Kingdom Schools Assessment Procedures Kingdom Schools International High School These procedures apply to the International Program (IP) Grades 7-8, and the American Diploma Program (ADP) Grades 9-12 These procedures will be reviewed at the end of the 2014/15 Academic Year 1 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Table of Contents 1. Graduation Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Assessment ................................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Assessment Committees ............................................................................................................................... 6 4. Formal examinations and Continuous Assessment (CA) .............................................................................. 7 5. Grading Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 9 6. Missed and Late Work Grades 7-12 ............................................................................................................ 11 7. Attendance Requirements Grade 7-12 ....................................................................................................... 13 Appendix 1 - Continuous Assessment Framework – Example ........................................................................... 14 Appendix 2 - Academic Committee Referral Form ............................................................................................ 15 2 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 1. Graduation Requirements The tables below clarify the Kingdom Schools American Diploma Programme graduation requirements. Students may graduate at one of 2 tiers from Kingdom Schools, however the 2 certificates will not all be available until the graduating class of 2015 – 2016 (i.e. students that entered grade 9 in 2012 – 13). The 2 graduation tiers are progressively more demanding: Kingdom Schools American High School Diploma Kingdom Schools American High School Honours Diploma To graduate with these certificates, students must meet the minimum conditions outlined in the tables on the following pages: 3 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Class of 2013 – 2014 & Class of 2014 - 2015 KS American High School Diploma Content Area ISLAMIC ARABIC ENGLISH MATH HUMANITIES - ARABIC HUMANITIES – ENGLISH ELECTIVES HEALTH AND PHYS. ED SCIENCE ART TECHNOLOGY WORLD LANGUAGES COMMUNITY SERVICE Credits / Courses Required 3.5 credits 3 credits Minimum of 4 credits Minimum of 3 credits Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Geometry Calculus or Pre-calculus 1.5 credit 1 credit Minimum of 1 credit 1 credit Minimum of 4 credits Chemistry Biology Integrated Science Physics 1 credit 1 credit NA NA Maximum Credits Available:25 Credits KS American High School Honours Diploma N/A Note: the number of credits available differs between the Girls and Boys International Diploma 4 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Class of 2015 – 2016 Onwards KS American High School Diploma Credits / Courses Required Content Area ISLAMIC ARABIC ENGLISH MATH SOCIAL STUDIES - ARABIC SOCIAL STUDIES – ENGLISH ELECTIVES HEALTH AND PHYS ED SCIENCE ART TECHNOLOGY COMMUNITY SERVICE KS American High School Honours Diploma 2 credits 2 credits Minimum of 4 credits Minimum of 3 credits Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Geometry Calculus or Pre-calculus 1.0 credit 1 credit Minimum of 1 credit Minimum of 2 credits Minimum of 3 credits Chemistry Biology Integrated Science Physics 1 credit Minimum of 1 credit An individual Community Service portfolio is a requirement for graduation – details to be advised 2 credits 2 credits Minimum of 5 credits including a Self-Directed Essay (SDE) Minimum of 4 credits including calculus Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Geometry Calculus or Pre-calculus 1.0 credit 1 credit 2 credits Minimum of 2 credits Minimum of 4 credits Chemistry Biology Integrated Science Physics 1 credit Minimum of 1 credit An enriched individual Community Service portfolio is a requirement for graduation – details to be advised Total Credits Required:21 Credits Required:25 including SDE 5 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 2. Assessment 2.1. Definitions: Diagnostic Assessment: Diagnostic assessments (also known as pre-tests) provide teachers with information about a student's prior knowledge before beginning a learning activity. Not used as a part of the final grade. Formative Assessment: The goal of formative assessment is to generate feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements for on-going teaching and learning. Not used as a part of the final grade. Summative Assessment: The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Counts as a part of the final grade. Corrective Feedback: Involves a student receiving informal feedback on his or her performance on various tasks by a teacher or peer(s). 3. Assessment Committees The Assessment Committees are decision- making bodies within each school related to continuous assessment disputes or examinations. 