Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City www.kcweaversguild.org From the President Hello Fellow Weavers! I hope everyone enjoyed our field trip to the Art Institute in April. Our presenter was a bit unusual for KCAI as she was quite focused on more traditional weaving. She has already created a brand and a line of woven goods for the home. I think it's always great to see that younger people are carrying on with fiber arts and always nice to see their spin on things. They in turn appreciate our interest and like to discuss all things fiber with people like you and me. It's a win-win situation and I hope we can keep coming back! By the time the newsletter has hit the press, Barrie Mason (workshop coordinator) and I will have returned from Omaha to hear a lecture from Jack Lenor Larsen and to see the fiber exhibit at The Kaneko. I have been an admirer of Jack's for a long time. He co-authored two books that grabbed my attention so much I got myself in order and headed back to college to pursue a degree in fiber arts back in 1983. The two books, Beyond Craft: Art Fabric and The Art Fabric: Mainstream are available in our library. We'll also get to see works by Nick Cave and Sheila Hicks, both rock stars of the fiber world. We'll share some of our experiences with you at the next meeting. Until then.... Weave On! Becky Stevens Weston Silk Museum In July, the members of the Guild will have a chance to visit the Weston Silk Museum. Jacqueline Jacobson will need to know how many people will be attending so watch your emails so that you can respond if you are planning on participating. May 2015 May 14, 2015 program is "The History of Weaving in my Life" by Debbie Barrett-Jones. Debbie has been busy with exhibiting her work all of the city. She just closed her exhibition at Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and Conference Center. Come and join us in hearing her talk about her path to creating beautiful fiber pieces. Guild meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Loose Park Garden Center. Rose Room 5200 Wornall Rd. Kansas City, MO 816-513-8590 9:30 A.M. - Coffee Time/Set Up 10:00 A.M. - Regular Meeting 10:30 A.M. - Show & Tell / Treats 11:30 A.M. - Program May 13- Fiber Guild Meeting 7:30 Old Mission United Methodist Church 5519 State Park Rd. Fairway, KS 66205 April Program Our annual trip to the Kansas City Art Institute was inspirational. Senior Lauren Ventura presented a slide show and examples of her current work. She dyes, weaves and prints her current products making them durable, washable and beautiful. You can find her functional products at A Lunar Venture Handmade. Click on the link below and visit her online. You will see a bio, her collections, sample book, and store. http://www.alunarventure.com/about1/ After Lauren’s presentation, she led us in a tour of the students studios, the weaving room, the dyeing room, the sewing room, and printing room. Many of us were drooling with envy while looking at all of the fabulous equipment and work space. It was fun to see the fresh and creative ideas of the students at Kansas City Art Institute. Hopefully, you can join us next year in April for the next KCAI program. Future Programs June-Carla Tilghman, Lapin Textiles July-Westin Silk Museum, Field Trip August-Linda Stoker, Overshot September-Lolly Buxton, KOMA Hands-on Spinning Top Ornament October-Rebekah Foote, Scholarship Report November-Member Participation, Clothing December-Holiday Party Are you working on your November Participation Clothing? Weaving Tips Thank you Lolly Buxton for this month's weaving tips. 1. When weaving sets of placemats or towels, leave the whole set in one piece until after washing. The fringe will cut cleanly and not fray in first wash. Be sure to hem stitch as you weave. 2. If you plan to wind a ball of slippery yarn, put a bathroom tissue tube on the ball winder and tape the end of your yarn to it. This will keep the yarn from tangling when removed from the winder. ROAD TRIP! Fiber Focused Road Trip - Only 3 seats left!!! Book ASAP. Join us for a fantastic trip to Des Moines, June 6-7. Our adventure includes: • Executive coach transportation round trip • Lodging at Stoney Creek Inn and Suites, double queen rooms and hot breakfast buffet • Viewing of Fiber: Sculpture 1960-Present at the Des Moines Art Center. This show opened in Boston to rave reviews and now it is close to us. • Tour the fiber mill at C&M Acres and their 80 alpacas. • Lecture on the Polish fiber artist, Magdalena Abakanowicz's life and works by Mary Jane Jacob, Executive Director of Exhibitions and Exhibitions Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. • Meet and greet members of the Des Moines Weavers and Spinners Guild • And More... Cost for this great trip is $144 plus meals. BUT, if we can fill all 24 seats in the bus, you will receive a rebate, adjusting the cost to $131 per person, based on double occupancy. Reserve your space NOW. Checks should be made out to the KC Weavers Guild and sent to Barrie Mason. You will find her address in the Guild directory. For more information please call or email Barry. Member News Nancy Clark has scarves and a shawl in the Nelson