The Troop should decide as a group which methods work for them: Direct Sales Door-to-Door Sales & "Walk-Abouts" - Girls already have the cookies with them and the customer receives them instantly. Make it fun! Troops can meet at a designated house in a neighborhood (the Troop leader/one of the girls’ houses) and split up to take both sides of a street and go to every house. Use a wagon to bring around cookies or have a “Cookie Mobile” filled with cookies parked somewhere if the girls run out. Door hangers are a great tool to use when no one is home! Leave a door hanger with an adult’s contact information, NOT a girl’s. Printed ones are available at Council Cupboards, or have Troops make their own. Booth Sales - Setting up in front of grocery stores, sporting events and other high-traffic areas will be where you find great success! Girls will have lots of fun setting up their “store” and talking to customers. This is a great way for them to apply their 5 Skills! Check first with your SUCM or Cookie Booth Sale Coordinator to see how your town runs Booth Sales. See Page 21 for more information Council Organized Booth Sales - Booth Sales at T-stations, trade shows, certain mall kiosks and Boston business locations are all managed by a lottery system by Council. Troops* from all Service Units can request these sites. Please see Pages 26—27 for more details! (*Daisies/Brownies are not eligible for T-stations) Order Taking/Initial Order By using the order card, customers can order the quantity of cookies desired regardless of how much money they have on hand. Order cards are used to collect customer information and their cookie selections and also for Cookies for a Cause cookies (known in SNAP as CShare). Troops can also order extra cookies using the Booth Sale Extras section in SNAP for Booth Sales/direct sales. Payment must be received in full for these cookies by March 4, 2014. SELLING METHODS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 10 Selling Methods Flexible Ways for Girls and Troops to Participate Selling Cookies at Work Parents can help by offering their co-workers an opportunity to buy cookies. This is an acceptable selling method which may provide an opportunity to help the girls learn other aspects of marketing and business: -Write a letter to the business introducing herself -Attach a school picture and note to the order card -Make a poster showing her goals -Include Thank You notes for all purchases Don’t forget Vacation Week! (February 17-21, 2014) Girls can go to offices and sell before work or during lunch – this will help your daughter improve her selling and interpersonal skills! Cookie (Coffee) Breaks (Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors) Girls ask Business Managers to buy cookies to serve to their employees, or to give the girls the opportunity to sell cookies to their employees. Girls can make arrangements to serve or sell cookies during a break or at the end of the day. This is a great opportunity for girls to utilize the 5 skills 5 for Five! This is an excellent opportunity to increase Troop cookie sales! Girls ask customers, who might have planned to only purchase two or three packages of cookies, to buy 5 packages. Customers will be entered into a drawing to win 5 cases of cookies! It’s a “WIN” for everyone! In 2013 we had over 10,000 entries for this program. Samantha Dorgan, GSEM’s Top Cookie Seller in 2013, uses this as her primary sales method: “People would come up wanting three or four packages, and I started saying, Well, if you buy five, it’s $20, and then I don’t have to make change.” IT WORKS!!!! Please see “5 For Five” Flyer on Page 39 for more details Promote this program as an option for your customers to make a difference and donate to a local organization. Customers can get a tax deduction for cookies bought and donated. Girls can send cookie postcards from COCO to customers explaining their Troops’ cause and to ask for support/cookie promises. GSEM donated over 40,000 packages to local organizations last year. Visit Page 12 & 41 for more details ABC Bakers offers a great opportunity for girls to have their own online presence to track and set their goals. Girls can also send eCards to friends and family to remind them it’s cookie time and to make a “promise” to place an order (this is not a sale - girls will still need to collect money from customers in person). Girls who receive 24 cookie promises online utilizing COCO will earn the Online Patch (promises can be traditional orders or CShare/”Cookies for a Cause” cookies). 11 SELLING METHODS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Cookies for a Cause Opportunity for girls to make the world a better place! Option 1: CShare/Cookies for a Cause CShare/Cookies for a Cause cookies purchased will be donated by Council on behalf of the girls, to the following organizations: CarePacks, Help Our Troops, New England Shelter for Homeless Vets, Operation Troop Support and The Greater Boston Food Bank. The customer, girl/troop never sees/touches the actual cookies purchased as the cookies are distributed directly to the organizations . Each order card has a separate location specifically labeled “Cookies for a Cause,” so girls can show customers this option on the order card If a customer only orders CShare/Cookies for a Cause cookies, girls should collect the payment at that time ($4/package), as they will not be returning to the customer with cookies at a later date CShare/Cookies for a Cause cookies count towards the girls’ recognitions and troop proceeds In SNAP, you can now add additional “Cookies for a Cause “ cookies through CShare for girls using the “Reorder” function; this allows girls to continue ordering “Cookies for a Cause” orders throughout the sale Troops are responsible for paying Council for CShare/”Cookies for a Cause” cookies Option 2: Troops Create their Own “Cause” Troops may choose a local organization to receive donated cookies At booth sales, girls can display a sign that informs customers which organization is being supported; girls can also create a drop box where customers can place donated cookies or a tally poster to display the growing number of donated packages purchased Girls can write the name of the organization that will be receiving any donated cookies on their order cards to show customers when selling door-to door, at walk-abouts and at the workplace Extra packages of cookies from Initial Order or booth sale orders can be used to fulfill Cookie for a Cause orders and serve as a good way to reduce any surplus cookies In choosing a “Cause,” a Troop can: Choose a local non-profit organization: see if there is an organization in their community that they would like to support. Support and Celebrate Hometown Heroes: The troop can contact their local police department, firefighters, and any other local public safety organizations to see if they can accept cookies donations Support local military, veterans, and food pantry organizations: Council offices will accept cookie donations for distribution among the organizations from the start of the sale until the end of the sale on March 4th Looking for more ideas on organizations to support? Visit our Online Resource Library for a listing of some organizations Troops may want to consider as a “cause” COOKIES FOR A CAUSE • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 12 Troop Earning Power Opt-Out: A way for troops to earn more proceeds per package of cookies sold when all the girls in the troop unanimously decide NOT to receive individual recognitions. Opt-Out is available for Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops; Daisy, Brownie and Junior troops are not eligible. Troop receives an additional $0.05 per package of cookies sold Each girl receives a “Change the World” theme patch Since the entire troop receives the additional proceeds, individual girls do not receive recognitions or Cookie Credits To “Opt-Out” the entire troop must sign the GSEM Opt-Out form, available on the Resource Library. Mail, hand deliver, fax or scan/email completed form on or before January 24, 2014 to: Terese Kelly, GSEM, 265 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452 (fax) 781-893-0022, (email) [email protected] Troop