CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION JOHNSTOWN, OHIO Church of the Ascension WEB PAGE: 555 South Main Street, Johnstown, Ohio 43031 • 740-967-7871 Fr. J. L. Reichert, Pastor – Deacon Bill Andrews – Deacon Bob Killoren SECRETARY: Kathy Bartolomucci, 740-967-7871 [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR: Patrick Mernagh, 330-329-3841 [email protected] PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION: Kelly Pertee, 740-817-1628 [email protected] ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: 24-hour hotline – 740-349-0989 PARISH COUNCIL: Donna Kashuk, 740-967-3388 BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS: Molly & Bob Orsini, 614-446-5622 Diane & Joe Green, 740-966-0275 RECTORY: 740-966-5695 RECONCILIATION: After 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday evening: 5:30 Sunday morning: 8:30 and 11:00 SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Rodney Tornes, 740-924-9242 MINISTRY SCHEDULE COORDINATOR: Dawn Bass, 740-967-3418 [email protected] MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 5/16 5:30p.m. Sunday, 5/17 8:30 11:00 Monday Tuesday 10:00 Wednesday Thursday 10:00 Friday Saturday, 5/23 5:30p.m. Sunday, 5/24 8:30 11:00 Parish Family Charlene Litterini by Don Litterini Beryl Walters by Molly Walters No Mass Connie Ryan by Wilbur & Rosemary DePue No Mass Fr. Joseph Patrick Byrne - Pactum Marianum No Mass Stephen Heughebart by Joe & Bonnie Weiner Ralph A. Kitchen by Joe & Donna Lindsay Parish Family READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, May 17th – Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20 Monday, May 18th – Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday, May 19th – Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday, May 20th – Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday, May 21st – Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday, May 22nd – Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday, May 23rd – Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Sunday, May 24th – Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 MINISTRY SCHEDULES Eucharistic Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Greeters: Cantors: Saturday, 5:30 p.m. *Chris Smith, Mike Haefs, NEED VOLUNTEERS Dave & Jolene Bogner Caleb & Bryce Writesel Dawn & Rich Bass Kristen Treadway MAY 17, 2015 – ASCENSION OF THE LORD Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, 11:00 a.m. *Bubby & Roberta Eichner, *Joe & Diane Green, Tom & Rhonda Thompson NEED VOLUNTEERS Kelly Krstich, Colton Rosshirt Richard Cherry, Theresa Duick-Doyle Madison Krstich, Conner Sheehan Abby, Emily, Marko & Marko, Jr. Jesenko Ray & Rocky Hetterscheidt Jack & Janet McKenzie Andrea Holland Susan Loar MAY 24, 2015 – PENTECOST SUNDAY Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Eucharistic *Dawn Bass, Rosemary DePue *Lou & Donna Dellapina, *Lisa Preston, Sally Blubaugh Ministers: NEED VOLUNTEERS Terri Shank, Tom Staneart NEED VOLUNTEERS Lectors: Christie Weiner, Janet Flood Dick Steyer, Warren Butt Barb VanHoose, Carol Barb Servers: Eileen & Natalie Hudson Gavin & Olivia Shank Matt & Megan King, Art Urban, Taylor Beverick Greeters: Gary & Theresa Shively Crystal Kapavik, Keith Ryan Jack & Janet McKenzie Cantors: Joe Lindsay Stephanie Gunter Melissa Jungers ASCENSION OF THE LORD The Social Committee is sponsoring Breakfast in the Pavilion after the 8:30 Mass on Sunday, May 17. Menu is scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, coffee and juice. Cost is a donation. ICE CREAM, YOU SCREAM – Join us at our Annual Ice Cream Social, Sunday, June 7, from 12 noon until 2:00 pm. Homemade ice cream is the main event. Donations accepted and appreciated. The First Communion Mass took place on May 2, 2015, at 1:00 p.m. Congratulations to Courtney BeVier, Sophia BeVier, Drew Billow, Matthew Cherry, Amanda Clipner, Layla Comisford, Frenando Cruz, Lauren Harris, Iain Helgerman, Sydney Mason, Jonas Perry, Olivia Ryan, Ayla Turner, Jeremy West, Maddie Wycuff, and Frieda Zirille. Congratulations to all of our high school and college graduates. We will be recognizing all of our graduates at each of the Masses on the weekends of June 6/7 or 13/14. If you have a graduating Senior, please notify Kathy at 967-7871 or at [email protected]. Please include their name and school. All names will be listed in the bulletin and you will need to let one of the Deacons know when you arrive at Mass if you wish to be recognized during that Mass. The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS are once again offering a $500.00 scholarship to a graduating Senior of our parish for 2015. For an application, please contact Chip Rahde at [email protected]. Scholarship