Gallery's Museum Store. In conjunction with their new featured exhibition, "Folk Art in America", she will be weaving in the hallway just outside of the store on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Monthly Schedule Rachel Rose will demonstrate in front of the Nelson Gallery's Museum Store on May 23, 2015 between 10 am and 2 pm. She also has plans to travel to Liberty in June to demonstrate on a traveling loom. Weaving Tip Schedule *June-Ginne Toone and Debbie Buddish *July-Abe Buddish *August-Mary Limpus *Sept-Carolyn Budd *October-Vonda Sager *Nov-Becky Gaskill *December-Needed Housekeeping Check Out Our Classifieds We are no longer listing our classifieds in the newsletter but you will find them on our home page. There are some great items listed including some looms. Leesa Duby has a great loom bench listed. Don't forget the Renaissance booth is for sale, call Gordon Tompkins. Plus, Ramona Warkentien knows of a factory fly shuttle loom that is being sold. It was used to make 36 inch fabric. Don't miss out on all of the great deals. Check the directory for the phone numbers. Guild Brochures Are you demonstrating at a fair or in an art sale or show? Think about handing out some Weavers Guild brochures to promote our organization. Contact Leesa Duby before the next Guild meeting and she will deliver them to you. Refreshments Remember to bring plates and napkins when it is your turn to provide refreshments. Any paper product donations are to be given to Michael Knotts. Extra cups, plates, and napkins are aways welcome. May-Cheryl Davis, Barrie Mason, Linda Stoker June-Rachel Rose, Carolyn Budd, Gail Stafford and Debbie Buddish July-Tammy Taylor, Jacqueline Jacobson August-Mary Limpus, Lynette Beebe, Sue Horner September-Michael Knotts, Lyla Bradshaw, Donna Turney October-Marcie Harvey, Kim Mann, Betty Haeberle November-Need some volunteers Historian Please remember to send Lynette Beebe any photos or newsworthy articles that are representative of a Weavers Guild event, activity, or a member's participation in a show or magazine. The items will be included in our yearly review. See the address below. Newsletter Submissions Send all articles and announcements for the newsletter by the 20th of each month to; [email protected] or KCWG Lynette Beebe 5514 Mullen Rd. Shawnee, KS 66216 Care Connection Karen Neal is now the person who you contact if you believe the Guild should reach out to one of our members through a note or card to let them know the Guild is thinking of them. Scholarships Anyone interested in applying for a scholarship for a workshop should fill out the form found on our website Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City Scholarship Application_rev. or mail it to our P.O. Box address: Betty Haeberle Weavers Guild P.O. Box 7098 Kansas City, MO 64113. Members that apply for a $250 or more scholarship are required to lead a workshop and present a monthly program. Those receiving lesser scholarship amounts must present a program at one of the Guild’s monthly meetings. Library News A selection of library items will be available for checkout a half hour before and after the Guild meeting. There will not be any library business completed during the meeting. Please contact by email or phone our librarian Debbie Buddish a few days ahead of the meeting for any requested selection that you may desire. Remember to sign your name and current month on the checkout card and place the card in the appropriate bag. Magazine checkouts are completed by writing your name on the correct magazine list. Opportunities Opportunities Community Service At the March meeting, Guild members in attendance voted for Jackie Kincaid's proposal to adopt Mission Adelante as our community service project this year. Click on the link to find out more about this great organization. http://www.missionadelante.org/#content More details will come in future months on how you will be able to help. Surface Design Group Creative Hand There are future plans to attach the application to the web site to make it easier for participants. Start planning ahead for the show. Old Shawnee Town 11600 Johnson Dr. Shawnee, KS 66203 Friday, November 20, 2015, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, November 21, 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Fiber technique demonstrations all day 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room the 3rd Tuesday each month Remember to bring your progressive project finished to the May Guild meeting for show and tell. We will be continuing our study on stamping techniques beyond using food and plants as stamping devices on fabric. This month we are studying the making of our own stamps using materials that we find to carve, cut, and more. A list of materials needed will be sent at a later date and announced at the May Guild meeting. Come and join us and bring your own ideas to share. Tabby DeadlineMay 14 Tabby Project Members who took some of Tabby's fleece should complete their projects by May so that they can be included in the Guild's display at KAWS. Felting Study Group Each month the artists build on the previous month's technique. Nelson-Atkins Art Museum We had