Proceeds and the Sliding Scale: Troops receive a minimum of $0.60 for every package of cookies sold by their troop. Troops can earn more per package sold when they increase their Per Girl Average (PGA). The PGA is calculated by dividing the troop’s total sales (both Initial Order and Planned Order packages) by the total number of registered girls in the troop. The “sliding scale” is the various earning levels based on the PGA for the troop and the total number of packages of cookies sold by the troop. The sliding scale goes into effect on March 3, 2014 after 10:00 p.m. This calculation may affect the final payment due to Council on March 4, 2014. Per Girl Average (PGA) 0-119 packages 120-199 package 200+ packages Troop Proceeds $0.60 per package $0.65 per package $0.70 per package Troop Proceeds w/ Opt Out $0.65 per package $0.70 per package $0.75 per package If your troop is getting close to one of these PGA levels, the girls should make new decisions about their sales goals to be able to earn higher proceeds for the troop. Eligibility: Troops must have a minimum of 5 girls to receive the benefit of the sliding scale; IRG’s and troops of 2, 3, or 4 girls are not eligible. Initial Order Troop Incentive by Service Area: The top troop within each Service Area that achieves the greatest percentage over 10% of last year’s sales for the Initial Order will receive their first choice of encampment site and dates for 2015. There is a potential for 5 winners. Council will notify winning Troops by mail with instructions. Troop Incentive by Service Area: The top three participating troops within each Service Area that achieves the greatest percentage over 6% of last year’s sale will receive a voucher to be redeemed at the GSEM store (not to be used online) or to be used towards a program in the Ultimate Guide. There is a potential for 15 winners! $300 voucher for first place, $200 voucher for second place and $100 voucher for third place winners. Troops are eligible for the “Troop Incentive by Service Area” when all the girls in the troop are registered and SELLING in the sale and troop balance is paid in full by March 4, 2014. Troop Leaders will receive the vouchers on behalf of their troop by mail in April 2014. 13 TROOP EARNING POWER • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Girl Recognitions Our Council’s Girl Recognition Program is designed to support and reinforce goal setting and to acknowledge each girl’s participation and effort in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. THANK YOU for supporting your Girl Scouts throughout the cookie sale and in helping them achieve their goals. Please see Page 15 for the exciting recognitions offered this year! Individual Girl Recognitions are earned by each girl and not by the troop, so packages must be transferred to a girl by the deadline on Friday, March 7, 2014 Recognitions are earned cumulatively starting at 24 packages sold Early Recognition! Each girl who has sold 87 packages in SNAP by January 13th for the Initial Order will receive a reusable ECO-TOTE! The ECO-TOTE will be distributed at Town Delivery. Girls can use the ECO-TOTES to pick up and deliver their Initial Order cookies. Girls who sell 500 packages or more become members of the 500 CLUB! The 500+ Club members will be honored at the end of the cookie sale with two exclusive celebrations!! Pick one, sell 500+ and save the date! Sunday, April 27, 2014 from 2 - 4 p.m. at Sunday, May 4, 2014 from 2 - 4 p.m. at Camp Wind-in-the-Pines Camp Cedar Hill Plymouth Waltham Cookie Credits! These credits are earned by a girl when 100+ packages of cookies are sold. Cookie Credits can be used toward GSEM programs, camps, or store purchases (excludes online), by girls 13 years and older towards GSEM sponsored destination programs; and, by girls 11 years and older towards GSUSA sponsored destination programs! PLEASE NOTE: Cookie Credits are good through Friday, May 29, 2015; this expiration date cannot be extended so please plan accordingly. Cookie Credits cannot be replaced. Regulations for use are printed on each certificate. Cookie Credits Levels/Money Earned: Level 1: 100 pkgs. $0.05 per package Level 2: 101-200 pkgs. $0.10 per package Level 3: 201-500 pkgs. $0.15 per package Level 4: 501+ pkgs. $0.20 per package Example of Cookie Credit Math A girl who sells 700 packages will earn $100 in Cookie Credits. Level 1: $0.05 x 100 packages = $ 5.00 Level 2: $0.10 x 100 packages = $10.00 Level 3: $0.15 x 300 packages = $45.00 Level 4: $0.20 x 200 packages = $40.00 Total = $100.00 RECOGNITIONS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 14 $75 15 RECOGNITIONS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• How Does A Troop Get Cookies? There are two ways for troops to get cookies: Initial Order/Town Delivery and/or Planned Orders/Cupboards. Initial Order/Town Delivery Initial Order (Town Delivery) is a one-time event. The orders are entered into SNAP by each troop under each individual girl and must be entered by Monday, January 13, 2014 at 10:00 p.m. Initial Order Delivery Week is scheduled for Saturday, January 25th—Saturday, February 1st. The Service Unit Cookie Manager for your town will be in touch with your troops’ specific details. If there is no Service Unit Cookie Manager in your town, Council will be in touch with your troops’ specific details CShare –Troops can utilize the CShare column in SNAP during the Initial Order to place the girls’ orders for “Cookies for a Cause” if the troops do not have a specific local cause they are supporting. The girls collect the orders for Cookies for a Cause, mark their order forms and collect the money (it is the only time girls can collect money up front for cookies) The girl hands in her order form for Initial Order by the troop due date The Troop Cookie Advisor enters the girls order in SNAP, in packages. REMINDER-enter Cookies for a Cause cookies in the CShare column If your Troop is supporting a local cause DO NOT use the CShare column The girl gets credit for the packages sold; the troop is financially responsible Council will deliver the CShare cookies “Booths/Extras”: If a troop is planning a booth sale after the Initial Order/Town Delivery, they can order the cookies through the Initial Order process and have until March 4, 2014 to pay for them. The Troop Cookie Advisor enters these in the “Booths/Extras” row (in packages). The cookies ordered in the “Booths/Extras” row must be transferred to individual girls prior to the March 7th deadline Initial Orders are automatically rounded up to the nearest case, as partial cases cannot be delivered. CShare is not included in the round up process. The advantage to ordering cookies through Initial Order is that payment is not due until March 4th. The full same variety cases can be exchanged at the cupboard for another full case, but cookies from Initial Order cannot be returned Girl Recognition! Each girl who has 87 packages sold by January 13th through the Initial Order/Town Delivery will receive a reusable ECO-TOTE! The ECO-TOTE will be distributed at Town Delivery. The girls can use the ECO-TOTES to pick up and deliver their Initial Order/Town Delivery cookies. HOW DOES A TROOP GET COOKIES? