DE-EMBEDDING OF MMIC TRANSMISSION-LINE Peter Heymann, Helmut Prinzler, MEASUREMENTS and Frank Schnieder Ferdinand-Braun-Institut fitr H6chstfrequenztechnik 12489 Berlin / Germany The complex propagation constant is given by ABSTRACT The determination of transmission-line characteristic impedance and propagation constants from two-port S-parameter measurements is disturbed by half-wavelength resonances. We demonstrate this effect for on-wafer measurements of coplanar lines. Two networks representing end effects embed the line and strongly enhance the resonant effect. The de-embedding consists in determining these networks and subtracting them from the measured chain matrix. It is shown that simple shunt admittances are sufficient for modeling of the end effects. Three methods of de-embedding are presented. g =-j7,1 =Pl -j~l (1) with 1 being the physical length of the line and (3and et denoting the phase and attenuation constant, respectively. In this notation, the chain matrix of the line reads ‘L)=l~::gJ::l ‘2) This matrix cannot be obtained directly from a network measurement since it is embedded between the networks D1 and Dz in any measurement situation (see Fig. 1). This yields: INTRODUCTION Calculating the characteristic impedance Z~(0) and the propagation constant rx(o) +j ~(o) from S-parameter measurements often yields curves with periodic deviations from the expected smooth shape. This can be seen most clearly from the real part of ZJO ). The deviations are related to half-wavelength resonances. They occur not only when using a test-fixture but also for on-wafer probing, even in the case of line standards on calibration substrates without discontinuities by probe pads [1][2]. A typical measuring set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The coplanar waveguide (CPW) is contacted by wafer probes. Probe pads or tapers are used if the characteristic impedance of the CPW differs from that of the measuring system (50Q). The networks D1 and Dz represent the influence of these pads together with the contacting elements and the end effects of the line itself. The de-embedding procedure consists in determining the networks Ill and Dz and extracting the line matrix (L) from the measured matrix (M). (M) = @l)(L)(D,) (3) line A (Dl) L-! ‘L) lH-!?!u- THE CHAIN MATRIX OF THE LINE For determination of the line parameters we use the chain ma- trix that can be easily obtained from the measured two-port S-parameter matrix. Fig. 1. CPW structures with wafer probes. Top: 300 with probe pads. Center 5042with closed ground metal. Bottom: Networks: (L) line, (D) end effects, (M) two port measurement. 1045 CH3389-4/94/0000- 1045$01.0001994 IEEE 1994 IEEE MTT-S Digest Let us assume two shunt admittances Y, , Yz at both ends which is justified in almost all practical cases. It follows not necessary. A disadvantage is the need of very accurate measuring points with a very small Af in the whole frequency range. [1 10 (D,,,) = ~ (4) ~ M, JfJM1,(f,) - M1,(f,)M,,(f,) (5) and for the measured matrix (M): cosg+j YzZ~sing jZ~sin g [j (1 +YIYZZ:)Z;sing +(YI+yJ)cosg cosg +jY1ZLsing (M) = ‘(M) =-’& (6) does not give the correct value of Z~(0) but a periodic curve with typical resonant structures as can bee seen from Figs. 2 and 3. LINE CHARACTERIZATION METHODS Y,(f,) = The chain matrix (M) (5) yields only two complex equations for three complex unknowns at one frequency f,, Additional equations can be obtained from the measurements at a second frequency f, > f,, (7) The system of equations is now for i = 1, 2: MIJfJ =j Z,(~)sm g(<) - cosg(f,) M,,(f,) The shunt admittance Y = G + j(i)C for optimum de-embedding can also be determined by a minimum error method. The idea is to compare measured and calculated chain matrix elements at a frequency fz The calculated matrix elements are extrapolated from a nearby frequency f] where the line parameters have been obtained by the method described in the following. Using (7) the propagation constant (lo) cosg(fl) = M,,(fl) - Y,(f,)MJfJ is calculated 1. Two Frequency Method M,Jf,) 2. Optimum Admittance Method from experimental values Ml, and M12 at the (G= O is a good approximation). The values of g(f, ,C, ) from (1O) aud ZJfl ,CJ from (11) are used to calculate the matrix elements M,,’(f,) and M,,’(f2) The phase constant f3(f,)l is linearly extrapolated to f2 according to (8b) and the characteristic impedance is calculated from frequency We describe three different methods to extract Z,(o) and y(o) from the