a number of members attend April 16, 2015 - Third Thursday's Research for Inspiration. Our inspiration began with looking through some Spencer Art Reference Library books on all kinds of subjects. Members sketched, took photos of images that might influence a future art project. The next session is Thursday, May 21, 4-6 p.m. in the Creative Cafe to share our in-progress projects and ideas. The next Third Thursday's theme is "A Not-So-Quiet Night at the Musuem!" The Spencer Art Reference Library The Spencer Art Reference Library is free and open to all. It is located on the second floor of the Bloch Building of the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum, accessible through the Bloch Lobby. Clink on the link below to use their online catalog, online resources and library guides. Please note when they are open. http://www.nelson-atkins.org/education/Library.cfm KAWS Registration Deadline May 1, 2015 Hurry to sign up Plan on attending the conference in Wichita, May 29 through the 31st, Friday night through Sunday morning at the First Unitarian Universalist Church (7202 E. 21st St. N, Wichita, KS 67206) & The Fiber Studio (418 S. Commerce Street, Wichita, KS, 67202.) They began taking registrations on February 15, 2015 and classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The deadline for registering at the regular price of $75.00 is April 15, 2015. Late registration deadline is May 1, 2015. Register online at http:www.kaws2015.ezregister.com or on the Wichita Weavers Guild web site. The conference is organized by the Wichita Weavers Guild http://wichitaweavers.org Call for Fiber Works for KAWS Art Exhibit Wichita Final Friday Art Crawl will feature KAWS artists. If you would like to participate and sell your work, deliver your work to Susan de Wit by Wednesday, May 27, 2015 gallery ready. It must be prepared for hanging on the wall (see K.C. Weavers Guild March Weaving Tips.) All work needs to have titles, descriptions and dimensions listed when you register for KAWS. Your name, address, phone number, and selling price must be attached to the fiber work. Please make arrangements to pick up your piece by June 24, 2015 if it does not sell. Your contact person is Susan de Wit 316-641-7368 [email protected] Weavers Guild Sponsored Workshop Mark your calendars for our Summer Weaving Workshop– Aug 29-30, Rose Room, Loose Park. We will be learning damask and brocade with Carla Tilghman. Our first day will be damask, both loomcontrolled and pick-up. These would include flat damask as well as textured effects like pleats. Day two will focus on brocade/supplemental weft. We can look at techniques from the gorgeous Renaissance brocades to the huipiles of Guatemala. The same warp and threading can be used for both... it’s all in the tie-up. This workshop will require an 8 shaft loom. Don’t despair, think of borrowing a loom OR you can also take the class and share a loom with a friend. Don’t let a loom stand in your way of learning these fascinating and historically significant weaving forms. Cost for this two-day workshop will be $75 which includes supplied warp. Outreach Programs Let's see our members out and about sharing their skills within our communities. *SPRING PLANTING FESTIVAL Baker Creek Seed Company http://www.rareseeds.com/spring-planting-festival/ In Mansfield, MO. May 3-4 Demos are required. This is a big festival complete with live music. Let Joan Meador know ASAP if you would like to participate. It would be loads of fun if we had a big group! You can camp or get a hotel room. *Fiber Arts Festival, Watkins Mill State Park, Clay County, MO, Saturday, June 13, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Members needed to display, demonstrate, provide a hands-on interactive experience for visitors. Items can be sold too. They would love to have demonstrations in rag, yarn, or corn husk doll making, basket weaving, quilling, quilting, spinning, felting, tatting, crocheting, knitting, macrame, loom making, weaving, and surface design. Sign up during a Guild meeting or email Becky Stevens at mailto:[email protected] *Poplar Heights Living History Festival in Bates County, Missouri, June 13-14. Demonstrators and demonstrators who sell are free this year. Vendors are only $25.00 for a booth. There is no size limit on your booth. If you would like to hold a class for a fee we are happy to help with publicity. If you would like more information or want to sign up for a booth, please call us at 660-200-5620 or email us at [email protected]. You can learn more about us at; www.poplarheightsfarm.org This year's animals will include hair sheep, Scottish Highland cattle, Percheron draft horses and Cinnamon Queen chickens. Belgians will pull the wagon for rides. There are food vendors along with music and a wild west show. Free parking. 