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 16 How Does A Troop Get Cookies? Delivery Day Once you get your date, time and location, plan your pick-up so it goes smoothly and quickly From SNAP, print “Troop Initial Order Summary Report” and bring it with you Recruit other troop adults to help you pick up your troop’s cookie order. Ensure there is enough space in all vehicles to make one trip Cookies from Initial Orders cannot be sent back on the truck and times cannot be rescheduled Do not bring your children or your pets—this is for their safety. Initial Order in some locations can run very swiftly and this is not a place for young children or pets Prepare your vehicle PRIOR to arrival at the delivery site. Clean it out and flip the seats down before arriving to pick-up cookies Estimating Vehicle Capacity These approximate amounts are figured with the vehicle empty, except for the driver’s seat. Vehicle Approximately Vehicle Approximately Compact Car 30 cases Standard Pickup Truck 100 cases Standard Auto 45 cases Van (with seats) 150 cases Minivan/SUV 60 cases Van (without seats) 200 cases The truckers must complete their tasks before the cookies can be divided for the troops, so please be patient while they work Some delivery locations are indoors and the cookies will need to be carried to your car (if you have a hand truck or dolly, bring it along to make delivery easier/quicker) You and the SU Cookie Manager must both sign the receipt for cookies received. Once the receipt is signed, your troop is responsible for payment of these cookies so Count Twice! Most delivery sites do not have room to divide orders for the girls. Plan on another location to do this. Please pick up the Initial Order Girl Incentive Eco-Totes which are delivered on the truck with your cookies IMPORTANT- Issues/Discrepancies during Town Delivery If you discover a discrepancy with your Initial Order/Town Delivery, you need to contact Terese Kelly, Director of Product Sales, [email protected] within 24 hours of your delivery day this includes Eco-Totes! Any issues/discrepancies reported after 24 hours can no longer be rectified by Council and the troop will be held accountable. 17 HOW DOES A TROOP GET COOKIES? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• How Does A Troop Get Cookies? Initial Order/Town Delivery Distributing Initial Order Packages to the Girls Girls have only a few weeks to deliver cookies, collect money, and return money to you, so plan to distribute the cookies to the girls right away. Prior to sorting the girls’ orders, generate the “Initial Order by Girl Summary” in SNAP and print it out to verify the order and eliminate counting errors Store cookies in a cool and dry location. Do not leave them in a vehicle or place them near heating vents, radiators, or where they might attract pests Use the small receipt book—have each parent sign a receipt and give the parent a copy. The parent is now responsible for payment of the cookies they received. Staple the signed receipt to the “Initial Order by Girl Summary Report.” Carefully store all paperwork with the parent permission slip in case of payment problems Be sure parents/guardians and girls know the price per package is $4.00, the payment due date, and what forms of payment the troop will accept (cash or money orders). Council does not accept personal checks from anyone! The money must be turned into the troop by the troop deadline; payment for the Initial Order is due in full to Council on March 4, 2014 Cookie Cupboards (Planned Orders) Cupboard Hours: Each cupboard has unique restraints, limitations, and hours of operation. Please check in SNAP for more information. Please respect the hours of the cupboards as many are not staffed for business during non-cupboard hours Planned Orders: Cupboards have a limited supply of cookies. To ensure that your order can be filled, you MUST place your Planned Order in SNAP each Sunday by 10:00 p.m. for that coming week. If you make a mistake in your order, or over-order, contact the Cupboard. See Page 43 for Cupboard contact info Custom Large Orders: If you need to take more than the recommended standard cupboard order of 240 packages (20 cases), place your order in SNAP and then contact the cupboard via email or by calling and consulting with cupboard staff. Our inventory is limited and we make every effort to accommodate all troops. See Page 43 for Cupboard contact info One at a Time: The troop may make multiple Planned Orders for different dates, but each order must be PAID IN FULL before anyone in the troop may pick up the next order from any cupboard. NO exceptions! (no cupboard hopping with planned orders) Returning Cookies: Orders must be completed at the cupboard from which they originated. If you reserve and pick up from a specific cupboard, you must return unsold full cases (same variety) to that cupboard before picking up a new order Use Receipts: If the troop is going to use the cupboard to fill girl orders; use the receipt books provided to have the parents sign. This is your paper trail if something does not go as planned. HOW DOES A TROOP GET COOKIES? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 18 How Does A Troop Get Cookies? Cookie Cupboards (Planned Orders) Important things to know: Cookies need to be ordered in SNAP each Sunday by 10:00 p.m. for that coming week An order week runs from Tuesday - Saturday When ordering cookies in SNAP, you must input by CASE - so please remember to enter the number 1 when ordering one case of cookies, enter 2 for two cases. The case protects the individual package during transport. There are 12 packages of cookies per case The person picking up the order must be entered into the order reference field with their name and phone number or the cookies cannot be released Single package returns or exchanges are NOT allowed Unsold full cases (same variety) must be returned within 10 days of the pick-up date to avoid being charged for payment Troops that do not return full cases within 10 days must pay for the cookies in full To help protect the integrity of the product, only undamaged, full same variety , resellable cases of cookies are accepted. Please protect cookies from moisture, smoke, and any other materials that may damage them. Snow and rain will cause damage to the packages; make sure packages are covered Exchanges of full same variety cases are accepted anytime during the sale Each cupboard has specific days that they are open; the Product Sales Team has entered these dates in SNAP, so you cannot put an order in for a day that a particular cupboard is not open When placing an order in SNAP Remember that: Everyone who picks up cookies must: Have their first and last name in the Order reference field of the Planned Order in SNAP Current phone number listed for the above person in order reference field Show a valid photo ID Know their troop number If a contact is not listed, they will NOT be allowed to pick up cookies! 19 HOW DOES A TROOP GET COOKIES? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• How Does A Troop Get Cookies? Cookie Cupboards (Planned Orders) SNOW EMERGENCIES/CLOSURES: On the rare occasion that we have to close the Cookie Cupboards, Cupboard staff will do everything they can to contact the person scheduled to pick up and inform them of the closure (which is why it is important to have the information in the order reference field). A message will also be placed in SNAP; if the weather is questionable please check the SNAP message board for any closures or delayed openings and relay that to people who might be picking up cookies for you that day. Cupboard Closings/End of Sale: Council Office Cookie Cupboards will close on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, the same day the sale ends. All exchanges and returns must be completed by this date. Home cupboards may close earlier; their closing dates will be announced in their individual cupboards and also in SNAP. Cookies from the Home Cupboards will be transferred to the Council Cupboards in preparation for Sell-Down. If your Home Cupboard has closed, you must return the cookies to the closest Council Cupboard within the 10-day return period. Sell-Down will be available at the Council Cupboards only. Sell-Down will take place in the North Andover and Middleboro Cupboards for 4 days—Tuesday, March 11th through Friday, March 14th. The Waltham Cupboard Sell-Down will take place for 5 days (to include a Saturday) Tuesday, March 11th—Saturday, March 15th. Hours for each cupboard will be posted in SNAP. Boston Cupboard does not participate in Sell-Down To participate in Sell-Down, troops must be in good financial standing with the council for both Cupboard and Initial Order orders. Cookies will be available on a first-come first-serve basis Sell-Down cookies are picked up in full cases (no individual packages) Sell-Down cookies are not assignable to girls for incentives Case price is $30.00 (Thin Mints, Caramel DeLites, Lemonades, Shortbread, Thanks-a-Lot, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Peanut Butter Patties, Cranberry Citrus Crisps Case price is $37.50 (Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie) No Planned Orders for Sell-Down cookies Cash or money order only (no personal or troop checks) Troops must have participated in the 2014 cookie sale, not just the Gluten Free Pilot Program Person picking up must know their troop number All details will be published in SNAP towards the end of the sale HOW DOES A TROOP GET COOKIES? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 20 Booth Sales A Cookie Booth Sale is an opportunity for girls to promote their sale to a large number of people. Businesses give advanced permission for Girl Scouts to sell cookies at their location. A booth sale can be anytime from one to four hours in length depending on the age of the Girl Scouts and the type of event or location. A good booth sale can increase the Troop’s sales in just a few short hours. Booth Sales start on December 13th and end on May 31st Mandatory Booth Sale Guidelines FIRST: Check with your Service Unit Cookie Manager or Booth Sale Coordinator to see if they are in communication with local businesses about Booth Sales in your town/s. It is in everyone's best interest if only one person is making phone calls, and businesses appreciate having one contact instead of many inquiries Girl Scouts from GSEM may only sell within the Council footprint Troops should only sell cookies within their Service Unit area (exception: Council Organized Booth Sales) unless they contact the Booth Sale Coordinator from the town they would like to go into first and get pre-approval. Please be courteous and follow this very important step! GSEM offers Council-Organized Booth Sales (COBS) at certain locations: Malls, T-stations* and larger venues which are open for ALL Troops; meaning the Booth Sale can be anywhere in the Council footprint, not just in your Service Unit footprint. (* T-stations not available for Daisy and Brownie Troops) Please see the Council Organized Booth Sale section for details, Pages 26-27 All Booth Sales must be put into SNAP for approval which will then be uploaded by Council into the Booth Sale Locator If you have any questions concerning Booth Sales please email: [email protected] Selling Girl Scout Cookies at a Booth Sale is a privilege granted to us by local merchants. If this privilege is abused, even unintentionally, it could cause all Girl Scouts to lose the opportunity for additional sales at these places of business. Girls need to be careful and considerate of the merchant's property and respectful of customers. Any complaints and you may be asked to leave by the management. Use the opportunity to show how great your Girl Scouts are! Thank you! 21 Have a Sm ar or Tablet t tphone internet a hat has cc want to bo ess and ost cookie sale your s? Request a ROAMpay dev (Page 28) ice a be able to nd take non-PIN d riv debit card en sa credit card nd (except AM s EX). BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Booth Sales Successful Booth Sale Tips Obtain a site - if you have a site in mind, first contact your Cookie Booth Sale Coordinator to see if they are already working with the location, or book one yourself. Great places to have booth sales are movie theaters, gas stations, transfer stations, florists, community centers and hardware stores. Think outside the box! Put your Booth Sale into the SNAP Cookie Locator: Enter your booth sale information into SNAP under the Booth Scheduler icon. When approved, it will be exported by Council to the Booth Sale Locator Get Cookies! There are two ways: Order cookies through your Initial Order/Town Delivery (no returns accepted), or reserve cookies from a Cookie Cupboard/Planned Order Staff your sale - There must be girls present at every booth sale. Ensure that two adults will be present at all times. Non-Girl Scout siblings are NOT allowed at booth sales for safety reasons Rehearse! Plan and practice with the girls so that they know what to say to their customers. Customers want to know who and what they are supporting. Be sure the girls know about the Troop goals, Service Projects, events planned, which organizations are to receive the “Cookies for a Cause,” and can communicate with customers in a courteous way. Girls should be able to collect money from customers and to give change. Thank customers for purchasing cookies or for stopping by the booth Arrive at the site on time Promote your sale!!! If the location allows, place posters or banners that your girls have made announcing the upcoming sale. Customers LOVE to see signs made by girls! Don’t forget to use social media as well - Facebook is a GREAT place to promote! Borrow cookie costumes from Council Cupboards Wear Girl Scout attire and dress appropriately for the weather conditions Safety first! Girls MUST be supervised at all times. Never leave the girls unattended. Girls should stay in the sale area and not be allowed to wander off. Make sure the money and cookies are secured at all times. Your Troop is responsible for all money and product Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in front of customers Don’t forget to bring: Any permits or permission forms required by the site Secure cash box to store money and plenty of change (singles and fives) Table and chairs, unless provided by the site Plastic bags for customers who purchase multiple packages An order card with nutritional information Remove all trash and empty packages when leaving. “A Girl Scout leaves a place cleaner than she found it” Thank the site/business when the sale is over. Visit the ABC Website for a “Thank You” card or the GSEM Online Resource Library for a downloadable letter BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 22 Booth Sales Sadly…sometimes things may go wrong... What happens when two Troops show up at the same time and a conflict arises between the adults accompanying the Troops? Think...How would a Girl Scout Act? First, call your Service Unit Cookie Booth Sale Coordinator or Troop Cookie Advisor There could have been a simple misunderstanding Is there room for two Troops to set up at different entrances? Could the Troops split the time? As adults, we are role models for our young girls and we do not want to set a poor example! Please remember to stay calm, especially in front of the girls. The businesses who graciously allow us to sell cookies at their locations do so because they think favorably of our organization. They should not be expected to tolerate inappropriate behavior among our adults or involve themselves in any disputes. If we cannot conduct ourselves appropriately, they have no recourse but to say “No” to our future requests and this ultimately affects all the Troops and girls adversely. Think Beyond Cookie Booths! Booth sales are an opportunity for customers to find cookies in their geographical area. You can also consider these ideas beyond a booth - there are lots of ways to sell cookies! Plan ahead and try these great ideas! Mobile Booth Sales— pack up the van, car, or truck with cookies and go to neighborhoods where people may have been missed. Council receives many calls from potential customers looking for cookies because girls did not come to their door Canvas apartments, condos, or townhouses in your area. Be respectful of the time; do not ring doorbells too early or too late in the day Let the girls’ creativity shine! Guide them into thinking outside the “typical” booth sale box and watch them reach their goals! PRIME COOKIE SELLING DATES December 23-January 2 – School Vacation Week January 18-20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Weekend January 31-February 2 — Super Bowl Weekend February 7-9 - Nat’l Girl Scout Cookie Weekend February 14 —Valentine’s Day February 14-16 — President’s Day Weekend February 17-21 — School Vacation Week 23 BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Booth Sales Standard cookie order recommended for a 4 hour booth sale 240 packages (20 cases): Caramel deLites Shortbread Thanks-a-Lot Cranberry Citrus Crisps 72 Pkgs (6 Cases) 12 Pkgs (1 Case) 12 Pkgs (1 Case) 12 Pkgs (1 Case) Peanut Butter Patties Thin Mints Lemonades Peanut Butter Sandwich 24 Pkgs (2 Cases) 84 Pkgs (7 Cases) 12 Pkgs (1 Case) 12 Pkgs (1 Case) □ These numbers may vary depending on the booth sale. Please use your judgment based on your knowledge of customer traffic at the location □ Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies are available in limited quantities for Council Cupboard pick-up only (See Page 3 for details) Connect in Your Community! Here are some MORE great ideas for opportunities to sell: Recycling/Transfer stations on a Saturday morning! Go holiday caroling at Nursing Homes. Bring a wagon filled with cookies to sell or use order cards so you can return to bring cheer again! Set up a table at Rotary Club Tree/Wreath Sales! Set up a drive-through booth location at a bank on a Sunday, or in parking lots in high-traffic locations Partner with Churches, Lodges. Find out when they are having events and offer to clean up the space in exchange for setting up a table to sell ! Talk to Car Dealerships/Realtors and sell them cases of Thanks-A-Lots to give away to their Customers! Talk to your local Shelter/Food Banks. Find out who they partner with for services and contact them to see if they have events where you can sell. You can use the Shelter/Food Bank as your Cookie for a Cause organization and donate back to them Create Themed Bundles! Wrap ’em and stack ’em pretty for your customer to purchase! “I Love Chocolate” and “Peanut Butter Lovers” themes are top sellers. Also have cookie bundles with gift tags that the girls have created such as “Happy Birthday” or “Have a Nice Day.” Think about bundling cookies for special holidays! BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 24 Booth Sales Cookie Booth Sale Locator Enter your booth sale information into SNAP using the Booth Scheduler under the Cookies icon in SNAP (instructions on how to do so are in the Troop Manual for SNAP). When approved, it will be exported by Council into the Booth Sale Locator. Customers are always looking for where they can purchase cookies - it’s free advertising and marketing for your booth sale! Council offices receive numerous phone calls every day from customers looking to buy Girl Scout Cookies! These customers are directed to the “Cookie Booth Sale Locator.” When customers enter their zip code, the cookie booth sales nearest to their location will be listed. This is a great customer service opportunity! Girl Scout Cookie Finder THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Encourage your customers to download the official “Girl Scouts Cookie Finder” App for Android & iPhone (see icon on left). This is a great way for customers to support your Troop by using this free app that will help navigate their way to your booth sales! Easy to sort and view: Sort the listings by date or radius, or view them all on a map. 25 BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Council Organized Booth Sales (COBS) Council Organized Booth Sales (COBS) at T-stations and selected commuter rail stations, trade shows, malls, and business locations in the GSEM footprint are arranged by Council. Troops from any Service Unit may request these sites. Most COBS are open to all levels. T-stations and commuter rail stations are only available to Cadettes, Juniors, Seniors and Ambassadors - Daisies and Brownies are not allowed to participate for safety reasons. COBS are offered between January and March. Participating in a Council Organized Booth Sale is an awesome opportunity for your Troop to do something a little different and go to a location outside of your town. These are locations that require a lot of coordination by Council. Troops must be responsible to be present at all COBS locations that they have won in the lottery. COBS are offered on a lottery basis (see Page 27 for details). Council pays $25 for each 4-hour time slot at T-stations, and a leasing fee for each mall location. When a Troop doesn’t show up, it is an opportunity lost for another Troop that would have benefited from cookie sales during that time slot. Please see Council policy regarding cancellations below. Cancellation Policy for Council-Organized Booth Sales: ANY CHANGES MADE TO YOUR COBS MUST BE REPORTED TO: [email protected] A minimum of 48-hours notice must be given to Council if your troop needs to cancel out of a COBS Every effort should be made by the Troop to find another Troop to fill in for them by contacting either your Service Unit Booth Sale Coordinator or Service Unit Cookie Manager (if they have one) If you find a replacement, you need to contact Council with the new Troop information IF THIS POLICY IS NOT FOLLOWED, YOUR TROOP WILL LOSE PRIVILEGES TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY FUTURE COBS When your COBS is over, Council requires that you send an email to [email protected] with the following information: Troop Number: COBS Location: Date & Time of COBS: Number of packages sold : The above information is crucial to Council, to analyze the cost benefit of each COBS location, and to determine if we will commit to that location in the future. Sending us your COBS numbers will help us to continue finding great locations where your Troops can sell. COUNCIL ORGANIZED BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 26 COBS Important Information about the Lottery Process: You can request up to 30 time slots per month, but the maximum possible time slot wins in the lottery are 3 per month Once the lottery has been run, a message will be posted on the Snapshot (homepage) in SNAP. You will receive an email from SNAP indicating if you won or lost your lottery request After the lottery is run, Council will post a message in SNAP with the dates of when First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) will run, so check frequently for more opportunities You must contact Council immediately if you are not able to make it: ([email protected]) Troops are responsible for acquiring and transporting their own cookies for COBS For safety reasons, Daisies and Brownies are not allowed to participate in MBTA sales How to Request a COBS Lottery Request Dates: For sales during the month of January - due by Friday, December 20th - 10pm For sales during the month of February - due by Sunday, January 1st - 10pm For sales between March 1-12 - due by Sunday, February 1st - 10pm All lotteries are run at 10:01pm on the due date A list of locations can also be found online on the GSEM Resource Library Log into SNAP and scroll to “Booth Scheduler” (under “Cookies” icon) Click “Schedule a Booth OR Lottery Request” A table with the COBS locations will appear Double-click on the site where you would like to sell A calendar will appear with date availability - select the date you want, then click “Request” - you will only be able to submit a maximum of 30 booth sale locations IMPORTANT: All dates, when requesting a booth sale, MUST BE UNIQUE. You CANNOT request multiple booth sales for the same date, time, and location to increase your chances in the lottery. Only ONE request is allowed for one specific time, date, and location 27 COUNCIL ORGANIZED BOOTH SALES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• ROAMpay X4 Have a Smartphone or Tablet with Internet access? When customers are short on cash, you can now offer them the benefit of being able to buy cookies with a non-pin driven Debit or Credit Card (AMEX excluded)! Easy to use! All instructions are included when you pick up your device ALL Troops have access to using ROAMpay X4 Devices are available for ALL booth sales/direct sales events Devices are available at Council Cupboards on a first come/first served basis Troops are charged a $5 user fee for the 5 day period To obtain a device, at least 5 days prior to the desired date, email: Middleboro: [email protected] North Andover: [email protected] Boston and Waltham: [email protected] The email request to your Cupboard needs to include the following information: Full name, address and phone # Troop number, date and time of the booth sale Type of phone that will be used All reservation requests will receive a response. If the device is available for the date requested, the person making the request should go to their Council cupboard during the hours of operation (see Page 43), bring their photo ID, leave a $30 refundable deposit and the $5 user fee (cash/check to GSEM) to pick up the device The deposit will be refunded when the device is returned within the 5 days The deposit will not be returned to Troops when the device is