measured matrix (M). (9) “(f’) =‘J= 1 The line is a resonant system the half-wavelength resonances of which prevent the determination of ZJO) at the resonant frequencies. There are zeros of L,, and L,, at ~1 = nrr and of L,l and L2j at ~1 = (n-1/2)rc; n = 1,2,3,... This disturbing effect M greatly enhanced by the networks D] and D2. The straight forward method to calculate the characteristic impedance from the measured chain matrix with M,,(f) = cos g(f) +Y,(~)M1z(~); M,,(f)) - M,,(f,) Cosg(f,) = 1,2 fl and a number of estimated values Cz z,(f,) = Z,(f,) - j ~ ImZ,(fl) (11) 1 The condition for the frequency difference Af = fz - f, is less stringent than in method 1 since the most restricting condition (8a) is not needed. Frequency differences Af up to 20% have used successfully. The matrix elements M,,’(f2) and M,~(fJ calculated in this way are compared with the measured ones in the error function (12) in order to get the optimum value of Cj: been It can be solved analytically if fz - f, = Af is sufficiently small, i.e. if the following conditions are fulfilled sin(~f~(fl)l) l] S #p(f,)l; =1 cos (~f p (fl)l )= 1 (8a) (12) z, (f,) =zL(f2); a(f2) 1= cl(f,)l; h These approximations are applicable for CPWS on GaAs-sub- strate if Af (GHz) -1 (~m) < 103 Equations (9) provide the analytical solution of (7) for the quantities ZJO) and g(~). The explicite calculation of Yz is 1046 A corresponding formula holds for the values from port 2. The error fimction (12) has usually a distinct minimum at that capacitance value C that gives the best shunt admittance for de-embedding (e.g. insert in Fig.2). 3. O@imization The optimization of the D1,~-networks using a commercial CAD software , e.g. OCTOPUS [3], is a very effective method for practical applications. We define the shunt admittances as capacitances Cl and C2 which are frequency dependent and may have positive or negative values ( C = CO+ afz ). The values of COand a are determined by the optimization procedure using the measurement over the whole frequency range of interest. The optimization goal is to reach a constant real part of Z~ Whichis assumedto be constantin the frequency range consideredand set by the mean value of the real part of Z~ of the uncorrected data. In contrast to the previous methods 1 and 2 where only the on-sided matrix elements were used, Z~(re) is derived from all four elements. Ths has an averaging effect and reduces the influence of measurement errors. From (2) and (5) it follows ZL u =$=* 21 M,, (13) M,, -Yl M,, - Y2M,~ + Y, Y,M2, dards without contact pads on a CASCADE MICROTECH LRM calibration substrate. Similar effects can be seen in previous publications [1] [2]. The internrd structure of the networks describing the end effects depends on the measuring system (on - wafer or fixture) and on the shape of the contact pads. Therefore D, and D2 not only represent the physical stray capacitances of the open ends but also other reactance and radiation loss in combination with residual calibration uncertainties and asymmetry of the wafer probes. An influence of the parasitic slot-line mode may be excluded because of symmetric excitation in our experiment. The same holds for the parasitic parallel plate mode since its propagation constant differs from that of the CPW mode. h example of de-embedding by the method 2 is shown in Fig. 2 where the real part of the characteristic impedance ZL of line C is drawn. The same result can be obtained with method 1. The optimum capacitance C2 has been determined from the error fimction (12) which shows a sharp minimum (see insert of Fig. 2). This confirms the assumption that the simple structure of the network D2 is sufficient to de-embed the line measurements. The capacitance value is in good agreement with the length extension of the CPW open-circuit calculated in [3]. After de-embedding the propagation constant is calculated from 100 exp (g) = ~ (L,l +LZz+Z; LIZ+Z~L21) (14) 1.5 ,,: ,, ~ 80 1:: EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION --------- We have measured several CPWS with an on-wafer probing system. The measurement set-up consists of a VNA HP8510C (f= 0.045-40 GHz) and wafer probes. Different calibration methods (TRL, LRM and SOLT) were tested but they do not show a significant influence on the effect under consideration. This holds also for different microwave probe designs (coplanar and coaxial) and for the problem of contact repeatability (within 5 ~m). The design parameters of the lines can be seen in