5250 NE County Road 5004, Butler Missouri. Conferences/Workshops *Art & Soul in the Midwest , Kansas City, Mo, April 27-May 1, 2015. This dynamic, fun, and inspiring week of art classes will be here in the Kansas City area bringing great instructors from throughout the US. “Connect with like-minded people who share your passion for creative exploration at Art & Soul. Follow your sense of adventure as you choose from dozens of workshops in collage, assemblage, jewelry, fiber arts, journaling, painting, art dolls, sculpture, altered books and so much more. No matter what your level of artistic experience, their talented instructors will take you under their wing and make your creative spirit soar!” Check out the extensive offerings at their website: http://www.artandsoulretreat.com/retreat-kc15-retreat.php *Maker Faire Kansas City, Submit an application for the 5th Annual Maker Faire Kansas City by May 15, 2015. Fair dates are June 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and June 28, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Showcase your passion and inspire the Makers of tomorrow. http:// www.makerfairekc.com *Midwest Weavers Conference 2015, Urban Fiber with a Minnesota Twist, June 18-20, 2015, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, Pre-conference workshops will be held June 15-17 at the University of St. Thomas and the Textile Center. Early registration deadline is March 13, 2015. Late Fee after March 13 is $50.00. Registration closes April 17, 2015. http://www.midwestweavers.org *Two Fall Weaving Workshops – Tartan and Linen, Sept. 21 – 27th. Taught by Jeff Reynolds. Tartan Weaving will be featured during the week and Weaving with Linen scheduled for the weekend. Early bird pricing ($255), will cover the teacher fee, workshop space, three nights lodging and breakfast and lunch each day. You will only need to help with one potluck meal and pay for your weaving yarns. The event will be held in Warsaw, MO. A $50, non-refundable deposit will hold your spot. The balance will be due in full by March 31. April 1 the cost will go up to $280. Refunds will be given at 100% from now through March 31, at 50%, from April 1 to May 30, after June 1, no refunds, though you may "sell" any fees you have paid to someone that hasn't already signed up. Earn a referral bonus! Register for a workshop and when a friend registers and pays her fee in full you will receive $20 off your workshop fee! Limit one referral per person. Each class will have a maximum of 12 students but only a few slots are still available. Contact Melissa Jones, 816.835-3693 Exhibitions and Shows Are you going on any trips during the summer months and looking for some fiber exhibits? Take a look at the listings below. http://museum.gwu.edu The George Washington University Museum, The Textile Museum at 701 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20052 Phone: 202-99-5200 March 21-August 24, 2015 Unravelling Identity: Our Textiles, Our Stories. “This exhibit unites textiles from across cultures to explore expressions of individual, cultural, political, and social identity throughout the ages." February 20-October 22, 2015 Kohler Arts Center 920-458-6144 Sheboygan, Wisconsin Towards Textiles Series of six exhibitions over eight months presents the work of 28 fiber artists including artist-Friend Anne Wilson. Curator Alison Ferris offers evidence that fiberart has infiltrated current art practices and entered installation and performance expanding the viewers understanding of materials and processes. http://www.jmkac.org/index.php/onviewnow2/toward-textiles San Francisco Woven Luxuries: Indian, Persian, and Turkish Velvets from the Indictor Collection (now - Nov 1, 2015) Asian Art Museum, 200 Larkin St.; For more information see http://www.asianart.org; Wonder of Wool: Ancient Fiber to Modern Marvel, May 20-December 30, 2015, American Textile History Museum, 491 Dutton St. Lowell, MA 01854 http://www.athm.org This exhibit takes a fascinating look at the significance of sheep and wool in our culture and everyday lives. Fiber: Sculpture 1960-present, May 8 - August 2, 2015. Des Moines Art Center Anna K. Meredith Gallery http://www.desmoinesartcenter.org/default.aspx Small Tapestry International 4: Honoring Tradition, Inspiring Innovation The fourth of an American Tapestry Alliance series of handwoven tapestries no larger than 100 square inches. The juror, Kevin Wallace, director of the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts selected 45 works by international weavers. Supported in part by a grant from Friends of Fiber Art International http://www.friendsoffiberart.org June 8-August 15, 2015 Northwestern State University 318-357-6011 Natchitoches, Louisiana October 2-November 22, 2015 Biggs Museum of Art 302-674-2111 Dover, Delaware July 9-September 8, 2015 Grand Hand Gallery 651-312-1122 St. Paul, Minnesota All Things Considered VIII Another dazzling array of basketry from around the country was selected by jurors JoAnn Kelly Catsos and Perry Price. On view are 55 objects by 45 artists including Friend Barbara Shapiro. https://thegrandhand.com Creative Crossroads: The Art of Tapesty May 31-March 6, 2016, Denver Art Museum, 100 W. 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, CO 80204 North Building-Level 6 20 tapestry-woven wall hangings, rugs, furniture covers, garments, and sculptural forms illustrate the creative possiblities of this technique. http://denverartmuseum.org/exhibitions/creative-crossroads-art-tapestry
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