lost, stolen, damaged or not returned within 5 days Council will credit Troop Proceeds in SNAP for the packages sold using the device based on $0.60 per package within 10 days of the return of the device if the amount is less than $25.00 Troops Proceeds $25.00 and above will receive a check from the Council within 14 days Please note: The app is called ROAMpay X4 ROAM PAY X4• Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 28 Surplus Cookies??? Even the most seasoned cookie-selling troops can end up with a few extra packages of cookies! However, your troop may have trouble paying its cookie bill if the troop has several cases of cookies leftover. Here are some ideas to help sell those extra packages: Let everyone know you have extras! At any time during the sale and especially towards the end of the sale, be aware of the cookies you have on hand. Unsold cookies are the responsibility of the troop Reorders—contact customers that may have been missed during the initial order period Call Back Orders—Here’s an easy ask: “Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m the Girl Scout that you bought cookies from a couple of weeks ago. I have extra Caramel deLites and I know you like that variety. Would you like to purchase additional packages?” Use COCO to send eCards announcing the end of the sale and that you have cookies available Notify parents that there are extra cookies - Take surplus cookies when delivering to parent’s/guardian’s workplace for co-workers that did not get to order or who have decided that they didn't order enough STOP: Before you order for your next booth sale, take inventory of what you have on hand and reassess your ordering needs. You may not need to bring two cases of shortbread to a 4-hour booth sale. If you sell out, customers may be willing to try another variety! 29 Older girls can sell to friends at school When delivering Initial Order cookies always bring any extras for customers who don’t think they ordered enough the first time Walk-abouts -Take surplus cookies around the neighborhood Sporting Events -Take surplus cookies to soccer games, basketball games, etc. 5 for 5—bring 5 for 5 entry forms to all your booth sales. Tell your customers all about it! Wait a few weeks until the market is less saturated and try a Booth Sale or a Walk-about again Contact other troops in your area. You may be able to transfer cookies to another troop that needs them Call your Service Unit Cookie Manager to see if another troop needs more cookies. She/he can do a troop to troop transfer in SNAP Cookies for a Cause—donate to any local food pantry OR bring cookies to any council office to be given to soldiers overseas DON’T WAIT TILL LAST MINUTE! SURPLUS COOKIES??? • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Last Steps Troop deadline for transferring packages to girls in SNAP is March 7th at 10:00 p.m. All packages must be transferred to the girl who sold them so that she will receive the correct recognitions Girls will not receive recognitions on non-transferred packages. See the online SNAP database guide for adjusting your Initial Order cookies and transferring your Planned Order cookies All girl recognitions must be in the system by March 7th at 10:00 p.m. Please adhere to this deadline as Council will be unable to place any recognitions orders after this date Be thoughtful of the girls and transfer packages in SNAP on time so that they will receive their earned recognitions After you transfer all packages and make any in-troop adjustments between girls, review the database numbers. If your troop paperwork does not match the SNAP totals, contact your SU Cookie Manager immediately! Your troop IS responsible for full payment If you have to do Troop to Troop transfers, you need to contact your SUCM prior to March 3rd The sliding scale will go into effect on March 3rd at 10pm - be sure to check in SNAP for your final totals by looking at the “Troop Balance Summary Report Balance Due” BEFORE you make your Troop payment, due on March 4, 2014 LAST STEPS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 30 Financial Procedures Methods of Payment Online payments will once again be available to our volunteers. Council received an overwhelmingly positive response from users who used the system last year. If you used this system last year you will need to create a new account. Online Payment System address: *Instructions for the Online Payment System will be located in the SNAP Service Unit and Troop Guides, as well as, on GSEM’s Online Resource Library GSEM Online Payment Homepage; click the “Log In” button to get started “Log In” page; click the link to create your own account and then log in to get started making payments Deposit slips, money orders, and troop/bank checks are still available as options of payment. Planned Order/Cupboard Payments All Planned Order payments are calculated in your balance due. If you have overpaid at a cupboard, that credit is automatically applied to your future balance due. Please note, after you submit your Initial Order, the total balance due in SNAP includes the amount due for the Town Delivery as well If you choose to use online payments, payment for the full amount due must be confirmed through the online payment system within 10 days. Once the payment has been received by Council, your “Troop Balance Summary” will be updated in SNAP (usually within 2-3 days). If you are picking up cookies the same day as making an online payment, you must bring in the printed confirmation of payment to the cupboard in order to take cookies If you choose to use a deposit slip, payments for cupboard cookies must be made to that same cupboard within 10 days of pick-up, along with any full case, same variety returns 31 FINANCIAL PROCEDURES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Financial Procedures Planned Order/Cupboard Payments (cont.) If you choose to use a deposit slip, deposit the correct dollar amount into Citizens Bank using the 2-part cookie account deposit slips; make sure the bank teller validates each copy. These slips are your proof of payment, as your troop will not be cleared for more cupboard transactions until your deposit slip has been received by Council. No credit will be given to troops who cannot provide proof of their deposit! If you do not live in a community with a Citizens Bank branch, you may also pay by money order or troop check, payable to Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Personal checks - NOT ACCEPTED Sign a new receipt indicating your returns and payment; receive a copy for your records. Your signed receipt is your proof of payment Initial Order/Town Delivery Payments Initial Order Payment Deadline - March 4, 2014 Payments must be made through the Online Payment System by March 4th; money order, certified/troop check must be received at Council offices by March 4th, no later than 5pm. Set a payment deadline for parents that allows you time to resolve problems and finish the banking; this will allow any checks to clear before the troop payment deadline of March 4th Please allow 5-10 days for all checks deposited into the troop account to clear before processing your payment for Council Handling Troop Funds & Collecting Payment from Girls/Parents Troops must deposit all funds, received as payment for cookies, directly into the troop account. It is against Girl Scout guidelines to deposit funds received from customers into a personal bank account. All paperwork and receipts should be kept with troop records The total amount collected from the girls should be $4.00 per package (Gluten Free is $5.00 per pouch) Collect money due from individual girls/parents throughout the sale. Provide parents with a signed receipt for all funds collected. Reminder: Collect money promptly and frequently! Troops should make regular troop bank deposits throughout the sale; frequent deposits will ensure that money is not lost or stolen In writing, notify each parent/guardian of the amount due. Include a final deadline date for money to be turned in to the troop. Stay in touch with girls and parents to make sure cookies are being delivered and money collected; this will help you address payment problems early FINANCIAL