entries are due by Wednesday, June 10, at 7:00 p.m.. Congratulations to all our graduates! WOMEN OF ASCENSION will have their last meeting of the year on Wednesday, May 20th. We are meeting at 62 Barbecue at 5:30 p.m., buying our meal and taking it back to the Church for our meeting. If you do not attend the meetings, you are still welcome to join us. OUR GIFTS TO GOD WEEKLY NEED $5,200.00 May 9/10, 2015 421 Registered Families – Total Offering – $5,664.02 Offering from Sunday envelopes – $5,296.00 Loose Cash – $368.02 Central & Eastern Europe – $25.00 Good Friday – $ 25.00 MAY 17, 2015 UNTIL HE COMES AGAIN, THIS IS OUR WORK – We are happy to report that the good people of this parish are answering the call in support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Thus far, we have pledges of $16,359.00 towards our parish goal of $30,867.37 and this is with only 17% parish participation. This is most encouraging, but we have a ways to go to realize 100% participation of our parish. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a pledge, please do so ASAP. The needs of our diocese and individual parishes are great and only by the support of the faithful can the various ministries and programs remain available to so many in our diocese. Please remember that any amount generated over our goal will be returned to our parish. IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR VBS! Who: Anyone entering Kindergarten or who has completed one year of *Preschool-Grade 5 in 2014-2015 *Must be at least 4 years old. What: Vacation Bible School offers children the opportunity to meet with friends in a Christian environment and explore their Catholic faith. Evenings will include games, crafts, Bible study, music, and snacks, all around this year’s theme “Cathletics!! Training To Be Champions For Christ.” The overall goal of this week-long program is to engage kids into the LIFE OF CHRIST with teachings from God’s World on the Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. When: 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m., July 20-24 2015 Where: Church of the Ascension, 555 Main St., Johnstown How: Complete a registration form and return: Church of the Ascension Attn: VBS, 555 Main St. Johnstown, Ohio 43031 Cost: $10.00 per child. Make checks payable to Church of the Ascension. Any questions? Please contact Crystal Kapavik at kapavik7volleyball@ You can also call or text 614-570-7394. Anyone that has volunteered in the past and would like to, please let Crystal know as soon as possible. Volunteers need to have taken Protecting Gods Children and have a background check and fingerprinting prior to working with the children. Protecting Gods Children class availability: Go to cfm?theOrgID=16839&theme=0. YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED – Our prayers this week Building Fund Payment received on Pledge Drive – $40.00 Payment received on Debt Retirement – $190.00 Amount still owed on debt for building – $95,996.84 Many contribute generously. We all need to share the burden of parish support. May God bless your sacrifice for Him! are asked for: Lucy Walsh, Fr. Richard Metzger, Joyce Curran, Colton Zigo, Amy Yeagle, Connor Johnson, Jordan Arnold, Norma Steely, Cathy Mann, Tom Ashbrook, Sue Fox, Tim Gay, Chuck Rush, Mary Jane Thompson, Jean Giannini, Chuck Prestarri, Randy Martin, Ralph and Mary Jane Downey, Bonnie Weiner, A. J. Ross, Roy Bailey, Betty Disbennett, Nick Gallo, Dorothy Bonner, Adam Higgins, Dolores Hoovler, Frank Fiamingo, Marvin Flegle, Dan Green, Jack Walsh, Linda Hattery, Rosie Rambo, Hayden Turk, Alana Wiggins, Jim Wahl, Fr. Reichert, Lucy Heller, Margie Bemiller, Bob Meholick, and for those who have no one to pray for them. SECOND COLLECTION FOR NEPAL EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS – The US Council of Catholic Bishops has requested a DISASTER Save the Date. On Sunday, May 24, at 12:30 p.m. there will be a RELIEF collection to be taken up at each of the Masses this weekend, May 16/17. These funds will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Relief Services to respond to immediate emergency needs as well as long-term needs to rebuild the communities in the regions affected after widespread destruction. Many thanks for your support and generosity. ceremony to honor all the deceased Veterans from our parish. This is a time to reflect and honor all the deceased veterans who served in our military forces. My list of deceased vets is current up to 2013. If you have a name of a family member (only), please write it on a 3x5 card or paper and insert it in the collection basket or give it to Bob Muench, Art Urban, John Stover or Don Vocca.
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