Fig. 1 and Table 1. The values of Z~ in Table 1 are only the real parts. ZJcalc) is calculated with the model described in [4] at f = 20 GHz. Z,are the measured values after de-embedding. The GaAs-wafer is 0.4 mm, the sapphire substrate 0.5 mm thick. The thickness of the gold layer is 2.5 pm and 6.6 Km, respectively. There is no backside metallization. Table 1. CPW parameters Type Slot (pm) Width, Length (~m) (mm) Substrate Z~ (Q) A B c Pad 12 90 37 40 100 25 80 52 GSAS 30.5 79.5 47 9.6 9.6 2.69 0.05 (h& Sapphire GaAs zL(crdc) (S2) 30.0 78 48 50.8 resonance effects appear in all cases as long as the line is longer than hrdf a wavelength. They were observed also for lines of other geometry, e.g. for the homogeneous line stanThe 1047 ----- 2~ 20 20 /’ ~,’ g 1 B 0.5 : \ 0 02468 C2 (m) ; ,<.” : ,, I ,, : ,’ ‘.,’ . . ------------ 25 Frequency 30 (GHz) Fig.2. Characteristic impedance of line C. (1) Without deembedding. (2) De-embedded with Yz = jceCz , Cz = 5 f!?. Insert: Error function (12) plotted over capacitance C2 The methods 1 and 2 are useful for short lines with only one or two resonances. For lines which are several wavelengths long, method 3 is recommended. The uncorrected real parts of ~ for line A and B are drawn in Fig.3, the results after de-embedding in Fig. 4. For the propagation constants, the differences between the curves before and af?er de-embedding can be seen in Figs. 5 and 6. The 30 Q CPW (line A) can be de-embedded with constant capacitances, but the 80 Q CPW (line B) requires frequency-dependent capacitances for correction of the measurement as can be deduced from the shapes of the uncorrected curves in Fig. 3. Optimization method 3 is preferred because the calculation of the corrected line parameters as well as the de-embedding capacitances is done in one step over the whole frequency range. Also, inclusion of frequency-dependent capacitances is easier in method 3 than in the other methods. The reduced influence of measuring errors by using equations (13) and (14) is another advantage of method 3. On the other hand, the network representation of D, , Dz can be unphysical (see, e. g., the negative capacitances in Fig. 4). I 200 and alpha embedded de–embedded / ~ 100 epsilon .— ~b> de-embedded .... en@edded> epsilon 00,. Frequency (GHz ) Fig.6. Attenuation a and effective dielectric constant a.~~of line B before and after de-embedding oo~ 40 Frequency (GHz) CONCLUSIONS Fig.3. Re[Z,] of line A and B before de-embedding I When extracting transmission-line parameters from two port S - parameter measurements up to the millimeterwave range the end effects cause parasitic resonances. This problem can be solved by a suitable de-embedding procedure. For that purpose, the line terminations are represented by networks describing the physicrd stray capacitances of the open ends and the disturbances by the contact elements. In most cases simple shunt capacitances are sufficient to model those parasitic. The paper presents three different methods to determine the embedding networks. The procedure leads to considerable improvements which is demonstrated by on-wafer measurements of coplanar lines on GaAs and sapphire substrate. I 20 o Frequency (GHz) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Fig.4. CPW CPW (C in Re[Z.] of line A and B after de-embedding with A: C, = -21 fF, C,= 58 fF B: Cl = -(1.5 + 0.0035. ~), C,= (1.0 + 0.0004.~) fF, f in GHz) 400 alpha I alpha like to thank Dr. W. Heinrich for many helpful discussions and Dr. R. Griindler for his continuous encouragement. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The authors would e~edded de–embedded -7”1 ,,. REFERENCES 8 1 W.H. Haydl, W. Heinrich, R. Bosch, M. Schlechtweg, P. Tasker, J. Braunstein; “Design Data for Millimeter Wave Coplanar Circuits.” Proc. 23. EuMiC Madrid 1993, pp. 223-228 2 Y.C. Shih; “Broadband Characterization of Conductor Backed Coplanar wave-guide Using Accurate On-Wafer Measurement Techniques.” Microwave Journal April 1991, oo~m Frequency pp. 95-105 (GHz ) 3 K. Beilenhoff, H. Klingbeil, W. Heinrich, H,L. Hartnagel; “Open and Short Circuits in Coplanar MMIC ‘s. ” IEEE-Trans. MTT-41, 1993, pp. 1534-1537 Fig.5. Attenuation a and effective dielectric constant F,.~~ of line A before and after de-embedding 4 OCTOPUS 2.1, Argumens GmbH Duisburg, Germany 5 W. Heinrich; “Quasi-TEM Description of MMIC Coplanar Lines Including IEEE-Trans. 1048 Conductor-Loss MIT-41, 1993, Effects.” pp.45-52
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