PROCEDURES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 32 Financial Procedures Handling Troop Funds (cont.) A receipt must be given every time money is collected from girls; keep careful records. Troops may also utilize the “Financial Balance Summary” report in SNAP; this is a great way to keep an online accounting of all girl payments in your troop Parents need to know if you expect cash or money orders from them. Do not accept any checks from customers: Council does not accept personal checks; BE CAUTIOUS! Schedule a final date for all money to be turned in; we suggest you give parents a deadline 2-3 days prior to your actual deadline to ensure you have time to collect all funds and make your deposits before your troop’s final report is due; make reminder notes/emails/phone calls Make every attempt to receive payment from each girl! If a girl doesn't turn in her payment, notify your Service Unit Cookie Manager and submit the completed Delinquent Account Form located on the Online Resource Library. Delinquent Account forms should be sent to a Council office, along with the signed Annual Permission slips and money receipts on or before March 11, 2014, to the attention of: GSEM - Terese Kelly, 265 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452 DO NOT use troop proceeds to pay for a delinquent parent! Returned Checks - Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) To Troop - If checks deposited into the troop account are returned for any reason, the troop is responsible. If this should happen, the troop should ask the customer for payment in cash or money order for the check amount, PLUS any bank fees that may have been charged to their account, as a result of the returned check. To Council - If a troop check is returned to the Council for any reason, the troop will be charged a $20.00 fee to cover bank charges, in addition to the amount originally owed to Council. A separate invoice from our Finance Department will be sent to the troop leader or parent with payment instructions. If the troop’s balance shows an overpayment of $10.00 or more, the troop will receive a reimbursement check. If the credit balance is less than $10.00, Council will NOT reimburse that amount. 33 FINANCIAL PROCEDURES • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• SNAP SNAP is a Cookie Management System created by our baker, and the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is using it for the second consecutive year. We are extremely excited to present our volunteers with an enhanced system. You can access SNAP through the following links: and The complete SNAP Database Guides, as well as the pre-recorded webinar links, will be available on GSEM’s Online Resource Library. The links can also be found at our e-Learning portal (SmartCookieU -; contact Council for further information. Receiving Your Login Credentials for SNAP If you are a troop user, your Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM) will provide you with access to SNAP. This will require you to provide your SUCM with the email address you want to use. If you do not have a SUCM, Council will set up your account(s) for you once the TCA Agreement has been received. Send copy of agreement to: [email protected]. Tips to Using SNAP - Getting Started When you have been granted access and log into your account, the first thing you will notice is the homepage, known as the Snapshot (see below). This page is an overview of everything from helpful charts and graphs to messages and tasks you set for yourself and your troop(s). Use the Snapshot tabs to review specific information more quickly; much like a quick reference companion to reports Tasks/Reminders set by Council can be seen here Shows a list of items that are pending Council Messages will be displayed here The calendar is very important! This is where you will see due dates Council has set for things like Booth Sales, Recognition Orders, Planned and Initial Orders, or any other dates of note SNAP • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 34 SNAP Important Notes When using SNAP, the back arrow in your browser does not quite work the usual way. If you click it, it will not take you back to the previously viewed page; instead, it will take you back to the login screen (for users with one role). In the case that you have more than one role, it will take you back to the drop-down menu for picking what user you are logged in as. Utilizing the drop-down menu is more convenient than logging out and logging back in again to change roles. You can also click the “Select Account” link in the top-right corner of the screen to choose different roles. On various screens throughout SNAP, you may come across a timer. This lets you know how much time you have left on the page before the system times out. If you have not saved your progress on that particular page, it will be lost; SAVE EARLY AND OFTEN! Terms to Know in SNAP The following are some terminology changes to be aware of: Initial Order - same as Town Delivery (these orders will be entered in packages) Planned Order - same as a Cupboard Order -Planned Orders will be entered in cases Save - used to save Initial Orders that you may want to go back and change Submit and Save – used to save Planned Orders scheduled for pick-up at a cupboard Juliettes - Individually Registered Girls (IRGs) CShare - Cookie program where you do not take physical possession of the cookies, but girls still get credit for selling them; used for “Cookies for a Cause” from order card Using SNAP—Adding Contacts IMPORTANT- Do NOT commit your Initial Order; if you have a Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM), they will commit these orders for you; if you do NOT have a SUCM, Council will commit the orders for you. Council requires that you add/edit contacts in your troop profile. To enter an additional contact in your profile, go to MyTroop -> Edit Troop Information. Scroll down on this page and you will see the following: Click “Save” to complete the edit 35 SNAP • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• SNAP Using SNAP—Pick-up Person Please use the “Order Reference” field to enter the name and phone number of the person who will pick up each Planned Order: Pickup Person & Phone #: CShare—”Cookies for a Cause” Our Cookie Share (CShare for short), or “Cookies for a Cause,” program is where Council gathers cookies based on girls’ Initial Orders. On their physical order card, there is a column that says “Cookies for a Cause,” which is then put in SNAP, under the CShare column. Council takes these cookies and distributes them to select charitable organizations; neither the girls nor the troop take physical possession of these cookies, it is all handled by Council. The Troop is still financially responsible for these cookies. To view the amount of CShare cookies sold by your troop, you can either go to the “Initial Order” screen, under the “Cookies” icon (shown here): Or by viewing the “Girl Cookie Order Detail Summary” report, using the filters: “Order Type” as “Initial” and “Unit of Measure” as “Packages.” SNAP • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 36 SNAP Using SNAP—Reorders (ONLY for “Cookies for a Cause”) You have always been able to pick up more of the standard variety of cookies throughout the sale by creating Planned Orders. Now, you will also be able to add more “Cookies for a Cause” cookies into your troop as well, by using Reorders. To find Reorders, go to the “Cookies” icon and select “Reorders” in the drop-down. REMINDER—This is just for “Cookies for a Cause” Once there, you will be able to put however many “Cookies for a Cause” packages, by girl, that you need to order and click “Save” (if you would like to go back and edit it later). If you are satisfied with the order as is, click “Commit” (you can create Reorders as many times as you want throughout the sale). The payment for reorders is due the same day as the Initial Order payment (March 4, 2014). Note: Reorder packages are not a part of your girls’ Cookie totals until the order is committed Reports in SNAP SNAP is a dynamic database that updates automatically whenever you change something. However, in certain instances, you will need to run a report to be able to see