3.1. The Composition of the Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee consists of at least two (2) of the following individuals. Further staff members may be invited onto the committee if the situation requires, or to avoid conflicts of interest. Rulings made by the Assessment Committee are final and binding. The school Principal The subject coordinator A lead teacher/ senior teacher 3.2. The Role of the Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee is convened as required to arbitrate on assessment disputes. This may include: Exams missed without provision of medical report Late or non – submission of continuous assessments tasks Disputes arising from grading of assessment tasks Instances of academic dishonesty Evaluate the contribution of different forms of assessment to the overall total The committee listens to submissions, review cases and, after due process has been completed their decisions are final. Avoidable absence for such things as recreational travel will not be accepted as an exceptional reason for missing a published scheduled assessment and will not be presented for 6 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 consideration at the Assessment Committee. Parents are advised to consult the school calendar and the published testing schedules before making travel plans. Students who do not attend scheduled test events and cannot justify extreme and exceptional circumstances beyond their or their parents’ control will be given a zero for the test they miss and will not be granted a replacement test opportunity. 4. Formal examinations and Continuous Assessment (CA) The final mark for each subject is calculated as a percentage. Each semester, the CA is marked out of 100, and entered into the electronic records system as a final mark out of 30. When this is combined with the final exam each semester, the total mark is calculated out of 50. The table below illustrates the contribution of CA and final examinations towards the final mark. Assessment Semester One Weighting Continuous Assessment, including mid-term exam if required 30 Final S1 Exam 20 Sub-total Semester 1 Semester Two Continuous Assessment, including mid-term exam if required 30 Final S2 Exam 20 Total 4.1. 50 100 Formal examinations 4.1.1. Grade 7 – 12 There will be two formal examination periods for grades 7 - 12 per semester. These are the mid – term exam, and the end of semester exam. The mid – term exam for grade 7 – 8 is intended only as an introduction for students to the style of testing. Therefore the weighting of the mid-term exam mark for these grades should be a relatively small proportion of the continuous assessment. A suggested value is 10% The end of semester exam will cover work from all areas of the subject taught since the beginning of the semester, this should include topics assessed during the mid-term exam All other assessments will be carried out under normal classroom conditions, supervised by the classroom teacher. Students are expected to follow their normal school timetable at all times other than the formal examination week(s). Teachers will prepare the final examination under the guidance of the lead teacher/ curriculum leader/ academic coordinator. Each examination will be moderated by an appropriate person. 7 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 4.2. Continuous Assessment Each teacher is required to submit to the academic coordinator a Continuous Assessment Framework for the year which lists the following items for each for class which they are responsible: The type of continuous assessment tasks (e.g. test, project, experiment etc.) The approximate date of each assessment task The weighting for each task as a part of the total CA. The Subject Coordinator will be responsible, in combination with the Academic Coordinator for the stage, for the setup of the electronic grade book using the appropriate platform). The setup of the electronic grade book for the GIH and BIH should be consistent, with the same weighting applied to each continuous assessment component at each subject and grade level. For example in grade 8 Science, the weighting of quizzes, assignments and homework should be exactly the same for both the BIH and the GIH. A suggested format for the CA framework is provided as Appendix 1 To ensure teachers are using a range of assessment styles, the following regulations apply: All summative assessment items must be worth at least 10% of the final semester mark No single summative assessment item (including the mid – term exam) can be worth more than 40% of the final mark I.e. there must be a minimum of 3 assessments per semester. For example if there is a mid – term exam for a certain subject which is worth 40% of the CA, then the teacher can divide the remaining 60% between 4 tasks each with a weighting of 15% or, or 2 tasks each with a weighting of 30%, or any combination which meets the regulations. He/ she cannot however use 5 small quizzes, each worth 3% to create a total of 15%. These small tasks may be carried out as formative assessment, but marked only for the purpose of providing corrective feedback. 4.2.1. Forms of CA: Forms of CA could include, but are not limited to: observations research tasks oral tasks group activities quizzes practical tasks projects problem based tasks 8 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 4.2.2. Submission of coursework First drafts of assignments submitted on or before the deadline may be corrected, graded and returned to students with the option of acting upon their subject teacher’s advice, correcting and then re-submitting their work for final assessment. The period between first draft deadline and the submission of a final draft should be no more than one week. Students who submit work after the submission deadline forfeit the opportunity to correct and resubmit their work. Their late submission is automatically the final draft and is subject to the procedure for late submission of coursework Assignments may not be submitted for assessment outside of their semester. 