the updated changes. Although your needs may be different than others in your particular Service Unit/Troop, here is a list of the most helpful reports: Troop Balance Summary—shows how much your troop owes overall (including CShare) Girl Balance Summary—shows how much a particular girl owes in your troop Troop Order Summary (Order Type = Initial) - shows how many of each variety your entire troop sold for Initial Order/Town Delivery Girl Cookie Totals Summary—shows a quick overview of the number of packages your girls have sold in your troop Recognition Order Summary By Girl—shows what rewards your girls have earned in your troop For all SNAP questions or concerns, contact Travis Sammons at Council by email at [email protected] or by phone at (781) 373-4310 You can also contact the SNAP Help Desk, available 24/7, by phone at (800) 853-3730 or by email at [email protected] 37 SNAP • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Email Address & Important Links Parents of Individually Registered Girls Questions about IRG’s and the Cookie Program [email protected] Service Unit/Troops Questions and ordering Gluten Free Pilot Program [email protected] Service Unit/Troops General Questions about the Cookie Program [email protected] Service Unit/Troops Access to SNAP Database Service Unit/Troops Online SNAP Support— Software/Functionality Specific Council Issues [email protected] [email protected] Service Unit/Troops Links & Forms Service Unit/Troops Online Payment Service Unit/Troops E-Learning site on ABC for GSEM (02116) - for pre-recorded webinar specific to GSEM Service Unit/ Troops/Parents Online Resource Library & Forms Troops Questions about COBS [email protected] Troops/Parents Age appropriate educational activities, nutritional cookie information COCO-online interactive system for troops and girls to communicate to each other and customers during the cookie sale Troops/ Parents/Girls EMAIL ADDRESSES & IMPORTANT LINKS• Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 38 5 for Five! What is “5 for Five”? This is a contest designed to increase your cookie sales. You ask customers who might have planned to only purchase two or three packages of cookies to purchase 5 packages; it’s a win for everyone! You sell more cookies and the customer has a chance to win 5 cases of cookies—that’s 60 packages! How does “5 for Five” work? Customers who buy five (or more) packages of cookies will fill out an entry form with their contact info. The more cookies a customer buys, the more chances they have to win! That’s because for every five packages they buy, they receive an entry form. For example, if a customer buys 20 packages of cookies they receive 4 entry forms and therefore 4 chances to win! Troops will collect the entry forms from the customer and mail or drop off to any Council office All entries must be received at a council office by March 7, 2014 What is the prize? Five people will receive five cases of Girl Scout cookies! On March 31, 2014, Council will randomly select five names from all entries received. When does the contest start? This contest officially begins on December 13, 2013 and runs through March 4, 2014. “5 For Five” entry forms should be given to any customer who purchases five or more packages of cookies. How do I get the entry forms? Entry forms can be found in your 2014 Troop Cookie Book as well as the GSEM Resource Library. Entry forms will also be given to your Troop Cookie Advisor (TCA). Your TCA will disperse the entry forms. If customers comment that they don’t need the big prize (five cases of cookies), be sure to tell them that they can donate the cookies to “Cookies for a Cause” or another need-based organization, or they can choose to take the prize and be the most popular person in their neighborhood come summer when everyone else has eaten all of their Girl Scout Cookies! Question about “5 For Five”? Email: [email protected] 39 5 FOR 5 • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! Receive 1 entry form for every 5 packages of cookies purchased for a chance to win 5 for Five! CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ I PURCHASED MY COOKIES AT? (location/town) _________________________________________________________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ GIRL SCOUT TROOP NUMBER : ____________________ 5 FOR 5 ENTRY FORMS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 40 There’s more to cookies than what’s in the box... COOKIES FOR A CAUSE Girl Scouts strive to make a difference in the lives of the people around us by donating to organizations locally and globally. By purchasing an extra package (or two! or three!) of cookies, you help us share a Girl Scout tradition Cookies collected by GSEM Council will be donated to the following organizations: Thank you for your support of Girl Scouting! 41 COOKIES FOR A CAUSE FLYER • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• Gluten Free Forms Pre-Order Form Service Unit: ______________________________ # of cases (12 pkg./case): _________________ Troop #: _______________ Cupboard (circle one): Boston | Waltham | North Andover | Middleboro Contact’s Name: _______________________________ Contact’s Phone #: _____________________ *Last date to pre-order gluten free cookies is December 31st* Return completed forms by FAX (781-893-0022) or EMAIL ([email protected]) Important Notes about Gluten Free Purchases: COOKIES AVAILABLE STARTING JANUARY 23RD Gluten Free Cookies are sold at $5.00 per pouch Troop Proceeds are $1.50 per pouch—no girl recognitions are awarded Gluten Free cookies CANNOT be returned Available at Council Cupboards Only: Boston, Waltham, North Andover, and Middleboro Cash, Online Payments, Troop or Bank Checks, and Money Orders are acceptable forms of payment All payments for gluten free cookies need to be separate from any other Cupboard payments (e.g. Planned or Initial Orders) Limited supply; sold on a First-Come, First-Serve basis Payment Information: All payments are due with 10 days of pick-up Troop member that is responsible for financial payments MUST be notified of a balance due for gluten free cookies; payment due for gluten free cookies is NOT reflected in SNAP “Gluten Free Payment” option is available on the Online Payment System Purchase Form Pick-up Person’s Name: ______________________________ Pick-up Person’s Phone #: ____________________ Order Amount (in cases): ____________________ Amount Due ($42/case): $______________ Form of payment (circle one): Cash | Online | Troop Check | Bank Check | Money Order | Deposit Slip (#__________________) Customer Signature: __________________________________________ Purchase Date: _______________ GLUTEN FREE FORMS • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2013-2014• 42 Council Cupboard Info Council Cupboards will be closed from December 25 through January 1st! Middleboro Waltham Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Closed 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 12 p.m.-7 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Closed Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Closed 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 12 p.m.-7 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. Closed 781-373-4204 265 Beaver Street Waltham, MA 02452 [email protected] 774-766-6930 111 East Grove Street Middleboro, MA 02436 [email protected] Boston North Andover Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Closed Closed 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Closed Closed 617-482-1078 95 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116 [email protected] Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Closed 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 12 p.m.-7 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Closed 978-701-6344 1740 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA 01845 [email protected] We are always looking for energetic and enthusiastic people to volunteer in our council cupboards. If you’re interested, please contact the cupboard of your choice. 43 COUNCIL CUPBOARD INFORMATION • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Cookie Sale 2012-2013• NOTES NOTES
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