5. Grading Procedures The Grade Point Average or GPA is calculated from the subjects studied in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12, and is reported as a WEIGHTED GPA. The calculation for this is carried out as follows: Yearly GPA: Sum(subject x credit value) / sum(credit values) Final GPA(i.e. the GPA reported at the conclusion of G12) is calculated by: Sum (Subject x GPA score)/ sum(credit values G9 – 12) 5.1. Criteria for Passing, Failing and Promotion 5.1.1. Grades 7 - 8 The passing grade for all subjects in the KS International Programme is 60%. In order to move from the IP to the ADP, students need to demonstrate that they have the ability to deal with both the academic rigour of the programme, as well as the English language requirements. Academic retention is not a policy supported by Kingdom Schools in grades 1 - 6; however in grades 7 and 8, failure to achieve the passing grade for any subject will require the student to carry out a repeat examination which can be taken at the during the following academic year. The passing grade remains at 60%, and the test will be of the same level of difficulty. The test is provided at the beginning of the following year to allow for further, self-directed learning to take place. If the student continues to fail the re-sit examination, the assessment committee will meet to decide the best course of action for this student. Students failing a subject or subjects at the end of grade 7 will have this reflected on their final report. Students failing 2 core subjects (English, Math, Arabic, Science) at the end of grade 8 will have this reflected on their final report. Students failing 3 or more subjects at the end of the academic year will not be promoted to the next grade level, they will be retained at the discretion of the stage principal. 9 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Admission into the ADP is based on the MAP test results as described in the admissions policy and procedure. School exams are used to support this process. If students do not meet the admission requirements, they may be required to transfer to the Saudi Track under MoE guidelines, or parents may be advised to find an alternative school. Parents will be consulted and decisions will be made in the best educational and social interests of the individual student. The ruling of the Principal is final. 5.1.2. Grades 9 - 12 The passing grade for each course is 60%. The student will earn credit for each course upon successful completion. The Grade Point Average (GPA) for each student is calculated and accumulates over 4 years, grades 9 - 12 inclusive. Students enrolled in year-long courses are required to complete both semesters of the course Graduation is dependent on students achieving sufficient credits to meet the graduation requirements listed above. Re – sit opportunities may be provided for final exams, where the student was present but failed to achieve a passing grade. Re-sit exams will be of the same level of difficulty and cover the same objectives Students failing a subject at the end of the year may either: Carry the failed subject for the following semester, and then carry out a repeat examination that may be taken at the conclusion of the following semester. The passing grade remains at 60%, and the test will be of the same level of difficulty. The test is provided at the conclusion of the following semester to allow for further, self-directed learning to take place. If the student continues to fail the re-sit examination, the assessment committee will meet to decide the best course of action for this student. Repeat the subject. Students repeating a subject are expected to complete all of the assessment and classwork provided by the teacher. Subjects which were passed do not need to be repeated. Repeating a subject may prevent graduation at the same time as the rest of the cohort. Students that resit a failed exam and pass, will have it identified upon their report as ‘passed in the second session’ If following the re-sit examination, the student still maintains a failing grade, they must repeat the course. Students who fail 1 or 2 courses in Grade 12 are considered special cases for graduation purposes. They are required to re-sit and pass the final examination in each failed subject in order to graduate. This must be carried out prior to the end of the academic year, and the exam will be of the same academic difficulty as the initial exam. 10 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 5.2. Grade Equivalence Table GRADE EXCELLENT Arabic: ممتاز LETTER A+ A PERCENTAGE 95–100 90–94 GPA/4 4 3.67 GPA/5 4.5-5 4-4.4 VERY GOOD Arabic: جيد جدا B+ B 85–89 80–84 3.33 3 3.5-3.9 3-3.4 GOOD Arabic: جيد C+ C 75–79 70–74 2.67 2.33 2.5-2.9 2-2.4 ACCEPTABLE Arabic: مقبول D+ D 65–69 60–64 2 1.67 1.5-1.9 1-1.4 FAIL Arabic: راسب F 0–59 0 0 -0.9 6. Missed and Late Work Grades 7-12 6.1. Continuous Assessment If students are unable to submit a continuous assessment task due to medical illness or unforeseen/ emergency situations, a medical report (or similar) explaining the nature of the illness must be submitted to the subject teacher within three (3) days of the students return. All medical certificates must be stamped by the provider and clearly indicate why the student was physically or emotionally unable to attend school at the time of the scheduled assessment. There are no re-sit/ resubmission opportunities for continuous assessment tasks if the initial opportunity has been missed due to unexplained absences or truancies. International or domestic travel during the official school calendar, including the weeks preceding and following vacation periods, is not accepted as a reason to miss or not complete any continuous assessment task. Where no report is provided explaining the student’s absence, the student will be awarded a zero for this task. The evaluation of student work which is submitted after the deadline provided by the teacher will have a 10% reduction. Work submitted more than 72hours after the deadline will not be graded. The assessment committee will rule in the case of any dispute. The decision of the assessment committee is final. If, due to exceptional circumstances beyond his/her and the parents’ control, a student is unable to complete the required work the teacher will refer the case to the Assessment Committee. 11 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 6.2. Formal Examinations Grades 7-12 If a student is unable to complete a scheduled formal exam (i.e. mid – term or final exam) due to medical illness or unforeseen/ emergency situations, a medical report (or similar) explaining the nature of the illness must be submitted to the academic coordinator immediately upon the students return. All medical certificates must be stamped by the provider and clearly indicate why the student was physically or emotionally unable to attend school at the time of the scheduled exam. There are no re-sit opportunities for exams if the initial opportunity has been missed due to unexplained absences or truancies. International or domestic travel during the official school calendar, including the weeks preceding and following vacation periods, is not accepted as a reason to miss or not complete any formal examination. Where no report is provided to the Principal explaining the student’s absence, the student will be awarded a zero for this examination. To maintain academic integrity of the assessments, exams may not be completed outside of the examination period as published in the stage calendar, unless a medical report is provided, or Ministry of Education approval is received and forwarded to the school. This includes ‘early’ exams, or make- up exams in the case of absence. The assessment committee will rule in the case of any dispute. The decision of the assessment committee is final. If, due to exceptional circumstances beyond his/her and the parents’ control, a student is unable to complete the required work the academic coordinator will refer the case to the Assessment Committee In exceptional circumstances such as on-going serious illness where the student is too ill to sit a replacement exam the Assessment Committee may require teachers to provide an assessed mark based on a student’s prior work, providing there is sufficient, assessed prior work to show evidence of the student’s achievement and providing the student meets the minimum attendance requirements. 6.3. Accountability and records Staff involved in assessment disputes (including teachers, lead teachers and, academic coordinators) must keep accurate records. This could include student attendance records, assessment calendars, medical reports provided by students, and assessment committee findings. This data may be called for and reviewed annually by the school Administration. An ‘Academic Committee Referral’ is provided as Appendix 2. When a referral to the Assessment Committee is successful the student is granted the right to take a replacement test of equal length and difficulty. Any new learning undertaken since the original test may also be included in the replacement test. 12 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 7. Attendance Requirements Grade 7-12 When a student is absent for 25% or more of a particular course their enrolment in that course is cancelled. Regardless of the reason for absence, a minimum of 75% attendance is an essential requirement. Parents or a responsible adult will be notified and required to attend a meeting when a student’s absence reaches 15%, and again once absence reaches 20%. The school will undertake to communicate with parents once a student’s absence reaches 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% absence for a particular subject. Once a student reaches 20% absence, an individual plan will be developed to encourage and support a student’s attendance in the relevant subject or subjects. Students who have are absent from 25% or more of a subject, prior to the end of the academic year will meet with the disciplinary committee to decide the best course of action. This may include suspension from school or exclusion from attending class. Once a student’s absence reaches 25% in any subject, notification will be sent to the Ministry of Education informing them of the Schools intention to prevent the student from completing the exam/s. If a student wishes to be granted exception to this policy, they must obtain written permission from the Ministry of Education informing the school Students who repeat a course due to absence are expected to complete all of the assessment and classwork provided by the teacher. Subjects which were passed do not need to be repeated. Repeating a subject may prevent graduation at the same time as the rest of the cohort 13 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Appendix 1 - Continuous Assessment Framework – Example All of the CA must total 100. All of the continuous assessment tasks which will be carried out during semester SEMESTER 1 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT COMPONENT TEST 1 WEIGHTING (%) TEST 2 20 20 Number Number of of Marks Marks Student ID STUDENT NAME 101 Mohammad 102 Salem 35 30 20 35 30 20 Experiment Project Mid Semester Exam 20 30 Number of Marks 10 Number of Marks 20 20 12 40 30 40 This value can be no less than 10, and no more than 40 Number of Marks 50 43 27 Semester 1 Total /100 85.4 70.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Formula calculates total from 100 This is the number of marks from which your task is assessed. The number of marks can be different from the weighting. 14 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Appendix 2 - Academic Committee Referral Form The following form should be completed by the subject teacher for which the student disputes his/ her assessment result. Student Name Grade / Class Subject Teacher Name Detailed reason for referral to assessment committee (use further sheets if required) Expected outcome by student Supporting evidence from student Assessment committee decision (final) Committee comments 15 Tuesday, 31 March 2015
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